Deshaun Watson Gets Emotional Talking to His Family | Texans Press Conference

Published: Sep 05, 2020 Duration: 00:40:30 Category: Sports

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you've got some people on here that obviously are close to you have you had a chance to think about all the people who've helped you get where you are today second highest paid player in nfl history um i've tried to it's a long list honestly there's so many people from back home so many people from my my college career and so many people from my nfl career that's that's been helping me along along the way um i couldn't i couldn't have done this by myself um this has definitely been a lot of a lot of sacrifice a lot of attention to detail discipline um and just really just a lot of heart and passion and love you know just putting into everything that i can um you know to get to this moment coach sweeney gotta unmute yourself coach what's up d-dub what's up coach man what a privilege this is i know i got a chance to talk to you this morning uh you didn't know i was gonna get a chance to make a caviar you know what you just said something you just finished your your opening statement with the word moment and uh you know here's what i would say is man i'm first of all i'm so proud of you and i'm so thankful that i was a a i had a chance to be a part of a great moment your sophomore year in high school when you called me and said hey coach i'm going to be your quarterback and i'm coming to clemson hey hey that was a great moment and and i and i'm so thankful that i had a chance to be a part of such a great moment when you came to clemson and i remember you broke your collarbone your first spring and but i remember uh you coming in to tell me you're gonna play against south carolina with a torn acl and i looked at you like crazy and you go out and you get the mvp of the game and man that was a great moment that was a great moment your freshman year and then this right here that right there in tampa with one second on the clock you go out there with 200 i think it was 201 when you took the field right and you lead us down and we run a little orange crush there a little paul right wheel crush yes to old renfrow there with one second man that was a great moment it was a great moment i remember when your mom was was declared cancer-free that was a great moment right a great moment and i remember being at the draft with you when you got dra and i was mad as anything that night i was mad i was i was mad and you were sitting there just like like man god's got this and he's going to take me where and i and i'm i'm sitting over there going you're right and then meantime i'm i'm punching tables uh but to hear your name call that was a great moment and uh man i just i just i just am so proud of you i'm so proud of you and i'm so thankful that i get a chance to be a part of another great moment and what i would say to you dw and i told you this this morning all right you're gonna have a lot of great moments the rest of your life all right but it's all about how you live between the moments right all about how you live between the moments and you are the epitome of everything that's good and right in this world all right and i'm just so thankful to be a part of your life it's a blessing to just have a a a a seat to observe and watch a young man just just grow and mature and equip himself and transform his life and uh you're gonna have a lot more great moments just continue to live daily all right for god and i know you do that and uh god blesses you so you can bless others and and i think i think it's very fitting that the title of your book is passing on all right and so god trusts you and god is blessing you so you can bless others all right listen with your resources so you just continue to let that light shine continue to smile continue to be that leader that you are and uh continue to be that legendary uh quarterback that you are as well but hey i love you i'm so happy for for miss diane i'm i'm happy for aunt sanya i'm happy for for just everyone in your family and uh and i'm thankful to be a part of such a great moment and just be a part of your journey and uh this is what it's all about for me so uh i love you enjoy the moment thank you too good appreciate it hey listen we're taking pay cuts around here i might need to just hold a thousand just hey just just let me be first in like just a small loan you know i got you coach i love you man in fact in fact i got cj cj spiller is over here we're grilling burgers tonight and that's right i told him i was coming in here to do this call and uh so he's actually my neighbor out here on lake keowee so we're going to stay with you for you all right sounds good to me tell me myself what's up all right congrats my man i love you thank you love you too all right hey let's go get like listen all this stuff's over now hey listen you got to go perform now right let's do it all right let's see easy thursday night that's the easy part all right buddy sir good to see you thanks coach justin deshawn what's up my man what's up jv i'm good hey i'm sorry i didn't text you today i saw the news but uh i wanted to wait to congratulate you on here i knew i got a call earlier today asking if i would do this and i i couldn't be happier man to be able to uh to be here and congratulate you on a moment your career that you know we don't work for this but this is this is something that comes along with the hard work and um you know i saw your instagram post earlier today where you mentioned your family and your friends and all those that have kind of blessed you and touched you along the way and made you who you are and it's moments like these man we get the opportunity to thank those people and i'm so happy that uh that you were able to do that and uh you know go on in houston i mean right being able to go to these games the last couple years and sit in a stadium and see how much houston loves you and and and how much you love them back and how much you know you you've become part of this city um to see be able to sign this extension man it's uh it's uh it's pretty special i haven't been here for long but you know i i feel like this this city uh you know i can i can tell the vibe that they have for you and how much they love you so thank you man yeah from uh that dinner remember that dinner we had last year exactly talk about all of it man it's uh it's crazy how fast it comes and uh you know i'm thankful to be able to call you a friend and um and and uh and and be able to watch you in houston for for for a long time to come and um you know man i don't know what else to say but uh congratulations dude thank you man appreciate it tell the family i say hello too of course i will man of course well congratulations bro and hope to see you thank you all right let's see each other all right thanks justin ethan hey what's up deshaun and also congratulations it's been a long time so uh for the people who don't know i was diagnosed with uh leukemia two years ago and i used to watch uh desean uh from my hospital bed and i just remember watching you escape all the sacks and just throw touchdowns and so once when uh we found out i was able to have a make-a-wish i was like of course it has to be desean you know this guy uh put me through like no matter how bad my day was going i could always have a smile on my face knowing that deshawn watson is my quarterback so um yeah and then when that day finally came for make a wish um you put me under your wing man and it was it was just amazing and just thank you for all that you've done and i'm glad you got paid you deserve it thank you man thank you appreciate everything i appreciate our friendship that we've been growing uh you look good man you got your hair everything i know look at this look at this you know but yeah i've been feeling great i'm in uh the maintenance part of my uh treatment right now and uh i'll be free of treatment on january 2022. so oh that's a blessing man yes sir oh yeah we we both continue to work and you know get to the promised land for sure heck yeah heck yeah yes sir congratulations to sean thank you man good to see you yeah nice seeing you too thanks ethan coach perry what's up stranger what's up coach and i can't tell you um we actually had our picture day today i i saw on social media you know i saw that and everybody was like oh my god and i mean i just can't tell you just like today is one of the happiest days of my life to see this happen for you and your family because nobody deserves it more to see where you've come from um you are what's right about this game uh you're what's right about what a role model is supposed to be um you're just such an inspiration so many this community this state everywhere and um i've just been such so blessed to to be a small part of your life and um i know my family they're just ecstatic and we're so happy for your family and um you know i looked it up earlier today uh in the last 50 years i and somebody have to check this see if i'm right but joe namath is like the only quarterback in the last 50 years to win a state championship a college win the national championship and then to win the super bowl this year to namath i guarantee you're going to win a super bowl at some point in your career it's definitely you already know that coach you still got that little notebook i gave you that first ever meeting we had i do i do i mean we used to be the peyton manning of high school football yep yep let's tell my wife about that today so but uh man i love you and congratulations love you too coach all right man thank you coach we'll finish up with the watson family [Applause] [Music] now go to the super bowl congratulations sean i love you and uh auntie just got to say something on behalf of your mama and this whole your mama's so proud of you and for what you have become and uh we know god gonna keep doing great things in your life and you just live honey and be happy and accept whatever you bring your way and just keep going and we just want you to know we love you thank you thank you appreciate it what's up junior you like the camera okay that's fine that's why i love you i appreciate everything i can't wait to see y'all [Music] all right we'll take a short break and then coach o'brien will be available for some questions and desean will come back later go with the questions you know obviously um this is a very special night uh for the houston texans uh special day um you know to be able to uh have a quarterback and a person of the caliber of deshaun watson uh under contract um you know for multiple multiple years is just great i i think obviously this is desean's night and and it's a hard act to follow right there you know watching all those people that had such a tremendous influence on his life and then you know obviously his family and how much his family means to him and um you know it's just a it's a great night i want to uh obviously thank uh the mcnairs cal and janice mcnair here tonight uh their support of uh what we're trying to do here with desean um has just been awesome you know it's just been uh tremendous support and you know we've only started this journey really and uh so you know i also want to thank jack easterby he's standing here too jack easterby did a tremendous job along with with deshaun's representative david mullighetto who was a tremendous representative of desean and jack and david worked together a lot on this contract and were able to come to an agreement uh this morning and so we're thrilled obviously we're thrilled and with that i'll open it up to questions go ahead john bill what does it say the message that it sends to say your fans but also your other players when you get a deal like this done well i think it's all about like we always talk about the type of people that we we want on this team and in this organization i mean um deshaun watson is a shining example of that you know he's just a tremendously hard-working young man very bright guy he's a winner and uh you know he's a winner at the most important position in football and and so i just think it's uh it's a reflection uh to the team of what we're trying to do here and the commitment that uh that both sides have the commitment that he has to winning here and and being who he is both on and off the field and the commitment that we have to him um relative to you know our belief in him since the day i met him at the combine years ago a tremendous belief in him as a quarterback and as a person and just really looking forward to starting the season aaron wilson hey bill congratulations on getting to sean's contract done i have a question about the roster that was another thing you guys worked on today how do you feel about the team now that you've you know that was the roster it's the initial 53-man but just uh some of the moves you made and how much you hope to get some of these guys back including some veterans that you procedurally released today like john weeks and brent quality yeah no it's uh you know look these are always tough days these are days that really don't end right i mean this is we go from here to back upstairs jack and i with the scouting staff and continue to look at the roster and always try to make decisions that are in the best interest of the team um there was a lot going on today obviously and so we we were able to to make some moves that we believe will help our team but there's more moves to be made you know i think you know that about us over the last several years that um you know we'll continue to try to do every minute of the day to try to do what's what's in the best interest of the team what's the best decision for the team so i think over time here uh you'll see over the next let's just call it 24 hours there'll be more um you know roster moves that'll be made relative to practice squad relative to the 53 all in the best interest of the team mark berman hey bill how are you good hey mark so um i know you said we asked this kind of question a couple days ago the significance of timing how important is it that you were able to get the desean watson deal done before the season starts and it's behind you now yeah i thought that that was a goal of jack and i to to to really um and kevin kirkovic i have to mention him too he did a great job uh in this whole uh process but yeah i i think we felt we felt that it was important to get this done before the season um we worked hard on it like i said with deshawn's uh agent david mullighetta and and both sides work very hard on it and so i think it's great that it's done before the season you have to obviously quickly turn the page um to the kansas city chiefs which we we started that process tonight and that's what we'll work hard towards all week leading up to thursday night aaron reese hey bill i had a question also about the roster uh just in relation to tight end um i know you talked about jordan and khali being in a competition there what ultimately made you feel comfortable picking kahale and keeping on your team yeah i would say that that's an that's an ongoing process at that position you know we'll see um we spoke to jordan this afternoon and you know we'd love to have jordan back in in a certain roster capacity uh so you know look i think at the end of the day that's an evolving situation you know i think that um we're always going to be looking at that that position we feel good about the guys that we have there and uh hopefully you know there's a chance we could get jordan back brian smith hey bill in terms of uh stability that that's rare in the nfl in general let alone at the quarterback position and obviously early on during your tenure i mean it was it was almost impossible to have stability in that position what does this do for this franchise big picture especially with what you're trying to build jack's trying to build cows trying to to build to know that you have deshawn watson locked in through 2025 yeah that's that's an important that's a very very important part of the conversation that you uh you know that you have a quarterback in place i mean it's just uh you know obviously like i said earlier since the day he walked in here um you know he he has been who who we believed he would be when we first met him and and and then some and so to have consistency uh in in in the quarterback position along with consistency in the offensive system i think is really good because he feels so comfortable and every year he's gotten better and better at you know understanding not only what he's seeing on the other side of the ball but what we're we're we're trying to do he's got the he's got the thing mastered you know relative to our playbook so that consistency working together is very important i think timmy kelly has done a really good job with with with him this year uh tj yates has been a good addition in that quarterback room i think i'll let deshawn talk about that but i think those those guys work very well together and i think that's uh that's been good uh relative to where we're at right now but consistency is definitely a huge key at that position thank you coach okay thanks jack congratulations on getting the deal done kevin and you were just giving praise by bill for getting this deal done could you take us through say the last week uh after you got cunningham and when the pace picked up and and where any time jack were you worried that you might not be able to get it done before the season um let me just speak generally before we get into those types of specifics and say what a special day for the houston texans what a special day for the watson family this really comes down to two awesome families it starts with a family and the mcnairs who had a vision to get this team back to houston and give houston something to celebrate the game of football faith family football an awesome family that really had a vision to entertain this city through great football and then an awesome family in gainesville georgia who celebrated athletics as a way to have camaraderie amongst their family and a way to have fun together in their community and then a way to celebrate friday nights uh in the small town of gainesville and those two families met through the draft and then as they uh met and began to uh work together over the past several years it culminated in a moment like this so um before specific of the contract i think we just really need to celebrate those two families and what those families uh did to get to this moment so specifically for the contract you know i think that desean uh and his representatives and our communication was very um fluid we communicated well together we told truth to each other we worked together and it was uh you know a project right you're trying to do what's best for both sides to come to a good agreement uh i don't think it really overlapped necessarily what zach was doing it was independent and we worked really hard on it to get it right and excited about where we are now with his structure aaron wilson hey jack congratulations on the deal um in getting these contracts done and kind of mapping it out how much does the future cap and kind of the flexibility you guys are trying to create because one deal's not independent of another how much does that come into play as you guys think about your roster and what you're trying to do with other core players that will be eligible in the coming years and have a follow-up real quick yeah that's a that's a good question i would say the first thing i think you've seen is we've been blessed to invest in some great people you know and i think when you invest in great people they produce they're loyal they care for not only the people in the locker room but they care for the coaching staff they care for the community and i think what that does is creates a domino effect when other people enter the locker room it creates a unity and excitement in a culture that people want to be a part of so i do think it's important to get those pieces in place now so that as we continue to add we'll add one by one uh people that fit that culture and uh can celebrate uh together what we're doing uh overall i would say just from the cap and the structure where we are i think we're very happy with the moves we've made to get to this point i think it took some other things to get to where we are now but we're very happy with that and then we're happy pressing forward we're very prepared for what could happen in the future with having some space still left but also knowing that every action that we have can't stand alone it has to go with the other dominoes of other decisions and jackpot as bill said you had some tough calls today it's never easy to put together the roster that process now that you guys have really the bulk of your team together with some changes still coming how do you feel just in general about the team as you head into the first game of the season thank you well i feel i feel really good about the team i think you know it's been an unprecedented year right so we've got we had limited practices we had limited time together relative to install uh things on the field so you obviously don't know exactly where you are but this time of year the goal is to have people that can execute what you're doing uh people that you can count on and like we say all the time tough smart and dependable uh players and people that can produce uh hopefully in clutch moments so i feel really good about where we are but it's a construction project as you well know aaron you have to get it day after day and and continue to improve so the goal is to improve each week both all season and end season so that we get better each week and each year greg bailey hey jack how would you describe the effect that desean watson has on other people around him and their lives great question um i don't know if we have enough time i think these uh cameras would go dead um you know i think if you study what a person does with their gifts you will be revealed what they will do with their treasures so if you study how a person carefully uses and hones and works on their gifts then when they're given more treasure more responsibility uh they'll probably get that same result and so what i've been blessed to to witness is probably the newest member of of this uh franchise is how desean has used his gifts his gifts of presence he has a gift of presence when he's with other people his gift of being a good listener he listens to his teammates really well a gift of being consistent because he's a consistent person so people know what they're going to get out of him i think a gift of being good friend because you have to be a friend and teammate from the position a gift of being a good communicator both verbally and non-verbally which i think really matters at the quarterback position he's got gifts and he used those gifts to now then gain an opportunity to have treasure and then now he'll use the continued treasure both in leadership and in financial wealth to influence this city and a lot of people for the right things and we believe that wholeheartedly thank you jack sean how much does it mean to you personally to have your contract done and did you ever worry that it might not get done before that first game um the first i just want to start off by you know thanking a couple people um janice cal coach obi jack uh the coaching staff teammates um everyone that was a part of this organization the the the really just i mean i'm lost the words um um honestly um i've been crying a little bit a lot of it really um it's just you know an amazing moment for me to be able to extend my my career in a location and a place and a home um i would say um that my family love that i love that you know i want to continue to dive into the community um most of all and just continue to build my legacy just build our legacy you know as a whole and do something that we've never been done before and you know growing up my world has always been legendary and for me at you know gainesville high school we never won a state championship and that was the first quarterback to do it clemson university they haven't won a state champion or a national championship since who knows when i was the first one to do it and the houston texans organization been so new we haven't even got to that stage yet and for me to be able to have that opportunity with a whole bunch of great other teammates great coaching staff great organization and people up front i want to be able to have that on my statue too and um that's what i've been working for so you know to answer your question i that was my last and least concern you know honestly uh the money is is amazing um it's life-changing it's great but the biggest thing is for the miner family ob jack to just trust in me and believe in me that uh you know i'm their guy i'm their quarterback is the biggest thing that really touches me um you know growing up from where i where i'm from um there's not too many people to make it out and so into it i mean for them to just trust me what it means the most so um that's the biggest thing the country i knew it was that was gonna take care of itself my biggest visa was the locker room and just my performance on the field because that's i mean that's been something that really just got me from all the negativity just really all the negative stuff that we had experience growing up so no that wasn't my biggest concern mark berman sean i guess kind of along the lines of what you're kind of working around if you had much time to reflect on how far you've come and um what this means to you now and going forward in the future and the fact that you know you can you can take care of your family for many many many many many years you had a chance to reflect on all of that yeah i mean that's a really the only reason why i'm crying uh it's just the moments the the good the bad the ugly the sacrifice from day one since i was looking into georgia so now i mean this is like i said before the money is is is it's fine it's it's cool but my family told me last night i didn't do it for the money i mean that's just something that transmitted so yes i mean it just it's a lot for sure desean grown men do cry don't they oh for sure yeah sarah bar shop deshawn what was going through your mind when you saw those familiar faces at the start of the zoom call um a lot of memories a lot of talks a lot of sacrifice discipline i mean all those people were even including jb i mean just had something to relate to me um and i had a big part of my career and so uh just flashbacks just continue to just pile up of so many special moments and uh it was awesome i appreciate amy and the whole staff and everyone that was a part of that that means a lot brian smith hey desean um it's clear that you're you're gonna remain humble it's clear you're gonna remain driven i mean we you know you see all this and how emotional you are and how driven you are but from a football perspective how and i i know it i it's just hearing it is powerful and stuff how committed are you to getting this organization to the next level which you mentioned earlier you know that they haven't been to and obviously ultimately this is why you're getting this this life-changing contract i mean everything a broken rib puncher lung i mean torn acl whatever it takes i mean they have to really keep me off the field so i mean kidding yeah kids in the eye our ball coming out whatever it takes i'm on that field until that doctor is forcing me and holding me down i'm i'm on the field trying to win that's i'm trying to win everything some life in general and not john you know never trying to compare myself to other people i'm focusing you know my situation you know sean watson in the houston texas and that's what i'm focused on latino so whatever it takes um i'm doing whatever it takes to get to where we want to get to got time for three more aaron reese okay we'll go aaron wilson hey congratulations to sean thank you thank you yeah sean when you think about you know one of the things you've done it's a lot of charity a lot of things with the community your thoughts on kind of what you can do with that kind of generational wealth to do more in houston back in georgia and i understand that you're going to be a business owner uh and be a restaurant guy now too oh for sure i mean that's the another another priority for me uh to be able to tap back into the in the communities especially with a lot of things going on just being able to give people foundations in the home because that was something that changed my life in the direction of my life with work done what he did for me and my family uh giving us that foundation at home because honestly if i would have stayed in an environment that was i was growing up in and going down i probably wouldn't be sending a shirt or it would have been a lot more you know tough to get to this position so that changed that structure and that that foundation of me seeing that the world was bigger than what it is or what it was at that time and for me to be able to have the opportunity and be so blessed um i definitely want to tap into as much as i can of course you know my job in football is first hand but whenever i can get in these communities and help families out back home gainesville uh and clemson uh and houston everywhere i can to be able to you know share you know and pass the love and the just the the energy on you know into this world and then of course you know with the franchise with lefty um you know my idea i don't like a lot of change and um you know growing up sticking with gainesville that's all i knew clemson committed as a 14 year old the devil sweetie that's what i am i'm committed to the houston texans coach obi jack all my teammates i'm committed here i don't like a lot of change so once i you know was drafted here i you know said myself that i want to be i want to be houston as my my my next home like houston is my foundation it's my home so you know of course going to dortmunds and you know having equity ownership into a you know organization or franchise as in lefties that's in detroit i want to be able to share that with you know bring cheese stays down to houston and you know do some charity work with the franchise and be able to you know just expand the community in the city last one for vanessa hey deshawn on twitter you said that your mom taught you to overcome obstacles and i know you two are very close what was it like to call your mom and tell her that you had gotten this deal done uh i was crying i mean it was just it was amazing um when i when i found out she found out but no it she was very excited but she already knew that her son was you know special and whatever it came with you know she wasn't looking at the numbers she wasn't looking at that her biggest thing was i love to do something i've been doing something that i love to do for so long and to be able to see the rewards that come with it um because it was her biggest thing and to see the tears and you know she was just like hey don't worry about us i mean we're gonna be fine you go win the championship that literally was the first thing she said she's like congratulations but hey she got a game to win thursday and you got a championship to go get and then she started getting into all the other stuff so i mean having that that mother that understand my my priorities and my and my goals in life i mean it's amazing it makes life a lot more easier so it was awesome thanks deshaun thank you you

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Florida state's 2024 season is an abject disaster the no 10 seols are now 0 to2 after a 28-13 home loss to boston college on monday night the eagles ran over and threw the florida state defense for 268 yards while florida state's offense with new quarterback dj ungal was underwhelming for a second straight... Read more

Slay can't see Rodgers playing anywhere else 🤷 #shorts #nfl #aaronrodgers #packers #eagles #football thumbnail
Slay can't see Rodgers playing anywhere else 🤷 #shorts #nfl #aaronrodgers #packers #eagles #football

Category: Sports

One other thing i've been seeing a-rod going into this little dark place a little dark hole whatever you say he's doing decided on his career about green bay and going somewhere else to play it's kind of tough for me to see that this is tough man because a-rod really liked the green bay he really is... Read more

Fantasy Football Expert SHOCKED by this No Context Player Pick!!! thumbnail
Fantasy Football Expert SHOCKED by this No Context Player Pick!!!

Category: Sports

No context player picks here we go which quarterback is going to have the most points week one tua dak cj deshawn or gino can't go with dak cut that out gino's been doing all right but i don't know what team he plays for i'm might have to go with des shawn i think do you know much about deshawn nope... Read more