Category: Autos & Vehicles
[music] [music] oh a [music] oh [music] [applause] [music] [music] w [music] [music] oh oh [applause] [music] [applause] [applause] [music] [music] oh [music] [music] [music] [music] oh [music] Read more
Category: Gaming
Parti euh bonjour youtube j'espère que tu vas bien on vient de parler de choses très joyeuses en stream des sujets de discussion dont tu n'auras pas les échos puisque j'ai foutu la moitié du chat en pls mais après c'est mavant brigader dedans aussi parce que vous avez répondu et il y a eu la discussion... Read more
Category: Comedy
Hello and welcome to pandering hour deal with it never do this never ever not a good idea don't do this way better want top 10 killer cucks if you like putting stuff in your butt that is your right and don't worry about straight or gay it's not about that it's about your own satisfaction for you for... Read more
Category: Gaming
Yeah okay go ahead all right go hey we're at the tru park the atlanta braves today opening a pack of obsidian flames it's so hot out here but we're going to smoke the competition of the braves game today see we get that code card right there bam code card our energy is psychic see what we get out of... Read more
Category: Gaming
Annonces du challenge : shiny living dex anniversaire ça fait quelques jours que bah voilà je vous parle de de l'anniversaire de shady hunting moi ça va faire 8 ans que je fais du shady hunting sur twitch et ce sera donc le 30 août euh 2024 que je fêterai mes 8 ans hein puisqu'on a commencé le 30 août... Read more
Category: Gaming
Kind of jamming out to this music not going to lie while i was just uh here anyways next up is yu-gi-oh world championship 2007 another world championship game uh not no not 2010 2011 wait do i have it yeah okay here it is oh there was a 2008 i didn't see that all right so these games are usually pretty... Read more
Category: Music
What i feel never been so easy when i'm dreaming summer dreaming it's my life stop fighing me stoping my life stoping me stop i know what i want and i want it now i want you fight tonight we got fight can't fight for the got fight maybe one day me got it oh yeah my intention is prevention of the lie... Read more
Category: Gaming
Yep hey he hasn't shot at me and we're both what is good everybody saw some my friends and i gathered in daisy on the livonia map for what we are calling the blood river run because this is an extremely violent server and our goal is to meet in tarno travel the river all the way past topland to the... Read more
Category: Gaming
Now would sound like music to me please come home cuz i miss you gary gary come [music] home gary can't you see i was blind i'll do anything to change your mind [music] the national weather service in ruskin has issued a flash flood warning for western hillsboro county in west central florida southwestern... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Vous comptez rester là longtemps monsieurti oui c'est mon bureau monsieur vous avez été exclu à l'unanimité plus personne ve de vous oui mais c'est moi j'ai décidé je reste là d'accord mais tout le monde est contre vous mon vieux vousz plus pouvoir rien faire vous êes en tr de ridiculiser c'est minable... Read more
Category: Gaming
Attention mia mia hein quoi mia tu viens avec nous pour manger euh oui les filles j'arrive je dois juste écrire un petit peu dans mon journal intime depuis quand tu je écris dans un journal intime depuis que je je me sens seule en gros depuis que ma sœur ne me parle plus t'inquiète elle va commencer... Read more
Category: Travel & Events
Oh here's a look at the other end hey hey guys sorry everyone get your phones and stuff out uh el michelle grab your phone here and let's take a look at the uh site for wth of reasa wow so open it's crazy i remember when they were building this thing [music] wow you really can see like all the way across... Read more