SHE STOLE Icon’s 80s Hit By Writing NEW LYRICS Over His Music…Hit #1 & He LOVED IT-Professor Of Rock

so one of Rock's most revered singers was on her way to a secret of honeymoon after getting married and during the drive to the couple's destination a song came on the radio that blew her mind made her pull over to the closest record store and buy this tape the song was so compelling she cancelled her wedding night in her honeymoon and instead she wrote her biggest hit she rushed down to the studio and in the process she called the enigmatic artist whose song inspired the one that she was writing you know to get permission to write what was this essentially her lyrics over his music just so happened he wasn't home instead she found out he was 20 minutes away came to the studio and in a flash of magic he played a perfect synth Melody for this song it became your biggest solo hit and the legend who inspired it actually turned down the riding credit for it later when the music video was shot though this female almost died when a horse almost Topp Her Man story of a great song is coming up next on professor of Rock hey music junkies professor of rock always here to celebrate the greatest artists and the greatest songs of all time if you've ever had a meal from the Easy Bake Oven you're going to dig this channel of deep musical Nostalgia make sure to subscribe below click the red button and click the notification Bell so you always know when our latest and greatest are coming out we have some great interviews coming out I know you'll dig it also check us out on patreon and check out our merch below oh this is quite a story it always is when it comes to Stevie Nicks on the day of her wedding Stevie Nicks and her new husband were driving down the famous Ventura freeway they were headed to Santa Barbara for their honeymoon suddenly a song on the radio caught her attention and immediately it ignited an idea for a new track she was completely captivated and she insisted her husband pull over to the next record store so she could buy the tape of the song it was a frenzy attempt to get her hands on Little Red Corvette by Prince [Music] now instead of celebrating their wedding night the couple stayed up all night long working on what would become stand back uh Stevie Nicks later explained and I quote we got the song and I was basically borrowing Prince's instrumental Melody from Little Red Corvette now although Stevie's lyrics are very different from Prince's suggestive classic she felt like she was weaving in and out of his song uh when she was crafting stck it was an original composition lyrically but she really believes something was transferred to her [Music] spiritually middle then Stevie went to the studio and she recorded a proper version of the song she called Prince and she was both excited and a little bit nervous to talk to him after all on one hand she was going to admit that she was using his song to build her own song but she was honest about it and how the song affected her Stevie didn't want to do anything else with this song until she got Prince's approval she said and I quote I know 50% of this song is yours so what are you doing later we're at Sunset sound right now which you like to come down and hear it now Stevie confessed that she never expected him to agree not in a million years but to her surprise Prince wasn't at his home in Minneapolis when she called he was in LA Stevie was blown away when Prince said yeah you know I'll be right down and within 20 minutes he was at the studio [Music] all right Prince listened to the track and went straight to a nearby keyboard and he started playing new parts leaving Stevie in awe of what she was hearing she said that was the coolest thing we'd ever heard Stevie recounted this whole thing in Timothy White's book Rock lives great book if you haven't read it she said he was so uncanny so wild he spoiled me for every ban I've ever had because nobody can exactly recreate not even with two piano players what Prince did all by sell [Music] now ultimately Stevie and Prince layed instruments over the song's Melody for less than 30 minutes Prince gave her a I don't know you really that well kind of hug and then like a phantom in the night he just vanished she she didn't see him again for years nor did they even have a conversation in the that's crazy perhaps music Stevie Nicks and Prince had a special connection now they had spent some time together before that Brief Encounter in the recording session for Stan back uh and there was as I understand a mutual physical attraction but they never acted upon it uh Prince was inspired by stv's Third single as a solo artist edge of 17 from the belladon lp that's when Prince and Stevie became friends and I guess they exchanged numbers and they talked Prince was particularly fascinated by the lyric of the chorus just like the Whitewing dub sings a song sounds like he's singing that line rang profoundly in Prince's head and it fueled the writing of his first number one single when doves cry that's what he [Music] said now Stevie recalled the night that they were together after a Fleetwood Mac concert she said and a quote we hopped into his purple Camaro and we blasted onto the freeway at a 100 miles an hour I was terrified but I was also kind of thrilled uh but she was quick to clarify that their high-speed Rendevous was purely platonic she said in I quote I get on the plane and the rest of the band Fleetwood Mack is sitting there not saying a word tapping their fingers and rolling their eyes implying that they thought something had happened between us Stevie looked back at her disbelieving band members and said what nothing happened now one thing that Stevi and Prince didn't Jael on was drug use he hated drugs Prince did he said that's probably why we didn't hang out very much or more than that she shared with the Associated Press he was worried I'd die from an accidental overdose and the sad irony is that he ended up dying for one I imagine up there he's looking down saying sweetie I can't believe it happened to me [Music] too stand back was the lead single from Stevie's second solo album The Wild Heart it went to number five on the US Billboard top 100 in the summer of 1983 and it marked the beginning of a kindred musical relationship between Stevie and Prince now Prince later reached out to Stevie to return the favor in away his Royal Badness asked her to write the lyrics for Purple Rain a lot of people don't know that we're going to find out what happened after I mentioned today's sponsor campfire audio now the latest product that you're going to be talking about heck everybody's talking about it is the campfire audio astrolith in this episode I'm wearing what I consider to be their greatest audio creation it's another incredible product from campfire audio as usual campfire has created a true work of art that does Justice to music that you love and appreciate you're going to hear it in a whole new way wow when you listen to your music with astrolith you'll have an elevated 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Prince was disappointed but things turned out pretty well for the purple one the song on the album of the same name were of course pop culture phenomenons there was a demo that was posted on Fleetwood Max's YouTube channel on the day of Prince's death though it was reportedly recorded by the two beloved artists but it was never released the demo was titled all over [Music] you now as one can imagine Stevie was heartbroken when when she learned to Prince's untimely death one of her great regrets was never performing the song with him on stage Al Last Stand Back will always remind Stevie of that collaboration that could have been all right so let's go back to that honeymoon ride where Stevie had uh that OCD moment hearing Little Red Corvette for the first time out of nowhere you know Stevie starts singing along to Prince's song substituting the phrase back as she would say in an interview and I quote she was like Kim pull over we need to buy a tape recorder because I need to record this so we did we went out the freeway uh we found a record shop and when they finally located that shop Stevie bought a cassette single of Little Red Corvette along with a portable tape recorder it was just one part of Stevie's uh very brief but bizarre marriage to Kim Anderson we talked about it in a piece uh last year but Stevie Nicks won shared with the LA Times uh something that her father Jess Nick said not really a compliment but she said no man would be happy being Mr Stevie Nicks for very long that's what her dad said to her those words turned out to be uh prophetic though it wasn't just her career that caus the unhappiness in 1983 Stevie secretly married Kim the Widow of her best friend Robin Snyder who had recently passed away from leukemia this was just after she gave birth to her son Matthew Stevie who was named the baby's God mother quickly realized that the marriage was a terrible terrible mistake reflecting on her ill-advised decision she admitted we didn't get married because we were in love we got married because we were grieving and it was the only way we could feel like we were doing something that wasn't really a marriage we did it to take care of her son uh but 3 weeks later we realized it just wasn't going to work if anyone falls in love now in a 2013 interview on Oprah's Master Class Stevie Nicks really opened up about the difficult time following her friend Robin's death she explained how she became fixated on raising Robin's baby boy she said I just went on a mission because I wanted that baby and I convinced Kim uh so three months after Robin died we got married and I thought that was what Robin would have wanted but it completely backfired because it was the wrong thing to do taking Matthew and her husband was just beyond insane Stevie eventually confessed to Kim Anderson that she didn't love him and she asked for a divorce some pretty heavy real life drama for sure but there was a happy outcome while she still considers the marriage a mistake Stevie stepped in to cover Matthew's College expenses she's also taken on the role of a pseudo grandmother to Kim's daughter whom was named after Robin Stevie's late friend now she's affectionally known as grandma [Music] Stevie Stevie's mood was angry you know combative um frustrated when she wrote stand back there were a lot of different emotions that were shooting through her spirit at that time besides the artistic Rush she felt from L Roy Corvette right the theme of the song was a crazy argument between friends or between loved ones now her intensity really comes out in her vocal the chorus stand back and we all stand back this song is electrifying subconsciously compelling us into a kind of a dance of defiance if you [Music] will in addition to Prince's uncredited 30 minutes of Brilliance in the studio on February 8th 1983 the recording of standback was loaded with worldclass musicianship it's not going to surprise anybody here on the P community that Stevie enlisted Steve Luke Luca to play guitar on the track percussion was delivered by Bobby Hall and Ian Wallace Russ conle put together the drum overdubs and Wy wakel was also on guitar and he still plays in Stevie's band right today performing background vocals on the track was uh Stevie's sister-in-law Lorie Petty [Music] Nicks the only part that Prince actually contributed to was on the final recording where the eighth note up Beats in the chorus the rest of the synth work including all the main keyboard parts and the beat on the oberheim DMX drum machine those were handled by Dave Bluefield on the oberheim OB XA although Prince was given co-writing credit due to the strong influence you know being Little Red Corvette on the keyboard line at least he didn't actually have any direct input in writing the song in fact as I understand it for years he refused writing credit for the song I mean most of the time when you look up the song He's not listed as a writer only Stevie Nicks is I've seen it sometimes where Prince is listed I think Prince just wrote so many songs he just didn't care having said that you do have to give a lot of credit to uh Dave Bluefield uh for you know contributions on on the [Music] keyboards so following up the huge double Platinum success of badana there were high expect ations for stand back uh the first big budget treatment of the all-important music video that would most certainly be embraced instantly by MTV was really elaborate but it seemed to be cursed uh two incidents could have easily become tragedies let's talk about the first one it's when the crew accidentally started the set on fire and they prevented the fire from spreading beyond control by just mere seconds second incident would have been even more disastrous though bear with me here the video was supposed to have like this Gone With the Wind movie theme and Stevie was to wear this long dress he would have seen in that movie you know depicting the American Civil War era of the 1800s on a scene where Stevie was riding a horse in this long gwn the horse went rogue and ran completely off course it headed into a thick Grove of trees something a horse you know does when it's trying to throw the rider off its back again just seconds before the horse reached the trees the crew screamed at Stevie to jump jump and Stevie leaped off the horse and uh it was just in time to save her life the gallop into the trees would have caused serious harm to Stevie could have even killed her so I mean this was back in the 80s when music videos things were different back then but not surprisingly Stevie and her manager scrapped the original video concept that was directed by Brian Grant who was renowned for his video work with queen of all people he later worked with Tina Turner and Rod Stewart and Peter Gabriel stand stand despite having a near-death experience in her life being saved Stevie hated the original treatment for standback she didn't think it really fit the vibe of the song and she told Brian Grant that she thought that she looked bloated she told Irving aop who was manager at the time this video it cannot go out I don't care if it cost a million dollars so with no regard for wasted money the Scarlet version as is called uh now was never released to the public and they hired a totally new director for a simple dance [Music] video Stevie articulated that stach has an energy that comes from somewhere unknown and it seems to have no time space she never quite understood the energy that it creates but she has never questioned it the freaky energy that the song brings has made a perfect way for her to start her live concerts magically sets the tone for the whole show and it really helps you know Stevie to transform herself now it's not widely known but Stevie has always struggled with Stage Fright going back to when she first joined Fleetwood Mac something a live performer never wants to deal with right Stevie one said in I quote I become a different person and I like that because usually I create my own characters that's how she deals with the stage fright Stevie's stage wardrobe didn't just make her stand out from her pierce it became a form of protective armor for her as she would say she shared in a 2009 interview with the New York Times and nobody will know who I really [Music] am the life of a rock star can go from magical moment to the Twilight Zone really no time the roller coaster ride to Stevie Nicks life has certainly had Thrills chills and Spills if you will just like the unexpected Euphoria she felt when she first heard A Little Red Corvette by prank friends in her car uh that inspired Stan back and that breathtaking 30 minutes she had with the purple one when she recorded the track in the studio that story makes the song even more interesting though I tell you I seen Stevie several times in concert every time she performs stand back you know while she does that twirling dance that she does I can swear I see the ghost of prince playing a synthesizer right beside her [Music] how about you what are your memories of this classic song standbag I tell you what Stevie Nicks has the craziest stories associated with her um I I just can't believe it she for she foro her honeymoon night to write the huge song that's been the starter of all of her concerts she calls Prince she happens to be here it's just very magical let's have a great discussion about St back do you think is Stevie Nick's best song is it one of the best songs of the 80s what do you like better L roog Corvette or stand back should we cover L roog Corvette let's have a great discussion below if you like our content we invite you to subscribe love to have you a part of our our community here till next time records and the truth my friends [Music]

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