LIVE: Trump holds a town hall event in Johnstown, Pennsylvania

Published: Aug 29, 2024 Duration: 02:38:27 Category: News & Politics

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e e e e e e [Music] I'm trying to put you in the worst mood P1 cleaner than your sh shoes B point two just to hurt you all red lamb just to tease you none of these toys don't Le in a we out of [Music] yourit how so need a sun in peace 20 racks table from cut that into skinny pieces she clean with her face I my you talking money need to hear talking about me I don't see a shade switch out my side I take any Lan switch on my C I kill any [Music] [Music] pain I'm a star every day a try to test me every day a try to end me pull up in the roer pockets overweight and he coming for the king that's a cry I come alive in the the comp e e e e e [Music] thank you good night [Applause] I see trees of green I see them do for me and you and I than to myself what a wonderful way I see skies of blue clouds of white bright blessed days dark sacred nights and I think to [Music] myself What a Wonderful World the colors of the rain so pretty in the [Music] skies also on the faces of people going by I see friends shaking hands say how do you do they say I love you I hear babies cry [Music] I watch please welcome to the stage senior Aid to president Trump Stephen Miller hello Johnstown this city is in my blood it is in my bones it is in my veins generations of my family are buried in the soil here in Johnstown Pennsylvania every summer growing up there's nothing I look forward to more than coming up here to Johnstown with my grandma and my grandpa for those of you who are older they owned and operated a place called glosser Brothers a family store that was in my family all the way back to the turn of the century in the 1900s this town is everything to me and I witnessed and I saw how the globalists and the corrupt ruling class gutted this town they stole our dreams they stole our futures they stole from us the wealth and the industry that belonged to you that belonged to your families that was the birthright of your children they ripped it up and they stole it and where did they send it they sent it to China they sent it to Asia they sent it to Mexico they sent it to foreign countries and one man one man has defied that corrupt Elite ruling class to bring our future back to Johnstown and back to p Pennsylvania and what is the name of that man what is his name Donald J Trump one man who will fight fight fight for Pennsylvania and so my message to all of you to every one of you here today to your children to your friends your family your co-workers your neighbors is that you will get the last word you will get the last word because the globalists are trying everything they can the Communists behind coma Harris are trying everything they can to stop Donald Trump from saving Pennsyvania but Johnstown can be the ones that push Donald Trump across the finish line and reclaim America for Johnstown reclaim America for American citizens and reclaim the future of this state so Johnstown get out there give us the win Johnstown give us the victory Johnstown fight fight fight for America God bless you and God bless the state of Pennsylvania thank [Applause] [Music] you we together since way back sometimes I never want to see you again but I want you to know after all these years you're still the one I want wh my I want to to it bab the one that turns my head we're still having fun and you're still I look at your face every day but I till [Music] I again I just go in the I love you're still the one that made me laugh still the one that my better have we still have you're [Music] still strong still the one I want to take we're still and you're still yes you are [Music] w ladies and Gentlemen please welcome to the stage attorney Alina Haba [Applause] DJ all I do is no matter what got money on my mind I can never get enough and every time I step up the building everybody hands go up and they stay there and they stay [Music] there I'm excited what's up Johnstown [Applause] Pennsylvania you guys I'm here with our favorite [Music] President I asked my daughter this morning what should mommy speak about today and she answered me so quickly she goes mom speak about women I can do that cuz unlike some people in America I can Define what a woman is as every mom knows we have the toughest job in the world as mothers We Do America do not get distracted by kamala's talking about her superficial attributes because it's her policies that are going to matter now I could stand here and I could talk about them but I don't use them because I don't need to this is not a game we've got to get president Trump back in that white house on November 5th and we will do it USA USA USA USA God what a good crowd Patriots Patriots Camala Harris had a chance to be a role model for young girls and women across America to show us what real leadership looks like instead she has shown me and the rest of America what a puppet has looked like for a failing [Applause] Administration she is not the best that we can do America she has been there for three and a half years and we as America deserve better than [Music] this let's talk about our border or for what I would call lack of a border because while Camala sits comfortably in her Ivory Tower our borders remain a serious American danger zone women and children are trafficked abused and left vulnerable because of her administration's Reckless open border policies and now all of a sudden she's a magga Republican and she wants to build a border where where the hell has my wall been for three and a half years if that is what empowerment looks like to commala I want nothing to do with it because to me it looks a whole hell of a lot like [Music] betrayal Camala preaches about lifting women up breaking glass ceilings but let's look at the facts under her Biden's Administration inflation is skyrocketing skyrocketing and who feels it the most we do we do Real Americans moms single mothers struggling to put food on the table women entrepreneurs who can't afford like me to keep their businesses open forcing working moms like me to make tough choices because they don't care so Camala may talk a big game but her policies are crushing us and let me be clear when you say Biden it's the same damn thing I'm not buying her headline grabbing stunts I'm over it she's not on the ground she can't answer questions she is in the Washington elite club with Nancy Pelosi and they turn on their own for some time I was a single mother I know what their policies do small business owners no matter if you're a man or if you're a woman we sometimes have to take two jobs to survive she doesn't speak up to help she sits down and helps Joe hide in the basement and that's all she's done for [Applause] us ladies and gentlemen I don't know if you saw her on CNN but let me be very clear I am an American woman I am a Maga woman and I don't need a man standing next to me to get up and speak so while Miss Harris is too busy trying not to giggle in front of the American people I am gonna get my hands dirty and help president Trump save this country God bless you all I love you there is no question the Warfare is a part of their problem and they are desperate like I've never seen but all I can tell you is they are only desperate for the fear they fear the most which is the American dream they are the opposite of it I will help us preserve America with our great president and I will tell you right now the reason I have strength and the reason I am who I am right now is because of one person the 45th and the 47th president of the United States God Bless America thank you ladies and Gentlemen please welcome to the stage Congressman Byron [Applause] [Music] [Applause] Donald's let me make it up to the start of the climb faced with an army of viers and lines I had to keep on reaching up cuz it was my time to down the kingdom call out the lions got [Music] ail those Nails in my impression too on a therapist couldn't fix me I accepted Gladiator Gladiator gladiator fight with the gods I'm the Giant Slayer B Shaker Dominator fre train wrecking ball I'm the [Applause] Gladiator you know what this is my first time in Johnstown PA but I love being in Johnstown PA [Applause] and we're here to make sure that Pennsylvania does the job on November 5th and make sure that Donald J Trump is the 47th president of the United States [Applause] us I was in New York last night and I'm sitting down in the studio and AA Congressman we want to play you the first clip of kamla's interview on [Music] CNN and so of course I'm like sure let's see it I'm interested and I watched the clip and in my mind I'm thinking we waited 40 Days for that I mean seriously we waited 40 Days for that you see America and you see Johnstown it took her 40 days to come out and demonstrate to the American people that she hasn't changed she said it herself her values haven't changed they are the same values that will take away your purchasing power they are the same values that will shut down fracking in Western Pennsylvania they are the same values that leave our Southern border wide open they are the same values that have our adversaries emboldened and there is only one person who can stop her and save America and that man is Donald J [Applause] Trump so really my job is simple we need you to make sure you get out and work for Donald J Trump every phone call you make is needed every door you knock is valued if you haven't done it go to Trump Force sign up and help this man become the next president of the United States here's one thing I know rkj tulsy gabard Republicans in the House Republicans in the Senate moderate voters in our country who have had enough and they live in Pittsburgh they live in Philadelphia they live in Phoenix Arizona they live in Milwaukee Wisconsin and they all have the same thing in mind we have got to make America great again so stand with us Johnstown stand with us Pennsylvania let's win on November 5th and let's make Donald J Trump the 47th president of the United States God bless you God Bless [Applause] America if everybody had a notion across the USA then everybody be Ser like California you see them wearing their baggies Wei sandal too a bu blond hair serving USA you [Music] catching s [Music] ever since I was a young boy I played the silver ball from Soho down theight I must have played them all but I ain't SE nothing like him in any amusement that like it stands [Music] ma always play clean plays by intuition the digit count that show has to [Music] [Applause] be how do you think he does I don't know what makes him so good ain't got no distractions he no buells don't see NOS flashing always [Music] replay I thought I was some table I just and my [Music] [Applause] to table he beat my best his displ him in and he justes the rest little fingers never seen him fall [Music] [Applause] [Music] that my and you Rattle My Brain you must live as a man insane you broke my wheel Balls of [Music] Fire honey I goodness gra Balls of Fire kiss [Music] baby feel good baby just let me love you like a lover [Music] sh so I'm this world my [Music] I come on baby Balls of Fire [Music] [Applause] [Music] feels [Music] good I want to love you like a [Music] sh I'm real nerv the show is fun come on baby the crazy goodness gracious Qui Balls of Fire [Applause] [Music] [Music] I this gracious B [Music] ladies and Gentlemen please welcome candidate for United States Senate Dave [Applause] [Music] McCormack and Amer as big as we want to we all get a chance everybody gets to dance only in America all right what a good looking crowd thank you thank you feel a little bit like the warm-up act for The Rolling Stones but um it's good to see everybody here um how many people here are ready to retire Joe Biden and Kay Harrison send them packet get president Trump into the White House yeah we we got to get him in the White House how many people here are ready to retire Chuck Schumer and get a new majority in the Senate I'm ready for that one too you know my um first of all it's great to be here in Johnstown great to be here in Cambria County thank you all for coming today my dad was born in Indiana County we got any Indiana County people here all right and my mom was born in Jefferson County in in a place called punks Satani and I like to say punks Satani because it reminds me of Bob Casey Punk Satani Bob he only pops his head up every six years am I right we never see this guy right where has he been and I was born in Washington Pennsylvania but I grew up in uh we Washington here I was born up in Washington but I grew up in in Bloomsburg which is uh northeast Pennsylvania up around Scranton and I uh listen and I live grew up like most of you I my folks had a farm I bailed hay I trimmed Christmas trees I was a bus boy I was a paper boy and wrestling got me into West Point and at West Point I was on the Army wrestling team and then I got to go to the 82nd Airborne Division anybody here know the 82nd Airborne Division and I got to serve my country in Iraq I got to come back here to Pennsylvania and help create jobs and run a company listen I've been blessed by the American dream and I'm running because I'm worried that's not going to be available for our kids your kids we're not going to have that American Dream unless we get the right leadership in the White House and the right leadership in Washington and you know you've had politicians forever come in and telling you that this is the most important election of your lifetime how many times have we H there at over 20 30 years the most important I'm telling you this is the most important election of your lifetime if we don't get the right leadership in place we're going to wake up one morning we're already there and not recognize the country in front of us we're not going to recognize it and look at what's happened under the failed policies the liberal policies the weakness of Biden Harris Casey look at where we are Skyhigh inflation that's killing Working Families a war on fossil fuels that's stand Standing in the way of the one thing that couldn't unlock all of Pennsylvania's potential wide open borders wide open borders 4,000 people last year in Pennsylvania died of fentanyl because of the wide open borders of Biden Harris and Casey crime in our cities that's moving into the suburbs some of the most violent crime statistics in modern history and our adversaries around the world testing us pushing us challenging us because they think we're weak they think we're weak now imagine imagine four more years of that kind of weakness that kind of radical liberal policies under Cala Harris imagine the country we would see with Venezuelan like price controls with a wide openen border with trillions of dollars and more spending that is an America we don't want which is why we need to put Donald J Trump back into the White House and a majority in the Senate to get our country back on track we need Common Sense leadership to cut spending and create opportunities for Working Families across Pennsyvania we need Common Sense leadership to secure our borders and go after those cartels with military capability if necessary because they're killing Americans it's Common Sense leadership Common Sense leadership that we need to open up our energy sector and become the most dominant energy producer in the world right here in Pennsylvania and it's Common Sense common sense that we will only have peace if we have strength we need strength in the White House strength in the Senate my friends I was a at State College Penn State I don't know a couple months ago I met with a bunch of college Republicans about 50 of them they may have been the only Republicans at Penn State and I said to them what I'll say to you is listen I'm going to be okay no matter what happens in this election many of you are going to be okay we got more years behind us than in front of us I'm 59 I got more years behind me than in front of me but our kids are not going to be okay their kids are not going to be okay we need to treat this election like our life depends on it because ladies and gentlemen it does let's make Pennsylvania great again thank [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] you yeah you can be the greatest you can be the best you can be the King Kong banging on your chest you can beat the world you can beat the Wall you can talk the go go banging on his door you can throw your hands up you can beat the clock you can move a mountain you can break rocks you can be a master Don't Wait For Luck dedicate yourself and you find in the of Fame yeah and the world's going to know your name yeah cuz you with the yeah and the world's going to know and you'll be on the wall of the You Can Go the Distance you can run the M you can walk street through hell with a smile bre do it for your people do it for your pride you ever going to know if you never even try do it for your country do it for your name cuz there going to be a day when you're standing in the yeah and the world's going to know your with the and the world's going to know your name and you'll be on the walls to the f Be A Champion Be A Champion Be A Champion students be teachers be politicians be preachers be Believers be leaders be astronauts be Champions be truth Seekers be students be teachers be politicians be preachers preachers be Believers be leaders be Champions standing in the of Fame and the world's going to know [Music] [Music] your be the you can be the best you can be the on you be [Music] girl I've been selling my soul working all day overtime hours for pay so I can sit out here and waste my life away dragg back home and drown my troubles away it's a damn shame what the world's gotten to for people like me people like you wish I could just wake up and it not be true but it is oh it is living in the new world with an Soul these rich men know the richmen Lord knows it all just want to have total control want to know what you think want to know what you do and they don't think you know but I know that you do your dollar ain't and it's taxing no hand a rich man know a rich man [Music] I wish politicians look out for Miners and not just miners on an island somewhere Lord we got folks in the street ain't got nothing to heat and the whole Beast milking welfare God if you're 5 foot three and you're 300b taxes ought not to pay for your bags are fud drowns young men are putting themselves six feet in the ground CU all this damn country does is keep on kicking them down lord it's a damn shame what the world's gotten to for people like me people like you wish I could just wake up and it not be true but it is all it is living in the New World with an whole soul these rich men knows the rich men Lord knows they all just want to have total control want to know what you think want to know what you do and they don't think you know but I know that you do cuz your dollar ain't and it's taxed in no h call the men nor men [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I've been selling my soul working all day overtime hours for pain [Music] You Don't Own Me I'm not just one of your many toys you don't me don't say I can't go with other Bo and don't tell me what to do don't tell me what to say and please when I got with you don't put me on displ you don't me don't try to change me in any way you don't know me don't turn me down clide never [Music] say I don't tell you what to say I don't tell you what to do so just let me be myself that's all I ask of you I'm young and I love to be young I'm free and I love to be free to live my life the way I want to say and do whatever I [Music] please don't tell me what to do don't tell me what to say and please when I go out with you don't put me on the I don't tell you what to say don't tell you what to do so just let me be myself that's all I ask you I'm and I love to be I'm free and I love to be free to [Music] sting here eating [Music] myai I need tonight I want some this got to some to some love [Music] tonight I need I [Music] another another [Music] toy I need some baby tonight I want [Music] some love [Music] tonight I need for [Music] [Music] set [Music] need baby going to need your love tonight [Music] I need looking for to have [Music] sitting here eating my [Music] heart on [Music] my I need tonight [Music] T baby I need your baby tonight your baby baby going to need [Music] [Music] your we're in a [Music] tra I can't walk out [Music] because I love you too much baby why can't you see what you doing to me when you don't a word I [Music] say we can't go on together with suspicious and we can build [Music] dream still see suspicion in your eyes [Music] we again asking see tears [Applause] [Music] cry we can't go together with suspicious and we can build our dream supicious let [Applause] I tears from your eyes don't let a good thing die when honey you know I have never like you m [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah I walk [Music] out because I you [Music] baby why can't you see what you do with me when you don't believe a word i' say don't you [Music] [Applause] [Music] know a I can't walk out [Music] [Applause] because I love you too much [Music] baby [Music] I because I you too baby [Music] [Applause] I can't walk [Music] out because I love [Applause] [Music] you I walk [Music] out because I to baby don't you know [Music] [Applause] [Music] I because I love you too [Applause] baby don't you know [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my every man wants to be a man [Music] [Music] in ladies and Gentlemen please welcome the next president of the United States President Donald J [Music] Trump and I won't forget the men who died who gave that to me and I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today cuz there ain't no doubt I love this land God Bless the USA [Applause] [Music] from the lakes of Minnesota to the hills of Tennessee across the plains of Texas from sea to shining sea from Detroit down to Houston and New York to La where there's pride in every American Heart and it's time we stand and [Music] say that I'm proud to be an American where releast I know I'm free and I won't forget the men who died who gave that to me and I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today CU there a no doubt I love this land God bless the US and I'm proud to be Amic where atast I know I'm free and I forget the men who died who gave that light to me and I gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today cuz you're no doubt I love this God bless for you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] wow thank you very much everybody I love this place I love it we've had great luck here so just to everybody hello Pennsylvania how are we doing Pennsylvania and I'm thrilled to be back in this beautiful Commonwealth with thousands of proud hardworking American Patriots that's what you are it's coming it's coming listen to this 67 days wow 67 days from now we're going to win Pennsylvania we're going to defeat comrade kamla Harris did you see her did you see her last night did you see her last night I don't know you think she's going to be able to handle president pres she I don't know I don't think so China North Korea Russia I don't know but we're going to win back the white house we're going to make this country greater than it's ever been and everyone here today is part of the greatest political movement in the history of our country you know that make America great again Maga and who look at all of the fake news they got a they got a lot of fake news back there that's a lot of fake news David that's a lot of people some I like about 7% and some I don't like no that's a lot but uh you know when I say the greatest political movement in the history of our country if I say something even slightly wrong they give me 12 pinocchios right 12 Pinocchio now we can't say anything even a little bit wrong I can't even joke when I used to show Biden couldn't find the stairs off the stairway they'd say Trump couldn't find they'd say they took it and they would say I couldn't when uh different things the worst thing you can do with them is sarcasm because it doesn't work with the fake news so we won't have any fun but we will have fun we're going to have a lot of fun and I recognize you how are you and I recognize you but no it's amazing what uh what we've built all together and started 8 years ago maybe a little before that who knows probably started 40 years ago in our soul but it started eight years ago and nobody would have thought anything like this could have happened and it represents a tremendous piece of the Republican party and more importantly it represents a tremendous piece of this country tremendous piece a lot more than 50% therefore we have to get out and vote this past week I was honored to receive two endorsements of former democrats for president tulsey gabard and Robert F Kennedy Jr and they're both great people they were Democrats as you probably know and they uh felt very strongly about the endorsement and I feel very happy to get it every day we are welcoming more Republicans Independents traditional Democrats and oldfashioned liberals you know they don't use that term anymore they use Progressive we don't use that term we like liberal better Progressive sounds so good it sounds Progressive they're not Progressive they're the opposite together we're fighting to secure our borders end the endless Foreign Wars and defend the working people of America and coming in I heard some of the most beautiful speeches I heard just beautiful beautiful speeches I want to thank thank all of the speakers that preceded me beautiful speeches we're joining forces to defeat government corruption restore free speech and make America healthy again we're going to make America healthy again you know we're a nation that is not doing well in a lot of ways and we're not doing so well with health but we're going to solve a lot of those problems I think over the next short period of time a lot of it's Comming lot that's common sense too it's all common sense when you get right down to it but we're going to get toxic chemicals out of our environment and we're going to get them out of our food supply we're going to get them out of our bodies we'll get them out of our body right right with Victory this fall we will enact this pro- family agenda and we will bring back the American dream bigger better and stronger than ever before they never talk about the American dream they never mention it they don't talk about the American Flag by the way the American flag we got some of the greatest Congressman Warriors here that you have anywhere and congressmen go to Congress soon like immediately but soon we should give a oneyear sentence in jail to anybody that burns the American flag should Mike do it Mike right do [Applause] it that looks so bad at the Democrat National I always call Democrat you know they want it to be called Democratic I said then change your name they don't change their name sounds worse so I use it but at the Democrat National Convention I watch those American flags burning all over the place I think it's a disgrace and they said it's unconstitutional to stop it like hell it is okay like hell it is it's not unconstitutional it's like when I stopped the riots in Washington they were going they were taking down statues they were having a lot of fun they didn't know what they were doing having a lot of fun and I pulled out an old law from 1907 because we don't pay laws like that that are tough and it said if you touch a monument if you touch it even touch it against the will of authority if you take it down but if you even touch it you go to jail for 10 years and there's no n years and five months it's 10 years and so I signed it I took it out it was Dusty it was old and Dusty hadn't been used in 78 years I think they said and I signed it I announced it and I watched about 10,000 asses I could watch from the back as they left town they were all gone I I knew there was a problem when they started ripping down a statue of Abraham Lincoln I said they're going to take down the statue of Lincoln I don't think that's I we're not going to let that happen and we've got to be tough because if you see what's happening in Aurora calorado today did you see that where V Venezuelan gang members have taken over parts of the C they've taken over apartment houses because these stupid people that we have leading our country are allowing these people these criminals to come and to come into our country and we're going to get them the hell out of here and this is just the beginning wait till you see what happens wait till you see what they're doing unbelievable these congressmen they're looking they're just shaking their head they can't believe it they can't believe two things actually the size of these crowds you know you could fill this place up three times why didn't you get a larger Arena huh somebody said as we were riding by oh it's too bad the arena hasn't started filling up I said no you don't understand it's totally full but the L goes back for miles it's already full but we got to do that fellas you know we got to do it because I've been saying for a long time I said these people are coming in from prisons and jails nobody listen to me they're murderers they're drug dealers if you take a look at Venezuela as an example their crime is down 72% because they've taken their criminals from Caracus they've taken their drug dealers they're emptying their prisons into our country their crime is down all over the world crime is down in the Congo in Africa 22 people deposited into our country where do you come from the Congo we're in the Congo jail what did you do we will not say that you can imagine listen they come from Africa they come from the Middle East countries that are not friends of ours and they're coming by the millions by the millions and these fools Kamala who's a Marxist these fools are letting them come into our country destroy our country and I said you know did you ever see that I don't want to brag but they do have a big selling hat you know what it says Trump was right about everything right front row Joe's Front Road Jo right no but it's hey look if I ran one of those countries I would be doing better than them at getting the people out you run a country the country is inundated with really tough people that are criminals I want to get them the hell out if I was the head of a country the president of a country if I was in charge of anything having to do with the country I would have moved them out even faster than they're doing they are moving people into our country at numbers that nobody's ever seen and those countries are becoming safe countries and way till you see what's going to happen you know they're just getting acclimated you know what that means accl it they're getting used to a society that really goes too far in the only thing they go after is guys like Trump because he protests an election that's the only thing they're good at going after they don't go after criminals they don't go after people that kill people they don't go after drug dealers that kill on average five 00 people during their lifetime so a drug dealer kills 500 people and the only thing they would understand would be the death penalty if you had the death penalty for drug dealers you wouldn't have any more drugs you wouldn't have any more drugs instead we form Blue Ribbon committees made up of our great first lady and lots of people like Steve wiov great developer in New York but they don't don't do this for a living the only thing they understand I went to China I saw president she had a good relationship until covid came in then I broke it off it was that was too much but I said to him and I had a great relationship with him and I will again probably but I said do you have a drug problem 1.4 billion people no no no we have no drug problem why don't you have a drug problem because we have the death penalty he said for drug deals if they sell drugs they die he said so those people that sold drugs they said you know let's go to another country this is a little bit of but they do in many other countries in countries where you have that you don't have a drug problem and we are becoming a drug infested Nation whether you like it or not we're becoming a drug infested Nation so we better get our act together you know years ago centuries ago China was taken over numerous times by smaller Nations much smaller Nation cuz they were all drugged out from the Opium fields and all of that and then one of their very powerful leaders said no more and they ended it and we're going to have to end it too because we're really a country that is a we're a failing nation in a lot of ways what they've done to our country is incredible what is Kamala who's a total lightweight did you see her on television last night this is going to be the president this is going to be the president of our country I don't think so sitting propped up in a desk with this guy this this uh tampon Tim tampon and it's the first interview she's done and like nobody's ever seen anything like it and if you're too weak to do a one-on-one interview with a person that was so soft you know I know Dana she's always you know always nasty she was so nice to the Democrats it's much easier to be a Democrat but we don't agree in their policies because their policies will destroy our nation so we can't do that we can't do that but it was a very weak interview from the standpoint of CNN I think CNN should be ashamed of themselves if that were me AR there sir I heard you want the death penalty for drug dealers why well you know I'd like to end the drug epidemic if that's okay remember this and I said it every drug dealer on average kills 500 people that's not mentioning all of the families that are destroyed forever they're destroyed forever and we have to do something about it because we are becoming and we are a drug infested Nation we have to do something and if you did that meaningfully you will in one week stop the drug problem nobody's going to be selling drugs nobody I don't know if the country is ready for it but they should you know we lost they give you fake numbers the real numbers we lost uh probably 350,000 people last year to drugs to fentol and Other Drugs I had a deal with President she who was going to put that on the on their ultimate crime list that's where they give the death penalty if they make it in China they sell it here he was going to give the death penalty when we had a rigged election what happened is when I left they never picked it up bid never picked it up so they never did it but they were going to give the death penalty which is their ultimate ultimate uh punishment you can't get too much more ultimate than that they were going to give the death penalty to the fentol makers in China if they make it and sell it in here and they were going to do it because you know otherwise we weren't going to do trade little things like we won't trade with you anymore we won't pay you billions of dollars anymore so easy so easy but people like Cala she let San Francisco die she destroyed probably the greatest City maybe one of the greatest cities but could be friend of mine Bob Tish used to say years ago he said San Francisco is the greatest city in America that was probably 167 he passed away great guy he passed away but he used to talk about about San Francisco all the time today you can't walk into San Francisco she destroyed it she destroyed she's the one that started it too she was the district attorney then she destroyed California along with Gavin nusum you know that one of the truly bad Governors but the fake news is doing everything possible everything they can to help Camala Harris do you ever noticed nobody knows what her last name is I go okay I'm going to give you the first name tell me the last name I say Cala uh they have no idea who the hell she is but as they find out you notice our poll numbers are starting to Skyrocket when they find out that she's a Marxist when they find out her father you know is a Marxist Professor you know that when they find out that she was the one that destroyed California and San Francisco long time ago uh you can't have this look we have to put our country back into sh shape somebody said women don't like Donald Trump I said I think that's wrong I think they love me I love them I love them speaking of them North Carolina these women this is number 227 rally and they've been to some other than rallies 22 they're wealthy as hell look at them they've got nothing but cash their husbands are great but they allow them to go all over the country they follow me all over the country we have front row Joe's over here we got the women from North Carolina look at them and no but they're great Patriots they're great Patriots and you know I spoke to the husbands one time I say how do you put up with this your husbands your wives are traveling all over the place do you mind we trust our wives sir we trust them implicitly I said well you have great wives let me tell you but they've traveled I think it's like 228 something like that but it is beautiful to have you here we love to have you here always perfectly quaffed they're always perfectly quaffed right they're beautiful great woman great women and we appreciate they being here we appreciate you guys being here you were here in Butler they were there in Butler I remember they were standing there in the front front row Joe's you know what they get here like three days early they wait around for three days four days they probably got to know some of my guys by now I would think they don't have to be quite so uh anxious they're going to be uh but they've done a great job and then we have Mr wall Irving wall would you please stand up Irving wall he is a great guy and he was there for Butler too wasn't he he was there I saw him there but he's been to many shows how many shows have you been to lost track he's lost track I agree I agree but I appreciate it we appreciate it the whole place appreciates is they ultimately they're their Patriots it's not about me these are incredible Patriots these ladies are incredible Patriots so I just want to thank you incredible but to show you how bad the fake news is some of the gold to our families you probably read this over the last couple of days and you know a lot of people say Sir don't hit down don't hit down on them the fake news don't hit down sir don't even mention I said should I mention it don't hit down well but it became sort of a story so I always like to mention it because if you don't mention it our supporters don't really know what to believe and they sort of believe this stuff so the gold star families and uh credible people and I got to know him because uh 13 families who were as you know lost a loved one in Afghanistan so needlessly because we have incompetent we have an incompetent President and Vice President grossly incompetent and we had Millie and these incompetent generals that should have been fired immediately not one person was fired over Afghanistan and by the way Russia saw that they went into Ukraine because they said I had no idea that the United States was so stupid so and you know when I was running that I spoke to the leader of the Taliban he they run the whole deal and I said Abdul don't even think don't do it Abdul don't do it because they were shooting they were killing our people and they were really killing them previous to me and Obama they were killing them in the Obama Administration and with Biden Biden but uh how did he do in the debate friend of mine said sir what did you do you I said how good was I tonight sir you probably got him thrown out now you're going to have to run against somebody new I said I don't care I have to do what I have to do we have to do what we have to do and I look forward to the debate with her but what happened so with Afghanistan you know I do the weave you know what the weave is I'll talk about like nine different things and they all come back brilliantly together and it's like and friends of mine that are like English professors they say it's the most brilliant thing I've ever seen and but the fake news you know what they say he rambled that's not rambling when you have what you do is you get off a subject to mention another little tidbit then you get back onto the subject and you go through this and you do it for two hours and you don't even mispronounce one word and they say he had 100,000 people you know New Jersey we had 107,000 people they never like to report it so I say it but in Wildwood New Jersey they announced 107,000 people and then they say well look at this I mean if you gave me a big arena I would have we would have said 45,000 people or something but it is rather brilliant but they say yes you rambled but in Afghanistan so what happens is you take the wonderful families and they come in and we're in Washington they said would it be possible sir would it be at all possible for you to to come because we're celebrating our child's life the child was buried because of Joe Biden and comrade Harris would it be at all possible sir for you to be there and I said it's going to be real tough I was really like far away and sometimes it's tough but I said you know what we have to do it and I got my team and I said let's go we're going to Arlington Cemetery okay I said we're going to Arlington cuz again I got to know these people because honestly they would send me death certificates of their child they said sir would you sign it please sign it we refuse to accept his name on this death certificate they said he killed our child and honestly the incompetence killed their their children the incompetence gross and by the way they lost almost 500 people that day including the other side they left Americans behind they're still there nobody knows even what happened to them think of this they left $85 billion worth of brand new military equipment that I bought because I rebuilt the entire military $85 billion worth of equipment behind they left everything and they moved the military first instead of last you say you stupid people people you take the military out last for 18 months and a lot of you know this for 18 months not one American after I spoke to Abdul the leader of the Taliban not one person was shot we didn't lose one person for 18 months in fact Joe Biden got up on television one day and he said for 18 months not one person was shot during the Trump Administration then the people started screaming at him you stupid don't say that you know you are so stupid they tell him but I appreciate it that he said that but it's true for 18 months nobody was lost and nobody would have been lost and we would have and we were getting out I had it down to 5,000 people but we were going to keep bam which is the big Airbase one of the biggest in the world had the biggest runways most powerful runways 8 foot deep you could land anything on those runways not because of Afghanistan we're keeping bam for for a different reason 1 hour away from where China makes its nuclear weapons right so I got a call from the people sir we're going to be going to Arlington to honor our children who were killed and they are devastated the people I had them over at uh Bedminster and they didn't think I'd see them and they said do you think we'll see him and they said well we don't know he'll try and make it I ended up spending 4 hours late at night listening to music with all of the relatives of the people that were killed so needlessly killed and I got to know them I got to know them and we were looking at the sky beautiful place we're looking at the sky and we're listening to Elvis and we're listening to Elton John we're listening to everybody and I said look your son is looking down at you and it was the whole thing was beautiful and you get to know them I spent they they didn't think I'd see that but at most I would spend 15 minutes and I ended up spending many hours so I got to know him so they called up and they said you think you could be there sir I said I'll try if I can and we really had to turn things around anyway I got there and we had a ceremony we had the changing of the G know we had a beautiful ceremony and then they said sir could you come to the graves could you come to the graves after the ceremony they said could you come to the graves would that be possible I said I will but I get like this big Stadium something was waiting I said but I'm going to because those people are the love of Our Lives they are the love of our lives right and in all fairness I can say this the the mother's father's sisters the brother but the various people that we're talking about depending on who it is but the various people uh they say it to me I'll say it to you I mean I don't think they can ever be the same I said is it better now CU it's three years is it better no it's not better you know they have an expression Time Heals all wounds but I said is that expression true no sir it's maybe it's worse now sir it's it's devastating these people are just so devastated so anyway we're there and they set a prayer different Graves one here one there then they said to me mean I'm not surprised I never even thought about it sir would it be possible for you to have a picture with us on the by the tombstone of my son you know the beautiful white tombstones marble beautiful beautiful things and carved engraved with the names on them I said absolutely I wasn't doing it for I don't need publicity I get a lot of publicity I get I would like to get a lot less publicity I would pay to get I'm the only guy I would hire a public relations agent to get less publicity most higher to get publicity so I was taking pictures at the grave one with the sister and then the mother and then the father come in and then another group at a different grave and and it was so beautiful and we left and everything was nice and then later on that day I heard that we were using the graves of those soldiers for public relations purposes you know you know and that was all put out by the White House Joe Biden killed those young people because he was incompetent and then they tell me that I use their graves for public relations services and I didn't and I'll tell you what it was a disgrace and she was involved remember she said she was the last person in the room right when they made the decision and uh pulling out was okay but not pulling out like a bunch of incompetent fools and that's what they did we had them in such a great position but when I took those pictures it was so beautiful they were cry everybody was crying they were talking about three years ago because of a grossly incompetent group of generals and we have great generals don't forget we defeated Isis entirely with great generals real generals not these television morons that you see all the time but when I saw that I said I think I have to talk about it now my people said don't do it sir don't do it but if I don't tell you the story you're going to read it was front page of the Washington Post which has lost approximately 57% of their readers over the last three years it was a story in the New York Times which is losing reader after reader I'm happy about that I have to be happy because they truly are the enemy of the people they are the enemy of the people they tell false stor stories about me that's all they do is they write false stories they're incapable I could do the greatest thing I got to tell you I ran for office and they were covering it viciously but it was front page every day every day and then I won I beat everybody and I had a story on page 17 so I won David and my story was on page 17 but I was always at page one when I made a little speech or something it's uh that's why they call it the fake news media it's desperately trying to hide kamala's failures and extremism from the public they don't want the people to know how unfit she is to serve she's unfit to serve she everything she touches she ruins uh just to finish this I love those people I'm so happy they took pictures of me and them and the tombstone and their lovely son or daughter there was a daughter to and an incredible daughter frankly I've almost gotten to know them even though I never met them but I know everything about them the mother would walk up and say sir may I tell you about my boy you know he was a football player and he could throw the ball so far he played quarterback sir and one day and I realiz I said she's telling me a story and crying about her son who's now in a grave because of Biden and Camala and I listened to that whole story how the ball was caught how the ball was thrown how the team did the season the team had and I let her talk and then these people accused me of doing this for public relations reasons and and the fact that we even the fact that we even got there the fact that we even got there so I just wanted and they were so good they said how dare they do that we asked him they did ask me and you know they actually came to my defense it's nice CU sometimes that doesn't happen too but they really did they said we asked him to be here and we want him to be there always and I just think that's great and we love you all thank you but I I wrote for this particular group you know because this is you know she's anti fraki she's anti everything this Pennsylvania and I said do me a favor make a little uh reel of uh Camala Cala Harris has no right being here she got no votes she ran she was one of 22 people that ran she was the first one to quit she never made it to Iowa in the primary the first state she was nasty to Biden she called him a racist and everything else you know she probably call me a racist on in a week from now week and a half I look forward to that debate very [Applause] much but she called him a racist remember the school bus all she can do she can memorize a little bit not a lot but she memorized a little story about a girl taking a bus and she used it on Biden and so when Biden picked her I was shocked because nobody treated him so badly as her but let's take a look at uh the real Camala Harris yeah I am radical you need to get radical about what we are doing and take it seriously as president of the United States I am prepared to get rid of the filibuster to pass a green new there's no question I'm in favor of banning fra we have to have a buyback program and I support a mandatory buyback program I believe it will totally eliminate private insurance let's eliminate all of that but would you support changing the dietary guidelines you know the food Pam people to reduce red meat specifically yes I would raise your hand if govern if your government plan would provide coverage for undocumented immigrants where do you stand on defund the police this whole movement is about rightly saying we need to take a look at these budgets Harris asserted that Isis Pro perceived as the modernday Klux Clan are you aware that there's a perception are you aware that there's a percep ice in the same category as the KKK is that what you're asking me I see no I'm not I see none and yeah I am radical we need to get radical about what we are [Applause] doing but that's her and now she's changed everything in fact I think she is going to soon apply for give me an application for joining Mega she's going she's going to be wearing a magot cap now that's her and she can't do anything about it because that's where she is or with a politician when they come out with something that's where they end up and she will destroy the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania just remember that and we should win a blowout we should blow them out you know we win the state we win the whole thing and we won it in 2016 and we did much better in 2020 you know that much better with the whole election actually with in 2016 we did great but 2020 we did much better generally since Cala and the media don't want to talk about her radical record we will [Applause] beautiful that's beautiful that's all right that's okay no he's on our side we get a little uh itchy David don't we h no no he's on our side you know what he's showing at Butler an amazing thing happened you had two American flags very far apart held up I think by different cranes there were very big flags beautiful flags and they were waving and as that horrible event was taking place the wind blew the flags together and they formed a perfect angel I don't know if we have it but it was a perfect angel was formed I'll tell you a lot of lot of things happened if we have it put it up if we don't have it that's all right that's it that's it that's it he had the angel he held up the angel and our people went after him no no he's on our side he's on our side thank you very much it's very nice I've never seen banners so beautiful right now he's on our side I mean the problem is if he was on our side you know we can have 35 40,000 people trying to get in and if one person stands up says I don't like you trump it becomes a headline major problems right no but he is on our side thank you very much that's nice for nearly four years comrade Camala Harris has overseen a nation wrecking border division flooding our communities with 20 or 21 million and it could be much more than that and don't listen to 15 and 16 you're Way Gone those days are gone 20 million illegal aliens from 158 different countries as of now [Applause] [Applause] USA us us us is there anywhere that's more fun to be than a trump rally right there's nowhere there's no it's nice Friday you know what and we have plenty of time Friday afternoon Steve is here David's here all my friends are here we have the best son in the world here but all my friends are here and uh let's just take our time and have a good time right or should I hurry it up should we give you the short version or the long [Applause] version Harris lost listen to these numbers though seriously let's just If This Were a republican that'd be stringing them up now listen to this number because you have to understand what it means 325,000 children have been lost they've been allowed to be trafficked all across our borders she flew in illegal aliens by the hundreds of thousands and many of these were young children but we have no idea where three think of the number 325,000 children are missing many are dead many are involved in sex operations many are working as slaves in different parts of probably this country and probably many others but she was the bordar now she says I wasn't the bordar but she was it was headlines bordar bordar but now she doesn't want that term but what she whether she was a bordar she was in charge of the Border 325,000 children are missing she created a fast pass entry program to speed the admission of illegals into all of our ports of entry and remember when they said no no we're you know we're going to oh now they have a new line we created a strong border no no they keep saying it over and over the worst Border in history but they think if they keep saying it over and over you know most people aren't like us they're not that you know they drive a cab they're Carpenters they're electricians they're accountants they lawy that they're not like into it other than they like Trump they like meaning they like our policies because it's not about me this is not about me I had a nice life you can ask my friend I had the greatest life I could go to the most beautiful places look at the most beautiful oceans in the world instead here we are and I'm happy as hell to be with you because I like it much better I like this much better I like it much better you know why because we're doing something we're saving our country I wouldn't do it just cuz I like it we're saving our country our country needs saving we're a failing nation in case you have any question we're sadly failing nation and we're going to make America great again it's very simple so we're a failing Nation we're going to make America great and I think we have a chance to make America greater than ever before and remember this if we don't do it this time you never going to have another crack at it November 5th is the single most important day in the history of our country I believe that with all my heart cuz our country is going bad and Camala vowed to Grant remember Mass amnesty and citizenship to all of the millions of illegals that she led in which will obliterate Medicare and obliterate your social security for seniors you will not have any Social Security and you're not going to have Medicare the whole country is going bad and no country no matter who it was no matter which country it was no country could withstand this Onslaught no country could withstand this and a lot of these people remember these are rough people the only thing good about it is they make our gangs and they make our bad ones look like nice people by comparison we have bad ones tooo but compared to the people that are coming into our country our criminals are very very nice these are really tough ones they come from prisons remember that many of them come from prisons and they let them out of the prisons why should they keep them when the stupid United States will take care of their situation remember that and this is what you're voting on on by the way at the end of September but much before November 5th I always used the term November 5th but I'm talking about cuz today we vote two months early we vote after early nobody knows what the hell we're doing the elections are so screwed up we have to get back in and we have to change it all we want to go to paper ballots we want to go to same day voting we want to go to citizenship papers and we want to go to voter ID it's very simple we want to get rid of mailin voting mailin voting Jimmy Carter headed up a commission by the way the happiest man in the United States today is Jimmy Carter President Jimmy Carter uh my wife went to the funeral of Roslin beautiful funeral like eight months ago and I looked at Jimmy Jimmy's Old but he's happy you know why because his administration is considered brilliant compared to this Administration brilliant he's a happy man but Cala called for the abolishing of ice great Patriots tough as hell some of my friends are sitting right here there're some of the toughest human beings I've ever met they're not tough enough to be an ice they won't do it these guys they see a pack of MS13 thugs that love knives they love cutting people up better than guns because it's more painful they kill two young girls in Long Island not so long ago 16 years old they were walking to school they cuss they cut them up into pieces they cut them up into pieces they will go into a pack of MS13 Killers our ice guys and for two minutes you see nothing but fists and legs and fighting a lot of the people like these young ladies from North Carolina they're not into that I don't know I think they they don't want to hear about that they don't like to hear about people being cut up they don't like he about MS13 have you ever seen MS13 typically when you have Tic TCT toe boards on your forehead it's not a good thing right they would go into these places and they would start fighting and at the end of two three minutes it's over and they would stand up and they' take these thugs into Patty wagons and they'd bring them the hell out of our country and they'll get them out and the problem we had as you probably heard was that the countries wouldn't take them back Honduras all of these El Salvador Guatemala Mexico but they wouldn't take him back they wouldn't take him back at all and when I came into office I said we got to get these MS13 killers and we had thousands of them in our country they were set out by the countries where they came from Mostly those countries I just named and a general told me sir we can't do that they won't take him back they said why because Obama tried very hard to take him back Barack Hussein Obama has anybody ever heard of Barack Hussein Obama remember Rush lmar Barack Hussein Obama Rush the great Rush lmar right we miss rush we miss we miss him but they wouldn't take him back and the general said sir they won't take him back they put planes on the runway when we're about to fly in they'll take their commercial Jets put them on the runway so he couldn't land they stop up all the buses so they'd bring them there and they'd have to turn around couldn't get them in this for years I saiden how much money do we pay them in Aid every year sir I'll find out so it comes in the find so we give them $750 million a year by the way sounds like a lot that's penis compared to what we give some but it's still a lot of money sir we give them $750 million okay you let them know that effective immed immediately they're no longer getting any foreign aid they're no longer getting no help no more help so the time went by and I came into the office the following morning nice and early which I do and what happened was very amazing all three countries these three countries called me the heads of the countries sure there seems to be a problem what is there anything I can help you with I heard you're very disturbed about us yeah you're sending over in the Caravans your thugs your killers and your MS13 gang members and you're not letting them come back into your country and we're bringing them back if we have to do I don't give a crap what we have to do we're bringing them back sure please sir we would be delighted to take MS13 back they wonderful individuals I said does that mean you're taking a back well sir I understand you're no longer making payment to us I said that's right and you'll never see that money again you better open up sir we would be delighted to take them back all you had to do is ask 10 minutes later I get a call from another the exact same conversation could have put it on tape it would have been identical sir is there a problem yeah you're not taking your criminals back that you sent into our country we would be delighted to do so and we took out MS 13 by the thousands and thousands and thousands and now they're probably all coming back through this weak and pathetic Administration that we have Camala has provided deportation immunity to the vast majority of criminal aliens immunity meaning you can't get them out living inside the United States she's importing ms3 gang members back into our country nothing's going to happen good with MS 13 gang members and they're going into our high schools and they're going to class in the high schools and they're accosting our kids they're rough kids these are rough ones we are being conquered in a certain way from within if you think about it like in Colorado today Aurora they're they're taking over the city they're taking over they're going in with these massive guns AK-47s and others AR 15s have you ever heard of that one but they're going in and they're taking over our cities you watch what's going to happen we have hundreds of thousands of these people in certain of our cities and if you think they're going to behave they're not going to behave these are rough people these people came from rough places and they're just sort of getting acclimated now right they're getting acclimated and now they're finding out gee we're not allowed to you know the police aren't allowed to talk rough to you or the police gets arrested I mean if the police does if the police people do their job they end up losing their pension they end up losing their families they end up losing their house their car and they're learning this these guys and wait till you see what's going to happen but it's already been happening they've killed many many people in our country I was at the border last week and I was with the parents and other family members of some of the young kids that got killed viciously violently killed by illegal immigrants coming into our country we can't have this it's just our country it's not sustainable our country is going to fail these people are stupid people that are running our country they don't have any common sense they believe in an ideology and if you look at Cala and you look at what she's done to every place she's touched has turned to every single place she's touched every place she's touched you know I you might have heard this Franklin Graham is wonderful and he wrote me a letter and he said sir I love your stories and I love listening to your rallies but could you please don't use foul language your speeches would be even better if you didn't use foul language but there's an example it's not really that bad word but how can you top that word for what I'm talking about right what word every place she touches wouldn't be nice people would that would be a thud it would land with a thud no and Franklin's probably right I'm not sure I agree with him but but is a great guy actually but he he did say that to me he said please don't and so I try and avoid it my wife also she says please don't use foul language but it's hard you know there's some words that that can't be duplicated they can't I try but I it can't be duplicated comrade Camala launched a radical left war on Pennsylvania energy that will destroy the economy of your state on kamala's first day at office she shut down the Keystone Pipeline which I approved she shut down drilling an all federal land she reentered the disastrous Paris climate Accord do you know what that was that was the worst deal other than it sounds so nice the Paris climate it basically said that this country is screwed it said this country is going to pay billions and billions of dollars other countries are going to pay nothing China as an example pays nothing because they consider it a developing Nation we're not we better start developing faster we're not going to have a country left so I terminated it I terminated it we pay billions of dollars Russia pays nothing China pays nothing India pays nothing and they won't pay for years but we pay because we're a bunch of suckers and I terminated it and one of the early things that Harris did cuz she's the one that pushed it is they renewed it for even more money than they were paying before it's the craziest thing I've ever seen you you'd almost you'd almost think they hate our country Camala Harris surrendered our energy Independence spent hundreds of billions of dollars on the green news scam she's trying to take away gas stoves and heaters she's vowed repeatedly that we will ban fracking we will always ban fracking she just said it today I saw it they have a clip from like two years ago she said no no I'm in favor of fracking like last week oh no no I'm Afra then they start playing Clips we will always been fracking they will never be fracking the people of Pennsylvania are smart they're not going to fall for it she will destroy if you don't have fra in you don't have a you don't have a commonwealth she also imposed a crippling natural gas export ban on Pennsylvania Oil and Gas another catastrophe for your state and this is all stuff that she's done and I want to call up I'm flying in with some friends on a very nice plane it has a very nice television and I'm watching rsbn and I'm watching Fox and I'm watching a lot of them rsbn by the way how good is rsbn they do a good job so beautiful it's like it's the Super Bowl every time we do a rally right they do a great job thank you rsbn where are you back there rsbn thank you wow what a job what a job you do but we were watching actually rsbn and there was a man there named Mark casy the founder of Steel nation and he made the greatest speech and it didn't wasn't necessarily A Winston Churchill type Speech cuz Winston didn't wear a pith helmet and Winston's hair was wasn't quite as long as Mark's hair and Winston was brought up in the Oxford tradition but it was actually just as good he actually gave me ideas I thought I was the one that was exposing how bad it's going to be in Pennsylvania and our country if we St stopped doing the fossil fuel thing because you know in Germany they stopped and the country was ready to go down the tubes now they're building a coal plant a week a coal plant a week and Angela is no longer with us she's no longer with us but where is maras is he still around oh look at him right here oh he's probably shocked I don't know who the hell he is but you gave the greatest speech would you come up can I shake your hand man you are something [Applause] Mark hey Mark come on say something come here he can say a little bit more right uh Winston Churchill I'm not I was born and raised in Carolina and Pittsburgh as an adult and I've been a yinzer for a long time president you know the war the war on energy in in in by the by the left is and it's not just here it's it's worldwide what's happening in Europe right now is a shame to to to even think about EVS here in America when the technolog is not there we would have to cover 2/3 of America with solar panels to create to EMP power this great country of ours we have the Marcela shell right below our feets in West Virginia Ohio Pennsylvania and New York but New York's not bright enough to take advantage of it those qu that Cuomo family kind of shut that down a while ago President we have a we were on stage with President Trump at 2019 in the at the convention center in Pittsburgh we're going to have better results this year but the G the people behind me let's stick together all the own gas and and coal workers nuclear workers power plant workers let's put Mr Trump president Trump Over The Line [Applause] now I I'm watching Mark and you know he's uh talking about all the things that happened when they they shut down everything they then closed up Keystone excels people forget I had it approved I approved it it wasn't going to happen billions of dollars had been spent I approved it they came in they shut it down the only one they didn't shut down was the uh Russian Pipeline going through Europe right nordstream 2 nobody ever heard of nordstream 2 Mark until I came along right Russia was building the biggest pipeline in the world going to Germany and various other countries in Europe countries that we defend against Russia think of this so we defend them against Russia with NATO we pay billions and billions far more than we're supposed to be paying because they had a lot of people that would delinquent but after I got finished they all they paid you know they all paid they said would you defend us if we don't pay I said no they all paid took about Obama used to come in make a speech and leave Bush came in made a speech and leave and you know remember this under Bush Putin took a lot of land under Obama Putin took a lot of land under Biden he's trying to take all of the land all of the land under Trump he took nothing nothing [Music] right Mark you took nothing but Mark said and I said write this down Mark do you have a copy of that speech please it's much easier just give me a copy but no he named like six things that happened immediately but one of them was so big because the Keystone XL pipeline was a big deal and that was like going to bring a lot of a lot of oil in and was going to go and you know his pipeline's underground it's safer than trucks I guess right and uh lot more efficient it was a big deal and I approved it and this guy came in and he immediately dropped it but you know what he did approve nordstream now I shut down northstream Russia was upset with me Putin said you know if you're supposed to be my friend that hate like hell to see is my enemy I closed the biggest deal they've ever done it was shut and then this guy came in who's got a low IQ very very low now he's got maybe no IQ you have to check it out and he immediately the first thing he did was approved the nordstream pipeline and then they'd say Mr Congress oh look who we have Byron said up please Superstar of the future he's already a superstar but he's a superstar of the future Byron Donalds Florida wow that's nice to have you here that's good he's great he's great he knows exactly what I'm talking about that one is smart you have Smart Ones and you have some that aren't quite so good but we have a group of people that are really great but so I stopped northstream 2 stopped at Cold wasn't going to happen this guy comes in he approves it then they say oh Trump was nice to Russia I wasn't nice to Russia but you know what getting along with Russia is a good thing not a bad thing remember that getting along with these people is a good thing not a bad thing it's a smart thing to do I got along with Kim Jong-un of North Korea remember I walked over the first person to ever walk over from this country and I we also looked at his nuclear capability it's very substantial no getting along is a good thing it's not a bad thing the fake news would say he likes Putin or Putin likes him let me tell you they said president she likes Trump that's a good thing not a bad thing but we were tough with China too we took in hundreds of billions of dollars worth of taxes and tariffs no other president took in 10 cents when we win on day one I will tell Pennsylvania to drill baby drill we're going to drill Baby J and you know a man named Mark Levin does anybody know Mark Levin he's great but he said something to me he said you know he loves this country so much his show is fantastic and I do an interview with him this weekend so I hope you're going to watch but he's very smart very tough but he really loves the country and he hates what he sees is happening but he sent me something he said if you'd like you can read this at your rally today and if you like it you can use it anytime you want and I think I'm going to do it because it's not very long and we have plenty of time and it's only about 100 degrees in here it's actually not that bad but Mark is a great man and he's a great Patriot and he writes here's what we know about comrade Kamala Harr she just doesn't care about the American people especially hardworking middle class Americans she just doesn't give a damn about you she does not care about the deaths sex slavery drugs criminals coming across our border she has been vice president for nearly four years and she did nothing to stop it all she does is complain she says it's not her job but it is her job she does not care about the middle class struggling over inflation the cost of gasoline electricity or the cost of food she does not care if you lose your job or cannot find a job she does not care if you have to run up your credit card she does not care if your family are struggling and she did absolutely nothing to fix it she's the vice president but she just does not care she does not care about women's rights because she supported destroying women's sports and athletic scholarships she wants men to play in women's sports she does not care about protecting little children from sex change operations because she chose tampon Tim as a running mate who believes the state not mothers and fathers should have the final say on sex change operations for their children can you believe it can you believe it can you believe that Camala Harris wants to Outlaw your car and truck and force you to buy electric vehicles whether you like them or not whether you can afford it or not and they don't go far she does not care how it impacts you or your family Camala Harris does not care about senior citizens because she believes illegal aliens should receive Social Security and Medicare which she knows will bankrupt those Insurance programs making it impossible for you to receive your pension and health care which you paid for for your entire working life that's true she wants to destroy your private Health Care even if you like it even if your employer contributes to it and she wants Washington DC to make your medical decision she wants Washington to decide what procedures and medicines and care you should receive whether or not you like it is not important Camala Harris had nearly four years to show us who she is she is an uncaring politician with a radical ideology she is a Marxist despite her campaign of lies and flip-flops we know who Camala Harris is We Know by her actions and We Know by her inaction we know she does not care about working people about the middle class about any of our Great American citizens she does not respect you ask the families of the 13 service member Heroes who died during the surrender of Afghanistan if Camala Harris cares about our young people just ask them that question does she care about our military the answer is no ask the cops in the street trying to protect you for murderers rapists and thugs if Camala Harris cares about law-abiding citizens ask the families of women raped and murdered by illegal aliens and the teenagers cut to shreds by gangs from El Salvador and Venezuela if Camala Harris cares about you Harris has opposed school choice for poor inner city kids she's opposed police in schools to protect your children and she's defended stocking School Library shelves with filthy graphic books she refused to prosecute pedophiles who molested your children when she was Da and AG in California two places she absolutely destroyed does this sound like someone who cares about [Music] [Applause] children Camala Harris has failed you she has failed as vice president she has broken trust with you she has done nothing for the middle class Working Families she's done nothing even for hardworking people your eyes don't lie you see it we all see it she's sitting as the vice president of the United States and yet nobody knows who the hell she is she does not give a damn about you this is the real Camala Harris and now she wants a promotion well I'm here to give her a demotion not a promotion she can hide and she can lie all the way through and with her surrogates and the corrupt media but the truth is coming out right now it's already coming out much faster than I thought the American people are smart they will not be manip ulated by Hollywood the fake news media and all of the advertising and you deserve a president who respects you talks to you who levels with you and who always has your best interests at heart this November we are going to tell Harris that we've had enough that we can't take it anymore you've done a terrible job Camala you're fired get out get out us thank you very much we're pleased to be joined today by some Warriors we want Warriors that's what we need and their friends of mine and they fought by my side and we've done so many things right to try we all know what right to try is you're terminally ill and you weren't able to get our space age great uh medicines cures and we got the right to get it done they tried for 50 years to try and get it done they never got it done we got it done got it done with the help of these people and so many other things that we did rebuilding our military building the wall we built hundreds of miles of wall these people are great people and some of the best of them are representing the great Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Representatives Dan muser Dan thank you what a job he does handsome devil too he's a handsome devil thank you Dan guy rener ther guy rener what that's the toughest name in all of Show Business thank you guys that's great job Lloyd smucker boy thank you very much thank you very much thank you Lord John Joyce I saw him take the jacket off that was quite a scene huh that was quite a scene Byron Donalds from Florida who you met the winner and a [Applause] star and a man who right from the beginning was with me he a tough guy too he used to sit outside it was like 10° below zero and he wouldn't wear even an undershirt and and he's not that pretty to look at I'll be honest but he's a tough cookie and the people of the of the state of the Commonwealth they really they really love him he's a he's a fantastic American fights like hell for everything that's good Congressman Mike Kelly right how's that good job for you thanks Mike good job Mike today he's wearing a shirt I don't want to see him without a shirt Ambassador Carla Sans who did a fantastic job a little while ago and she was a great Ambassador thank you Carla beautiful job today the mayor of Slippery Rock John David Longo John thank you thank you John great job and the man who's going to defeat your terrible Senator Bob Casey Bob Casey by the way just say look I don't want to spend nobody knows who the hell he is his father was there a long time he's there a long time they're tough to beat you know when they I was telling that that they are tough to beat but this guy's a hero he's a star he was a brilliant student everything he ever did he went to Wall Street he became like one of the biggest people [Applause] and I know it's it's I just see it some of these guys they've been there for years and years and I'm not knocking them they're survivors what they are is survivors more than anything else but this guy is an outstanding person this guy is not a survivor he's somebody that can really turn the country around and somebody that we need and maybe I'd like to have him come up and say a few words Dave McCormack please come on up thank you sir thank you Mr President thank you Mr President we are so proud to have you in the Keystone State this is Ground Zero where you're going to go back to the White House based on what happens here in Pennsylvania right here Ground Zero and Mr President I'm so optimistic that you are going to win in Pennsylvania you're going to win the presidency for two reasons number one when when I'm uh going across our great Commonwealth the thing people say they want is common sense leadership the kind of Common Sense leadership you showed when you were president but the second thing the second thing they say they want and I tell them I say listen uh I was there with Mike Kelly and Dan Muer and Butler I saw you get shot I saw you come up and I saw strength when you said fight fight fight thank you Mr President we're glad to have you with us here [Music] [Applause] today oh that's he was there by the way he he had just left the stage actually that was good timing that was good timing just left the stage right I said say hello to Dave and then it began a horrible thing also with us are Bob and Cherry kka where's Bob I gotta see Bob where is he where the hell is Bob my golfing buddy Bob cap so he's the he's the son of two great golfers and they're both phenomenal people one is Brooks he's one of the best in he just won last week that is some oh look at him he's shooting me as I'm talking you you can't you can't do that you're supposed to be standing up listening to every word he's shooting it I can't believe okay so hey Brooks your father's doing a great job your family is the greatest but Brooks is one of the greatest players in the world he's got five Majors already as a Young Man five Majors that's Hall of Fame all the way right Steve and I'll tell you he gets it from somewhere he gets it from that guy cuz that guy can play we play each other but Trump can play too we play each other we have a good time right we have say hello to the family you two boys everybody okay thank you thank you both Sher thank you great guy great guy great family and two amazing Puerto Rican musical Legends they Legends Justin Kelis and onwell do you know who they are do you know who the hell they are come up here just fast fast fellas come on because I don't know if these people know who the hell you are but it's good for the Puerto Rican vote every Puerto Rican is going to vote for Trump right now we'll take hi fellas [Applause] thank you Mr President for having us here for me it's a real blessing to be here I'm from Puerto Rico we've we are yeah we a big part of United States we really depend on the United States since Trump hasn't been around Puerto Rico's yeah it's not a secret we've been going through a lot as a country and yeah Biden always promise promise a lot of politicians always promise through the years but all of us know the world knows everybody's experienced it the best president the world has seen this country has ever seen his name is President Trump thank you for having me here so all my Puerto Ricans let's stay United let's vote for Trump I personally spoke with him he wants to help Puerto Rico grow and succeed as a country so let's stand all tall and United and we all want to remember that he all he wants to keep helping Latinos in the US let's do things the right way and let's keep growing let's keep growing as a family and let's make America great again God bless you I'll also say a few words here Mr President I'm beyond honored being here with you today Mr President above all I like you cuz I always say is you're not a puppet I love that about you yeah I really do I back you cuz I feel you're the most honest President we ever had that's true saying things how they are not what you think people want to hear and that's very important a lot of Latinos we stand strong next to president Trump lot of Latinos we love you as well thank you for sharing what else back there that how important building back Puerto Rico is and not only building up Puerto Rico but let's make America great again let's [Applause] go wow that's great that's really nice great honor fellas very talented guys too uh just one final a friend of mine who's been a friend for a long time one of the most successful people in New York and Florida and all around wherever he goes he's successful he never fails he really does it he's very extraordinary Mr Steve witkoff he's right here Steve stand up thank you thank you Steve thank you got one of the great families too one of the great great family he's got a one of his boys is looking down right now very proud of Dad right looking down yeah Brothers he's looking down saying I'm so proud of my dad but Steve is just extraordinary so thank you Steve for being here appreciate it thank you from the moment we take back the White House from Camala and crooked Joe we're going to have four of the greatest years in the history of our country it's going to happen we're going to get it done fast starting on day one I will seal the border and stop the migrant Invasion into our country we will carry out the largest deportation operation in American history we have no choice we will hold The Invasion and Deport the illegals she will let in the next 15 million people and if they won in four years we will have had over a 100 million people from all over the world enter our country and many of them likewise will be from prisons mental institutions gang members criminals we're not going to do it she will destroy this country she's worse than Biden cuz Biden wasn't a real believer in the radical left she is that's all she knew that's what her father taught her a Marxist Professor that's what he taught her we will defeat inflation very quickly and we will make America affordable again people cannot afford to live here we will make America the dominant energy producer in the world by far I already brought it to number one we we're energy independent four years ago look what happened we're energy we're going to be energy dominant very soon we have more Liquid Gold under our feet than any other country in the world and we will use it to reduce taxes and energy costs for our people we will also start paying down debt very substantially in 12 months we will cut your energy bills in half we will cut them in half and that includes heating air conditioning electricity and gas geline I will turn the United States into a manufacturing superpower very quickly we're ready to do that we had the most successful country economically in the history of the world and we'll get it back very fast we will no longer allow foreign countries to take our jobs and steal our wealth in Mexico they're building massive automobile factories that the UAW head doesn't know the people know that's why the people are me within the UAW United Auto Workers but they're building massive plants they're owned by China they think they're going to make cars sell them into the United States no that not I will put a 200% tariff on every single car and no car will be coming to the United States we will make our own products and by far less from foreign countries that we are buying right now other countries that make us pay a tax to do business with them will be charged the same tax or tariff when they send their product into the United States it'll be called the Trump reciprocal trade act so if China or any other country charges us a 100% or 200% tariff or tax we will then charge them a 100 or 200% tariff or tax in return I will end the electric vehicle mandate I will cut every job killing regulation of the Harris Biden Administration I cut more regulations than any president in history by far and I gave you the largest tax cuts of any president in history by far and make our auto manufacturing business stronger than ever before we're going to bring in tremendous numbers of factories are going to all be brought in because it's going to be too expensive for people to make them out side they're going to all come back we're going to bring it back we've lost 72% of our automobile manufacturing business over the last 30 years it's going to come back when I'm back in the white house we will pass large tax cuts for workers and no tax on tips no tax on tips so if you're a restaurant worker a bartender Hospitality worker CAD a barber driver or anyone else who relies on tip income your tips will be yours you know they've given you inflation they've taken all your money away and you know she heard this in two three months later she said there will be no tax on tips how original that's why we we talk about the American dream she heard that the other day so she'll start talking soon about she's going to bring back the American she doesn't know what the American dream is I will fight for and protect your Social Security and Medicare with no Cuts whatsoever and we will have no tax on Social Security benefits for our seniors no more tax yesterday I made a major new announcement of I'm elected this November for the first time ever your government will pay for or require insurance companies to pay for all costs associated with IVF fertility treatment we want more babies to be born in America we want more babies we need them we need them we will cut wasteful and unnecessary spending and we will terminate the green New Deal and spend that money on roads Bridges real infrastructure and paying down debt not fake infrastructure that is caused massive inflation with no benefit whatsoever to our country I will settle the war in Ukraine and I will end the chaos in the Middle East and I will restore peace through strength very [Music] quickly we will end the weaponization of government against the American people we will protect religious liberty and we will end the war on Christmas is back remember eight years ago I said there's a war on Christmas they were afraid to say Merry Christmas and we had it one but now with how much can it take but we will stop that very quickly just don't buy anybody doesn't say Merry Christmas you don't buy and that'll be back very very quickly when I return to the White House I will also stop the indoctrination of your children and protect your parents rights we're going to protect parents' rights we will rebuild our cities including Washington DC making them safe clean and beautiful again in Washington DC you leave the Commonwealth you want to go see the Washington Monument and you end up getting stabbed you look at dirty roads with bad barricades with graffiti all over the marble it's going to be cleaned up real fast we're going to take it over we're going to run it properly and we're going to have tough law enforcement people aren't going to be shot in Washington DC anymore and we will keep the US dollar as the world's Reserve currency it's fading we're not going to let that that would be like losing a World War you can't let that happen then we would be a third world nation this is how we will end the era of inflation Mayhem and misery under Camala and crooked Joe we will unleash safety prosperity and peace for Americans of every race religion color and Creed together we will deliver low taxes low regulations low energy costs low interest rates low inflation so that everyone can afford groceries a car and a home we will stop The Invasion end migrant crime support our police strengthen our military build a missile defense Shield all around our country other countries have it why shouldn't we we're going to all make it right here in Pennsylvania and other places going to make a lot of it right here in Pennsylvania from what right here but Israel has it it worked 300 rocket shot 299 got shot down one got pretty seriously hit but if you think about it it's amazing technology you know Ronald Reagan wanted it many years ago but the technology wasn't there but now the technolog is there we're going to have it built we're going to have that Dome built right over us we're going to have a beautiful safe country one way or the other we're going to keep it safe we're going to keep critical race Theory and transgender Insanity the hell out of our schools and we're going to keep men out of women's sports we will defend the Second Amendment restore free speech and we will secure our elections everyone will prosper every family will Thrive and every day will be filled with joy and opportunity and hope but for that to happen we must defeat Camala Harris a Marxist and we must stop her country destroying liberal agenda once and for all we have to stop it and I think a lot of things are happening look people are seeing who she is all you got to do is watch yesterday give me a break that's not a president that's not a president that's not a president and we can't let that person destroy our country so get your friends get your family register volunteer and get the hell out to vote okay Front Row Joe right because we want a landslide that is too big to rig too big to rig too big to rig and go to swamp theot swamp theot on November 5th we will save our economy we will rescue our middle class we will reclaim our sovereignty and restore our borders we will put America First and we will take back our country together we will make America powerful again we will make America wealthy again we will make America strong again we will make America proud out again we will make America safe again we will make America free again and we will make America great again thank you very much Pennsylvania God bless you God bless you thank you thank you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in there no to be un there's a place [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] I they everything for toj [Music] [Music] do you to can dreams but you got to know this one thing no man does it all [Applause] byc y m it's stay y MC [Music] [Music] everything I was in your I said I was down out with the Blu i i al I [Music] World Street YMCA e e e e

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