I know why Prince Harry is a big-time loser in America – and the only way he can turn it around

Published: Sep 05, 2024 Duration: 00:51:34 Category: News & Politics

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I said he was pathetic and quite frankly I was disgusted by the fact he didn't come back for Prince Phillip's memorial service here he was somebody and uh there is just another celebrity in my view he's the loser she just had a wonderful wonderful sense of humor when she smiled the room lit up you know it was just seemed everything was right in the world thank you ma'am for so many wonderful wonderful memories I miss you a lot [Music] hello I'm Matt Wilkinson and Welcome to our show Royal exclusive with me today is the lake Queen's former police officer dick Griffin and legendary raw photographer Arthur Edwards thank you both for coming on pleasure pleasure now we're we're holding the show this week because it's 2 years uh incredibly since the since we were mourning the death of Queen Elizabeth II it was September the 8th 20202 and I want to go through some memories of the day but also you know your many many years of of working with the late Queen and hopefully some happier stories um maybe some you of positive times when when the queen was still alive the queen queen fac Queen and now the King has faced many challenges you know through throughout their reign um one of them is obviously you know the situation with Prince Harry and the Duchess of Sussex last week I'm sure you saw front page of the sun Harry came back for this funeral for his uncle Lord fellows he also stayed with El Spencer at or Thorp and he didn't speak to William and um did didn't go to see his father there's reports coming out whether we believe them or not about Harry wanting to come back and do a little bit more work or to rehabilitate himself or reaching out for friends to to come back and you know come back and have a little bit of his old life how do we read that I mean do you think you could see Harry coming back to work do you think he'd be welcomed by the rest of the family well I think the first thing he's got to sort out is no Ravi um the RO in VIP executive committee have decided um he's not going to get protection in this country and of course that's an ongoing saga he's still arguing about whether he should get it or not I mean I'm not quite sure why he thinks he should get it because well I was going to ask you dick I mean as as a former you know police officer for the queen you know is is he right to be pursuing this no he's not because um if he was coming back to take over a full roal family life he would automatically get it anyway and the government are not silly if if they they they review every visit to this country on what the they know all the threat assessments and if they think whoever it is it does could be you or Harry um if he needs protection he'll be get given protection and I I I got really annoyed because he never came back for Prince Phillip's memorial service and I was quoted on the press and and I still maintain it when I was interviewed by Sky I said he was pathetic and quite frankly I was disgusted by the fact he didn't come back after all he'd done for it and as excuse of security just didn't wash because if he's not worried about security he could have stuck as it happened with his father Prince Charles who's got the best security in the land and I think it was just an excuse I agree with you dick he's got to start sort of seeing things as they really are and he's no longer welcome here it just seems and and he's going to have to make a big big big Act of Contrition in my view to the king before he gets back because quite honestly they're frightened to have him with them in things because any conversation they may have could be in the next and and they're not they're not prepared to do that anymore and and I think he obviously I always believe in the in in the parable of the prodal son I think everything's possible but at the moment it doesn't look likely I often think with the you mentioned about security um it's kind of insulting to the police officers to the rawal household to the home office to say that I don't feel safe in the UK of course he'll be safe Harry would be safe when you come here you know that there are situations in POS um regulations and and organizations in place that would actually keep him safe I mean do do you think it's an insult to to to people in the UK you know one of his ex protection officers um has gone with him to the states and and in fact did go with him to the court cases I didn't see him in the background um and he would be banging heads together if if he thought the threat was there well if he thought the threat was there he shouldn't allow him to come to Country in the first place but um the princess R's children don't get protection and look at their life you know Peter and Zara live perfectly wonderful lives um they're in the public eye but there's no perceived threat to them and they don't princess an does ask for them to get and usually they don't get police protection no I I I think he's um he thinks he's bigger than he actually is and I also feel that uh Megan is becoming um I don't think almost she can doesn't want to come here anymore he comes back and but she never comes with him and what really upsets the king is the fact he's never going to see his grandchildren uh these two these two this little boy and this little girl should be playing with their cousins at Bal moral now they should be here en enjoying the the life of the royal family instead of that they're they're stuck in this house on where was it in monito and uh and and it and it and they're just celebrities in another town full of celebrities here he was somebody and uh there is just another celebrity and my view he's the loser big time well I read in the paper this morning you know before he went he was most popular member of the royal family and now he's right down almost at the bottom of the list um yeah slightly above Megan okay and slightly above Andrew as well we'll to Andrew after um can I take you back to September the 8th yeah um there was a slow drip feed of information throughout the day um we heard rumors swirling around we saw the members of the royal family uh heading up to Bal moral but dick if I if I start with you what you worked with the queen for three decades okay as her police officer um what were the emotions running through your head when you were actually finally given that news that statement I think it was 6:30 in the evening that that Queen Elizabeth II had passed I think I'd had a few hours because I was working for sky at the time and we're out we had the outside broadcast unit um outside the main gates of bucker Palace so during the afternoon we were getting drip fed all this information that things weren't great and I think we all put two and two together and made four and so when we got the official announcement at 6:30 it confirmed what most of us already thought but obviously it was devastating news I mean uh I'd work with her for 14 and a half years and Prince Philip for 14 years before that and you know we was so close to her and it was just devastating news yeah it was I mean the I'll be interested to find out later as we talk about what the kind of atmosphere was like where outside buck and Palace and the next couple of days but after we spoke on the day uh earlier in the day when when when the queen when the queen died because you were in Scotland just a cou house yeah I was at dy's house which is a this a stately home that that then Prince of Wales had converted into this amazing Park and uh and I was there covering an engagement one for our health Awards and um I stayed overnight and the following morning I was checking out the hotel and uh suddenly all the staff coming around all the policemen come running in grabbing their bags and then the then the his his personal staff is valet and uh they all r rushed in and and and I and then the cab driver turned up for me he said I'm sorry I'm late he said because I just saw the prince of well was getting in a helicopter well he had no engagements that day so I figured that they all gone back to B Morrow and then I rang the editor and said I think this is off and I think the Queen's in a bad way I think the king's left here now and um and and rang everybody rang you I just figured that it was near the end and and what uh convinced me of that was there was a picture taken where she met Liz truss a lovely picture by Jane Parow and the queen looks so very frail in that picture so very thin and I thought M you know she's really struggling here you know she she made this amazing smile and uh and when I heard the news and I came back to London and um and obviously we we'd done the orbituary for the paper we just prepared all that for the for the next day and uh it was just a very sad moment and you know I can only remember the queen all my life I remember when I was at school was I think it was 12 when the when the head teacher came in said oh the Kings died today and everybody carried on eating there din nobody seemed to care but for you know I've been working with her for for nearly 40 years and uh yeah I thought these great times and and that wonderful smile she had and and and no more I mean when cuz I was on an airplane so I was sent to Scotland cuz we you know spoke to Arthur in the morning and we we knew something was up so I got dispatched to to Scotland and I I actually managed to get the Wi-Fi this we had a nod that the statement would be coming and I managed to get the email out quickly send it to the office to you know I think it was 6:30 p.m. where were you when you were told the queen of uh I think I was um I think I just listened to the news I think gave it out I think that was when I heard so you're outside Buckingham Palace um what what was the atmosphere like in London there was obviously were the people around was the news filtering through to the members of the public what was happening people were obviously beginning to gather what was happening the crowds were beginning to um gather and when the announcement came at 6:30 what amazed to me and and I should have been prepared for it because I was involved with the Princess of Wales when she when she died was the crowds coming to the front to bucking a palace it was all sorts there were children there were teenagers there were old a pensioners there were vagrants all sorts of people from all um positions in life were coming to lay flowers and we finally finished work probably about 11:30 that night and I was on the way to Victoria Station and they were still piling up in in front of the palace and that I I should have realized anyway but that made me realize you know the affection that people had in this country for Majesty the queen and and we saw with the cu's um to people pay their L respects when she was lying in state oh yeah the que of course the people you know people like David Beckham queued for some that eight nine hours I mean all night my daughter went was sat all night long going before she got to the see the queen yeah see the the cofin line there yeah it was it was amazing um same with Diana I mean people thousands of people were just laying flowers at kenland Palace then I remember them days I mean it's just yeah but the queen was I mean went on for for days that that people marching past every night every day and the people that JB the queue the people that got a terrible yeah terrible time for well people should have known better they should have done yeah you're going to pay your respect you queue up do it properly you don't jump the que can we talk about some happier times as I say you know what a rain you know um 70 years on the throne I say as you pointed out 14 years with the Queen Another 14 or 15 years with as Prince philli so about 30 years you know close to the queen how do you remember her you know do you have you must have had some great personal moments and great times um that you can share with us maybe with the late Majesty I had some you know sad times when members of the family passed away but also so many um happy moments trying to avoid the Press sometimes give her a bit of privacy but no I was just involved in lots of funny funny stories I can give you few examples if if you want to and there of course there's the famous story of the the American Tourist we need to hear that one again that's um well the one at Bal moral normally on WE the queen would go to Bal moral which was definitely a favorite residence Late July and she stayed there until early October and police officers used to do two weeks there and two weeks back in London and normally on my two weeks every Thursday when there wasn't a shooting day the staff would make a little picnic I'd put in my backpack and the two of us will go walking up in the Highland sometimes for 2 three hours and it was the one day of the week you got a bit piece and quiet did have red boxes and private secretaries chasing it and we were walking along one SUNY August and there's a couple hikers walking towards us and her majesty would always stop and say hello and as it happened there was an American couple on a walking holiday and it was obvious from the moment we stopped that the American gentleman hadn't recognized the queen which is fair enough cuz she had a barber jacket on and a head scarf and he started telling the Majesty where they come from America where they're going to next and I could see it coming where do you live well she said I live in London but I've got a holiday home just the other side of the hills how how often did you come up here you heard this a million times before how often did you come up here well she said I'll be coming up your ever little girl it's over 80 years and you could see him thinking well if you been coming up for over 80 years you must have met the queen and as quick as a flash she says well I haven't but dick you meets her regularly he says wow you meet the queen what she like and I couldn't resist it cuz I knew she had a sense of humor well she's very contous at times and then she gave me this look and I said but she's got a one wonderful sense of humor anyway before I could stop him he comes across puts his arm around my shoulder gives his camera to the queen and asks her to take a picture of the two of us which she Julie does and then we swap places and I take a photograph of them with the queen and we wave goodbye and we never let on and I remember the queen saying to me I just hope when he gets back to America and he shows those photographs to his friends someone will tell him who I am I could never get bored of listening to that story I remember um up at sandam once when uh the queen we were there Prince Charles had a girlfriend up there and uh we were trying to get pictures of of of this and uh and the note came from all the editors whatever you do do not harass the queen so the queen turned up with her dogs and we all put our cameras down and she un did down back of the Range Rover all the dogs ped out and she looks around and she sees no one's taking pictures and she walks off with the dogs looking around was taking pictures and she said to the policeman and I won't say it was and he told me later she said what's all that about he said Well ma'am he said they've been told on no account must they Harish you she said I don't know what's worse she said being Harish or being ignored what was she um I mean you spent a lot of time obiously You' have been traveling in cars you'd have been traveling abroad you must have had lots of private moments with her which you can or cannot kind of talk about but what's the kind of what personality traits that that members of the public public or or people that have been supporting the royal family for many years that you would like to point out is there anything I think a lot of the things people probably wouldn't have picked up on is a Majesty's sense of humor she just had a wonderful wonderful sense of humor and she was always playing little silly jokes on me and I remember once taking her to visit the Queen Mother cuz Queen M has a residence called Burk Hall which is about 8 miles from Bal moral and when I first started working for Majesty we went down there one Sunday and she introduced me mommy she said um this is my new detective he's a Welshman they'd obviously work this out between them and the Queen mom said oh Welshman a can you say the name of that very very funny that very very long station in Wales and I said well not properly is something like landfair puin windr go go goth oh no you silly man I me Cardiff Central you know and we get in the car afterwards and the I can't believe you you you fell for that another occasion it's my my little granddaughter when she was 405 asked me to go to a school and give a talk which I did and then the made the biggest mistake I've ever made when you ask children don't ask them to ask you questions because I had questions like have I taken the queen to Pizza Hut um did I have to sleep in the Queen's bedroom um have I did I have to go to the Queen's bedroom and turn a bedside light off but a few weeks later it was Christmas and her majesty always used to host a Christmas lunch for a sta and I was asked to propose a toast and to say a few words and I said what you don't know M your majesty is when I gave that talk to isa's class some of the questions I was asked I was asked number one do we sleep together and number two when we go in public do we hold hands and the queen very quickly came back and said well I certainly hope not and one of the footmen said do which question said I'm not telling you that that's dick and I's little secret and my wife's still trying to work out which one is the truth that's a shame because on my list of questions I was going to ask you some of those about the pizza Hing the um I'm sure I read somewhere the other day something about the uh there was there was an incident about moral where we thought that the queen may have been she may be may have been shot was that was was that the incident well that's probably the one on the gross Mall um which I've read in in the latest book about the queen which is slightly exaggerated what was the real story the true story is we were out the gross Mall one day and the guns would all all be in their little holes waiting for the gross to come along and the Queen and I and the lady in waiting would normally walk about 200 yards further back and sit in the Heather and wait for the drive and she'd send her gun dogs out to collect the dead birds anyway on this particular day um it was just the two of us and it was awful weather really really foggy so we were stood up just watching watching the shoot and I remember telling this queen a story and I remember look back to to make sure everything was safe and I looked back and the queen had disappeared and I thought how does the queen disappear on a gross small and I quickly looked around and there she was lying at my feet and of course the worst thing for any Protection Officer is a member of the RO family to be taken ill especially 60 mi from abedine airport abedine Hospital anyway I quickly realized I bent down to look after it and I quickly realized what had happened one of the guns had shot a gross and it had come tumbling out of the air now you can imagine a chicken falling down from 200 ft and landing on top of you oh God and it landed on top of her and of course there she was blood and gore and feathers and and as it happened she subsequently found out um she'd broken a couple of ribs oh wow and I had to stand her up and I always remember very discreetly trying to brush her down to get all these feathers and fit some pieces off her and I remember saying to me for goodness sake just get on with it and clear me up so there I was with the ma I remember saying I really shouldn't been doing this your majesty your husband's over there with a double barrel shotgun but I read a story recently in one of the books alleging that that story happened and the policeman went down and gave her mouth to mouth and that's the closest she's ever been that's lot of nonsense that was you you you had a very lucky not not lucky but you know you've had an incredible career I've only been doing this job for about four years so there was there was a problem covid was involved so we didn't get to see much of the queen um and then she you know sadly passed two years ago I think there's only one real engagement where I saw her close up um she was at a an engagement in Scotland they didn't really make much coverage but it was like a um a company making satellite technology and I was just staggered every single person she went to she her eyes were bright she had incredible uh questions she kind of knew so much about this engagement and the company and I had to file afterwards on on the laptop uh in this office and the amount of people that she had spoken to that were walking around phoning their family phoning them I just met the Queen the queen asked me this the the the power and the the kind of impact that she had when she um met people on on on engagements was was was incredible wasn't it you have seen her so many times on engagement and for me obviously it was when she smiled because when she smiled the room lit up you know it was just seemed everything was right in the world and you'd wait and wait and wait for that smile and then suddenly she someone would say something to her and she and her face would burst into a smile and you just waited for that all the all the time and uh and over the years I mean I uh I got to know all these little things you know the way she would be always very shy she would always walk in and and I remember we went into we were in America I know if you were a dick when she went to the home of uh Alice Frasier a lady uh lived in one of the projects outside Washington and before before I was in the room I was the poor photographer and uh the Secret Service came in and said look on no account must you over you move when the queen comes in don't put your hand out unless the queen puts her hand out and whatever you do don't speak to the queen before she speaks to you so I'm standing there the queen walks in Alice Rush Alice big big black lady rushed across the room hugged the queen and I couldn't believe it and I just quickly took the picture and the queen smiling and uh never forgotten it and later obviously the uh the Secret Service had to apologize to you guys for letting you down but you know I mean it was this the biggest shock of my life I mean this woman just H the queen so you know there were moments when you you just had to be there and I remember talking to the Baltimore Sun that morning saying what are you expecting today so I'm expecting a great picture I never realized it was um a tremendous it published everywhere in the world it published all all Every newspaper in America the next day and every paper in Britain except the sun one of the one of the stories I love tell it's um one of the guys one of the new protection officers um I sent him up to but Queen was just going up to balmor just for a long weekend to State at Kwan and and I've said to the chap all all happened she'll probably go for a few walks with the dogs and you take it to church on Sunday so they came back and I was taking her on the Monday out to a private engagement so it gave me a chance to speak to her about the new Protection Officer and I said how did things go and she oh he's really really nice I like him um you'd be a good addition to the team but he's very very nervous you got again relax a bit and I said well man we're all terrified when we first talking working me you're the queen and I said why do you think he was that nervous and she well he he took me to church on Sunday and it's only about a miles drive and he opened the car door and so so I got in the back seat and as I got into the back seat he slammed the door on me before I was halfway in the car so it hit my shoulder and I sort of went back against the door and my big hat got stuck in the door as he shut it so she said rather than upset him because I knew he was rather uptight she said I went to church with my with my hat pinned pinned in the door and obviously said and I remember watching the news that night and seeing the queen going to church looking at a very funny angle waving to people and I knew at the time she had a bad back and and when I told the guy he said I wonder said I kept looking in them because we had a mirror that you could see back into people that sitting at the back of the car she I wonder why she was sitting in such a strange um angle but just shows what a lovely lady which was rather than upset the new Protection Officer she was happy to go along to church with her head pinned in the door talking about B marrow I remember once in in India press uh reception for the the queen and the Duke and and uh I said to why do you keep going to balore theologies every year she said why why why I said well you could go anywhere you're the queen she said yeah but I quite like it there anyway I put in my place obviously and uh I walked away and uh Lady Susan hussy came over and she said oh we're laughing over there she said why she said well what you don't realize she said when the queen drives through the gates of Belmore at the start of her holiday she kicks her shoes off with delight she's so happy to be there well she she was a country girl really wasn't she she loved the country Countryside she for three months of a year and she was able to be as this why I asked Susan this he said well no one bothers and none of the estate workers stop and stare at all the policemen are hitting boxes so you don't see them she just walks around with the dogs and she and for three months of the year she's just lives a a relaxed normal life and uh and that was explained to me in non circumstance wherever she went and I said well you're a queen you can go anywhere in the world man but I remember once when we went to Kentucky I if you were that she stayed with that family I mean the Press at the airports photographing of everything you know imagine she didn't want to put up with any of that but she was always interested in in your families as well I used I used to do a lot of marathon running and she was always interested how I got on and if I did the London Marathon I always had to ring her up or ring the page up and give her my time and she used to sponsor me as well if I was doing it for charity and when I did my H 100th full Marathon my running club black eth and Bramley harriers had laid on a little party for me and the president at the time wrote to the palace and asked if it was possible the queen could write a letter not expecting a reply back comes the letter with the usual platitude you'd expect but the line I like is aren't you lucky to have such a wonderful employer who lows you so much time off to take part in these events and when and when my first grandson was born she said to be the car should all you've spoken to about for the last nine months is how excited you were to be a grandfather and she said no I understand he's born and you haven't even bothered showing me a photograph so I said that's easy enough he was the photograph no no she that's not good enough said I want to meet him and I said well it's not that easy he said yes it is she said um I'm staying at a friend's house in Kent um one lady in my B used have a house down there next weekend and understand your daughter lives in Ashford so get her to bring the baby along so little Joshua had to get produced at six or seven weeks so the queen could have a cuddle with my grandson oh wow and I just shows you know she was always genuinely genuinely interest I in fness was Prince philli yeah I mean I photographed all my grandchildren with a picture of the queen giving her flowers up at wol wolfon you know that church and uh yeah I mean they've all gotten framed at home it's you know it's it's a big picture for them you it's a big moment for them when they met her you know so it was she was like that and when I and talk about sense of humor when I went up to get my Meadow at the palace I walked forward she said I can't believe I'm giving you this she printed the medal on me uh and then I said well and then she asked me how long I've been photographing her 25 years 27 years and she well let's have our photograph taken together you know so she sort of she just had that lovely way made you feel better at the end of it didn't you I heard a lovely story last night I was given up women's Institute talk and one of the guests um was the Widow of for Protection Officer and she was telling me the story that when Simon went to an investigator to get his MV Her Majesty presented it and said um how long did you work for my sister Princess Margaret and he said oh 12 years your majesty wow she said you deserve something more than a medal for looking after my sister for 12 years and those are just great stories aren't they she just always surprised me I know two weeks after I got my medal uh and uh I was at winds a Hall Show and she suddenly comes up to me says why are you not wearing your medal today and I thought I you know cuz when they do she stumbling for an answer I said well Well ma'am I didn't expect to be coming here today otherwise I would have done but obviously you know she just was laughing and of course all the staff were laughing you probably as well did you know the remark so no she had a great sense of humor but it was when she smiled it we just made the world light up I promise you it was just wonderful the best pictures I've got of the queen are when she's got that beaming smile when the Darby she used to love the Derby and she'd be up there and she'd be absolutely screaming the hores home you know it was just it was great moments I got great and done some great tours well I did the last tour of udick to to um to Australia you remember that the crowds in in in Brisbane 30 deep you remember people I've never seen anything like it the love for the queen was incredible it's absolutely incredible yeah I was going to ask you you touched on it there I was going to say what do you have a favorite photograph of of the my favorite photograph of the queen is at the Derby yeah where she's roaring with laughter like the lady Angela would have told her a joke and she's just roaring with laughter and the big test for me was of course the Darby is always on a Saturday was used to be on a Wednesday but it's now moved to a Saturday but I still went and I got this sequence of pictures of her laughing but because it was we had no paper on Sunday I didn't it get used but their pictures were so good they used them on the Monday and I've got a great show and i' and I've never stopped showing that picture to people you know is is an absolutely abely her absolutely completely relaxed probably she had the winner in the sweep and uh and she was just roaring with laughter and I can always remember her and the Queen Mother screaming as the horses were coming to the the final furong so you know it was uh those were the days when when Yeah you sort of took great pleasure in getting a picture or the Duke of Edinburgh he'd be quite interested he'd be sort of like this you know so it was um yeah I think when she was like off duty I show felt the queen sort of bit bit off duty for the for the races it was you got some great stuff yeah I I've got a photograph of Her Majesty we were helping the gross mall and it was a beautiful summer's day and she hadn't bothered taking any waterproofs and it's quite a walk up the hill and the weather changed very quickly which meant had to run down the hill to get her waterproofs so being a gentleman I took off my barber jacket and wrapped it around and gave him my scarf and gave him my gloves and as I walked off I took off my shooting hat and put it on top of her head scarf and said well your majesty you got the rest of my clothes you might might well have my hat as well fortunately she laughed so I go down the hill and get her waterproofs and bring her back and we swap clothes and I thought no more of it 3 weeks later she calls me into her office and he hands me an envelope and she says I want you to have that and opened it up and she' had a photograph taken of her dressed in all my clothes and she'd had it put in a beautiful silver frame and she said I want you to keep that as a souvenir of that very very funny afternoon we had in Scotland and this is the one photograph I've got a home that my wife will not let me take to any of my you're not taking that out the house cuz it's such a wonderful photograph you paint a picture of um of of a lot of fun you know of of of really happy times that you know the queen was very relaxed um with a great sense of humor but you you the pair of you traveled as you say you pointed out earlier went abroad you were both on engagements together what was like that like when she was working when she was it was there a difference did you have like a game face on was it was there a change when she knew that she was actually um you know doing something uh either a Foreign Tour or going to the state opening a parliament or something like that was she different when she was actually working she was she was obviously a little more serious I mean she was very well briefed by private secretaries on everything she knew that was going to happen but like Walker boats I mean she would always any the way to meet the queen on a walk about CU to her flowers she wouldn't she would not walk past a child if if kids had flowers there's a tip for anybody watching if you but the problem is Prince Philip would go one side of the road and the Majesty would go up the other and Prince Phillip would get his police officers to lift the kids on his side of the road over the barriers yeah he did to go across and present flowers to the queen and the police used to get really agitated about all these kids running across to the queen oh wow and they us say we're not worried about security but you guys walk down the street and we're left with 50 kids whose parents we can't find but we used to but we used to fill up car loads with flowers used to go to residential homes and hospices cuz NHS hospitals don't want obviously don't want flowers CU they can't cope with it and but she'd be incredibly well briefed and interested in people's stories and you must have seen that after all the time yeah yeah I remember once up at Beverly Jim Beaton was a police officer with the queen before D and uh he'd retired and he was there with his grandchildren and uh and I said and I went I said ma'am and came over and I took pictures of with his grandchildren the queen yeah she was just made such a fuss of the kids more of the kids when she did the gym yeah do you think she enjoyed being Queen you know you talk about so many happy stories that really made me smile I think you know it's great to remember you know the these lovely happy stories and her you know she did I mean it's difficult to say because she became Queen such a young age and was Queen for 70 years and I think we all agree and she was absolutely wonderful at the job I don't think I can't think of any one thing she did wrong you know she put Duty and Care before before everything um and she was just a wonderful wonderful person wasn't she yeah she was and and and if you um I remember when we're another briefing was at and I just after Diana died so it must have been November after Diana died and and I said ma'am I said uh you know you amazing speech to the nation over Diana I said and the fact you did it live I said I was in a pub in Westminster and the whole Pub went quiet and said in a pub I said yes ma'am I said was in a pub watching and everybody watched you I said then she started to tell me about it she said well she said it wasn't quite live she said but you know we had we had we had um microphones in the geraniums outside the window and she started explaining all what they did to get it down so you know it was it was so brilliant it was brilliant and it was of course at the time when you think that that there was questions in the papers wasn't it where is the where the Royals where the wood Queen why is the the flag not a half M of Buckingham Palace and she came back with the Duke and I remember looking at the flowers outside the front of Buckingham Palace and there were thousands and thousands and then she made this amazing speech and I remember we afterwards I talked to people here and they said you know that was just stopped it all straight away everybody so forgave her you know and quite honestly I didn't think she should come back I mean she had she had Prince Charles up there in a terrible State said the the children d children William and Harry they were mourning their mother and she was she was comforting and she was helping them and and I thought she should have been there but of course people were sort of screaming saying that you know they should be in London but it was the timing wasn't it the timing was right it had reached that stage and I think she she timed that speech at the right time sorry perect speech but she came back from balore on the Thursday and we can all see the picture of the car stopped outside North Santa Gates and her Prince Philip as Arthur said went to look at the flowers and I was with Prince Philip walking with them and they were taking flowers off the children and putting them amongst all the huge lot of flowers and one of the things I always remember and it was really REM moving this little girl handed her majesty flowers and the queen said something I'll put them over there she say no ma' they're for you yeah and and the queen was really really touched about that that was a great was just a lovely lovely thought that story was in in the in in the film The the queen with Mir they used that story and and there yeah yeah well that kind of changed everything I mean we're talking you know we won't go into that that week but that the queen arriving back at buckinham Palace and you say that moment where the where she was given the flowers and said no it's for you Mom I think that kind of changed everything she had that kind of power didn't she as the queen to come back and kind of unify the nation um we've spoken Lots about our memories you you have far more than I do U wonderful Bo yeah um but how do you think the rest how do you think everybody else um is is remembering the queen we know that the king and the queen will be in Scotland this week for the um for what is essentially accession day isn't it on Sunday they be prar games and then they'll be be be in Scotland um have have people moved on I mean it's two years um since since the death of the lake queen that there's been a lot happening um we've got a new king we've had Princess of Wales and battling her cancer the king battling his cancer and everything that's that's happening in California do you think enough people are taking time to sit down and and remember what how how good the queen was or do you think people have moved on too quickly well I think that you know since he became king I remember I was the day arrived back at northal from Scotland and I was there and I said to him you know I'm so sorry about L of the queen and he said it was inevitable it had to happen one day and he was very philosophical about it and and he asked me if I was all right and then I started covering his engagements and the crowds were huge I remember we went to Bolton and it was 30 deep at one stage so immediately I think the Loyalty for the queen switched to him straight away and I've noticed everywhere I've gone now that the crowds are going to be huge and it' be interesting when we go to Australia uh later this year that the crowds see the crowds there because the crowds for the queen on her last trip to Australia as I said earlier were massive and it'll be interested to see what's happens this time yeah you're right about the crowds I mean we go on these engagements you know what they're like and there I'm surprised about how many people are are coming out they're coming out to see the king but they know Charles as well because we've known Charles you know his entire life so so we know who he is um it's a tough act to follow but just how do you think the king is getting on you know do you think he's succeeding oh I think 100% he's doing a wonderful job um so far he hasn't put a foot wrong um and he's well taught I mean he's had the queen teaching him for 70 years what to do and and I just think he's brilliant I me his work with the environment um all the things he cares about um what do you think after I do I I well I'm I'm he's I'm his biggest fan you know I mean I really love working with him I can't wait to do the next job with him he's just an amazing man and I don't know about you dick but he like you your relationship with the queen mine isn't the same that the king but he's done more for me than I could ever possibly do for him and uh and they never forget that and you know I can't wait to work with him again and and and queen Camila she's just an absolute Joy to work with and and so for me it's you know I mean I'm 84 now and I still want to go to work with them and just because I really just like the man so much I think what what people don't realize is the things he does for people with which nobody knows about the kindnesses he shows to people throughout the world and I've been there when he's done it I remember once so we're in catm do and there was a refuge for um these women that are returned from the bral in in India and and after being trafficked to the BRS and of course been rejected by their families and he came back and he said to me what can we do for this what can we do to help this woman what have you got in mind sir he said what I thought he said we we um do a limited edition of one of my paintings of uh the Himalayas and we' and we'd sell it to some readers what do you think brilliant idea and we sold I think the pictures were framed uh for £250 each the and we we could have sold a thousand we could have sold a, we made about 7 80,000 and we bought the land in in theol with with the money and a a German industrialist built a complex on it but it was him what can we do to help this woman and it just didn't it just didn't talk about it he did something about it and nobody knows that yeah nobody knows that he doesn't and when you try and praise him you try and say to him you know oh it was great and he always dismisses it he doesn't want to know remember we were coming back from last time Australia and and he and he was talking about the the approval rating and I said well it's it's up a lot sir last time you know it's up it's now 40 47% 48% and he s he and he starts you know and I said why can't you take a compliment and he and he can't he cannot he he he uses that title of his to do good for others only for others never for himself and you know when people get to know that and you can't and he never boasts about it he's very humble and he said and I think he's quoted as saying history will judge me and um there are thousands and thousands of people that benefited from his kindnesses and I'm one of them yeah well he just obviously you know his mother's son do do you either of you see any similarities between the king and the late queen or any any obvious kind of you talk about the you know the his kind of interaction with people and how you know how great he is talking to people not looking for headlines but is there anything that you see think thing that comes so loud and clear is they both put Duty oh yeah Duty before anything else um personal all the personal things aside and certainly the king and definitely the L Queen yeah um Duty came before everything yeah that's totally true yeah everything's about that they're never late if they say they're going to do it they do it and uh and and they just don't the weather could be house sometimes they they'll be there they're they're just uh amazing family and um and as Arthur touched on Queen Camila yeah she's exceptional she is such a lovely I didn't really know her until um later in my time with with the Quinn and we got to know her and my gosh what a lovely lady oh absolutely it's interesting I speak to so many people when they you know her approval ratings are often low and everybody who works with works with the with Queen ciller reports on the queen camiller we all speak fondly of her but that often doesn't translate to the public just one thing um just before we move on from this is there's going to be a Queen Elizabeth Memorial oh sorry a Queen Elizabeth Memorial committee is meeting um to discuss what kind of Memorial that that that we can have for the Queen I think in 2026 they they're going to announce their findings just very briefly do you do you what how do you think we could have a memorial would it be a statue a special Garden is there any way that you think the nation could could actually um could actually remember her properly well I think it could be you know this couldn't be big enough I think it should be a garden with a with a statue as well everything you know and I know where may be opposite in St James's Park where she looked out every morning from you know from the palace and saw it there maybe in there and and have a g beautiful garden and uh and a great statue of them yeah yeah certainly um yeah I think that's I think it'd be true not there not not many many statues of the queen as we know but you know but another one perhaps yeah I think I just hope we come up with a proper sensible not a woke idea we need something says a garden statue Garden would be nice you know the Queen Elizabeth Garden you know it's nice you know I travel on the Elizabeth line a lot you know and um and I just think it's a great name and then the Jubilee line named after a jubilee you know is it the golden jubilee I think it was it was just these are you know these a great there for us to remember this great lady and and I feel privileged I work with for 40 years and I think and and and traveled to some amazing places with her and saw some amazing things I mean from the White House I when when I don't if you were there dick when when she made made her speech on and they could only see the top of yeah and uh and I remember when when my Alice phas picture with hugging the Queen the press secretary said well could you give it to the American papers please I said why she said at least they'll know the queen is here so you know those Great Moments and I think about those and I think about those when she said to me I can't believe I'm giving you this as she pinned my medal on me I can't remember that and and once she I I used to send her little pictures from the tour's little sort of 6x4 picture she put in her diary and I remember press secet her private secretary saying to me look you know she can't thank you for that but she really likes it and then do I remember there was I think the Olympics we had a reception at the palace and I was asked to welcome the queen and the RO family on behalf of the newspapers and the first thing she said to me oh thank you very much for all those pictures you sent me she said and of course I was St anytime man just give me a call I S I mean never ever ever forget this lovely lady you know she was uh she served this country brilliantly for over 70 years and uh and you know got great fun memories of that and always will have I've got a lovely letter at home from from the queen you know everyone knows at Christmas that the roal family exchange silly little gifts yeah and when I was working my guyss in the office said to me um what are we going to give the Majesty for Christmas this year and I said I've got just the idea and we' got a State vs it a few months previously to I think it was a man and one of my inspectors had been down the flea market and Colin had bought these little tin ducks cost about3 pound each you'd wind them up and they'd go around the room and they hit a wall and they'd carry on and every 30 seconds they'd lay a little egg and it would play music and typical policeman we bought four or five of these and they were racing them around the restaurant at lunchtime and all the households said oh we want one of those for our children so Colin had to go back to the flea market and buy 17 of these tin Ducks so anyway when it came to Christmas the lad said to me what should we give the queen for Christmas I said let's give her a duck we can't give the Queen the duck it only cost three quid she'll love it anyway my wife wrapped it up all beautifully and we gave it to the ecy to give to the queen and I said if there's any fallback and it just not appropriate I'm the one to blame anyway I saw the private secretary after Christmas he saidou know what he said we all gave the queen beautiful gifts and we got a sort of a thre line letter of thanks you guys have got a completely A4 Written Letter From the queen how it made the Christmas how all the grandchildren enjoyed play with this egg personally signed and and it cost A3 pound between four of us so there you go she must get you know she get everyone come she goes abroad she gets all these wonderful gifts lives in these wonderful palaces something they going the storage covered and they're all labeled not the duck not the duck but they're all produced every time you get a that's right oh yeah I know they just happen to be put in the position of yeah right so we've just about fitted in some time for the quick fire questions which we like to do at the end of the show so quick fire questions short answers whatever whatever you think is relevant okay um Arthur I'll start with you yeah um what in your view was the lake Queen's single greatest achievement god um I probably probably uh for 70 years uh getting it right all the time and uh and always always um I'll being on time you know always and and the fact that I suppose her biggest great achievement is she she was a yeah 70 years with just duty all the time I think if if you looked at one particular time you know that the fire at Windsor the break up of the marriages you know she was brilliant and of course when Diana died you know that amazing speech and the fact that when the coffing went past back in Palace I thought she was just amazing so no I think she's just um and obviously I didn't know some of these funny stories that you do dick so I thought you knew all my stories and and dick yes what do you think is the uh the lake Queen's single greatest achievement oh 100% what Arthur just said um never putting the foot wrong um 100% I don't think anyone I know um concerning concerning I remember going to Australia and when just after they'd had the the vote on whether to be Republic or to stay with the queen head of state and and it was like a half a percent or something to to stay with the queen head of state and by the time the queen left the visit people were saying if we had the vote now it' be 8020 because he just everyone just loved her and adored her and there wasn't one disparaging mark on that tour not one Australian made a disparaging you mark against her no not one no I can't believe I can't believe neither of you said the queen leaping out of a helicopter at the London 2012 Olympic did she do that then funny enough with that story we were sitting in the wrw box and and I was sitting next to an ambassador from one one of the Arab countries and he told to me and said our king would never jump out of a helicopter oh wow right just a couple more um what do you just very quickly Arthur what do you think was the lake Queen's biggest crisis of a 70-year range probably um probably Winds of fire I think you know I think she was really an ribis that year yeah that was the an and and the same year she had to pay tax so I imagine it was was a good year for her and Dick what do you think was her biggest crisis I would say the death of Diane right um all the politics and the sadness around that everything she had to deal with then yeah that was quite a decade wasn't it um if you well if you could say anything to the queen right now dick what what would it be if you had the chance to say anything to anything to the queen thank you ma'am for so many wonderful one wonderful memories um it was a joy working for her and I miss you a lot Arthur yeah I think I say that too I think she was it was a joy to work with her she was uh a total professional never as just you knew if you was patient enough you'd get the picture and a final question if she wasn't the queen okay if it hadn't existed what occupation do you think that she would have what would she have excelled in probably r trainer yeah of diplomacy yeah been been a great Diplomat a great politician and a racehorse trainer lovely thank you guys it's been incredible I could have we could have done this for two or three hours I think but uh we need to we need to wrap up so thanks very much right well thanks for joining us make sure to subscribe to our channel so you always in the know of our latest episodes

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