Shannon Sharpe & Chad Johnson react to Tyreek Hill being pulled out of car by Miami cops

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 00:14:51 Category: Entertainment

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all right ladies and gentlemen welcome back to the channel again thank you'all so much for coming over now you know I'm pretty sure by now a lot of you guys have seen and heard about the whole uh Tyreek Hill situation uh or seen you know the body cam footage uh me personally I feel that there can be two wrongs in this video of the body cam footage I believe there are two wrongs uh first and foremost I believe Tyreek Hill should have been a little more cooperative and I do think that that one cop was being a little bit too aggressive you know uh so I wanted to watch uh Shannon sharp and Chad Johnson on their night cap show uh I wanted to show you guys what they have to say about the situation um cuz my whole thing is like you're on your way to a game uh I I believe he was like super close to the stadium it's like get your ticket cuz you know he was doing a reckless driving I forgot what how fast he was going but it's crazy too how all of these a lot of these sports players I remember Derek Rose got in trouble for it a long time ago like the whole speeding situation I I'll never understand it uh but I feel like a lot of times they're like hey look it's me it's Tariq you know me um cuz if you put yourself in that situation just a regular person you know but I do feel like the cop was being too aggressive uh CU if you watch his press conference like without the body cam footage you be like damn that's messed up then you see the body cam footage and you're like all right hold on now Tariq you know you got these tinted windows but we going to watch what they have to say and uh I chime in afterwards all right we ain't going to waste no more time let's jump right into it Dam man that was the entire body cam footage of the the arrest you hear him say they knew who it was it was it's Tyreek Hill um he later said that he was he was speeding and and uh it kind of escalated it escalated from there um it it appears to me oo and I could be wrong you you you tell what you thinking is that they asked for they ask him to roll the windows down he rolled the window down just enough I guess to give him driver's license and registration that's all he's required to do he doesn't have to roll it all the way down just so the the the officer can have visual contact with him he gave him his driver's license and his and his registration and he roll the windows back up um it's tough because he knows who he is oo because let's he knows who that is he knows that's Tyreek we hear him say they know that's Tyreek Hill the officer is like wants to remain I want to have visual contact with you oo okay we talking I got visual contact you got your window down enough where I can see you now it looks like I could be wrong but it looks like he has t yeah in Miami you know we allowed to 10 uh and so it looks like I I guess the officer is taking to account because you have to understand the officer is taking into account he rose the window back up now I no longer have visual contact with him so see right right there I'm just saying you on your way to the game you about to play I I just don't I don't know how hard it was to just roll the window down and communicate just just so you can get your ticket and get up out of there that's that's where I'm kind of confused at you know although you don't have to you know that the cop and and you know I could like from from the body cam you could you could kind of see in the car you could see cuz he had the white beater on you can see Tyreek but I just just thinking from a communication standpoint like just roll the window down man get your ticket and get up out of there once the window goes back up then the cop's like oh you want to be disrespective and not talk to me like face to face cuz tyreq was like stop knocking on my window man why you don't be knocking on my window like you crazy or something he said like that so okay take it from there and then I'm G piggy back off of you go ahead I mean when when when it first started obviously license registration Royal window down tyreq upset about them knocking on the window obviously aggressively in AG in aggressive manner but when the cop initially walked over if I'm not mistaken I saw Tyreek hand him the driver license so at that at that point Tyreek rolled the window back up now as as officer understand that it is Tyreek Hill but I don't think any I don't think a civilian if civilians don't get any Grace then I don't think they're going to give tyri any Grace to allow him to roll his window back up right right he can't have any lose visual contact even though Tyreek isn't a threat in this manner offers I'm assuming have to always stick to protocol regardless to who the person is right but I would I would have I would have liked my dog understanding you got a game you know how Authority is already you know how cops are in general with all the situations that have gone on countless years back to back to back to back to back just this one time you know but I got a game to play bro here's my here's my license here my registration get your ticket and go and about your business boom get your boom that's what I'm saying man just just keep just keep that window down man just if didn't even it didn't even have to get to this cuz like I said when I heard the press conference my mind went somewhere and then you see the body Cam and then you're like ah you know although I do think they were being too aggressive that the one cop like he was pissed he was pissed cuz he felt so disrespected man you know and it seemed like like he was pretty much the main one with that energy but what Chad just said right there is so important man if you if you let's say if you feel a certain way about cops and you know how they are then just just you know I mean tiet and going back your B let's locking on the game you feel me but but but cooler heads didn't Prevail then you know your teammates getting into it you know obviously rightfully so but she hell if if I I was a teammate I would you know I pull my black ass over too what's the problem for sure I I've been in that situation like I said we got into a brawl and my teammates and they're telling us to back up because at that point in time police got to make instant they gota make yeah and see even even though they're saying that you're you're not supposed to do that of course want to be there for your friend but at at a lot of times I mean saying a lot of times like when you like with the body cam footage I watch Like if you approach a cop you got to you got to remember this like even even I'm just saying because it's protocol even if the cop notice a guy approaching and he's like oh that's his teammate you still have to follow protocol and be like yo you need to back back up I forget the distance but you have to back up you can't be within cuz I'm just saying let's say this isn't Tyreek Hill and these aren't football players do you allow these random people to approach you you don't know what they got on them nothing like that uh so I'm just saying like they could have did what they did from a distance they it's not like the cop was going to be like oh there go his teammate let me get him out of these handcuffs you know yeah they like oh see you have the luxury of sitting back here watching it but imagine how his antenna goes up when he's there and we we assume like I said he doesn't have that luxury once I lose contact with you oo I don't know if you go into the glove box I don't know if you go into the middle box I don't know anything I want to maintain visual contact with you that's why I said you heard what I said last night and you heard me say it many many years ago my job when I once I get pulled over and the police have made contact with me my job is to get him to my car back to his police car or his motorcycle and on his way as quickly as I possibly can I know the longer he remains there the greater the chance is for something to escalate yes yeah big facts so that's what that's what I'm saying it's like look and think about this and and I want people in the chat I want you all understand what I'm talking about think about how people hate on you and they don't have any power do you realize when that man or that female pull you overide the road they got all the power the bad with the I'm not arguing with you I I can't I you're you're you're you're the lawyer you're the judge you everything I'm G take my chances in court but I'm G take my chances in court as a live person yes I don't want my family trying to trying to defend what transpired nah I need to be there to tell the story not you tell it not knew what was going to happen I knew this they were G to say we asked him to roll down the window and he was defiant in rolling down his winter in a window in a timely manner I knew that was coming though Cho I knew I knew that was coming you know that I know that that's why I get I'm feeding hey it's happened I roll down my window I when he comes I got it waiting on it yes hey you ain't got to ask me cuz it's right it's right over my visor I got my and you know what was also crazy to in his press conference before the video came out he said I was all uh I was taught my mama raised me a certain way my uncle always told me keep my hands on the stair wheel be respectful and like I said when that video came out like dude by him just saying me just saying don't be walk knocking on my window like that you you hear him saying that and it's just like oh man like this did not have to get to where it got um yeah what they're what they're saying right here is extremely extremely important you guys want to go your separate ways as as quick as possible big big big facts I was licensed in my bag I got the the insurance right there there it is right there it it even had to go to that though you talk you talk about abuse of power you know even as officers of the law understanding who the individual is understand that the individual is no threat there's a game he was speeding I don't think he was late he couldn't been late because no he was late because because we had Kus on today we had Kus on today he said it was around they have to be they had to be there by 11 because the game is at 105 two hours before the game he said it was around 1018 1020 something like that so he's a good two and a half 2 3245 and the stadium is a block away and that that's unfortunate man a a little a little aggressive though for me too a little too aggressive I I wish there was a cop there that could have deescalate the situation a little bit a little bit better you know to to allow cooler head to Prevail just a little too aggressive and abusive of the power that they did have to put behind the back and put the knee in the back and like come on come on come on now come on man you know but it's unfortun it's un yeah so they're pretty much thinking like I am um like I said I've been watching a lot a body cam footage um I live with a cop for those of you who don't know um I heard a lot of stories you know um I don't think he was resisting what they once they got him out the car I don't think he was resisting um that's why I was saying that dude was being a little bit too aggressive but like I said it didn't even have to get to that you know it's just one of them things like I do feel like it was like look me look it's I'm Tyreek Hill like you guys know who I am I play football like like come on I just don't I just don't know how hard it is like me the times the few times I've been pulled over my window was down already down already you know it's not like your windows aren't tended that may have been a different story but comment below man what y'all think about what they had to say all right peace out

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