Category: Film & Animation
Oh please please welcome the producer jeremy thomas the screenwriter christopher hampton uh the star michael fasbender and uh for the first time at the new york film festival the director david cronenberg uh i want to i want to start with a question for uh for christopher which is if you can talk a... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
It's such a joy to have the three of you with us uh to speak about this extraordinary film which uh i i i feel it's a it's an honor to be speaking with you uh immediately after this great room of people has encountered kash perhaps for the first time perhaps encountered her in new way if they were already... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[applause] [music] fil with him and um the thing that he mentioned is like is um you can play each period you have a sort of a way of presenting that outside of time and you can be just as perfect in the past the present or the future and also the way you carry yourself it's like people don't know what... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Happy to be here with the greatther and our interpreter as who be with so much you about and i want to with a about the balance of tenderness and cruelty because i think there is a very delicate pering with and around each other and there's tendness is such a driving force in the film and yet on a dime... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[musique] 8 les garçons je sais toujours comment il fait inégralement prévisible la fille c'est toujours la réponse mouvement des corps jamais les mots les mots c'est les mensonges les cors c'est la vérité mant il faut que j'ente la vérité [musique] Read more