Dave Lapham | Cincinnati Bengals Release First Depth Chart Of Season

[Music] you're in the trenches with Dave lapen presented by first star Logistics a little something different on a Monday afternoon instead of doing a post practice Report with Dave lapam we're going to do a pre-practice report because the news of the day is depth chart Bengals release a depth chart kind of give uh the sority guys A little nudge Advantage going into the the first preseason game didn't they lap yeah it's it's pretty common protocol pretty common practice that the guys that uh have the years experience the first step chart that comes out um you know they're going to be uh they're going to be rewarded with okay it's it's still your job but you got to go back out and earn it so you know you look at uh at the right offensive tackle position Trent Brown is list did number one now he didn't really he didn't take a snap at Cincinnati Bengals last year but he's going into his 10th year in the National Football League so he has taken a bunch of snaps he's been on a Super Bowl winning team he's been a pro bowler so you know it's like okay Young Buck Nims uh got to earn it just like Anthony Munoz had to earn the left tackle position well he earned it quickly and Mims is starting to earn it uh quickly as well we'll see how that how that battle goes as turn brown do come back to the to the practice field looks like today uh he will be uh doing some individual drills they're going to ramp him up they're not going to throw him into everything right away um so that you look at that you look at Trent nwin is is listed as the number first number three wide receiver when they go three receivers on their on their depth chart and that's how they structure it offensively they got Jamar Chase who obviously hasn't taken a snap and uh and and uh T Higgins and and Trent Norwin is number three now there's battle rageing there you know Charlie Jones is going to have something to say about it Jose V is going to have something to say about it a lot of guys are going to have something to say about it rookie Burton I mean it's it's good you you got a battle royale going on there and then on the on the defensive uh side of things as well at the at the cornerback position DJ Turner ended the season as a starter well that's that's where he is right now on the depth chart he's he's the starting Corner along with Cam Taylor Brit who just now get back to things after tectomy um but Dax Hill is you know is right in that mix obviously and and there's miles to go before anybody rests there um and then the two veterans goo Stone and Von Bell that they signed as veteran free agents in this offseason they both get the the number one position at that safety position due to their experience as well Tyson Anderson Jordan battle are are number two in that area so uh and that that obviously is is a very very key important uh position the the two safeties last year they were communication issues there that caused major problems and big plays as a result Logan Wilson Jermaine Pratt Gino Stone Von Bell up the middle of that defensive football team you know just like we always talk about in baseball you gotta be strong up the middle catch your short stop center field well at shortstop you know I get Logan Wilson and Germaine Pratt shortstop second base and then in the middle of the football field defensively you get Gino Stone and Von Bell those four guys are very very very strong communicat and I think uh I think things will be much different in that regard I think teams are going to have to earn things a lot more than they did uh than they had to last year Unfortunately they didn't have to earn it as much as Luan Ruma wanted the opponent to have to earn it so and then you know looking at it Dave too is um they have an opponent they have a a game against Tampa Bay on Saturday so this week the structure of this week is is pretty much getting the guys in a in a routine in a groove of what the regular season might look like although the games are on Sundays obviously in the regular season but you know you're going to practice today well it would be a very light practice uh it'd be a walkth through basically during this regular season even if they did practice on Monday it's going to be more than that but it's not going to be um very real taxing I my understanding is there are four special teams periods down the stretch of of of the practice so there's a lot of uh a lot of downtime for for a lot of players when special teams are going on um you know let them rest their bodies and everything that goes along with that area we want to try to get their legs back you know anybody that's been worn down a little bit taking a lot of snaps they going to try to get their legs back today's going to be not super taxing tomorrow off then Wednesday and Thursday are the big work days the bigger work days just like a regular season uh Friday would be off in the regular season it wouldn't be there'd be a light practice on Friday Saturday off but they have Friday off Saturday game so it's not exactly the same schedule but you're going to try to get it as close as possible try to get in the Rhythm uh the mind and the body and the rhythm of that and then after that it's crazy because you know then you travel to Chicago and now that that week's a little a little bit different you're traveling on Wednesday you're having uh you know pretty U intense joint practice on Thursday and you know then you have the preseason game then the following week is on a Thursday night so you know that that there's not true you know Sunday game schedule but they're going to try to make this week as close to it as they possibly can because the other two there are circumstances that prevent that from being the case so um it'll be uh it'll be interesting to see how how the guys respond and and I think everybody's gonna have their legs back under them and again Dave I'll tell you though uh on on Saturday against Tampa Bay man I don't know I don't know if Sam hub's going to go he's uh he's getting better every day but I I I would doubt they throw him out there After experiencing his problem with his knee hamstring attachment scenario Trey Hendrickson hasn't gone cam sample has got a long-term injury it looks like I mean they're like we were talking about uh earlier miles Murphy and Joseph asai Cedric Johnson on the edge you know uh Gunter is has had a little bit of a left knee issue is he's been in and out of practice how much will he be able to go uh Justin ISAC the the rookie will get snaps I mean they're they're very very thin at that edge position so young guys are going to be taking a lot of snaps that's that's pretty much the case uh you know in that first preseason game anyway but you uh if guys get nicked up it's going to be interesting these young guys they're gonna have to not only take snaps they're gonna have to have to if they do get nicked up they're gonna have to continue to play if they're nicked up almost it's going to be an interesting Dynamic there lap one of the guys you've been talking about all through camp listed third team cornerback Josh Newton the rookie uh but he's been getting reps with the one so he's been turning some heads and really as you said I mean right now this is just the initial by the time we get to week one this depth chart may look totally different uh in especially in the backup area yeah there there's no doubt I mean um I think this de chart was made a long time ago and it it has not taken into consideration uh anything that's gone on in the early stages of training camp and I think it was it was based based on seniority I mean that's that's that's pretty much the uh pretty much the case uh the only rookies that are in in backup positions even are are mims and Burton uh because you know there there were no veterans to to put ahead of them as such really you know I mean it's uh that that that's the only reason that they find themselves on the number tw's defensively there's no rookies uh uh listed number two in any position all the rookies are are listed you know third teamers all the rookies except for for Mims and Burton are listed as third teamers offensively I mean that's that's just that's how it how it went that's how it's going and and that's the way it should be you know if you're a young buck man earn it you know it's not going to be given to you go out there and earn it and and at the kicker position Robbins is number one mm is number two riko's number three well that that makes sense because he's the last one signed and you know so that that depth chart is these depth charts have been made uh a long time ago probably printed a long time ago but just released uh today so um it's I I don't think if I'm a player and I'm sure the coaching staff is telling all these young guys look this is a this is a not not fate complete we we we notice what you're doing keep working we like what you're doing stay after it um you know don't get don't get your dber down uh don't worry about who first second third team right now it's basically meaningless it's worth the paper that it's written on and that's uh that's how you have to approach it because yeah there's there's no question that on the uh on the back end Josh Newton has got his hands on a lot of footballs uh dejon Anthony has three interceptions in the preseason he's a leading Interceptor you know and they're both 13 uh at corner and safety respectively so uh yeah it's it's just a right of passage it's uh in terms of training camp that's just uh that's just the the nature of the Beast the other thing though when you're talking about forming a team that I'm always uh interested in observing is how these guys all communicate and interact with each other off the football field there's a lot of communication that's going on between the veteran and the young players on the football field and all positive uh you know gee I I might have I might have done this based on his alignment I might have tried to do this to get him out of position I might have done this might have done that there's a lot of that going on well it's going on uh in the uh in the cafeteria it's going on in the locker room I mean it's there's there's guys just sitting around uh as a group some some of it by position group some of it receivers sitting with defensive backs offensive linemen pretty much are sitting together old and young uh there's a lot of good uh information being exchanged there cornerbacks and and and receivers there's dialog me and exchange there in the locker room in the cafeteria you know yeah what did uh how did you how did you make such a quick break on that on that ball did I tip something in my route or you know whatever the case may be and there's a lot of a lot of uh good information being exchanged uh and and that's that's part of uh building a football team and and honestly I think that's why the Bengals believe in in um you know scrimmaging against another team and particularly doing it on the road that's when a lot of bonding can occur you know you're you're basically staying in uh traveling together staying in hotel rooms uh together it might not be the exact same uh rooming uh pairing as it is in training camp and that's the good thing about when you watch players in the uh in cafeteria and in the locker room it's it's not based on position uh in terms of position that you play on the football team it's not uh based on your economic position how highly are or how far down the totem pole you're being paid on the football team it's not based on on Race religion it's not based on anything all it is is guys getting together and trying to make each other better from a football standpoint building a team and I always think that that that's uh it's just a great example of uh of man how uh different groups of people from different walks of life with different upbringings different experiences can can all unify uh for the common good of of making the team as good as it possibly can be you're in the trenches with Dave lapen presented by first star Logistics if you're looking for a career change be sure to visit firststar logistics.com to get the latest news on openings in one of the fastest growing companies in Cincinnati and as lap and I can tell you a great place to work lap I tell you what the um Saturday's preseason opener against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers 7 o'clock um Zack Taylor is saying all the right things I can only imagine what the crowd reaction would be if number nine Joe burrow does take snaps in live action something he really hasn't done during his career uh but Zack Taylor's also talking about many of the starters taking reps on Saturday night against Tampa Bay yeah I mean if Joe Burrow's playing the offensive Line's going to play as a group that's for sure and and a lot of the people that he anticipates throwing the football to are going to play I mean they're going to surround him with uh as many weapons as they possibly can and uh basically if Joe borrow plays everybody's gonna get some playing time it's just a matter of how many snaps and it's not going to be the same number of snaps necessarily uh for everybody in that regard either you know the other thing that um that that you know I'd like to make mention of is is still the continuity and consistency of the coaching staff and now they they they're discussing it you know they're what's the best thing to do and along with Joe obviously and other other leaders and that's the thing the dialogue between Zack Taylor and his players he's got a leadership committee and that dialogue is always wide open and players are heard you know it's not just okay you talk I'm not listening they're heard there's really good exchanges going back back and forth in the continuity and consistency of the coaching staff um it's you know some some things that you did and some uh schematics that you used in Prior season is going to be Revisited tweaks added deleted in including okay how do we avoid this slow start you know let's maybe let's increase the use of this package Let's uh let's forget about this pack okay maybe we need to approach it a little bit differently in terms of play time in uh in preseason I mean all of that is uh is a big factor and again uh we've talked about this before Dave but four members of the coaching staff um having played quarterback I think is is unique you know you get the head coach played quarterback Zack Taylor offensive coordinator Dan pitcher played the quarterback position pass game coordinator Justin rotti uh uh played the uh uh played the quarterback position the pass game coordinator uh the quarterback coach Brad Craig played for the quarterback position I mean I I think there's a huge amount of trust and respect with Joe Barrow Jake Browning all the quarterbacks and all of these position coaches and like we talked about before I can only imagine the meetings that they have at night man it is high level dialogue football you know because man um it's everybody's going to have input everybody's gonna um you know it's an equal opportunity thing it's not a dictatorship it's going to be you know what do we what do we think collectively what do we think as a group so that that's that's all I I think a unique scenario with respect to the Bengals coaching staff as well you have been in the trenches with Dave lapen presented by first star Logistics do us a favor hit that subscribe button if you've not done so already also hit the like button on our videos to help this channel continue to grow and leave comments we love comments and uh lap I'm GNA let you go you got a busy day ahead of you uh with practice I know you got some other uh things you need to get done after practice uh that people should be watching for and we'll have some stuff from that uh as well on in the trenches with Dave lapam and you know it's it's that time of year lot of lot of excitement going around and just not enough hours in the day to cover it all yeah that's that's true Dave yeah and tonight is a we got a a two-hour show with uh Sirius XM radio the coover National Football League and this is their you know training camp tour such so they're doing a two-hour show tonight from 5 to 7 Dan and I are are working on that on that show and we're going to have um it's a it's it's I think it's a very enlightening lengthy interview with Joe barl uh that that one uh is is gonna have interest I think uh for a lot of people we've got uh Zach Taylor we've got Duke toin will be live with us uh in the first hour of the show it goes from 5 to 7 I think Duke's going to be with us at uh at 5:30 we've also got Von Bell Lan Wilson on the defensive side of it talking about how important the communication that we were referencing earlier you know is and uh so it'll be a uh it'll be a I think a a fun time and uh we're looking forward to getting that done tonight so we're working on it we're getting it together and uh and Showtime starts in a few hours he is Dave lapam you have been in the trenches presented by first star Logistics be sure to stay with in the trenches with Dave lapam for Content all during the week up to the opening preseason game against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers lap I'm going to let you go until next time this has been Dave Burke for Dave lapam H day who day Dave Dave lapam here and every day I am grateful for my experience to have played professional football as a player I realize self motivation leadership and appreciating your teammates are key at first star Logistics you can use those same attributes to create the life you want for you and your family build your future by working hard like I did you'll see results both on and off the field call first star Logistics today and be part of our winning team knocking

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