White clots common

Published: Feb 07, 2024 Duration: 00:49:19 Category: Education

Trending searches: how many people died from covid
well I hope you found those early pictures uh interesting they were supplied by Major Tom havland who I'm going to introduce now uh Tom thank you for very very much for coming on this video John thanks for having me on the show to talk about this very important topic now Tom is uh as the name would imply has been a major in the uh in the United States Air Force for a career also an engineer mathematician and data scientist and analyst so in a good position to do this work now now what on Earth what on Earth are we looking at here Tom please we're looking at White fibrous clots that have been supplied by imalers uh and they're seeing these all around the world embalmers are seeing these clots and they're seeing them actually in a high percentage of their corpses unfortunately John and they've been seeing mostly over the last three years I actually have a small vial the clots I can show the audience live I'll turn it slowly around so see the consist them yeah you can see that really clearly and and and what are what are they and where did you get them Tom got these from in Balmer Richard hman who was featured in the died suddenly movie Richard's been sending vials of these out to Laboratories and scientists all over the world we're trying to examine the clots and figure out what they're made of one of the theories is that they're uh made from amalo protein ameloid is a y l i d it's just a fancy term for a misshaped or misf protein that builds up in our bodies so and and there's some there's there some fibrin from blood clotting processes in them as well is there correct Dr Ryan Cole has looked at them the famous pathologist from Idaho and he says it's combination of the am amid protein uh fibrin you know our our blood has fibrinogen in it that is in liquid form that then converts into fibrin when there's Damage Done to the um lining of the of the veins or arteries and that fibrin is white and then there's also he's found platelets in there too color and they're colorless so that combination of fibrin platelets and this ameloid or ameloid like material and what's the consistency like is it is it is it can you pull it apart is it rubbery what does it feel like it's rubbery it stretches it's rubbery it can break if you put enough force on it but it's it's almost like a rubber band you know it looks like a calamari and kind of feels like a rubber band to the to the embalmers very unusual now the these have been in the eming process these are flushed out of the circulatory system and they're collected by ERS so these have been taken directly from the circulatory system of the recently deceased this is where these come from correct uh embalmers have two favorite in injection site points when they do embalming their favor is the cored artery in the neck so uh that's the main spot they've been find in these clots they also uh will do an injection site Point sometimes in the iliac artery down in the pelvis region that then runs down your FAL arteries in the legs so that doesn't necessarily mean where the clots are being formed John but that's where the embalmer seem to be finding the clots obviously is as they're flushing out at these injection sight points however some of the embalmers have told me recently they've had to actually create more injection sight points because when they run into a body that has a lot of these cloths then they have to use alternate points in order to get them all out and it's actually it's actually lengthen the process of embalming embalming used to take about an hour to hour and a half for an embalmer and now it's taking about 2 to two and a half hours for for an embalming so so in some of the recently deceased this is actually clogging up their circulatory system such as the embalmer can't flush the the blood out yeah and the embalmers that I've talked to are pretty insistent that they believe the clots are forming before death they think that they may be forming after death as well but they're insistent that they're perform uh they are forming before death because they're seen them in bodies that are only an hour or two old and still warm they have not been refrigerated and they just there's no way they said these clots could have formed in the hour or two since the person was deceased that means Tom that these clots are almost certainly the cause of death yes I think it's you get this in your system it's quite obvious it can cause strokes and heart attacks right a pie you know breaks off and forms an embolism for example you get a stroke uh one of the interesting things John is uh the traditional cloths like the grape jelly cloths and the chicken fat cloths that in bombers have been seen forever yeah they almost exclusively appear on the on the Venus side of the body but these white fibers cloths are appearing as well on the arterial side on both of Venus and the arterial side which it's very uncommon for embalmers to see clots on the arterial side I mean there's no question that that if these were these things in arteries would just ude the AR and of course you'd have a heart attack of course you'd have a stroke and and the other thing I'm noticing Tom is if we look here this has kind of got a branching structure I think this is what you call a cast yes it is it it is essentially a mold from the inside of a piece of the vascular system that's what the embalmers believe as well John that it's actually taking you on like you say the shape of the main canal and then all the tributaries running off of it correct that's exactly what the this is like I mean I can't really see anything else would cause that and we've got we've got some more we've got some more uh more examples uh to look at Tom I think so here's another example here um 6 in Long yeah and that's not uncommon John many of the bers are finding these clots uh in the 6 to 10 in range and there's actually been some cases where they pulled clots that are 2 feet long out of people's legs so this is It's a uh it's an amazing serious thing that's going on so it's 6 in 15 15 16 cm um and again that one's clearly showing a bation in my mind isn't it an arterial cast correct and if that was in a vessel I don't see any blood getting through at all quite quite incredible now let's just point out that these just aren't isolated incidents the these are several they're some more in a jar similar to yours yeah and I I spoke with uh inmer Richard hman recently and Richard says that he has over 250 uh photos on his phone Dr Campbell of clots coming out of over 250 different people he's got examples of these white fibrous clots as well as another issue we'll talk about called micr clotting as well so this is he's he's got phot photos from lots of people that he's involved yeah so that scalpel there again be about probably eight inches long all together the blade would be a couple inches long um and I think what we're seeing here is we're seeing the blood clot that you would expect right yeah on the and and like I said balers have been seeing those forever they actually look and feel like grape jelly there they dissolve easily in their hands much different than these white fiberous cloths and much different than than uh in bolers have been seeing chicken fat cloths for years too they're they're small yellowish in color and they tear very easily very different than these large white fibrous cloths that are much tougher and more elastic yeah the yellow one medically I think we call that white thrombus it's a well it's the plate aggregation it's a Well recognized um pathological process just look at a few more to show these aren't just random things these are more here again very similar um another example there um masses of these things I mean I mean what kind of volume we getting like a pound of these out of someone or it's it's shocking grams it's incredible yeah and there's different doctors and scientists around the world that are looking at the problem and trying to figure out how it's forming there's a few theories that that have come up recently there was a paper out of Cambridge in right in your neck of the woods uh Dr Campbell a few months ago that talked about a process called frame shifting where the uh our ribosomes might be misreading the uh modified RNA that they're receiving and producing about 10% of the time what's called an aberant or nonsense protein 90% of the time it's it's it's producing the correct Spike protein that it's supposed to but about 10% of the time it's producing a nonsense protein that then could be the formation of these white fibrous clots so that's of course amalo is a well-known pathological pro protein for example it accumulates in the brain doesn't it in uh in Alzheimer's disease for example yes sir yes sir another theory that's out there is that the uh Spike protein may be uh damaging or irritating the the endothelial lining of the inside walls of the blood vessels and if it actually causes the endothelial lining to rupture it's it's a thin single layer of cells that tissue then tissue factor from the interior of the walls of the blood vessels could be spilling into the bloodstream and forming these clots as well so there are scientists around the world that are looking at the the problem of what exactly is you know forming or how this ameloid material is building up in in the bloodstream mhm I mean the idea that it's damaged to the vascular endothelial wall I don't really see that because these things are solid aren't they they're you know if if if that's the Lumin of the blood vessel um then this white stuff is like filling up the whole Gap in the middle isn't it yeah well we think it's growing right so it's yeah some point it's smaller right and blood's still able to flow around but then then at some point it completely blocks off a vessel or you embolism breaks off and go through a critical juncture and that's when you get your stroke or heart attack so you know it may it may be a process where it takes maybe 6 months maybe 12 or 18 months for these to grow to the size that they become dangerous to a living person really so there could be that so they could be growing for some months could be we're not sure but that the the data that I've collected seems to indicate that's a possibility cuz some of the embalmers didn't start seeing the white fiberous cloths until the middle of 2021 um after a certain event happened earlier that year let's go back a bit 2020 yeah there was a lot of people getting the Wuhan version of of the SARS Corona virus 2 and then into the alpha were and that's before the vaccine roll out of course when this disease was presumably rampant um because there was no vaccination were you getting any reports of these white things whatever we call them happening in 2020 I did indeed John to a lesser extent in our first survey 44 of the embalmers we we got 179 responses from embalmers in our first survey that we did uh last year and 44 of those ERS did see the white fiberous clots um and that makes sense because like say there's a spike protein on the surface of the virus itself and we believe that Spike protein on the virus on the virus itself can lead to the formation of these ameloid proteins but then the embalmer saw that explode in 2021 when we had the Advent of the role out of the uh medical intervention so uh many more embalmers saw the phenomenon in 2021 and as we know there's a rationale for that right because the medical intervention was supposed to stay in in your deltoid muscle and produce just enough of the spike protein to elist an immune response and do that for just a couple of days of a we or a week and then it its job is done it's got you ready for covid when it came but uh we know now that that's not what happened at all the medical intervention goes all over your body turning your whole body into a spike protein factory and it can do that for months at a time so the scientist that I've talked to John believe that it's exacerbated or supercharg the effect of the formation of these white fibrous clots I just have to take a breath Tom to pause so I don't get cross you know we were told exactly what you said and um it was wrong this these lipid nanop particles are systemically distributed they go everywhere and uh we're just starting to learn some of the consequences of that misinformation lie whatever propaganda or whatever you want to call it but we we'll we'll stick with with we'll just stick with this so 2021 2022 um did the amount that we're seeing remain constant 2021 2022 2023 uh no uh 20 uh 2021 and 2022 when we did our survey last year um in fact we can go to the slides if you want to we we actually we will we will in a minute yeah yeah yeah yeah but but uh actually in 2023 when we just checked this year the percentage of corpses uh that contain the white fibers clots went down from an average of about 30% down to 20% this is in 2023 in yeah in 2022 it was about 30% of corpses contain these white fibrous clots like like I'm showing here but in 2020 uh3 that went down to 20% and that's not necessarily A Vindication of the medical intervention because if you remember here in America about 80% of adults over the age of 18 at at least the first two medical interventions way back in 2021 but but only about 20% of Americans took the um ba4 ba5 uh B booster in the fall of 2022 and even less Americans about 15% John took the uh xbb 1.5 booster that came out last fall of 2023 so as you get further and further away from the medical interventions you might expect to see less of these white Furst clots which is indeed what embalmer said in 2023 so basically I think we've identified a temporal correlation and a quantitative temporal correlation there well you know we can't necessarily say correlation is not necessarily causation John but but you know I'm seeing an awful lot of correlation here so I'll just let you know that yeah we're not sure of correlation at the moment Tom that is for sure unfortunately I think I think the data indicates though John it is a spike protein problem yes gr where the spike protein comes from of that I am completely convinced Tom completely um The Embers you've talked to had they seen anything like this anything at all like this before the Embers I've talked to John and you'll see in the survey these these balers have 20 or 30 years of experience John and they've never seen this phenomenon before until the last few years like I say they've only seen grape jelly cloths and chicken fat clots in the past not these white fibrous clots yeah and I've got half a dozen big thick books on pathology and they're not in there this is a new phenomena it's a new pathology um should we go and look at some of your data on the U on the slides Tom is is that absolutely let's let's go look at some of the data and then I have a story for you afterwards it's a bit of a scandal I think but we'll talk about it maybe after let me give you a story just be just before that as well I've just been talking to a um uh a senior Undertaker in England and uh he wasn't aware of this but he's actually been talking to his iner just today uh who and this guy basically embs all the time it's what he does and uh he says in the people he's eming he's seeing a fifth to a third of people with these clots that's not surprising to me that's right in the Wheelhouse of the averages you'll see here in the slides coming up 20 to 30% now one thing that surprised me he says that um the amount of uming prior to Cremation and prior to burial is is roughly the same um again where we live it's about 30% in other parts of the country it's 50 or 60% so basically he's saying 20 to 30% of people being embed and 20 to 30% of those having these clots but of course there's no no reason why the people that are being in barn would not be a representative sample so from this it looks like it looks like it could well be that 20 to 30% of people that are dying have got these clots correct it's just this is just a mindblowing massive new pathology I'm I'm I'm I'm I mean I'd heard about these clots you know about 18 months back time but then when I got your email with the information I'm just blown away I am blown away you can see I'm Blown Away by it the the the magnitude of the pathology that we talking about is immense and in addition to the white fibers clots as you'll see in the slides coming up there's been an increase in the traditional grape jelly clots and also this phenomenon of microc clotting as well of the blood yes you did say that as well as the clots you getting this sort of coffee ground thing correct and and and of course coffee ground is old altered blood and this this is classic of uh small small um uh small thrombi small blood clots correct so so we've got the two pathologies here we've got the uh the white ones and we've got the mic the micr clotting as well yeah now this is an impressive study that you've done on your own valtion Tom quite impressive um just um do you want to just basically talk us through it as as we uh as we as we look through yeah uh I did the study from December 8th until January 8th so it just finished about a month ago yeah and I used a two-prong approach John I to for the study I a survey I sent it to I use a top down approach by sending it to 50 National Regional and state funeral director associations each with hundreds of members under them funeral directors and evolvers but I also used a bottomup approach I I sent the survey directly to over 1700 funeral homes I found the addresses for over 1,700 funeral homes around the world and S the survey to them directly it was it was an email with a link to a Survey Monkey survey and the survey is real easy to take and this year's survey was 12 questions last years was seven questions it only takes about three or four minutes to take um and when I set up the questions John I made sure that I kept the survey as unbiased as possible nowhere in the survey questions nor in the survey instructions do I ever mention the words covid or covid vaccine I only ask the embalmers what are you seeing when did you see it and how much are you seeing you know what percentage of your corpses contain these these clots so if we try to keep it as unbiased as possible um and the first question will be asked the embalmers by the way that's not shown in the screen here is where are you from so so in the UK for example would be what which country in the UK are you in the United States would be which state are you from and we we did that we um allow the Embers to answer this survey anonymously John to keep them uh so they can feel comfortable answering the surve survey but we wanted to check for regionality unfortunately I didn't get enough responses to really determine whether it was regionality or Not In terms like the bad batch theory for example so I didn't have enough data there but uh that I think we've just we've just established that this is probably about the same prevalence in the United States and the United Kingdom correct correct so the second question we asked them is this year is uh how long have you been an embalmer as you can see quite a few embalmers have at least 20 years of experience and this is highly experienced individuals so they know what the blood looked like in the Years prior to co they know what it looked like in the year of Co but no vaccines and then they know what the what it looks like in the years of both Co and the vaccines yeah well that's that's a good thing yep we're dealing with experienced people so the next question we asked yeah is how many corpses a year do you inol as you can see the average air is about a 100 if you average the bars together so they see bodies on a regular basis some of the embalmers like uh Mr Richard hman who's a trade embalmer in Alabama who's in the died SU movie Richard does over 300 corpses a year cuz he he actually bombs at 12 different funeral homes so he does a lots of he'll do two or three bodies a day sometimes but the average is 100 corpses a year so these people they know what they're seeing yeah again it's it's not a rare event it's a common thing isn't it that's happening correct uh we asked them again this year yeah uh Did You observe the white fiberous clots again this year in 2023 we wanted to see how that compared to 2022 as you can see there John 197 out of the 269 embalmers that responded to the survey are indeed seeing the white Fibber clot still in the end of uh year 2023 so that's not a good sign so then the next uh natural question we asked him John after that is well then what percentage of your corpses are you seeing these white fibers clots and as I said earlier it's down a little bit from our survey last year in 2022 and that's a good thing we down from 30% to 20% and that includes by the way if if you average all the bars together including the green bar with the 63 Embers that said none if you include that as well you get about an average of 20% of the corpses that uh the embalmer saw these white fiberous clots in but incredible this this this this is looking like this could be the cause of one in five deaths well look over there on the left you can see a 48 of Balmer saw them between 21 to 40% of their corpses another 29 of Balmer saw these white fiberous clots between 41 to 60% of their corpses 11 Embers saw them between 61 to 80% of their corpses and then we have six Embers that said they saw them between 81 to 100% of their corpses so it's it's telling me John this is not a rare phenomenon these things are prevalent so it's it's quite and as we said earlier theyve never saw these clots prior to uh to 2020 yeah Inc incredible shocking uh we also asked the Embers about microc clotting and they don't describe it as microc clotting as as you said they call it what looks like coffee grounds that's exactly what it looks like yeah yeah as the as the blood's draining off the Corpse and they're trying to get the falah hiide in they'll see what looks like coffee grounds in the blood they also call it dirty blood yeah and we asked the ERS did you see that in 2023 and look at the results there John 212 of the 269 in balers 79% are seeing this phenomenon in 2023 now this phenomena of coffee grounds they might have seen this occasionally in people who had blood plotting disorders prior to 2020 correct if you go to the next slide that's very rarely yeah you're that note there yeah they would see it very r one of the ERS I think told me that he would see it particularly in uh patients that heavy chemotherapy youd see coffee grounds are dirty dirty blood in them but as you can see there the average of all those bars is uh 25% of corpses in 2023 containing these uh the microc clotting the the the coffee ground rounds or dirty blood so that's at least a five times a quintupling of that phenomenon since the years prior to co so again you know look over there to the left 58 of the embalmer saw it between 21 to 40% of their corpses 32 of the embalmer saw the micr clotting between 41 to 60% of their corpses 16 embalmer between 61 to 80% of their corpses so this this is an alarming and we as we talked about earlier this can be just as dangerous as these large whitefire clots certainly yeah you know it the micr clotting occurs at the capillary level and it can block the exchange of oxygen at the lungs and then the carrying of that oxygen to all the major organs of the body you know including the brain and you know like your eyes your you have small capillaries in your eyes so this is uh just as dangerous a phenomenon as the white fiberous clots well we've got we've got blood vessels going the only part of the body without blood vessels is the very front clear part of the eye um everywhere else has got a vascular blood supply it's uh otherwise it' go black and drop off uh we asked the embalmer last year's survey we asked them about the grape jelly cloth so we asked that question to them again this year and as you can see 40% uh the embalmers on average are seeing uh the grape jelly clots and about 40% of their corpses in 2023 and they've not only seen more there's they actually they've increased in viscosity they've got they're more like grape jam now than grape jelly so the next question we compare that to uh what they saw in the Years prior to the pandemic yeah and if you go to that slide you'll see that uh they saw them in 30% so it was still a high number but but there's still an increase from 30% up to 40% now in 2023 so that can be alarming as well so we're getting five times more Micro thron by the little coffee grounds M we're getting 30% of the uh the bigger clots 30 30 up to 40% now yeah yeah and we're getting 100% more of the the white ones so all of these intravascular pathologies are massively increased correct wow 30% yeah one of the other things that embalmer mentioned to me throughout the year that we went ahead and asked a question on this year is uh about infant deaths and you know this is a very sad area I guess the good news John is that you see the longer bars the no bar 184 embalmers 69% said they were not seeing that another 25 imalers couldn't answer the question because they were they were younger in balers and weren't in Boling prior to 2019 but only 20% of the imalers said they saw an increase in 2023 in infant deaths when compared to the years prior to the pandemic so uh but but that can still be alarming in and of itself and there's actually a little bit of explanation for that I've been told by some of the imalers that um there seems to be a lot more cremations these days of infants so if there is a problem with the infant obviously that evidence is being destroyed and a lot of the U Embers have also told me that hospitals these days seem to be more prone to asking the parents if they want to let the hospital handle the um disposal of the remains of of the child yeah so I think some of the ERS are seeing less uh you know infants these days because of those two reasons but if you go to the next slide we asked infant being up to one year old are you classifying that as Tom yeah cuz we included still stillborns in there and SIDS as well you know because there's there's been cases of Sids where sudden infant death right in the crib yeah I've passed away unfortunately and we know John that uh the uh Spike protein from the uh medical intervention has been found in the breast milk of women going to the child it's also being found I believe in the delivered placentas you know after the woman delivers the child delivers they found the spike protein in that as well so this is really unfortunate if the spike protein is getting through from the mother to the infant it's quite an unfortunate situation the next slide tells you of the U of the 20% who did see the the uh uh an increase in infant deaths in 2023 compared to the uh pre-co years uh they saw an increase of about 25% so ex excluding that blue bar if you don't average that one in if you start with just the yellow bar down and average those together you get a 25% increase in infant deaths for just those that saw the increase so not a good thing not good at all yeah our last question on this year's survey John dealt with age stratification we did not get a chance to ask the Embers last year about that and I wasn't too surprised at the results here you would expect probably to see uh we asked them uh did you see an increase in the cloths in 2023 of all types you know grape jelly white fiberous cloths the micr clotting in any particular age group and we we asked them to mark all age groups that applied so they could mark multiple answers on this one and as you can see the longest bar there is in the 66 to 80y old age group not too surprised at that because as people get to that age they start to have problems you know with cholesterol plaque buildup in their systems but I am a little bit disturbed John by that that 36 to 50 year old bar it's a pretty long bar there 89 of the embalmers saw an increase uh in the clotting in clots yeah yeah and you know this is the age group you don't normally associate these people with having heart attacks and strokes usually that starts happening when you're in your late 50s early 60s correct but now you know and this information this data actually duv tailes very nicely or very closely to what Edward Dow's been finding in the insurance industry he's been taking a look at both USA and UK death and disability data and he's found a tremendous increase over the last three years in that particular age group of 36 to 50 year olds so the the the data that the Embers are supplying to me duv tailes very closely to the insurance death and disability data from Edward Dow and we also know there's been an increase in excess deaths certainly in the UK nationally in that age group as well same here in the United States we've had you know at least 10% excess mortality over the last three years in the United States and in most uh countries over the Western countries around the world surprisingly we haven't seen much excess mortality at all in African countries that uh had very little take on the medical intervention yes it's a lot of a lot of extra people are dying and you've just identified yet another yet another correlation at all we're getting a lot of correlations as as as you say now um the this is from a in bers um in the UK I think we're doing less post autums now is that the same situation in the states it is unfortunately there's there seems to be a lot less autopsies done uh yes and it's surprising is it cuz if you were the parent of a 20 or 30-year-old that was in great shape and then they died suddenly would you want an autopsy performed on your absolutely child yeah I would too otherwise you're going to spend the rest of your life wondering what the heck yes but I believe unless there's Foul Play suspected or maybe like uh overdose on drugs you know where they do toxicology then coroners and medical examiners will not take close looks at the vascular system they may look closely at the heart but not at the rest of the vascular system so the embalmers I'm talking to believe that they're a lot of the medical examiners are missing these clots and the embalmers are the ones finding them John I think that's true because the Embers are looking at all of the circulatory system because they're flushing it out whereas in the autopsy situation you might just be taking a slice for example a coronary artery I mean the post morms I've been to they don't like slice open the Arches and look at the inside you know it's not that's not a common and I think death certificates are just saying like you know thrombosis or embolism or something like that they they don't describe I believe the type of claw whether it was a grape jelly or a white fiberous clot or micro clotting that they saw they just generally label it as thrombosis so unfortunately I don't think we're getting good uh you know stratified data in terms of off the death certificates from Coral reports on exactly what types of clots they're pulling out of people or see even even so I'm still surprised that Pathologists aren't bouncing up and down about this saying just a minute there's a new disease here because you know if you discover a new disease you can call it can you can call it you can C Campbell disease you know havin disease you know I mean um you know you think they they've discovered something new that'd be absolutely chomping at the bit to write a paper about it well you know I it's hard to uh find something if you don't go looking for it John yeah and like I said earlier I I haven't I wouldn't call it necessarily a scandal but that's the first word that kind of comes to my mind when I uh first did this survey and sent out to the world the the um 50 uh funeral director associations and the 1700 funeral homes around the world I started the survey on the 8th of December for this most current survey and after about 5 days John I only had about 14 responses of my Survey Monkey collector I said this is terrible what's going on here I should a lot more responses than this so I had a list of the 30 US state funeral director associations that I had set the survey to I picked the top 30 US states by population Y and I I called each one of them their telephone and I talked to either their president or a secretary or somebody else in their office they said hey could you please forward that uh survey that uh the email I sent you last week with the link to our survey down to your in Balmer yeah and well God bless the Pennsylvania funeral director's Association John they did exactly as I asked because I got up the next morning morning and I saw 93 responses from embalmer and my Survey Monkey collectors and they were all from one state Pennsylvania I then got up the next day and I saw 32 more responses from embalmer and they were all from Pennsylvania again so in two days I got 125 responses from embalmer in just a single US state and it told me two things John it told me first of all that imalers they want to tell you what they're seeing in room if if they feel like they have the permission from their funeral director boss or from their state funeral director Association y but it also told me something else remember there was 29 other funeral director associations here in the United States that I sent that email to so they must not have sent it down to their to their embalmers they must have suppressed it deleted my email and not forwarded it to their embalmer to take so it's telling me that there's a terrific suppression going on at the either the funeral director Association level or the funeral director himself uh not pushing the survey down to their embalmers to take but the data you have collected is somewhat representative of the world really because we've got data from the UK which is consistent some data from Australia a little bit from New Zealand a little bit from Canada and and and the the little bit that is getting through is essentially consistent is it Tom with the numbers it is I've got very poor responses though frankly out of the UK and and Australia New Zealand it seems to me that the Fear Factor is even worse there in in your areas of the world than it is in the United States or Canada because the bulk of the response that did come from the United States and Canada but uh and I have two theories why that might be John um if you're a lot of these funeral director Association pres presidents are Funeral Directors themselves you know they elect one of their own to be the head of their State Association um would you want to participate in a survey if you think that there might be a link between the medical intervention and the formation of these white fibrous clots you know or the micr clotting and all these issues have been popping up the last three years so especially if you mandated that all the employees of your funeral home take the medical intervention you know you might be setting yourself up for a lawsuit so and the other reason I think is as I said earlier 80% of Americans here uh took at least the first two medical interventions so there might be a little personal cognitive dissonance going on where they may not want to know the answer themselves to the question so yeah one one of the other proof I have by the way in your country is when I I sent the survey to like six uh National Regional and uh funeral director associations in the UK London has their own there's a British Institute of embalmer there's also a UK National U Association of Funeral Directors well the UK National Association of funeral funeral directors John sent me back an email saying that they were going to decline participating in the survey they said we'll let the British Institute of embalmers answer for us well I I already sent an email to them asking them to participate in the survey what would be the harm in the UK you know National Association of Funeral Directors foring my survey down to their hundreds of funeral director and bulmer members encourage them to take the survey because like I said the survey itself was non-controversial it only asked the balers what did you see when did you see it and how much did you see yeah but but yet there's this tremendous reluctance to take the survey the other thing that's in my mind is is if these things are developing especially over a period of time they've got to be called causing symptoms and you would think that the Radiologists and the uh the surgeons and you know all the doctors doing the investigations would be seeing these things as well and saying ho just a minute there's a new disease process here but it just doesn't seem to be happening well people are coming into the doctors with conditions but I think sometimes they're being misdiagnosed or the doctor is steering them away from what the real diagnosis might be and and and I think one of the reasons there is as we know the medical system to a certain extent John unfortunately is captured they they've had carrots and sticks along the way right for example here in the United States are we have Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield health coverage and they uh for every doctor that uh can get at least 75% of his patients uh to take the medical intervention they get paid $250 per injection so if you had a 100 patients that would be $25,000 extra dollars in your pocket to thank you very much $25,000 and then of course on the opposite end they have sticks as well if these doctors if they if they stand up and say anything negative about the medical intervention then they can have their licenses pulled their board certifications taken away from them so it's a it's an unfortunate uh thing of carrots and sticks and by the way you know we're seen the same thing happening in our Regulatory Agencies as well both uh last year when I completed the survey last year the uh I I sent the USA portion of the results last January to the FDA they had a meeting of their vaccine and related bi ological products advisor committee on the 26th of January of last year 2023 I actually asked to speak of that meeting they had an hour set aside for oral presentations but there was 20 speakers uh allowed and there was a lottery ensued and I didn't get a chance to speak but I did submit my information in a written format last year John and I did I got a tracking number from the FDA but throughout the entire year of all last year I never heard once from the FDA nor the CDC so you know I I'm not holding my breath but as soon as I have the results for this survey done on the 88th of January the very next day on the 9th of January I packed up all my results including the presentation that I just showed you and also all the Survey Monkey data I had all the files I used to collect the data sent that off to the FDA CDC and NIH again this year and hopes that they will do something because you know I as a retired Air Force Major I shouldn't have to do this right this is their job to do they should be investigating this and seeing if there's any possible link between the medical intervention and this unusual clotting that we've been seeing going on for the last three years so I think it's just a shame that they haven't done it and of course you you've got you you to some extent despite the difficulties you've identified are able to say how many white clots there are but of course you can't put the other variable on that with the amount of vaccines and the time since vaccines but they can they can do that they have that data correct they won't share it with anybody publicly just uh quite incredible I mean this is a completely new pathology it's only been identified by people like yourself by talking to inas it's just just absolutely staggering that this would be this will be happening now there are a few um uh uh like I said earlier the um some of the embalmers are actually Funeral Directors themselves they they're a funeral director and they do their own embalming well uh one of the ones that that's in the diet suney movie she she is in that role so she gets a chance to communicate with the families of the deceased and she says that every time she finds the white fibrous cloths she'll go and ask the family of the deceased was did your LED one get the medical intervention and she says 100% of the time John without fail the answer is yes so I know that's just anecdotal one person but it is kind of a stunning thing to to discover so that that anecdotal report cour should be a is an operational hypothesis that should be tested because the FDA and the CDC and the regulatory agencies in my country they have this data and not only are they not analyzing it themselves they won't let anyone else analyze it for them yeah I I totally agree and you know here's the problem John if the MRNA uh technology with the lipid nanop particle delivery system is responsible and I'm not saying if I'm not sure you know we like I said correlation not necessarily causation but if it is responsible for all this unusual uh blood clotting we're seeing as well as things like turbo cancers uh you know miscarriages NE damage myocarditis all these things if it is we've got a problem because big Pharma is getting ready to unleash a whole bunch of mr& Base shots next year starting you they want to do the flu shot the RSV shot the shingle shot madna has about 40 of these mr& based shots in the pipeline over the next few years to to push out on the world so I I am actually calling for a moratorium I think that we need to do uh more of an investigation to check and make sure that the these medical interv interventions that this technology is indeed safe before we decide that we're going to pump it into you know not just hundreds of millions but even billions of people around the planet I I too call for a monitori because we've got enough data now to raise significant questions that absolutely must be answered in in my country I think it's Hardwell Science Park in Oxford uh a new plant to build 250 generate 250 million doses madna mRNA you know and people they may ask okay we talked about 10% excess mortality earlier on people say well I'm not seeing that 10% excess mortality well it's actually subtle at the individual level here in America we're a country of 300 million people and about three 3 million of us died every year before the pandemic well if we've had about 10% excess mortality the last three years so 10% of 3 million people dying is an extra 3,000 people dying per year that's 300,000 extra people dying a year but excess mortality to the individual means instead of you seeing 10 people dying this year you see 11 people die this year that's 10% ex mortality right 11 versus 10 are you really going to notice 11 people dying this year versus 10 dying last year probably not right so that's why it's so subtle at the individual level but when you aggregate it up to large populations it becomes staggering numbers like 300,000 extra Americans dying every year that's what's going on the other thing that I get thousands of messages literally thousands people dying at times when you wouldn't expect them to die young people dying middle-aged and older people people who perfectly fit no no pathology at all and then yeah Mr Richman talk to me yeah Richard hman uh talked to me the other day on the phone and unfortunately he had to embal a u a young out of the respect for the family I won't say the exact age but it was a a girl in her teenage years and she was riddled with the clots John and then he had a 31-year-old I think a few days after that so it's just it's heartbreaking and you you can understand what the embalmers are going through there's a lot of psychological damage going on here CU they're seeing this horrific uh phenomenon happening and a lot of them feel like they cannot speak out they don't want to damage the reputation of their funeral homes they don't want to put their own careers in danger they see like I said doctors getting their licenses pulled and and their certifications taken away so they don't want to rock the boat but yet there's something horrific going on it's absolutely cast IR evidence these photographs that we've shown the it is incontrovertible the evidence is there and yet it's being ignored it's that that's what convinced me I mean I've heard about this and I saw I saw I saw these photos you put together time I thought this just a minute this is absolutely 100% physical 100% real these came out of dead people's circulatory systems and I believe it's what killed them well you I wasn't sure when I started the survey you know I watched that died suddenly movie and six or seven balers in that movie said they were seeing these clots and I W I thought there might have been a bunch of cooks so I did the survey not knowing what kind of results I was going to get when I got the results of my first survey and I saw my goodness you know 67 70% of the embalmers are seeing this phenomenon and they're seeing it in like 30% of their corpses you know now 20% of their corpses it was mind-blowing to me just spectacular in an awful way incredible what I'd like to do Tom I'll do a quick video where I just show some of those photos if that's all right then play this whole this whole thing if people want more detail and uh I'm I'm well thank you for what you've done it's just a really impressive piece of Citizen science but by someone with the mathematical and statistical data analytical skills to do it in such a convincing way well my hope is that that that I don't have to do it next year I'm hoping that the FDA and CDC will go off get off the reare ends and do it themselves and give us some good data because they really should be doing that they're the professionals not me I just took it up on myself I retired I had the time to do it I was glad to and I was curious too John I wanted to know the answer to the question I've got family members who've taken the medical intervention and I want to know if they're in danger and and we simply don't know the time scale you know um we've got some small ination that the numbers have gone down in 2023 when there was less boosters but we seem to don't know are these things forming over days weeks months years yeah more research needs to be done like I said the EMB Barbers are speculating maybe 6 to 12 months in order for these things to grow large enough to stroke you out or give you a heart attack but that's just that's based up on the data we've collected and that's that's not uh yeah yeah for sure yet so I mean that means if we've had a booster campaign in autumn in the UK we can look forward to more of these things throughout 2024 well the data would seem to indicate that John unfortunately we hope not but but um I'm pleased that people like you are keeping a close eye on it Tom and uh keep us informed what's your next step uh just continue to go thank you so much for giving me the platform to I'm hoping I'm hoping that people like Russell Brand who I know follows you and you know people like Joe Rogan maybe maybe even Tucker Carlson will'll see our interview together and uh get on their platforms as well in order Tucker get Tom on this matters mainstream media is not going to do this yeah we need to get this out there this is people's lives this is you know people sometimes tell me ofon for being a bit frivolous about things but but I'm not this is I I just I couldn't feel stronger about this and this is a phenomenon it's a little bit different than myocarditis or ttis or the because you can see you can see you can see the evidence right here it exists and when people see it a picture is worth a thousand words yep yep and is that is that in your hand there from one person do we know to yes that was taken out of one corpse by Richard hman correct May je thank you my pleasure joh and uh let's talk again soon we'll do thank you

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