Can Michael Keaton save Beetlejuice Beetlejuice? đź’š Car Review

we just got out of Beetle Juice Beetle Juice and now it's time to talk about this movie this movie what was it it was a sequel a lot of people have been saying things I've been seeing online like this movie 30 years too late what you doing Beetlejuice Beetle Juice but I would say I don't know kind of right on time considering all the other garbage that I've had to watch in theaters lately oh this film was like a breath of fresh air got out of it and I was just like oh I feel like I can breathe again honestly it's it's Tim Burton not every movie that Tim Burton has made has been amazing is what I'm going to say for me but Tim Burton has a style has just a way that he approaches I feel like film making that just makes things exciting visually audibly in terms of the story and this film delivered I think on all of those aspects it has a great cast the story is so fun and I think they did a really good job of setting up a reason for why this sequel is happening in terms of what goes on in the film I didn't say this but I should have said this at the beginning but we're going to keep this one spoiler-free as I usually do with my first thoughts when I get out of the theater but I will be following up with a full review where we'll be talking spoilers ins and outs of the story also my apology is that this light is very bright so I feel like my neck just looks green but in a way kind of fitting for the visuals of this film lots of green lots of green bubbling goo and spittle I think when we have movies like this especially a sequel that's happening this late the question can often become of like what is this about like what purpose does this serve why are we here and I think the answer to that for me is Michael Keaton because m Keaton is just such an amazing performer and I feel like his Creation with Tim burden of Beetle Juice this amazing like just scall WG of a demon Spirit who is this trickster and he's kind of he's very chaotic he's not really evil he's not really good he just kind of is and he's always up to something he's such a fun character and getting to see Michael Keaton put that character back on and be Beetlejuice again was so rewarding I feel like that's enough of a reason for me to go and I hope that that is enough of a reason for you to go but the other thing is that when you have something that's that compelling when you have an actor in a role that I just really want to see that again you could say to yourself okay so that's all we need so what do we need we need we needed to have Beetle Juice we need Michael Keaton to be doing his thing but who cares about the rest of it like the rest of it we could kind of phone it in but they really didn't phone it in I feel like they really delivered they brought a lot of the theatrical elements of Beetle Juice that I loved when I first watched that movie that made it stand out for me and still makes it stand out for me today the one thing I will say is that I um there is some stuff that I missed from the original that I feel like this didn't have and and I think there is an element of Simplicity to the original that the sequel forgets about the importance of that when we think about what Beetle Juice is about it's kind of just about this weird family moving to a new home and The Growing Pains of that at its core and also there's ghosts obviously and also there's Beetle Juice obviously but it's pretty self-contained I feel terms of the story like and a lot of it happens either in the underworld or in the house that's it this film has a lot more working pieces to it it's a bigger cast all of the casts is amazing but it does mean that I feel like there's less time for us to focus on the elements of it that are the most interesting so sometimes we kind of get lost in the sauce with this film that's my only qualm with it is that it feels like my only complaint is that it feels like it is getting a little bit lost in all these different stories that are going on at once and it's still really fun but then it becomes less impactful I really wish actually that they had spent more time on the relationship between Lydia and ASD I think we do spend a good amount of time on it but I feel like that should be the main part of this film that's what it feels like the film wants it to be about but we just don't spend enough time building that up so that when um we have those scenes with those characters together although we have two very talented actresses we've got wiona writer we have Jenna Ortega I love both of them I just feel like there's a bit of an emotional connection in not that's missing there's still emotional connection here but it could be deeper I wish there was more I it it's a film that leaves you wanting more that's the only thing it's like I wish I don't know I don't know how you fix that other than do less and then just you know you can really go in on a few characters and a few relationships or you make it I think it could have been really good as a TV series honestly honestly I also come back whenever I whenever I think of Beetlejuice to the cartoon and I really loved the cartoon what a wild time that was it's wild to come to this movie and think about how a huge plot point in Beetlejuice is this really old demon wanting to marry a teenage girl and I feel like whenever I think about that I'm like wow that's really a thing that happened and we all were like this is so interesting and when I watched the cartoon it was like a relationship that I romanticized how bizarre it's got a really weird ending too so prepare for that it already is weird and fun and campy and big because it's Beetle Juice it does all of those things but then at the end it really is just like yeah we're just going to go for this and is it weird yeah I don't know do you think there's going to be a Beetle Juice Beetle Juice Beetle Juice if this movie makes money they kind of I I don't think they really set it up but I think they kind of left a window open yeah of opportunity yeah it wasn't explicitly like come back for part three I do and that's the thing I do love about it is that it kind of just is in and of itself a film it just is there that's it although do you need to see Beetle Juice to watch this movie yeah I think so it's not like a sequel that you could just pick this up and watch it I feel like you'd be confused on a lot of stuff there's a lot of call backs but you know what's really surprising it's it's a sequel that has so many opportunities to be super fan servy and it really doesn't do much in the way of fan service oh boy I am the opposite oh you think it's all fan service well not all but I thought that there was a lot of fan service in this yeah but I I I don't think there's stuff that's there for the purpose of fan service you know what I'm saying like all of it like fits into the plot of what's happening I think like they use everything that they refer back to as opposed to it being like that's just a reference but maybe I'm wrong how do you feel about that how do you feel about that uh I can't think of anything specific right now at the top of my head but I know there were a few times where I was like they just put that there just the the sculptures the sculptures yeah the sculptures are obviously a reference back but I just mean they don't like go like look at that sculpture no but there's enough of there's enough but it's in the background there's enough things like that that popped up in the film but again that's just a n pick yeah from me I would say it's either like background stuff that we don't really touch on but that if you wanted to notice it it's there for you um or it's something that serves the plot when they refer back to something like the handbook and stuff like that yeah uh yeah so I mean the story I think they could have simplified it and I think they could have made it smaller so that they could have gone in more on the characters that they did have but everyone that's in it is really great and is clearly having a fun time I got to imagine this was a fun set to be on some of the effects work better than others I would say one of my favorite elements in this it's not a spoiler but there when the hallway when there is that guy that shows up in the afterworld in the afterworld is that you say that the afterlife the afterlife what do they call it in Beetle Juice afterlife pretty the afterlife okay but yeah there is that character there's that character that shows up in the afterlife and he's trying to figure out where he's where he is and what's happened to him and there's just a hallway with a janitor in the hallway and the lights the way the hallway is structured way it lights up it's so cool I just love when we actually have practical elements uh there is also some CG in it some of it is better than other parts I would say the effects are a bit of a mixed bag but everything that they do practically looks pretty good at least as far as I could tell what was practical and what's not obviously I'm not a special effects expert but I do watch a lot of movies so from what I could see the makeup is amazing good Lord honestly the makeup and costumes in this and just how creative they get with some of the deceased that we see the recently deceased so good uh is pretty fun and they surprised me with uh characters that appeared in this that I wasn't expecting to see who actually have bigger Parts than I thought there's also some really fun twists in it where there are turns that we take that I wasn't expecting things that are set up that I thought oh this is going to go this way and then they made like a hard left with it and I was like oh no I don't want to say anything cuz it'll spoil it for people but when you get there you'll probably know what I'm talking about and hopefully it surprises you too I don't know you know what I'm talking about in terms of these twists do you feel like they were surprising or do you feel like you were like 10 steps ahead well there was there was one I called out pretty early there was one that you called out pretty early I mean is it the one that I'm thinking of it's the one that I literally leaned over and told you yes but that wasn't super early though well I didn't want to spoil as soon okay I I knew as soon as you saw it I knew it pretty early but I only leaned over like as it was about to happen ah okay cuz that was the moment when you were like it's about to go down I didn't want to ruin it I didn't want to ruin it so you you felt like you saw that coming a mile away uh yeah I did not see that coming a mile away I saw it when you leaned over that was when I was like oh my goodness but that was about the time that I that things started to click for me it was when you leaned over so it was for me I knew we earlier so I don't know I don't know if you'll be surprised by some of the twists but I was surprised by some of the twists anyways overall I would say everyone was great in it the music is amazing I mean Danny Elfman just crushes it as per usual and I even liked the soundtrack for it I thought was very fun and very fitting the lights are great the way things that are the way the cinematography in this is also great actually the editing is also really good just that's the other thing like all elements of the film they really nailed it just the only thing is I think that I think it could have been refined more in terms of the story but the story is still good I think people will enjoy it is it as iconic as the original no but I don't know how you do that you'd have to create a whole new film this is this is a sequel you need the original to make it better yes yeah and it also makes me want to go back and watch the original which is great I think that's that's a gift so over overall I would say I give it a four out of five if I could give it a half I would give it a half if we give halves four and a half if you prefer no half then we'll say four out of five because I think there is room for improvement I don't think it's a perfect film but it is amazingly entertaining and I think you'll have a really good time which is why I really want to give it that half and it doesn't phone in any element of the film what do you think uh three out of five for me I I enjoyed it I just thought I enjoyed it I just thought that there were a couple issues yeah I don't want to like get too into it cuz it gets into spoiler terit spoil but Dylan thinks there's a couple duck is saying there's a couple issues yeah it's just I mean it's really fun I enjoyed it I think one of the points I have to take off though is the fact that it's a sequel that I feel heavily relies on you knowing the first movie yes that's fair so you would have preferred if it was a sequel that was more dependent that's that's fair I mean I think all film is stronger when it can stand on its own yeah that's that's how I see it yep I I I hear you um yeah uh so that's kind of where we're at with it yeah overall would recommend though and I think if you can go see it in theaters I do think it's a really fun one to see up on the big screen and see with a room full of people that you get to laugh with all right that's it I hope you enjoyed this reaction this immediate reaction we're back in the red light perfect place to end I'll see you next time I'll see you for the the full review and until then stay nerdy friends bye and keep it real

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