Category: Howto & Style
Hey there guys what's up it's your boy george back with another youtube video for you guys on the channel today's video be taking out the wednesday 3rd of july 700 p.m. content see if the play sbc that comes out as a must do or must not do must complete or must not complete you guys know the crack by... Read more
Category: Gaming
I have got so many 85 plus time 10 and now with all 4 teams being in packs i'm expecting to see a lot of 4 cards today if we get two team of the seasons of course we're not going to wait hold on is this bruno fernandez the team of the tournament it is h good f good f so no footy card servers we do actually... Read more
Category: Gaming
We are going to open so many 95 plus player picks today and maybe some footy player picks chucked in there as well to start off eight on the rtg please ea bless me up i know you gave me a son yesterday that was on the first owner okay that was not on the rtg though so uh you could argue that doesn't... Read more
Category: Gaming
Unlimited 96 plus fo player picks two 92 rated teams but they've actually upped it not min rating main rating still the exact same but i mean in terms of one of four now it was one or three and i've actually got two of the oldd ones here as well so what we can do is we kind of can compare the two see... Read more
Category: Gaming
Eu tenho 500 milhões de euros para montar um time com os melhores jogadores possíveis só que eu só vou poder escolher o jogador se ele usar a camisa da cor que a roleta decidir meu objetivo é montar um time com over suficiente para ficar entre os três melhores da premier league só que para facilitar... Read more
Category: Gaming
Il real madrid e il barcellona fosse ununica squadra che cosa potrebbe mai succedere proviamo a scoprirlo insieme su fc24 a questo punto ragazzi questa sarebbe il real madrid e barcellona uniti in un'unica sola squadra a questo punto guardate solamente l'attacco abbiamo mbappé venic junior e la mam... Read more
Category: Gaming
Okay ea sports i see you now bill fia with 99 d is the brand new 30s sbc dynamic image his beard looks unbelievable but the play style pluses i don't know for cheap and fast fc24 ultimate team coins head over to mmo link down below and make sure to use my morci at checkout to get yourself 5%... Read more
Category: Gaming
Hello and welcome to the red bull arena leig in the beautiful state of saxony eastern germany i'm guy m joined for commentary by sue smith and hopefully we've got some goals and drama on the way it's germany and they face the netherlands yeah cheers guy well it's so loud in here isn't it the fans are... Read more
Category: Gaming
Anh em nào chưa xem tập trước có thể xem lại ở đây nhé cảm ơn anh em rất nhiều hello anh em chào mừng anh em quay trở lại với channel của mình chúng ta sẽ đến với tập thứ 27 của series đề tr mới và bước vào tập 27 này thì chúng ta sẽ cố gắng cố gắc giải quyết mục tiêu lên hạng thôi anh em ơi chúng ta... Read more
Category: Gaming
How many fc points did you spend this year on ea fc 350 350,000 around that that's a lot isn't it yeah don't know maybe 4k it's a lot i think 500,000 500,000 who was your best pack from that mbapp gold card it's terrible first of all i have to say too much i think it's around 850,000 fc points 850,000... Read more
Category: Gaming
That special and unbeatable feeling of match day is in the air and the knowledge that this has all the makings of a vibrant and compelling encounter anticipation levels are sky high and every expectation that this game will live up to its considerable billing it's crystal palace they face manchester... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] when i'm up through the night i can't turn down the noise all the words out of my mind about who i'm supposed to be i to can't it remember the days i let slip away it was simple time [music] mama told me before you leave if there's only one thing you remember for me child when you're out on... Read more