hi guys welcome to another video about B 87 today we are opening packs for pre-season week number two I missed week number one guys cuz I wasn't here but this could be the final pack opening of FC 24 for me hopefully you guys have enjoyed all the content I've just got back from Center packs after a week's break but we're here making another video for you guys we got a few videos next week as well feel free to leave a like rating goes along way without even realizing subscribe hit the Bell button all that good stuff and make sure you hit the Bell button so you miss no content remember we do read every comment H every comment respond to some as well and just look at the people around the screen right now guys who leave them comments all the time so with that said preseason number two I can't really see much on the screen so let's delve into it and see what's happening but before that check this out this episode is brought to you by theone global home of boxing of over 150 fights per year from the best of boxing crossover boxing and MMA and on the zone you guys can watch X Series 17 featuring Danny aens versus Danny Simpson this Saturday August 31st and as you can tell it's only live on deson and down below in the description guys is a link for you guys to check out the website get 15% off the price of the pay-per-view if you sign up to an annual plan this is what I'm going to be doing instantly so I can watch a fight unfortunately can't be out there but this is the next best thing oh sign up to the 7-Day free trial no commitment with the monthly Flex Plan buy now at the zone.com the link can be found down in the description and rumor has it well it's not really a rumor guys it's been confirmed there is a special live concert featuring KSI is going to be playing live from the concert and you guys can watch it all on the zone theone is available on any mobile and connected device but also guys it is available on Smart TVs chomecast PlayStation and Xbox as well as many many more so sit back relax and get ready for the awesome fight between Danny aens and Danny Simpson tomorrow August 31st today we are introducing time loans L last P set number matches time loans will now be playable for predetermined time oo check out preseason daily completionist objective foot is neyar on a seven a timed loan for seven days o that's interesting pre-season all footies teams one to five a best bat free best off players been packed until the end of preseason cool cool seems like we got a new batch guys which is pretty cool so with that said let's have a look at sbc's cuzz that's always a good place to start isn't it my friends let's go to players one pasaka and Hansen right Juan pasaka very nice that might be an old one I don't know and then is icons Maldini C is that is that new guys is Pelle new this is this is me ask he's new oh there you are guys get you can get R9 now hey the game is complete the game is complete I like it everyone seems to be having a lot of fun and uh let's have a look at objectives and is there any new objectives guys not really seasonal not really Milestones not really either WAM zaka and R9 are new oh there you are guys get yourself an R9 right let's start off with some packs guys blast it all out and see what do we get right so we got an 86 * 2 very nice we're going to be discarding a lot guys so don't cry too much about it get Man City Center mid and it is castellinos and Herrera so this is new stuff for fod which will help us do Waka as well which is quite nice but guys let me know what your ratings your teams are now I am curious on that one BFF what's up buddy welcome to the stream everybody uh don't know who that is we'll get with that one love the B guys I've actually not cut my head in a few days well I've not actually like done my hair in a while yours is 98 I've seen a lot of people rocking 99 rated teams now right 8510 this is free today we get a Dutch Center mid pull it no joking see guys it's good when you take a week away you don't know what I can't remember what was impacts and we get a team of the season I don't even know who that was any pinks lots of fod guys this this is all the same stuff isn't it as last week new 99 EV we've done two of them already but we got a full 99 Team guys right 95 time three foot's player pack that's ABY P hey that's not a bad start is it 97 and casamero 96 oh at least we get some pinks guys casemiro Masano that's a pretty bad pack compared to what you would expect to see paggy thank you much for the 66 66 right promo packs there's no promos guys so we'll literally open everything the Energizer packs there let's start with an Energizer pack wer thanks for 48 as well wait guys is it nearly September and we can't open a 30 coin pack there we go I just got a free icon that is mental 30 coins are got 30 coins are paid for this guys guu would discard for more if he was tradeable but we've got him anyway nice nice in the club and make some money back as well glorious so they guys more likely this is going to be the last pack opening isn't it there's not really much else to do and to be fair there's not many packs guys all these packs are here for wait guys I might as well just open these and see we get any tradeable fod right we're going to just open packs see what we can get I had a very good time away guys it was nice and relaxed I Haven not looked at sbcs apart from players uh right money in the bank guys and here we are opening packs now you may have seen a tweet guys opening everything for the end of fc24 there We Are Marshall just give me a video of title what a beast I'm sure that's a rare gold imagine opening a pack and getting a rare gold in September oh that's a footies Belgium what's up pry Belgium Striker Real Madrid that's ctoa and that is a bomb pasta so what's been added into packs today guys muhamed Salah who else oh so the repeatable tomorrow at 9: I didn't realize it was at 9:00 refresh time anymore so Sun's back Morgan's back drogba's back we just got an ion we just got R9 that's me where there what we just got here wait who is that whoa whoa what a what a pack what a pack that is okay and that's tradeable as well a 97 and deam how want you use Sunshine oh to be I'm going W guys worth like 50k but that's not bad right and I think we can get rid of this one as well how much are you worth that's more like it right we need money to buy more 99s that's the player that's a tradeable hey we like that I look completely well guys I've been away and I won't Li I put on weight cuz I was eating and drinking quite a lot during my family holiday but we're back and we're going to lose it again so tomorrow the diet starts I am rekindling the water today but we're back on it tomorrow and I'm going to try and push to 100 kilograms by the end of the year which I think is very very doable right we get rod and I want to see pinks what's up Adam B all right team of the season that a very good tradeable pack that one we haven't even got to the ultimate footage packs either yeah holiday was good holiday was good sorry to keep mentioning it guys people keep popping and asking um gold pack crazy crazy 75s 87s who else guys has got the h v fc25 now and you just want to get onto that game I am I am there I am ready I think there going be a very chilled few weeks because at the moment it's like stuck in limbo during preseason um right maybe two more of these guys I'm bu B bored of these ones you want the new career mode stey you're going to be doing the icon so you just pre-ordered it nice um right at the moment guys we're P of that double footies icon pull that was it wait that means all the foot his icons are back isn't it so everything's in packs right let's open one more of these and then we're going to take a look at the rest of the packs guys cuz at the moment we're a little bit um oh ooh nice I'm the same Panda yeah that that road to GL is in a hit different next year I'm looking forward to rush as well right we'll move away from them packs we have got some more to finish off on later but let's go with guys there's not many packs in the store um and I don't mind that either let's open the Nano packs see what we get from the Nanos get some untradeables into Club um nice a foot is loan no 99's Coller get rid of that what's up uh B oh hen what's up buddy as well right Nanos guys this all the packs is going to be all week I wasn't here last week so I don't know what packs were ooh a Swedish at lasson not bad discards if it was tomorrow what packs just random star packs dude this is O this is just f for me to be able to get um f for me toble to get sbcs throughout the week basically right right let's open basically guys I'll leave them ones I'll just do these ultimate 4ot guarantee packs we'll do two of them and see what we get hopefully some banging like Ronaldo oh who's that wait no 96 Bruno Fernandes surprised he never got a higher rated card towards the end 99 99 99 a dama Tori I think he was in the last pack open I did guys hell oh wait this is tra wait this is tradable huh I won't say no to tradeable players guys get some money even though none of it's really worth anything now I SP and the last one and then we'll finish off on the other packs we get a footy uh jnan Rea a double as well so we get Rea and a 99 go on give us a 99 we got 98 oh we have we got Sam ker and she was quite she's quite a rare one isn't she I've seen a lot of people saying that samur is quite rare to get I think her price was quite high but that's probably changed now um go in Sophia Smith Charlton and then H first and probably last 99 we're going to pack on FC 20 24 guys but she actually not worth that much anyway so we'll just get offloader she's com she's common and [ __ ] I've not been not been here this week so I don't really know what's common and what's not I presume everything's popular now right let's finish off with these Pats guys and then we'll call it there but I'll uh just back out and back in guys and uh see what we can do draft May might do some Road to Glory this week on the draft so that's what's in packs again now for 20 days guys oh that is literally the end is it he have literally called it there so it's done this is the final pack opening there we we are guys the end of the game bbd's 15 million bloody hell wait is he really crazy that's a lot of mul isn't it right let's open these 10 packs guys our final 10 packs we got a hero but we're looking for pink cuz all this is tradeable and then good luck for you guys trying to chase your 99 98 rate teams for the rest of the week that that BBD price should come down then of his impacts now ooh great to the game French zidane treas hry no oh is is tiar HRI bloody hell tiar hry I'm so used to I don't know Tre imps guys a tradable tiar BBD is not impacts how much is this card also 80k crazy new Evolution gives a pack for fc25 I'll go on I tell you what we'll sign off on the video there guys we'll have a look do I have Morgan 99 I believe I do yeah I think I've got a majority of the 99's now I'll probably end up selling everything and trying to get the best of 99s I don't have but I believe there's a lot that's the one two mentioned a while ago yeah I think he mentioned it last week the preseason so we have to do that on both accounts is that a foot is French is that foot is no that's two to um old school money get rid of that so that's it guys the game's finished have you guys enjoyed fc24 icon Colombia Striker that's a team of season with an ion I should have kept that guys that be Perez not bad money through either 44k we'll have a look at the 99 Evo guys and then we'll see cuz that that one apparently is stuff for next year in it nothing there Brazil is the best Brazil you can get Kabal ralo get R of that take the money what more what pack does it give if you know we'll have a look so I I'm giv so it gives an 81 time 7 pack for fc25 now now that doesn't sound the best does it but honestly that'll go a long way for next year 81 time 7 that could help a lot I know a lot you a lot of people don't like the preseason stuff but it gives you a good boost for the next year especially for people winning free to play I shall be doing it on both my accounts right so our last 9 guys is going to be Sam Kerr of FC 20 24 not bad what complain about that juk p y I've seen people getting mental dupes as well this week Lucio there thankfully guys I'm getting tradeable packs right final two packs of the game would work here we go it was loading in Summit I think completely world to Glory I'll have this account you guys know that one and then we'll have our world to Glory account which is did this pass you probably keep the same guys I might even do a rush to Glory or something I don't know right last pack and it was not a footage so Sam K is the person um our last 99 of FC 25 which isn't bad at all oh wait salah's in backing packs is he little booger right there we are Sal G uh discard that guys Sal the 99 Sal be an epic way to finish but let's have a look at this uh objective which you guys were talking about footage D shooting specialist road to FC so this this one's 99 oh and Liverpool players fit into this you guys think reckon Elliot Elliot 99 yeah he deserved it don't it guys right so we need to complete that and we get a pack guys let me know who you're doing on your Ro to fc25 hopefully you guys have enjoyed it leave a like And subscribe have a great rest of FC 24 and good luck opening packs and let me know your rate en teams guys until next time goodbye

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