Ep 3 | FOV Podcast | PS5 Pro Specs, The Day Before Drama, The Completionist Scam, Twitch Nudity...

what is up everybody welcome back to the fov podcast every Sunday we have these podcast episodes coming out straight straight to you depending on what platform you listen to our podcast on uh sometimes you might get it on Mondays but anyways it's me Jacob calwell AKA precursor Jake on YouTube as always I'm joined by Alonzo AKA zo gaming kyt um and that song kick and what else Ki YouTube and Tik Tok okay so you're okay so you're all over kick YouTube and Tik Tok that's what kyt stands for yep all right so we're going to be talking about a few things today we're going be talking about the new PS5 Pro specs that were leaked uh earlier this week also going to be talking about uh the game the day before because there's been a lot of um drama around the that game and those developers um talk about The Last of Us online and we're going to be talking about twitch a little bit and their whole policies that they had uh going back and forth this week and then a few other things so stick around we'll go ahead and get started here we're going to be talking about the PS5 Pro first so this got this got leaked like earlier in the week like this was like shortly after like a day after our podcast last week uh this information got leaked so apparently the Apparently Sony is going to be coming out the new PlayStation it's going to be called the PlayStation well we don't know if it's going to be called PlayStation 5 Pro but judging on their past you know Hardware releases they've always gone with pro at the end of it so yeah these specs are looking pretty hefty if this game or if this uh Hardware actually ships this way it's going to be the probably the strongest Hardware out right now so what do you think um so first and foremost I don't know why they're trying to come with another console when they just had a release a few years back but um overall I mean if it is called the pro which you said they probably would be called the pro but I mean based on the specs that I'm seeing bro I ain't going to lie it is going to be a strong system overall just based on what I'm looking at just the CPU by itself going from andz to Zen 2 to Zen 4 of course got the aor 16 threads uh the 4 point going to be a 4.2 GHz variable like then they going from the AMD rayon 2 to three 70 72c like it's it's definitely super strong the Tera flops is going pretty much doubled um on the hardware itself the another thing too is the raate tracing um acceleration is going to be doubled so that's going to go crazy the ram is going to 20 um the memory bandwidth is pretty much almost doubling itself as well um the bit rate bust is going up by like like 70 so um storage is showing I'm seeing is like a terabyte but that's I mean storage is storage I mean everybody now pretty much has an external hard drive so I know I do so that's storage a big deal um but the what else they doing yeah they're going to the power consumption it's saying custom AI accelerator I don't know what that is honestly but it sounds crazy not sure how that's going to work maybe it's going to like be able to know how to use the power itself to where it can make it last longer and not overheat cuz I know sometimes the ps5s be like overheat and stuff like that but my old my old PlayStation 5 before I got the uh Spider-Man version my old PlayStation 5 would overheat and it would just like crash yeah see that's probably what that is I'm assuming that since it says custom AI accelerator I'm assuming it's able to like read and know how to like levitate it where it won't overheat but um the biggest thing in this thing though is the Apu with 96 Ro the Apu is what's going to really like take this thing to like uh and and the 23 uh tarot flops is really really going to take this console to like the next level but my thing is this is like if PS5 Pro is going to come up with something it's only a matter of time before Xbox comes out with something it's only a matter of time know I mean so but um overall is definitely I think it's based on the specs that I'm seeing it's definitely going to be a super strong console itself this console you know know by itself that was going to be super strong for sure yeah it's uh it's interesting you say that though because a while back uh some documents got leaked out of Xbox um during their um court case about them um buying out and acquiring Activision um they had some documents released or get leaked anyways uh that they had to present for that court case basically showing like kind of a rough a rough draft of like their release dates for the next year too as far as hardware and software and they were on that leaked document that they had there was a new Xbox that was um being rumored or at least in the document um that was going to planned on coming out 2024 and it was supposed to be like it's so weird it's supposed to look like the Xbox the new Xbox the Xbox series X um but it's not a box it was like a just a cylinder it's like a circle um that's what it looked like in the document anyways and apparently from what the document said it was supposed to be digital only so but it was supposed to be stronger so I don't know I'm not surprised but I mean of course you know they want to release right before you know they had to first they had to let off their cars on the table well then next you know here comes PlayStation let some out way you know before so I it's always you know a little tip or t kind of thing but I think I mean the series X was good um I do I mean I don't mind it being digital only because I don't have disc like you can you can probably chust my home room I don't I started buying disc a long time ago just because if I buy the game I don't want to have to give it back or like you know people be like selling here going there like if I buy the game I'm buying the game it's mine I can download whatever I want to um so I don't I don't mind it being digital because it would cost less dust less stuff being in my room I already got like all this crap here anyway I the less stuff I have in this room the better you know what I mean so I'm cool with that um but yeah I'm not I'm not surprised they coming out with something um right before you know the next year of uh where Xbox said they were going to come up I'm not I'm not surprised by that so but I mean but I mean the system itself though I'm not I'm not like a PS5 hater or nothing like that so I mean looking at the specs it's it's definitely a strong system for sure I can assure you that it's strong yeah I agree it's it's if if this is if this information that we have here is actual truth and the the ports itself is crazy because even it went from um they used to have was it one 2.0 and three USB 3. Gen 2 ports so now it's just all it's all Bluetooth with a 5.3 so like it's it's they they do they I mean it's Sony you can't be I mean Sony is Sony you can't it's just they they they goingon to bring it to the table when it come to technology so um it's definitely going to be sweet for sure I mean to to be fair I mean if they're coming out with this next year then you know Xbox is going to have something they're not just going to be like oh and we don't know what the specs for that's going to be at so who knows hey I hope it's stronger that's what I hope right definitely got to be stronger than what y'all got now for sure yeah I know we got something strong now but you know as time go on technology has to advance so that definitely and I did want to talk about also um as of this as of our recording this I know we our last podcast we kind of like went back and forth a little bit about it but as of this recording Xbox has still still not claimed blade I'm just saying I'm just putting it out there they have not claimed blade yet so it's still up in the air if it's an exclusive or not I mean they do own the studio but but you know Xbox kind of likes to have their stuff on multiple platforms so yeah I don't know if they'll claim it or not just because I don't know if it's going to be a a like a like a solidified like nice game or not I think it's going to be it's a hit or miss because it's like will it be nice or will it not be because if it's not then they not going to care to claim it but if it is then they might try to claim it you know what I mean yeah I feel it I don't know I guess we'll have to wait and see I mean either way definitely I mean cuz it's it's just weird because like there was no logo at the end of the trailer nothing and it's hasn't like Sony hasn't uploaded it on any of their channels yet so who knows I mean it could just be proba know it might be on PC you all we know who knows we'll see I think I think for certain it's probably most definitely going to be on PC just because Xbox owns you know Microsoft and yeah probably just release probably most likely day and date but we'll see see what happens um yeah next thing I want to talk about is the day before holy crap so this game the day before they had so many like hype trailers that look so good everybody was talking about it it's the it was one of the most wishless games on Steam for a while and everybody was looking forward to it everybody thought because I kept pushing the the release date back so everybody thought there's no way this game is going to release it's fake they finally released it and it was a buggy mess and it was Bare Bones like there were so many people complaining about it if you go on to uh steam right now all of the reviews on it are overwhelmingly negative on Steam I believe it because I'm looking at I'm looking at steam right now it has a onar rating with 22,000 reviews bro yeah 22,000 and I don't even I don't know if they tell you uh how many of those are negative or not but it's it's sitting at a overwhelmingly negative uh overall score so and I think I don't know oh yeah it's still they said they were going to pull it down but I think it's still up uh let me see yeah it's definitely yeah all reviews overwhelmingly negative 22,000 that's crazy bro it looked like a cool game though that's a crazy part it looked like it's going to be nice and it just wasn't I didn't even play it but that's just based on what people saying like that's crazy yeah and then then they work on this game for like years BR so this game has been in development for five years see that's just that's just that's a smack to the face bro even your pride like BR with this game for five years just for the community to be like know trash like like that hurt BR that gota hurt for real I probably man so this game came out and it was so bad it was so horrible of a game that everybody almost everybody that bought it just got a refund for it yeah that's what I'm seeing now it says product refunded product refunded product re everybody that's so crazy says don't buy and Report the game for fraud I'm done they are not playing around bro and released a statement on Twitter I think this was hold on let me double check cuz it says this game released on December 7th so this game came out on December 7th 10 days ago yeah and they released a statement on December 11th so that's one two three like 3 to four days after the game came out they released an official statement on Twitter and I'll read it to you it says today we announced the closure of fantastic studio so they're closing their whole uh development Studio it said unfortunately the day before has failed financially we lack the funds to continue all income all income received is being used to pay off debts to our partners yeah yeah I mean it goes on um let me see that's crazy yeah so I mean what do you think I mean it's I think the game itself had a lot of potential but who the developer itself didn't bring the game to light as a way it should have like it it failed financially and y'all lacked the funds to continue so it's like y'all spent five years of this game to plan it and to release it what did y'all do for five years that's five years gone out of drain you know what I mean Partners people that put their hard blood sweating tears from it like even just the image of the game itself just look good to me like if I was to like really try this game it look like it would be fun you know what I mean um and it kind of It kind of gave me like an eye like it when I look at the images it kind of look like the what's that one guy game called the decay of something I forget what it's called what's that game called yeah it kind of of looked like that on some of these images but it was it wasn't but this one went nowhere near like that honestly based on the reviews I'm seeing it could have honestly it remind me of like I mean what they what they uh like the trailers that they came out with and stuff it kind of reminded me of like um like a more advanced better version of like Day Z yeah Day Z yep Day Z kind of too yeah that too and it's it's it's kind of unfortunate because even though they worked Five Years on the game and the game came out a mess I feel like maybe if they you know stuck with it and like bring out like release like updates and kept working on it maybe it could have been something yeah I I think it could have look good I think I think they just gave up because of like how how how many negative comments people got they didn't know how to like jump back for or bounce back from it you know what I mean like even though like like people people give negative comments about games all the time like for example like let's say Call of Duty gets blacklash 2K gets backlash but they don't just shut down their servers you know what I mean they they they develop something to bring to the community like listen to what they're saying oh I can't say 2K does that but um so like they so but they you got to listen to your community and see what they don't like and bounce back from it you shouldn't just give up so I'm hoping they like even though they're shutting stuff down or just not you know just shutting it down that they like cerate maybe bring something else to the table cuz you know you know I mean of course pay up your deaths you know you don't want to owe nobody that put all that money into the game but you know try to bring some else to the table you just never know yeah it's pretty crazy just how the whole situation banned out and now the whole studio is closing down so obviously the game is going to close down as well so it's just a dead game at this point I mean it could have been something but it wasn't anything it was just piece of garbage glitchy mess yeah and the the craziest thing about this is there was like a [Music] little like someone caught like some like they were just browsing the um steam stuff on Steam and they noticed that the studio changed their name so they they think that they're trying to like change their name to like get rid of the negative PR around them releasing this game and trying to start start over with something new and trying to scam more people but I don't know we'll see how that unfolds I mean I would definitely recommend changing the name because I mean you're gonna hear that name like oh this game's gonna be trash bro like that's what people gonna think that's just how social media is you see a name you know it's whack you're not going to like look into it that might even that might even like people to just be more negative about it so change the name would probably be good uh but as far as like you know hopefully not trying to you know scam nobody of course but I think changeing a name would probably be a good start for sure I know if this happened to me changing the name will be an absolute for sure I a no doubt about it I just hope they're not trying to change the name so they can try and pull this again and steal people's money or something I don't know I hope not cuz that's uh at that point that might they might be te if they do two if they do two times in a row it's over with they're never going to make a game ever again nobody's gonna buy anything ever again not even try over somebody they going to end up getting sued they that might be on the teetering the scam and stuff so I don't know they they could be in deep trou for that one for sure well speaking of scamming people there is a popular YouTuber SL streamer um he goes by the name the completionist on YouTube he's known for uh his YouTube videos basically what he does is he like every game that comes out he basically 100% it so he plays it from beginning to end he gets all the collectibl gets everything he 100% the game then he reviews it um I forget his last name his first name is Gerard um I forget what his last name is but apparently he had his own charity and he took you know donations to the charity and he um and and this is just I'm just giving like a uh quick summarization of what's going on because I'm not trying to get too deep into it because that's a whole different you know Beast that I'm not trying to get into but I'm just trying to give some context of what's going on but anyways so he he takes donations for this charity he runs like a little Indie land like he calls it Indie land he basically highlights indie games and uh takes donations for his charity uh while he plays it uh these indie games and it gets it gets some um it gets the developers of these indie games like some you know they get some promotion and that he he sometimes has celebrities on and other uh popular YouTubers and content creators um but anyways he gets all these donations and it was his his tax statements were like leaked and appar apparently he had all this money that he had raised with these donations still in this one account that he has just been holding on to so people were like man that's you know and this has been this has been a 10y year thing so 10 years he's been holding holding on to this money he hasn't donated it so everybody was it was it 10 years yeah 10 years oh my God I didn't know it was 10 years holy crap yep so everybody's like this dude's scamming people know oh was it it says here was it it says completion for on $600,000 was it that much yeah it was actually more than that like if you really like cuz i' I've been watching videos on YouTube and stuff you really like broke down everything all the donations everything that he's he's done charity I gota man you gota see I could never bro I could never do my my conscience wouldn't let me sleep at night bro I just couldn't do nothing like that bro that's so crazy yeah that's and if you go down the rabbit hole of this whole situation a and like actually watch YouTube videos about it and do like really do your due diligence for it and research it gets crazier it gets crazier cuz he posted like a video on Twitter talking about how he was innocent and all this and people just tore him apart with that video and it just exposed just exposed them even more like I don't know I wonder if you lost a lot of subscribers from that honestly I would assume you would if you do something like that I mean you should [ __ ] I if I was I was never subscribed to him but if I was no I'm just kidding I mean definitely would for sure I know sh yeah he he has he's at 1.5 million subscribers so I'm I'm that'd be crazy to get to just have it come back like that that's crazy yeah and it's like it's it's fishy too because like as soon as he was called out about it like a couple days later when he made that apology video or whatever he donated $600,000 to the to a charity uh to basically just get rid of that money but come to find out there was more money than that that he had in this account and he was spending this money on like his charity events and stuff like that but he wasn't donating any of it so people are just like what the hell's going on on like when you donate something like when you donate money to someone or to a charity you like you expect like that money is going to good use Maybe not immediately but like pretty soon after you delete or after you donate it like yeah 10 years your money's just sit in an account like earning interest that's why that's why if I ever do like a donating stream like that I'm going to I'm going to show the money where it's at I'm going to show where we're donating it's going to come right out of that account I don't even want I don't even want to get into those SP like that BR it's crazy they going to be coming for you Z Hey listen don't come for me because I I'm an honest man I ain't doing that I sleep at night not me but I don't know it's a crazy situation like I said I don't get too much into it and I don't I don't really care to to Deep dive into it because that's you know when it comes to stuff like that I'm not I'm not big into financials and like I'm not an expert or anything so I'm just I'm trying I'm just trying to pay my rent bro like just trying to get by yeah ain't nobody trying to scam nobody like that [Music] sure but that's been a thing and then there was also naughty dog um recently came out with a uh statement on Twitter um naughty dog is the developers that created The Last of Us games and also Uncharted um they came out with a statement saying The Last of Us online game that they had been working on for a while they actually cancelled and the reason they did that was because at some point in the development process they realized that hey if we make an online game all of our time and resources are going to go into making this game and we're also going to have to support it over the years because obviously it's going to be live service online and they said we don't really want to put all of our time resources and Manpower into this game when you know we can just do what we do best and focus on single player you know really good single player games yeah so I mean I get it but at the same time like this is this game has been in development for a while and they've been like hyping people up and there's been no word onto about it there's been no worried about it for a while and then they just release a statement so I mean how what do you think about that like I don't think they have the servers for online and carry in is what I think because in order to have online online services like that you got cuz you got to think about it you got to think about the games that play online all the time 247 somebody's always online playing something you know what I mean you got big servers like you know Call of Duty you know big servers like Apex big servers like fortnite that people are always playing so like the last of us is a good game so if they if they put that online to where multiplayer and I get I get the concept of like it being a secet player game and they want to focus drive on that that's what they do and I get that because a lot of people like having those little I want to say little you know kind of degraded but like those like single those single player game which are they are fun um so they I know they want to keep their focus on that because if you if if if they do release it online they want they have to keep them servers good keep it where it's not glitchy or lagging and then but upside to that is you could have microtransactions like any other online game you know what I mean where they can make money to keep the server going so I think they should just stack up some money to to start it and then do it I don't think they should have canceled it because everything everything that everybody plays nowadays is some kind of online game you know what I mean everyone play online with your friends against people that's like the for at least for me the competitive of that just like having fun beating beating other people you know saying you know you're the best blah blah blah you know what I mean so like that whole competitiveness is where I like playing online but in this case they feel like that would take away from their being you know their legacy of being a single player negative a narrative game I think I don't know I think I don't I don't know if they if that's I I think it's more of an excuse honestly because it's like why why not try it if it doesn't work okay cool but at least try it you never know what could happen yeah I don't know like like they like they stated like it's it's kind of a a tough situation because you know they have to like if you think about it they have they'll have to put all their resources and Manpower into supporting this game for years and like I mean Naughty Dog they make they make amazing like single player games every time they come out the single player game it's like highly praised High get it it scores high like it was really good even I know Uncharted was good I even played Uncharted so right so like they make good they make good single player games and I feel like personally if they if they felt like them making this online game would have hindered or you know taken resources away from or single player experiences then I feel like they made the right choice however yeah however I don't appreciate how they kind of came out with this statement and they released it on Twitter instead of like giving people updates because they have been you know radio silenc for a while I feel like some type of update on it uh more frequently would have been you know more appreciated and it just dropped some statement on Twitter like hey it's not happening yeah but like my thing that's thing too why leave people up to it like it's about to come out or something that's going to be happen and then you just not do it so it's like why even why even fake bring it up like don't even bring up something if you're not even gonna least try it you know what I mean like I get that but hey if they come out with a Uncharted five I ain't going to be mad about it I you like yeah ain't mad about it though I'm like hey at least we got an Uncharted five that's all I literally literally did you ever play Uncharted 4 I did I did I played it a little uh for most of it I even watched a couple my friends play and Uncharted see I know I know I like Uncharted because I like the the gameplay of um that game called like Tomb Raider it kind of got that same kind of feel I like yeah like I like I like those kind of online games where like you gotta like really hunt or like do something and then like um you know you gota like it's like a It's Kind it's like strategy but like puzzling at the same time where you got to put certain stuff together to like figure stuff out it's it's I like it for real like environmental puzzles and [ __ ] yeah yeah exactly a li some some of the moments I be like bro what I can't figure this out I be getting all mad like BR do you like the uh when your character scales buildings and stuff oh yeah for sure I like the the tools they be using you can upgrade like C abilities and stuff like that that your player can do it's dope I like it yeah and they those type of games they always have like amazing visuals like and they always have like these camera angles that just show it off and it's oh yeah the cut scenes and stuff now I would probably play more games like that if I didn't like playing with my friends online and talking SM you know I mean but I just that's just what I like doing so that's what I do but if I didn't I would probably play more of those kind of games like that speaking of playing online with your friends I tried out that uh Skull and Bones you did okay how was it yeah it's nothing to write home about that's why I didn't like real that's dang that's why I didn't pester you about it cuz I I I uh booted it up and I was like yeah this ain't it wow it's uh so basically it's the same they basically take took the same concept of like uh Assassin's Creed Black Flag and made it like like a online MMO type of thing dang so I mean like the way that sounds it sounds appealing but it's not it's like so first of all this is this is beta and I don't know if it if they're going to have more beta tests in the future or not before it releases but the performance was terrible the graphics look like Assassin's Creed Black Flag like literally from from that era and wow I will say I will give it one thing the customization is pretty in depth and I enjoyed that aspect of it but other than that it was just not for me I don't think I don't think when this game releases it's going to do too well honestly that's just personal personal opinion but I guess we'll see what happens but yeah I don't know if the I think the beta ended already so M we'll just see what happens when it comes out it sound like a cool game that's what I think for sure yeah you we'll have to see when it comes out I don't know I think it's going to be paid too like if they're not doing like a free to playay thing so so good luck right we'll see what happens but um some other interesting things that happened this week we had a whole Fiasco about twitch a whole Fiasco so what happened was the the original story was there was this uh Creator on Twitch that was basically streaming and she had like her chest in the shot but like you couldn't see any nipple you know what I'm saying so she was just had it had it cut off right almost right at the nipples so it technically wasn't nudity but um and then she like had her chest all oiled up and [ __ ] and apparently she was you know using twitch to drive people to her other accounts if you know what I'm saying so a bunch of people saw this and people were tweeting about it people were talking about it and um come to find out there's a couple other people doing it too so they banned one person and then I guess one of the creators were really popular so twitch came out with the state statement saying that they were going to allow artistic nudity on the platform um and that's kind of like a really a really broad type of label for something like that because you know people were obviously with anything people take advantage of that type of thing so after they came out with that statement you know there was all types of nudity all over twitch and you know a couple days later they took to uh social media and they said they roll back what they said that they're not going to allow artistic nudity anymore because people were abusing it there was you know naked women and men all over well it was well it was people doing like AI generated wom being and stuff like that so it's like okay bro go to there other sites where if you want to see anime yeah like y'all just want to be like imagine a kid just going on there just like that's the first thing they see bro like come come on and that's the thing like like you have to like the minimal minimum age requirement to use twitch is 13 that's what I'm saying bro that's what I'm saying like like like there has you have to draw a line bro twitch is a gaming and ENT I don't say entertainment but it's more of a gaming platform why do we have naked people out here on air why it shouldn't even be a question you want see somebody naked there's plenty other places to go get it from I know sex sales but it shouldn't be selling on Twitch yeah it's kind of messed up because like if you think about it like especially for like women because that's you know that's obviously the most popular thing on there because women get on there they know that it's Gamers that are on there and what's you know what's the majority of gaming The Gaming Community majority men so of course men so of course that's going to draw in that and then if you do have a a female gamer who isn't the type to you know flaunt her assets all over the Internet that's going to be substantially more harder for her to get some type of viewership or Community buildup and environment like that when there's other females and women online you know just showing everything like it's just a mess and like I said not to mention twitch is you know advertised for kids 13 and older and they're not old enough to see that [ __ ] either so it's just thing I know I know you're the type to not want that kind of stuff around at all because yeah I'm your religion and all that so yeah I'm not I don't want to pull up twitch like oh yeah look at this like I'm not trying to see that on you like I need to go to confession yeah like BR I'm not trying to see that bro like come on bro if if you if you trying to see something go to the club don't it shouldn't be online like that bro that's true that is true um but yeah that's that was crazy I'm I'm I am glad that they rolled it back though because um you know that's obviously something that shouldn't shouldn't be on the platform draw that line don't be scared to draw the line man people to just like let everything be legal that shouldn't be legal draw the line bro stand as as they say now stand on business don't don't let them like change you man like draw that Line in the Sand and and make it right people were like making like video people were like making videos online and stuff like what the hell is going on what the hell is going on over there on at twitch because they're like allowing this and then two days later they roll it back like you guys are a mess like get it together just about turn to a hub site I'm saying bro like come on bro can't do that I won't stre if that was the cas if they kept that policy I probably would have shut my Twitch down and be like n we on KCK and YouTube bro I I might have to show little something on there I'm weak hey if it gets me followers [ __ ] I'm weak that's that's funny want to be uh streaming with a speedo on yeah a goingon to catch me like that but that would be funny oh my God all I got to do is put some paint on my chest artistic there you go yeah literally but it's I'm glad they took it back though so they make make it make it all better for everybody to you know enjoy enjoy the platform itself yeah twitch twitch just seems like it's a mess in general though like probably the worst platform to stream on right now just cuz like they're with their policies and revenue split and all that like they just they get publicity for all the wrong reasons it seems like these days but I mean they do have they do have a big community so it's like you can't really you you got to just take it on the chin he can't really be like can't nothing you can do about him well last thing we got here is Hogwarts Legacy so we talked a little bit about hog WS Legacy in our previous episode last Sunday um just based on the fact that how we both agreed that it was a great game and there was no mention of it at the game awards and we were wondering why that was and all that but come to find out there was some like a software number release like there's some thing that came out online showing like the big biggest selling games of the year and um one of the slides was like these are the biggest selling games of the year on um across every platform so the sales of Xbox twitch or twitch Xbox PlayStation 3 um Nintendo switch that's what I'm going to say not twitch I'm going to say Nintendo switch uh PC all that so and Hogwarts Legacy was number one on on that list biggest biggest bestselling game of the year across all platforms Wars legacy it beat it beat Call of Duty and it still wasn't at the game awards bro what is happen that's crazy that don't make no sense if you if you be if you number one of all that there shouldn't be no reason you you don't be at the awards bro I ain't G to lie and and hards was a great game I remember even playing I I didn't even want to buy B like let try it out let try something different man I'm like all right bro I'll try something let's see it out and I was kind of with if at for because I couldn't even do the first spell you know what was it what was the first spell they had on there um the little light spell I forget spell lumos and I I was yeah L lumos I couldn't even do that you know what I mean so I was I was having trouble at first but the game was it was a lit game I would I would say that um I it was definitely you know fun my main thing was trying to get that you know be able to fly that the fly in the sky with the with the broom whatever so yeah that was probably the best when I got that I was like oh yeah we can get all these missions done now um so but it was Fred to be number one and not not not be you know the award not even nominated and not even nominated bro and y'all y'all number one on on as far as like uh selling wines bro that don't make no sense bro I ain't gonna lie some something ain't right something ain't right someone someone PID somebody off or something I don't know what happened for real they definitely did something but like I remember when I first when that game first came out like and playing it for the first time like the Nostalgia was crazy like I could just remember like it took me back to you know being a kid again because like it really it really took the essence of like Harry Potter and like the original movies and the books and all that and it uses all of that lore and terminology and all of that and like I think the reason why I liked it the most was because it kind of reminded me of a Harry Potter themed Bully game you remember bully yeah I remember bully I remember bully so like just like in Bully like you you had classes that you had to attend and stuff like that while you were like doing stuff out in the world and it was like Harry Potter tee like it was just it was a great game and I still have yet to finish it to be honest I have not finished it but I haven't either bro I ain't going to lie I was supposed to but it just be so many games coming out bro this year was stacked yeah this year was stacked with a lot of good game releases but um Hogwarts Legacy definitely deserved some some type of at least at least be nominated at least bro at least the only thing that would have made that game like 10 times better is if they freaking had quidd in the game and I I I've been complaining about that since it came out if they had quidd in the game it would be 10 times better than it was think so yeah absolutely because they already had the like quiddit stadium in the game and all that and you can fly on a broom but you can't play quiddit like people would have been just people literally would have put that game in to just do that yeah I agree yeah they definitely would but it definitely definitely was a great game I'm at the I'm actually at the end of it so I'll probably just pop it in and hurry up and beat it real quick but yeah it was a great game I'm and I don't know if they had New Game Plus on it or not but I might depending on you know how it goes I might even new game plus it yeah okay so the last thing I want to talk about is something you don't know about out but apparently the Xbox game pass like cloud gaming app that Xbox has been you know released everywhere is now released on all medaquest devices did know that you did did know that found out about it I did you think I didn't know I knew I knew my buddy just told me I like last week I told him I was like what I said I got one downstairs I'm G to go try that out so that go ahead I'm sorry go ahead I haven't I haven't tried it yet but the fact that they did that is lit so I'm just like thinking like how can I do this on stream like how can I like you know like put like put that together so I'm I'm in the middle of putting some stuff together to even try that out to play games on it like that it's kind of crazy real I ain't going to lie which is funny they use the cloud gaming because that's how when I first started streaming I would use cloud gaming to like have like a display of like the audio and all of that stuff so I I I I remember when they first brought it out like that's how we used to use it but it's crazy they on meta Quest I'm I'm I'm I was geeked about it I'm not going to lie it was it was it's lit I'm have to like I said when I do try it out um see how see how like compatible it is to like see if it like run successfully on it or not so we'll see I know I you hav tried it yet I haven't tried it yet because I know um I one I just been busy for real doing stuff but um I think the main thing they brought out was because when they did they just brought out the meta Quest 3 I think it's probably more compatible with that because of new technology on that um headset so I want to see how good it is on a meta Quest too you know what I mean so we'll see how that rocks so um I actually was able to um at least Boot It Up download It and Boot It Up um I haven't gotten to really play anything yet because at the time that I booted it up um my my um I Boot It Up Down by my PC and apparently you need to connect your Xbox controller to it with via Bluetooth uh so I didn't have that around at the time so I didn't get to play anything but um the I think the only difference between meta Quest 2 and three is like meta Quest 3 uses like a AR type deal so you can see like your environment around you and it'll just put the screen in front of you and you can still see around you and stuff I that's that's so hard bro I'm sorry I like that just make me think like some Iron Man is bro I swear man I feel like that even even I don't know if you even seen the one for apple have you seen the one for apple with the VR like that no is it new or it's it's roughly new bro but it's literally just like that like you're L like I'll be in my house I have it on my head and you could just like it's just like right in front of you no I remember that yeah that I remember that device they got announced I think uh not the last event but maybe the the event they had before that I know what you're talking about just seeing that just really like it it takes Iron Man to like what he was doing doing like real life type it's so sweet bro I love it but that's off topic but overall I think that that that that whole like that whole like it being in front of you was so sweet to me like I've I've the stuff is a child I thought like you know you can oh I could do that it's here you know what I mean like it's so sweet for I love the future is now right no but uh so I guess if you have the two which you and I we have the two uh basically what it does it just it instead of using the AR Vision where it just puts the screen in like the environment that you're in um it just puts you in like a generic room and the screen in front of you gotcha okay so that's the only difference between the two I really do want to get the Oculus Quest well they don't call Oculus anymore but the meta Quest meta Quest right I definitely want to get the third one cuz it's sweet um you can like walk around with the headset on and like see you know everything in front of you and then have you can like pin stuff to your wall like you can put like digital photographs on your wall that aren't there in real life or like like you like if you really like an app or something you can just pin it to like a wall in your house and like you know that's where you go to open the app or something like that it's crazy that's that's dope man that is so that is so sweet because it's like when on The Meta Quest too you know you make a circle around you know what I mean it's like just whatever but now that you can see around the house as one it makes you more aware so can nobody sneak up on you because it's just a black screen know I mean hopefully nobody in your house trying yeah you exactly so you never know but like VI being like that helps the user be aware of this surrounding so you know that you don't knock some over like downstairs when I'm doing my meta Quest and I'm playing on it I probably hit my light up above me like at least six times bro I'm trying not to break it because I'm written I ain't trying to break it so um it's just it just it's just a better experience for the user bro I love it it's sweet for real yeah um when they were showing it off they were like like they were like in an empty room but then they put the headset on and they had like a bunch of pictures uh from like their phone that they took from the pH they pinned on the wall was like in frames on the wall and then they had like in their exercise room they had like an exercise app that they could touch and start just from their exercise room it was dope dope like you literally label where stuff is that so you know you go to this area just press that app and you start doing whatever you need to be doing or you that's so sweet man pretty soon we're going to be in a future where we're all just be walking around with I know big old heads like we also oh man okay this is like off subject too did you have you seen the the metag glasses bro oh like the eyeglasses yeah like glasses like like bro I saw that I as soon as I saw that I was like how much are these did I saw that much I was like bro they they like 300 but I'm like bro that's that's what I need when I'm doing them IRL events though like going to like Comon cons bro that's so perfect to have bro like I know it's I know $300 that's kind of expensive but it's worth it because you just hit the button boom now they're Lally looking at what you're looking at it's that's so fire and you can look on your phone and see comments and all like that's so fire to me bro I ain't going lie that's so sweet about to see you uh next podcast with them glasses on hey they sweet they do look fly though I ain't going to lie they got some style to them yeah I was I was like damn that's sweet as [ __ ] I I opened up the web page and I was like yeah it ain't that sweet I like it ain't that Ain nobody got that money just Dro like that facts yeah I mean I'm gonna I'm actually gonna uh I'm GNA try that app out on the Oculus either today or tomorrow and then probably next week for our next podcast I'll let you know how it is you'll probably try it too so we can talk about it oh yeah for sure for sure definitely will yeah we we still need to get on there and play something on there together that that would be definitely do yeah I don't use it as much as I thought I would but I need to start using it because I pay quite it cost quite a bit I need to start using it more you better use that thing what do you be playing on there when you do um I I usually use it to like work out in or I'll play like um other like little like games that my little nephew downloaded like Roblox stuff like that I wanna I want to try you know and it's kind of sad to say this but I kind of want to try amongus VR just to like scare somebody on everything and like to blame them to be like the person that's like killing everybody and they're not because I've seen his video dud scaring his like little kids like like just like I would I do would have tried to VR amongus bro it look lit for real so hey if you buy it I'll buy it hey I'm that be funny I'll buy it right now don't play I'm definely have to for sure cuz that a lot of my friends been telling me like that's something they know they know what I play like what I like to do and stuff so they know like certain games like that I I'll definitely have fun on for sure yeah you definitely need to get your money's worth out of that thing because it's not cheap even though I I still want to get the new one that's for sure at some point but well that's I think that's the that's everything that we were planning on talk about today um as always my name is Jacob calwell you know might know me as precursor Jake I'm on YouTube um sometimes I stream on uh kick I once in a while you can find me precursor Jake there as well and where can people find you Alonzo um you can find me on kick or twitch uh most days on uh from 8:00 p.m. to midnight maybe later depending on the weekend but mostly kicking twitch sometimes YouTube but yep Z gaming kyt search me up you'll find me all right so that's the end of the episode we will see you guys back here next Sunday like I said depending on what platform you listen to um it could be on Monday uh that's just how the it releases but we'll see you guys here next week and see you

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