Apple Intelligence Beta is Here! | Episode 112

welcome back to another episode of the Mac roomer show I am Dan Harley as usual uh heartley good afternoon how are you doing doing well I'm doing good I am trying to resist the urge to download 18.1 but you oh oh why because I've heard that it's not the most stable beta I mean no are but I feel like this is one to maybe wait a little bit longer for well the good news for you is that um there's is there a whole lot there that you want to rush to to upgrade for well a lot of it's just fomo I don't like seeing everyone in the Tech Community engaging with these features um and I I'm a little bit removed from it but having said that I think that the best apple int Ence features are not in this beta they will be coming at a later date things like the revamped version of Siri and I know Siri is kind of new in this beta um it's got the new animation um and it's got some new capabilities like the ability to ask questions about how to do stuff on your Apple device because it's got all of the um the understanding based on Apple's support documentation which is interesting but again I'm not really going to use that um so it's interesting I think uh to test or at least this is what I'm trying to tell myself uh for a little while longer until I I get on board with it also I have to say it is only available in US English and I don't really want to change my device to us English it won't really make much of a difference to me I mean I guess it would if I was in another non-english-speaking country but nevertheless I still kind of don't really want to do that you mean you don't want to spell some words slightly differently use an sell those words differently every day for Mac rumors so I'm very us it okay that's right you do you do adopt yeah so you might as well just switch and then do it so I was thinking that you just did you just couldn't upgrade but I forgot that you could switch your region if you really wanted to do it uh so here we are doing a podcast about Apple intelligence I've been using it since it came out and you could be using it but you don't want to risk the stability I mean I know you you have some upcoming things that you need to take care of that you probably want your to be uh in tiptop shape but I don't know I mean it is there are more bugs for sure um but I don't know that it's that bad uh or at least for me it hasn't been that bad um and you know it we must stress as we are supposed to stress uh this is a developer beta Apple intelligence is in the new 18.1 developer beta it is not in public beta so if you are a public beta user um you will have to wait uh later this year until that comes out and is available um but if you are a developer and you have the ability to upgrade definitely try it I feel like so you're right in the sense that a lot of the the the features that are available right now because not everything is available yet in terms of Apple intelligence and we'll talk about that in a minute but uh the ones that are here I have two thoughts I agree with your first point in the sense that it's not as useful to me or you or to some of us that are you know we don't need the support document help and stuff like that but I do think it's really nice um and that was some of the things that I tried out but more importantly I think some of these features would be better off on different devices like my Mac and I'm just not putting uh I'm not putting this beta on my Mac my main machine so I do have it up and but like writing tools would be super helpful on my Mac on a daily basis I feel like and that's one of the biggest features that you can uh use right now um it was weird how this also came about too uh you kind of download the beta and then you have to join a wait list and then within like depending on when you do it and just how things go you usually get it right away uh and it'll start downloading some of the things that it needs to download and then it'll say turn on Apple intelligence and for those of you out there who have asked many times in the comments of the video that I made about it uh yes you can turn it off you actually have to turn it on in order it for it to be on in the first place it's not just automatically on um or at least in the sense of the way this works in beta I don't know if that's how it's going to be my guess is probably when it happens later this year uh but yeah I mean it worked pretty well on my phone it did not come in right away actually the next day it like said it was doing the stuff that was like kind of uh an indicator that it was going to pop up like my Mac and and my iPad worked right away uh but then it's just got stuck downloading modules or whatever it needed to download for forever and the next day is when it was officially available for me so I kind of had the same fomo as you everybody was testing it out on their phones and I uh I didn't get to do it and then when I got to it I was like yeah I want to do this more on my Mac anyways like writing tools do you think you're G to be using that a whole lot on your phone as much as you think you would be personally I don't think I'll be using it a whole lot however I I can see a scenario for it with mail yeah um yeah where if I just typed out a really basic sentence just to fire off a reply and I just needed to change the tone of it slightly or I didn't want to think too much about it because I just want to get the email sent off um I think in in that way um it will be useful uh maybe in notes or in other instances not so much for me on the go um but I will say I'm quite interested in the proof reading um and the sort of GR features because I don't think I'm going to use the rewriting features very I absolutely will use those um so I am interested to try um the writing features I think it's great they're available across the system as well because you can use them in any app you don't have to wait for Apple to build an integration or for some developer to integrate an API this is available anywhere that the keyboard is available um so it should be really useful to a lot of users and I wanted to mention also uh when the whole downloading of the stuff that it needed to download behind the scenes before it was enabled a lot of the features didn't work right away some kind of required a restart so if you're somebody out there who's like all right I might bite the bullet this weekend and I'll upgrade uh just know that it takes a little bit of time for those things to kick in uh primarily I've seen and I personally didn't get typed to Siri to work for the longest time took a few hours couple of restarts and then all of a sudden you double tap the home button and type to Siri um works really well and then and then in the um the writing tools the four things at the bottom there like the summary and the point like none of those worked for me for a while and then it just kind of randomly kicked in and everything works really well now um so it just takes a bit of time for your phone sorry I'm gonna have I'm gonna have that problem so we just got some new mics or I just got some new mics heartley will get a new mic here and I will try my best to not uh accidentally touch the top of this microphone because that actually mutes it but hey shout out to shore for sending us uh some new microphones and mic stands huge thank you uh we're I'm really liking it so far I just need to remember not to touch the top of this or I'm going to go uh and mute myself so hopefully I didn't uh mute myself there and something important um can you guess the one thing that really enjoy right now with apple intelligence that's difficult could it be photos no something yes and text summaries the summarization of mail and messages is fantastic especially if you're in an incredibly active group chat I mean I look at the first notification at the top and you'll see the little summary icon and it just gives me like two sentences of what 40 text messages were and I'm like that's great and then you can decide whether you feel like you need to go back and read them all or not and with mail super helpful um you know tons of mail come in tons of image-based newsletters and I mean maybe it might be interesting to you but if you don't want to look through and scroll through all of it just look at the summaries and then not only in the notifications do you get those summaries but you also get it in specifically with mail um you get it in the uh inbox list so that's also pretty helpful it's not for every piece of email but most of it works um that's been my favorite like pleasant surprise thing that I'm like oh this is really nice and every so often you'll see a priority notification in the inbox list of like a priority email it's only happened to me with UPS sh notification emails I don't know that I would classify those as priority so I cannot wait for like the rest of the mail I mean I guess compared to a newsletter it sort of is because it does affect something you're doing sure I mean I'm happy that it's like at least working and I just you can tailor that later I'm guessing I believe they said you could do that uh or at least categorize things a little bit better um that part of the mail update is not there yet I don't know why do you know why that's not there yet I don't know I mean there's a lot of features not included in this beta so I assume that they are focusing on it's a this it's a fairly generous set of features in this initial beta but there is a lot that is not included so I guess they want to perfect these ones and with each subsequent beta I can imagine that we will see more and more added I mean even when iOS 18.1 is released it is still not going to have all of the Apple intelligence features some of those will be rolling out even into next year Apple was quite open about this at WWDC when they previewed Apple intelligence that this would be a gradual process and we believe that certain things like um the revamp version of Siri may not arrive until the spring um and of course there's things like chat GPT integration as well that is not available in this beta and that is something that can come at a later date when you said revamp Siri what do you mean like the contextual awareness like uh or more personal B Siri being aware of what is on the screen so you can make an inquiry about what you're actually looking at um and also your personal context so that was some of the more impressive demos that we saw um that Apple showed off earlier this year so things like uh Siri's ability to check messages check notes check mail and combine all of this information to provide you with a context for uh your flight or your itinerary in calendar um and that is not current available um and also for Siri to take actions using App intents which is effectively what shortcuts currently is um and that means that Siri will be able to take more actions within app so you would be able to look at something on screen um and instruct Siri to do something so you could be in a playlist in apple music and say add this song to this playlist and Siri will understand what you're referring to and be able to take that action yeah I just wanted to be clear on that because it does you do get still a pretty decent amount of Siri features and you still get the new look so I feel like people might be confused when they're like well what do you mean I I see the new glow around the edges we got typed to Siri um you do get some of the the context requests like um one of the demos that I asked was uh you know what was the weather where I'm at but then I followed up immediately by just saying what's the humidity and it knew that I was talking about the city that I originally asked for and I just you know those are little but it's not the full contextual awareness that you and like just the personal stuff that it knows about you that stuff's not there yet um I you can stumble over your words though and uh it does work really well I've done that like a couple of times even just on accident not even trying to do it and it works really well which is nice I also think that the other thing that I've taken away from watching some demos of this like in your video that you made that went over these initial features is just how nice the animations are yeah for Apple intelligence it it just looks so good and I know that there's the uh the new Siri animation where the the border around the display illuminates that even even in photos when you're making a new kind of custom memory um I mean what an animation that is I'm sorry look at that just it bursts and then it glow like with as well the keyboard looks great um yeah and wherever I've seen Apple intelligence implemented even even with the text tools and the way that the text glows and it kind of shoots up the screen it just looks yeah it looks really really nice and it makes Apple intelligence more satisfying to use um because I think a lot of users will be will be encouraged by this because it almost makes it more fun and engaging and you compare that to a lot of other artificial intelligence tools I mean chpt is not a pleasant tool to use it does not look good and if you were ever trying to use it for work um for any purpose or to get something done or to draft an email say you've got to copy and paste it and it's yeah it is not a very slick experience um but I feel like although we have criticized and the industry as a whole has criticized Apple for being quite far behind in the uh the race to provide artificial intelligence tools the one thing that I think we always knew Apple would do really well is the visual present a of AI um and that is really important because it makes it so much more engaging but also if if something is animated well it will serve the purpose of you comprehending what is going on better because there is a big difference between text just typing itself out as it does with something like chat GPT and actually seeing it Glow and move as though it is an active thing because it's not being typed per se in a way that we would type text on a display um it is not a it's not a human doing that so it makes sense that the animation should be different and the same goes for even like I say in photos with the Memory Maker that is not a normal memory that is an AI generated memory that is generating from your prompt so it makes sense that even that should be presented differently as well um so I've just enjoyed seeing these animations and I will be interested to see more of them when we get image playground and gen Emoji um image wand and some of these other features that where there will inevitably be some other very pleasing ations I will say when you so I'm going through it right now on my phone here I'm rewriting an entire like old script to make it more professional it's the option I picked right and it's it rewrites it but it doesn't do as good of a job of explaining to you what exactly it did like and that's kind of frustrating like if it already did it and it inserted everything but like what did it change I don't like it's that it's not super obvious what it changed um at least with this specific thing like you can go back to the original you can have it retry it um I yeah I don't I don't love that I'm gonna be honest with you like you don't see the changes that are happening with proof readed um it does automatically make the changes but you can at least go through one by one and select you know and see what it did um and then you can go ahead and revert back to the original on that if you want to um so I kind of wish there was a different way of handling that unless I'm just using it wrong again it's still early and I could be using it wrong but also it's not the final version of that and there may well be in the next beta or in six months time a more detailed UI that provides you with the ability to flick back and forth or it's highlighted in a different way or something I don't remember if they even showcased it like that to be honest with you um do you recall that I don't think so not specifically but even what they do show off changes um and by the time Apple intelligence has been released in full which should be next year that will have been what nine months after it was first unveiled and possibly 10 months after those sequences were compiled a lot can change in that time yeah I mean I get it um and that's it wasn't a criticism I mean it it kind of is like it I I think there is a better way I don't know how or what the better way is I just feel like there should be some sort of like Clarity on what exactly it changed because you know maybe I don't want it to redo I mean you can select that but maybe I don't want it to redo everything in the article per se but I like want to go back and change some of the things back to what it was but keep the rest of it like I don't know I just feel like there's ways to go about it um but yeah it does work really well which is surprising have you tried the uh reduce interruptions Focus yes not what is that like for a incredibly long period of time but um [Music] honestly I don't really know how to describe it it gives me just like what it thinks are priority notifications basically and have you found those to be accurate largely yeah yeah like I feel like it knows uh who I interact with the most like obviously my wife gets through um when she sends something uh but like I said I'll be honest I haven't used it a whole lot and I need to use the um you know maybe I'll do it right now we'll see I'll go to reduce interruptions and we'll check back during the course of this episode and see what the uh what the notifications are um but there's also that other Focus mode one the intelligent breakthrough I have not used that I just showcase it in the video I don't use a lot of focus modes but that is one that I would really like to see how well that works what about you I'm particularly interested in the focus modes because I think that Focus modes have a lot of potential but they require so much setup um and your needs change um and ultimately you may want to have so for example for me I may want to have a work Focus I may want to have a a focus for podcasting I will need a sleep focus a fitness Focus there's also the mindfulness Focus what if I want to have a reading Focus um the list goes on what if I want to have like an evening Focus so that less comes through when I'm winding down to go to bed yeah I don't really want to configure all of those with which people can come through and which instances and which apps can uh deliver notifications so I think that if if um if Apple intelligence can be contextually aware that at this time of day I am more likely to accept this notification or pick this up um and it will let that through automatically that is a far more organic way of of using this because I think a lot of people like the idea of focus modes but how many people actually take their time to configure them and even if you do configure them how how Dependable are they and terms of how your own routines change so do you actually then remember to go up into your Mac menu bar and regularly change your focus modes um I think this is the direction for Focus modes I think this is a far better Direction it's just a question of how good it is and how much context it takes into account so will it understand for example in reduce interruptions based on my calendar that we are currently recording a podcast and therefore I don't want to have almost any interruptions at this I don't think it's going to be that I don't think it's going to be that good but long term you know fast forward to iOS 19 yeah I think that this is where Focus mode should go um because I agree I think it was the best thing that Apple showed off with apple intelligence is the ability to understand all of this personal context well if you understand my personal context of what I am doing at this time of day you know my location you can see my calendar you can see my reminders you can see in my mail inbox if there's anything going on as well um if I got tickets to something or um I I've made a purchase um with a contactless payment in apple wallet where I'm not at home you can you can work out you should be able to work out what I am doing and if you can work out what I am doing at that time you can work out who should be let through in that Focus mode yeah I think it would be great if it could like you said just be smart enough to set up these Focus modes for you automatically and then if you want to go back in and tailor some of it uh you can do that like think about how great it would be if it realized you've got a flight coming up and you're going to be traveling so let me put all of your travel apps to the Forefront I know you use lift and Uber and Google Maps or Apple Maps whatever the case is and flighty and you know put all of that stuff up to the Forefront and then when you get to your destination maybe it keeps some of those apps but I don't know it's up to Apple intelligence to figure out okay well when he's traveling is he traveling for work like I don't know how it's going to figure that out but it would be really cool if it could and just kind of do things for me so I don't have to do it anymore I actually think that longterm this is where the home screen is going to go I don't think we are ever going to get a full home screen redesign but what I can see is um a stepping up of this technology which actually has been around for a very long time because going back years now if you went to Spotlight on the iPhone you would be presented with four or in slightly more recent years you can expand it to eight apps that it thinks you want at that time and generally it's not bad and then with the interrupt with the introduction of widgets um on the home screen there was a widget which is just a a grid of eight apps which you can add to your home screen um and that is just intelligently decided what you want at what time of day it in my experience it's okay I don't actually currently have it on my home SC screen so it's not that good um but when I have used it from time to time I've been fairly impressed now I wouldn't want to use something like this for my entire home screen because it would bug me that the stuff was jumping around way too much so if I'm used to my podcasts app being in the bottom uh right hand corner it would bug me if that is flying around all over the screen so where I think this goes eventually is an understanding that maybe I don't listen to podcast in the evening maybe I listen to audio books so you switch the location of the podcasts app icon for the books app icon and so where I am used to that app being um makes sense in the context of what I want at that time of day um and I think there is a way for the home screen to work in a more intelligent manner that is not just surfacing random apps we think you may want in a random order but also understanding that a key part of what makes the home screen useful and the reason it is stuck around in the way that it it works for so long um is because we remember where the icons are um you you prob I mean I don't know if you could remember them off the top of your head if I said to you now what order are your apps in but you probably would would know you could almost do it with your eyes closed and navigate to an app on your home screen um so it is important where stuff is located and certain apps you do use at certain times of day like you may not want to have your social media apps distracting you during the Working Day and have that replaced with work work apps in those locations um I like this idea and I like I like the fact that this is kind of where I think Apple intelligence is going and why I think it's more exciting when we take a longer view here yeah it should do though because they they this was the thing that they really stressed was the personal nature of it yeah I mean you can and again I think people are going to be like frustrated not everything that you just said you can do but you can kind of do most of this stuff already with Focus modes it just like we said takes way too long to set up all of this individual Focus modes and even then it's still not going to be doing everything that we just mentioned so I do really hope it gets to that point because that would be great I would be it would be a whole new entirely new way to use your phone and or maybe less of your phone which is great like we were just talking about it before we jumped on like I need a better nighttime routine if my phone could be like Yo dude you do not need to be looking at uh tter or X whatever before bed which no one should but if you we catch you doing that we're just going to we're just gonna turn that off you know or we're just going to remove it so that it's not on your home screen and we're going to make it a little bit harder for you to get to that to the point where maybe you're just going to put your phone down and actually get some good sleep um real quick checkin on reduced notifications uh Focus mode here it uh it it got my wife it said maybe important but I love oh you can't really there we go H hold on ready see the glow isn't that just so cool it's really uh Apple sheepish of us I I get it but it's just the glow is so cool I don't I don't understands matter the we love the details we do like the little pressing of the the little uh you know the up and down of the volume button you see the little in like that whoever made that probably just did it as like oh that was cool like I I discovered that I could do that I like it that's cool let's see if it sneaks in there and you know someone say just like kicking back being like what I just made a really cool feature that people are talking about that is so not important but it just is important in the grand scheme of like how this phone separates itself the operating system separates itself from something like Android and I will say a lot of the comments that I've gotten on the video were like besides people who just don't trust it or think that this is all based through chat GPT I feel like we need to like clarify a few things um we need to run through the whole Hardware specifics people are angry that this is only on an iPhone 15 pro and pro Max right now or any M1 device and some people have said that their you know iPhone 14 pro and pro Max is probably faster and better than some of the earlier M1 chips you know devices that can accept this and they're confused as to why they can't use it so we need to so memory is a big part of this okay and that's what we've said the reason why the iPhone 15 Pro and 15 Pro Max can run uple intelligence but the U or one of the reasons I should say and the uh standard iPhone 15s can't is because they have different amounts of memory mhm all of the M series Maxs have at least 8 GB of memory yeah um and the same for all of the M series iPads so if you've got less than 8 GB of memory which if I'm correct the iPhone 15 and 15 plus have only six gab memory yep so that is a consistent rule but but people's people's or their comments their follow-ups to that are really is two gigs making that much of a difference and I've seen people who have done like studies and tests that showcase how your RAM and what's like the operations that are happening on your phone during the time that you're processing requests like a lot of RAM is being taken up and so if you're taking up you know six gigs of RAM for every you know super intense Apple intelligence request well you still have two gigs left to kind of do some of the other things to where your phone's not going to completely Freak Out start to lose its memory you know and and crash on you and then you have to do it all over again whereas go ahead well also I just I I feel like the more I think about it when you bought that device Apple intelligence was not a thing right you did not buy that expecting to receive Apple intelligence no but the but there comments and I it's see listen I can go both ways I really can I can defend Apple until I'm blue in the face with this because I understand how you know the the hardware limitations will work but also I kind of see other people's points like dude this this phone here can do all of the same for the most part some of the same AI features and you know they also Samsung trickled down to last year's lineup and some of the other devices it it didn't happen right away but it did trickle down and so do you think Apple will do that eventually where they can figure out a way to get that and trickle down to some of the older devices or is it from here on out I already know the answer to this but I want other people to hear from you yeah I don't think that that would serve any purpose um because let's also for not forget that apple is a business and they want to sell new iPhones so if you have bought the standard iPhone um so you have not paid more for a pro model um why should you receive features that are coming out 18 months after that standard device came out when there is actually a clear rule for the specifications what would be a little bit more strange is if um it was not available on certain iPad models that also have 8 gigabytes of memory or you could point out an inconsistency in the logic here but there is no inconsistency yeah they said that basically in a roundabout way it is a consistent rule um but also by the time Apple intelligence is out properly and in full early next year the iPhone lineup will look completely different I mean these devices that we're currently using the iPhone 15 and iPhone 15 Pro Max they will have been discontinued and yet they will support apple intelligence so we have to put this also in the context of when these devices come out when Apple intelligence comes out because when it does in iOS 18.1 iOS 18.1 will be available after the iPhone 16 lineup comes out so this is some time away and you can't expect Apple to indefinitely give all features to older devices um and even if there is even if it is a sort of cynical argument and it is just well yeah they could if they wanted to well they could but they need the money to make a new iPhone every year so if we want them to bring out a new iPhone every year we need to buy a new iPhone every year or every few years or have a reason to upgrade in some sort of cycle but if all features if if Apple's entire focus is bringing everything to all the devices especially when it's a major new thing like apple intelligence and they know that that will drive upgrades um why would they do that they have no they have no obligation to do that and I actually think that I believe that when Apple brings out the iPhone se4 early next year that will support apple intelligence that is my belief and that will be a lowc cost device at $500 less than $500 so I don't think that apple is being mean about this um I actually think it's it's pretty fair um I know not everyone will agree I'm just saying I I agree with you I understand it a lot of people's arguments were saying that they want you to just simply upgrade to a new iPhone which is what you just admitted and apple won't admit that but that's part of the reason they'll also tell you that the experience is probably not going to be the same given you know what we just mentioned the memory limitations I'm just saying I'm looking at Sam website and Galaxy AI by mind you can do a lot of the same features image playground is basically the same thing I forget what they call theirs but it's it's it's on here and it works H they're offering the ability to rewrite whole you know summar all of those things are are there a lot of the major features and it goes from the Galaxy s24 and s24 plus s23 Ultra s23 and s23 plus the s23 Fe which is a budget device and the s22 and 22 plus I mean they're going down a few generations of phones I'm just saying like is there no other company out here in the smartphone landscape in the US that would like to sell more phones than Samsung I mean especially when you put them up against but Apple has the privilege here of being able to do what it wants and if Apple let's just let's just run this hypothetical so if Apple brings Apple into intelligence to older devices knowing that it won't run properly then what you will have from your iPhone 14 users um is people saying oh well it doesn't run properly oh it's so buggy this software oh it's so slow it's made my phone so slow Apple slows down um my device every year why have they given me this update it just slows everything down and it would cause reputational damage so why why but why would they do that um the the the reputation needs to be good especially for Apple intelligence this will be the way that a lot of people who are not in the Tech Community let's remember the vast majority of people will inter engage with AI on a daily basis in their own lives this is important that this is a good experience for not only Apple but for the industry as a whole so I don't know how Samsung's uh entrylevel device is going to run their version of image playground well let me just let me just preface before we get any for I don't know what there's a whole list I'm sure not all the features are available I'm just trying to play Devil's Advocate in the sense of like at least Samsung's advertising that they're at least trying not to leave anyone out by bringing Galaxy AI to these devices uh and those were just the S series by the way they are bringing the Z series from the flip six all the way down to the flip 4 uh it's on SmartWatches and tablets and Buds and you know not every feature obviously VI ly um but yeah so just I'm just saying I'm not I don't really have a horse in this race I don't really care uh but I can understand why some people would be pretty frustrated that's all um I think it's more frustrating for iPhone 15 users right right right and honestly 14 pro Max because there's really not that much of a difference in my opinion from performance standpoint on a daily basis between the 14 pro Max and the 15 Pro Max do you think yes but performance is is not all the same so just because you don't have an issue opening an app on your iPhone 14 pro Max does not mean that it is going to be capable of running on device large language models that have been developed I mean when did the iPhone 14 pro come out that was in 2022 so by the time Apple intelligence is fully available we are going to be in early 2025 and you for device that was built developed in 21 early 22 to support something that comes out in 25 you know they've you know they've developed with this with these older devices in mind as well I mean they didn't just start this last year and had an iPhone 15 Pro Max to go with it so I'm sure they've tested it and I'm sure it could work I just feel like at least one I mean listen like you said it's not going to come out and it will be the 15 Pro Max and we'll already have the 16 Pro Max so it basically will be trickled down to older devices kind of in a way uh because it's not necessarily with the iPad if you have an M1 iPad from 2021 that will support it if you have an M1 Mac from 2020 yeah from by the time the it's fully released that will have been five years ago that will support it so can't say that Apple's being stingy here about what their what devices they're bringing it to that's the argument that you can use to kind of shut the door but again just if I had to go and throw in another Counterpoint uh people were saying that they want the sales of iPhones have not been great and so saving it for the iPhone which most people you know would want to upgrade and use some of these features on would be kind of the the better option as opposed to like not everyone's upgrading an iPad every year so you're looking at more of a reason to upgrade anyone that says that they they know that the iPhone is the least powerful of that selection of devices sure so it's not like we're saying oh well it comes to all iPhones it comes to all iPads but it doesn't come to M1 M2 or M3 Max uh well I guess there aren't any uh M4 Max but you get my point that this whole thing can get conv like I said I am not I'm right in the middle I can see both arguments this is a great talking point keep it civil but would love to hear from everyone else out there like which side you're on per se and not a me and heartley side we're not it's more of a apple versus the people who are pissed off that they bought an iPhone 15 and are not getting uh features but again like you said the pro features are pro features so I'm not saying it's it's not disappointing I'm sure if I was an iPhone 15 plus user and I bought it on launch day and I was very excited for it and I'd saved up the money to buy that device and I was looking forward to receiving iOS 18 I would be disappointed but just because you're disappointed doesn't mean that the company should do something different for you personally no of course not but here's the thing you still need to cater to the customers in some way shape or form and you're going to lose I don't think apple is Apple's too big to this point to fail in most regards where I don't think it's going to matter but like just from a you personal standpoint you bought an iPhone 15 right you're loving it it's a great we've talked about it how it's a great phone um to buy and that it seems like a pretty solid upgrade depending on what you came from looking at the iPhone 15 to the rumors of the iPhone 16 we can pretty much agree that there's not a whole lot there that like I would be like yeah you should run out and upgrade one year later except for Apple intelligence now is that enough for you to want to do that but then we get into the thing of well if you are the sort of power user the someone that is a tech Enthusiast and passionate about AI why have you bought basically an entry-level device and then you're you're having a tantrum because you you you you your your entry level device is not getting effectively a pro feature if they'd called this like Pro AI or something like that then you wouldn't be saying that so Point fair point but I think Jen Moji is one of those features that will explode with younger people out there who I just feel like that's going to be the next you know the next big thing in expressing yourself with visual images like I don't know if bitmoji ever took off but like I felt like that did pretty well for a little bit uh like I feel like it's going to be in that sense of like people are really going to start creating uh especially image playground and like images of yourself like I feel like that's going to be a huge thing with some of the younger audience out there and I feel like some of the other people do not want to be left out fomo like you said yourself so and that's not a power user feature I feel like that is a specific feature that is Catered towards the everyday person who is sending countless Snapchats and messages and want to add a little more spice to it if it comes down to it needs eight gigabytes of RAM it just needs it for genoi but to to rece otherwise it's going to get confusing because if we had to have if if if at Mac rumors today I'd been working on a table or something of well this device can run this specific Apple intelligence feature but you won't get like Memory Maker on this swap model but you won't get priority notifications on this one but maybe you can use this one but don't do this at the same time on that device it would be ridiculous so you've got to draw a line in the sand somewhere I agree with you I I I agree with you I'm just trying to stick up for or at least bring you the other arguments that people are saying that's all I I sympathize with those people I really do I think I think if you I think it must be disappointing however you cannot complain if there is a consistent Rule and there is clear logic here um you know Apple's done some weird stuff before with this like I've not given apple apple an easy ride with stuff like stage manager and where it was really inconsistent which iPad models that came to and it didn't make sense sometimes Apple does stuff like that and it is quite hard to defend and actually and actually that's a good point for those who are on the other side in in which case for this sake of the simulation is me uh did they not make that an M powered chip feature at first and then was like ha just kidding it'll also work on these ones too but at first they were very clear like in lying in the sand it needs an M chip it needs it and it's not going to work yes and then they're like I was kidding we can do it on the other ones though it'll work fine I think I'm just saying I think we can all agree that basic window management which has been around since what the late 1980s um is quite easy for devices to run but first of their kind llms that have basically only come out over the last 18 months um one of those is clearly quite resource intensive and the other is not so there there is a difference but my point is I'm not just I'm not saying that's always acceptable there have been other instances where Apple's done this stuff where I've thought it's ridiculous like when the iPhone 6s got uh live photos but the iPhone 6 did not get live photos and there is no reason why the iPhone 6 could not have had that feature so sometimes they've done it with no reason and I think most people and and and like you said I think most people have looked at a lot of the subset of features and have said there is no reason why X feature would work and this one doesn't but like you said it would be entirely too confusing to just be like well you're only going to get these features from Apple intelligence and not these ones so maybe it would have been better for Apple to just been like these work on iOS 18 perhaps it could have just been standard iOS 18 features and not Apple intelligence but then iOS 18 is supported way back um so well you don't think some of those things could work proof read question of it's a question of what things I mean I'm sure that chat gbt integration could work great on all iOS 18 devices that's not going to matter because it's not on your device um it is a it is a question of um making things easy for ordinary users and because you are the sort of person that is watching a Tech podcast and you are interested in apple intelligence you're of that disposition but if for example you are maybe um you know maybe you don't even have a Mac you just have like an iPad and an iPhone and you just use them for very simple purposes and then I don't know your your grandson says to you oh there's all these new AI features and then you don't have some of them for some reason and you're being told to use some of them but that's not available on the iPhone 11 but then your grandkid that's got an iPhone 12 has a different array of Apple intelligence features um is that because something's not working or is something broken or that that is not how Apple does things that is why there is a cut off with new iOS updates and effectively Apple intelligence is something separate to iOS I know that it is it is integrally built in but we have to see that Apple for the very first time here has released a 0.1 beta um alongside the main update because Apple intelligence is effectively its own thing yeah that means that if you want to imagine it that this is uh you know um Apple intelligence version one and version one of Apple intelligence is only available on certain devices because it's almost like its own OS if you think about it in those terms then that wouldn't seem anywhere near as weird but it's because you're just thinking of it as oh well this is an iOS 18 feature which they're keeping from me um but they're all for those of you who have made it this far for the sake of the show I was playing the role of someone who doesn't understand why Apple would do this I'll get the negative comments down just watch watch I'll get the ones because there's a difference between the people who uh watch my videos uh as a compared to those who are watching the podcast if you're watching the podcast like you said you understand most of this for the most part um and you are probably on your specific side because you're like I bought an iPhone like you're more of a tech Enthusiast but a lot of the people that watch the video those came from all sorts of places on YouTube some were hardcore subscribers they probably get it but then that video gets pushed out to the everyday person who is like what is this apple intelligence I keep hearing about and I want to see what it looks like they don't quite understand maybe why and so I was playing the role of them but I do want to clarify that Harley shouldn't get if he is GNA get any back I am right there with you and the sense that I agree with you on everything you're saying disagree with me no I don't disagree though that's the thing I there needs to be a clear Line in the Sand of this is where it works for and this is why and if you don't like it then upgrade just upgrade and that's happened so many times and it's blunt and and it's happened for Worse reasons than this as well I think yes and I think but I I do think though personally that not getting like gen mooji and some of the fun playful things and the new version of Siri is really going to hurt a lot of those people who maybe just bought a new phone that's not compatible and they would like those new things so I if you're out there and you're like dude I just bought a new iPhone 14 pro Max secondhand and I got a great deal on it it's still a great phone you're absolutely right but I'd implore you and even with a 15 I'd implore you to look at a 16 or a 16 Pro because some of those features are going to be if they work the way they're supposed to and they get better and better those are going to be hard to just not have I'm going to be honest I think I would have fomo for sure speaking of Jen Emoji you know what this reminds me of a little bit and that's why I don't know if Emoji is actually going to be that popular but it reminds me of when people complained for similar reasons although under slightly different circumstances in 2017 people who bought an iPhone 8 said oh well I want an emoji true I just don't think I'm still Gonna Stand My Ground I don't know why I just think J mooji is going to be a really popular feature amongst you know younger generations and then old people people will do it and then it won't be cool anymore but uh I I just I just that's how it always works right look at Facebook anyways um I just I I think and by the way I am getting close to being the old person who's gonna do it and ruins it for everyone and that makes me really sad and depressed but um I just really I think because there is so much customiz Custom Custom custo I can't say the word help me out customization customization no I wanted to say like C custom I can't even never mind customization we'll go with that because there's so much customization with it um I think that that's a little different animoji you really couldn't do much to I mean you could create your own mimoji and people do really use that a lot I think if that came out first that might be a little bit different with animoji then I feel like if you can like tailor the animals or create your own animal like something you know add a little more personality to it but like with these you're literally coming up at the prompt of quite possibly anything I don't know we haven't tested it out yet but what if that's running on device what do you mean oh the process that is run device so that is actually like a fairly processor intense thing I mean right now if you go and generate something with chat GPT that's not generating it on your device that is being sent to the cloud I understand how the how the hardware portion of that works I'm just saying that that stinks because I feel like those are the types of power user hardcore features for buying a pro phone that the everyday person would probably want to use especially the new Siri and in due course when they have time to upgrade and they can they can buy the iPhone se4 they can buy the iPhone 16 they can buy the iPhone 16 plus and soon enough they will be able to buy the iPhone 17 as well so plenty of not proo devices that are available for not pro users to buy um and use gen mooji with um just another update on the reduce notifications or reduce interruptions it's still just my wife's text nothing else uh everything else YouTube uh my that's not good uh my uh my fantasy football app my laundry machine uh those are the things that were put in uh the not important stuff which I guess is probably pretty pretty accurate all right well would love to hear from you all in the comments down below about everything um would be interesting to see people's thoughts that's for sure and uh if you guys have any we're we're still in that like got maybe a week or two left of not talking about iPhones before iPhones become a central part part of what we have to talk about if there's anything that you want us to do a deeper dive on or any topics that you want to hear more about just let us know in the comments and with that we will catch everyone in the next episode

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