What to Expect From Apple’s Huge iPhone 16 Event | Episode 114

welcome back to another episode of the macro show before we get started uh we did want to do some like General housekeeping notes announcements however you want to phrase it but um in the future I'm not sure it's going to start with this episode or even the next episode but the general rule of thumb for we're going to remain weekly on a schedule we're still going to be bringing you weekly uploads however we might cut the time down to around the 30 minute Mark now with this one might go over a little bit you know with these like special uh episodes where we have events to talk about um or obviously next week when we actually have the new products like there's going to be a lot to say and so we probably can't fit it all in that 30 minutes uh but moving forward when we're in that time of the year like I don't know the last few months heartly right like we could have done probably and we're GNA focus more on like One Singular topic or like just like something that we can really hone in on for 30 minutes uh or less or maybe slightly more but we're trying not to do the hourlong episodes anymore um you know just to make things a little bit more on track and focused and so just wanted to give you that heads up and also around the holidays uh we will probably be taking some time off towards the end of the year there's just not a lot to talk about and you know we need breaks so uh we'll be taking some time off then but most of the time it'll be weekly episodes around that 30 minute Mark so uh nothing's changing too much just maybe a little shorter bite-sized for those who don't have a whole a lot of time to listen to an entire hour now you can get it consumed less but uh this one this one's still going to be a little bit longer because it's event week uh well after a few days after this comes out it'll be Monday September 9th and it'll be glow time so Harley are you getting amped are you getting pumped I'm starting to I mean you know this is our time of year September October um there's going to be so much to get into sometimes Apple events could be fairly lowkey they can be quite small um and we sometimes don't expect a whole lot but I think that this event in particular should be really jam-packed um there is a lot that we are expecting to see yeah I mean the obvious starts with the iPhone 16 lineup and then uh we're also expecting obviously some new watches and even new airpods and so there is a lot to get to so let's jump in let's start with what do you think the order is going to be probably airpods watch phones or the other way around I think it might go watch airpods iPhone okay well I trust you more than I trust myself so we'll start with the watch and we'll go in your order so okay apples Apple they're kicking it off they're on stage Tim Cook did his good morning everything's going on we're flying into the watch what are we expecting to see first I think it'll be Apple watch se3 and with that said and with that said it's a mostly just like a little spec bump right we're getting a faster S9 chip uh that's probably it some slightly larger displays perhaps anything that you want to dive into on the se3 that you think might I think it's a little bit more than a spe bump I think it's I think it's I think it's a notable upgrade because well it hasn't been updated in a few years two years um so the Apple watch seems to run on a 2-year upgrade cycle um and the reason why I think this is more significant is because this is the first time that the Apple watch SC has actually been redesigned um the previous two generations the first and second um have the same design which is effectively the design of the Apple Watch series 4 um with those slightly larger bezels compared to what we have today um and with that slightly smaller casing size so it's available in 40 and 44 mimet casing sizes now it's going to be moving up to 41 and 45 which is the same uh as the current Apple Watch series 9 UM and that was the design that was introduced with the series 7 and also uh another pretty significant design change is moving moving to a plastic casing so we've never had a plastic Apple watch before um that should lead to a really quite significantly different look to it um but also it's kind of changing the market it's making it a lot more kid-friendly um and it should mean that it's actually available at a lower price point I think the Apple watch is already a really great deal but if it comes in even lower um and you get that larger display and you get a faster chip um I think this is a going to be a really compelling device it may not be the star of the show at this event but I think it will be enormously popular and actually another thing that's worth bearing in mind is the first generation Apple watch I see is losing support for the new version of watch OS so there will be a lot of first gen Apple watch SE users um and indeed Apple Watch series 4 users that are going to need to upgrade and I dare say that the Apple watch se3 will be the device to get absolutely that is the one that I recommend to those who I can just kind of tell you know when people ask you like which Apple watch should I get and like well well how do you use it and what are you trying to spend and they tell you X Y and Z and it usually leads into being like well I just want to track my steps and uh my mother-in-law just said this the other day she's like I just want something that'll track my steps accurately and like give me some things but she doesn't really care about notifications or like all that's just a bonus and so I'm like I'll just get the Apple watch SE like that'll be perfect for you and now I'll tell her to hold off a second because I don't think she's done it yet wait for this Apple watch SE where it's just more improved and then it so it falls into two camps like obviously entry level people who don't have an Apple Watch yet which kind of few and far between these days if you have an iPhone I think most people in my mind I feel like almost most people have an Apple Watch it's very rare that I've come across someone who has never even thought about it um let alone not have one and then uh you know the other Camp is those like you said series 4 anything older really uh any kind of older Apple watch that you're looking to bump into like this is a good option if you're just trying to keep things simple no one I don't I wear an Apple Watch Ultra I don't need that like it's just I could get away with an SE for all the things that I use my Watch for which is quite literally just the health tracking and getting notifications and answering the occasional phone call what about you Harley could you get away with an Apple Watch SE not from a look standpoint not from a fashion standpoint just from Pure functionality from functionality I would say yes um I do occasionally quite like tinkering with ECG and for me I still have access to blood oxygen as well um and I quite like occasionally uh diving into those um Health features but there's not a huge amount that I would be missing out on um and I think particularly as you as you say if you have never had an Apple Watch before um this will be the watch to go for and currently it's a available for I believe is it um uh 249 um 269 something like that uh I think that if they move to this plastic casing and they are trying to be more competitive we could easily see this third generation Apple watch C coming in for1 199 which would be really huge yeah uh the 40 mil starts at 249 44 starts at 279 if you want GPS and cellular it's 299 so I mean yeah and I think these look good what so about the plastic casing you think it's really going to change the look or is it just going to be colored plastic to look like what we already have I don't think inita different I don't think Apple really ever does silver plastic um gold plastic so I can't remember the last time we've seen anything plastic from them the iPhone 5c yeah so um we know that Apple likes um white plastic so you can bet there'll be a white option which I actually think would look really good it will kind of remind me of the ceramic cam model y um and uh I bet that there will also be some bright colors um a little bit like the uh iPhone 5C and I can imagine that being really popular the apple watch I see is a really good buy for kids because if you have maybe your kid is too young to have an iPhone but you still want the ability to message them um or to uh track them on find my or so they have some kind of Cellular Connection um and there is also family setup available for the Apple watch so it is primed for that kind of use case um it's perfect um and I can imagine you know buying your kid a plastic Apple watch that feels more resilient it's lighter in weight as well so it's more appropriate for kids it's actually making it a way more kid-friendly device um but also just far more accessible I think it's I think it's really good okay let's dive into that really quickly uh because obviously most of you know I have kids and my older two are starting to get into that age where like really just my oldest like I we put an air tag in his book bag right cuz the buses the bus system here is just notoriously awful and we have no idea where at the end of the day when he's coming home where he's at like in location and with an air tag you really can't get that live update that you can with like an actual device when it's with findm uh that can support that and so and I've never done this so please let me know if I'm wrong or or right or whatever does that work the same way like with my iPhone when I track you know if I'm looking where my wife's location is at like I can see and she can see the same thing for me where I'm at moving in real time if they don't have a phone but they're using a GPS and cellular I'm guessing it works the same way correct with the watch yeah I I've never done this before I don't I've never had a reason to track so in my mind let's just say for the sake of this and hopefully that's the way it works we'll be able to see in real time that's a huge thing obviously uh also for him to be able to to give us a call if anything's wrong obviously hopefully not in you know impacting anything with school but in an appropriate time uh giving us a quick call uh sending we can even show them how to send a quick text like getting on the butt like anything for that I just think like that's huge and I'd be willing to do that but I'm still in that conflicting like what age is the right age for that is eight too young I feel like Eight's too young so that's why we haven't done it because I could just have given any of the older watches that I have here but how do you feel if you had an eight-year-old would you give him a plastic watch SE for 199 yeah I would because I don't think it's a device that a kid can really be distracted by they can't browse the web on it you can't play games on it um so I think that it basically is just a device that exists for messaging calls tracking Fitness tracking um yeah so I I see I see no downsides and there are watches what is it like the Gizmo watch there are watches specifically made for kids and I mean it is what 55 I'm seeing it $55.99 this one so like I think they go for like a right around 50 to 100 bucks in my mind I'm looking at it as yeah I'm sure those do a decent job maybe that's good for like my six-year-old where we're just kind of starting her off because she's in kindergarten and so like that's kind of like an entry level to this but like I don't know if you're spending a 100 bucks I'd rather spend the extra $99 and get my kid an Apple Watch where it's just all in the ecosystem it's all in my find my it's easy for us to use it's not a different app that we got to check out uh he would kind of know how to use it because he has familiarity with that kind of stuff so yeah I'm actually if that's the case and that price point does drop I am very intrigued by this I wonder if my wife would get upset with me buying a watch for my son she probably would okay so moving on to the series well actually let's do ultra Apple watch Ultra 3 or should we do the series 10 because some of the features that I mean they're basically that they're going to be the same upgrades but there is a design change for the series 10 well that's what I'm wondering like in my brain I still have this ingrained into my head that the series 10 is supposed to be this magnificent redesign this huge thing and it's not necessarily unless things have changed did I miss something in the latest news cycle today nope or are we still expecting kind of a don't get too excited type thing with the series 10 definitely it looks like that's going to what we know for is that there will be some kind of change that means will be larg casing sizes now there's been this has got a little bit confused over the last week um so maybe it isn't going to be moving quite in the direction we thought there's been some strange rumors about flat displays and uh maybe that the smaller casing size is not disappearing and but we actually haven't covered any of those on Macs because they seem pretty sketchy but the rumor cycle got a little bit more muddled is my point but in terms of what we have covered and in terms of what we do know for sure or we think we know for sure as is often the case uh with these sorts of rumors is that the casing sizes will be getting bigger so moving from 41 to 45 and from 45 to 49 um so effectively that smaller casing size which I have uh the 41 millimeter is being discontinued the 45 mm is staying in the lineup and then there will be a new 49 9 mm casing which is the same size as the Apple watch ultra um so there'll be a little bit less difference between the series 10 and ultra um that is effectively it because it looks like the design is going to be pretty much the same we're not expecting them to add an action button um or any par anything particularly radical we're expecting Apple watch band compatibility to remain or at least the same system to be in place so nothing really particularly different I that's why I'm hesitant to call it the design change I suppose what I a better way of describing it is just an adjustment of the available sizes a little bit like the um uh the iPhone 16 Pro where per se the design is not changing but they are getting bigger uh looks like that's the same thing with the series 10 the rest of the changes look like they will be coming to both the series 10 and Ultra 3 there's not too much to get excited about with the Apple watch I mean I wonder if there's going to be a few surprises because it looks like there's so little in store um one of the upgrades we are expecting is the S10 chip um and uh I'm pretty intrigued by this because the S9 was a really big chip upgrade for the Apple watch it was one of the main upgrades last year um that enabled new Siri functionality um and uh it is it is significantly more powerful because you have to remember that the previous three chips were basically all the same but this was the first chip redesign that the Apple watch had for three entire years so I'm skeptical that this Chip is going to be completely redesigned again but one thing that is rumored is that it will have more AI capabilities now this isn't Apple intelligence because Apple intelligence requires um 8 gigabytes of memory to run the Apple watch has nowhere near that um so it's unlikely that apple is going to go and put eight gigabytes of RAM the same amount you get in a Mac in the Apple watch to run Apple intelligence but that doesn't mean that there won't be some kind of groundwork laid for future AI features so it makes this kind of an odd upgrade because I don't really know how much they going to have to talk about with this unless there are new AI features that they are not going to describe as Apple intelligence but they are still going to say here is a new AI driven Health feature that is only supported by the S10 chip which is slightly more powerful um and lastly there are Health features but this is also pretty muddled because there are two that have been rumored hypertension detection and sleep apnea detection okay it is not clear if either of these will actually get into the new Apple watches the reason is because hypertension detection um which is related to blood pressure uh has apparently had a lot of difficulties when Apple has been developing this and it is not clear if it will actually be ready for the new Apple watches or if that will be delayed to next year that's often what happens with a lot of these new Apple watch Health features they get delayed year after year and sleep apnea detection depends on blood oxygen so is Apple going to uh unveil sleep apnea and say this is available in every country except the United States um and take the stage time to do that knowing that it is not going to be available in its biggest Market um if indeed that is also ready or are they going to wait until uh they have got over these uh pattern issues with blood oxygen monitoring are they going to unveil that with watch os1 um next year who knows um it's it's a it's a very much a gray area what these Apple watches are going to really offer because we have a sense that there may be some kind of new hell feature there may there could be two there could be none we think there will be a new chip um at least we know there will be in terms of what it is called but is it really going to offer anything different and we know that there is going to be new uh larger casing sizes for the series 10 but there will be no design changes for the Apple watch Ultra that's it we don't know anything else about these devices um and if it was the case that neither of those Health features are ready and the S10 is just a relabeled S9 it could be the smallest Apple watch update ever but if it had both of those Health features and AI features and the redesign was more significant than we were expecting it be one of the biggest apple Watch updates for years so who knows yeah I mean with the blood uh the blood pressure and the sleep apnea features I am so curious as to like what apple is doing differently in order to get this feature into its devices than say Samsung did with honestly I think blood pressure has been around monitoring has been around on the Galaxy watch 5 and we're now on the sevens and you can get both sleep apnea and blood pressure on one of the series I I don't know if it's across all devices but uh definitely on the Galaxy uh watch 7 so yeah just curious what's like what are they doing differently that is causing such delays in this I know Apple's not always first to things but it's like it's been a few years and there's other devices that do this it's not going to be to to the people that know it's not going to be as revolu evolutionary you know it's already out so I don't know that's what makes me think like okay maybe this is it we've heard it so much like and other people already have this in its devices so I feel like this has to be it but if it's not I'm that's kind of a major disappointment for the Apple watch again I feel like last year's Apple watch was an incredible like just oversight for many people it's about like the tech enthusiasts I don't I don't know what the general public cares about anymore in terms of yearly Apple watch I'm guessing it it's not as important to them as the iPhone obviously so like but for people who do this you know hardcore Tech Enthusiast those of you listening to this podcast probably fall into like you're interested in all the devices that come out what's your level of Interest with this series as opposed to last year because for me I just I I I didn't focus on it at all I don't even think we even covered the series 9 I'm going be honest with you I don't think I did any work on the series 9 I think I just did the the the tap thing and I don't even use that anymore I don't know it's just it's kind of like an oversight just I don't even think about it yeah I mean I think that the the thing with the Apple watch is it's definitely not an annual upgrade device it is a device where you have to let the upgrades Stack Up So for me I currently have a series 8 it was absolutely not worth upgrading to the series 9 but if there is more to offer in the series 10 if you stack up the upgrades from both the series 9 and series 10 it's probably probably starting to get near being worth an upgrade I could keep going for another year but yeah I was going to say I'd still argue for most people you might be able to wait one more year and just say oh yeah most people easily but I'm saying even as a tech Enthusiast um it's hard to really justify it after two years but I probably just about can because I would quite like double tap that was introduced last year you really really why I just think it's a cool feature I think I would use it there's plenty of times when I'm carrying something or whatever and I want to to be able to control my watch without touching it or with only with one hand um and I think it would be useful see I just think the problem with these types of features is that it's just so hard to remember in the moment that you have it at least for me and I know others have told me the same thing like it's really hard if I've got I'm watching the dishes and my hands are wet or I've got stuff all over it and like I just don't want to get the screen dirty my first instinct is to just use my nose and do the like this stupid thing and I know people who've done the same thing and then you're like oh it's like after the fact you kind of remember like oh yeah I could have just done this and it's not as reli I mean right now it's working pretty well but it's not as reliable and it can't really do as much as you might think it can so I don't know but like yeah I mean maybe you might like it I I kind of want you to get a watch that has it now and I want to know I'll come back to you in like two months and see if how many times youve used I might get the ultra next time around no you won't really I I'm I'm ping so you are so against it because of the size and you don't like the look of it as much as the stainless steel I recently I recently bought a mechanical watch so now for occasions when I want to um dress more nicely I can wear that and that is that changes things now because it means that the Apple watch becomes a fitness tool specifically it is no longer a fashion accessory for me um and that might open up the ultra and also I'm getting kind of bored of the Apple watch I want something new I want something fresh um and I think the ultra combining that with two generations of successive updates um might be enough so I've got all the upgrades introduced on the first gen and second gen Ultra stacked up as well as two generation the standard line Apple watch so that might be enough to keep me engaged just for a year just try it why not the battery life's pretty killer too that's just like the biggest the biggest Improvement you'll notice immediately just battery for days um all right well I don't really think there's anything else let's quickly dive into I guess airpods are coming I still for some reason I'm still real hesitant to be like Yep they're going to be there I don't know why uh a lot of people have been saying I mean wor saying airpods are going to be there like it just rumors are strongly pointing to it I don't have any strong reason why I just feel like it's not going to happen and it'll be kind of a bummer but uh let's just operate under the impression that it is because that's what we have uh airpods 4 two new models so a standard model just the improvement over the current third that I'm wearing right now uh with uh the next model having a Inc and a charging case speaker for findm I think that's what do you think the price points are going to be for that 179 190 that's too too much of a little Gap I mean it it all depends this is this is such a rabbit hole conversation for me because I have a suspicion that the next gen airpods Pro are going to be more expensive and with two different variants of the airpods 4 that's really important to mention um coming in at two different price points um I can imagine us looking at $300 for the the uh third gen airpods Pro that is some time away but I think that's worth bearing in mind that I think that's hasn't been rumored it's just a hunch I have that considering the hardware we're expecting with cameras I could see a price increase and then maybe seeing the high-end standard airpods coming in at $200 and then maybe the low-end standard airpods coming in at 150 um I think that's fair I think that's fair yeah one 79 is the current price right for what you get now yeah yeah so I mean with the by the way with the standard model we're expecting the H2 chip across both right so that's going to improve sound uh we're expecting a refined design can you elaborate a little more on the refined design it's not going to be anything drastic no just uh I think that we can expect fit to be a little bit better slightly shorter stems as well a little bit more like the airpods pro um okay so at the moment you can roughly thr difference so I'm wearing airpods Pro right now um and you can see that my stems look ever so slightly shorter than yours so um that is probably what is going to happen as well as just improving that iner fit what about the sound volume here I mean that hasn't been rumored but it's it's possible um could be nice would would be nice USBC on the case obviously you won't be getting anything lightning uh and then yeah that's just for like if that's at 150 that's that's a that's still a really good deal and then if you want a andc uh and we're guessing transparency but I have not seen those too I'm guessing that has to be tied in right or is there a world where we would not get transparency with a like that doesn't make any sense to me that's not going to happen Okay but no one's like I'm just saying I've read no I think it's just implied but yeah man what wouldn't it be crazy if they're like here's active noise cancellation but you can't have any transparency that's just for the pros um and then uh uh charging case like I mentioned before so you get that find my feature that you get on the airpods pro I mean that's a for $199 I'd say that's pretty good uh and then I don't know that I love the pros being $300 maybe $279 I'd be okay with be great if they just stayed at the9 $50 yeah I mean sure like on Prime day and things like that it's just at launch that's that's the price we're going to be expecting I don't think really any one unless you buying directly from Apple is paying full price for airpods I got to say I don't think that I would be using the airpods pros anymore until the airpods pro until the uh the third gen comes out and then I have to go and review that um but I think if we do get these new high-end versions of the regular ones and it hasc I'd probably switch to that fulltime I just like the way these fit my ears better I used to uh enjoy using them quite a bit but I find that I've got more and more used to airpods pro and I was using the airpods 3 less and less um I would consider going back to them because I find that I think most people find that the airpods pro do get fatiguing after a while in a way that they do earbuds without inear tips simply don't but it is a question of do you want to have at that point in time I had all of the different airpods so in total I had four different sets of airpods I had my airpods 2 as my spares for my airpods 3 I have my airpods 3 for when uh I got too fatigued from wearing airpods Pro and I had airpods Max for when I wanted something more heavyduty than my airpods Pro it was too much um because I just didn't use them enough to justify it um yeah so it's a nice to have but ultimately I've just reverted to airpods Pro and airpods Max and to be honest I don't even really use my airpods Max all that much nowadays H yeah I mean that's pretty much how I how I feel and speaking of of airpods Max nice little segue uh into the airpods max 2 in which case you if you were to buy them you probably still wouldn't use them all that much because we're unfortunately not expecting anything new besides potentially new colors and uh soong lightning you'll get USBC and I guess Bluetooth 5.3 because that's the new standard for their devices and do you think is a world in which this is wrong and that we will get H we're not even going to get the H2 chip if the the regular airpods are going to get the H2 chip before the airpods max how does that make any sense I think it's all very peculiar we've not heard a huge amount about the airpods max 2 for a long time um especially in relation to this event the airpods 4 are pretty locked in the airpods max 2 are not um they are probably one of they're probably the thing at this event that is the most 5050 if they did appear I don't think the Tech Community would be surprised but if they don't appear I also don't think that we would be surprised sure I think that's probably what's keeping me at like a distance when it comes to embracing the airpods rumors because I just we see airpods Max lumped in with the four and I just don't think the max are going to happen so I just kind of assume none of it's going to happen I don't I don't know what they're thinking with airpods Max I think you know this is a whole separate rant um it's it's it to me it's basically not worth updating them if that is all you are going to do um USBC is nice to have but it is almost infuriating if you do not make refinements to other areas that by your own admission are significantly better with newer Hardware things like active noise cancellation if active noise cancellation is a huge amount better with the H2 chip why are you keeping airpods Max on the H1 chip um why are you keeping skin detect sensors on the uh airpods and airpods pro but not the airpods max um and that isn't even to mention the design which um I'm fairly confident apple is not 100% happy with the design of the airpods max they are they they constantly need servicing um they they probably have more airpods max INF for repair than many many many other different devices um so how many years has it been was it 2020 yeah it was it was December 2020 so so almost four years I'm going to go on in a limb maybe this isn't that much of a stretch but if we don't get it by this year I feel like they're not they're just going to stop making these maybe there's just not a maybe this is just it like there's just not of strong it might be like the homep Pod yeah yeah just continue it for a few years and see if the people want it back yeah and then bring it back with a more substantial redesign um or the other alternative is that the rumors of what we are currently expecting the airpods max 2 to be just vanish like they already have we have heard nothing about them for quite a long time we could continue to hear nothing and then we could get a report in June next year saying that actually that's not happening anymore and now we're expecting a completely redesign model September next year dud that's too many years from now that's too many and there are so many other options that you can buy like I'm almost just to the point where it's like I don't know who cares just buy something else don't hold your breath because people have been asking me they've been interested in overear headphones and I'm like well don't do it because I feel like there's supposed to be new ones coming but also we've been saying that for three years now so uh I don't know just buy at your own risk we have buyers fire beware or whatever tagged on that forever how long has that been running is that the longest running long time now the longest running thing on the Mac room buers guide all right let's jump real quick we've talked about the iPhone 16 a ton so we can keep this relatively quick there hasn't been a ton of new rumors I would say lately the biggest thing on the 16 lineup in my mind that is new um in terms of rumors is the bronze color and we love our color debates here at the Mac RoR show and just mag rors in general uh what do you think for those who have not heard about this potential bronze color would you get it no I would not okay but I would be very happy for everyone that could um so there has been no uh old iPhone um there's been no gold iPhone for a while now um so it's a good option if you like that people are always drawn to whatever the newest feeling color option is it's always most predominant in the marketing materials um it will be pretty different to what was available last year and it is titanium after all we we will never have had a sort of Gold bronzy Titanium iPhone um and if you think about it all the colors that are available for the iPhone 15 Pro are cool in color temperature so you've got blue um black silver and gray so gold would be a fairly significant change in that regard um personally it doesn't actually make me excited but no it's a warmer color option but when you described all four of those my immediate thought is just it's boring it's so boring there's just nothing like the bronze has me excited because it's going to be the most different looking color of the last year you know out out of the ones that we currently have the blue look good I don't mind this gray titanium I mean it was I it must be really popular because literally Samsung made a color pretty similar to that and then uh uh Google the pixel 9 looks or the nine Pro I mean it's nearly identical uh to that that natural titanium color and I I liked it I'm ready for something different I'm probably going to go with bronze if it looks like what I'm hoping it'll look like otherwise I don't know go back to black or something I it's just it's a I want something fun give me something fun what was the most fun color that we've had in the proos purple I didn't even like the purple there was a purple Pro there was I forgot all about that yeah like two years ago right the 14 it was it was dark though it was dark it was a do that's why I said I didn't even like it uh I think the forest green yeah a midnight that was the which one was the refresh one uh that was forest forest green Alpine green yeah whatever the green was that they released halfway through the cycle for the refresh in spring or whatever that's the one I liked I never even owned it but I liked it a lot I like that color more than anything I just didn't need another iPhone um yeah I just think every Pro color has been pretty boring I'm going to be quite honest with you um so moving on to the colors of the of the uh the regular lineup 16 and 16 plus those are pretty interesting they're not as a pastel like which I did not love the pink I actually really did like for those who would like pink I think uh people really enjoyed that like frosted black frosted back glass with that pink infused in there I think that looked really good um all the other colors were pretty tame uh but now we're looking at what a uh like turquoise and another blue that's a little more Bluey I guess I don't know how to describe colors more saturation in these uh compared to some of the other options how do you feel about those and then of course we'll have black and white and I think pink is coming back but does it look the same I don't remember it's it's always very very hard to tell because we don't actually know the exact finishes we can see on dummy models um we can get an impression from rumors but it's always very very hard to tell what these colors will actually look like um until they are actually unveiled what do you think about that turquoise and blue if that's what it kind of looks like and holds up I mean they're fine I I uh I I quite liked the pastel colors last year so of course we could not be more different when it comes to colors I just all right it's because I would buy a really brightly colored iPhone true I I yeah I'm a hypocrite man I say that I I I want the uh I say that I I want some more fun and then I would look at the more fun color like apple releases like a bright I don't know maybe they might do a bright orange right and you'd be like Dan that's your thing you wanted an orange iPhone then I look at it and I'm like yeah I think I'm just gonna go with black this year yep uh so yeah don't listen to me on colors but love to hear what color you want because I think that's a good topic to get some to get some feedback from you all uh all right we'll run through some things here iPhone 16 16 plus horizontal cameras those are gone we're going to go in vertical so that we can get spatial video for a $3500 headset that most of you probably won't buy there's the a18 chip so that'll give us Apple intelligence which is nice and you'll get the action button if you stay on the standard model and the most important thing that I wanted to talk about honestly is the capture button do you uh have any new info on how this capture button is going to work and what things that it can do and how do you feel about the capture button overall so it looks like uh it is going to be a capacitive button so this will pre this will prevent accidental presses it will only enable in certain situations and it also means that you should get haptic feedback from that based on what you're doing so you can do a half press just like you could with a mirrorless camera to uh lock in Focus um and uh it should enable you to swipe on it to zoom in and out um so there'll be a variety of gestures whether that's just half press and swiping um and I imagine you'll be able to customize that to precisely what you want whether that is locking in exposure locking in focus and of course capture um as well of uh initiating recording or actually snapping a photo uh the other thing is this will be available to developers but only for photography apps so okay uh if your preferred app is actually um one of the many very good um thirdparty photography apps that are available um you will also be able to use this button with that and of course I assume you will also be able to actually launch the camera with it which would free up your action button if that's what you currently use it for or your home screen toggle if that's what you will be using that for in iOS 18 to use those for something else um because you will now have a hardware button that you have to use for the camera so you think it's going to actually launch the because that's what I'm super excited about it's like okay now I'm going to have the action button freed up for something else because that's what I use my action button for uh do you think it'll actually launch the camera app though because now I'm a little worried that that's going to mean how's that going to work how would that how would it know that I'm trying to launch it if it's specifically designed to prevent accidental presses wouldn't it just think that I'm accidentally pressing the button uh that's why that's why it's a Capac but so it's going to rely on like a forceful touch on that one it will yeah and it will actually rely on a touch from a human finger so it's not going to activate in your pocket or um it will feel different to the lock button because the lock button will actually or the power button rather will actually remain having a single physical mechanical click whereas this will be capacitive so they should have quite a different feel where I'm getting at though is it's it's almost in the damn near perfect spot of where most people probably grab their phones with their thumb and so I'm saying is like I feel like there's still going to be a boatload of accidental camera opens which is the thing that plagues me currently how many times have you seen my camera app or my flashlight on yeah since we've been around I told you that's a real problem that I have and I don't understand why there just like we've eliminated one way and now we've added actually we haven't even eliminated one way we have added another way in which I can now launch my camera app accidentally but I'm excited for that it's like a catch 22 I'm excited for that capability though because I want to be able to free up the other button so um you know what who does it the best it's the Android phones where it's double tap the power button and it launches the camera app that's the perfect because that's the one thing I almost never do on accident it is a very specific memorized press by me when I pick up an Android phone my brain knows I can double tap this power button and it's going to launch the camera app I think that's perfect that's what we need I agree um and it's interesting that it's coming to both models as well both the iPhone 16 and 16 Pro that's true because it's such a pro feature in my opinion like if there's one thing that you're like oh that's a pro like the cameras have always been pointed as like you're getting the best cameras it's a pro feature and this just seems like another assisting thing I don't think my wife's going to care about the capture button I'm just trying to think of the general user I don't know that she's going to be like oh yeah I I definitely needed this it might be a nice to have but I don't know I'd be curious to hear what the everyday person who like never once thought about having a specific button dedicated to camera features would think about this now that it's going to be across all models and you don't have to go to the Pro or Pro Max um speaking of the pro Max we are expecting a 48 megapixel Ultra wide what's with what's the deal with the telephoto I feel like early on in the rumor cycle we were expecting a more improved telephoto lens to where you would have an even further millimeter of distance res Zoom what is it at now 70 or 77 uh weren't we that's what it's at now yeah huh okay so that so that 120 we know is going to come down to the 16 Pro for some reason I was getting something confused in my brain where I thought it was l and we were going to be going up to 120 well there was this one rumor about yeah yeah yeah that's that's the rumor that I'm thinking of but it was an isolated rumor and we've heard nothing about it since so so it's not happening it it seems that Apple tends to upgrade only in a significant way one camera per year um and we've done the uh the main camera with the iPhone 14 where we got the um the 48 megapixel sensor with the iPhone 15 Pro we got that 5x telephoto for the pro Max but it was new technology um and then this year will be a 48 megapixel sensor for the ultrawide next year we'll get a 48 megapixel for the telephoto but it's one per year um so so it's that's still pretty good for Ultra for the ultra wide because low light not good with the ultra wide so that does need some improvement it's still going to pixel bin down to 12 though correct yeah you'll but you'll have the abil ility to shoot in 48 megapixel if you want to okay so you can still do the raw that's good um yeah I mean that's kind of it I mean there's really not are you uh okay we're wrapping up anyways you know I told you we'd probably go over on episodes like these and so um what is the and I hate to use the Trope the one more thing Trope but like what is the one more thing in your mind and it could be very minor but like what is the one thing that has not been rumored that you are either thinking or hoping is going to happen uh new Apple TV oh okay that's good because that has been rumored for a while um I don't really see what it would offer other than just a chip upgrade but I am kind of intrigued by where the Apple TV goes next um it kind of goes hand inand with homepod because if the S10 chip offers AI optimizations um even if it's not Apple intelligence the homepod could definitely do with some AI enhancements so if it was the case that uh the S10 with new AI features comes to all of the new Apple watch models what if they also come to the homepod mini and the fullsize homepod um so Apple TV and homod I think homepod is not rumored Apple TV has been floating for a while um but they're not totally rum not rumored for this event but so you didn't cheat technically because I did say I did say to pick something that wasn't rumored but I I meant for this event so that's that's okay um that's a good one that's a good one um honestly I I made up this question didn't have anything I do you think we'll get new M mine would be and I don't think this is actually going to happen but I I would hope for it to happen um some sort of new accessories for charging so like a new um uh what's the yes thank you I like what's the folding one that I use that I still carry a lightning cable for can we at least get a I mean I would love a newer version where it's a little bit better designed and like just better in general faster charging hopefully because I know we've we've also heard rumors on like the iPhone accepting a faster Wireless charge and just a faster wired charge but like is that actually going to happen I don't know so that'd be really nice if that does happen and then we have a new lineup of mag safe accessories to come with it and like one of them would be a nice update to that mag safe Duo for travel for sure um air power would be great can we get the air power can we please make air power happen again let's go round two yeah I don't think that's ever going to happen no just it's going to be you know who's going to join what's what product's going to join that Purgatory what's that airpods Max airpods Max I hate to end this show on a bummer can we can we can we uh uh Woo new iPhones who's ready let us know if you're pumped let's get back into the we're pumped it's an event time everybody should always be excited if you're an apple Enthusiast or just a tech fan in general new events uh new hardware new announcements those are always the best times of the year so uh super excited I'll be having uh some content from the event so be sure to subscribe heartley will be having you know tons of Articles and things information for you on the website so of course be sure to uh what's the equivalent of subscribing to a website bookmark and turn on notifications right would that be what you would tell people heartley you got to start getting into uh you got to start getting into that call to action for the website so yeah do that do that and uh you know we'll obviously be having a show next week where we'll talk about everything that's finally happened so we can stop speculating and um yeah we'll catch everybody in the next episode

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