🎶🎶🎶 The One Where Oasis Got Back Together - 27 August 2024 🎶🎶🎶

Published: Aug 26, 2024 Duration: 01:28:28 Category: People & Blogs

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[Music] hello hello hello that was um a bit of a technical bit few technicals trying to get on that was not fun oh dear anyway here we are it must be Tuesday night for I here I don't know if you're there cuz I haven't got the uh browser window open because I've just spent the last 15 minutes trying to figure out why I wasn't getting any video from my camera into the stupid computer but it doesn't matter CU it's fixed now it's all fixed I think I don't know it might not be fixed let's see let's see if there's anybody in let's have look is there everybody in there some people in here we are yeah I appear to be I appear to be active now everybody's in now it's uh it's halfast 10 so there we go we're here it's Tuesday night we ask ourselves why do we bother why do we bother that's a very good question Darren why do we bother I don't know maybe we should stop bothering so how is everybody let's see is anybody in seven people in one like that's to be expected gee now I enter the room and everyone goes quiet oh dear it a shame is it is there anybody out there is there anybody out there probably not is there any intelligent life out there no it's not a tyer I mean it's just you've all gone quiet it's all gone quiet John says we're here and you're on your best behavior good good good about BLM in time so yeah I don't know what do you want to talk about is there anything you want to talk about or should we just glow at each other could just do that couldn't we could just glow let's just glow Ze in this is hi Darren do you ever buy any archive collection I CD it can contains the complete masquerade types uh I don't know have a look what am I doing you know last week's you know last week's live live stream got demonetized or restricted monetization why won't tell me we weren't we weren't we were on our best behavior last [Music] week you mean that mean that yeah yeah I got it I haven't listened to it I'll just buy these things to uh to put on the Shelf to gather dust there you go there you go I don't have auto focus on because it goes a bit wobbly goes a bit crap so um maybe if I is is is is camera too working yeah see there you go look at camera two it's camera three working no still no camera 3 what's that all about we'll never know we'll never know it's uh yeah but yeah yeah I do have that one happy now good uh Gman says I was about to reply until you asked if there was any intelligent life out there well yeah got did did a wrong one there didn't I did a wrong one there and John says I saw your dog sh yeah I know there there's loads of them because why not why not it's what I do every day it's easy content just point the camera at my feet it's really easy don't have to think about it post it takes all of a minute yeah what's the point no one's going to watch it oh yeah um suicide says is life yes intelligent no will that's my average my average subscri your describing there exactly w f says listen to John Anderson see I told you there's no evidence of intelligent life because he's wasted his time listening to the new bang geek album True and this is actually it's very decent in what respect in what respect is it decent is it decent because they're emulating yes because that's all John Anderson can do now is it that is it like oh yeah this could be yes okay Z says nice I'm going to buy that one even after the original 2 CD volume one and volume two yeah I had those I sold them years ago again I oh God when was it it was a been around um when very was being born um I sold a load of CDs I went a bit I went a bit crazy because I needed to um raise cash for well push chairs and and cribs and things like that so I sold a couple of crates worth of CDs and M Phillips ones were in there were in it and so you know it's what you do and they've all been reissued so you know I've kind of bought them back again I wonder again you you wonder you know have I gone insan you know you ask yourself that question you go why why have I done this when I'm probably never going to listen to them again you know so there you go all right John Mark says all French people are intelligent no that did not uh and yeah well it got it got reduced demonetization um unsuitable for all advertisers or something and uh it happens and you appeal it and I lost the appeal and I go through this rigar Ral every time with a live stream and it's really boring it's really utterly boring because YouTube is a hole is an utter hole it is a waste of my time life is passing and I do not want to be doing this anymore so says do you have an S Club 7 cd nope uh do a short viw playing guitar nope JJ says will we ever get a decent quality in a footall hands of lovery sh last one even though on 140 CR vinyl was full of background Rumble between the tracks which isn't present on my original pressing uh listen to the CD I mean really why Earth are you bothering with vinyl when you could just listen to the CD I mean come on come on it's a bit dumb isn't it you know you you you listen to vinyl expecting to be the superior audio experience when everybody knows it's CD you got back to every time and now why even do that when streaming is just as good so you know sorry no Ze says probably an Ecco pressed LP um again the one in the box I have to wait a minute let me have a look to run to the The West Wing for this of course I do have a copy of the the original so I never play this uh this was on the fish people label and uh I don't think I've I don't think I've ever played it CU why would I let's see yep that is vinyl that is indeed vinyl and uh yeah looks good to me sounds perfect so I don't know what your problem is don't know what your problem is you're probably listening to it wrong aren't you just um but yeah again there was um there was a reissue a few years back before these box sets came out I think it was on something like a purple vinyl or something and that was appalling me bad uh so bad in fact that I did actually send it back to Amazon for the refund and that one turned out to be a collectible one for some reason don't know why um um but yeah but you can pick up the original for you well I picked up my copy for a couple of quid back in the day and that's what I tend to play so yeah Rene's in suicide is well now me saying that means I've got demonetized um now I know why it's you he says sorry I don't believe any YouTuber says this is the last video stream uh well this is the last live stream so enjoy it sorry there little Point there's little point of me doing anymore um because the views have gone down week after week last week's video got 200 views in total um and like I said I've been doing this for 10 years 10 years on a Tuesday probably over 10 years now and if I carry on doing it I might as well just make it a paid stream and just have two people in watching who've paid to watch um because what is the point of YouTube it's not for me the algorithm isn't kind to me and um I'm better off just making videos I enjoy making so go to My Music Channel and watch me waste my time over there because at least I'm enjoying myself whereas this is a waste of my time sorry I mean I know you guys enjoy it but you ain't enough you don't satisfy me I need to be seeing other people many other people and you're all dying off you're all dying off and dwindling and that's not the audience I want or need so uh you better quickmart start um I don't know promoting the channel you better get there you better start liking this and sharing these videos um but yeah I don't know I just don't see a point in like doing Tuesday night anymore because well just getting on I've spent the last well I spent 15 minutes trying to get the camera to work because for some reason my little box this little box decided it didn't want to do what I wanted it to do it didn't box correctly you need to put the big light on oh yes otherwise they will not see you cuz it will be too dark yes I got the right one yeah yeah yes right but yeah so yeah this is also very's last live stream hello before she starts college next week so fun A Levels he so yeah they don't believe that this is my last live stream do they not know or have you been explaining it to them unfortunately I have because um again I was I was looking at the stats oh not the stats you should never look at the stats you should never look at the stats look look last week's one got 2011 views that's not good enough seven views on this one one 2011 views uh 400 views that week no what one was that I don't know what was you talking about he was talking about ad Hitler's monism Hitler only had one b and that one didn't get limited last week's one look even though in that one we talked about hit in one ball where in the other one we just spoke about you've got and got us demonetized again no that one was monetized oh yeah right so maybe we should talk about hit's one ball then I'm confused 279 354 but if you go right back if we go back to like the beginning to the Tuesday night live streams look 362 was that oh that those were the days those were the days go to co go to co oh yeah I need to go to the furthest page don't I let's go right back let's go back to the beginning 757 videos that seems aane that's ridiculous what the heck your oh October 2023 you know you're not even going to say [ __ ] on the live stream anymore you just said it oh [ __ ] I've said it again oh [ __ ] me he was busy that night you know I'm not even going to say the b word because you're YouTube is a it's a b word b word but this is what you're up against but oh no the freak will have to find someone else to arrest oh poor freak I know what are they going to do oh my God you didn't leave any on that one I know some of these get like you know they realize that it's a freak yeah this is what you do see look that was a good one wow yeah the hottest day of the year oh I remember that someone just said the b word is brexit brexit is cool we love brexit let's do it all again just to annoy the weak-minded [Music] Go Guys on forever isn't it hey look at that one see look get January 2020 700 views look at that like those are the days oh that was before Co that was the before the co before the vid I love the vid well the vid existed people used to like my videos oh 27es 27 likes wow it was all worth it then and now we just got these sad [ __ ] hanging around with us are you breaking up with us no Z doesn't care um where were we uh was that was that uh was that Kate Bush record no no it wasn't no you know completely wrong JoJo says I suppose it's me ranting about the C quality vinyl I bought the Floyd Dark Side of the Moon and Wembley CD cuz I wanted a better experience well uh look you know it's never going to be perfect it is what it is you get vinyl because you think it's going to be special and it ain't you know it is what it is you can't get precious about it you know otherwise you end up becoming a file you know and you should never be a file you know files are not good copr file not good garant file we don't talk about those guys Peter file oh [ __ ] I've gone and got demonetized again what was the second one audio file oh G yeah what is that somebody who likes old people oh you know like you you love me you're kind of file not in that way no but yeah yeah um and of course the audio file which is the worst kind of file those people we should shun you know worse than pedos we audios yeah they're worse than pedos they really are they they they're they're down there they really are low ah when they says last one in August no last one we're not do it anymore we done we're done unless you all like this video don't forget to like And subscribe donate to the patreon I'm done with it all it's all a wasted time all of it is uh John says no do some more who was the star of the show well it me I'm always the star of the show Jesus Christ who else would be the St exactly who else would it be you look compl very very small tonight let me do I uh oh let me just adjust the there we go I don't fit I don't fit in too good now but yes for some reason it wasn't it wasn't outputting this this was flashing red okay all right so unplug everything I've got it plugged into a different cable or have I no yeah I got it plugged into this cable and then it wouldn't recognize the camera it was all in a bit everything went a bit bit little bit wobbly that's weird which was most annoying it was working um yesterday so I don't know I don't know it's go a bit weird isn't it um uh G says seen I've seen 90% of live streams over the last nine years well you can also you should have seen 100% of them because they're there to watch in the archive uh Zeb says you breaking up with this no it's very dramatic isn't it yeah no he did a Darth V Dar fader yeah John says hello are you you doing a levels then yeah cuz we need the money Sude I let you see there we go star show has arrived yeah me me me oh how kind of you not you you've gone your history after tonight um uh Zeb says question to Varity Varity Varity that's Varity I'm going to call you that from now on you're not allowed to spelling right no completely wrong it's Verity with an E with an E please name your favorite band's artist cheers Dar yay for the win blur it's just blur isn't it and Caravan Palace Kate Bush Caravan Palace yeah then uh BJ in he says see I'm late or was Daren early uh little from col a little from col I would have been earlier but technical difficulties but I think I'm here now ah just it's the right drag I'm not sure don't know why it was doing what it was doing I think it was just evil yeah I think I need some I think I've got too many cameras connected I think it got confused because even though that's lit up doesn't doesn't work does it no I think it's too many cuz it's dog Cam and it no dog Cam's over there but it's not dog cam at the moment it's Darren cam so um where is l I don't know she's run away she's probably on our bed oh no she's out she's on the stairs uh John Mar says talk about Hitler and musini no uh Tom's in he says hello hello John says no you have to have your fingerprints take next year to travel to France from if you're from the UK really who cares nobody wants to go to Europe you don't want us there so we'll go to we go somewhere else instead it's not a big deal that true and I'm not going anywhere anyway so [ __ ] you the Spanish are all going oh T it's funny because it turns out in ten Reef the leader of the anti-tourist movement is a Welshman yeah somebody he's aner he's an it's not a person it's not a native if it was a native you would understand stupid no they're all stupid but tourism bring I mean yeah I know tourists can be leave their rubbish and stuff but they bring in the money it's like oh oh oh if you go to Europe you're going to have to pay £6 for a Visa which lasts for three years wow6 whole yeah oh my god6 whole oh my goodness oh oh I'm s they make it sound like a you can't even go to Europe or B it cost like 1,000 quid extra it's so difficult oh oh but you had freedom of movement before Oh even though I could move to Germany if I really wanted to you can go anywhere you want you just have to fill in a form big [ __ ] woo big [ __ ] woo oh because hey be part of the EU and you can enable people smuggling and trafficking and prostitution to your door want to smuggle drugs EU easy just go across the the the non-existent borders everything's fine maybe that's what they want the like uh remain people they want like I don't know don't worry everyone's getting a bit fed up with it yeah but uh [ __ ] the EU [ __ ] the French [ __ ] the Germans [ __ ] them all and the Spanish so don't [ __ ] the Portuguese they're all right I like the Portuguese um Netherlands people I suppose they right I like their clogs the clogs are cool and um and double [ __ ] the belgians cuz not belgians uh so says but remember Darren you used to pretend you cared back then I don't care about anything yeah I pretend I pretend a lot pretend do I care what do I care about I don't know what do you care about Dad nothing it's I'm too old too old to give a Fu I mean you care about real things don't you like yeah I I care about the real things yeah getting by and well I don't really I just it's just what you do is it okay once you get to this age and you've seen the things I've seen and done the things I've done you just you don't care about anything nope well I mean a car hasn't crashed into the house yeah yeah not for not for like unless it's I mean the only way it could do that is if it was a flying car and like give it a chance the one that crashing us before was a flying car oh yeah full Jukes of Hazard you don't know what that is no I don't ah dear so like it flang into the building it went it went oh because we had a garden wall and there was a slight angle on it and it went up the Garden Wall imagine there's the Garden Wall that's the road yeah it went and wills first hit our house and landed on at the top of the house yeah that's why it did so much damage oh my gosh and then it landed on its roof I feel bad for the kids that were in that car I don't I wish they' all burnt to death every single one of them I wish it had caught fire and they burnt to death but hey what with the kids in I'm not bit cares they're going to they're going to grow out to be wrongin anyway so well probably if that's their dad doesn't matter who cares they were they were there under police protection anyway because rumor was that the woman involved was a witness in a trial in London and she was put there under protection oh oh yeah it was murky and the guy she was with was a wrong we found out that out he was obviously he was a wrong but hey was he on substances or something we'll never know because he ran off into the night I never found him well they did fire his DNA off the airbag oh ancient history someone says let's talk about just stop oil nope let's not talk about that let's not talk about them cuz that's stupid as well are fully Embrace streaming It's too convenient exactly he gets it he understands you know just stream stream everything ain't it Verity yeah just stream how did you listen to The Beatles stream a see on YouTube music those young people okay no I do have some CDs Ze says thoughts on the Oasis reunion or were you a fan uh fan as in I was there and the music was on the radio and on top of the pops at the time um blur better well yeah I was always a blur fan I didn't mind him I enjoyed the spectacle of it it was fun it was part of the the cultural Zeitgeist of the time um I didn't hate them I like the hits I used to call them quasis because they always reminded me of status quo because like three chords and whatever um but is it really a reunion because none of the other band members have been announced yet it's just the brothers so who knows and again will it even happen they've got to get on stage and do the shows haven't they um yeah I mean it's something to do it was always it was always going to happen the big question is will they headline glenbury that will be the interesting thing I think it was it's what Glen BR needs if they are the the last you know last band on the Sunday that you know the ending I hope they do that that would be I mean they should have ended play this year Glen bre n yeah they should have been cplay ending it instead of whoever it was oh God that awful thing whatever it was I know it was leaper first then it was C and then it was I don't know who I can't remember the other lady was pain says is it it oh yeah Mark says well you fall asleep anyway you go to bed you all going to bed now like you care you don't let's stop pretending uh Johan says do French I live no it's not do I can'ta you speaking English because everybody knows that English is a superior language it's the language of the internet and that's why you will speak it that's why you're here we're not speaking French we did this before remember we did this before also with improvements in Ai and Google translate there's no real Point anymore Jo says the views were fairly massive before your full story start no they weren't no they were dwindling since about 2014 that's not true so no not true and I only started doing the live stream seems like in 20 whenever it was but it's got nothing to do with that maybe it is I don't it doesn't matter it really doesn't matter um shame I'm not demoralized I'm not demoralized I just don't care it's not demoralizing you either do something because you enjoy doing something or you do other things and it's time to do other things you know well you say you don't feel like it sometimes I don't I feel it's a chore and when something's a chore you shouldn't do it well no I mean you do it because you enjoy it and the views of the byy product it's all right if people are in now they're talking because if you say oh it's the last one everyone starts talking and that funny but you come on here and there's no one talking I'm just here on my own and it's very very difficult it's got to be a two-way street and it's okay if people want to play but if you don't I can't do this so you know it doesn't make it fun for me it's all right when you're here yeah it must be we can just it's incredibly dull it's incredibly dull and so like next week when you're not here it's like do I really want to do it cuz you're just sitting there on your own waiting for someone to message at least if there a l you can we can come up with something yeah we can or we can just ignore them we can talk we talk about whatever we want you know so that's all right and again it's a lot easier when you are you are with someone or you've got you know people have collaborations and there are people that want to collaborate and you can do those kind of live streams I haven't got that you know and you know I don't where there's four different people well you know yeah you got people that can talk and people that can you know take up the slack and everything but you know it's it's a tricky one it can be just a bit it can be a bit of a bind I've got I've got a figure way of like doing this differently to make it fun for me maybe if you live stream doing something cuz then you've not got to rely on the audience you can like read the chat back cutting my toenails next week oh God I'm going to cut my toenails live on the Stream certain demographic of people would love that only for those who who who want to pay on my head um uh but no I'm not demoralized it's just um I don't know I'm just getting old it's that thing of the things that you have to do and the things that you enjoy doing and the things that you don't care for and it's hard to care for any of this when I'm going to say it for the last time YouTube isn't a place for Discovery because you can do whatever you want I could make the best video I could I could write and and research the best documentary and steal other people's footage and and pictures and use other people's music and I could create a a 3-hour documentary of some bollocks that nobody cares about and I could upload it and well it'll probably get millions of views or it get none and I can't take the risk cuz I could be dead tomorrow that's it and that's the way it goes isn't it so um yeah pain says only spelling the name such a Verity wrong means ver means right or something no it means truth it means truth very from Veritas from the Latin Veritas truth truth pinks is in I don't care much racist certainly don't care for Gallagher brothers but I didn't think we're see them perform as Oasis again I think a lot of their beef was put on I think a lot of it was just to you know I think it's you know what brothers are like it's you know families they have the beef and then but behind closed doors they you know see each other at Christmas and they laugh things off um I guess divorce I know n Gallagher's being you know look look at what hackit has done through fire divorce you get divorced it it makes you do things you don't necessarily want to do and so um you know uh divorce again it's hard to get excited because they not got it's not like when blur come back every s they bring out a new album you know they've got something to say and I don't think I don't think they've got anything new to say it's going to be Greatest Hits they're going to do all the hits and everyone's going to get Misty eyed and they're going to do you know the song and you hold the lighter up and then hey and that's it and Nostalgia is wonderful for it's it's fantastic but um you know that's it I don't think it's as interested or as exciting as like blur's you know come back last year when hiy we're going to do Wembley hiy and also we've got a new album out and hey the album's pretty tight you know and then gorillas had a new album and they had he had like busy like three albums out didn't he there was also another album that he was involved in a solo album and didn't gorilla's tour as well or was I imagining that I don't know about that I know I know he had a I know he had a very busy year it was a busy year you know and but then all Bar's always got something to say so you know that's that so h r says I will miss Tuesday night live stream but understand your decision yeah pink say there still plenty of time for them to fall out before the concerts that's what I said if they make it there Ry is hi hi P says I've got no a levels and it didn't do me any arm I'll wait a minute I'm unemployed well you know Rene says Isis back together again here P says the tenner Reef in t reef is an ex- Welsh assembly chap they discourage tourism too well you know the Welsh love burning Holiday Homes it's in your DNA isn't it so uh he's just taken that mentality to tenner roof with him um I I don't understand it if you if you live in an area where there's tourism uh you're going to have visitors so if you don't like living where they're tourists then you should move if you try and destroy the industry which your area is famous for uh it's again it's self-destructive a lot of these doesn't get investment well again a lot of a lot of these ideologies that are sprung up whether it's you know just stop oil this whatever you name one there's always a destructive element to it it's all about well we're going to we're going to change the world or we're going to change things and we're going to smash it into and then but they haven't got an idea of what they're going to do afterwards there's never there's never and this is what we're going to create there's never a creation process afterwards so okay the the tourists go away the airbnbs are no longer airbnbs and everyone lives happily ever after and then if you again if you look at what happened over here with our Seaside Resorts because people stopped going it'll happen there but it'll be sunnier that's all and you know people just find somewhere else to go they'll they'll go to other countries you know so you know people can be fickle and if they again they go away to have a good time not to have to worry about people shouting at them or harassing them and they'll think well we won't do that again you know I I just find it I find a lot of what goes on in the world counterintuitive and completely moronic but you know here we are being moronic Practice What You Preach Darren Practice What You Preach bastards uh Jean says I love my EU live we have the best cheese and baguettes 56 see he's done it again goodbye [ __ ] you byebye see he just can't keep his French Gob sh what does that mean I don't know you 56 he thinks I'm 56 I'm not no you're not you're not 53 53 so [ __ ] you I did that in French there I don't if you no it's that [ __ ] you take your baguette and shove it up your brown hole mine yes that's the problem with the French isn't it they're all full of it until until the Germans invade then you'll see what happens JJ says the views were fairly massive oh we done that didn't we do that oh we done that one where are we uh care from Isis tourism Z says not discuss Isis anymore we can we can talk about Isis to the cows Comm isn't it interesting isn't it AIS I again I don't know what to say because again there's no new album it's going to be great we don't even know the band we don't know what form of Oasis is going to be it's just the gallaga brothers if it's the classic guys or are they going to just get some session guys to do it with them you know if they got reun would they get the original Oasis back together with Tony McCarol on drums I know he's been here I think he's selling his drum kit or sold his drum kit um because he had cancer you know so you know we don't even know which aasis it is at least when blur did it we know it's BL you know so it's not just Damon albor plus some random people Oasis are the new yes in which we don't know which version we're getting so there you go as if says I shouldn't have brought it up yeah you can do no that's good P says right V needs a crash course on Jes of Hazards the series yeah crash course that's a bit sore we don't we don't talk about that JZ is in he says Hi D long time I've been very ill but I've all clear and partially into recovery hope all is well with you and yours oh J say I'm sorry to hear you've been ill I'm glad that you're um well making recovery uh we're okay we're just moaning we're having a winge we're moaning we're moaning so you don't have to it's what we do here it's what we do isn't it very yeah you're still moaning about your art your art grade aren't you we don't talk about we don't talk about your art grade oh no no it was six which is an equivalent of a b you only got B for but when you get eights and nines which are the equivalents of a stars and all of your other subjects are six looks look you are the fourth highest um grader in your school pretty good that that's pretty good you got you got your name on the list of high Achievers and you were number four and I did a lot of it myself that's impressive that's pretty good and you did like I said you got a stars coming at your arys so can't complain I'm not complaining no complaints here I'm not complaining and I survived all of the revision and period 7even and everything pink says true Darren that's why never clean the house avoid chores indeed only do it unless you really have to and to quote um quoting Quint and crisp after 6 months you just stop just stop uh you just stop recognizing the dust the Dust just kind of just melts away is it if you just stop dusting it doesn't exist just what's dusting why why anyway you got nothing to write your initials in when you walk past uh K says why can't the gall brothers be vegetarian because we're having beef well they they actually did they did try running a restaurant and they served A's soup you get a roll with it I thought should have got a bigger laugh JJ says the blur album last year was one of the finest really great lyrics very made me emotional again it was for old people it was for us 56 year olds it was it was very very good I enjoyed it greatly it was my favorite album last year played it a lot again very unusual for me to play a record and immediately play it again and I think I played it three times on the spot on the on the ra when I got it what yeah it was like play again play again that my sound you must have very really liked I really liked it it was a short album as well which really helped cuz it's about 3 5 36 minutes long say it's quite short pain says ter is volcanic so fewer tourists may be a way of saving lives and zip says bragging about baguettes indeed P says at least Abba did an album and light show and it was holographic too pink says night gorillas don't run around people for each album at the anime I forgot his name Jamie ulet P says I've got a C art see you've got a so I've got a C Okay pink says I remember reading about no's beef with Phil Collins that was something oh go who can who can who can forget that I've forgotten it Phil Collins is going to be making music in apparently yeah he's got he's he's getting a new studio built in his home so be careful it could be another Phil album coming out but the question is is when's the next Steven Wilson album oh it's coming don't worry he's working on it it's coming it's coming it's probably coming this year I'd imagine there's always a new one it's always a new one it's always a new one again people just don't they don't get it you it's good this week isn't it yeah that's pretty good it's funny it must take a lot of time to do that you know must be it's funny that do that work not of messing around maybe they've died maybe they've died look what look there's none oh wait I was looking at the wrong one no no look there's none I think they've died oh gosh or maybe you C them out by doing it slightly earlier maybe he's had a fall and can't get up oh oh well shame pink says yeah I saw the pictures um he looks frail but he's very he's alcoholic so yeah P says did nose beef go with the guy from blurs cheese Alex James makes jeez they also did a a wine didn't they didn't they do a park life wine or did I dream that feels like it should have been a thing it should have Google it up blur Park life wine blur wine okay open uh God it's so bright yeah I was right it's called Brit pop see can we get Brit pop wine I don't know about that uh it does exist people see there you go you can get is it wonderful Brit pop Brit pop nah I feel no you don't want Brit pop wine no God I wonder so bright no I don't fancy that P says iist the wine oh wait that always sound like that well it was a drink isn't it it's a soft drink Oasis is it yeah it's a fruit drink oh that makes sense I don't if they still make it but that the door I don't know nobody knows uh Pink says my introduction to blur was the cover of the gra album I was a kid you know the one yeah you've got you've got that yeah yeah yeah did I give you a copy the one with the picture of all the band right yeah you did gave you that it's got live album in it as well isn't it yeah it has it's the double the supposed limited edition which I imagine isn't Limited at all no probably not no never well I've got it now yeah it's all yours isn't it yeah with you gave it along with all those CDs yeah very good says yeah the IIs drink is nice you go good is it yeah what you talk about I don't know don't know they they've all gone off the ball now I know I think it's that french guy should he he was like leading the conversation oh I didn't like him he smell funny it SM funny uh Ze says everything released nowadays is limited edition yeah yeah limited edition limited well it always used to be back then except there' be thousands of them because you know if something was like a limited Ed if something was a limited edition of 15,000 it was like a lot less than I don't know 100,000 so yeah cuz that's what you get I remember buying stuff and itd have a number and it say of of 15,000 you go wait a minute that doesn't sound very limited but that was when the music industry meant something that's when it was big now it doesn't mean anything cuz all the kids do is listen to their Tik Tok songs and he says limited edition my ass I imagine it would be has it got a number printed on it if you can have a look anyway I wouldn't buy your ass cuz you got a big crack in it I'd have to take it back to the shop that joke get it repair that joke's great I love that joke hold it um it's crazy how you two look like we don't look alike I look more like Mom I've got mom's face you haven't got the beard right where's a fake beard look she's my daughter there's going to be some familiarity you know that's how families and genetics work you know it's like gee Verity I'm so shocked that you look a bit like me Oh I thought I was adopted and I thought your your dad was the postman all along there you go M um pink says Frenchmen tend to smell funny oh man you're going to get cancelled for that spicy spicy spice and K says I like Damon orbr he's a regular guy I like what you did there cuz or brown is for constipation oh it's full of brown pink says I can donate my RS as these argentinan money RS we did that joke a good live stream he gave me some RS he gave you some RS that's I said the night you the one where Tom pinks gave me his RS oh yeah I love that I love that one perfect J the nose is pretty similar no way your nose is nothing like mine You' got Crawford nose you've got I've got the lovely chiseled I got the lovely chiseled nose I wish I had the lovely chiseled nose I've got that lovely crease you know my septum I wish I that it's just refined it's just perfect it's almost Roman no it doesn't roome all over my face um Roman NOS Roman Roman knows but you've got the more Blobby you got the Mr Blobby knows shut up bra no we are not bringing up Mr Blobby J says I predict ice would reform around 10 years ago couple more years I said build up the hype damn did they milk it well I think again I think they looked at what what blured with Wembley I think was it blured two nights didn't they was it two nights at Wembley uh I can't remember I don't know they did a couple of nights at Wembley and I always just thought w we can do better than that so they're doing four nights and uh but not as much as Taylor Swift because they're not Taylor Swift you know we can get tickets I don't know I don't much sure they're going to cost you know CR they're all going to sell out and get hit the resell you know they should do it as a as a lottery you know you should all send off a a stantard dressed envelope you know with with with a checkin side and then they should re send you you know those who who get through should win and then everyone has an equal chance exactly P says I got new reading glasses which when I had beard made me look like my dad except that he died 6 months ago today well at least you smell better than him hey we do the smells we do the smells joke but you could never meet was it my my dad died on April the 1st April Fool's Day that's a pretty [ __ ] love that thanks Dad I always look up I should be looking down remember he's sucking [ __ ] in hell yeah problem is he's enjoying it dear anyway moving along so says I remember that got some real ARS back then it's the only time I've ever got any ARS uh add in said is that add in God ad says sir I'm ask your opinion on Carnival's records I don't even know what that is you're making up that is not a band that's just you mashing the keyboard with your fat fingers all right come back to me when you've got a real band to discuss right who is it Carnival it's probably some weird foreign band that nobody cares about imagine where' you WR it from Italy Italy maybe yeah let's look them up let's see how [ __ ] they are [ __ ] band alert this is a new strand we're introducing you suggest a band and I say that they sh oh wait we've been doing that for years what can't can't they can't even spell Carnival probably Carnival fat me Australia that's even worse [Music] Progressive that's even worse well [ __ ] them idiots we like AML and the sniffers that's what we listen to that's the only and the chats they're the they're the only two decent Australian bands at the moment oh my God he's giving me a th000 RS how much is a th000 RS it's probably about 20p no my luck 80P that's not much ours we want more ours oh Jesus have I got got to show everyone his eyes yeah well he's he's done it he's done I've got to show everyone how do I make his eyes bigger oh God got it's Australia's finest you're right a bit like a spider in the Danny there you go that's Tom pinks being very generous there it looks like a lot of money but it isn't give us more thanks wait a minute that's not working either see look that's not working why is that working look see look that we should be there look oh oh yeah oh there's something wrong with yeah cuz usually you like do the screen thing and like we're next to it let's see there's something very very wrong with I set up oh dear ah just give us more RS I can't be bothered with this I hate when things go wrong working yesterday uh oops let's put that back over there I like it there I like it there everyone uh where are we where are we pink says I have an anecdote in the Paris Metro when I was a kid and it involves me yelling don't people shower here and you were you were you were taken to the the the French Embassy and told to leave you can't you can't come back men's wear would probably sat at Wembley now I hate Men's Wear I hate them shed seven oh Jesus Christ the worst of the worst P say fres send a post order to London W1 QT uh that was the Cy wasn't that the one for the BBC for swap shop or something we just got some knock no ze's got his knockers in we got 10 KN how much is 10 knock well it's I think it's slightly less than 1,000 RS because now we got 1 53 we so we got 53 knock so that's about 70p okay so can you give us some it's getting worse it's getting worse like I just want some good donations like all the other YouTubers on the estate no they don't like us joj say so the final stream raising a cup of coffee TJ AB live stream par especially Alex wonderdog what a legend that was a long time ago poor Alex ad says come on sir it's Australia's finest if you say Sir pink says it's about a dollar pain says if Carnival vegetarian beic what the word carnival comes from Ze says haha give us more ass indeed Rene says I heard Tylor Swift has an album out each album has one different song as a fan you have to buy all four albums what a laugh I wouldn't know yeah but if you like Taylor Swift it's what fans do we used to do that with CD singles back in the day you know you they'd have four versions of the same CD single and it'd be a like extra bonus tracks you know I've done it I've I'm guilty of that but it was the old days I guess it's kind of capitalizing on that idea um yeah yeah but you don't have to do it that's the beauty you don't have TOs have to do any of this uh Pink says got to love inflation indeed and zeb's got his like I said we have to show zeb's knocker we got we've got 10 whole knocks I know I don't know what I'm going to I don't know what I'm going to spend it on here we go and see look we should be there in the box but we're not that's not right I'm off to the pub I'll wait the Pub's too expensive that's not right wonder if I if I do that and I do ah I do that yeah there we go I just do that and I pull that up there like that everything's fine look it's fixed there we go so that I need to delete cuz that ain't working that ain't working that's the way you do it now it works oh God OBS could be a little bit weird sometimes uh F says I had a school friend assists initial were IRS there you go pink says apparently someone else in the Metro understood Spanish laughed his ass off smell wasn't good K says I like the French people on they were sound listen very carefully I will say this only once um Cyrus is in he says we'll likely be doing a quick high and catch up due to work any plans for Labor Day weekend and the rest of summer we don't have that we don't have that wait it's Labor Day American we had bank holiday Monday on Monday and it was very much like Sunday part two so just a day wasn't it we don't have any plans cuz well maybe Mom said we could go to South End oh do we have to do we do yes we do I've been there I know maybe we should go somewhere different let's go to um H we go there next Monday will it do you think yeah probably wait let's get a pin and put it on the UK and then whenever we pin 10 KN is about a dollar everyone's just give me a dollar this is why a dollar give us like $10 J says and collecting cassingles yeah there another thing cassingle you remers cassingles P says I admit to buying a shenai Twi album had two versions on the album there you go I said may spend all the ODS you can on a Carnival record I would never do that carniv never going to happen can we listen to one of their songs to give this guy what he wants no cuz no cuz of copyright oh yeah I could I could listen on the dog walk no I could do it via the headphones I shall put on the headphones of Shame oh someone said he'd donate more if you had the money that's so ni oh yeah cuz we got a load of cheap bastards watching us that's the problem we that's the problem with our audience they're all poor like us like us I don't like that I want to be like the the what's his name the the the big YouTubers who's the big name a big YouTuber uh who's the big YouTuber who's the biggest one now well is it is it PewDiePie is he is still still big I don't know what does he do these days I mean Mr he got canell Mr Beast yeah I want to be the new Beast of beast but without all the um weird stuff all the weird [ __ ] because when you let that weird [ __ ] in weird shit's going to happen yeah and it's weird [ __ ] it's all weird [ __ ] right so let's see the top song is the matter and it's had 3.6 million plays I'm looking forward to this this is going I'm put my ear no I'm going to I'm going to let you have a listen yay I'm going to do it in we're going to do it in two I just got to make sure the audio okay wait a minute minute let me just have a little I can hear it sounds like Steven Wilson the opening the opening noise seriously there you go you don't have to listen to anymore it's going to be loud isn't it yeah ready Steven Wilson there you go now we're going to leave you with the lava lamp for a second as we have to say good night to the herb so enjoy the lava lamp [Music] [Music] [Music] for [Music] [Music] [Music] back in the room got a couple of pounds that's good is it if we we should do this every week we should pretend to end the live stream every week and people give us money out of sympathy see oh it's the grift it's the ultimate grift I'll do this NE if I come on next week and I say no this is the last one I'll get even more money I think this has revivified my enthusiasm for doing the Tuesday night live stream forget the um right wi gri this is the this is the grift the I'm going to quit grift and then everyone feels sorry for you yeah sounds like Steven Wilson is never a good thing I know he's never a good thing but yeah uh says Seth is good of Sword fights yeah well you know it's something to do it the weekend is it it's uh you know where else you going to go Z series I donate more if I had the money just just no good is it really uh Pink says I like some do Lea songs she's hot pink say Mr Beast question mark and Jay gives us two quid we love J and I'm going to give him a what's that was that what's that can I press on that what does that do oh no I can heart that because that's the most money jez is the winner jez won jez is it a comp we should make it a competition who can give us the most money yeah well jez has won jez has won cuz firstly he's actually done it in in quids and quids is legal tender none of this ass and knockers let's celebrate their first Super on a live stream what that's what I did I just give my heart I don't know what they want it's too complicated YouTube's complicated I know are you not entertained pink says sounds like St mson that's never a good thing well isn't he did that it'll probably go quiet it's like no I'm it and he said production the guitars have that same kind of sound they probably use ps's God I hate PRS guitars looks at two pris guitars do you them yeah yeah I do I do I do hate which ones are the pses that one okay that one and that one I like the mother of pearl I know that's that's why only reason I'm keeping it buy another guitar dad with the money what from that yeah could could buy could buy another guitar P says oh lava lamp indeed and Z say like your music indeed um P says next week is the reunion live stream indeed and J says I'm now skimped for the rest of the year you'll just have to sell kisses to Sailors down the docks won't you oh that's what you'll have to do oh lower back clunk crack my upper back H my shoulders it's the it's the that's the thing with the uh the old uh the old diabetes and the metap forming does the lower back it's not good it's not good yeah so um how long we've been on just over an hour oh yeah I did 15 minutes of faffing about so we've done it for 45 minutes how long did no no it's been it's been an hour and 4 minutes okay but I was on here at quarter past trying to get the camera to work yeah I was like this will not do I am not a happy man I am not a happy man at all and the light was flickering red it's like what does that why you doing that for why are you doing that but yeah it was a good it was good exam result wasn't it it yeah you did really well so uh and next week you start college which is good I a big adventure hoping I can get just as good of my a levels it's a different it's a different experience I'm hoping for an a star in geography that's that's all I want well you'll find out when you start what you you'll go oh this is different yeah it's a different kind of level of um well intensity to the study because before you were just even imagine you were I don't know staring at the mountain yeah now you've got your nose that far away from the ground that's the level of scrutiny you have to get used to you go in deep it's a different level of study different level of looking at things and okay it's good but it might be different I'm talking about a levels from 19 Pap the questions in in an English a level paper you get two questions on one text it's the same as like it's like gcsc but split into two parts yeah oh we got some knockers again what's that £10 he reckons that's £10 W thank you this is this is this is a nice little Herer this we'll dance for money we'll drop transes for cash wait yeah we're up to £126 that's pretty good I could buy I could buy a whole a whole Sonic figure with that get another couple of quid and go around the go around the PB get a point and a and a and a bit of burger with undercooked bacon in it wait Dad can we look at um the English a level um paper what from 889 oh yeah let's do that and then we can compare it I don't know if they've got any sample papers from uh uh sample high level English paper 1989 oh what does this mean it's a rorat a level can we see anything no PDF where oh no where where's the PDF thingy where where where where that do that generating okay chits oh my goodness ohow that's nothing that's no good to me yeah it's hard to find papers from from your oldie days yeah that's a shame that yeah which want yeah yeah wae so scul that so why do we get to see them so that says maybe it's there seven archiv boxes English yeah so you click on that oh God and then what happens nothing takes you back to takes you back to the beginning I want to read the papers or maybe I've got to Fu call them up and they'll send them to me oh maybe if we go on images there'll be like a picture of one images I like it image search oh this is just people answers are you seeing anything no no neither do I uh that's a shame I really wanted to see old a level papers well yeah let's do it another time because it's it's 20 to 12 and everyone's flagging a bit and they're not interested they don't care that's a lot but let's look at be's knockers £10 I still heart that sorry Beyond's my favorite now sorry j he's BJ's just he's he's just's he's out ganja as pink says that's a lot of knockers indeed pay says there was night's gcsc physics paper which showed the drawing of a drum and ask which bit makes the noise interesting says live streams have also introduced me to Great albums the geese and the ghost being the best of them so thank you for that a [ __ ] that wasn't my intention my intention was to distract you and get you into [ __ ] music like Steven Wilson godamn it godamn it God damn it you not mean to listen to the good [ __ ] listen to the bad rubbish we got a question that showed us a picture of a solar panel and asked what type of energy it made the answer was solar energy I have no memory of my my a level questions but it was a level uh sample paper let's try let's open up to 1980s uh we need English don't we English English English English it's taking me to there again oh I'm not Cambridge wait what's that here we go when is that what year is that 2021 oh that's not bloody good is it a minute here we go this is from 1984 June 1994 right okay English English Advanced write a crical comparison the following two poems should pay attention to any difference and similarities in language and feeling saying what you take to be the main character of each poem that's what that's that's what I did work I think we we compare poems in our course that's what that's what I had to do that's exactly it I remember now printed below a poem in a Pros passage the poem is Sonic 130 by William shakspeare and the pros Pates a be is extract from a novel portrait of the AR a young man by James Joyce publ in 1914 both the p and the pros take the theme of the relation between love and poetry write a critical appraisal of the two pieces of writing paying particular attention to the evocation of mood and to the presentation of attitude well we' just be asked to like compare how the writers present XY Z yeah this is this is exactly how I remember it because this is all poems right yeah and you'd have to ex you'd have to answer I don't know if you'd answer all of them yeah answer two questions yeah okay and you have two and a half hours so paper one is the is critical appreciation and comment so you can go through these and find a question that you you like you know okay and you haven't studied these poems before no okay cuz we would have like studied them before new they would all be new to you okay so unseen poetry we did we did have a bit of that at GCS but it was one question worth like 20 marks magnet is fair Tess oh hey does it tell you how many marks the questions are worth not in this I don't look passage removed you to third party copyright restrictions how you going to know what the how you going to do do the exam paper they did that in English language papers cuz I was looking at past papers to practice with and like they had half the text removed yeah it doesn't tell you the what the uh what she just do it and like yeah she would do all that you know it was good you wouldn't know how exactly how much to write and how much to spend on each question because for us we use the marks as a guide of how long spend no you just you just did two questions and you write a couple of pages I guess on each question so you got two questions start so you're probably looking at about maybe four I don't know maybe three pages each question maybe six pages I don't know I can't remember it was 1989 it was a long time ago but anyway oh J Davis is he's thrown another pound this is this is epic this is epic this is we we're pitting we're pitting viewer against viewer here uh P says it's all that Norwegian oil money isn't it so says pain no we are normal Norwegians we don't get shot from our Royal oh dear he's upset the rians now P says solar energy the answer should be electrical energy and J says it's an auction yeah I know I'm sold to the highest bidder yeah you're sold to I know you're all you're s it's not Bri we should call him Brian we call him Brian from Brian Johnson that's that's a good British name Brian Johnson I'm sorry I'm sure he I'm sure he sings in a band some somewhere doesn't he Brian Johnson Brian yeah Brian have you got your tea over do you want your tea and your biscuits yeah I me we could wind up if you want little boo boo she is getting late yeah take the dog out I nice have a little leg rest hello I can't do dog cam cuz dog Cam's pointing in the wrong direction just think no more dog C and the dog in question is running all over the place oh no she's all right she wants to go for little so I have to take her out in a minute I mean really I should be taking her out now Zeb says I think it's pronounced bu now it's Brian it's Brian now he's not the Messiah he's a very naughty Norwegian the Russell you can hear is very eating mini cheddar like a small Mouse she's looking at me she want one there come sit sit sit sit get to P pull Bo girl she gotong sit wait wait go on good girl hey sh her little tongue out she likes a little tongue didn't you loveely girl Ze says he he he well if you have already enjoyed have you enjoyed the live stream it's not been bad is it consider it's the last one or is it or is it pink says that's Russell we can hear well he's not in Russell's not in tonight isn't there two Russell um yeah there's uh there's um there's Russell from Australia yeah and there's Russell from UK oh yeah the Australian one he's he's not watching at the moment CU it's breakfast time oh yeah he's got much better things to be doing and I don't know where Russell in the UK is are you out there Russ are you out there says well it's been nice few years of live streams now B everyone a good night we last check comment here cheero for now well until next Tuesday see how I feel I might have perked up all that money I tear kind of makes it worthwhile you know kind of makes it worth doing you know what I'm saying makes it donate 10id every week soon up 10 knocks every week and we'll be we'll be this time next year we'll be millionaires not 10 knocks 100 knocks 100 knocks 10,000 knocks all the knock says good night Robert Tony's coming he says evening you're a bit late mate pleas staring at me dog she wants those cheeses go one little baby cheeses it's B pink says I gave it my eyes indeed and the very next day I gave it away it's terrible we sang that last week did we oh yeah we did didn't we it's all blurring into one was it last week God was it yesterday or was it the day before that I don't going to be for live streams well you're going to be you're going to have to go to bed early cuz you got to go out for college mind you it be your first day of college next week on Tuesday you going back on Tuesday so let's do it in the afternoon you could do an afternoon one yeah yeah do at 5:00 p.m. do do an hour maybe do that yeah then you could uh you know chip in talk about colge yeah could be a thing couldn't it maybe it's just too late you know I did try and do it earlier before and that didn't catch on I've tried everything have you Darren have you tried everything no I haven't I haven't tried tried one in the morning yeah I've been on I have been on in morning but there's no one around everyone's asleep everyone's asleep pink says ver is going to college already uh next Tuesday she starts college y because gc's are over she's got the results she got all the results like I said come forth in the entire School in terms of the league ratings and um yeah got a mention on the school newsletter which was very very good and did very very well very very pleased but then you did work incredibly hard too hard how made myself you did you did make yourself a bit loopy i' meant and I think they I mentally rewired my brain somewhat and I'm only just recovering it was like a cult wasn't it they kind of it feels like it it's like a religion it was but you did you earn every single result and you know yeah and that that eight in maths God that was the that was the kicker that was really good really papers you know to get an eight in maths and you wasn't expecting it was just really really cool and honestly the teacher we had he was really good he explained things really well so I probably thank him if I see I was so pleased for you last Thursday it was just it was good yeah the Arts are disappoint M but it's art it's subjective art subjective and you got to really kind of know what they want and you know more portraiture I just don't know again I think again problem with art teachers is they are nebulous creatures yeah they're like trying to catch a fart in a bottle you know they're just but what Madam's impossible don't mention Madam thought was a seven other Madam thought was a six that's the thing yeah but that's the thing you can get two teachers why they have to get two teachers to Market it's not like maths where it's either wrong or right it's not like geography where you you know you you sum you know do a summation of a situation is either the right or wrong way you and you develop it to a certain point you get marks how much you develop it and how well you explain your answer yeah well I've got the only nine in geography pink says congratulations Tony says well done thank you and joj says best of luck So yeah thank you she says thank you yeah she said thank you well again then then that two years ago and uh it always by this year's fly by I know it gets so quick doesn't it but then we had a boy talking to a sick form boy and he said well this year for him is his year 12 went quicker than year 11 it's like well year 11 sped by how Quick's year 12 can AG go the a levels do Zoom they do Zoom um well I guess if you've got independent study breaking that up that could fly by as well well I remember getting through the first year and thinking God that went quick okay and then you know second year just seemed to like like sand through your fingers it was just really I felt like there wasn't enough time feeling especially cuz you know they kind of messed up the biology course and everything you know and then when I did my my xray level I did that in six did an a level in six months um that went incredibly quickly because it was just like I I just went all I did was English for six months and it was brilliant English language yeah really enjoyed doing that and uh yeah got me the the a level I requireed to you did four a levels in total yeah but I only passed two so both in English but I wanted to do two English in the beginning I wanted to do two English at o levels and I said no you can't do that but I said but only going to do English English and geography yeah yeah I think I was going to do that I do no you can't do that I do language but like guess what the teacher said it's too boring to teach yeah but English language is very different from English literature English literature is all about books books and poems and you know comparing and contrasting things and themes and English language is about de the developmental side of of language and it's really quite psychological it's a completely different a level and it's really interesting you know from talk about development of you know languages and babies you know development of language over history you know from you know hieroglyphs and Linguistics yeah there's just it's really good and yeah then there's writing then there's the writing side of things but it's not um it's not like the the the literature side editing one of the things we went to do in our a levels was they gave us something like a it's like 15,000 word article and we were given it something like um a couple of hours before the exam so we could read it and absorb it and then when you go into the exam and you got like an hour and a half to reduce it down to something like 2,000 words and that's how I learned to be an editor it was there was a lot of that involved as well so so I guess you just cut out the unnecessary you've got yeah what is the most important information you have to be able to take information out and present it you know s pry fun not going to lie it's a skill and it really served me well in my other jobs especially in the heady world of teletext where you've only got so many characters on a page to get the meaning across but yeah it was fun but it does whiz whereas my degree felt like it dragged on forever you know felt like 3 years felt like a lot longer you know I didn't enjoy that one bit but G siss did that go quick for you uh uh well cuz again we weren't in the same school we did a bit at norlington then I went to Essex Road and we did a couple of years there like two years or three years there oh that's interesting so I did three years at nor I guess it was two years at ess6 road so it kind of split it up and you're finding your feet again because you get used to everything at norlington and then at Essex Road it was oh where is everything again how long did you get to do GS e then would have been like five years I think we get two well no it's 2 years you do do five but then you do they you make it's like you you choose them and then you do two years of study you know oh okay yeah excuse me uh just says College can be some of the best times of your life someone told me this before I started in ' 87 I disagreed I was wrong learn but enjoy and develop it all together I wouldn't say it's best years of your life it was all right I I it was okay it was it's good because you get again for us in 87 we we were treated as adults it's different for them they have to carry on they have to legally they're obliged to either do a levels or do a vocational like apprenticeship traineeship course so they don't have a choice it's not like a lot of my friends who left school at 16 and got jobs you know we were regarded as the ones who were bumming around you know doing a levs are you're still doing more you know more things so it was a different different time different culture pink says I got to go wherever you decide I've always been enjoy part of the Old Faithful see you yeah and very and to you well we knows who knows I might feel better next week I might cheered up yeah I was having a bit of a I was having a bit of a m getting the camera to work you know I was just it wasn't working and I don't know why but I think it's working now so it's like do I really want to go for this I might feel better next week I might have stories to tell of college we might you might come on you never know we might do something I wish I could yeah we never know who knows I don't really want to go back I'm quite comfortable anyway we've done nearly hour and half I'm going to I'm going to head off now you want to pop on a say good Bo and we'll do the we'll do the uh the finale she's back hello you've eaten your cheddar you've had your tea was it nice cup of tea it was nice yeah all right thank you everyone for for joining us this uh this night and thank you for all the money it's thank you it's been greatly appreciated we'll get this we'll get it next month once YouTube taken their cut because they always do and remember you can support this channel using the join button um I would point to the patron but nobody cares about that anymore and um and who knows who knows where we'll do this again soon maybe I'm just teasing who knows nobody knows maybe I'll cheer up um I don't know anyway remember you can't be good good be safe more importantly don't tell your mother Tata Tata [Music] [Music] oh [Music]

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Tayron LZ ( ROMEO Y JULIETA ) ( video oficial ) cover - NARU

Category: Music

[música] julieta una chica sin igual un chico pobre que su pasión es cantar los dos se conocieron tras una larga velada trabajaba en el bar mientras la chica bailaba que se acercó preguntándole a su nombre chico contestó romeo gusto en conocerle después de unos tragos y de contarle sus penas la chica... Read more

Titans Schedule Release Reaction thumbnail
Titans Schedule Release Reaction

Category: Gaming

Yeah i love hey guys red stallion girl i'm here back on [music] broadway oh the the bengals yeah i love the bengals love the bengals love joe burrow yeah they peaked in 1970 the cheese okay okay so alex earl's boyfriend that's the dallas cowboys that's dak prescott i wouldn't want to be a table around... Read more

ERIC CIOTTI thumbnail

Category: Entertainment

Vous comptez rester là longtemps monsieurti oui c'est mon bureau monsieur vous avez été exclu à l'unanimité plus personne ve de vous oui mais c'est moi j'ai décidé je reste là d'accord mais tout le monde est contre vous mon vieux vousz plus pouvoir rien faire vous êes en tr de ridiculiser c'est minable... Read more


Category: Sports

Brasil 2014 va a quedar para ustedes va acercándose perú yotun va a meter el servicio sale un remate guar atacando colombia guarín remata violento queti ahora tom car primero carr carrill lucha con todo el equipo para no en el área sigue james rodríguez interviene ahora falc remata falc va la pelota... Read more

The 2024 Senate BATTLEGROUND MAP LATEST POLLS From ALL STATES (August 25th) thumbnail

Category: News & Politics

With only 72 days until the general election comes november 5th we are faced with a senate that could go either way whether that be for a republican majority under a trump vance ticket or maybe a democratic majority with harris and walls it could go either way so let's break down all the races all the... Read more

Match Of The Day Episode With John Motson, Des Lynam, Ray Harford, Ian Wright And More | 1996 thumbnail
Match Of The Day Episode With John Motson, Des Lynam, Ray Harford, Ian Wright And More | 1996

Category: Sports

Spread himself and so did uh may thomas here for hand ball from the crowd bs redner maer wants it right side mcmanaman berger wanted it played early he gets it flag stays down and the chance goes [applause] away expression same as football of any nationality disappointment that that chance wasn't made... Read more

NASCAR 2024: Coke Zero Sugar 400 Reactions thumbnail
NASCAR 2024: Coke Zero Sugar 400 Reactions

Category: Entertainment

You don't have to stay up now dear god as we areed here even to cate these gentlemen shake and bake like ricky bobby yes that we must run help us to also shake and b some days depressed help us to remember we are blessed we must shake and bake heartache heartbreak you have used it all for our breakthrough... Read more

Ronaldo ने तोडे सारे रिकॉर्ड |Ronaldo Youtube channel |Ronaldo subscriber count #ronaldo #football thumbnail
Ronaldo ने तोडे सारे रिकॉर्ड |Ronaldo Youtube channel |Ronaldo subscriber count #ronaldo #football

Category: Education

[संगीत] जी हां आपने बिल्कुल सही सुना [संगीत] [संगीत] बट आपकी फी चली रहेगी तो आप ऑडियंस को वापस गेन कर सकते हैं अगर आपको यह जानना है कि मैंने इस बैकग्राउंड को इस बैकग्राउंड में कैसे कन्वर्ट किया वो भी मोबाइल की मदद से तो आप मेरी इस प्लेलिस्ट को फॉलो कर सकते हैं जिसका नाम है बिल्ड ब्रांड यूजिंग मोबाइल जिसका लिंक में डिस्क्रिप्शन में प्रोवाइड कर दूंगा और आपको वीडियो के एंड में भी मिल जाएगी तो चलिए फिर मिलते हैं नेक्स्ट वीडियो में Read more

Paralympics 2024  Schedule & Results #ytshorts #shorts #trending #viralvideo #viralshorts #reels thumbnail
Paralympics 2024 Schedule & Results #ytshorts #shorts #trending #viralvideo #viralshorts #reels

Category: People & Blogs

I will never look at sports the same way after seeing these paralympic moments let's catch the best bits this year the paro olympics has been a roller coaster of emotion and athleticism from jaw-dropping performances in track and field to incredible feats in swimming we've witnessed history in the making... Read more

Cowboys CeeDee Lamb Will Get More Than $33M APY + More thumbnail
Cowboys CeeDee Lamb Will Get More Than $33M APY + More

Category: Sports

Cowboys progress on a deal with lamb all right so got good news finally on cd lamb according to clarence hill according to sources which is clarence hill cowboys are making progress on the deal with lamb nothing has been agreed to consummate but the team has increased the offer to lamb above 33 million... Read more

Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber’s BABY Is Here: Find Out the Name! | E! News thumbnail
Justin Bieber and Hailey Bieber’s BABY Is Here: Find Out the Name! | E! News

Category: Entertainment

Baby bieber is here justin and haley bieber confirm on social media that they've welcomed their first baby the exciting update marks the beginning of their parenthood journey after tying the knot in 2018 and revealing their pregnancy back in may it's also a dream come true for justin who has spoken... Read more

Prayers Up Houston Rapper Scarface Hospitalized thumbnail
Prayers Up Houston Rapper Scarface Hospitalized

Category: Entertainment

Yo what's up what's up what's up what's good what's good hope y had a good day it's the weekend man it's the week talk about the situation for a little bit the raap scar face what yall got going man what's up all right we about to jump into it i know it's kind of late right now but this is uh news to... Read more