Category: Entertainment
This is a man who was not afraid to die he dared to walk a tide rpp 100 m up without any safety precautions in the face of the threat of the police danny had to obediently go back ready to end the show in advance but one step away from the finish line he suddenly stopped with a stream smile and then... Read more
Category: Education
[music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] to my youtube channel so today in this video i'm going to tell you about american west film ded by anded by jo que and coin it is an adoption of char btis n of the same name staring je has w zer c as ali stfi as matis rose the film... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Hey hey ma good to see you again glad you're okay it's like you wear a neon sign that says raw dog me i'm a bottom i'm i'm going to let you two catch up me too where were you about 12 floors below you in the tower this whole time how did you get out your # free mve [ __ ] had every lgb te in the world... Read more
Category: Entertainment
[music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] so hello guys welcome back to the video and today in this video we are going to talk about the hollywood movie from the hollywood industry so the movie about which we are going to talk in this video name is hard rain as we all know... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] on the eve of the battle his bride elizabetha who be prized above all things on earth knew that he must face an insurmountable force from which he might never return [applause] [music] w [music] don't here lord dark i'm on this [music] the vengeful turks shot an arrow into the castle carrying... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
Why are you all just sitting here do something help me you're all monsters all of you you're sick don't take our words too hot you know how difficult brides can be help me Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] i figured you was dead you didn't think i knew what a blind spots were back up where's soldier boy you wantt butcher huh what happens if i pull this trigger go on do it hey mm mm stop mm if soldier boy goes through with this thousands will die help us stop him this ain't a bloody kinder kit... Read more
Category: Pets & Animals
[music] [music] [music] this is going to be could [music] hi dad hey daniela i'm rushing a security is everything okay yeah we're fine i'm just checking in sorry are you going to make it yeah i think m check should go quickly i meant make it here before midnight you're still in singapore well hawaii's... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
[music] [applause] [music] [applause] [music] [applause] [music] [applause] don't you point that beastly thing at me you little loud don't you dare slly me are you all right mrs dunhill of course i'm all right that wasn't that little monster's c pistol that was a real shot from number 33 38 caliber... Read more
Category: Entertainment
के सबन है इससे पहले मैं तेरा मुह तोड़ द तैयार हो जाल क पर फिर भी तुम्हारे लिए य जगह है जहा हर सैनिक सबके लिए एक मिसाल कायम कर सकता है जहा हर सैनिक एक फौलाद बन जाता है और जहा हर सैनिक का एक एक ही जवान य के तुम लोग जे स्क्वाड हो गए आपसे मिलकर अच्छा लगा ये तो ऑफिसर की यूनिफॉर्म है ना हां मगर हथकड़ियों से तो ऑफिसर नहीं लगता ना चाबियां शायद इस पॉकेट में ये लेफ्ट पॉकेट शायद प्राइवेट केज एक भगोड़े हैं और अब यह तुम सबकी... Read more
Category: Entertainment
सरा रुको याद रखना पहले यहां से निकलते ही सामने देखना उसके बाद राइट देखना टेल में नहीं बता रहे हो समझो केज तुम्ह हर बात साफ साफ बतानी होगी नहीं तो मैं मर [संगीत] जाऊंगी पहले इस पहाड़ के पीछे से मिमिक आएगा मैं लेफ्ट जाऊंगी वहां जो मिमिक है उसे [संगीत] मारूंगी फटेगा फिर वहां से मैं सामने की तरफ भागू फिर नीचे झुक के एक मिमिक को मारूंगी उसके बाद मैं लेफ्ट होड़ जाऊंगी तुम मुझसे क्या चाहते हो कुछ [संगीत] नहीं केज हम कब से तुझे ढूंढ रहे थे केज केज... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I hadn't read anything like this before that was sort of my initial thought and everything about this movie sort of scared me and also challenged me and it made me want to do it so much more um yeah and the fact that it was you know written by zoe and it was going to be directed by zoe i was like oh... Read more