Category: Sports
How does that feel i mean you know good um you know i didn't make the first three a bigger deal than than they were and i'm not going to make this one a bigger deal than it is it's just one and um i hope i get another chance tomorrow and we can split the series that'd be that'd be a really successful... Read more
Category: Sports
The longest free agent deal and most lucrative free agent deal jim crane's ever given in his ownership tenure is five years $95 million to uh to josh haer last winter they don't play in that ballpark they don't play in that realm of seven eight years 200 million dollars which i think is what it's going... Read more
Category: Sports
I'm on the resign walker page i mean that's for me an obvious i would argue your first baseman is as important of a leader on that field as your catcher or anyone else like having gold goldie over there and the way he approached playing first base took so many things out of your mind that you didn't... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro [music] ski welcome in to another edition of the phnx d podcast right here in studio k presented by our friends at circle k of course uh welcome to the phnx deb debx podcast we're also presented by bet 365 download the bet 365 app and use code phnx 365 when you sign up choose your offer and find... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro is it time for the arizona diamondbacks to have some serious discussions about moving on from paul seaw wald as their closer we're talking about this now and more right now on ph nxt backs let's go [music] [music] [music] [music] welcome in to another edition of the pmxd podcast presented by bet... Read more
Category: Sports
It sucks but i mean i i want to help the team any way i can um we're in a penet race and if i can be the long man and maybe turn myself into a a leverage arm get us some big outs and be a difference maker that way and then that's just what i'll do this year happen fast i try to get ready as quick as... Read more
Category: Sports
Were you using christian walker really we got three homers with the walk b the same exact no different different model but yeah his name was on that the first time you used his b for no i i've used it couple times is it heavier lighter longer anything the only bats he doesn't use are his own bats yeah... Read more
Category: Sports
I know the big question in terms of tori for this game is it feels like we're we're always parsing through tor's bullpen decisions that's are that's what our show consists of at this point we should make that a segment we should we probably should just make that a segment uh but yeah the the sort of... Read more
Category: Sports
We were trying to stay away from martinez um thompson was down yeah so uh look i know i had some 50-50 balls i can't run away from everybody everybody in the bullpen i i'm going to wear our guys down so um i was i was excited to get floro in a game he hasn't pitched in five or six days paul se wall... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro well as much as it feels like it the diamondbacks can't win them all and they got rocked tonight by the mets we have more on that terrible fifth inning and of course maybe a political ad or two right now on the phnx dback show let's go [music] tough l i i don't like that song anymore damon i do... Read more
Category: Sports
I have to balance the the the desire or the feeling to be impatient you know it's like everybody's instincts are like change blah make make a big change right that's what everybody wants to do except for the 26 guys in that room me the coaches we are we are on course and i haven't got there if i do... Read more
Category: Sports
Intro well the diamond backs sweep the socks we have more on their successful weekend in boston and of course this guy's here to answer your questions right now let's go [music] [music] [music] [music] archie bradley joins the show! ski and welcome in to another edition of the ph& xdbs broadcast podcast... Read more