Geraldo Perdomo Returns & Randal Grichuk RAKES In Diamondbacks Win Over Angels

Intro [Music] oh ski and welcome in to another edition of the phnx dbx podcast right here on phnx let me get this microphone in here I'm the mayor phnx occasionally known as your mayor uh of this place uh phnx occasionally also known as Derek montia this man next to me is not Thunders say Jesse fredman but he's the people's producer Damon and it there's no better person to have have here next to me on The return of Geraldo Perdomo the night that Heraldo Pomo returns then Damon dog what a huge night for this team what a big night for the offense but most importantly let's just talk about it Heraldo ptoo returns to the lineup and everything is right with the world Damon everything is right with the world yeah you're you're not wrong this was my Super Bowl tonight uh and uh and and yeah uh you make a great point about everything being right with the world when Pomo plays baseball like this feels right right yeah this is this is what a utopian society feels like yeah this is this is p Pomo is bat nine he's in the nine hole and that's Utopia in my world I I just like The Vibes just deric The Vibes the Vib The Vibes are immaculate yeah I mean we're talking about bromo getting an RBI single in his very first at bat in the very first pitch I believe if I'm not mistaken uh and the RIS King continues to be the RIS King he was two for four tonight with an RBI a walk and a run scored even without being the best offensive player on the field tonight you just can't say enough about what Heraldo promo being back means and there is the utopian society that you were talking about that we live in now that you know Pomo is back and and everything is right with the world yeah no I mean it just it's it's great to be in Damon's world right now I'm gonna let you have your moment go off please go yeah please it's all you I just like to all the people that decided that you know promo was the odd man out the guy that we should be trading at in the offseason you guys should be ashamed of yourselves I mean it wasn't me that did it so I'm not the one that's supposed to be ashamed of myself but we I mean this guy like how many games he played Derek I feel like this baseball team is incredible with him his impact is just hard to quantify sometimes because yes he was you know he he did a great job in his first night bat going two for four but I mean you just it's not just defensively and what he does at the plate there was that moment where Jordan Montgomery seemed to kind of be struggling there early in this game uh and Pomo comes over as part of the mound visit and I mean it didn't look like it it was it was a Twan kind of dance there right it was it was Moreno coming out from behind the plate to talk to his pitcher but Pomo does that thing that he always does and he comes over as part of that meeting I on the broadcast they talked about like uh you know Tory lello essentially saying everything in the infield runs through promo and you see him over there showing support to his pitcher you know doing the little things that like just make you in in that moment feel good having a teammate that has your back shows you that support literally shows you that support just comes over in the moment to say you got this man you know like whatever words of encouragement he gave you could tell that's kind of all he was really there for but he takes that leadership role seriously and kind of understands the impact that he can have Beyond just his play yeah I mean I think that like he's just always been that guy he's always been intangibles guy like Tori Tori talked about it in that in in pregame and he said didn't Tori say like he he's the emotional leader of this team yeah that's just that's just who Pomo is like that's just he brings all that stuff to the table that don't NE doesn't necessarily show up in the Box Score but we're just a way better baseball team when he plays versus when he doesn't it's it's clear as day like it couldn't be more clear and uh yeah someone mentioned in the comments here how about that bunt how about that bunt was insane I mean it's it's one of the things it's just an example of the things that guys like Pomo do to get on base to cause the defense to have problems right to they're going to think about that on future plays not to mention the fact that the Diamond Backs have other guys with speed tonight Corbin Carroll was showing off his speed you got Jake McCarthy still on the bench like guys like that make the defense uneasy when they can do what Pomo did dropping that butt and getting on base and yeah Jacob Franklin is right that's just pure snakes ball it was tonight it was pure snakes ball tonight yeah I mean it's uh the the offense exploded tonight I mean the Diamondbacks put up 15 hits they they put up nine runs they had contributions all over the place Corbin Carroll looks absolutely back even though he got moved down in the lineup he went three for four tonight with a triple a double a walk an RBI a runs scored he did everything did it all in his La I mean he did have one defensive play that definitely made me miss Alec Thom a little bit there in the in center field but in his last six games Corbin Carroll is 10 for 25 which is a 400 batting average he has the two doubles a triple and uh four walks so I mean this man continues to be incredible lately uh he's reached base safely in 19 of his last 21 games I know there was a lot for Diamondbacks fans to be definitely worried about when it came to Corbin Carroll but it very very much feels like the the small changes he's made has been enough to impact his game positively I mean you're just seeing a different level of confidence in corbman Carol lately his approaches at the plate look much better he's no longer really swinging at that you know High fast ball on the inside as much they were talking about that on the broadcast tonight but Corbin Carroll was just the home run away from the cycle tonight and I mean again it's a a big night we've talked about him being back but night it's like tonight definitely like make you feel like Corbin Carroll is kind of past those struggles early this season I I'm in a place where I'm feeling good about Corbin I don't know about everybody else uh it's like maybe maybe that's fickle but like I feel like i' we've been seeing him Play Better Baseball for about two three weeks now wouldn't you say yeah like yeah that's I mean he's been he's been getting some triples he he had like so he led the league in triples last year and he had like next to no triples to start the season through like the first two months now he's he's you know collecting a few he's getting some extra base hits he isn't hitting the ball over the fence but he's hitting doubles and triples and you know looks like he's just seeing the ball a lot better and uh if Corbin's going to play baseball like this he's an incredibly Valuable Player he's really helping the team like that he doesn't need to be necessarily last year's version of himself to be a useful player he just needs to not be a a a horrific hitter like if he's if he's getting on base and you know causing chaos and we're playing baseball the way that the Diamondbacks want to play baseball you know Corbin is a huge like contribution of that like that's he he's he's a huge piece of that so uh it's just good to see him you know continually going and and Maz devil says it here how about two-hole Gabby can we talk about him for a second what did I watch tonight I don't know but they talked about that on the broadcast didn't they say he was like 9 for 18 coming in tonight in the two hole tonight he's three for five you had five players that had multi-hit games tonight you had Gabby Moreno going three for five with two RBI and a run scored you had lordis guriel going three for five with three singles and two RBI Corbin Carroll we talked about him Corbin Carroll went three for four two runs scored one walk One RBI Pomo two for four one run one RBI one walk and then the the the man of the the man of the match the man of the night was Randall gritch who man I mean he was Unstoppable tonight grit oh yeah uh I mean a single away from the cycle which by the way it it's a funny question to me if you hit one into the Gap when you're just a single away from the cycle and you could go for two maybe even go for three are you just stopping at first base and just taking that single or are you a bad like are you a bad are you shitty person at that like would that ruin if it was obvious Damon that you could go for two or three is that kind of ruin your cycle that you just pulled up at first base and take the single yeah absolutely so here's my thought process on it when you're rounding when it's like one it's a single that you're trying to stretch into a double uh or that probably should be stretched into a double and you need a single it's very obvious that you're dogging it like that you're not running fully hard enough and that you gave up if it's a if it could be a triple but you need a double you could really pace yourself on that run around and make it look like and make look pretty natural that you should have ended up at second base I think you get away with that one but you can't get away with the first base one unless they're in like the right field corner and they still haven't picked up the ball yet and you're just coming into second you're like right but um you know he was close three for four tonight uh gritch is now hitting 320 with an 855 Ops since April 15th he is hitting 356 in games he started with eight RBI and four walks I you you know I I I don't know I mean defensively he's been fairly solid when we've seen him in the Outfield I I honestly could see a whole lot more of Randle gritch I just don't know what the combination is going to look like especially once that Outfield gets a bit more crowded with Alec Thomas returning I mean I think that he it's been the role that he was brought on to do the whole time would be would be what I would say to that like yeah when we signed him we signed him with the thought process that Alec was going to be healthy and ready to go Alec is an injury-prone player by any stretch of the imagination so right you know I I think he grit's just going to do what we sign him to do and that's just Crush lefties and that's what he did today and that's like what we're paying him $2 million on a one year deal to do like it's not like we didn't give him gel's contract for a reason like he's not an everyday player he's a yeah he's a platoon player so um you know I'm I'm I'm happy with gritch and you know he's him and jock have done as best as you possibly could have imagined this DH platoon man Jo sitting 286 with an 879 Ops uh gritch I I had his numbers wrong after his last out he's hitting 316 oh hell yeah with a 847 Ops you're getting that out of the two guys that were like a platoon you were bringing to have a complete DH I want to say looking at Jorge Solair swinging at everything and JD Martinez has a slow start and whatever the hell uh Justin gritty is doing over there is the mascot for the Phillies like these guys I mean these guys aren't doing [ __ ] stubs is the mascot for the Phillies oh yeah well I was thinking of the Flyers the Flyers the mascot for the fly that's Justin Turner he's gritty it's a whole other thing but yeah I mean no I mean these uh the the guys the Diamondbacks picked up as far as you know th those two players to fill that role have been yeah pretty pretty solid and I mean honestly two of the better additions to this team this year so that's not the swing and miss the swing and miss both figuratively and literally is Gino and it's in sad news Gino goes 0 for four uh tonight with two strikeouts he's now hitting 197 this season with a 575 Ops let's talk about it is there a tough conversation happening soon about his immediate future with this team this isn't the first time we've brought this up but things aren't getting better and so far the Diamondbacks didn't commit to sending blae Alexander down when they made the move to bring Jerry P back they they sent down paven Smith so what what what do you what do you foresee Happening Here Damon what what do you think's gonna happen um I mean I think they continue to ride it out with Gino I think if worse comes to worse they're going to give some maybe some of those reps to blae or or Kevin Newman potentially like just switch it up with a different infielder but I don't think gin's really in danger of like being necessarily yeah um but yeah it's unfortunate when you have a big offensive showing like this tonight and you have extra base hits all over the yard and Gino like your most your hitter that's struggling the absolute most just doesn't show up like that's that's the perfect type of game for that guy to break out of his slump that's what you want at least so it's it's it's unfortunate a little discouraging when when that doesn't happen but um I I don't know man I just the Dbacks are such like a I feel like Tori is such a loyal manager like he tries to be and the Dbacks are like they really Pride themselves on that loyalty and I just I don't think that they're gonna like not give gin till the All-Star break to figure it out you know what I mean yeah yeah well and I mean right now on a on a night like tonight that's a perfect example of when the team carried everyone else they didn't even need catel Marte I mean he he did walk three times so he was on base three times he scored two runs so he still contributed but no hits tonight for Marte and the Diamondbacks still were able to put up nine runs like this is this team this is what we thought we were going to see out of this team this year where they didn't need anybody to be a particular superstar that this team as a whole was constructed in a way where you were going to have contributions On Any Given night from different members of this offense you know and have different guys stepping up and being the star of the night you know and tonight the guy was Randall gritch and that man is absolutely our King Snake for tonight's game again renle gritch three for four King Snake tonight a home run a double two RB a triple three runs scored one walk I mean even he even had the walk he literally almost had the full cycle of the Walk The Single the double the triple and the home run all he was missing tonight was the single and yeah I don't really know exactly what got into Randle gritch but looking at his numbers this season like I said earlier this man has been doing it all year long just very quietly right grle doesn't necessarily get the credit we barely speak about him on this show I'll be one of the first people to say we barely bring up brandle gritch and honestly we should be bringing him up more because he's been contributing all all season long you know he's just kind of one of those quiet contributors that does it um in he doesn't usually nights like this but he's always you know kind of kind of putting something in you know putting putting something into the game but uh speaking putting something into this I mean what is the bigger explanation here potentially the fact that Tory Lolo had a cornhole party Torey Lovullo's cornhole party with a petting zoo at his house on the off day yesterday is that really why the offense broke out like they did today because I feel like that's the true answer and I'm also a little offended I wasn't invited like I know me and Tori aren't tight like that but I don't know I feel like I I like cornhole I love I love petting zoos are you kidding me coral and petting zoos yes and beers you know there were a lot of adult beverages being had so oh yeah uh whatever whatever happened there though like that's honestly like a very good managerial move when the team is kind of in a position where the upcoming games are very important however because of the importance of those games and because of the level of competition you're facing maybe you do get uptight about it maybe you do start to get just a little bit in your own head too much about facing teams like the Angels the white socks in the Nationals knowing that on paper you should beat them but knowing the way the season is gone that there's a good chance that you could really drop the ball over these next nine games and hon hly if the Diamondbacks don't have a strong showing over these nine games it's not I don't think it's that farfetched to start saying the season is slipping away from them right so I felt like this was a good time to kind of relieve that tension and relieve you know maybe some of that pressure the players are feeling by just having a party and hanging out and and yeah you know just just being a family yeah definitely I mean they like you want to talk about getting connected how about a petting zoo party where you guys have a cornhole tournament like that's connected equals dangerous and we just witnessed it on the baseball diamond tonight like it's really Jerry Pete wrote an ostrich and was like I'm going to for four tomorrow right like yeah that's what I said I said Jerry Jerry like fed an ostrich and and all of a sudden like was like watch this I'm about to bunt up six runs tomorrow for my second hit of the night like that's that's he just I could just seems like the type of guy who loves zoo animals I mean Christian we know Christian Walker loves zoo animals the poor guy went 0 for five today so I'm sure he's disappointed one day after he likes to mount zoo animals heads on different yeah and he does I mean he has he he he has zoo animals right he possesses horses so it's not that it's not that exciting to him to be around you know farm animals it's just his normal life you know um this is a good point by here I just know animals love Pomo it's the aura it's that aura 100% like it would almost make you jealous like the baby goat that's scared of everybody would just crawl up into Jerry pe's lap and let him bottle feed him and you would just be furious watching from afar because you're like that baby goat ran from me and look at he's just cuddled up in Jerry's lap that's he's sleeping he s he fell asleep already uh one thing you mentioned during the gritch talk that I wanted to hit on a little bit like it felt like at so many times this season there was like one guy doing all all the all the work or like guys in different parts of the lineup that were the reason that you know we had any hits at all like no one was piecing it together you'd have catel at the top of the lineup always hitting with nobody on you have blaze in like the seven hole hitting Orin yeah and like our only runs that were scored were when Kevin Newman would get on for catel like that there was like there's been portions the season that felt that way at least to me and tonight felt like even the guys who didn't do anything I mean I know gin was is has been awful and no one trusts him but like I'm more mean like seawalk going 0 for five every single person that was up tonight I was like we're about to do some damage like it felt that way it felt like this team was like piecing together a full baseball game one through nine in the lineup and like I we haven't seen that too much this season and if we can start putting that together on this nine game stretch like I'm feeling pretty good about where we're at in the season because we can get ourselves up above 500 and with some momentum yeah no I'm I'm with you and again this is what it's all about like the Diamondbacks have played well at times against good teams the bigger problem has been the way that they've played against teams that I guess are in a in a similar position as themselves I said it earlier about when the Diamondbacks took care of business against the Reds uh I thought they did a great job of of pouncing on a team team that just wasn't playing good baseball in the moment but man if you look at what the Reds have done since then they've really bounced back and they've beat some good teams so the reds are one of those teams that again became kind of dangerous but the Diamondbacks were able in that window that they had to play them in essentially seven games uh in a very short period of time happened to be during a time when the Reds just weren't playing winning baseball and the Diamondbacks took care of that but there's been other Series this year obviously close series against team that maybe they should have won the series like the Yankees maybe the brave Series where they got swept where it was just slipped through their fingers at times like there's a lot there's been a lot of games right against good teams that it felt like they they could have a better record against teams with a 500 record you know plus 500 record but it's really these games right because they don't have a lot of them after this if you start looking at the schedule schedule gets very tough uh after this once they start you know get done with the Nationals and they play the Phillies it's like the Dodgers and the Braves uh there's a lot of good teams that they play before the All-Star break so it it really stack wins yeah it's really that time to stack wins you know what I mean and I mean that that's where maybe you do feel the pressure too much right because you feel like these games are must-win and then if you lose one or if you lose two you start feeling like even though it's June 12th June 13th like the season starting to unravel on you right they might that might not be that far-fetched like honestly L with with the level of competition how close everything is in the National League for those Wild Card spots and their upcoming schedule the Diamondbacks really do have to take these you know as many of these games when they have a stretch like they have right now as possible it's yeah I be critical when it comes down I said it yesterday like I expect to win those each series like you gotta win the series like I'm not I'm not expecting you to sweep a team I I I think you need to sweep one team but like I'm not being like you got to sweep every team that you play here like the white socks Angels but you got to win all these series you got you got to start stacking wins in that department because losing Series against like the Tigers that's not helping you make the playoffs at the end of the day no but the I'll tell you I mean like the Tigers that's a tough team over there that's just when when you look at what they've done this season they're no slouch and sometimes that's how things go when teams turn it around especially when you play them early you're like how did we lose to te this team well when you see them playing good baseball against some of the top teams in in the league it's a little bit more understandable so uh well I do want to thank you guys of course for being here in the phn exports YouTube channel if you haven't subscribed to the channel yet do so 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had to I had to wipe my eyes for a second plus 200 yeah plus 225 actually I said my my sweet for a single lby ey for our sweet baby Heraldo promo yeah for my sweet sugar plum Prince for him to get an RBI Easy Money easiest money I've ever made sometimes the house doesn't know everything you know what I mean sometimes the house doesn't know everything uh well hey you know what we're celebrating and I'm not just bringing out one uh can of Four Peaks beer I got a whole whole 15 pack whole 15 pack yeah baby I got my uh of course this is the bad birdie juicy golden ale I had to explain to a lady the other day at the supermarket about why uh this pattern is so beautiful on the outside of this box because she didn't quite understand the collab you know between Four Peaks and bad birdie and that bad birdie is this wonderful clothing company that makes exceptional clothes and that sometimes their patterns can bleed over into their partner stuff kind of like when they made us a shirt or kind of like this beautiful pattern on the bad birdie juicy Golden Nail which is like I said a collab between our friends at Four Peaks and bad birdie super drinkable delicious comes in a 15 pack right now you can get at your favorite grocery store you can also get it on tap at bars all around the valley I might drink this whole thing tonight in honor of haraldo Pomo but uh that's my business I'm at I'm at home I'm allowed to do that uh visit for looc to find all your favorite beers and events check out for Peaks uh Brew or Four Peaks Pub to keep up with the latest Arizona's Hometown Brewery must be 21 or older to drink Four Peaks and again please drink responsibly Damon let's take a look at the count from tonight's game presented by our friends at Desert Financial Credit Union uh because this this was a fun one Diamondbacks again outscore the The Count Angels nine to4 I know we didn't really talk about Jordan mcgomery so we're going to circle back to his night but um I mean this wasn't a perfect night by any stretch of the imagination the Angels really are a struggling team but they still are a professional baseball team so uh I think the Diamondbacks offense coming out like it did uh and and Jord mcgomery holding this team to three earn runs on his part still not a bad night it's nothing it's not a great night but it's still a good night but offensively a very good night 15 hits for this team to the angels 11 Diamondbacks were seven for 19 with for a 368 batting average with runners in scoring position Angels three for 10 300 uh batting average for them base hits uh the Diamondbacks had a lot seven for the Diamondbacks five for the Angels uh and the angels actually had a harder hard hit percentage here tonight at 48.4% to the Diamondbacks 45.5% but uh Jordan mcgomery tonight he looked better Damon uh I'm not gonna say he was he was great uh he was able to land his breaking stuff a little bit more effectively tonight uh he got nine Jordan Montgomery's outing whiffs but unfortunately the majority of those were on his foream fastball and I mean again his breaking stuff is this bread and butter and I really think that that when when you take a look at how he pitched tonight five and two-thirds Innings gave up six hits three earned one walk Three KS it's not a bad night at all it's just not a guy that you paid $25 million a year to be a part of your starting rotation and your staff right I mean typically Jordan Montgomery is able to give you more length than five and two-thirds Innings which is really a problem right now now and you know like I said a big part of that problem uh is his his breaking stuff which is just I mean he's just missing very badly he was able to land it in the zone better tonight but I I think do we have that Savant graphic that kind of shows his pitch breakdown because you'll see here like some of these misses are just not even competitive when you take a look at some of you know his breaking stuff outside of the Zone he had to rely entirely too much on his for seam f F and I mean he was able to keep it up in the zone but even that you know is out of the Zone quite a bit and he's just not a foram fastball pitcher really I mean if he can't if he can't land his breaking stuff or he can't get you know batters to bite on it he has to kind of turn to it which he did tonight but like you can see a lot of this stuff is just so far out of the zone that it's I I mean again you you patters are not going to swing at any of this junk yeah I mean he he's I think Alise says it best it's it's a step but it's a small step you know right it's not it's not exactly what we are paying for but sure you know six Innings is not is not a bad performance uh but my biggest concern with him and it has been the entire season thus far is he is just not striking anybody out every game is is 3ks 2ks 4ks like he doesn't have any games where he striking out like eight batters like and that's that's what's tough to see because even guys like Merl Kelly who don't necessarily have like overpowering stuff are striking out lots and lots of batters because their command is so good and Montgomery clearly doesn't have that right now so well he's behind a lot he's pitching from behind quite a bit and batters just I I think you know the The Scouting Report is out on him right now and his struggles and a big part of the struggles is don't swing at his breaking stuff it's not going to land in the zone for a strike you know and yeah that curveball looking at that Savant page like it has like a 50% chance of killing like a worm family of worms yeah and I mean it it it it it did feel like a step in the right direction tonight it did feel like you know he is competitive he gave the Diamondbacks an absolute chance to win he only gave up six hits and three earned and I mean looked looked pretty good at times kind of was the efficient version of himself I like it's it's weird to watch this team as often as you and I do and as often as Jesse does and assess them in a way where we don't get we we really can't get any confirmation on it but like it's like the belief in in in themselves isn't there at times and when you look at Jordan Montgomery when he said the other day after his is bad outing that he he just stinks like he believes he stinks and like even tonight there were moments of self-doubt that's why I brought up Heraldo Pomo going out to the mound at that point when he did because I really did feel like that had a positive effect on him it it it felt like he kind of got his confidence back and we saw him just have a little bit of that Jordan Montgomery you know kind of Effectiveness back but it's just glimpses right now versus it being throughout the entire outing and that the ability to put it together for an entire outing is is what made him the pitcher he was last season for the Rangers especially in the second half now there was a lot of talk about the Diamondbacks maybe not allowing Montgomery to make this start and that seemed insane to me but it was an interesting at least discussion based on the fact that if he did make tonight's start it was his 10th start this season and now he is vested for next year right and so with the way he's pitching it it kind of I mean people are assuming that he's not going to potentially get any kind of better contract or better deal that he has with the Diamondbacks and will'll see him in Sedona red and teal next season I don't hate that because Jordan mcgomery might still be a very good pitcher not only in the second half of this season when the pressure is alleviated off of him a little bit as not as not really being the only other starter on the the staff right now other than Brandon fought but I feel like once he's had a normal year a normal offseason a normal spring training we might see a different guy next year so I don't really hate the idea of him being vested for next season and being back on this team next year but his numbers you know we Jesse talked about him last start his numbers aren't great and when you start comparing the beginning of someone's career to Madison bumgardner's time with the Diamondbacks nobody wants to hear that no absolutely not that that's that's nightmare fuel it's absolutely night but yeah I mean I see what you're saying like like hypothetically the price that we got Montgomery for going into the season was like we thought we were getting a pretty good value contract so if he pitches the way he's supposed to hypothetically next season could be a fine deal but obviously you're not going to feel good about that at all I think the main reason like maybe they would look at DFA him and having somebody else pick him up on wavers and getting off of that contract but they absolutely just can't right now with the situation of the team and the rotation like they need him more than they've ever needed him to be what they paid for him so I just problem the problem being that now that he made this 10th start they owe him that money regardless just like they did bumgardner so if they DFA him just like they did with bumgardner they're still on the hook for that well someone could someone could take that contract if they wanted to right they CL them yeah that's fa that's fair and there's a good chance they would like they said discussed it there's there's 29 other teams that would absolutely jump on the opportunity of Jordan giving Jordan mcgomery a chance right now at this point so uh I don't I don't I don't know I I think that what we're seeing is especially in baseball it's sometimes slow right and sometimes like with Corbin Carroll we talked about some of his at B even on an 0 for four night looking better and some people called us crazy like we were just making it up or seeing what we wanted to see like sometimes you just see even when the results aren't there that they're making steps in the right direction and I feel like tonight was definitely a step in the right direction for Jordan mcgomery uh and I mean again versus his last start where he wasn't able to get his breaking stuff in the zone at all at least tonight he was a bit more effective with it and a bit more on track meanwhile the bullpen is just insane I mean Bryce Jarvis had uh a a terrible night and Bryce Jarvis they're you know the the Diamondbacks are asking Bryce Jarvis to go out there at times and and be in mop up games and Cleanup Games and they're gonna ask even more of that from him now that they've DFA Logan Allen right but Justin Martinez throwing 102 mile per hour Sinker for a strike just doesn't seem fair that just doesn't that doesn't seem like it should be allowed and it's one of those times where I just watch that guy pitch and think I am very glad that man is on my team and not on the Giants I'll tell you it shouldn't be allowed having Heraldo Pomo and Justin Martinez on the same on your same team my favorite team not your favorite team my favorite team I get to watch him not you yeah yeah and you throw in catel Marte the most in the the most uh I guess un ly un unknowingly hilarious player in all of baseball the most swagen baseball I think is the best way of putting it it's just it's the greatest show on Turf I guess you could say at Chase Field you know I know there's another football team called that but I still like it uh of course we are going to be joined here by Jesse fredman joining us from Chase Field but again a big shout out to Desert financial credit union for more than 84 years desert Financial has been Arizona's largest most trusted Local Credit Union I know that because uh 884 years ago I got my first checking account apparently I'm that old according to these jerks that I do this show with with how much you bought your house for with the help of desert Financial it might as well have been 80 years ago with what my interest rate is yeah for sure but uh of course that's because they got me started on my home ownership journey and they're 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about how much we love the Circle K uh frosters and the Polar Pops it's oh I mean it's part of my contract like I've said it's my it's my attab boy it's the treat St feeds me anytime I do something that makes him happy which is very rare but still I get those frosters I get those frosters Damon they only cost 79 cents but still uh it's all I need in life sometimes of course uh the Polar Pops get all those treats if you are a uh Inner Circle member you can get even bigger discounts even like 79 cents that's not cheap enough for you how about 69 cents well if you're an inner circle member you might even get a free polarp in the app you can also get all sorts of other great uh sales deals you you can save 25 cents off per gallon on your first five philps when you join join the Inner Circle for free right now by downloading the Circle K app uh of course terms and conditions do apply at participating locations visit Circle for details also speaking of great deals if you aren't already a uh Die Hard member of phnx suggest you jump on that right now we have our pnx takeover of the Mercury game on Thursday which you can get a discount for that you can get Jesse's wonderful writing you can get all of his uh content that's locked behind a pay wall that villain he locks it behind a pay wall but you can you can get access to it get access to my wonderful uh interviews I do as well by the way those are those are nice and I'm benevolent and of course I'm just doing that for my Die Hard members because I love you guys so that's the way I spin things I can I can pretty much spin it however I want sometimes but D how about new shirt collection that we got oh yeah I you know what you know what bothered me about this Damon no one told me about this I found out about this wonderful shirt collection when everybody else did I thought I was supposed to have some sort of Insider knowledge and then all of these wonderful shirts including that incredible year of the snake shirt drop on our website of course the valley collection you can get all those shirts the phnx and if you are a brand new Die Hard you can pick out one of those shirts for free and get it sent to you as part of your welcome package so make sure to check that out today well to toy said it on the to me today at work he said he thinks that taco truck shirt was made specifically for me like they they made that concept with the idea of me wearing it IE I love it I I squealed like okay so like we had beanies but no one told Lindsay and she was Furious I felt the same way about tank tops being on our website I was like no one told me we were getting tank tops what the hell a tank top guy I love tank tops it' be like if they got Luchador masks and didn't tell you I'd be I'd be like how did you not consult on this week what is going on here ridiculous uh speaking of people we have to consult with let's bring on the one and only thunderstick Jesse fredman my vice mayor your thunderstick Jesse Jesse Friedman joins the show! huge win for the Diamondbacks tonight uh offense a lot of guys got going tonight a lot of multi-hit games Five Guys with multi-hit games and it just felt like a fairy very very thorough Victory one night after this team all had a family get together at tor's house you know with a petting zoo and and a cornhole tournament yeah well first of all I I feel like I have I have like I guess big shoes to fill here and that Damon's background was way cooler than mine and I'm at the ballpark but it still doesn't feel like mine is nearly as cool he was living in the dystopia or actually the utopian society of Heraldo promo being back you like this Jess living this is where this is what life looks like when haraldo Pomo is bat nine in your lineup yeah that's it yeah my other question was has Damon just been talking about Heraldo Pomo ad na for the last tried I tried to like steer the conversation but it all kept coming back to Heraldo Pomo I keep keep I keep bringing this up whenever Derrick starts talking about a different player and Derrick will be like how about Randall gritch tonight and I'll be like hey Derek sh how about Heraldo Pomo tonight willing R gritch to almost performance his Vibes did that they're Geraldo Perdomo's performance tonight that strong Buton for a single doing it all Jesse he did it all tonight he really did yeah I mean this was sort of like the uh uh this game was I think just Illustrated very well what haraldo Pomo can do for you right it was the RBI single on the very first pitch that he saw with Runners on the corners and one out it was it was a walk uh you know a five pitch walk it was the the beautiful bun that he laid down for a base hit that allow the Diamondbacks to to really get something going that's sort of when they put this game away once and for all so yeah his fingerprints were were very much all over this uh and yeah I mean we've got a ton of video here Derek just some pretty some pretty fun stuff some pretty interesting stuff that was said after this one uh so here's Tory lello talking about how good it is uh to have haraldo Pomo back um yeah I'm sorry that I failed to mention him just having him back out there and just just um you know patrolling that space and short stop nothing against Kevin Newman and Blaze Alexander they both did a fantastic job but um you know Jerry just quarterbacks things out there he's very comfortable uh the first pitch that he sees he lines in the left field um you know talk about readiness was a quality out bat scored a big run for us and then you're right he offers so many different little um intangibles the third baseman's back he just drops down the bun he does a base runner and that was part of the part of the inning that we broke the game open he's a very smart player he sees the baseball field and he understands what his role is every at bat he understands what his role is when he's standing out on defense as well they talked on the broadcast about uh essentially Tori saying that everything in the infield goes through Heraldo promo and I mean I felt like uh a big moment I talked about a couple of times earlier in the show was the fact that he went out there when Montgomery was struggling early and just was there and I mean I I've seen the infield come in when they have a mound visit I've seen infield come in when you know Moreno walks out to talk to any pitcher who's struggling right that's it's not something new but it wasn't like a whole infield come in situation it was literally just Pomo and Moreno that walked out there and like again I was watching closely because I was excited to see Jerry out there and it really just looked like he gave him a pat on the butt and gave him some encouraging words but honestly like that's kind of what he does at times he's just a great teammate and I feel feel like he understands at times what guys need and sometimes when you're struggling the way Monty has been struggling on on the mound sometimes you just need a teammate to come out and believe in you a little bit show you that support yeah well that's a beautiful lead into my next thing here uh Jordan Montgomery when talking uh with us about his outing after the game we didn't ask about anything relating to promo specifically but he sort of went out of his way to mention uh that it was good having Pomo back and he talked about Pomo was sort of chirping behind him and kind of cheering him on throughout this game and uh he was later asked to clarify like exactly like what exactly was Pomo saying to you and here's what Monty had to say about that just like cheering for me I I don't know how to explain it he's um talks to me in between every inning like keep going and uh I don't know it's nice it's a Vibes man it's he said it's nice right like it's sometimes that stuff seems silly because you know you're a man out there doing your thing baseball's a weird sport where at times when guys are either doing well or struggling you're not even supposed to talk to them or acknowledge you know what's going on you're just supposed to like Let It Go but I mean Montgomery's been struggling he's been struggling and at times especially early on it felt like this game might go either way like we might see another poor performance from Montgomery and that mountain visit it was it was small it was brief but it really did feel like it got him back settled in and and you know we saw him have some really good moments at times in this game but again it's like you just don't you just can't explain sometimes how someone like promo can help the entire team out just with his attitude and and his infectious personality 100 perc yeah I mean you can you can tell that that Montgomery means it like he really he really appreciated Pomo kind of being out there and and sheering him on and uh yeah this was wasn't I I wouldn't say this was Jordan Montgomery getting back to himself I'm being totally honest a five and two thirs three runs it was a fine outing it was you know he gave the Diamondbacks a chance to win they wound up it good because of yeah because of a big day for the offense yeah I think you could consider this outing good but it also came against a a pretty bad Angels lineup frankly right um and uh yeah I mean it wasn't like the eye test I wouldn't say I know he had a couple of one two three Innings but at least to me it never really felt like a dominant outing there were little mini runs here and there there was still a decent amount of hard contact at times especially right before he he left the game uh so yeah Montgomery after this game he you could tell he wasn't overwhelmingly satisfied with his performance he still feels that there's a there's a bit of a a ways to go um but you did see the vo tick up a little bit I think it it averaged 92.2 uh in this game both the Sinker and the for seamer I believe there was one game where it was up at 923 but outside of that one game this is the highest that we've seen Montgomery's V this season we'll see kind of what that how that looks in his next few starts whether he's able to to maintain that and if that's a real thing um but yeah it was a step in the right direction I think is sort of the sort of where I land on this and where Montgomery seems to have to have landed too talked about how it was it was nice to be a part of a win something he hasn't been able to experience the last couple times out well and again he just looked like a guy that that had kind of lost belief in himself there and when he was talking about how he he stinks after his last doubting you could kind of tell it was you know it it's it's a it's a self-doubt it's a lack of confidence it's not really a lack of ability uh and and again we saw him improve there there were some really bad misses we brought up his kind of his entire pitch chart from tonight and I think that's the biggest thing was when you saw him Miss with some of his breaking stuff he missed badly like it wasn't it wasn't just missing a little bit and we've seen him miss a little bit like but the problem when he was missing a little bit with some of those outings was it seemed like there was nothing he could do to not miss seemed like he couldn't get that breaking stuff in the zone and then when he did it's just a meatball right down the middle of the plate and that's when you know things are are getting dangerous for him but uh I mean of course it's easy on a night where your offense really picks you up like this to go out there and have a better outing and having a good outing tonight you can build on that for the next time and and hopefully like I said I mean hopefully once some of the starting rotation returns it alleviates some of the pressure that Montgomery might be feeling I mean this guy was asked to be part of a starting rotation where his role was going to be third guy in the rotation maybe fourth guy fifth guy who knows where he was going to fit in right and like then all of a sudden very quickly he was asked to essentially be the the ace along with Brandon fought I mean we need one of you guys to kind of step up and now be the ace for us like that's it's it's a weird you know it's been a weird roller coaster ride of a season for Montgomery and I think you know some stability could really help him you know having some other you know members of the starting rotation come in and just take off some of that pressure of of being that Ace being that veteran guy in the starting rotation really could maybe help him improve you can totally tell that he he's definitely felt uh the the weight of this I think just yeah the Diamondbacks missing so many guys and Montgomery being a guy that that was that kind of a Workhorse over over the last few years especially last year I mean he was the number two starter on the team that won the World Series and uh I I mean I think you could argue he was maybe even better than Nathan valdi was throughout the playoffs like he was really really good you know in the in the most important moment he's used to being able to deliver in situations like this and it's I'm sure it's it's been hard on him and we saw his reaction his last time out where he he said no I just stink when asked about the you know the impact of of missing spring training and whatnot like he takes this very seriously he's not not been making any excuses whatsoever um so yeah for him definitely a step in in the right direction today uh I guess the the biggest storyline from this game Derek which I'm sure you guys have already touched on is Randall gitk and fact that he definitely doesn't stink yeah yeah Grichuk's season so far definitely not uh I mean the guy had uh he was a single away from the cycle in the fifth inning he had two more opportunities to complete that cycle would have been the first one for the Diamondback since 2012 uh people remember back to when Aaron Hill did it twice in the span of 11 days which was right wild thing that happened little over a deade ago and then of course Corbin Carrol also had a bid for a cycle himself in the seventh inning he was just a home Runway did have one more bat wasn't able to to complete it either but uh yeah Randall grishik has just been he's just been so consistent that's that's the thing that really me yeah especially considering he doesn't play every day he talked on the broadcast after the game about adjusting to that right and adjusting to the fact that like now that he doesn't play all the time how does he keep himself ready how does he stay prepared and he you know admitted to that being a new thing for him and I mean but again tonight not not only tonight but this entire season the man's hitting 316 I I mean him and jock Peterson we kind of talked about what a great pickup those Duo this this Duo actually ends up becoming for this team to fill that you know to fill that DH spot that they were kind of looking to fill yet based on the way things have gone this season they've they've had to call on him and jock Peterson I'm sure more than planned and he seems you know excited about it tonight was a great you know a great game for him obviously you know just being that single short of the cycle Jesse are you a scumbag if you hit a ball that's obviously a double and you just stop at first base in order to get your cycle Damon says yes what's your take I think that if you are up big and even down big I wouldn't feel good about it uh if you're up big then I wouldn't I wouldn't have an issue with that if you're up by 10 runs then sure slow up take your you know take your single or whatever all right and complete cycle that that's just my personal opinion Jess he's on the dark side with me yes but I doubt that players would agree with me on that I'm baseball players are so I mean they're such creatures of habit and you know Grinders and like they're going to they're going to take whatever basis they can get probably but um yeah maybe that's a character flaw of my own coming out there but we do have you've been doing this show too long with me is what the key is there but it's your influence for sure that's what it is uh we do have some stuff from both Tori and Randall himself on what Randall did tonight and and was able to do or has been able to do for the Debo throughout the season so first let's go to Tori on just what Randall has meant to this team this year yeah just that I would say a model of consistency he uh he's able to hit both left and right-handed pitching um he he gets every Lefty up B that we that that we can possibly give him and I've had him throwing in there against some R he's and started and he's had a very very capable at B I don't think there's there's um any hustle to his approach he knows what he's trying to get to he understands how the pitcher is going to work him and he goes out there and competes every night it's it seems like he could probably have a bigger role but he doesn't seem like unhappy with he seems whatever invol is um I'm grateful for Randall and how he fits into this team uh and I've had some discussions with him and he's a great he's a great teammate because you're right he he he could be capable of more but we've got some really really good players that are playing around the diamond um and it's working right now but as I've told him that if it doesn't work in other areas with certain guys I feel more than comfortable putting them in there um a little bit more consistently but for right now the what it is and he gets it he just wants to win that's every time I have a conversation with the players you know whether I'm pulling back they playing time or I didn't give them an opportunity they're like hey man I just want to be out there to help this team win and I'll do whatever I can to to be a part of that that's that's what's Healy here and again I think that that is something that Tori does a great job of like you know being honest with players and letting them know realistically what their role is going to be so that they can yeah plan on that right but at the same time too this is one of those Seasons that just proves you never know when your number is going to be called how much is going to be asked of you or or you know where you're gonna end up Jake McCarthy I think is a perfect example of that a guy that you know at the beginning of the Season his future was in doubt with this team a little bit a lot of trade rumors and a lot of talk about him being sent down and lately he's been one of the most productive off defensive members of this team not to mention great in the Outfield so I mean again it's about staying ready and and you know stepping up when when you're called upon and Randall's done that all season long yeah 100 perc um and of course after Tori said those words we had to ask Randall himself about kind of how he's grappled with the role that he's had this season in the sporadic playing time and and everything that's come with that so here's what here's what Randall had to say yeah I'm trying to be um obviously I know the situation I'm in so uh you know I want to be ready uh you know every time my name's called um you know early on I kind of struggled a little bit of staying not overthinking mechanics um because you know it's easy to get in a rhythm playing every day feeling um you know mechanic mechanics pitch to pitch game to a game you know B to at bat and then knowing hey you might get one at bat here you might get one 3 days later you might get a start two days later um you know I'm trying to let go of that and be more free and more relaxed and and just ready to swing um and I mean mechanically I feel good right now so it's easy to do that I know there's going to be a come point at season when I don't feel good mechanically and mentally it's going to take over its struggle but but right now I feel good and you know hopefully continues for a while you thinking about the cycle there those last couple of Bs I mean yes but not it'd be cool to want it but I'd much rather hit a homer there in the last about you know hit a double and you know have a couple ribes or whatever um it'd be cool but I take the slug I guess you hit one before no no I guess if you focus on probably wouldn't have walked then exactly yeah a lot of guys jok saying they should I should have found that ball off my shin just to see another pitch and uh I don't walk so I'm super proud when I do walk so special variety so I was I was excited for that walk even though hurt the chances of the cycle well I think my question is answered about what he would do if he the ball for a double and he ain't slowing up at first base but man I mean that's it has to be difficult especially when you're used to playing every day to come in and just be you know ready to go but with how grueling the season is I mean it also kind of makes sense at times why guys that are able to kind of stay fresh and not play every day and not be called upon every day are able to contribute the way for instance Randall is contributing the way jock is contributing to this team it's just a little easier because you're not out there every single day both defensively and offensively trying to help this team that as a whole has been struggling win baseball games another really interesting thing that stood out from our conversation of uh our conversation with Randall had to do with his ankle actually uh people might remember the Diamondback signed him and he wasn't really available to play in any games didn't really play at all in spring training uh you know started the season on the injured list took a few days was eventually brought in uh you know a week or two in into the season and he's actually said that that ankle has has he's felt the effects of that that he still feels pain in his ankle to this day uh from the surgery that he had uh he said he didn't even really say that his ankle feels better than it did toward the end of last year when this was kind of an issue he said it feels different which doesn't sound great to me necessarily he said it's sort of like a it's kind of like a nagging thing now that comes and goes he said it's it's there some days it's not there other days whereas last year yeah yeah of course as with all injuries that's experienced Derek has has been there and done that and and knows all about it well you know I've had a sprained ankle for like 28 years Jesse my anle that's true it comes and goes that's exact I can relate I that's I like the amount of times people ask me why I'm limping makes me sick because I get it I was walking normally five minutes ago and now I'm limping I my ankle just sucks I don't know what to say and sometimes that's the way it goes right but yeah no like that's I think that's the thing that's most amazing about it and I'm sure that's kind of what he's describing is how some days you can feel fine walk fine be fine and then other days just you know your normal walk forget running and the and the the athletic activity that you do while playing a baseball game just walking can hurt you know so like yeah that that kind of stuff can be nagging and you know I think the worst part about it is it doesn't seem to ever go away right like you always have a little little something there you know a little something that's bothering you but you know what wasn't bothering me is the fact that Tori decided to throw a party yesterday Jesse to just kind of get all of these guys back on page of being connected and dangerous once again I I can only imagine what or how competitive a a corn hole tournament with professional athletes could be Jesse but I imagine that there probably was a lot of pressure still at this party like it wasn't just all roses and daisies like they're playing each other in cornhole I'm sure they took that [ __ ] seriously do you know who won the cornhole tournament I do not know oh this is a perfect opportunity then who yeah I have to make you guess who do you think won the corn I really feel like Christian Walker like Christian Walker is such a bar game guy but I also could see him not really giving a [ __ ] like he he seems like when he's not playing baseball he is very calm and and just fine drinking a beer in existing um who wait Damon do you want to get in on this yeah I do want to get in on this uh I'm stuck between a couple right now but I'm gonna go with Merill oh Merill that's an interesting one see I don't know if I don't know if his rehab would allow for him to that's fair can I get a different guess then that's fair that's fair yeah you can have you can have another one more one more my thought process was like Merill strikes me as like Old Man game at the YMCA where like his form is just impeccable and it's just every throw for cornhole is the exact same form but uh no I know who it is it's Ryan Thompson it's got to be Ryan Thompson right th ran Thompson I was like it's got to be Ryan Thompson the man set a record at a pop a shot he takes everything seriously yeah it was to be more precise it was Ryan Thompson and his dad because of course you have to have a partner to play cornhole so Ryan Thompson was there with his dad wonder I'm told that he played against Kevin Newman and Kevin Newman's wife in in the uh in the championship round uh so shout out to the to the Newman family for the the solid runner up finish go um yeah I don't know I don't know how many other details you know about this party Derek have you guys heard about the farm animals we talked about that already petting zoo right what a petting zoo right yeah yeah so there was a petting zoo but naturally when I think of petting zoo I think like all right so you have a fenced off enclosed space where there are animals and you know all of the players kids are there and they go up and pet the animals and it's a great time and there's goats yeah maybe some rabbits things like that of that nature right right uh so yeah that's what you might have had in your head uh but we learned from Randall gritch Derek after this game that that was not in fact how this was uh they were not fenced off it was just utter chaos backyard there were zebras there were goats there were and and they're just wandering around and so Jumanji at Tory Lolo's house so gik was asked like did you have any safe concerns like this doesn't seem like you want two-year-olds like just walking around with like zebras and and whatnot and here's what here's what grai had to say oh my God honestly yes walking back there I thought it was dangerous you got little kids and goats and zebras and cows and I'm like what is happening here they were all super nice I mean they accepted the kids to like come pet him and like couple kids came a little smack cuz they didn't know better um a couple young ones but yeah they handled well it was awesome cool that's amazing to me because when my brother was a toddler he got kicked in the face by a horse and that's just something that can happen because they're wild animals so uh I'm glad to know that that didn't happen to anybody at to lao's house but uh I mean again a solid managerial move to kind of take the pressure off a little bit during I mean it's not like these nine games coming up are important like in the grand scheme of things it's not against division rivals or against teams that are going to be tough you know battles but it's it's it's some games that they really should win and sometimes that pressure might cause you to to you know get in your head too much you know yeah yeah uh yeah we talked with Heraldo Pomo about this a little bit uh he very much applauded uh the idea and said it was a it was a great time and he talked about how theback are family and how you know they spend more time around each other than they do their actual families and they try to they try to really make it feel that way where where they are still with family in a sense when they're when they're with the you know their their sort of baseball community so I also talked with Kevin Newman uh a little for a little while in The Dugout prior to this game um about about this ordeal and he was also very complimentary I asked him like have you is this something that you've had happen with other teams that you've been on and he said no nothing I mean there have been gatherings whatnot but he said nothing quite like this where like the manager is opening up his home and having a giant a giant bash like this uh Tori of course credited his wife uh it sounds like his wife had uh probably more to do than he did with this whole thing happen makes sense he's a little busy yeah he's a little busy so shout out to to Mrs lllo uh very much for for making this happen that's amazing yeah it sounds like a great time I noticed it when I was in San Diego uh on one of the TV screens near the clubhouse there was something about the annual lvll cornhole tournament I guess serving as like a reminder for them annual I gotta pencil this in in my schedule on this cornal tournament it's an annual event yeah Tori said he he launched it back in 2017 maybe he said like six or seven years uh they couldn't do it of course during the during the covid years which was certainly certainly understandable um but yeah the other thing is he said that all of the farm animals like ate all of the grass uh in his backyard so I guess that was part of the price that he had to pay is that there's now no there isn't any grass in his backyard but but he probably should have expected that like let's be real that that was just he had that coming all all along this is a hard time you live in but uh we did have two guys almost go for the cycle tonight Jordan Lawlar's return to the lineup Jesse and in the organization we almost had three guys go for the cycle tonight uh because Jordan Lawler made his return to the Reno Aces he hit a home run I think he was just triple shy of the cycle he had a double a single and and a home run and again very exciting to see guys like Lawler and Pomo return and immediately start contributing immediately be right kind of where they were at but again with the way Gino has been playing and the things that have been going on I mean Jordan Lawler could easily find his way back up into this organization I at the major league level very soon I feel like I asked Tori today uh not not directly in connection with Gino but I did ask what positions he expects Lawler to play uh down in Reno and Tor said primarily Short Stop he said maybe some Third Base he did had that caveat but it sounds like they're gonna have Lawler focus on short stop for the most part at least um but yeah it's it's a reasonable thought for sure like there's no question Gino is is still struggling he didn't have a hit in this game a couple of strikeouts he did get on base once via a a hit by pitch but his advat continue to look pretty rough frankly there's a lot of swing and Miss sliders down in the zone there's a lot of swing and Miss on Fast balls up just feels like he's he's kind of caught in between and um just just not in a in a really great place at at the plate right now so for the Dbacks ideally like the the best case scenario is that Gino turns it around and figures it out he's had some years where as the season has gone on he's sort of gotten hot in the middle of the summer and I think the Dbacks are are hoping that that happens here again but they also might have to face a what what appears to be a a at least possible reality which is that maybe Gino Suarez is kind of on the downturn of his career and uh that it's just not it's just not going to really come together for him at least not this year maybe there's some adjustments he can make some things he can do not necessarily the end of his playing career anything anything like that but uh the Dbacks need more offense from that from that position frankly and uh I think the leash is I'm not going to say the leash is short but I think the leash is certainly getting shorter as the days go on it's a definitely it's definitely an interesting move that the Diamondbacks kept Blaze Alexander up as the corresponding move with raldo Pomo and decided to send paven Smith down like we know when Alec Thomas returns most likely they're going to have to send someone down and and blae seems like very you know obviously an easy candidate right but the the thing there is is that if Gino really struggles over this stretch who knows and and I'm not saying they're sending Gino down I'm just saying the Diamondbacks have not shied away at times from from pulling that trigger on on DFA and guys and I wouldn't be like it wouldn't surprise me any longer even though probably like two weeks ago I I said it I it's no like two weeks ago I was like no no give him more time but here we are where you know the more that this season drags on and the longer you see him struggle especially in a game like tonight where so many of the players had multi-hit night and again Christian Walker went 0 for five so I'm not saying like everybody in the lineup needed to have hits just to validate their existence and and being in the lineup I just feel like Gino just continues to struggle and I don't so far don't see things getting much better at times you know and I talked about earlier in the show about Corbin Carroll where he would still have an 0 for four night yet there were things that we would see that felt encouraging and people called us crazy even though we were saying like ah he's having some better at bats he went 0 for four you idiots what do you mean he had better at bats it's like sometimes just watching you know the swings or or at least the results of the swing and and where the ball goes or how hard he hit it sometimes can be encouraging even if it falls for for a fly out or even if it goes you know for a ground out or something like that right but I don't know if we're seeing that right now out of Gino uh and I don't know about you know Lawler not playing third I mean who knows what what's happening there it could be a lie probably not a lie but maybe he's lying but we know there is one thing that never lies Jesse and that's the numbers uh Jesse's numbers Numbers Don't Lie they never lie and what do you have for your number for tonight's game Jesse yeah I'm kind of cheating a little bit frankly this is a this is a uh sort of like record achievement that was nearly achieved tonight but wasn't so this is a little anticlimactic uh but the number is three uh and three simply stands for three hit games the Diamondbacks had four different players with three hit games uh in in this one Heraldo promo had an opportunity to make it five guys with three hit games in the bottom of the eth unfortunately that did not come to pass it stayed as four but if it had been five Derek this would have been only the second time in Diamondbacks franchise history where they had five different players have three or more hits in a game uh the only other time it happened if I can check my notes Here was back on June 4th 2014 uh and of course that happened at corfield so uh we have to sort of put an aster by that yeah yeah that's different that's understandable but tonight I mean tonight's definitely encouraging it's a step in the right direction and it's more of what we thought we were going to see regularly out of this team where we did have nights like tonight and it is is different guys contributing even on a night where catel didn't have a single hit you still had the Diamondbacks be able to put up nine runs now kind of over the last month that didn't really seem like imaginable it didn't seem like that's something that could happen that the Diamondbacks could have a big night like tonight and not really have catel be a main contributor you know lordis three for five tonight Gabby three for five those those are two guys that are so important to getting back right now and I mean again if we can get Gabby and and lordis to start contributing more regularly it really doesn't even matter that Gino struggles because his defense is still excellent over there at third base and if they can get you know a a bigger team contribution like they got tonight then I mean it's it's it's kind of okay to have a couple of guys that aren't you know doing their best right now Corbin he's been very good lately and Corbin definitely seems like he's he's returning to form yeah Corbin uh three more hits in this one he reached four times uh he Derek going back to the beginning of the Padres Series has now reached in 13 of his last 24 play appearances uh I tweeted it out I think that's an on base percentage of like 542 or or something like that obviously it's only a five game span you want to see it for a longer period of time but Corbin in June uh uh he's been getting on base and uh we haven't necessarily seen the slug come back uh all the way I know he did have a double and a triple on this game so you saw at least at least some of that uh but the reality is even if Corbin Caroll the rest of the season were to just be a guy who got on base but didn't you know was more Gap to Gap power and really hit home runs that's still a really valuable player that still is a player that that could be really worth hitting at the top of the lineup if he has you know a 350 360 on base percentage or something like that the rest of the way with his ability with all the damage that he can do once he's on the base is that's a really valuable player and the kind of player you're totally fine putting at the top of the lineup even even if the 25 homers isn't isn't necessarily there 10 for 25 in his last six games with for 400 batting average uh he's reached base safely in 19 of his last 21 games so again these are things that the the early season struggles I I they terrified me too but I really feel like we're out of the woods with Corbin being as ice cold as he was at one point and really just contributing in different ways regularly yeah he doesn't have that home run yeah maybe that triple tonight uh last year would have gone for a home run uh but still it doesn't matter it was a triple tonight and Corbin's the fastest man on the planet I couldn't believe he tagged up on that one uh the the one fly out I I couldn't believe he tagged up that was gut the balls on that man I I love I love and I think Pomo was uh was behind him at first base remember tagged up and went to Second yeah they were able to get second and third it's it's little things like that right Jesse I mean like again with the way this team has been going they've lost some close games right and and the ability sometimes to move up get runners in scoring position get those guys home next time on a little single or some sort of bloop you know uh pop fly or something it it it it just changes the game and I mean tonight's game even though at one point it felt like they very much were in control of the Angels the Angels still fought back and put up four runs and to be honest with the way the offense has been performing over the last month four runs is is is enough to beat this team at times so the Diamondbacks did a good job of keeping kind of staying aggressive keeping their foot on the pedal tonight yeah 100% and uh you know this is a big week Derek like the diamond docks have an opportunity here with two more games against an angels team that is not very good uh I could you know I could talk for a while about all of the mistakes that the made throughout this game the sort of Wonders that they made why is Joe Adell stealing third down three runs with two outs and Gabby know and a left-and I I mean it some just egregious things that the Angels did in this game um but uh yeah the Dbacks have an opportunity to come in here and take advantage of this you've got two more against the Angels you've got three against the Chicago White Socks who might be the who might be the worst team in the sport probably are the worst team in the sport um so this is this is big I mean if the Diamondbacks are able able to go you know say four- one uh for for the rest of the the week which I know is is not a not an easy task even against uh even against this caliber of Team uh you're looking at being a 500 team at at the end of the week which I think would be a would be a really nice lift for this Diamondbacks team they are also only half a game out of the wild card after after this one as well so for people keeping an eye on that uh yeah they are very much very much right in the if you're keeping an eye on it just stop it's Gonna Change n million times between now and the end of the season so let's just not worry about that right now but uh we do thank you guys so much for your time we of course appreciate Jesse for joining us we will be back tomorrow with Jesse and I in studio at 1M we're going to be joined by Nash Walker from the Reno Aces who's gonna chat with us about some of these young prospects that we've been reading about going to talk about Jordan Lawler Adrien del Castillo and more so make sure to join us at p.m. tomorrow for that in the meantime we hope you guys follow us on Twitter I am at capore Caveman with a K Jesse is at Jesse and fredman of course the people's producer Damon is at Damon dog that's da AWG we are Damon's dogs bark bark I'm sorry I really dropped the ball there God damn it just get out get out I think you have to do it over again right yeah okay over again we are Damon's dogs bark bark there all right right all right but of course our shows at phnx Dbacks and all roads do lead to phnx Sports on Twitter Instagram and Facebook we thank you guys again for your time we hope to see you guys in the live chat tomorrow at 1M we hope you have a wonderful night go snakes and we'll see you again uh tomorrow and in the meantime uh we love you we want appreciate you have a wonderful night uh and remember kids baseball is fun but it's so much more fun when Jerry p is on your team [Music] [Applause] we all sting like the May

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