Kamala’s First Interview Is A Train Wreck You Have To See

Published: Aug 30, 2024 Duration: 00:18:57 Category: News & Politics

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so last night was the uh big interview the big day the big moment on CNN K Harris finally emerged from from hiding uh with her emotional support dog her golden retriever Tim Tim Walls and they sat down for an interview uh it's the first time she's answered any questions since wrestling the nomination away from uh the Cucumber who is technically still president right now and as expected the interview did not go well um it didn't go well and it kind of proved why she hadn't done any interviews until that point and uh and it also proves why uh strategically they should have just stayed the course and not done any interviews I mean she could have gotten away probably gotten away with not just not doing any interviews until the election she could have gotten away with it and um and it was a tactical mistake to um to sit down for this interview because the moment she sits down and starts speaking off cuff off the cuff it's just uh this this the the hype bubble that has been surrounding her for the last month is is punctured um and that's what we saw so uh let's we'll start with this clip this is the one that's probably gotten the most attention and here she's asked by the anchor Dana Bash about all of the flip-flopping that she's done and um here is her excuse how should voters look at some of the changes that you've made uh that You' explained some of here uh in your policy is it because you have more experience now and you've learned more about the information is it because you were running for president in a Democratic primary and should they feel comfortable and confident that what you're saying now is going to be your policy moving forward Dana I think the the the most important and most significant aspect of my policy perspective and decisions is my values have not changed you mentioned the green New Deal I have always believed and I have worked on it that the climate crisis is real that it is an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time we did that with the inflation reduction act we have set goals for the United States of America and by extension the globe around when we should meet certain standards for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions as an example that value has not changed okay so let's review all the problems with this U or at least of the major ones first of all Dana Bash gives her the uh gives her the question with multiple choice answers so she asks her about the flip-flopping and then feeds her a couple of possible answers that she might give and one of them is oh is it uh is it just that you've learned more and your and your so your policy you know as you've grown and learned you've changed your opinion um and that's you know that's about as good an excuse for flip-flopping as you're going to get and so so KLA Harris could have said yes yeah it's exactly that you're you're 100% right that's it uh listen I've I've learned I've grown I've as I've gotten more information I've changed just just like anyone I've changed my view as I've gotten more information uh she she could have said that but but she doesn't instead kamla doesn't take the hint does not accept the gift that's been given to her and she goes off on a ramble about how her values haven't changed she won't deny that her policies have changed she says her values Haven so um well then then if your values Haven then why why have your policies changed are you admitting to being being an opportunist and a hypocrite uh is it is it like isn't it better it's one thing if your if your policies have changed in the same direction right maybe you're you were you were liberal and they become more liberal well then you can say well my values haven't changed but when the policies flip when it's the opposite of what it was before and yet your values are exactly the same well all that tells us what you're admitting is that either before or now you're full of it you're you're being an opportunist you're being a hypocrite then she goes off on the climate crisis she says and I quote I wrote this down she says it's an urgent matter to which we should apply metrics that include holding ourselves to deadlines around time so this is more patented comma word salad as always she she continues to speak like an eighth grader you know writing a book report and stretching to hit the word limit you know it's you got to get to two pages and and you're at one and 2third of a page and so you just got to keep it's too late to go back and use a bigger font or whatever so um so uh deadlines around time she says these are deadlines around what else would the deadlines refer to it's a deadline it has to do with time of course you don't have to we don't need you to specify that what else would the deadlines be would they be deadlines around what color shape smell yes it's around time you don't need to specify that we know that kamla but she just adds more words into her answer keeps patting out the answer with words and more words and not even like colorful or interesting or descriptive words just just words so that she can talk without saying anything and then to top it all off she proceeds to admit and again that she didn't need to this was she wasn't backed into a corner she didn't need to say this but she proceeds to admit that the inflation reduction Act was actually a horse to push through her climate agenda um talk about an unforced error now anyone who's perceptive enough already knew that but she didn't need to volunteer that information uh and yet she did because she's just very bad at this um then she was asked about flip-flopping again this time around uh the issue of fracking listen and I made that clear on the debate stage in 2020 that I would not ban fracking as vice president I did not ban fracking as president I will not ban fracking in 2019 I believe uh in a town hall you said you were asked would you commit to implementing a federal ban on fracking on your first day in office and you said there's no question I'm in favor of banning fracking so yes so it changed in the in that campaign in 2020 I made very clear where I stand we are in 2024 and I've not changed that position or will I going forward I kept my word and I will keep my word what made you change that position at the time well let's be clear my values have not changed I believe it is very important that we take seriously what we must do to guard against what is a clear crisis in terms of the climate and to do that we can do what we have accomplished thus far the inflation reduction act what we have done to invest by my calculation over probably a trillion dollars over the next 10 years investing in a clean energy economy what we've already done creating over 300,000 new clean energy jobs that tells me so apparently her ADV visor gave her this my values have not changed line so they went into it they knew they knew she was going to be asked about the flip-flopping because she's changed her views on literally everything um and uh the only thing she's been consistent on is killing babies that's the only issue that she's been consistent she has been consistently in favor of that so uh you know we we we'll give her that she's been consistent on that issue she's always cared deeply about killing babies she wants to kill as many as she can but um everything else has changed every other single thing and and so they knew this going in obviously and her advisers gave her uh my values have not changed she keeps repeating it that's one thing if you give kamla a line and she and it plays well or she thinks it plays well she will repeat it over and over and over again even in the same conversation and uh even though it's not it's not a good line it's I mean it's not hard to come up with some good lines to kind of distract from the fact that you're a flip-flopping phony that's not a good one that's a bad one and yet that's what they decided to have her do and then she goes off on the climate again and again just quoting her I believe it is very important that we take seriously what we must do to guard against what is a clear crisis in terms of the climate what who speaks like that that this is not human language people don't talk like that what you're trying to say kamla is that we should take the climate crisis seriously now never mind that there is no climate crisis but um that's what you're trying to say you're trying to say we should take the climate crisis seriously so just say that just say those words that's it's easy to say that why are you adding 14 extra words that are not needed um and uh and then there was also the we'll play one more from kamla she was asked uh uh about her failure on the border and she tried to blame Trump for it let's hear that as vice president you were tasked with addressing the root causes of migration uh in southern countries and northern part of Central America northern part of of of of Central America that deals with that affects the southern border of the US during the Biden Harris Administration there were record numbers of illegal border crossings why did the Biden Harris Administration wait three and a half years to implement sweeping Asylum restrictions well first of all uh the root causes work that I did as vice president that I was asked to do by the president has actually resulted in a number of benefits including historic Investments by American businesses in that region um the number of uh immigrants coming from that region has actually reduced um since we began that work but I will say this that Joe Biden and I in our Administration worked with members of the United States Congress on an immigration uh issue that is very significant to the American people and to our security which is the border and through bipartisan work including some of the most conservative members of the United States Congress a bill was crafted which we supported which I support and Donald Trump got word of this bill that would contributed to securing our border and because he believes that it would not have helped him politically he told his folks in Congress Don't Put It Forward he killed the bill so Trump who isn't even an office right now was responsible for her own failures to secure the Border uh Trump killed the bill when he's not even an elected official that's what she's going with and it's just one of of of many really bad excuses poor excuses poorly communicated and if I had to sum up the interview I'd sum it up that way but no excuse offered during this interview was worse than this one from Tim Walls so Tim mostly just sat there like a good puppy quietly and obediently um he did bark on command a few times when they offered him a treat and uh just just watch this moment when he's when he's when he is asked about the uh about his Stolen Valor about lying about his military record and I mean it's it truly is an amazing answer it's it's especially given that keep in mind he had to know that this question was going to be asked and so you'd think You' have something ready to go and this is what he comes up with I want to ask uh you a question about how you've described your service in the National Guard you said that you carried weapons in War but you have never deployed actually in a war zone a campaign official said that you misspoke did you well well first of all I'm incredibly proud I've done 24 years of wearing the uniform of this country equally proud of my service in a public school classroom whether it's Congress or uh or the governor uh my record speaks for itself but I think uh people are coming to get to know me I I speak like they do um I speak candidly I wear my emotions on my sleeves and uh I speak especially passionately about uh about our children being shot in schools and around around guns so uh I think people know me they know who I am they know where uh where my heart is and again my record has been out there for over 40 years to to speak for itself and the the idea that you said that you were in war did you missp speak as the campaign has said yeah I said we were talking about in this case this was after school shooting the ideas of carrying these weapons of war and uh my wife the English to my grammar is not always correct but again if it's not this it's an attack on my children for showing love for me or it's an attack on my dog okay like it really is an incredible answer I I mean for two incredible answers because first he's asked hey why did you lie about your military record and his first answer is well you know I'm opposed to children being shot yeah as are we all Governor but what the hell does that have to do with you lying about your military record and then his second answer is that his grammar he has poor grammar a Shucks you know listen I'm just a normal everyday guy I wear blue jeans and sneakers I mow my lawn okay I I eat fast food I go to Walmart Martin you know sometimes we regular old everyday folk we mix up our words and we use bad grammar and sometimes our grammar is so bad that we accidentally lie about our military record for 20 years and I'll tell you what Donald Trump he's a he's such an elitist that he's never pretended to have combat experience that's what an elitist he is that's what we're going with bad grammar don't you hate it when when when your grammar is so bad that it causes you causes you to invent whole periods of your life that never occurred yeah I mean one time my you know my grammar was so bad that I accidentally claimed that I was the deposed king of Cambodia uh that's how bad my grammar was one time it just really really bad grammar really bad silly me uh so that's that's what they're going with and there is one other thing I wanted to mention so we've talked about the content of the of the the interview and such as it is and that that's it I mean that's that's what it was and as I said it kind of goes to show why uh they really shouldn't have done I mean yes they should do like from the from a perspective of just basic Integrity they should do interviews and talk to the American public because they they want to be in the white house um but politically strategically they should not have done it and I think this is maybe one of the smartest best things that uh the Trump Camp has done during this election cycle at least certainly since Kamala came on board was to bait her into doing an interview um it's really pressure it it it's really entirely pressure from that's what's so amazing about it there was very little pressure from the left for her to do an interview because everybody on the left knows they didn't they didn't want her to do it because they knew it was going to go like this um so it was all pressure from the right you know it was the Trump Camp it was just it's like people like me just you know nor just conservative people with platforms we're all the ones saying hey why is she out there doing interviews she should really it's like we obviously want you to do it because we know it's going to be terrible for you that's why we want it I mean look this is you know and they and they and they succumb to the pressure and they put her out there and it was terrible um which is great so that's the content of it but there's one other thing that I've just been I I I it doesn't matter that much but I'm um maybe it's the media member in me it's it's like the fact that I'm in media and I'm on camera uh that makes me can we pull up the picture just pull up the screenshot of this of the interview so we can look at the okay what is going on what what is this what kind of set why are they why why are they doing why does it look like that is my question that's what I want to know what kind of set did they choose for this conversation because to me it looks I guess you could see it kind of says Cafe in the background but just first first impressions when you look at it to me it looks like an empty airport bar at some kind of regional airport somewhere the they look like depressed Travelers coming home from a a business conference at a at a a Hilton somewhere in Cleveland and it just it's like a very weird Melancholy kind of vibe to it and it's the lighting why is it so dark why is the lighting so dark why are there empty cups in the shot who that was deliberately put there that's not naturally there so they for some reason they chose this Cafe they made it very dark uh they're going for that Vibe and they looked at the shot and somebody I don't know if it's someone at CNN or someone in the comma campaign not there's any distinction someone looked at the shot and said you know what wait a second you know we need we need a bunch of empty C cups in the background we need about no no more cups no not one or two we need we need 10 cups put 10 empty cups in the shot we need all the empty cups we can get for this thing okay we need the cups there's the not more cups we need more cups it doesn't make any sense though I don't get it and they're all why are they dressed in colors that match the furniture he he is dressed in the same color as the seat so he Blends in looks like he doesn't have a body just like this big lumbering head floating suspended in space and then kelo's dressed to match the table so I was that a a plan they said we got to match the furniture and she's also look how short she why is she so small compared to the other two she looks like she's 3 feet tall like get her a higher seat so that she doesn't look like a child I mean it's just bizarre I don't I don't get it the whole the whole thing is weird I I don't that's that's what I want to know this this forget about the content of it I want to know why they set up a shot like that um because it makes me sad actually like it makes me sad that these people are running for president but but just the the the look of it it it kind of makes you sad it has a sad kind of feel to it if You' like to see what else I have to say you can access my full show by going to dailywire.com or by going to the Matt wall Show Twitter page hope to see you there Godspeed

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