24 Hours Eating ONLY at Costco in MEXICO!

Intro [Music] hey guys good morning it's Mike CH here in Mexico City I've heard a lot of good things about Costco here in Mexico and there's one not too far from myot so let's go check it out this Costco located right next to the r Museum really fancy area for a [Music] Food Court Costco oh so this Costco is located instead of shopping mall really nice looking shopping mall there's a po eyes chicken Starbucks Coffee Crispy Cream and the food cour for this Costco is located outside let's see if there's anything different at the food court look at this they're hot dogs comes with jalapenos a lot a lot of jalapenos there's a mango smoothie actually looks really good there's a sandwich oh man I'll eat a hot dog Food Section [Music] just like most costos you come in first thing you see giant TVs there guitars jewelry sofas appliances they got luggage W this looks like a really intense vacuum cleaner wow it goes in a 90° angle oh this is a comfortable comfortable chair they sell drones they sell GoPros do they sell those at Costco in the US I don't think I've ever seen it now we're entering the food section oh my gosh seriously do you can come to your local Costco in Mexico and get yourself a motorcycle that is pretty cool and I never seen this before so of course Costco is famous for samples in Mexico samples include alcohol all right I'm at the food section there's a lot of baked goods so this whole row is chicken chicken legs chicken thigh chicken breast all marinated in different spices this is some sort of signature brownie what oh this is ginormous this is at least a pound and a half there's giant strawberry cheesecakes these look really really good look at this oh man I bet you this is amazing look how much this is left compared to this oh that's a big octopus there's lasagna that lasagna looks delicious fresh Sushi Wow smoked salmon with cheese there's 1 two 3 four five there's at least five different types of smoked salmon here lots of pork products oh man this is Iberico shouldering ham this is the good stuff right here it's not even that expensive even more ham [Music] sausages there's roast half a duck what is this corn beef oh oh really good looking corn beef more sausages this is all the pastas kishes there's Pate salads look really good too there's goat cheese salad looks like some Caesar salad some tomato feta [Music] salad that is the biggest fla I have ever seen it's just ginormous and some sort of lemon pie you know what I I keep seeing people grab these I'm sold give me a ginormous bin of brownies look at this they got these giant platters of croissant sandwiches those look really good too oh that's a whole pizza that looks like a barbecue chicken pizza if I had an oven I would get that they have flatbreads here too pineapple ham there's pepperoni these sandwiches look amazing oh I don't have an oven how am I going to toast this these paninis look so freaking good whatever I'll figure it out uh yeah samples heck yeah cottage cheese wow that really good there's so much cheese in this Costco this whole refrigerated section is just cheese would you like some cheese look at that that's bigger than my pillow wow wacky skewers never seen this before enchiladas so the Costco here they do have the classic um roast rotisserie chicken but look at this a whole paa there's also mole all right since I got the brownie I got to even an out with some salad the salad looks so good I keep coming back to the this brownie every time I'm here few more missing this looks like a good omelette these cakes look [Music] incredible but I keep seeing people walking by with uh boxes of mini donuts oh this is where they got them oh my gosh they cooked their own mini Donuts here holy crap look at this [Music] wonder which ones are the freshest let's grab it from the top oh a giant box of mini donut oh happy day I think this will last me next couple [Music] days get one of these hot dogs go smoothie so they got these machines oh look at this onion and a jalapeno [Music] machine not much onions [Music] left all right so I couldn't make it as beautiful as the picture but yeah if you get a giant hot dog here in Mexico Costco you can have unlimited onions and jalapenos the jalapenos and the fresh onions that makes a heck of a difference in this hot dog the crunch the heat everything actually we had that in the US the mango smoothie it's freaking ridiculous this thing doesn't even taste artificial this absolutely tastes like a cup of fresh mango wish shows up bubble tea straw to suck it out of because it's so thick but oh yeah all right I got a sandwich I don't know if the sandwich exist in the US were not but this is a ginormous ginormous sandwich it's way bigger than what I expected so it's two slices of uh swiss cheese turkey lettuce and tomato aoli it's a cold sandwich hope this is good [Music] the Tomato Al is really nice really creamy with a ton of zest this actually a pretty good tasting sandwich I think for me this bread will be so much better if it was toasted actually this whole sandwich if you can somehow melt the sandwich take out the lettuce and just put it inside a panini press or something this will be so much more awesome but turkey is good the cheese is good overall I prefer the hot dog way more that's a good sandwich so so much better without jalapenos going to finish lunch and then the biggest challenge is I'm going to get all this food home a few moments later Sponsor all right got all the food back that was not a easy task and before getting started just want to give a big thank you and shout out to the sponsor of this video surf shark VPN I've been talking about and using surf shark VPN for a number of years now and if you guys are not currently utilizing a VPN service I highly highly recommend that you do there's just so many benefits first of all surf shark VPN is one of the only things I keep running on my phone my laptop 24 hours a day 365 it just runs in the background it's 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Wi-Fi and usually these Wi-Fi hotpots SPS are not secure at all sometimes a warning will pop up telling you that these are not secure and these are great ways for people to gain access to your private information and that's one of the most important reasons why I keep surf shark running all the time also if you're traveling abroad and you want to just have normal working access to us websites I've said this before but a lot of major US websites don't even function correctly when you're traveling abroad so what you can do is use surfar VPN to change your location back to the US and it's like digitally you never left so you can still watch your favorite TV shows movies you can pay your bills so if you want to give it a try go to my link down below use my promo called dumpling and you'll get four extra months all right Eating the first thing I got to eat is this pie ASO again I got this from the section where you usually get the chicken it's definitely dried out a bit a lot of time did elapse between when I picked this up and what I'm eating it now it was still pretty warm I heat it up in the microwave a little bit it looks like the chicken's definitely dried out the pork I think but let's try it the rice is really good I'm sure some pieces of chicken like this is probably dried out yep but the pieces that's still hiding inside the rice that's still deliciously tender inside the rice there's Peppers spices peas it's a very very flavorful rice a lot of awesome deep Seafood flavors in the rice this is actually really really delicious and there's different types of sausages in here there's clams there's muscles they shrimp oh yeah whatever this sausage is it is freaking phenomenal wo I thought this was just like a typical mini sausage but not at all first of all look how juicy this thing is it's juicy it's spicy it's got so much flavor plus it's got a wonderful citrusy punch oh my God it's so juicy see chase that with the rice oh my God whatever that sausage is I got to find it in the US this is so freaking good next let's try the shrimp I don't really have a lot of hopes for this not being dry yeah let's dry it's dry but when I first opened this container that shrimpy Aroma is what hit me first the shrimp here still very sweet but all that shrimp flavor has steeped into the paa I feel like that was his primary purpose yeah every bite of the paa you take full awesome shrimpy flavor the clams definitely look like they've seen better days oh yeah yeah this is not good it's like eating clam jerky I feel like it's going to be the same for the muscles mhm yep that's really dry oh and they got chunks of pork as well unfortunately that was pretty dry too I think if you do get this dish you got to get it home as soon as you can I mean most of it is still extremely delicious the rice some of the chicken the little mini sausage spectacular everything else if it wasn't this dry that'd be pretty darn good with that said I can usually finish this whole thing by myself flavor-wise so yummy next is this this is a hardre this is a puff pastry it looks like stuffed with mushrooms cheese and some salmon as well and on the salad there's smoked salmon in here too and I didn't have a air fryer or anything so I just toasted the puff face tree up on the pan Which was the only thing I could do still beautiful toasty color on the outside it looks good it's so so good it's feta cheese there's spinach inside little bits of smoked cinon in here as well the Pastry as much as I butchered it is nice and toasty on the outside really really really buttery a little flaky I'm sure when this first came out it was really flaky this is absolutely delicious I love the earthiness of the mushrooms combining with that nutty cheese Chase it with some of this grape cheese SL smoked salmon [Music] salad the grape goes really really well with the salad the dressing is just some oil and vinegar oh my gosh this combo is fabulous cuz the pastry is buttery and Rich and it's got very earthy flavors it go so well with the refreshing salad especially with the addition of the grapes this for me will be a perfect lunch box oh my gosh it's very much like a spinach pie but so good with the mushrooms also very delicious refreshing salad too all right since I had a salad I think I deserve some of these freshly made mini donuts oh [Music] mhm no wonder so many people had this in their cars oh this is so good the softest are EST little mini Donuts look at this and when you break it open inside it's just air and happiness and they sprinkle a little bit of sugar on top of this oh my gosh it's the perfect sugar level it's not too sweet I wish there were sell batches that just came out of the fryer I would 100% line up for that but even when it's cold oh my goodness it's like little biz Bits of Heaven I don't know if I can stop eating this if this box is just sitting in front of me I really don't that but seriously this is really really dangerous I mean I promise you you will feel the same weakness that I'm feeling right now if you have this in front of you I don't even know what my hands are doing right now they just keep reaching for it I don't know why all Costco don't sell this they look like they're super easy to make just a machine but it tastes so freaking good just one more thing I wanted try that I'm just so curious about is this brownie cake looking thing I think I'm going to really like this I had to put the donuts where I can't see it for now so I can try this it looks like brownie trifle with marzipan with a fudge on [Music] top what in the name of all that is yummy oh this is so freaking good oh my gosh forget the donuts this is trouble this is so decadent too I'm in trouble with this thing this is so diabolically delicious this is probably what pound and a half at least I could easily sit here and demolish this probably the next 10 minutes wouldn't even be a challenge no wonder this was flying off the shelves at Costco the brownies are gooey and fudgy they offer a deep rich chocolatey flavor that's just kind of kind of sets the tone for this dessert and then the marzipan like as soon as it touches your tongue the whole thing just melts like snow it's so light very very nutty and the creamy texture just offers the most wonderful contrast to the chewy brownies and the fluffiness of the marzipan it's so delightful oh my gosh I mean every single Spoonful every time you dunk your spoon in there it's going to come up with a bit of brownie a bit of light fluffy mark aan they have some nuts in there as well and fudge you know that movie Simply Irresistible it should be starring this I think I'm going to call it for lunch and I'll see you guys for dinner a few moments later all right Dinner dinner time and dinner is going to be goat Chee salad chicken mole all this like and the mole got some tortillas just got to figure out how to heat this up I'm usually not really into salads but this salad looks really really good so chunks of go chei there's dried fruits in here I think maybe some uh Cranberries or raisins it looks like there's some uh apricots in here macadamian nuts cashews spinach oh yeah I think this might be the first time if I remembering correctly that I ever bought salad from Costco and I absolutely love go cheese salad I love it this salad is delicious this salad every bite is crisp it's refreshing you got the slight bitterness from the greens and that is of course balanced out by the sweetness of the fruits oh I think there's peaches in here it's not apricot it's peaches oh that's so [Music] good fresh peaches oh just the most juicy and sweet and all that goes so well with a delicate creamy Tangy goat cheese I think goat cheese is my favorite salad I love it I don't know what it is I don't really like gold cheese on its own just like I don't really love blue cheese on its own but when you put gold cheese in salad especially ones where you got a little sweetness going on the vender gret is really good too by the way little sweet little tingy it's just so good I'm going to heat the chicken up and eat this with the chicken [Music] this smells really really rich this is a jackpot of a dish wow oh my goodness I've had a lot of good dishes today this might be my favorite hang on let me just finish this real quick holy smokes that's good that first bite was a revelation I mean the tender succulent chicken basically just melting in your mouth and that's chicken breast they cook that chicken breast really really well and the delicate chicken perfectly soaks up all the layers of that velvety Rich mole sauce which itself is a velvety Masterpiece there's a touch of sweetness a last of Heat and the thick Rich sauce really balances well with that tender chicken also the flavors are so complex every bite I took it felt like there was something new one bite it taste a little garlic one bite maybe some cloves I can eat this all day long the first one I made the tortillas were nearly toasted enough when you get the tortilla nice and toasty it's even better oh my gosh this thing got so much spices it'll make your spice rack jealous seriously every single bite new flavors manifest itself there's something I say a lot but I feel like here right now it's the most appropriate holy moly yeah it's that good oh I totally forgot something that's going to make that ghost salad even better I baroan this is going to be exciting [Music] this thing looks so [Music] beautiful when you talk about Foods that's so layered so deep this ham is definitely in that category I mean when you first take a bite that delicate melt in your mouth texture the ham reveals itself and initially it's kind of sweet and as you chew that gives way to a complex blend of savory and a slight nutty undertone because of the uh Acorn diet that the pigas fed and you taste all that this is one of those foods that you hear the legend you hear the myth you wonder how good could it be you take a bite any doubts you had about how good this is immediately disappears I just want to add a couple pieces into my salad just to try yeah this will be amazing pretty much anywhere you put it this like the LeBron James of the ingredients World any foods you add this to immediately better that delicious marbled ham in the salad extraordinary I think I'm going to add one more slice and then I'm just going to eat the rest on his onong it's too good I want to Savor the Flavors by the way if you like anime Black Clover great anime and just sit here here eat some ham wash some anime it's raining outside too it's going to be a good rest of the night the next day good cloudy morning Breakfast Mexico City on this trip according to the forecast every single day I'm here it's either going to be cloudy or rainy love it all right breakfast this is exciting it's going to be omelette and wagu skewers I got 12 of these a this is going to be good oh I think this is not seasoned at all so going to go get some salt so The Omelette heats up in the microwave in about 4 minutes and it smells incredible I love this so so much as soon as you cut into it you smell the potatoes the onions all bounc together by the rich custardy egg and after I took it out of the microwave I put it into a pan for a bit so the exterior is slightly [Music] crispy which provides such a delightful contrast to the Luscious interior the potatoes are soft and the onions provides a slight sweetness and Al together with the eggs it's just such a comforting rich flavor I wish I still had some of that chicken mole left I feel like this on the same plate as some chicken mole would be incredible M totally forgot about my wagu skewers [Music] this thing smells buttery and it looks juicy oh oh yeah obviously this is not A5 Waggy and this is definitely on the leaner side but still so tender and juicy M oh yeah that goes very well with the Omelette this is probably the most ultimate steak and eggs combo from Costco I love going to Costco all around the world there's always something that's interesting that's different than the Costco from back home like usually the foods you get in Costco it's pretty good my favorite thing from this trip 100% the chicken mole that's one of the most incredible dishes I've had from Costco probably anywhere if you are ever in Mexico I mean there's a lot of food around you but if you get a chance get the chicken mole from Costco I'm actually going to go back and try to get something and take it back to us with me is that good the brownie trifle good oh the mini Donuts got to get some mini Donuts I was popping them like popcorn yesterday all right I got to get back to my sticking eggs and that wraps up another Costco food Adventure here in Mexico as always thank you all so much for watching until we eat again see you later

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