Fresno State QB 1 Mikey Keene Leads The Dogs to Greatness

all right all right all right welcome back to bring the juice get your piss hot sa stop fired up we have uh some dogs in the room today some dogs I got Mikey keing qb1 for the dogs right here on bring the juice we're in the studio Mikey good to have you back man hey glad to be here appreciate you having [Music] me you know I just told you the uh the notes for the show but realistically comes down to last time you were on the show we kind of uh just KN just met each other at that point yep first time crazy our our friendship has blossomed since then I would agree Blossom exactly and uh no but you were in a QB battle at the time and now you know you had a year under your belt you lived in Fresno for a period of time you understand what valley grit and being part of the Fresno State culture is about you are the Undisputed qb1 at Fresno State right now talk to me just about the difference between getting to prepare for a season as you know hey it's I'm driving the boat versus like I'm in a competition for sure I think that it's a completely different perspective on my behalf but at the same time I got to keep things under wraps for myself um mentally wise I can't be complacent with where I'm at right just because I have that sort of title does not mean that I can just stop and everything just begins to settle down and this is far from where I where I want to be and I know that where I want to go so at that point it really just has to ramp up in my process and my work ethic and my leadership which I think that I did a good job with this offseason and having that approach um and showing guys that I mean hey this every single day you have to make make yourself better so that was really my perspective coming into it obviously it was it was a great feeling um excuse me every single year I've been in college it's been either as a backup or in a quarterback battle um so having this offseason to be able to just kind of take all the one reps I I think that it was huge for our receiver room and for myself um as far as timing and things like that this is the most this is the best timing that I've had with a group of receivers since I've been in college so I'm super fired up about that com this coming year um and it was ultimately just an entire different process because now I'm looked at as like the veteran in the quarterback room um although I may not be the oldest guy I'm one of the older guys now which is kind of crazy to think about but comes at you fast it really really does it really does um but it's kind of a unique experience for me for sure I get to help these younger guys um learn something from me take what they want from me and and and apply it into what they want to do or if they don't want to apply it they don't have to apply it everyone's their own person everyone's their own quarterback I think that that's the special thing about being quarterbacks is that we're not all the same but at the same time we're the only one that knows what the we're doing so we all have each other's respect I talked to these guys the other day about it um in our room room and I talked with our quarterback coach as well we were all there um as we started game planning for Michigan um and uh so anyways really just talked about that and how we have to support each other no matter who's in the game I said that we're all contributing factors to whoever is go or to the team in a winning manner no matter what if you're on Scout team no matter if you're signaling if you're the backup quarterback the starting quarterback every single person in that QB room is playing a tremendous role in in the factors of winning so I explained that to them um all those guys are leaders and so it's been cool it's been a cool process for sure that's awesome man I mean that that's a huge step in leadership too and and I know that you know it's hard to uh we kind of talked about it earlier last year but I think we can even recap Circle back on it where it's like as a quarterback you're you're meant to be a leader right and when you're going through as the new guy and you're competing with somebody it's like you know not only are we competing with reps we're also kind of competing with leadership which is weird when you're with a guy in the same room all day it's like no doubt it's it almost becomes a pissing contest and you're just like I'm not that guy I also and I and dude I love Logan too like I hope he goes freaking wins biggest guy player of the year No Doubt one of my one of my greater friends that's what I'm saying so and I know you guys had that Dynamic exactly um but you know the quarterback role is meant to be a leadership role in in Sports there you know you could have if you're playing soccer really any position could be your captain right in baseball maybe your catcher or pitcher you might say but like or your big Slugger could be your captain but in football especially right like your quarterback better be a freaking Captain yeah um and you kind of were put in this position last year where it just it just makes it a little more difficult because there was a deciding factor and I think I'm happy that you finally get the ex the opportunity to be like yo I understand that uh you want to keep you want someone breath it down your back bro iron sharpens iron you do not want to get complacent and I and that's awesome that you said I'm so glad you said that because so many people do right no doubt there's there's position groups out there in in different teams where they know they're the guy they're hyped up by the program as the guy and they're like nobody's going to touch me I'm going to play I'm going to be a superstar I don't need to prati it's almost like booby miles right Friday Night Lights it's booby miles it's like man I don't need to do [ __ ] I'm I'm out here give me the ball I'm going to get me and it's like yes you're a great player you're doing good things for the program you're you're hyped up but are you really putting in the dirt dog behind the scenes work without that edge right and clearly you got it but from a leadership standpoint like being a quarterback having the keys to the boat saying you could go drive and then you elevating the quarterbacks to be like Hey listen you need to own your role man yeah okay I'm going to go out there I'm going to hoop but if I go down you need to know what the hell you're doing like you caring about that speaks volumes to just the you know one the the the the lack of like you're not a self-centered individual you're team first guy for sure and uh additionally just that is a veteran move man that is a veteran move no doubt I really think that in a funny way that the best thing for me was to lose that damn job at UCF because the perspective that I gained and the appreciation that I gain for the sport and really re-evaluating myself it was I mean nothing else could have given me that mindset of who I was and what I wanted to be known as as a football player as well as a man right because coming into this situation I understood how to be I've understood how to be a backup I've understood how to be a a starter that wasn't supposed to be starting I was just thrown in there um I've came in and played in games I've won big games I've lost games as well Gator Slayer continue yep appreciate that but uh I had a whole bunch of perspective coming into this thing and I knew how it was going to play out um coming here knowing that it was going to be a competition with Logan of course we're in sticky positions it's yeah me versus him it's whoever the team thinks whoever they don't think right that whole [ __ ] right and it's it's going on in the country yeah and now there's media and nil and all these other elements all those different elements say and everyone everyone has a say everyone is thinking their own thing but it really came down to me just trying to handle business and leave all the other [ __ ] out of it right because at that point I think that there could have been like animosity in in the room and that's really not what we were looking for um we weren't looking for that at all we both understood that whoever's going to get the job uh their job was to win and whoever didn't get the job they were going to help us win games regardless which Logan did exactly that um me and him had a lot of conversations about it uh and wish him the best in Montana I think he's going to do great things there but it's a unique position to be in and I recently went back to my high school cuz they're having a quarterback battle too and I talked to those guys I'm like look man you're going to get competition wherever the hell you go always you guys could be at two different schools two different lesser schools and you guys should be the man you wanted to be here you guys wanted to compete for this thing you guys wanted to you guys knew that only one quarterback was going to get the job this is how it is all over the country this is how it is when you get to College it's how how it is when you get to the NFL unless you got like a badass vet like a Rogers or something like right but nonetheless it was just really relating the message to those guys because I've been there I can speak on it because I've been there I lost that [ __ ] I lost the job I've won the job I've been in both perspectives you know what I'm saying I've I've worked for it I've thought that I've earned it and then I didn't earn it yeah yeah [ __ ] happens that's what the hell the hell life's about so what it's I mean 10% of what happens in life it's 10% of what happens to you in life and then 90% how you respond to that of course so how are you going to respond how are you going to choose to become and move forward from the situation you know what I'm saying uh coach Pat actually he he showed us a video from coach Sark at Texas and he's talking about uh this is a really cool bit by the way I think about this one all the time it's a being a thermostat rather than a thermometer a thermometer it tells you the temperature but a thermostat dictates the temperature so no matter what the circumstances are a thermostat's going to say all right this is what it is or a thermometer is going to say this is what it is right whether it's a thermostat you want it to be hot you make it hot you want it to be cold you dictate the circumstance so I think of that in in a lot of things in life and I think it can be applicable to a lot of things for sure absolutely well said like a seasoned vet kidding me you kidding me I I mean it it's it's especially important being and let's just talk let's brush one more time on the leadership side of things um understanding now like you know I think you came in and really embraced the culture of Fresno State extremely well better than a lot of guys who transfer in and I know you're a quarterback so you kind of have to and you could you're you're not you're not dumb Mikey like you read the room you're like okay I'm I'm I'm a valley V Guy this is what I do man like I'm a valley grit dude and uh you know also utilize your assets I mean I I I said from the start when you transferred in and I mean I did the same thing with one of my really good friends Marcus mcmaryion it's like first day of school new guy you're going to be a a [ __ ] or you're going to be a friend to him man right you're going to extend an olive branch be like hey this is where we go eat lunch or hey this is where the weight room is or hey this is where we put our this is where we put our clothes away or stff like that or you're going to be like let him let him go struggle a little bit Yeah I think everybody remembers their first first time of school at a new school uh first day in college out of your dorms first day of football practice in a locker room you remember the first couple guys that were nice to you of course yes you always do man and I think you took that though with as a veteran in with a grain of salt and understood I had to compete but now that you're a leader and you get to set the standard help set the standard and understanding like the pride of tradition of Bulldog football the history of it and like let's let's let's let's cut the [ __ ] here man like last year you guys you guys had a little bit of a roller coaster there right sure you got hot you got cold you finished hot right now it's fresh slate you're you guys are a veteran room you have the opportunity to be a leader in the room congratulations on being a captain thank you appreciate that welcome that's awesome at well earned well earned what do you want to set the standard for for this football team because you set the T right right I think the biggest message uh throughout the entire offseason and Coach ward has done a phenomenal job with that shout out Andy yeah shout out Andy yes sir uh he's done a great job and I think that we've handled his um coaching style super well uh this off season as far as just finishing like you said we got hot we got cold we finish hot is what it is but if you're unable to take what happened in the past learn from it and right apply it into what you're going to do for the next year it might as well just never happened right so the biggest message this offseason has been to finish um as far as like I'm in personal regards I got to stay healthy I got I got to keep my nutrition up I got to keep my weight on I got to put myself in the best position to play as many games as I possibly can and be in as in as many snaps as I possibly can to help this team win um but overall I think that it's been a huge message to yes we have a big ass game coming up sure we play a huge game it's a great opportunity for Fresno State for the valley for this team it's a set the tone for the entire year but we have another 11 games after that right so it's Michigan and Beyond right it starts with them but then we have to go beyond that we can't just Overlook the entire schedule because we have a big game one right we got to be able to come out and be ready to kick some ass game one yeah handle business and things like that but at the same time we got to be ready to play an entire season too right we got to keep that in perspective and keep stacking and keep chipping away one week at a time and handle business every single week and things should take care of themselves because I think we got a really good squad this year I think you had a great Squad this year prepare preparing for let's just call it the number one team in the country versus preparing for the number 101 team in the country rankings which me and you both know from from being inside those buildings that's all outside noise it's all that's all Bs right who cares how do you stay in a straight line personally as Mikey Keane how do you stay in a straight line of just like I don't care who's in front of me this is this is this is what I do to prepare I don't care if it this team has been 0 and 90 in the last 90 games or 90 and0 I don't give a [ __ ] I'm staying cool common collected across the way for sure I think that it's just got to be the the routine of everything and I've been in college football long enough that I have my own routine and I have my process and things like that so staying on top of that staying on top of my film work um and and studying our game plan uh knowing it inside and out and and understanding where we're trying to attack them knowing that the depth charts and things like that and understanding what they're trying to do as a defense and how we can attack that um it's really the same thing every single week as far as process goes it gets pretty monotonous but you got to find ways to not make it monotonous you got to be excited for this [ __ ] I mean we're playing college football let's go baby we practice I don't know how much more we practice than we play a lot a lot more than we get to play though lot I've said it I've said it for years man you get let's say college football 365 days in the year right you're practicing for what 3 330 of them yeah 330 days yeah you get a guaranteed you get 12 game days guaranteed 12 games 60 Minutes a game yeah you're I don't I'm not a math guy on the top of my head but that's a lot for a little it's a lot for a little so taking advantage of those and having a glad to be here mentality we get to do this [ __ ] you get to do this you don't got to do this you get to wake up at 6:00 a.m. and go get after it exactly I mean we're in the the prime years of our life and our and our football careers I mean some guys are playing in the NFL and [ __ ] like that that's great but at the same time college football is something special special always I mean it's something that I want to be a part of for the rest of my life it's something that I truly have just grown up like dreaming of being a part of so keeping that perspective um no matter how you're feeling uh I don't know if you watched the the receiver show I did watch the receiver I loved it I loved it too parents watch it it's great George KD is a freaking icon he's awesome and I picked up a couple of things from him as far as from that show and I'm sure that he has more [ __ ] that he does but the man manifestation and and how he talked to himself Andes and things like that that that was that was awesome to me I really like that how he's got AED up shoulder he's telling himself he's not hurt he doesn't feel anything Brea in the gooda the good exhale the bad exhale the bad that was awesome and so I've kind of like picked up on some things like that and keeping a perspective like [ __ ] dude like he has so much fun out there and I'm like oh my God sometimes it can get overwhelming and [ __ ] like that of course of course I mean there's a lot at stake I mean you got some pressure on you I mean I playing quarterback right it's all good or all bad you know I mean there's really no in between yeah so comes with the job it comes with the job but you got to keep things in perspective at sometimes and just really take it in I mean we're here I'm I'm in my fourth year of college football I got one year of Eligibility left after this so it's coming it's coming quick for me um but no just handling handling business as far as the preparation goes into the week and I really think that just separates the championship teams from those that don't really end up handling business I mean we come off a huge win last year against Purdue and then we lay an egg versus Eastern Washington it always it's it's notorious for happening in college football too went off coming off a big win and playing a lesser team or quote unquote lesser team the next week and you play down to the level of whoever it is yep when you guys know that you're a better team so you think your [ __ ] don't stin exactly exactly so we got to have a mental every single week and especially playing at home in Bulldog Stadium coach Franklin had a talk with us the other night and it was it was awesome we went through the entire history of the stadium how it was built Jim Sweeney oh coach Pat um coach Tedford coming back every single peace into building that the expanders everything else um all of that and and just the the true pride and tradition of that um and it was super special it was it was really cool getting the guys that are new to this program to really understand that [ __ ] it's it's an honor to play in that Stadium it's a special spot man it is I've interviewed a lot of guys obviously who played in that Stadium but I've interviewed a lot of guys who have played as an opponent in that stadium and Jack coletto is one of the best ones so Oregon State came here a few years back right and Jack coletto he played like running back fullback Wildcat quarterback linebacker safety he's he's a fullback now for the Ste oh I know this guy or state dude I remember big white boy yep and honestly what it came down to it was it was like the end of the game and and Oregon State was on like the four ran in in beat us at home it was a heartbreaker and I interviewed him and I was like hey man I played for the dogs my brother was on that team I was there it was a great it was a great game we ended up on the wrong side of it he goes dude he's like that was probably one of the most live environments I've ever been in in my life you talk to guys against San Jose State San Jose State they they act like it's big you know Fresno State versus San Jose State rivalry which it is but they know damn well when you come to Fresno it is 10 times more lit than when you go play at San Jose State it's not even close yeah all that to be said like I think the details matter freso is in a very special place it's unlike a lot of places in uh in in both the conference even the West Coast realistically for sure you know there there's there's some great programs on the west coast but I don't think people care about it that are from here as much you go to La there's a lot of people in La I don't think that many people care about UCLA's football success in La compared to how many people in the valley care about Fresno State's football success I think especially now with conference realignment and those La schools going to the big 10 it's a completely different game yeah and even the schools um even Stanford and Cal uh going to the ACC I mean it's it's going to be a completely I can't believe I it's it's I am sad that the Pack 12 is gone I was a pack 12 kid growing up Pack 12 after dark all of that I loved it and so I'm kind of sad but [ __ ] this is the this is the day and age we live in so time and a place baby exactly so now that you you know as you continued to grow and Blossom as a quarterback and I I like that you brought up the show receiver I really love the perspective of those guys man I really liked everybody I did too I I I really liked everybody George KD I don't think anybody on planet Earth has more fun playing football than George k no I liked Alman raw as well I liked him a lot his mindset it's crazy the hell out of it Devonte people I think Devon's perspective is extremely unique the guy is a vet no doubt feed him the ball yeah feed the ball you got teams throw it 15 times right gives a [ __ ] right who else there JJ JJ was hurt I feel like he didn't get to be seen as much not n games thousand yards though that's pretty crazy that's what I'm saying and then Debo I didn't really know much about Debo he seems kind of like a quiet cat yeah for sure he one of the boys man no doubt I I I I told Mac I was like like dude you got to have that Debo mindset man and I think he's really leaning into that right now uh no I was like you you got to think you're Debo same type dude bro and uh no it was great but all that to be said you know I also watched the the Netflix documentary before that called quarterback yep um I likeed receiver better for sure but I liked quarterback but it makes me think of the question of who are some guys in your age in your game right now that because I know we've watched some the Legends right in our in our era who are some guys you're like okay I'm taking I I I'm watching him on film or I'm I'm watching Sunday Night Football hell and I'm like I like that I'm putting that tool in my toolbox who are some guys our systems relate and the most team the teams that come up most frequently on our film are the Bengals uh the Lions uh the Vikings and then we get some a good amount of the Chargers film too which those are all great quarterbacks you got burrow with the Bengals gof with the Lions cousins who was with the Vikings um and Justin Herbert uh with the charters so watching those guys and seeing their process and and their and the biggest thing that I picked up and Jared gof does a phenomenal job with is is his feet and his eyes right Good Feet good eyes so he does a great job getting through his progressions with his feet and it's something that we've really watched in the quarterback room and and I've studied on my own as well um and he does a really good job and and watching him just kind of go through his process and and what he's seeing as far as the defense goes and his coverage recognition to play action passes he does he does everything super great and and it's a testament to them having a phenomenal season last year and I'm excited to watch those guys because watching him and film I was a fan of the Lions and then seeing this show with Alan ra I became even a bigger fan and then I like I like Dan camell too he's he's an awesome coach so I'm I like those guys a lot yeah Joe burrow does phenomenal job of giving his guys a chance to make some plays now he's got some dudes there but he's he feel like he's had some dudes for a while he's got some dudes but at the same time his ball placement and his process as well I think that his precision and his anticipation um is phenomenal another guy is Tua as well with dolphins and he gets a lot of [ __ ] and I mean it is what it is I'm a tua guy I like Tua but the anticipation that he throws with is insane like some of these throws that I've seen you just don't you don't see them when you're watching the NFL Red Zone yeah and but these throws that he's making I mean now he's got some dudes too he's got a couple dudes he can let that he can let that [ __ ] go and let them run under it but he's thrown with phenomenal anticipation across the middle of the field um so seeing that from him it's really cool to watch especially with Concepts that we're running too they do a lot of unique stuff on the offensive side of things it may not be the exact same as us but um watching him has been super cool so those have been like really the main guys for me and and and Kurt Cousins as well he does a great job getting through his processes and and great player too I became a fan of him after watching quarterback yeah me too man and then Justin Herbert's got a insane he's got a cannon he can he can just let it go another one is Matthew Stafford too he's in that same category as Justin Herbert dude's got a freaking Cannon I mean he's just got a hose on him uh but no watching watching those guys it's been super cool and and and seeing their processes and trying to see what I can gain from all right well versus this coverage this is how he's playing it maybe I can thinking that in that direction as well and then taking into my game and seeing what what works for me because everything works differently for every single quarterback of course some things are going to work better for one versus another so trying to see as many perspectives as you can and taking what you want to try and ultimately build your game up the best that you can we interviewed Bobby Brown uh from the Los Angeles Rams a couple weeks ago in Newport great trip great trip bet but he was uh we were talking you know he has Super Bowl ring and we were just kind of youngest player ever to Wi the Super Bowl ring actually it's crazy it's crazy 21 years old geez he was talking about the Matthew Stafford yeah and his dedication level of you know he came in in his Dynamic with Cooper cup yeah and dude like hearing him talk like I didn't even feel like I was I mean even like right now I don't feel like I'm interviewing I feel we're just talking but like with ma with him talking about Matthew Stafford about his chemistry with Cooper cup I was just like a kid in a candy shop just like yeah like what do you mean he's like they got here they ate breakfast together every day they'd go and throw the route a 100 times a day and or whatever it was and it was just like he just knew and ultimately that same [ __ ] they did in you know April it won US the Super Bowl like that scenario won US the Super Bowl he knew he's like there's a lot of ways you throw that ball and he knew exactly where Coupe liked it hit him on it won the Super Bowl just to hear like you always hear like constant repetition like get put the work in blah blah blah blah blah I don't know what more Prime of an example you want than a guy practicing a certain play day in and day out when no one's looking it's not Glam back shoulder fade yeah it's not glamorous right no but if you could get that down with a guy it's unguardable exactly and they just did that to the point where it's like he knew when he broke this way did this angled at that Stafford let it go at the perfect time now you got it's between winning a Super Bowl ring and not that's crazy no I mean that guy Cooper Cup's phenomenal as well and just watching on the film and stuff like that and the positions that they put him in I mean that's their guy yeah but now you add puka to the situation it's like [ __ ] this going to be a dangerous offense cuz puka is a stud too so I'm excited to see them Rams are a sleeper right now they they really are they really are I'm a Steelers fan so but I appreciate some good football I love watching good quarterback play and stuff like that that's where my mindset is kind of developed right um but no I'm super excited to watch some good offense this year' be fun speaking of good offenses and quarterbacks this year this uh this week that we're recording a clip popped up of um a flag football quarterback claiming he's better oh [ __ ] Patrick Mahomes at quarterback now I don't want to get too far into it because I already went on my little rant but I just you know what I went my little rant I said my two cents I had about 95% of people back me up there was a 5% off that they were like it's a different game you don't understand I'm sorry man like I saw the I saw the film today I saw the tape and I wasn't like oh this makes sense now Patrick Mahomes is dicing them up Lamar okay let's say Patrick Mahomes isn't mobile M give it to Lamar right give it I most guys and people are say and I'm all here's one thing people aren't considering okay this quarterback who said he's better than Patrick Mahomes Canon no he has a little wiggle he does like this little soldja boy drop all this weird like like he's like a hip-hop dancer when he's running yeah but I'm looking at who's trying to pull his Flags Okay and they're just not it I'm like you're telling me SAU G is going to let that guy get past him I don't think you realize how fast their feet are man like it doesn't matter you're not oh you didn't pull his flag yeah he's just gonna like I don't know what the rules are as far as can they run into you or not you're not going to be able to get past the line of scrimmage with these guys right I don't know it's it's a tricky situation because I saw Mahomes commented on Twitter with the with the with the with the eyes the 50 he he commented with the 50 Cent thing what he say [ __ ] me for so he commented with that and he kind of got roped in there I don't know he's in a tough position cuz he's not going to respond or say anything back there's there's no point but at the same time I mean you can't say nothing though hey that's the great that's the great thing is there going to be aing tryy out and they're going to pick the best guy so we'll see what the hell happens I do know like you're saying this guy's got a little wiggle he's got some hip-hop moves only thing that I can think of is maybe his benefit could be that these moves are not working out in an NFL game atmosphere or in any tackle atmosphere so maybe these maybe the NFL guys aren't even going to think to do some [ __ ] that he's going to do because it's just not it built in their system I have noing idea it could be it could be so something like that but if we're just talking pure best quarterbacks in the world it's Patrick Mahomes Patrick Mahomes it's not this guy I didn't say it has to be Patrick Mahomes but it's one thing to be like I think I'm if if the statement was I think I'm better than most NFL quarterbacks okay that that's broad it's an argument who's the best inel quarterbacks like is there some really bad AR I'm not saying there's bad arm but is there like I'm not going to I don't want to throw shade at anybody but like there's some quarterbacks where you're like okay you know I I can maybe see that that even needs to work if you're an NFL quarterback you're really freaking good at playing football I mean I don't care if you're six string on a certain team you are really freaking good hey kudos to him and sorry that I don't know his name but it's like Daryl or something whoever his marketing guy is that's a smart dude so here look at look at us sitting here talking about this guy hey he's that's what I'm saying all publicity is good publicity I will say and I talked about it with kto actually in the last episode the USA Coach came up to us at radio and he was trying to get come on the Pod we just we had like Chuck lell lined up or something like that and he's like bro I said so how good are we going to be for Team USA I was like we're going to have some dogs Tyreek Justin Jefferson he's like oh they're probably not going to make the team and you're just like you're like what like what do you mean bro they're going to make the team he's like yeah they're probably not good enough to make the team like you telling me Tyreek Hill is not Shifty enough to be on the Team USA Freaking Flag Football team and then you again I I I I'm I probably talked too much smack early without watching the tape but now I've watched the tape I've watched hours worth of Team USA flag football no the answer is no I went on a yeah I had I had a I went on a rabbit I I went out of rabbit hole today too I had a little break in in between my classes and I found myself back in like 2022 for like the USA uh flag football team Instagram account yeah so I went I went through the I went through my [ __ ] today couple archives couple archives yeah saw some stuff today um so that's how I spent my little break I was in the treatment room getting my arm uh taken care of and I was watching those so yeah I did I did a little research of my own I'm still going to stay uh stay unbiased and see what the hell happens so I'm I'm excited to see who gets the job I do it's a bold move cotton I do think I do think listen let's be honest about the Pro Bowl games right now they've gotten a little boring the Pro Bowl yeah got a little boring so I used to love the Pro Bowl me too Hawaii baby sidetracking yeah sidetracking well it was always Hawaii well it was Orlando for a little bit it was Orlando they went AZ for one year oh they did holy [ __ ] that was Odell's rookie year I have about I had about 50 videos of Odell and War UPS going nuts you know remember how he used to warm up like this dude would have some crazy cleats on only one-handed the entire time I was so excited I was sick that entire week I was so sad cuz I thought I was going to be able to make it and then freaking I I was I was fine yeah I went to the game it was it was a great atmosphere I mean it was JJ Watt who were the QBs who were the what year was this I have no idea this had have been like 2014 or 2013 whatever Odell's rookie year was this was it and maybe like Eli it it might have been Aaron Rogers Drew Brees Drew Brees it might have been Breeze 2015 okay 2015 who quarterbacks in that I know JJ Watt was there remember taking pictures of him of him or with him of him of him Antonio Brown Antonio Brown was there and I'm a huge Steelers fan so I was eating that up ab side note funniest account on Twitter just got to just got to throw that out there abct abct SPN he he's honestly been consistent I don't know if it's him or not there's no way it's him I have no idea but that is that is a hilarious Twitter account luck BR Andrew Luck Andrew Luck was my guy P Manning Aaron Rogers that sounds about right yep roine that's a lineup right there it was a it was a great lineup what a squad I had to sidet trck with that CU that was a core memory for me for sure no that's fine no but I think the pro bow games it's getting a little dry right I think you say hey you know what Team USA people flag football people one they need a good game to practice against for sure two I you just said all pity is good picity I don't disagree with that I do think it's like hey let us come out and compete with these guys let us show you what we're working towards for the Olympics because when they come here which we're hosting the Olympics in 2028 no doubt yeah we better Molly it better be a lights out just a just a just a dog walk right why not you're so good Team USA flag football players go ahead let's go our best and I'm telling you right now I'm telling you right now Mikey they NFL players they're not going to say it right now they're too focused on the season by the time Pro Bowl goes around if some of those clips resurface about how the NFL players won't make the squad and they line up this game best believe they're going to tie their shoes that day and go out make a statement they just might and I'm excited for it cuz [ __ ] I hope they just add a whole bunch of stuff to the Olympics cuz I was I was locked in this year I was sitting there that was when I was home right before fall Camp so I just got to chill with my parents so [ __ ] it was Olympics every single day what were you watching uh I was watching the swimming um and track that was really it I watched a little bit of gymnastics um those they're just phenomenal you know what I watched is freaking synchronized swimming and that was incredible to watch yeah I have no idea how the they do that because impressive it was it was just insane the movements the it's it's synchronized swimming holy [ __ ] but it was phenomenal to watch those those athletes and holy [ __ ] don't even get me start on the on the on the basketball cuz that was awesome to watch too got intense there for a sec it did get intense there for a second and and I mean I'm a LeBron guy I think MJ's the goat but it was just it was awesome to watch because I've never I've never I've always been like a kind of a Steph hater because it's always like Steph versus LeBron and see they needed each other they need I know seeing those guys together it was crazy that uh what was the semifinals against Serbia oh my goodness I feel like I was in Rocky 4 exactly that's what I'm saying it was just I mean yeah America dude the I got to give a quick shout out to the women's rugby team too they had me fired up for a little bit they had some dogs on their team the one chick I forget her name Molina or mal I know I know you're talking I know you're talking she's active on social media very active on social media great personality yep she's went out dogged people and I'm like damn I do think though they won bronze which is great cuz that was a big deal for them no doubt you got to come back and win it though for you got you got to win it for Team USA in Olympic in in I'm sorry in the USA Olympics we were we were talking about it in the in the locker room a little bit because it was still going on as we were going through fall camp and stuff like that but there's some dudes from La I'm like [ __ ] it's coming to the I mean we were talking about it a little bit it's coming United States it's coming to yeah so we were like like [ __ ] that's going to be crazy it's going to be crazy have to go no doubt what about the announcement recently of black uniforms oh yeah tell me the tell me you the the qb1 captain perspective of of how this all came about those are fire those are sexy they're sexy they are very sexy I wore the All Blacks back in back in my day yeah and let me tell you you feel like an Avenger what year was that we were talk freshman year so 2016 who was the QB then we had like seven that year [ __ ] Zach okay me and Marcus me and Marcus were talking about this Mar yeah we didn't know cuz Marcus was there when we did the the reveal oh really so we didn't know if Derek was the last QB to wear no okay no hell no all right we were way off then no we lost to San Jose State by one point no [ __ ] yeah there like 500 people there yeah so those it's raining those things are sick and and uh I'll give a little little background story so the unveiling of them the black jerseys yes was this week all right and so we had media day pictures the other the other week they were like hey MOS Dean Mikey we want to do a video with this we were like all right cool so media day we have 40 guys taking pictures yeah basically from on our off day our first off day of fall Camp yeah we're spending our day taking pictures which cool whatever I posted them [ __ ] I mean get pictures all right good looking guy thank you I appreciate that so we got to stick around until everybody's done yeah in order to take these pictures because they don't want like people to see and [ __ ] like that and we're like all right so we wait around and we we start taking pictures at 1 and we came late so picture started at like 11:30 we came late so that we didn't have to wait that long we were there till 5:30 because our guys like doing photo shoots out so we had to wait around they got to get get them they got yeah so it's for it's for the gram I get it I get it um they got their reasons they want to take pictures so wait around rush and take these pictures get the video whatever and I I had no idea they were going to unveil them I thought we going to wait till like game week or something right so I walk in I see these two big ass uh uh the mannequin things mannequin things and I'm like oh [ __ ] they're doing this right now and so we did it everyone was I mean it was it was pretty it it was pretty cool honestly it was it was I've never been a part of anything like that in college so it was super cool you always see it in like videos and [ __ ] like they do uniform reveals or locker room reveals [ __ ] like that so I thought it was super cool I was fired up I mean rumors go around and [ __ ] like that so yeah finally being able to unveil them and and show the public and and get them get the get the fans excited I mean oh dude I feel like they're going to appreciate the hell out of it and we're going to sell that thing out for sure um is going to be sick I got to make I got to make some bring the Jews blackout merch for sure you're you're going to have to I have to for sure sure some blackout headbands I know that so it's it's going to be exciting we're we're super fired up for it it was it was it was cool how they did it I think it's cool you know that's one of those little things in college football where you've been grinding all year you go through fall camp and freso State's one of those schools where we do have you know we kind of we like shiny things right um like Alabama would they're they're going to stick to what they do Penn State's going to sick to what they do they might do one cool throwback or something like that but like at Fresno State you got to mix one of these in every once in a while for sure got so what's what's your favorite uniform combo now that the blacks are out you got to see how the blacks go though too yeah you got to see how the blacks go it's it's going to look pretty sick though I mean it's it's gonna be hard to top those I like the all red the all red it's just sexy I want to get some Navy thrown in this year I like the Navies personally um we have not worn those in a while did you not wear the all navies last year last time y'all wor last time y'all wore Navy was the San Diego State San Diego State it worked it worked barely so I don't know I don't know if there was something going into that but I mean [ __ ] the whole philosophy behind the uniform build the Red Wave let's wear red let's go we red let's go wear red so but I'm excited I think it'll switch up a little bit things like that um I don't know the official uniform combos I've seen like a little sketch and outline of what they want to wear this year so I think it'll be pretty good Combos and stuff like that you get excited you you look good you you play good exactly so I mean it's not like you think about it all the time but at the same time it's something that's like oh [ __ ] okay we're going to switch it up a little bit have to be baby guys get their guys get their drip going no big deal but yeah the blacks going to be hard to beat I'm not going to lie but we'll see how it goes speaking of looking good I noticed your facial hair is really taking a step oh man I thought you were going to bring this up all right talk to me about it yeah so [ __ ] there's really not much that goes into this um there's a lot that goes into it I I you know what I appreciate it yeah that's some great feedback right there I almost shaved it off the other night just cuz just cuz we as men we go through these stages just I need to make a change I just I just wanted to yeah and it itched it yeah I was like you know what I'm I'm just not really feeling this I put my chin strap on and I felt some whiskers and I was like you know what this I'm not I'm not doing I'm not dealing this with this anymore and then I was like you know what I'll keep it I'll keep yeah I'm going keep it actually and I come over here and Frank tells me that it looks great so you know I'm I'm going to keep this [ __ ] I appreciate I needed that buddy so that's all it takes thank you never know when you're going to make someone's day exactly so no I I just really wanted to try it out I mean tried it out stuck with it yeah went to Summer with it so [ __ ] it I'm going go to the season with it let's do it exactly let's go yes sir I love I got I think I'm gonna make a change pretty soon here all right I don't know what it's going to be it's going to show up one day you might have to bring the pat Hill handlebars back man I might have to bring the pat Hill hand BR some big old just some chops some chops right there could be good speaking of chops skip he got the nod first of all love Jeff Tedford love him love Jeff T wish him great health wish him great success hope he's in the part of the program skip got the nod how fared up with the boys because I know it was deserving and I know that bowl game he had passion he has the juice skip has the juice yep how you feeling about it let's go yes like yes let's go I already knew the answer I needed to hear it I needed everyone else to hear it let's go and this is this is me speaking on behalf of the entire team I mean really let's just let's get it going so we're fired up to have him he's fired up to be here I mean that guy bleeds bleeds exactly yeah so this is that's that's a valley guy through and through I mean could be at other programs and things like that but he wants to be here that's really the the gist of our coaching staff they want to be here and they want to win at this place so him getting the the nod to be the the head coach the interim he's the head coach so yeah it's it's really unique and cool to see I think that it's it's a different perspective for sure having a defensive minded coach I think that it's super cool he enables us on offense to really just go and make some plays um I've got a I've got a pretty good relationship with Coach skip uh so appreciate the hell out of him obviously love the heck out of t coach tford is the reason that I'm here right so um just appreciate him and wish him nothing but the best but you got to handle handle business first he's got to handle his health for sure um and and you appreciate a guy like that because of what he brings to you outside of the football field too right so you want him to take care of himself outside of the outside of the field too because he always is checking in on he knows everything about my personal life everything that's going on within that um what I did over braks and anything of of that sort I mean we're talking about it all the time so a great just genuine person um and and truly just an authentic and and really cool guy in all honesty but no we're ready we're ready to get it going with Skip and we want to bring him some win we want to bring him wins and and and success and and just do this thing the right the right way for him because he gives us everything that he's got so we're going to we're going to play for him players coach for sure love that no doubt me up fires me up God damn it I mean it's one of those it's that time of year baby it's just it this episode could have be more perfect CU it's that time of year it is it is that time of year and I mean every single time that it comes around I'm in year four of this cycle but it's [ __ ] it just a flip a switch is being flipped a switch is being flipped I mean everything in my perspective has just completely like shifted and it's crazy because I every year that the season ends and you get in the loop of the off season you're like how does that how do you even get in that mindset and it just is naturally there it is cuz I mean we're dialed right now and I'm dialed too like game planwise and things like that I'm super excited cuz get into that process again it feels good yeah and school's starting again everyone's off of the everyone's excited everyone's getting ready C done it's it's time zeros happening this weekend I'm fired up I can't wait to watch them it's back it's the best time time of the year so it's the best time of the year I want to buy a pumpkin God I want to buy a pumpkin all right [ __ ] buy a pumpkin I want to buy a pumpkin so bad right now all right yeah I was laying in bed last night we're watching prison break right now you seen prison break I have not oh dude I've seen some clips though I've seen I didn't saw anything until I started watching it yep phenomenal really you a big show guy I'm a big show guy tell me your tell me your top couple shows top couple shows okay let's go all right um I watch I watch a lot of different [ __ ] honestly like I'll put like documentaries up there like the last dance is is I love that I don't count that as a show you watch Breaking Bad I have not watched oh my God you seen Dexter I have not God Game of Thrones okay I've seen Game of Thrones I've seen Game of Thrones yeah I've SE I've seen game of py blinders have not seen God I still four out of the top five I've not seen pigy blinders you know what a big one is people love my parents love s Sons of Anarchy have you ever seen that one it's not top five it's good it's good okay it's not top five maybe I'm not as much of a show guy maybe you got to focus on Ball but eventually shows just take so long I can sit there and watch I can sit there and watch a 2hour movie just watch film instead Mikey that's what I'm saying Hell Yeah ex I'll watch the shows for I'll tell you how good they are right appreciate Spark Notes right there Mike Keane fire me up man get your piss hot I appreciate you man coming on the show yes sir wishing you great health lots of blessings lots of wins lots of touchdowns this year baby no doubt can't uh see you on the other side exactly week from now we were just talking about it too yeah Michigan baby you're going to be at a dinner right now I'll be at of dinner what time will we be there no it's it's like 10 1012 right there I'm a late I'm a late eater he's a late eater all right I'm actually an early eater that's a complete lie fair enough eat like 4:30 p.m. never know I'm like a 90-year-old person at an elderly home never know what happens mash up these potatoes Mikey Keen later J qb1 for the fro State Bulldogs be sure to come out watch him at Valley Children's Stadium but before game starts come to the bring tailgate show yes get fired up check out some of these Valley grit hats we got a lot of new merch coming on I don't know some of the players might be rocking on some of them not we'll see what happens don't want to get too deep into it um but support the boys you got uh come get your bring the juice calendars calendars calendar shout out yep Mikey Keane has not yet we haven't done our collab yet but uh I know I was going to ask you about that you mad about it you mad about it I'm not I'm not mad about it I'm not mad about all right we'll wait we'll wait a little bit the dine some love yeah I had to get the D my boy light foot on there today yeah light foot got a little love today got a little actually he's a little he tries a little cheeser it's all right but uh seriously support the dogs and uh stay fired up get your piss hot Army of grit we will see you next week hell yeah sounds good appreciate it

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