PlayStation 5 Pro Disc drives Sold Out?

hey guys radical Reggie back at you with another video with my buddy KAG um happy you're here brother and I got to discuss the PlayStation 5 Pro with you man it's almost here it's gonna be here in a couple months and Sony's reveal of the system man was really insane to me and I wanted to kind of get your thoughts on on the system you know just the like the announcement and and a couple more things but we'll start with the announcement man how did you feel about the announcement do you think Sony was right in the way they announced that system um I thought it was kind of weird you know the the funny thing is anytime Mark cery anytime they say Mark CERN is gonna be doing anything I'm always like please don't he's so technical yeah you know what I'm saying he doesn't have a really good like on camera presence you know he doesn't really get you excited about anything so yeah I didn't really like think that he should have did it I think they should have used somebody else yeah but outside of that I mean it is what it is it's a pro right we saw last last time with the PS4 Pro we we kind of expected what was going to happen um the the hard part about the pro PS5 Pro is showing how much better it's going to look versus the PS5 through you right bit rate is bad everything is all kind of like just doesn't show the big difference like you kind of really have to have hands- on with it and actually see it or whatever so they didn't sell people on it by that video because people couldn't tell you know you looked at that stuff and it was just like something looks a little bit better it's funny because I I is making me recall the picture that's going around with the guy and it shows PS5 and he has two toothpicks in his mouth and then the PS the other P has three toothpicks in his mouth and has a PS5 Pro and it makes me laugh because that's kind of what it showed when we saw it so it's it's crazy yeah yeah I agree and you know the whole thing with um showing games on the system the games that are like years old like Ratchet and Clank you know they're just showing older games and they're pretty much saying these how the games could be played now people want new games you know I mean you you should have something new with the system then and and if they didn't shows that honestly they weren't really ready to put it out because nobody had anything that was going to show what the system could really do that something was going to be really impressive and then also what didn't sell me is you show you're right you're exactly right you showed games that were like five years old almost some of them a little newer than that with a little bit of time in TLC you can make those games look just as good as you showed on the PS5 Pro on the PS5 that's already been shown so like if we go back and we look at some of the older systems and we'll go we'll use the PS3 because PS3 is probably for me like I'm in love with it now because I've gone back and started to play some of the games I haven't had a chance to play and revisit them so I'm really loving that that system but at the end of the PS3 cycle the games looked significantly better than they did in the beginning of the cycle you know what I'm saying and then the PS3 when it was ushered away for the PS4 it still had legs honestly I still think it has legs today there's some games on there are just absolutely phenomenal games so for them to show those older games is not impressive to me because I think you know later on in the cycle even you know a year or two from now you can pull that same those same graphical upgrades on the regular PS5 you know just by fine-tuning it going in and changing some things and just learning to work with an architecture a little bit better than you did three years ago you know so I agree with you they should have had something new like to show Call of Duty the new Call of Duty because you know it's coming out in like a month if they would have showed that versus you know oh this is going to be running at 60 frame per second Contin ously with no drops or whatever then it would have sold people it would have sold like hot cakes you know what I'm saying people would have like oh I got to have it but to see like three or four year old games running better that's not impressive because they could run better on a PS5 with a little bit of TLC yeah and we're already in the the consol's uh midlife cycle you for Generation you know so um it's just pretty crazy but another thing right now is that we know the system's being sold without a disc drive so yeah uh $700 increas in price of course uh two terabyte hard drive I believe is going to be in it so I feel like they kind of use that the the sub for the the missing disc drive but at the same time you know um people want to have that option of having a disc drive you know that's why I feel like it was missed opportunity to sell it all together now people are I don't know if this is allegedly happening but um they're saying scalpers are scalping up the disc drives uh for the system you know have have you seen that have you have you seen that going on like all the disc drives are being bought up I I followed a little bit on Twitter and obviously from uh social media influencers they're you know talking about it and stuff like that so I'm seeing it I mean not personally I haven't really been in stores to you know really look at it but yeah I do foresee you know scalers getting ready for the holiday holiday is going to come up they know they're going to be popular so for them to sell out that fast and the quantity that they're selling out I do think is scalpers I don't think it's people that are going to buy the PS5 Pro I still feel the PS5 Pro is going to be like a niche Council because if you look at the PS4 Pro um I think it was like out of five it was like one out of every five purchases was a PS4 Pro and I think it' be even less when it comes to the PS5 Pro so I really do think we're going to start seeing those um those drives on eBay mcari and other sites for double triple price really soon I think I say probably the first week of October going in October we'll start seeing them at those crazy prices okay so I think I mean I I think that uh people are just preparing like they they want to buy the system so they want to get the drive already so you're probably seeing a lot of people who might want to buy the system itself so they're getting ready for that because they can't stand the idea having a digital like PlayStation 5 system like I just that that bothers me right now like oh like digital only like get out of here so it could be a lot of people are going to buy that buy that and the thing is if if it is if the disc drive is sold out we know Sony is not going to stop making them so all people just going they just going to have to wait until they make some more because that would be crazy if some say we're not making any more disc drives like you know that's it then I I could see like the scalping going crazy and all that stuff you know what I mean but at the same time are these I mean these are these drives that Sony has like you can't use any other drive on the system right I'm guessing no um so that drive if you already have one for your PS5 slim you can registered on the PS5 Pro um so you can't go back you just have to go through the registration process but there are no other drives it's an internal drive you take off the side panel it snaps into the body of the PS5 and you put the side panel back on it um so yeah specifically for that Council um I could I can see it going either way um it's it's I'm gonna be honest with you is mindboggling to me um is such an like a divide on this Council and price right it's a $700 counil $80 hard drive or $80 add-on drive so that's putting you at 780 and then with tax depending on what state you are some don't have tax but you're paying tax here in Ohio like 8% is putting you around 8.42 I just think that's expensive for a marginal upgrade I don't think it's enough of an upgrade for me to drop $842 and even more if you want to get the stand so um but we'll get into that guess a little later and I have a lot another opinion on that too as to why I feel that way we we'll get there so the next thing is you know like I this this article was sent to me but um Sony's is going to be selling uh ps5s refurbished ps5s for the price of 350 and I kind of feel like that might be like an apology for the pro you know I I don't know I feel like it is in a way because it's being announced around the same time but how do you feel about a refurbished PS4 PS4 I mean excuse me PS5 system uh I think it's perfectly fine um it could be Sony trying to save face because they they saw what's going on on the internet and the outcry of but it's so mixed so you really can't tell but I don't know I mean would I buy a refurbished PS5 probably not um because you just don't know what was wrong with it previously you know what I'm saying and then with the whole liquid metal thing that they go in and put new liquid metal like I just you know I I don't know if you're buying it from Sony I guess you don't have any worries you know what I'm saying you Pro it should be covered with the warrant for yeah you can do whatever so I I I don't know I mean if you look at it I guess it's a good deal I don't know what the reason is behind it it's it's really funny that they announc that a day or so after they announced a PS5 Pro so yeah it's a little suspicious yeah that's what I was thinking too another thing too um do you feel like CU you you're into Xbox series X you spoke really highly of that system over the years oh yeah um but is the PS5 Pro even like is it more powerful than that system or are they pretty much the same like so yeah it is going to be more powerful than the series X for sure okay um not like by Leaps and Bounds I would you know I can't see the the thing is with the PS5 Pro they didn't really say and they didn't really put any specs out there right so you have digital digital Foundry saying that the GPU inside of the system is comparable to I think a 6800 XT or something like that so everybody's kind of going off of that comparing you know that GPU inside of the PS5 to anything else um it's hit or miss man so you have in the market right now let me use this as an example you have in the market the Nintendo switch that is headed towards what 115 million system so they're trying to they're chasing the PS2 they're trying to pass the PS2 which is the greatest sellings Council of all time so like you have a certain segment of people that really care about the GPU and Graphics but I don't think that segment is as big as people think it is you know they have a big voice because you hear people and then you have a lot of social media influence ERS that have a huge voice on social media and on Twitter and all that stuff you know that make it seem like it's bigger than it is but if you have over a hundred in gaming you over have over a 100 million people playing the switch there a 100 million people that just don't care about Graphics so I don't know how much you know that is important when it comes to the Xbox and the PS5 Pro you're going to have Council uh Warriors you know people that are standing on the left the right side of Sony or Playstation that's going to have the whole Council War thing oh this is stronger this and this you know me personally I don't care about that as you guys know I have behind me you can see the Xbox on the other side as PS5 I have them all so I play them for different reasons but it is going to be stronger than the series X we know that Sony had the opportunity to see what was in the market and then they took what was in the market and they went A step above you know and that's kind of what Sony does we know that's what they do they watch what you do and then they do better and I think they they watched and the reason they did this was because Microsoft unfortunately is kind of like falling out of the the physical media you know when it comes to consoles and everything like that and only took an opportunity to kind of do what they want because if Microsoft was still in it hardcore you know and they were going to release like even um an upgrade or whatever like that Sony wouldn't just release this disc I mean non-is digital system they wouldn't even came up with that idea I think I think I you know a lot of people speculate that because Microsoft has taking a different direction in gaming that Sony is gonna run a foot right and just do whatever they want I just I don't necessarily think that's the case I think that right now they're trying to get as much money as they can because they've done a lot of things already they rais the price of their controllers $5 doar across the board the PS5 new has not seen a price drop since it came out and it's been out for what four almost five years or something like that hasn't seen a price drop it's only seen a price increase across the world you know what I'm saying so this is a weird generation this is a weird generation because about this time systems going into the holiday would be1 to $150 cheaper yeah reason to buy them yeah something like that and we haven't seen that across the board for anybody yeah it's it's pretty insane you know I never I this conso generation this is the ninth gen we're in and I haven't seen a real reason for people to want to jump up and buy these system especially when they first came out you know um I mean exclusives are great and all that stuff um but there hasn't been that many exclusives like there were in the past for these games and I guess the reason for that because production values like they these games got to be more Hightech you know it's like the budgets are higher uh development is just longer and we're just not seeing the flux games we used to see back in the day to really like want hey I got to get this this new Playstation Xbox system you know like that so but Nintendo's found a way around it doing their own thing you know they have they they're just making fun games and I think you know I know a lot of these companies Xbox uh Playstation they want to focus on like AAA titles to really show the power of their system yeah but if it's if it's kind of like in a way like costing them where it's not um I don't know it's like I feel like Triple A titles kind of ruin it for a lot of like like gamers in a way with the long times you have to wait for like games to come out and it's just they're just not ready it's just it's really disappointing I guess I just come from an era where games were like like just coming out like constantly you know you're seeing new games for the system impressive stuff and now that like we're got up to this Triple A movie title looking games or whatever like that it's just it's taking years for these games to come out like you know I found out this game called Grand blue fantasy uh that me and Joe been playing called relink took him eight years to develop that game almost a decade to make that game you know and that's that's a crazy development cycle it's like wow really like it's crazy but um yeah man I mean just the last thing with the PS5 and the pro and everything like that you know I I think just in closing I want to say that I just think Sony missed the ball would not sh a game that would really like impress people with the system don't have the the the the guy who created the system talking about it because more people not going to know what he's talking about like he's going all these technical details like we don't care man show us the games that's what it's always been about you know you get if you get on a technical level and you get on the level like digital Foundry and all that stuff you know like you could like that but it's like dude like just show us the games and impress us that's about it and um my my thing okay so I want to say this and this is this is what I was talking about earlier in the video because I was G to come back to this my thing with the PS5 Pro all right so I want to put this out here I want to say this first and foremost spend your money however you want is your money I respect that but I also want to say as a community regardless of what side you stand on Xbox Nintendo PlayStation whatever whatever side you stand on you know stand on principle because if Sony is going for $700 for the PS5 Pro they're setting the precedent of what the next generation is going to look like so and you got to keep keep that in your mind what are you willing to spend on the Next Generation for a game a home game counsil so if it's $700 basically $800 for a PS4 Pro or PS5 Pro ps6 is going to be upwards of $800 when it comes out I just don't see it being any less than that how do you go back down how do you say we sold you a PS5 Pro that has a bigger GPU two terabytes of this fast is uh AI uh learning for graphics and all of this stuff and you bring out a ps6 and you drop the price lower than that it doesn't make any sense so all I'm saying is you can spend your money however you want but as a community just keep in mind in back of your head where these prices are going to go right is a council that only plays PlayStation games which PlayStation games are phenomenal I love a lot of them but it only plays play games worth almost ,000 I'm not even going to get into the whole PC thing because people have killed that on the internet the PC Warrior Master race whatever they want to talk about but just keep in mind is this Council worth you know the next gen coming up in two years worth $1,000 because that's where we're headed and it it at this point we're going to assume that it only plays PlayStation games it could be something totally different but just keep in the back of your mind you're setting yourself up for a system they're testing the waters now you're setting yourself up for Sy and they've already done it with the increase in price for game $70 now yeah oh yeah yeah that's that's something to worry about um going forward and also in closing I want to say to all the gamers out there that watch this video or watch other social media influencers do not make your decisions based off of somebody else's pocket because you're going to see thousands of social media influencers by this Council and they're buying this Council and they're spending $7 $800 Because of You viewing their channels and they're getting money but you have to work 40 hours you know what I'm saying a week and determine what your 40 hours is worth is your 40 hours worth $800 on this PlayStation just keep you know think of it like that because the people you watch they got money they're getting stuff for free they're getting all type of things they got disposable income like crazy so but what is your value of your dollar is it worth it I'm not saying don't buy it if you want it get it trust me I'm with you but just you know think about that man because we're headed towards $1,000 Next Generation and can you drop $1,000 on the system

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