Players Club LIVE from Jon's Grille featuring Jaylon Robinson & Jack Bech

[Music] that's right yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] two three four five minutes [Music] that's right yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] live from John's Grill on Berry Street in Fort Worth welcome to the Players Club when hosts Emma Holquist and Olivia Lee and featuring TCU student athletes brought to you by John's Grill online at and by fans vintage the Frog fam's number one source for rare and vintage TCU gear now here are Emma and Olivia thank you hello everyone and welcome back into another episode of The Players Club live from John's Grill I'm Olivia Lee and I'm Emma Holquist and we are super excited to be back with you for another Thursday evening talking to two TCU athletes about their lives both in and outside their sports that's all right we are happy to be joined by our two members of our nationally ranked CCU football team Jack Besh and Jalen Robinson thanks for coming on you guys [Music] like one of your guys's First Media appearances with TC yeah big deal we're happy to have you you on our show talking to you learning all about you as we prepare for the upcoming football season lots of pressure on this TCU football team and we're happy you guys can kind of help us out and lead us into the new season next year now you're fresh here on campus Jalen you're a Fort Worth local correct correct okay so you're born here so you're back in your hometown and transferred from Ole Miss that's the last school you played at and Jack you transferred from LSU yeah yeah all right so let's talk about your previous experience at those two schools Dylan I can start with you you came from Ole Miss now you're back in your hometown what has that been like for you being home here in Fort Worth no just being back home around Family Insurance an opportunity to play for school but uh I went to school to Pasco right up the street so just go out and my dad also went to TCU so just coming back [Music] I actually live on the street at Pascal High School I literally live on that channel every single day so I love it and what about you jack what's your experience been like so far coming from are you a jet like are you what's your full name are you a Jackson uh no I'm actually a job oh okay okay anyways how did you get a normal nickname yeah yeah yeah the nickname and stuck with it not my my great uncle his name was John or his name was Jack and he like pitched against like Babe Ruth yeah like my brother his nickname is Tiger his real name is Martin so I guess which happens and my Village the name came whenever he was wrote up my ultimate LSU so um oh okay okay so what Jack what has your experience been like so far coming from LSU and now Landing here in Fort Worth how's it been it's been awesome um it's obviously like a lot different like the size like it's more like individualized over here you know if it's more focus on like um like on you like you know in academics um on the field off the field really in everything you do um which has been cool and obviously footwork like there's a little bit more to do um you know like we're in a pretty big Metropolitan being near Dallas all right like it's good to be able to connect with different people like you know come here that have been around here uh not only for now but for the future yeah no for sure it's like a hub for in sports too a lot of sports teams around here would you say it's the same for you coming from Ole Miss similar experience or I mean everywhere is different yeah yeah I love I love hearing that and what would you guys say is the most difficult part of transferring from a school coming somewhere new what's the hardest adjustment you have to make even not as just an athlete but like as a person for me I will say just um disconnected with the new teammates yeah that model the teammates you know you gotta make sure you obviously coming in and you have people you know the jobs are always or you know you have to come to complete for a job so just knowing that you have to be drawn to someone you're completely means don't want to step on anyone's toes welcoming like the team very yeah what do you think has been the most like welcoming and like nice player or a coach or both yeah I'm from so I played Seven or seven with blood he's right okay before I came here how did you talk to Bud like when you were transferring you reached out to me like hey should I come to see um no because whenever that was happening they were like in the national championships did I ask let's go for it okay if you guys were on a team when you were playing the national championship don't know if you watched it don't know if you watch that game yeah I don't know if you saw how I went what would you have done if you were there like what you mean by that as a player why would you like that definitely what would you have to be dead to that game my whole thing about what happened was you go look back every team you know gets beat before they win it yeah so like you kind of like getting there and winning it is like two you know very big like like accomplishments yeah two like very different things if you go back like you know like every Big program I'm going from Ohio State Bama LSU Georgia they've all you know they've all had a loss like that in the national championship but the years have come they uh they grow from it they learn from it and then they kind of elevate from that um and so like I guess to answer that question I guess it's more like now in the present yeah um you know like with Coach Kaz and everybody yeah everybody like conforming and becoming one and like working together they kind of have that recipe nowhere to get there but now like the little nuances I need to fix to be able to get us there and bring the [ __ ] up in the back home wow I don't know if it was needed but like it definitely happens to every like it more a team as a whole is more hungry to go back and repeat and have a different outcome right for sure I just thought of kind of a question for both of you guys and Jalen you can start if you want what was your very first impression when you walked into the first day of spring practice that was really the first time you're with the whole team practicing together what was like your first thought were you nervous or were you just kind of like let's do this thing it's always listen to these things um but for me watching is just how the approach yeah I think cars his effect on the team and the way to approach and attack everything you're doing it kind of shocking I haven't been around the program but does everything to Perfection or child support connection yeah it's something I'm still in shock about causes cause the dude yeah we hear so much yeah all of the football players that's that's such a good impact that he has too and for you guys being new new guys on the team and walking in and immediately having that feeling it's like amazing that our our program has that now that asset with us I love I love that well it was like ghost transfer process like when did you guys enter the portal I I entered the portal a couple days after we played George on the SC Chambers from here okay you're gonna be how what does that look like because I feel like people more talk about the recruiting process and how you get recruited and less about the transfer product it's still a recruiting process when you're transferring you're doing the same things but in a shorter time frame right so what did that look like for you for me it was like the difference between like high school and this is way more like business related yeah I wasn't there to go visit places and to take pictures and jerseys yeah that I was there to talk to the coaches get the vibe and and then get back you know get back on the road to make a decision um and what's like I knew I wanted to come here but once I got on campus I saw the place you know I saw cars I saw coach Dykes coach meech and all of them that's not about kind of fell in love with a place to know I want to be here yeah I love that and Jalen you've you've been around a few different places right kind of dipping your toes trying to figure out where you want to be do you feel like now that you're at TCU where your dad's played you went to Pascal High School like you're a local here is do you have that feeling of like this is where I'm supposed to be I actually supposed to be here last year and it was out of teaching her oldness yeah obviously I made a decision and I had to stick with it I had to come back yeah I'm excited to be here I feel more comfortable I feel like my train was out here I have a lot of resources out here yeah which is it's just good to get back home yeah I love that I mean I can't imagine the feeling too of being able to play your last few years of college football and being in your hometown that's the best experience now what would you guys say is the biggest difference between your previous school like the place that you actually played in in Texas like was there any culture shock coming to Texas or is it pretty similar to Louisiana and Ole Miss like the towns that you're in that's because um Baton Rouge it was like eat breathe sleep football yeah like I said there wasn't much to do except for like football and like I said like this is a much bigger Metropolitan right there's much more things to do businesses to like interact with people that meet um so I would say in like the big like how big it is like you know like I went from a school with 32 000 like approximately give or take people to what like 12 to 12 hours yeah so like like the size of it was also but like I think it's like I was like it's a good thing because you get more individualized and like more attention just knowing you well even I mean that goes across to your classes and stuff too like you guys will start to realize the longer that you're here your professors pay more attention to you and you know more people like I can walk around on campus and see five people that I know every day which is sometimes a good thing sometimes a bad thing but you definitely run into people a lot and like get to know your community better at a smaller school which is nice for sure I think the classes is the biggest difference because I was at SEC before I was at Arkansas and transferred here to have been schooling so much different it's so much harder here do you guys feel like of course yeah [Music] communication criminal justice a little in the communications once you get into your later years and you may be saying something different we have you on the show two years from now we'll see we'll see what you think about that but what got you into criminal justice why why did you want to study that here well me um I actually have a Communications I have a communications degree um but um I wanted to try this out a little bit yeah cool I'm taking some criminal justice they're so interesting yeah they're interesting and good professors here too and I have actually had a lot of football guys in my class or criminal justice and they seem like they really enjoy it too like it's fun but I made a 105 out of 105 and my criminal justice test today yeah we should I think I think on that academic Victory we're gonna head to a quick commercial break but when we return we'll hear more from Jalen and Jack from TCU football stay tuned everyone [Music] hi everyone I'm Lindsay Dixon the proud owner and founder of fans mintage we sell rare and vintage gear for all things TCU I graduated from TCU with an MBA in 2020 and actually started fans vintage as part of a class project during covid and now two years later we've grown from selling random vintage gear on Instagram into a full-time retail business with rare and custom gear you can't find anywhere else this business has always been about creating a community of passionate fans and bringing people together for Nostalgia and school pride Collide we couldn't have gotten here without your tremendous enthusiasm and support so thank you and we can't wait to share what's next stay tuned and as always go frogs foreign Ty Club provides the everyday TCU fan and Alum the ability to specifically support TCU student announcements flying tea club offers three levels of memberships the flying tea Club is a non-profit organization supporting the brand development of TCU student athletes through a series of unique event-based networking opportunities which are exclusive to our members these events provide a great social engagement tool for our members and student athletes alike follow them on Instagram at flying tea club or online at this is Cowtown Headache Center neurology clinic that specializes in headache medicine we offer standard oral medications we offer trigger point injections we offer multiple nerve blocks we offer infusions both for prevention medication and for acute relief my name is Andrew levere I'm a physician assistant that has a special certification from the national headache foundation and headache medicine patients are pretty shocked when I tell them we have tons of options for them and that we can do better than what they're doing I don't just tell you here's one medicine we're going to try I'll give them options and then ultimately we choose together as a provider and patient it's very satisfying to know that we're changing people's lives foreign texas-based happy water offers the best tasting sugar-free kids drink ever made Happy water comes in four delicious flavors that you can find at local retailers and on Amazon each pouch contains zero grams of sugar zero calories and zero percent juice head to for more information and to purchase happy water that's live happy be happy drink happy hello everyone and welcome back to the Players Club live here from John's Grill I'm Olivia Lee joined at this table by two of TCU football's newest transfers Jalen Robinson and Jack Besh along with my co-host Emma hillquist we're breaking everything down here for you guys just want to give a quick shout out to fans vintage your number one spot for all your bear and vintage TCU gear you can make sure to check them out online at or on Instagram and Twitter at fans vintage gear they've got lots of good stuff with the football season approaching you definitely want to check them out for all of their clothing now you guys we've kind of been breaking down your experience with transferring and coming to a new place choosing TCU Emma did you have something you wanted maybe to start it off with what do you think is like the most surprising part about TCU like stepping on campus I mean Jalen obviously like you've probably seen Campus before living so close but like yeah what do you think like shocked you the most was there anything 10 minutes in the LSU I could get caught walking like 25. yeah describe it because I've never been to LSU I've never been to Oklahoma tiger on campus right really all the time like a zoo scenario too but so was it like unless you more of like a commuter school like is there a lot of people like commuting to and from their homes like is it really busy in that aspect or is everyone like living on campus no nobody really lives on campus really okay yeah I think it's horrible on campus it's like horrible really you get caught in the morning like 30 45 minutes of traffic okay so any traffic around here you feel like you're chilling there is no traffic around yeah there you go because you also do you guys walk to classes you drive and so what time are you guys having to get to the facility in the morning right now for spring practice is it like five six fifteen Saturday okay I think that's early yeah yeah are you guys morning people oh what if that's not really I don't want to find out where yeah no I mean it is for sure I could not be waking up that early but I was curious because I feel like when you're an athlete you just kind of you're used to the Grind of like having to wake up in the morning practice right but if on a on a regular day if you didn't have to go to practice you would all choose to sleep in you know really it's kind of hard sleeves yeah especially now like our bodies yeah try to sleep in your body wakes you up at like 8 A.M yeah that makes sense you're like I'm trying to get like two more hours today that's real yeah now I had a question for you jack I always hear about the different foods in Louisiana the gumbo like those type of thing can you tell me about what food are you missing most from Louisiana right now oh my grandma's food really is she she the chef of the family I have a Melbourne yeah what do they make what's your favorite dish that they make [Music] anything with crawfish season a lot of things really anything crawfish are sure um like shrimp stew with boiled eggs chicken and dumplings crawfish wow like yeah I have never had a single one of those things like my favorite I've never had crawfish [Music] is like the best fast food restaurant okay okay representation of like Louisiana food southern food no because Fried Chicken isn't really like it's not very Louisiana now I need to like start writing a list of all of these things that I need to try from Louisiana we've had two guests from Louisiana now I gotta actually give it a good news oh yeah I've had Beignets from Disneyland but I don't think that counts I've never had like a legitimate beignet the name is you need to you need to take time to cook for me and Emma and make all of these Foods so we can taste test them I'm the best chef okay good that's good okay good to know now Jalen you're obviously closer to your home now right Jack's father you're closer are you going home every weekend for home-cooked meals like is that all you're doing these days now this would be crazy to hear but I'm not really I'm trying to slow Road okay I'll go back home sometime yeah that makes sense no I wanted to ask you because Texas football is like a whole different breed in itself I feel like we're always talking about too the recruits that come out of here a lot of showing players what was your experience like getting recruited out of high school to play college football here in Texas um it was a it was a good experience um chances are very very competitive state to play football man yeah um and just being around people that play football when you get off or just like International Championship [Music] world for sure um I'm gonna speak back on just a little thing um High School really yeah that was I was I was upset about it [Applause] really yeah but now you ended up here right so it must have been meant to be down the line who else you you got here eventually I love that now Jack your experience so far you said smaller School you've kind of adjusted to that um is there do you guys feel like there's any different TCU is very prideful right we like we love our Horned Frogs We Love Our Sports we had a bass great basketball season tennis all these different sports that are doing well at TCU because you guys kind of feel that energy when you got here of like we're really celebrating our Athletics right now because I feel like that's an energy that like as students even we can kind of feel on campus on a daily basis could you guys tell when you got here sure yeah definitely all I know is we're gonna keep it up [Music] I love that that was one of my follow-up questions because I mean football just had obviously our a legendary season we had such a great run regardless yeah exactly well do you guys feel like starting spring practice and in the locker room do you feel any sort of pressure coming in as the new guys I mean there's a lot of transfers is there like that sort of energy in the locker room or not really close bro we've been doing this yeah seven seven years old it would have been that there was running around some catching footballs yeah it's just like I like that outdoor football yeah I just think that I I was I asked the question because I do see that how that could be intimidating kind of walking into that locker room coming off such a great season but then with all of these new athletes like you guys coming in and adding to the program it's really only making it stronger right so that's okay that's got to be motivating now can you guys walk me through a day of spring practice from start to finish what does that look like throwing it throwing in classes in there might I add because you guys are so busy and I feel like Everyone likes to know like you wake up at this time you do this like what does it look like give me a rental yeah so I have my alarm set for 5 15 a.m um get to this city around like six six or five eat breakfast um we practice Monday and Wednesday Friday and Saturday Okay so and then we lift on Tuesdays and Thursdays so like the days of our practice we're at meetings at 6 45 and the days we left we started at the year seven so we're gonna practice you get ready for meetings you go to meetings from 6 45 to like eight and then you get on the field by about 8 10 that's from like 8 10 to 10 30 10 45. um and then we'll receive it so we get on the joint machine get some extra catches it put some extra work and I went from Murray hit the training room for a little bit then eat lunch and then go to class the rest of the day really it's nice that football is focus on like academics and just like being you and doing what you like to do right outside of football yeah I mean I think that's crazy too because also see like some of the football guys on campus walking around at like 12. little do we know that you guys have had a whole day yeah excuse me that's just crazy I always joke about that like we get done with practice and get all our extra catches in and we're a bit not gonna call my friend and they don't answer I'm like what are the answer is I'm like they're still sleeping yeah that's crazy experience yeah and you got to feel accomplished after doing that right there's days where I'm like I didn't get anything done today you're like guaranteed you're getting yeah on your day what would you guys say is the harder day like on your bodies like physically the days in the weight room or the practice days practice for sure yeah even when it's like an intense weightlifting day it's not not the same it's not the same the heat mixture is the sweat the tiredness repetition yeah it's a lot and because it's also like practice now is it physical but it's mental yeah not only physical type but like you get basically trying a lot of thinking that's true that's interesting I had a question about uh the weight room maybe Emma you also can add into this because I don't know what your guys's weight room experience is like as a swim team do you guys like are you playing music I know you're playing music and there's like someone on the aux or do you guys have like a playlist that you play every single time you're in the weight room one playlist right it makes you around like some days rapping sometimes it's like hard metal is it I wish I was inside yeah for sure the reason I want to produce is not only the best athletes but oh my gosh the best singers [Music] maybe you guys should suggest like starting a Google doc where you can submit a song or make a playlist yeah yeah someone doesn't have a playlist in there it's a young boy I hope we can play this for practice so like in the indoor they're playing music how did you get that role if you're the new guy on the street how do you get the music roll oh maybe a couple of you but because I thought I would need you know some music to like listen I don't ever play in hard rock and that's just playing the background it's just like whatever like that young boy comes on of Kevin Gates or you know a little baby everybody starts getting into it yeah there you go we love that energy um I have a different question to ask you do you guys play any other sports girl Young did you say I guess Jackson oh yeah yeah I'm just messing you said that swim was difficult though didn't you when you were saying yeah for sure have you ever swam a little bit for your training I have not no so what else will work out bro track basketball soccer baseball okay wow basically every other sport besides swimming every time I feel like everything I'm like what was y'all's favorite besides football like did you have one yeah you really enjoyed playing yeah soccer but really basketball baseball which were you best at aside from football track I didn't like practice okay but you were probably like one of the best ones on the team that was first yeah that could make sense for your current position in football makes sense for sure no I haven't I kind of have a question moving away like back towards football what would you guys say is the most difficult part of playing D1 football all aside from like the obvious answer which is just like the grind of it all the workouts and everything what would you say is like specifically the most difficult part of playing D1 football in a D1 sport if you want to chip in it'd be like well I would just say like time management but if you get good at it then it becomes like I'm not gonna say easy because it's not easy yeah like no some people like you know like aren't that well we're just like managing the time they do have um but if you do manage it well then like I feel like everything definitely like falls into place it just makes it just a little bit easier and you're like you know like don't go to sleep at 1am to wake up at five you know yeah get your stuff done like if you have study hall like you would have done a study hall so you can go home and be you and then go to sleep at a decent time and be like you know like rejuvenated and energize for the day to come do you guys have required study hall hours do and I think freshmen but if you show them that you can you know like do stuff on your own um like academically then they kind of let you free after a couple of months yeah I mean you grow up real quick too playing D1 football you're as a freshman you're thrown in wherever school you're at and you have such a grind that you have to follow I mean you can't fall behind there's no room to like the study hours you have to study you have to be at practice you have do all those things so it it makes you grow up real fast right playing a D1 sport well we've loved talking to these two we're going to talk to them a little bit more but head to a quick commercial break when we return we'll hear more from these two TCU football guys stay tuned everyone t-club provides the everyday TCU fan and Alum the ability to specifically support TCU student announcements flying tea club offers three levels of memberships the flying tea Club is a non-profit organization supporting the brand development of TCU student athletes through a series of unique event-based networking opportunities which are exclusive to our members these events provide a great social engagement tool for our members and student athletes alike follow them on Instagram at flying tea club or online at texas-based happy water offers the best tasting sugar-free kids drink ever made Happy water comes in four delicious flavors that you can find at local retailers and on Amazon each pouch contains zero grams of sugar zero calories and zero percent juice head to for more information and to purchase happy water that's live happy be happy drink happy [Music] hi everyone I'm Lindsey Dixon the proud owner and founder of fans vintage we sell rare and vintage gear for all things TCU I graduated from TCU with an MBA in 2020 and actually started fans vintage as part of a class project during covid and now two years later we've grown from selling random vintage gear on Instagram into a full-time retail business with rare and custom gear you can't find anywhere else this business has always been about creating a community of passionate fans and bringing people together for Nostalgia and school pride Collide we couldn't have gotten here without your tremendous enthusiasm and support so thank you and we can't wait to share what's next stay tuned and as always go frogs foreign this is Cowtown Headache Center neurology clinic that specializes in headache medicine we offer standard oral medications we offer trigger point injections we offer multiple nerve blocks we offer infusions both for prevention medication and for acute relief my name is Andrew levere I'm a physician assistant that has a special certification from the national headache foundation and headache medicine patients are pretty shocked when I tell them we have tons of options for them and that we can do better than what they're doing I don't just tell you here's one medicine we're going to try I'll give them options and then ultimately we choose together as a provider and patient it's very satisfying to know that we're changing people's lives foreign and welcome back to the Players Club live from John's Grill I'm Olivia Lee alongside my co-host Emma hillquist and two of TCU football's newest recruits Jalen Robinson and Jack Besh thanks for coming on here guys and just want to give a quick shout out to John's grill a fast casual service in a fun relaxed family-friendly environment featuring 11 big screen TVs for you to catch the big game on the Mixology team has created a craft cocktail and beer menu featuring local spirits and Brews from across Texas you can check them out at or on Instagram at John's Grill we love John's Grill we're here every Thursday with our biggest fan we always give them french fries they're fire so everyone try them all right guys we want to switch gears and focus more on who you are outside of football because that's very important and it's what we try to focus on in this show is there something that you guys have kind of found out so far I know you haven't been here for that long but found out either in the community or at TCU that you kind of want to get involved in or looking to get involved in and stuff like that so like that's something I'm gonna find but like hobby wise it's just kind of like new football new school and then you know like just kind of cheer up the house I have a dog so be with him and do something with him you have a dog you said what kind of dog an American Bully an American man uh uh Zion I just called him Z yeah do you like animals I do have a friendship [Music] we Foster her but she's sweetie she's a German Shepherd so we're all over all about the dogs so is there anything at LSU you mentioned like you enjoy doing community service and stuff is there anything you guys did at your past schools that you were like really passionate about or kind of interested in in terms of like community service a few football camps that I'll hosted one book as a Bowser yeah I like being around kids and I like to I want to be a coach as well yeah I'm always able to give I'm sure and I'm sure they love you right you're like a call what about you jack anything um there was a charity that was in Baton Rouge called uh James come true there was like you know like kids like they give like a wish if they have like terminal disease yeah the brawn or just something like that yeah it was something like that um that I was involved in like uh actually one of the kids I worked with literally on Monday uh finally became cancer free I still try to stay connected to the couple of kids that um that like I was around to be with for you so that's something that's awesome and that you can stay connected with them still when you're here now and hear all about them I mean I'm sure you guys are making such a difference in these kids like you have no idea like idolize you and then being able to watch you play football in the school is pretty cool too so do you guys think that you guys are going to utilize and IO here like any deals that you want to make for sure okay you should just go over there and walk introduce yourself seriously is that something you guys are talking about a lot kind of as you as you're yeah another school advice is all about the Madison Iowa such big things all about them it's all about the money yeah I would say from my experience you need to go somewhere where you you want to if your dreams to go to the NFL we need to go somewhere where NFL is frozen football this first and then you know second yeah so as of now right now I'm focused and I will come certain yeah it becomes it comes it doesn't I'm running for the bigger class yeah hey that's like the best way look at it right the whole thing about it too is like let's just say like you get blessed within IL and you're making that's just that's hard that's hard about it like yeah say 50 000 a month which is a lot of money right yeah 50 000 doesn't compare to waking up after a draft day with 14 hymns in your account like that's for money and like that's fun money and then the numbers but yeah one of the questions that I had to you on here that kind of ties in for this like when you step onto a college campus it's almost like a four-year Boot Camp or however many years you're here for your boot camp of getting you ready for the next level which is the NFL do are you not discussing that a lot about your future in football while you're still trying to stay in your college like Sport and experience that would you say for sure that's well that's my biggest motivation yeah is to make it like like everything is just like go another step knows High School Eugene about playing college ball maybe a college boy dream about make the NFL which is like I guess for most kids the ultimate goal yeah but you know like so like definitely like that's something that I would say motivates probably every college football player yeah I mean ride through all this for no reason exactly totally I I think too because I feel like if yeah like you're always looking towards the next question but you also are looking at is like this is my motivation like I did High School football I grinded in high school to get to college now I'm dining in college to get to the NFL and then once you're in the NFL you can be like okay maybe I'll like relax for a day or two once I've like played for a few years you know so that's an interesting perspective but a good one to have for sure yeah now something I kind of wanted to Pivot towards we've asked a bunch of different athletes that have come on the show everyone has different travel schedules you're going to different towns States cities experiencing different places do you guys enjoy the travel that you have to do during a season every weekend or every week every other week basically or is that kind of tough if you have a few home games anywhere of course I hate it really yeah some of our life stadiums are exciting my plate are going to shoot yeah um I've ever played in so so yeah you guys have played each other whoever played against TCU or have either of you so that's it that's interesting yeah yeah that's a fun Dynamic to have though right is there a lot of people on the TCU team now that either of you have played with previously in high school or at a different school or no Marcel was at LSU but I didn't play with him right yeah like I was in a place okay I was curious if like there's kind of a group of people that you may have known from previously or you since you're from Fort Worth yeah I haven't seen where we play people together I've played this thing a few times okay cool and speaking of travel you mentioned you played at LSU that was a cool experience is there one place you can pinpoint that you've traveled to where you're like that was the best place I've ever played at in terms of like the energy of the fans and the stadium and just the whole atmosphere all together okay what what what's so great about OSU both of you don't say Louisiana is different already um they have a big a positive energy Sports on their fans get into it yeah there's students get into it the kids get into it everyone's into it it's loud and surrounded a lot of good smelling food everyone's having a good time yeah yeah and it's not [Music] it's the worst to travel there the fans are brutal Mississippi State just sold it because the cowbells well I just don't like the Cowboys down everything tomorrow [Applause] [Music] you guys can really relate on a lot of different things because you're coming from the same conference and have you guys talked about just all the different things that you're experiencing coming from the SEC and now being here for sure yeah and are there a lot of guys that have transferred from the SEC now that are on the TCU team like are you guys like us to Trey Sanders yeah Tommy Buckner um yeah is there to see you guys feel any sort of like new energy in the locker room because we've got a lot of new awesome guys can you is there like can you explain kind of what that atmosphere is like with the newer guys and then with the guys that have been on the team for three or four years okay would you would you say more of another group team or yeah probably it's just last year they were so good but one of those guys I guess the younger guys now they're they're excited they showed up they want to do the same thing that they did last year yeah forever like you listen to them like they tell you what's like is it like it's just leadership okay so it's not like I've been here for four years you just transferred like you have to okay that's just whoever steps up and takes that goal on that that's good no I want to Pivot too football guys pre-game superstitions music all those different things are you guys superstitious in the first place either of you do you have like one wristband you have to wear every game something like that yeah not even superstitious just like like prayer I'm talking to God I don't know if you call her superstitious no but that's something that's part of your routine yeah like praying talking to God just like imagining what you're gonna do before you do it I love that right right before you're headed out on the field is that something you're doing and what about you Jalen anything um [Music] talk so no motivation yeah you got that right across your chest I love that and what about when pre-game music is there like a song in the bus I mean I know it's silent everyone's got their headphones on you're not mingling is there a song that you're each individually listening to that just like gets you ready or you kind of just have a playlist on and everywhere so every young boy song okay we've got young boys biggest fan in here but why really well so yeah because also we've the different athletes we've talked to it kind of ranges like the tennis guys they meditate before that's like something that they talked about and then like the volleyball girls they get crazy in the locker room and all that stuff and obviously football's a little bit of a different Dynamic pregame but I was just curious if there's like something specifically you guys are listening to so it sounds like necklace is your Superstition and you like to pray before that's part of your ritual I was telling my roommates that I was interviewing LSU transfer are the locker rooms like so nice at LSU yeah I literally saw that on Tick Tock someone like laid out the bed and all of that stuff so then what has it been like coming to TCU and seeing our facilities here I mean we've got nice facilities here too what is what has that experience been like not having a bed maybe but something the only difference is like LSU like we had a football yeah and get to know other people I like that too too and why it's like the small school Community Field is because you're it's not just with the students but even the athletes is a smaller group of people getting to know each other all right now kind of an ending segment that we do every week we call it the hot seat we're gonna ask you guys like six or seven questions just whatever is the first answer that comes to your mind if you can't think of it that's okay but we'll kind of run through them each of you can answer individually there's one that we don't have on here that I want to start with we ask button them about it their answer was like Max Duggan I think that's who their answer was but is there someone in your phone contacts right now that's like famous a celebrity who is it like could you call them if you picked up the phone right now with the answer who would it be Orange okay um and he would answer but I have time to Brady's number wow that's pretty cool [Music] kind of Loki on accident but how are you guys over that's okay now you have it so maybe one day you'll run down run into him down the line and you'd be like oh I have your phone number like we should we should call yeah just text me about blue who cares all right um but Spotify wrapped artists you guys have Spotify okay who was like your number one artist yeah that was a yes yeah same same young boy was yours well okay I love it you guys have the same you're like twins okay how about this one this is a new one we haven't asked what's your favorite cereal I know Emma came up with this fruit Loopsy bits how you doing Pebbles Fruity Pebbles yeah okay that's good lucky charms yeah a little more mushrooms they need to make a marshmallow cereal I would so eat this okay next one we have should we ask them the biggest ick yeah what's your biggest egg do you guys know what an egg is yeah Jack's like I have a lot on my mind and what in what way it could just be just be a person like what was this magic like your gum yeah that's okay I don't have dry lips dry lips that's a good one too like use your Chapstick I get you I get you I don't know no is there anything if you guys could go back and tell your freshman self something what would it be School in college in college no change me and you always staying true to yourself for anybody love that probably so um [Music] can I pull it up yeah he's going up a quote on his Instagram that's something that he would maybe tell his freshman to yourself yeah I speak to him still by this day he's kind of missile all right loading loading answer in okay so I say that because when I got to college I feel like I can talk to a lot of people yeah so if you get there sometimes you feel like you made it you start to slack on the things so don't stop working as far as you did you get younger to get to where you got in high school I I would say I was like the hardest working and sometimes I feel like I do slack and I need to remind myself you know you had a big dreams you're not there yet but you're not there yourself yeah right there I love that and now it's on your Instagram all the time so I can remind you every day all right Emma you want to ask the final question of today okay I don't I still don't have an opinion on this I know I don't either but everyone always has a hot take pineapple and pizza yes or no no okay so yeah I have tried it but I can't remember if the other football guys were hard-nosed yeah maybe namdi was yes but we we get a range some people are really like all about the pineapple on pizza and some are we have to get one on here yeah I think our final show will have a pineapple pizza and we'll do a taste test and see how we feel about it well you guys it was so great to be joined too thank you for coming on our show we're so happy you're officially TCU one of those here on campus and we're so excited for next season looking forward to seeing you both play so thank you so much for stopping by The Players Club just want to remind everyone watching that we're here every Thursday at 6 p.m live from John's Grill you can catch it online at as well as our YouTube channel and see all of our content on Instagram and Twitter at Vlogs today again my name is Olivia Lee and I'm Emma and we will see you next week at six

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