State of the Frogs with Sonny Dykes Season 3, Episode 1 Stanford

[Music] welcome back to state of the frogs with your head coach Sunny Dykes I'm your host JW Wilson coach it's been a bit we've been gone for a while but uh it's finally here season 3 is upon us uh it's game week welcome back how have you been good good yeah glad to be back at it it's been a been a long offseason but uh very productive one a lot of changes in our program and stuff that we're excited about so you know we're uh we're fired up to get to to play Friday night and and get started early a day early and you know excited to play against the Stanford team go on the road you know all the stuff is there to kind of test us and that's I think what we need and and so we're fired up and ready to go with the horn frog fames missed you so it's good to be back but um you made some signicant moves in the offseason can you tell us little about some of the transfers and how that's affected the team yeah yeah we got a lot of new faces uh obviously starts with with our coaching staff and Andy evos coming over from boy state is the defensive coordinator and you know Andy's had a lot of Success Through The Years as a coach he's been somebody that I've admired and admired his teams and the way they played and his defens is has got a great pedigree and as we started to talk a little bit about this job you know it was pretty obvious that he was the kind of guy that I wanted and has a very systematic approach in the way he does things and and really has a similar background to me just on the defensive side of the ball um and so anyway it was it was was uh we were really fortunate to get him hired and I think he's brought a new Edge to our defense and and excited about the scheme that we're running but also about the the way our players have developed and the emphasis on fundamentals and and doing things the right way so I'm I'm excited to watch the the group play Friday I think we'll play very well defensively and uh just excited to that he's here and as you said a lot of new faces as well uh on that side of the ball in particular from a transfer standpoint so should be a should be a fun group to coach and to watch and and looking forward to watching them Friday night I had a note to ask you about Coach Avalos and the 425 coming back and that seems to be his his Forte that's exciting to hear um leadership on the team how could you tell us about that a little bit yeah yeah it's it's always interesting you know we're U football teams are really always as good as their leadership allows them to be and I think that's you know you go back and look at the 22 team and I think that was one of the things that we had we had a lot of experience guys guys that have been through a lot of battles um had an edge to him and and uh were very very invested in our program um and I think this year's football team reminds me of that we have a lot of experienced guys guys that have played a lot of football uh some of them at TCU but but some of them at other places uh when we're talking about transfers and and the guys that just they have a confidence about them they have determination about them um you know I think that they U you know understand what it takes to be successful and just like the leadership of this group I think this team if you ask me to describe it in one word I'd say mature and I think that typically um is a good thing nice I know you get asked this question a lot coach but is it possible to compare and you and you kind of did it there a little bit but last year's team to this year's team is it a difference in leadership and some of the team principles yeah yeah we'll see how it plays out but I think I think for us you know the the 23 team you know as coaches I'm always responsible for that you know to to develop that leadership and to bring those guys along that's not something that just happens um and if you don't have it naturally then you have to make sure it occurs and did a poor job doing that last year spent a lot of time in the offseason um you know nourishing that part of our team and and doing everything that we could do to encourage that growth uh especially in that in that area um and and love the results so far you know we're just getting started it's a long season we got 12 we got 12 very difficult ball games ahead of us and and we'll see how that we respond to adversity when it hits but uh but I love the makeup of this team and so far and you know we'll see how it goes any big surprises from fall Camp I don't think so I think just the the competition is what's been inspiring to me I think that um you know the good thing about this team is if you miss a day or two of practice someone's going to have your spot and I think that's what makes this group way different than than the past is you know guys were kind of assured of of starting jobs and and didn't really necessarily get pushed by some other guys well now we've got enough depth on this football team and enough talent that you know you miss a day or two of practice someone's going to have your job and it's going to be hard to get it back because they going to go in and perform at a high level so love that competitive aspect of the group love the fact that it was back and forth during fall Camp the offense would have a good day the defense would have a good day and it even went within practice to practice I mean we might have a good uh a good part offensively early in practice and we might have a a good part defensively in practice and so you like to see that competition and both sides of the ball have success and and that usually uh means you have a good team so uh it was it was fun to see fantastic I had an opportunity to see a couple practices this during the fall Camp obviously lot of people are watching joshh Hoover any any thoughts on Josh Hoover and how he's progressed yeah yeah I think uh you know you Josh is doing what quarterback what GRE what great quarterbacks do you know he's making good decisions with the ball I think he believes in his Supporting Cast I think he understands that he doesn't have to go out there and and play like Brett Favre and play Reckless football you know I think he understands look I if I take care of the ball and make good decisions and get the ball to the these guys that can make plays then you know that's what's going to allow us to move the football and move it consistently and and if we can limit our turnovers and our negative plays then I think this offense has a chance to be very very good you know last year a big part of the issues we had were were self-inflicted issues and I think we've grown past having those but as I said we'll get a great test on Friday great to hear and also there's a new technology imp uh program you implemented in college football can you tell us a little about that yeah yeah so you've got helmet communication now which they've had in the NFL for forever and uh I'm not sure why it took 15 years for us to get the technology that they've had the NFL but whatever uh but we've got it now and then we've also got the I you know pads on the sideline to to allow us to go back and review previous series with our players which again I think it all makes sense I mean you know the technolog is there why not use it to improve the game and and I think this is going to help in a lot of different ways I mean I think it's going to help with some of the sign silly signal stealing and all the stuff that's you know kind of put a a black eye on college football and and hopefully it'll help with that and help speed up the game a little bit and help expedite some things and and kind of remove some of that silliness fantastic well we'll be right back with state of the frogs with your head coach Sunny Dykes at higen Botham we put people first so we simply start by listening to you whether you're searching for customized Insurance HR or Financial Solutions to protect your home car Health business or employees our Specialists are here to serve you the 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season 3 of state of the frogs and welcome everyone football season is finally here and we are out on the campus at TCU and I'm here with Brooke and Camille and they have our student question of the week hey coach dkes I know you have two daughters and a son I believe because mallerie is here for frogs today and stored in Seven Seasons a bunk how much Disney did your kids watch Growing Up So coach uh did you watch a lot of Disney Channel in the last decade or so yeah you know what I'll tell you a funny story so we uh I bought a pirate Ed box 10 box of every signal uh Disney movie ever made off the internet way back when and so we have watched every known Disney movie ever made I've seen them all I've seen them all in many different languages because some of them had subtitles that they weren't in English but we stuck them on there when we had road trips and the kids watched them and so we grew up uh on the on Disney movies and the Disney Channel and everything associated with Disney and we uh we've been loyal Disney people for a long time many trips to Disney World couple to Disneyland and so I would classify us as Die Hard Disney folks beautiful and now we're complicit in this victimless crime that you committed but I think we'll let by guns be by gonss yeah yeah I'm sure Disney's not going to like hearing that and it was it was a heck of an investment I think it was like 300 movies for like 50 bucks so turned out pretty good for us well played coach we'll be right back with state of the frogs with your head coach Sunny Dykes simply the best barbecue in Fort Worth dinein catering or drive-thru 2900 Montgomery just off I30 remember the best barbecue in Fort Worth is at Railhead Smokehouse Welcome to The Squire shop we are locally owned and operated since 1994 we specialize in the finest men's clothing that the market has to offer at affordable prices with unbelievable service we do uh custom cloes all the way to more casual Peter Mard Johnny O kind of everything well my dad's the owner so I've been around retail my whole life oh it's great I mean it's best boss I'll ever have I know that we love our TCU Community they have been so good to us come see us today Go Frogs welcome back to state of the frogs with your head coach Sunny Dykes coach it's game week it's on to business 9:30 local time kickoff pal alos California the Cardinal of Stanford what can you tell us yeah you know uh Stanford is a typical Stanford team it's going to be a physical football team a team that's well coached you know Troy Taylor's going into his second year they'll make a huge jump from year one to year two um very talented team again you look at the recruiting rankings these are a lot of elite level players that got recruited by pretty much everybody across the country so really talented team uh a team that's going to play a disciplin brand of football you know they've got uh really good coaches the you know the defensive coordinators has got a pretty significant NFL background I'm sure they'll make a big jump from year one to year to in terms of additional scheme and being able to build on the base that they established last year so it'll be a lot different um than probably what we've seen on film got a great playmaker at wide receiver uh kid that basically took over that Colorado game in the second half and and willed them to a comeback against Colorado last year um a linebacker on defense that's big and physical and make a lot of plays and some quarterbacks that really know how to handle the the offense and run it so it's going to be a good football team a much improved team um and again a Stanford team that's built on you know lining up and playing a physical brand of football any history with Troy Taylor yeah yeah I know Troy well uh he was at fulam high school and we recruited one of his quarterbacks when I was there and you know he played uh played quarterback at Cal so he was was a guy that I got to know pretty well when I was out in the Bay Area and I've had a lot of respect for him and he did a tremendous job at Sacramento State and getting that program going and he'll do the same thing at Cal your days at Cal you probably played in in pal pal Sala so it play tough place to play yeah yeah it is I mean it's a it's a it's a different setting you know it it it really is especially on a Friday night it's it'll be a little bit different but um it's a it's a it's a cool Stadium they've done a good job there they have a great tradition I mean you look at their the teams they've had over the last two decades I mean it's it's been a a very very very good football program for a long time obviously Jim Harbaugh came in there and did some great things with it and then David Shaw took over and never missed a beat so you know they've won there for a long time they know how to win they expect to win um and you know it'll be a big challenge for and coming from this hellacious Hot Box playing out there and probably what seems to be some really nice weather how does that affect the game would you think or the players yeah yeah you know pal Alta will be will be nice and cool it'll be probably about 75 degrees it kick off and yeah get down to probably the high 50s when it's uh when it's done and so you know I think it'll be uh I think it'll be a nice uh change of pace for our players for sure from from from a weather standpoint you're getting a good amount of TC fans headed headed that way have you heard anything about crowd attendance here yeah yeah it seems like you know people I've talked to I know a lot of people personally that are going and you know it's a great it's a great trip you get to go to the Bay Area do the wine country thing if you want to you know maybe spend the weekend there after watching our game and and hopefully our our fans will be happy with our performance we've had the privilege of seeing a couple players coming out of the locker room on the way up here and everybody has a little chip on their shoulder we can tell it you can feel it it's really palpable but the players seem really positive about that you noticed that around the yeah yeah y guys have um you know our guys have have had to to deal with the losing season now for eight months and and uh none of us have particularly enjoyed it and and so we're ready to to turn the page and and the quickest way to do that go out and play well Friday and I don't know if you have time while you're out there but the women's uh TC women's golf team is out there playing at Pebble Beach in the Carmel cup I've heard so yeah unfortunately I'm not going to have a chance to get over there but that's a that's a beautiful place to go visit ex and I'm always looking for an excuse to get over to Pebble Beach and before we go some news dropped this morning you and your wife Kate made a special gift to TCU I like to talk to you about real quickly but it honors Jamal pow teammate of mine and then wife of a TC horn frog Legend Hunter inis being Shirley inis yeah yeah you know uh Jamal and Shirley were two people that me a lot to to us personally um obviously Jamal uh was my offensive line coach when I was at SMU and you know just love Jamal and his family um you know Jamal loved TCU probably as much as anybody I've ever met in my entire life um as we started talking about the possibility of giving a gift he seemed like the natural person to honor um you know he's just got such a tremendous family and just invested and love TCU so much and and meant so much to so many different people and then Shirley Enis you know Hunter Hunter Andis has met the world at TCU uh Shirley was incredibly supportive of of just Kate and I when we came over here and went out of her way to make us feel at home and and we wanted to do something for women's sports and we felt like that she was the perfect uh perfect person to honor and so we're just excited to give back I mean look we love TCU we love being here it's a special place and we understand that and uh you know we're just happy to be a part of it coach it's an amazing thing so thank you very much for the gift and putting your money where your mouth is man that's that's an incredible thing you did so thank you and Kate yeah I appreciate that well here we go coach season 2024 is upon us good luck in Powell stos and we'll see you next time yeah looking forward to it and like I said excited to go out there and play well Friday night we're looking forward to that's been state of the frog with your head coach Sunny Dykes thanks for joining us roxo media house

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