Category: Sports
Uh just that i mean uh their guy came up and uh he pit a great game buin pit a great game was just really just a couple hits out there and so uh like you said it's a really good te rie were you looking first pit slider there no for a strike just one yet i've been getting lot of strikes especially uh... Read more
Category: Sports
Landon uh number one you got your first career save but more importantly dave roberts said you were huge and saving the bullpen for the rest of this road trip how does that you know those two things uh register with you you know it feels good anytime uh you can kind of pick up those guys a little bit... Read more
Category: Sports
I know talk about with cleared the week last week but how do you see just kind of be more steady force the bottom of the lineup just kind of what he's able to do ear in this g um i think confidence is everything uh you can just see it in his at bats uh today got behind was a 2 two sweeper that he stayed... Read more
Category: Sports
Da how's uh freddy do he's doing fine um i just felt that you know he's got a you know the fingers fractured um the the the middle finger at the end of it um he wants to be in there um understandably so um just kind of thinking through it potentially giving a giving it chance to calm down um you know... Read more
Category: Sports
When you think about this outing it was more of an uphill cl but you found different ways to be effective how did you find just managing yourself through this outing yeah i felt like uh i was a little off early in counts with off speed like and of course i need to land it a little bit more early but... Read more
Category: Sports
Important are these outings for you just mooving preparing yourself knowing that there could be opportunity o i mean yeah i mean i feel like every time i go out there it's really just trying to do the best i can to put us in a good position to win and so uh yeah now every opportunity i get to to keep... Read more
Category: Sports
Just to be able to get through five today what was kind of your assessment of just today's outing uh yeah i was kind of in that weird pitch count spot u talked to doc you know told me our bpin was in a good spot i think worked out well obviously you know a building block for me and and bullpen did a... Read more
Category: Sports
Uh dave just kind of what is your reaction to when you see a situation show show how tani gets intentionally walked which of course you know in that situation makes a lot of sense but then of course you got mookie bets right behind him how valuable is that just from your side what was your reaction... Read more
Category: Sports
You see walker as making a step forward tonight absolutely uh this is the first night i've seen you know the delivery the tempo um synced up the ball was coming out really well i mean he's worked his tail off with our pitching guys the strength and conditioning guys performance guys to get his body... Read more
Category: Sports
まアナハイムに戻れてまキャリーが始まっ た場所ですけどもま特別な気持ちとある意 フルに戻れてあの何か特別なお気持ちとか 感じました かシン初めてだったの でみにしました ったのでいいで勝ててかったな半 感じてますかね本当に選手として ありがたいですしあのま心強い本当に 心強いなっていうのがま直なところかなと 思うのであの流れとしてもやっぱり大きい 円があるとそれだけで違うんじゃないかな と思うとも心強いなと思います asallans あのホーム故郷に戻ってきて多少感情的に なるところもあると思うんですけども何か そういう場面っていうのは今日ありました かそう あののの うで本に感謝しかない ですま本当に今日ここでプレイできたって... Read more
Category: Sports
What do you think about jack tonight i thought jack was was good um you know obviously he left the slider to uh yurius but i thought he was good um even after taking the ball off the wrist going back out there giving us an inning and t made a nice play uh to get us out of it and to give us six innings... Read more
Category: Sports
Jack how's your hand feeling right now compared to when of that game that's good um yeah everything checks out pretty good and we'll see how it is tomorrow but it feels pretty good right now any followup on the progress of it mean tomorrow imaging and stuff um i'll talk to them after this we just looked... Read more