Opening Weekend Showdown: College Football Week 1 Guide

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:42:57 Category: Sports

Trending searches: florida gators football coach
[Music] hello and welcome to the franchise tag podcast College show we are into week one we have had week zero is in the books uh and well let's start off welcome Adam to the college show obviously me and Alex uh kicked it off last week with the uh with the start of it but Adam was away because he wasn't very well so welcome to the college show Adam I know the viewers know you quite well from the betting show from the Tuesday show but do you want to let them into why you're on here and your uh how you've got into college football I'm on here because I know absolutely nothing about college football that's the reason that Andrew has made me come on here just to completely make me look like an absolute plank so this should be fun um I've I've not really watched a lot apart from the last couple of years and I'm gonna get taught by two people who actually know what they're talking well one person that that one over there knows this one over here I'm not sure but you know so it's uh yeah so it should be fun yeah I just thought it was really interesting to get you on obviously you've been follow following the college game for a sort of a a different reason to others you like to follow it to find out who the next lot of players going into the draft are so you've got a fairly decent understanding of some of the offensive players and some of those guys uh I know last year I picked the games for you and you watched them whereas um Alex has returned from Dublin uh how was it did you enjoy it how was the atmosphere went over there to watch FSU versus George te tell me all about it mate I've got to say that was probably one of the best footballing days I've ever had I say and I've been to a lot of games I've been to about 20 odd or more NFL games in in London but that day in Dublin was one of the one of the best days I've had um it's very interesting I got into Dublin ridiculously early at like a six o'clock flight out of Bristol arrived in Dublin about 8 o'clock in the morning when it's all dead and quiet and then just gradually you see the odd the odd FSU shirt pop up know Georgia Tech bit here and then by mid morning it was just completely swarming with fans almost completely all Florida State fans it was they they they had taken over Dublin despite being a Georgia Tech home game it was clear they brought about 30,000 people over I think and it was it was it was mad but there it's a absolutely brilliant atmosphere all the fans were they were hyped up but they were all willing to talk have a chat we interviewed a few different fans um there's one guy who managed to predict the score absolutely spot on when he said 2421 Georgia Tech with the fourth quarter field goal to win it um so shout out to Clay I think his name was um yeah and we had a chat with the Georgia Tech president um Ang Cabrera he was a lovely Blake and he was quite excited for his team to be spreading their brand internationally um we got to experience college game day which is a bit of a bit of a thing um I mean the street that that was on was absolutely packed by the time hours before the start of the show there was most there thousands of fans there with with their signs up most of them Florida State fans having something not very nice to say about Kirk herb strip because of his views on on on Florida State and he every time he appeared just boobs just echoing around um yeah and we we were lucky enough to be granted uh backstage access to to um the game day as well they only let one of us in though so Gareth was lucky when he got to go in and got to stand about six feet away from from Nick Sabin and Pat McAfee and I think you should have gone in you are the you're are on our College show you should have been the face of that you should know Gare behind scenes I was just stood on on on the sidelines like a little kid pressing my face up going I can't see you um but no it's was really good and then when we got in in the stadium itself it's a lovely Stadium actually it the first time I've ever been to the Eva um it's AB absolutely brilliant Stadium we got to go down on the sideline and see the players warming up which was great um and then by by kickoff time again it was it was just rammed with um rmed with Florida State they were Georgia Tech fans there some Georgia Tech fans sat behind me had a nice little bit of a chat with but for the majority of the match you just heard the war chant echoing around um on the stadium and the fans in the chop yeah I've always said I think College college game day atmospheres are a lot more better and a lot more exciting than the NFL I don't know what it is about them but if you ever around them the tailgate in the whole day it just it just seems like it's there's more excitement and Buzz about these games yeah is that better than the NFL in London or better than the NFL just in General is better than in general I mean I was talking to G about it when we walking to the stadium and when the London Games can they feel more like a celebration of football everyone comes in their in their different jerseys and things that everyone's teams there um and everyone's there because they love football they they just want to watch a football match this was because the majority of fans there there was lots of Irish fans lots of like UK some European fans quite a few Germans there always a few Germans that turn up to NFL games but the majority Were Us fans from like die hard Florida State or Georgia Tech fans with all their gear and they were just just just they're loving it and because of it was clearly two sets of fans there for that game rooting for their team to win it just had that bit more of a bit more of a buzz never reached a point of like real hostility between the fans there was a bit of like ribbing each other and stuff like that but there's more of a sense this is two two sides going to war sort thing for for their team and all the sorry and then they get all the pump and Circumstance of the marching bands and the CH and get all that around it as well just adds a bit of extra extra flavor to it you've already mentioned the game was 2421 to Georgia Tech week zero hasn't disappointed it's led us with an upset uh which is brings me on to a question for Adam which he might see can give us his opinion on it now prior to the season starting all the teams are given a ranking obviously Florida State were ranked 10th and Georgia Tech were unranked uh now I personally not sure with the turnover of players uh every single year how much you can rank teams Adam do now knowing what's happened what's just happened do you think preseason rankings uh should be a thing for college football clearly not based on what's just happened I mean I know a lot of people have come out and said it was an upset haven't they you know they were they were quite surp urised by the outcome of it but I mean it does kind of you know we we've got some games that we're going to go through later and stuff like that and I was just sort of like going through some of these and when you look at the teams and stuff like that there's a lot of change on a lot of these teams and so it's very difficult in my mind to come out and go that team is definitely rank should be ranked at that specific number when half the team isn't there anymore now obviously that doesn't happen with every team um Ohio have bought a lot of them back haven't they this year so you know you could argue that they could be fairly ranked as them players that you've got some history of that but yeah it does feel a little bit a little bit strange that that is um the way that they do it for someone who you know isn't isn't used to it it does seem a little bit odd um but I assume it's just a a historical thing that they've always done that's one of I'm sorry on one of the quirks of college football is a lot of is decided on opinion whether it's the a rankings that's that's media ranking um what the best teams are and then you've got the college uh the football college football player committee so we saw what happened with Florida State happen last year because they didn't have their certain quarterback they someone's the committee's opinion was they wouldn't be good enough to to compete and it just seems a bit mad when you first come into it that actually you could either be ranked really high or not or make it into the playoffs because some bunch of people think you're all right or not something yeah Alex you uh I think you tipped FSU to be the winners of their division uh you called Mike noral the transfer portal King I think you uh you dubbed him last week um obviously he brought in dju at quarterback who looked like he struggled quite a bit but I've just looked a little bit deeper into it Mike noal is 29- n as a FSU with Jordan Travis starter and two and N now uh with him as an without him starting as the quarterback for them um what does this mean for FSU now do you think that they they went from 65% chance of qualifying for the playoffs to now I think it's 15% 133% something like that chance to qualify with one loss in a division that could be a little bit open for them do you think this is one and done for them or do you think there is a chance of FSU getting back into this Division I think they're fortunate that this year is the first year the expanded play which gives them bit of a Lifeline I mean but going 0 andone at the start of the Season gives the opportunity for teams like Clemson and Miami just to jump in ahead of you straight way straight away and get that get that Advantage I think there's still a fair chance that they could still could still come out on top I don't think any of the teams in the AC this this season are going to go undefeated um so I think it's going to be lead for an interesting season I think it'll be quite close coming the end of it but I think I think it's going to be a three horse race between Florida state will still be in the mix I think and then Clemson and and and Miami will be the be the top challenges there it's just whether you trust Mario Chris the ball not to make any stupid mistakes when he doesn't need to like knil the ball and Run the game instead of losing for Miami um let's jump straight into some of the upcoming games uh Adam I'll come to you first the first game we're going to look at is Georgia versus Clemson um what's you what what's your third thoughts I did this with before you last season I picked you some games you watched the games uh and then you kind of gave me a bit of feedback on the players you like um this is a big game obviously Georgia narrowly missed out on the playoffs last year for their their three p uh and Clemson a forgotten team they used to be very very dominant they've always had uh five star recruits they've always been very very talented both uh are ranked Adam had what's what's your first initial thoughts on this game well my first one is obviously I've seen a little bit of tape from both of the teams and it just to me I was I was really trying to find where Clemson are better than Georgia in any specific area and it feels like there's not many places where they are to be honest and so you know I mean the over under on it is 13 and a half which you know it just kind of makes you feel very much like obviously Georgia a favorites to win this one it feels like you know I remember seeing you see some of these teams of different you know even if they're playing for different teams you sort of see some of them and see how how they perform some of these players to me I'd argue that Carson Beck is the better quarterback in this matchup um I'd probably come out and say that their wide receiver core is a little bit better than what Clemson's are they've got a bit more experience I'd say so I think that they will they will probably do more the one thing that is probably the most sort of like where I think it will you won or lost it is I really think it's going to be about the o line of Georgia going up against the D line of of uh Clemson and that's where it feels like that will be quite an exciting matchup to watch and then also and I know it sounds really weird because obviously it's going to be like wide receivers up against corners and that sort of thing as well but it does feel like them sort of matchups where it's going to be one and loss if you want me to I don't know if you want me to do a prediction or whatever but I I just kind of to me I feel very much like Georgia are going to be this team that are you know they're one of the favorites to win the whole thing aren't they they're they're clearly a very good side um and that they've that to me I just think they've got more than what Clemson have got at the moment um really looking forward to see how Trevor eten does yeah now Alex this this game I I wanted to talk about first up because I think it's a really interesting one because as I said I think a lot of people have forgot about Clemson we've just mentioned that FSU have lost that they now know what position they're in uh DBU swen is a very very talented head coach yeah he doesn't agree with the transfer portal but as I said this team always has five star recruits always has uh players in the NFL draft every single year it only takes them to have one cycle where they have five or six guys coming uh of a talent that they've had before to be starters do you think this game is going to be a blowout that everybody thinks or do you think Clemson can put up a fight in this game I don't think it will be a complete blowout I mean Geor R 13 and a half Point favor it's coming into it so it's going to be tough for him to keep keep Pace with him and as Adam was saying um Carson Beck is is probably a better quarterback than K Club Nick he's coming off one of the best ever seasons for Georgia quarterback and he Pi up ridiculous numbers like he had near 4,000 yards passing and 24 touchdowns to six only six interceptions they they've lost some key players in offense OB Brock Bowers and lad mcon have gone to the NFL now but they replaced them they brought in they brought in play like London Humphries and kobby young and that to replace those skill position players and Beck is gonna come in confident he knows how to run this offense he knows I'd be efficient in it um he's gonna have to deal with the with the with the Clemson defense which I think that's their strong this side generally is the defensive side I mean they run quite like a sort like a blitz heavy sort of scheme so they're going to try and get pressure in his face but I I don't think don't have quite enough to to to to throw him enough off balance because I think Georgia is too much of a too much of a winning machine at the moment they're unlucky to lose in the in the playoff and the championship game last last season and I think they're going to be out knowing that they're the top team they're going to come in with a lot of confidence and they're gonna not steamroll but I think they'll they they should win quite quite comfortably I think Clemson might put up a bit more of a fight than than people are saying obviously brought Barett carback the o line is very very good um K kumnick although he struggled quite a bit at the start of uh last year he ended the season really really strong uh having good wins against uh no Dame and uh North Carolina and then obviously uh in in the ball game as well against Kentucky so I think they they're not going to beat Georgia I don't think but I think they're going to put up a bit more of a fight than everybody else is saying Carson Beck um yeah there's a there's a fair shout Adam that he is the best quarterback in college right now is is that a fair assessment where do you have him ranked among some of the guys that you've been have vior eye on for the draft next year I think it's probably fair to say that he is the best at the moment but going into this season I it would it would probably be a bit unfair to go anywhere else at the moment um it it just kind of feels like he is is very much the not the finished article but against all the others he's kind of in that position where it's almost like if he just keeps improving the way that he has that he should continue and and do well there um we'll be talking about you know another quarterback in a minute which I personally like um but I I think that I think that Beck's kind of to me I mean based on paper with all the names that are there it feels like he's got the best all round offense there at the moment amongst these teams that we're talking about to be able to go and and push on and and really do well so yeah I think it would be um I think it would be a bit unfair if we didn't have him as the best one at the moment but uh you know we shall see what happens on on Saturday so well I know it's not Quin newers that you're talking about because we haven't got Texas to talk about but uh we'll uh we'll move on to the next game it's notam against Texas A&M I think this is a really interesting matchup because I think notam have a chance to go unbeaten this season but they have a very very tough game in Texas A&M uh first up um I was gonna come to Alex first for this one because I don't want to you know Adam's obviously itching to talk about someone on Texas A&M's team so we will go with with Alex Alex what's your thoughts on this game do you think notra are all they hyped up to be brought in Riley Leonard I really really like to MC duuk you know can they can they go can they go un beaten can they can they do it hopefully not because obviously as a USC fan I don't like Notre Dame very much so I don't want them to win this match um but yeah they're coming into the season quite strong um it's third year for head coach Marcus Freeman and um although I think he's trying to ignore the hype there's it seems to be a tradition of um Dame head coaches doing very well in their in in their third third year I think um Brian Kelly that is his national championship year when they were playing for the National Championship in the third season so there's there's this weight of expectation um on him there I think they've done well in bringing Riley Leonard then from duke um he was he's pretty solid last season he finished injured though didn't I think he's well I I thought he was going to go into the draft process I think his injury meant it dropped him down slightly so he's gone back the year and why not I think's he's got the talent there yeah but I think that gives gives him an upgrade at quarterback over over Sam Hartman from last year I think he's more accurate um and I think they're gonna there maybe shift their their focus from last year was very much uh pounding it between the tackles very much relying on the running game this might open it up for a bit more bit more um Airborne offensive for them um inter they're going to be quite tricky to keep him safe though because they they starting offensive line I think all five starters only have a combined six starts between them so it's quite a quite a raw quite a new o line for him to be starting behind so there may be some some issues there especially when cing up against Texas A&M when they have a very strong defensive line and then they've just bought in um Edge rusher Nick Scallon from Purdue who was I think he was the Big 10 uh leader in sacks last year I think about 10 sacks or so which is so he's going to be a problem for them to try and try and keep quiet joining that game um Texas and starting under they got new head coaching um so Michael Co there gonna be a bit bit of adjustment period there but I think I think that their offense is going to be um quite strong although again they are issues with their offensive line last year as well they were ranked like 94th in pass blocking nationally and 91st in in run blocking so they got some work to do to get that that um that offense going as well but um yeah I think it's I think it's gonna be a tough tough match for both sides I think a lot of people predicting to be quite a low scoring game so it could be quite a quite nutritional sort of battle in the trenches sort of one but um I think and I hope the aies come out on top um but not not by too much I think this is going to be a closer game than the previous game we just talked about um but yeah it's going to be tough no D going into college station which is notorious for being one of the toughest environments going the missum hold like 100,000 fans or something that's gonna be roaring so yeah it's gonna be tough tough start for the Irish I hope they lose I think there's a lot of people going to be rooting for them to lose um I don't know what your perception of them is Adam being a a newbie to it but I've always found that this is a team that no one likes everyone wants them to lose I mean maybe it's probably why they're an independent someone must like them surely fans own fans a lot of people follow the other teams and go oh yeah are quite like that team from that conference that team from that conference but no one ever goes oh yeah I really want no Dame to do well is your perception of them same or you haven't really heard too much about them or no not really I I haven't really heard that much about them really um I I don't really know uh too much all I know when it comes to this game is um that they've not got Joe all anymore and that's going to be a big problem I would have thought at left tackle um so that's that's a real issue I would have thought for for them I think obviously they've bought in a new one but that's you know I mean he's he's such a good o line that you just feel like at that position is so important as well that that's going to be difficult I quite like their secondary I thought Benjamin Morrison and Xavier Watts I thought they look pretty good and they'll do all right for them um I know you're a big fan of Riley Leonard I'm not really seeing it quite so much but you know I'm not gonna I'm not going to take it away from you but um but yeah I agree with Alex in the fact I think it's gonna be a very defensive game I think that's what this is going to be like yeah I think it's going to come down to Texas offense against Notre Dame's defense I think that's where the B big battle is going to be and that big battle is going to come from the Texas A&M quarterback isn't it Adam do you want to tell us a bit more about him and why you're so hot on him yeah I really like Conor egman I think he did really really well last year before he got the um the foot injury and you know he he was on what I like about him is that I mean he does have a little bit he can run he's not he's not complete um pocket passer and that's it but he you know he is predominantly a bit more pocket passer uh he completed 69% of his passes so I mean that's a really good pass completion rate as well um but like I say he got injured only in the fourth game so I just think he's a very efficient uh thrower of the ball and I think that he'll he'll do really well if he keeps on doing better and better then I think he will uh be one of the top guys coming into the draft next year I think Texas A&M have got a lot of promise this year I think it's like under the new head coach Mike Alco everything I've seen of Mike Alco it's very much that the defense he he never has a bad defense he's very good at that and he will do pretty well there I personally not just uh Conor Wegman is the one that I you know looking forward to seeing really looking forward to seeing Nick scarton the uh defensive end I think that he he's come over from paju I think that he will do really well for them and um yeah it's it's going to be a very defensive game I mean the over under's 46 and a half which you know even I can work out that feels pretty low in a college game so it's um it's I think it is going to be very defensive I like Texas A&M for it because I just I I think that I think Alco will get that defense going not amazing but okay pretty quickly and then I just prefer Vigman over over Riley Leonard so I think having quarterback as well I think we'll do a bit more um yeah so think it'll be tight think it'll be defensive but be a good game so first game Georgia Clemson we all went Georgia for the win uh for this second game I'm gonna go ner Dame uh Adam you're going Texas A&M is that correct Alex take off the take off the the bias cap win um even even coming in it from from neutral perspective I think that yanes will just have the edge so I'll go for& we're split first time we haven't all we haven't all agreed Now we move on to the final game it is USC versus LSU two massive names in college football um I'd say one of them's got a bit more pressure on them than the other I think USC have got a lot of pressure on them uh this year I think Lincoln Riley is in a bit of a a hot seat situation despite his contract you know I think people are gonna start saying things there Adam uh we'll leave we'll come to you first because we'll leave you can see the Trojan hops on he's ready he's wearing um LSU a team that you've you've kind of watched a lot of the team that you one of the first teams you kind of get to got to know when you first started watching um college football Adam you haven't got a team yet LSU were were one of them weren't they you were um and Ain to be a fan of yeah see now LSU I suppose have always been the team that I kind of I've seen bits of I remember when I first started watching there was Barrow and Chase and then obviously last year you had Daniels and the two wide receivers there and it it kind of in that respect I suppose I've always thought of them as kind of a team that has quite um aggressive offenses and and good player you know they go for good players like that I think really cly for LSU this year I would argue it's going to I mean it's going to be tough to emulate what that you know they've lost um Jay Jaden Daniels has gone they've lost Brian Thomas they've lost Malik neighbors I mean how do you replace these sort of guys this this is kind of the exact reason as to why you you can question why ranking happens I would argue because it's like I mean you lose these three guys on the offense that's really tough to to be able to replace I know that they have bought in a couple of guys but even still it's going to be very very difficult I would have thought um they've come out and said that they want to be more balanced this year I think the idea is to have a bit of a run game um I quite like the look of Caleb Jackson I saw a few video clips of him I thought he looked really good as the running back I know they got Josh Williams as well so I think that that's probably they're going to go for that a little bit more um the quarterback that they've bought they've got in Garrett nice mimer um he had a really game against Wisconsin in the bowl last year I no yeah I I thought that he did really did really well so I think they have hope in this specific game though is a stat Voyer LSU haven't won a season opener since 2019 so you know happy days for you I mean you know it's history is on your side in that so so USC haven't lost an opener since 2016 there you go right we forget the rest of this because we know what's going to happen don't we get your money on with stats like that Adam's money will definitely definitely be on you know he loves a trend he loves that when it comes to betting but so yeah I I I think it'll I think they I think it's gonna be tough for them to be able to be as explosive and as good as what they were last year yeah um seg into into Alex obviously there's not a lot of expectation on LSU because of those players that Adams mentioned have gone whereas USC I think there's a lot lot on lot on the line for them despite the fact they lost uh you know they lost their best player they lost their face of of the team uh what's what's the Outlook uh for you and this game um for USC well obviously they're gonna steam roll it and win 56 to nothing but har Perkins might have something to say about that yeah yeah um I'm I'm quite glad it's in a neutral site to begin with because they're playing in Las Vegas at legance Stadium I think that if they were going into into into Baton Rouge I think that' be a really tough start um like you say we've lost some of the Lynch pins of our offense obviously cayb Williams is with the Bears now um Marshall and Lloyd was was a solid running back and not the ground game ran through him and and top receivers uh one of the best receivers in in in the nation in terms of college football but they were good solid receivers in Brendan Ry and T Washington all all left for the draft as well um we got Miller Moss stepping up he's been named stter now the hero of the holiday bow um six touchdowns against Louisville where he just stepped in when Caleb Williams out a phenomenal performance he's been a bit if through the through the spring game and spring training um but he's he's skilled starting spot I think he's going to be solid obviously not as exciting and dynamic as as Williams was and we' we've got one or two still quite exciting players on um on offense we saw flashes from Zachariah Branch last year mainly as a as a kick returner P returner he can he has the ability to to take it to the house on on any any kick he receives um but I think he's gonna have a bit of a breakout year this year they're going to use him a bit more um he's going to put the yards he's backed up so by jacobe Lane who's returning and then they've got players like juice Robinson um who who didn't contribute much last year but is is in line for a bit for a bigger role and they got like ma lemon who's got a big bodied receiver he might need as well but I think the offense will be right you talked a bit mentioned a bit before about Riley Leonard been on a bit of a hot seat not Riley Leonard rileyy Lin Riley because yeah the expectation in for USC is playoffs um they have haven't well they lost the playoff game against Jan and they didn't make the playoffs at all last year because they completely collapsed down down the stretch um Ry is very good at developing quarterbacks I have no doubt that he'll put moss in a very good pos position to succeed he can produce Heisman winners but he can't get to that point where he can win a win a playoff game um and I don't think if he doesn't get into this expanded playoffs and win a playoff game then yeah I think his his his seat's going to be going to be very very hot but to start the season I'm not to say confident they're they're going to win I think it's gonna be I think this game is gonna be very much a shootout though because both both LSU and USC their defenses last year were were useless they both fired their defensive coordinators um they got new ones in so USC under Alex Grinch last year were were just giving up big plays consistently when having to chase like Chase 40 45 points on other teams each each game I think there there's a chance they could be could be the same this this game um I'm hoping that the defense is going to be a bit better under Danton who's coming from UCLA they've they've revamped the secondary they brought in a lot of players a load on defense well you up to didn't you it was your big crap but yeah they brought in a lot C from Oregon State um like they got safety ke Arnold cornerback Carlos Nicholson from Missouri um and they got Ramsey from UCLA as well so they're going to come in and be instant starters hopefully they'll give a bit more more strength in the in the secondary and and reduce um the amount of big plays that they given up um but the same could be said for LSU because I think they were they were giving up tons of points last year um and getting pretty shredded on defense so but they they've got in who's that DC now completely forgotten who they brought in now someone else because last break was crap but yeah uh Blake Baker that was it from Missouri he's coming he replace Matt house who was I think he tried to over complicate things on defense I think LSU are going to try and strip things back a bit make it a bit more simpler and just try and again reduce those big plays um but I predict a reasonably highs scoring game with the USC coming out on top yeah now you briefly mentioned Mill MOS obviously he's been named the starter there was a bit of a a competition in in in spring training uh with mava as well um now I'm hearing a lot of things from people around USC that are saying when they had Caleb Williams he kind of went off piece quite a lot so because he's he was good enough he was good enough to go oh it's not there I'll do my own thing uh and when you've got such a an extremely talented uh offensive mind like Lincoln Riley a lot of people are saying maybe Miller Moss suits this uh Lincoln Riley better and he'll get more out of him because he's gonna just listen to what the play is listen what he's being told and then deliver that so there's a chance he might actually be better for the scheme than what Caleb William was but Williams obviously was just talented enough to do everything himself uh do you think that there's an area of Truth in this or do you think uh Milos might struggle and we might see mava come in during the season I I think quite possibly there might be a grain of Truth in that yes Williams was was was partial to a hero play and would sometimes extend the plays as they look like they're breaking down ignore ignore the easy check down and then Chuck it downfield MOS MOS show showed that he's got it in that holiday ball game he's been at UFC for quite a while as well he's quite ingrained in that structure as well so he's probably um I can't remember how many he's been there for several years and he's been there the entire time that um Lincoln R has been there so he's he's probably absorbed his his style his structure the way he he likes to instruct an offense um the proof's going to be in the pudding I don't think we're going to see it until until we get a few games in we can see um I think he's still going to put up fairly big numbers stats wise but that might like say that might come from a more structured style of play he might start Seasons more of a in a more of a game manager sort of role than K which was completely opposite of Williams so yeah he and I think that would be good to start off with him get get get that confidence and get that sense of structure just for him to to really really settle in and um yeah to to bed down as the starter but I've also had rumors as well that that if he struggles they might they might look to to J him over because he he had quite good quite um good reports coming out as well and there was some sort of hint at maybe a bit of a bit of a quarterback controversy there but obviously m m has come out on top there but um we'll see I think like you say he he he'll be more of an instructor sort of quarterback um but if that works then that's great if it doesn't then then we'll have to look look at other options well we've seen a lot of uh quarterbacks move this season because the people say scheme fits better the saying Dylan we we mentioned Dylan Gabriel the scheme fits better for him at Oregon will Howard the scheme fits better for him at Ohio so Miller Moss the scheme fits better for him might be a a thing as well um Adam who you got got for winning this game well the interesting thing that I have noted is that the money has come in for USC a little bit so when uh when the the numbers you know the odds first came out the plus minus was a touchdown it's now four and a half so it feels like everyone has gone put their money on USC it's interesting that USC is also the plus because you know LSU a favorite to win this to me it just seems like there's been a a massive amount of change on that offense of LS so I think that they'll struggle in that that result um I know there's been change for USC as well but it just feels like it's a lot when it comes to LSU to be able to to make up that difference um both teams defenses were terrible last year so it's really going to be about who's going to have the most Improvement on that from the new DCS I think but um history does sort of go to USC so therefore I will be saying there that's two two wins for USC and I think I'm G to go I'm going to go LSU I think there's there's more Talent uh on the team across the board their defense I think is is better than USC's which I think might might just do on the o line for LSU they've got some big big big names on that o line um so I think it's just an area of talent uh from an SEC team going um against what was a pack 12 team uh we can kind of still say the style is still the same so I'm going to go LSU for for that one Alex do I need to ask you yes I'm gonna go for USC but not by much in in a pretty high like it's G be 42 38 USC now I've got two more quick topics before we sign out we'll go with the first one is there any other games this week that you guys have got your eye on is there any of the teams that you're looking out for uh Alex is is there anything that you're going I'm going to watch that game because I really want to see this player play this week or I really like that matchup it's going to be interesting maybe it's to lower down teams is there any anything you like um yeah I think the first one that's run out to me is is um Miami Florida um Miami against Florida Miami Florida um mainly because I want to watch K Ward and see how he does new back of Miami um like we touched upon last week he he opted to to stay in college not enter the draft and have an extra season um with the hurricanes and I think that he's he's got the skill set to um to do quite well and I just like to see him in a new environment I watched him quite a bit at Washington State last season he was he was quite up and down at times there's some real great flashes and there's other times when there was some some questionable decision making in play but i' like to see how he gets on there and I think I I think Miami should probably win that night comfortably Florida on the team and I think the head coach is probably his favorite to be the first one out this this season so yeah whilst it might not be the most competitive game that picks my interest mainly mainly for for C Warden see how he gets on yeah you beat me to it there I think if if obviously uh billy napia gets fired from the gator um that's a that's a big program to go and take on and and turn it back around to the dominant force that it once was Adam is there any games that you like the look of uh this week I know we're putting you on the spot a little bit here and you may not know them all but is is there someone that you like the look of I think it's more there's a couple of teams I think would be interesting I mean Alabama I think will be really interesting without Nick Sabin obviously to see what happens there they're going up against West Kentucky um so that's one that would be worth looking at obviously your Ohio State boys we always want to look out for for them and see how they're doing um if they don't win their first game by Lo yeah yeah um and then the only other one really is um is obviously Colorado you know and and the chaos that is going on around there yeah I think they've got a nice steady first one it's their second game where the season really starts for them against I think uh now the last one before we go Adam who you going to support this year who who's your where's where's your feelers at what what's your thoughts I have no feelers anyway like I say I mean LSU is the team that I kind of sort of semil liked from the past and what they've done I I don't really have any particular team or or I suppose really I should probably go Texas A&M and just stick with uh stick with bigman as my as my quarterback and go down that route maybe that's the way forward maybe maybe so what I'm you're be following them um well that's all we've got time for guys um thanks for joining me and fingers crossed we've uh we've gone through those games hopefully I've got more winners than you guys I like to uh be the winner of lots of stuff uh we'll be back next week same time to go through some of the highlights of last of week one and then have a look at three more games uh in upcoming for week two but till then guys keep it with the franchise tag and see you very soon

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