Agatha Christie : Murder On The Orient Express Gameplay Walkthrough| Part 7 Don't Use Brain

Published: Aug 27, 2024 Duration: 00:27:59 Category: Gaming

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[Music] I'm just all like un interested in her [ __ ] stuff every day I looked at the evidence board I put up in my apartment bedroom then this morning a police report landed on my desk that changed everything why is the Box empty I paid a visit to the police property room and took home a box full of Clues there was his name Michael Clark where the death of Michael Clark wait he died who's Michael Clark again that was that um wait that's that SS um um Michael Clark was the sus news reporter guy right a bill from the power company with I'm sure plenty of excuses why my rates keep going up oh my God relatable okay so why the hell um hello oh an orian Express Travel for the discriminating traveler also for the overworked detective who never seems to have time for a vacation well I Can Dream can't I oh and now you're here how cute is that okay the body of investigative reported my Clark was F buried in his Boston backyard ooh Clark was killed by a single shot to the chest state of decompos decomposition excuse me okay this is Michael Clark he doesn't look anything like the journalist I interviewed you have earned a place on my evidence board he doesn't even look anything like him years of no new leads in the Armstrong case and then this Michael Clark the sarcastic reporter my prime suspect in the kidnapping murdered 4 years [Music] ago oh the lab team found this keychain in the cabin but they wouldn't have bothered to examine the keys once the da shut down the investigation the keys were just tossed in the evidence box along with everything else it's too unusual not to demand a closer look how about the news place he worked for in at NIS well uh he was working as a soul contractor so pretty much if he had a story they he would like report it so I don't think he necessarily worked for them if them makes sense a key knife they sell them on the Internet for self- protection okay but what the [ __ ] is this oh nice he plays the dungeon dragons oh God is this a puzzle oh my God ew no how the [ __ ] does this work yeah it's a skull but I need to figure out like how to oh my God I'm so close to having it too is so cringe and know this one is over a [ __ ] sake man con is auto completed [ __ ] this [ __ ] Chad I want to start crying oh my God I'm too tired for is I'm running on 4 hours of sleep my brain does not have the capacity to understand this at the moment I know this looks really [ __ ] simple I'm on four hours of sleep I'm [ __ ] tired and I don't want to [ __ ] deal with this dumb [ __ ] I want to find out who the murder is I don't care about this [ __ ] skull thing who cares I can see that there's a skull there why can't po just be like voila we we it's the skull oh my God where about we at like I don't get it do the spin while till you get it yeah I don't think that works we can try that again though I'm going to spin spin [Music] twin I literally just randomly did [ __ ] and it all sudden worked I'm I'm I'm going to Brute Force every single posz from now on cuz every single time I [ __ ] do that [ __ ] it works as soon as I start thinking everything goes wrong I just need to never think think again as long as I don't use my brain everything is fine what the [ __ ] is this thing oh USB drive oh God the porn a USB key let's plug it into my PC and see what nasty little secret it contains it's going to be porn I know it all the effort for a [ __ ] USB stick [ __ ] me man that's depressing that's actually depressing if I have to do one more puzzle I'm really going to pee myself the only fingerprints found on the bottle were suzan's okay wonderful great so clever all that evidence and yet no DNA found oh my God a hair's hair so conveniently left in the cabin for us to find it was planted I knew she was innocent I mean she is dead right so why does it matter I think fluffy Daisy's plush toy didn't Sonia get killed or something I I lit don't remember any of that it's been so long man why is there a picture of her in my room that's kind of weird why do I have a picture of a dead child in my room don't have time to waste on magazines was that a gold mustache oh my God hello we we give me that shiny facial hair the good news is that a it's gold oh my God pet the chunk pet the chunk pet the chunk can I pet it oh my God look at this cute cat it's [ __ ] adorable what is he even staring at I don't know shaved off the Metro beard but I'd recognize that smug bastard anywhere the man I interviewed 4 years ago posing as Michael Clark This goes on the board so now I see that this the guy oh I see it now okay what's this tattoo maybe they needed to show The Ransom to someone to check if the serial numbers were still on record I'll print them and on the wall they go I'm not going to worry about anything else app only not okay oh [ __ ] we car no I want to back out [ __ ] hell I know I have to stop printing it's bad for the planet yeah Stop Printing connect to items in the board so ratchet's real name was cassetti the ransom first phot of the ransom and the ransom has to do with no this tattoo is the same on both pictures oh okay am I done now yeah I did it right like what else what else am I supposed to connect I'm done right am I not done or do I have to do more or what what is not connected then oh this one's not connect my Clark uh so this connects to that no this connects to this I knew it the faces don't match at all they are clearly two different men I should run facial recognition on my computer to be honest now that I see this I can totally see like how it's cassetti how it's ratchet pretty much but in the beginning it was very hard to tell facial recognition the real Michael Clark has been dead for years let's see if the photo of the fake Michael Clark matches someone in the database of known criminals I've tried this several times in the past few years came up empty shut the [ __ ] up I already see it whoever he really is he finally made a mistake here it could be him but he looks pretty different no it's him what a change between two phos his hair yes he seems different at first glance but still it's the same person nose he had a nose job uh beard and what else did the glasses he's changed his appearance a lot probably had some plastic surgery on his nose but there is no doubt it's the same person let's see why he was arrested stolen artifact the three mes no no oh he has stolen artifacts what is he British Mr ratchet you didn't just steal statues what recent information does the database have on you you want me you probably need to bring some stuff to the British museum you know what I'm saying yet lad it's so frustrating I have a name but I can't find anything about him but I know just who to call Ghostbusters oh guess not why do I call like this hello normally people call like we are monitoring this call hello braid long time braid oh Joanna hey how may I assist you I need you to search the dark web yeah uh can you narrow that down a little cuz uh it's pretty big and pretty dark out here could you find Intel about a Samuel ratchet Samuel ratchet got it bad dude they don't come worse send me what you find by email all right hang on okay okay yeah uhhuh okay nope nope and okay oh this might be something I got to do a deeper dive but uh you should find this interesting coincidence them emailing details domo arigato Mr robato we're here to save mankind oh it's a cookbook he's a nons he's a nons I believe the Orient Express I'm going to print these tickets and put them on the board okay so now she figured out that he's on the oran Express absolutely nothing on this cassete his driver's license is almost surely a fake okay I think that's it right [ __ ] I keep pressing escape I don't know why why I'm so sorry chat I know I have to stop printing it's bad for the [Music] planet okay so now we got oh my God some r r uh blah blah arrested Amia we could go goodbye Michael Clark hello Samuel ratchet the man who stole your identity and your life this this is ratchet's ticket adward masterman is that that all this guy I'm going haor McQueens oh the person traveling with ratchet has the same last name as my district attorney during the Armstrong case oh my God he was bought okay uh whose ticket is this again Edward masterman no [ __ ] I don't [ __ ] know I'm going to connect to everything hopefully it'll work out these tickets were all booked by McQueen okay we're done right woo [ __ ] okay done no yes no h oh we have six out of nine out of the evidence box we need to go back to the evidence box okay we apparently missed some Clues here oh we missed something on the they missed something over here let's see if this is some puzzle again I'm literally going to [ __ ] slap a [ __ ] oh God I think it's one two two two one two boom easy peasy what do they call this brass knuckles knuckle dusters illegal in Massachusetts possession alone can lead to Serious jail time [ __ ] okay knuckle here is there anything else in these keys that I need to oh here the dice oh god oh no how am I supposed to know this in order yeah I could try that uh let's see one two three four 5 6 78 9 10 no that did not work so how you know what I'm going to do can I get a hint about this T hint [Music] how the [ __ ] am I supposed to know this oh there's also something over here oh my God what's with all the [ __ ] puzzles in this dumb [Music] [ __ ] what do we have here a flashlight they can also conceal knives but in this case we have lockpicks interesting okay so what the [ __ ] this going to be but how would I know what it even is I how would I know what to guess it's on the keychain is it oh wait is that the number from earlier oh wait do you think he's this number 359 69 oh yeah that kind of makes sense 3569 thank you you looked that up didn't you be honest with me three yes exactly oh my God it's a what do we find oh my God we found a fagra a capsule and a smell bitter almonds cyanide oh I think it's one of the sleeping pills maybe okay now now I'm good now I found all the clues right I I thought we was just like one thing on the key chain and we were done sorry I didn't investigate thoroughly it's almost time for nelan o let me know if this score goal okay I don't think I'm going to be watching it why is my mouse on the screen it's very annoying wait where's um am I am I not going to print out the evidence hello I knew it he's the son of my former da he goes on the evidence board I see Hector McQueen you're why is my mouse on the screen was that the whole time I don't remember that being there the whole game Mr Hector McQueen Hector McQueen is the son of district attorney McQueen [Music] so they were in am I done now no [ __ ] here's what Hector McQueen looks like so we still haven't connected we still know who Edward masterman is then you okay are we done now [ __ ] okay I'm going to I'm going to press T [ __ ] it as ratchet is alive the dead man can only be Noah who's Noah again okay we're done now yeah no oh my God what else do we need to connect it says find information on the Orient Express so maybe I need to just look at this magazine one more time the Orient Express departs from Istanbul next week interesting I'll put it on the board sake I I literally like this is so cringe cuz I literally like event some old train but that face that man I literally clicked this earlier so I'm really just like cringed out right now and then it was like oh there's nothing here I'm not going to read magazine and now it's all like oh my God we have to put it on the board uh I would not say that on Twitch uh kind sir you're about to get your ass banned fortunately okay so um next week a certain Edward mastermen will be on the Orient Express Hector McQueen will be on the Orient Express next week will be traveling on the Orient Express in a week didn't we already know that come on come on foscarelli will be on the Orient Express next [Music] week okay um what else can we do we have to connect like the fast Carelli with something else yeah I also still don't know what the [ __ ] going on if I'm really honest with you vasarelli does he have a tattoo [Music] no I think there needs to be like a nort on everything so we don't have a nort on this yet I don't get it t hints I know that face that's John arm Strong's driver you could not even [ __ ] see that from this distance how the [ __ ] was I supposed to know damn ratchet is taking the Orient Express next week McQueen the District Attorney's son is to maybe I should have press Q Carelli the Armstrong chauffeur is two it can't be a coincidence McQueen and foscarelli must have decided to take revenge and will undoubtedly attack ratchet on this train I have to be on the Orient Express to stop them and must stop ratchet but I can't do it in istan because there's no extradition treaty with the United States ratchet can never be judged in the US without an extradition treaty I'll have to wait until he's in Paris to have him arrested wait so she's saying that McQueen and who else are going to take revenge on Ratchet but those are his assistants and um the district attorney the one that said I'm so confused or maybe they tried to get into his pant so they can then murder him I I'm really confused by who's who right now I'm not going to lie this kind of comfy I'm kind of Viber right now oh I find links between Clues I've ever heard oh I still have to connect one okay wonderful I really don't care I need a ticket for the oran Express okay why don't we just [ __ ] buy one just joink one of their tickets I don't [ __ ] know buy one buy a ticket here we go wee we every compartment is taken for this special anniversary Journey it's impossible to find a ticket what can I do fra I could try to get on the train without a ticket but I could end up arrested and Ratchet could get away or get murdered oh no there's a better way let's find out who's traveling on the Orient Express time to call braid a yes let me call again I feel like this is so unnecessary I I don't get it raid it's me again there's too many names useful yet I need one last favor but it's a big one one uhoh can you find me the list of passengers of the Orient Express for that anniversary trip hold on there's too many names is surprisingly good maybe because of a big event I found the list but they sealed my back door as I was starting to capture it oh no well calm down I got one name female the name I got before they kicked me up the server was Stacy Johnson do you feel like a Stacy Johnson the question is how is she going to feel about helping me that's one you'll have to figure out for yourself I got to go back to weaving my magic on the whip hey you're so [Music] cringe okay connect to closing the walls done okay so now I'm going to get a ticket but like do we do we care so you know what I feel like this game needed was like a uh rewind of every single episode and like all the clues kind of feed some more stuff to do cuz I'm really confused right now so anyone in the chat that understands what the [ __ ] going on cuz like she finds out that McQueen and that private investigator guy are actually after reded and they're trying to like maybe attack him but they are also his assistant so maybe they maybe maybe I haven't slept enough for this so what do we have to do next find Stacy's find information on Stacy Johnson Oh Long Johnson uh do I it on the computer I think oh okay oh okay I'm just going to call it this won't be awkward whatsoever hello is this Stacy Johnson who's asking uh I'm a I'm a journalist for a major online site I've had it with journalists I'm hanging up goodbye wait I'm a police my name is Joanna lock I'm a police detective and I'm just an actress now what did I do wrong nothing I need your help I need to take your place in the Orient Express is this a joke no way do you remember the Armstrong kidnapping of course I do that poor little girl I'm a police officer I have a new lead that may help me find her killer wait didn't they prove it was the nanny I have no evidence I have found compelling new evidence I've reopened my investigation you know I had my doubts about the murderous nanny I played a nanny a couple years ago in a slasher I was killed in the first episode but it got me interested in helping K same I know what it's like to be killed off in the first episode Stacy please you say you help kids well I joined a couple of associations who are trying to help underprivileged kids if this little girl's real killer is still out there somewhere I'd do anything I could to help getting me on that train will help more than you can imagine so you want my ticket for the Orient Express but I booked it months ago I was so much looking forward to this trip Stacy I can tell you care about kids here's your chance to help put this beast in prison for the rest of his life think of the publicity for those causes you care about think about the kids the kids yeah all right we'll do it for Daisy and the kids who suffer I'll take care of changing the tickets to your name and send it to you get him make him pay I will thank you so much that was so easy holy [ __ ] so if everyone to go on holiday I just call a random person and be like hey can I get was good as her word I received the ticket I called my chief to let him know I was taking my vacation time I had coming I flew to Istanbul I was finally going to nail the monster responsible for Daisy Armstrong's death Michael Clark's death even his accomplice and I suspected so many others as well you know the rest SS hey chapter s that

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