Category: Gaming
Beill is a delightful town it would be nice to come back and visit i do not entirely agree working as a beach damages my shoes and it hurts my knee so the years have not spared you my friend it's the same for all of us that is exactly what i said to myself when i saw you back from your travels baro... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] [music] some post mr ero you fancy yourself don't you at solving mysteries that are too difficult for our poor thickhead british police let us see mr clever puo just how clever you can be perhaps you'll find this nut too hard to crack look out for endover on the 21st of the month yours extra... Read more
Category: Gaming
Sunny gray get out of it you stupid pieces of i should have gone with jose for fernandez oh my god pitching change fernandez get your ass in there i swear to god baseball god just decided all over me grand slam oh yeah make me miss the playoffs with a first rank team here to 30 games above [ __ ] 500... Read more
Category: Sports
Empty net go for it jake evans go for oh shitty bounce jake evans oh my god what a hit by shle oh it's jake evans's all right oh my god he crushed them holy you know what he scored jake evans scored i didn't even see it look at sheley's eyes he ran through jesus jake evans did a somersault charging... Read more
Category: Gaming
Intro what's obtuse and rudeness in the urine at my name said that we have a geumsan mantra no pac review video i know it's about time that we actually talked about the eclipse fact because one of the big things that i see lots of people asking on top of all the gems and everything else that's really... Read more
Category: Gaming
Welcome back to north to prem in today's episode we have two fixtures in the national league north we're our way to skunthorp who currently sit top of the table and then we're at home to rushall olympic but first things first we do have a couple little of improvements that we've made first of all as... Read more
Category: Gaming
Intro what's up guys zach scott here playing astrobot for the ps5 thank you playstation for a free cod for this game this is a sequel to astros playroom and that game was a surprise hit on my channel in fact its first episode has over 3.8 million views thanks to you all leaving over 29,000 likes i'll... Read more
Category: Gaming
Welcome everyone back to north to prem in today's episode we have our first two fixtures in the national league north for our second season here in the save with peter br sports we're at we're away sorry to lemington spa just called lemington now apparently but these to be lon far and then we are at... Read more
Category: Gaming
[musique] [applaudissements] [musique] [applaudissements] yo j'espère que vous allez bien moi ça va tranquillement on se retrouve aujourd'hui pour l'épisode 27 c'est bon pour une fois j'ai réussi à trouver numéro 27 7 de ce let's play sur far cry 4 j'espère que le dernier épisode vous a plu malgré les... Read more
Category: Gaming
We are ready for the big heist today first i need to talk to waiu the needs to know are we going to tell her i don't know maybe not it is not connected to her quest in any way but at the same time no don't you dare sit there again i brought you your stuff you found something related to the deep sleep... Read more
Category: Gaming
Guys and welcome back to star wars outlaws we are currently in route to j's hope j's hope okay so this is where w brought the trailer with the hope of upgrading our blaster welcome to a brand new town out here in the desolate frontier dude this game is is massive that was 1.6 km of traveling to get... Read more
Category: Gaming
Parti euh bonjour youtube j'espère que tu vas bien on vient de parler de choses très joyeuses en stream des sujets de discussion dont tu n'auras pas les échos puisque j'ai foutu la moitié du chat en pls mais après c'est mavant brigader dedans aussi parce que vous avez répondu et il y a eu la discussion... Read more