Category: People & Blogs
Last week just one of those last lap three wide at michigan for sure me obviously uh i hate hate that ended up the way it did and you know hated to mess up ryan's day too but you know we were all packing it off in the corner trying to you know get around there to have a better finish so um like i told... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
The fire keepers casino 400 at michigan international speedway began with high hopes for lson starting in fourth position he quickly found himself in a thrilling three-way battle for the lead with bubba wallace and denny hamlin the stage was set for an epic showdown but mother nature had other plans... Read more
Category: Entertainment
You don't have to stay up now dear god as we areed here even to cate these gentlemen shake and bake like ricky bobby yes that we must run help us to also shake and b some days depressed help us to remember we are blessed we must shake and bake heartache heartbreak you have used it all for our breakthrough... Read more
Category: Sports
Hello everyone and welcome to this edition of vintage nascar owners wood brothers racing legendary nascar cup series team wood brothers racing originally began their race team in 1950 when glenn wood decided to give the sport a try at nearby mo speedway near stewart virginia the team would run modifi... Read more
Category: Sports
Lap 1 at the brickyard [music] [music] [applause] tyler reic in the 45 surging ahead of the 11 of denny hamlin [music] the draft will be important we see some getting out of line some getting in line terrific look at chris gabart as he's green flag stops start at indy watching his driver calling him... Read more
Category: Sports
Reddick’s big day tyler reck wins at michigan and takes the regular season points lead from kyle arson in both of reck's wins this season cory le joy has flipped over his car weird coincidence plus we might need to talk about moving start times because of rain welcome to the breaking balls channel it's... Read more
Category: Sports
A known rich tr racing los their appeal lee diy will join nascar nbc for the remainder of this season and ryan pr has emerged as a surprise candidate to join rfk racing in 2025 what's going on guys it's daniel and welcome back to the video we got on nascar another most sport story guster today on the... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
A major mistake from toyota racing development has severely impacted denny hamlin's championship aspirations this development which can be described as extremely terrible for denny hamlin shocked nascar fans and could significantly alter the championship landscape the error involving the handling of... Read more
Category: Sports
We're gonna get started on the 2021 season feels like we literally just ended 21 or 20 but uh now we're gonna be up on this next year you had a pretty darn good season last year in the nascar xfinity series getting a bunch of trophies how do you manage your expectations for this year given that it's... Read more
Category: Autos & Vehicles
Maybe there is in fact a third rfk car in the works for 2025 welcome back to break hard i'm matt decided to wear a suit today class the place up a little bit show everybody that this is professional journalism at is finest to let you all know that i mean business it's not actually why i'm wearing it... Read more
Category: Sports
A major mistake from toyota racing development has severely impacted denny hamlin's championship aspirations this development which can be described as extremely terrible for denny hamlin shocked nascar fans and could significantly alter the championship landscape the error involving the handling of... Read more
Category: Sports
Danny hy has been handed major penalties for an engine infraction and hooters is being sued by hendrick motorsports what's going guys it's daniel and welcome back to video we have quite a few nascar other motorport stor discusser today on the channel let's go ahead and just show them shs really quickly... Read more