Category: Entertainment
This video went viral when a wild black bear did something truly extraordinary watch is this magnificent creature usually known for its untamed nature sits on command a gentle voice guides the bear and to everyone's amazement it follows the instruction perfectly it's a rare and beautiful moment that... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hey everyone welcome back to take me ma'am today we're bringing you breaking news from chattanooga state community college the campus is on high alert due to a serious security situation this morning chattanooga state was placed on lockdown following a credible threat the details of the threat are still... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Everyone welcome to tv tunee usa we have some urgent news to share with you today law enforcement is currently on the scene at chattanooga state community college where the campus is under lockdown according to school officials the lockdown was initiated following reports of an active shooter on campus... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
If you don't like surprises but still need to stay informed then listen up this is crucial chattanooga state community college is currently on lockdown due to a credible threat reported this morning august 29th 2024 students and staff have been instructed to shelter in place and lock their doors law... Read more
Category: News & Politics
I'm sure you've heard the news chattanooga state community college is currently on lockdown on tuesday morning chattanooga state community college initiated a campus wide lockdown in response to a potential active shooter threat initial reports though unconfirmed suggested an active shooter prompting... Read more
Category: People & Blogs
Hello welcome to my youtube channel mahi news chattanooga state announced just after 12:30 p.m. that the campus is safe and later said the lockdown is lifted chattanooga state sent another alert at about 1: p.m. saying that classes are canceled for the day and that counseling is available for any student... Read more
Category: Entertainment
And staff at chanaga state community college locked down for hours as law enforcement responded to a credible threat the school now saying that threat was a hoax thanks for joining us i'm kim chapman whitfield and i'm josh roat state hamilton county ema say no one was hurt they found no suspects or... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Three of football's goats were snapped together at one especially star studded soccer match tom brady david beckham and lonel messi all attended the inter miami game against cincinnati on saturday august 24th and watched inter miami beat cincinnati 2 to0 to secure qualification in the major league soccer... Read more
Category: News & Politics
[music] [music] royal danish air force has taken a huge responsibility on their shoulders for carrying out this mission and um can only imagine how hard this to for them to train us for day-to-day operation but they are being nothing but supportive i felt proud not only for myself but only for the for... Read more
Category: Entertainment
The long island man who allegedly gunned down his ex-wife and her new lover inside their million-dollar home this week scowled as he emerged in handcuffs friday morning daniel copa 50 did not respond to questions as he and another inmate walked out of the sixth precinct in seldon he was dressed in green... Read more
Category: News & Politics
And a future where we lower the cost of living for america's families so when i was attorney general i went after price fixing schemes and love you back love you back and i will tell you when we get this done together my friend and when i am pres i will take on the bad actors who exploit a crisis to... Read more
Category: News & Politics
Kamamala harris traf am sonntagabend am flughafen von chicago ein in der us-amerikanischen metropole beginnt am montag der parteitag der demokraten die us-vzepräsidentin soll bei der viertägigen veranstaltung offiziell zur kandidatin der präsidentschaftswahl am 5 november ernannt werden die nötigen... Read more