Is Donald Trump a Conservative? The TRUTH About Trump and Project 2025

Published: Sep 12, 2024 Duration: 00:23:32 Category: News & Politics

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let's talk about project 2025 and whether or not it is a manifestation of conservative policies and let's talk more broadly about the Republican party and the Maga movement in particular and whether or not those things are conservative and I'll begin right out of the gate and tell you that no they are not conservative and I don't believe this this is just a matter of opinion it is a matter of objective fact it's certainly not conservative in the way that term has been used for the last 50 years uh there's nothing conservative about today's Republican party and certainly not the Maga movement or its policy proposal uh project 2025 let's let's just begin with project 2025 now there's a lot in that document and I will be honest I haven't read the whole thing it's like 600 Pages I'm not going to read that whole thing but I have read a lot about it I have read portions of it I have read many summaries and outlines of it I am very familiar with with what's in that document and while there may be some policy proposals that can be considered you know traditionally conservative um those things are few and far between and taken as a whole which is how you should view this thing it is not conservative at all because at its heart what project 2025 is about is consolidating and AC crewing more power in the Office of the President one person that's what 2025 is about and it's not even broadly philosophical it is very specifically built around one person this is a cult document this is the this is the policy document of a personality cult a fascist personality cult um because it talks specifically about Donald Trump if this was just a statement of policies and principles and and governing philosophies there'd be no mention of Donald Trump this is centered around Donald Trump this is a cult document and what it does is it seeks to get Donald Trump into office and then Empower him to the fullest extent possible make him as close to a dictator as they possibly can they want Donald Trump as president one single person to acrew more power power far more power than the Constitution gives to the president of the United States and then they want him to exercise that power in a way that is arbitrary capricious mean completely unconstitutional and dictatorial that is what they want that in no way can be considered a conservative document this is not conservatism this is something else this is this is fascism in part this is certainly authoritarian authoritarianism uh without question but it is not conservative in fact I can't think think of anything less conservative than project 2025 which is simply the policy manifestation of the magum movement and this is this comes to the point that I've been trying to make for a long time now basically since Donald Trump came on to the stage and that is Donald Trump is not a conservative and since the Republican party has completely been remade in him his image the Republican party no longer is a conservative party it is a it is the Trump party it is a cult it is a personality cult it is a reflection of Donald Trump it is so far gone into cult world and has so far so long ago ceased to be a political party that they don't even pretend to have a policy platform anymore it was in 2020 for the first time in the history of the Republican party at their convention that they decided not to adop adopt a a policy platform they just said whatever Donald Trump wants is our policy platform that is not a political party that is a cult that is a personality cult that's what the Republican party has become largely out of cowardice and one by one the cowards gave up every principle they ever pretended to have and now they all March in lock step and there's nothing conservative about it and it really it it frankly pisses me off when people still use the term conservative to apply to Donald Trump to apply to the Republican party and to apply to Maga you want to say far right that is fine with me but do not call them conservative but I know this is an uphill battle for me and and that's why I for the most part I largely don't try to fight it anymore I mean that ship is sailed the term conservative is attached to Donald Trump it is attached to the Republican party and the problem is that because it's attached to Donald Trump and the Maga movement and today's fascist authoritarian Republican party it has now taken on that that meeting so when you use the term conservative it means trump it means Maga it means today's fascist authoritarian Republican party it does not mean the things that we used to mean when we say conservative for example you know I still consider myself a constitutional conservative but today when you say conservative or even constitutional conservative most people again associate with Maga and Trump and today's Republican party that's not at all what I mean when I call myself that so I I don't really call myself that much anymore but um you know so I know that ship has sailed I'm not really making that fight other than just to have it as part of our discussion here there's nothing conservative conservative about today's Republican party and as I say I can't think of anything less conservative than 2025 and the things that Donald Trump and and the Maga Republicans want to do because ultimately what itional conservative if it stood for anything it stood for limited constitutional government so that's what I I mean when I I call myself a constitutional conservative a lot of it has to do with uh political philosophy at what level of government are decisions properly made so so you and I can have can agree on on an issue but disagree as to what level of government is best to handle that or should under our constitutional uh Republican small R system what level of government should actually deal with that because just because there's an issue that we can identify and agree on that there should be government action doesn't mean that the federal government is the one that should or or can rightfully under our constitution deal with it it might be you know more appropriately dealt with by by the states or localities so these are things that are important to constitutional conservatives and so true traditional conservatives are very much concerned about the the the proper role of government which level of government um you know they're concerned about our federal system about our constitution about limited government um and limited government doesn't mean you're opposed to government it means the government should not be any bigger than is necessary to perform the functions it should rightfully be performing under the Constitution and should not be getting into things that it has no authority to be getting into so things like that that's what that's what traditional conservatives mean when they talk about limited government it doesn't mean we're opposed to government it just means we want constitutional responsible government so that the government not only stays within the bounds that are Pres subcribed to it by the Constitution but they are also good stewards of our money and that they they should not take from the the American people any more money than is necessary to perform their legitimate purposes so these are the kinds of things that traditional constitutional conservatives are concerned with uh that has nothing to do with today's Republican party or the magga movement or certainly project 2025 the what con constitutional conservatives would never never support the kind of authoritarian seizing of power that project 2025 wants to undertake in a second Trump term there is nothing conservative about that and it's funny how these people you know pretend to be you know they pretend to be conservatives they pretend to be supporters of the Constitution we know that's all a joke but they constantly associate themselves with the founders of the country the founders would be appalled those who fought the revolution against a king against tyrannical authoritarianism of a king would never be in favor of something like project 2025 those people uh who those the framers of the Constitution who who specifically designed a system that separated out the various uh into the various branches of government the three branches of of government the different powers of government so that the different powers of government could not possibly uh be wielded all by one single person that was the genius of the Constitution the fundamental part of point of the Constitution was to separate out the various aspects of governmental power so that no one person could accumulate all the powers of government and Rule as a dictator that's why you separated out the ability to make law and gave that to the Congress the ability to enforce the law and gave that to the president and the ability to uh decide cases and controversies that arise under the law they gave that to the courts they did not want one person one branch of government and certainly not one person to have the powers to do all of those things because that is tyranny that is dictatorship when one person can write the law enforce the law and and determine the outcome of case and controversies that arise under the law that is dictatorship that is full-on authoritarianism they would never have supported that and that is exactly the kind of thing that project 2025 is trying to create in the Office of the President and not just in the Office of the President broadly speaking but more specifically in Donald Trump because this is a Donald Trump specific document this is a cult document this is the operating governmental theory for a a personality cult that is what it is and there is absolutely nothing conservative about it there's nothing constitutional about this the framers the founders of the country who fought the revolution against the king they would be shocked and appalled by this and yet the people the proponents of project 2025 these magga Republicans constantly associate and Associate themselves with the founders and the framers and invoke them in everything they want to want to do those people would have been appalled by this they would have been uh fighting this with every fiber of their being and you don't have to go back to the founders and the framers to find you know people who would have opposed this you know another thing that that annoys me is the revisionism right so just our recent history people associate people like Ronald Reagan with this okay Ronald Reagan would have had nothing to do with this I mean look at what Maga stands for what look at Donald Trump's policy proposal he wants massive tariffs Ronald Reagan opposed that completely he was for free trade Donald Trump uh wants to hand you know Empower Russia hand Ukraine over to Russia he wants America be to be the puppet of Vladimir Putin you think Ronald Reagan would have gone for that I mean and on and on and on the con the Constitution I mean Donald Trump shits on it Ronald Reagan revered it I mean you can go down down the list there's like I said there's nothing conservative about today's Republican party say what you want about Ronald Reagan the bushes and whoever else you want to talk about Republicans from our past okay you can have your problems with them you can criticize them all you want that's fine that's legitimate what's not legitimate is to associate them with Donald Trump and this fascist Maga movement and and you know I talked about how Trump has completely reshaped the entire Republican party into his his image right taken it from a a conservative party and turned it into a fascist cult and that has permeated every aspect of the Republican Party even the courts look at what the Supreme Court did on that immunity ruling that that could have been you know taken right out of project 2025 because what did they do they did in their legal decision exactly the kind of thing that project 2025 is trying to do empowering the president to be a dictator that is what that decision does the founders again would have been appalled the framers of the Constitution would have been appalled by that to give to make the president immune from prosecution for crimes that he commits while in office abusing the office using it to violate the law you think the framers you think the you think George Washington would have been in favor of that a man who willingly gave up power to set the precedent that we don't have Kings in this country you think that man who led the revolution would have supported this Supreme Court putting the president of the United States Above the Law and telling him you could commit crimes with impunity of course not in the context of judicial legal rulings and in the broader context of of traditional conservatives you take a look at just oppose that position of the Supreme Court against judge ludig for example judge Michael ludig he is a perfect example of what traditional legal philosophy conservative legal philosophy has been and what the rep Republican party has been or had been up until Donald Trump You can disagree with judge Michael ludig but you cannot lump him in with people like Donald Trump he is just as shocked and disgusted by what the Republican party has become as you and I people like Liz Cheney people like Adam kinzinger again disagree with them all you want that's not the point at least we we used to all be on the same side we had policy disagreements but we were all on the same side we respected the Constitution and the rule of law and democracy traditional conservatives stood for all of that today's Republican party Maga Donald Trump project 2025 the fascists on the Supreme Court none of them support that any longer they only pretend to today's Republican party Donald Trump a Maga movement it is fundamentally fascist and authoritarian at its core and it is also increasingly just batshit crazy there is also in it you know these conspiracy lunatics these people who and they will believe any nonsense you saw it at the debate these people believe anything that they tell each other on social media and the lunatics on social media are driving the news they're driving the discussion on the right they all every fraking lunatic Theory eventually makes its way up to Fox News it's all over truth social this is the kind of crap that feeds Donald Trump this is this is what Donald Trump you know is immersed in all day long is the insanity from the fever swamps of these lunatics these magga lunatics in on social media and as I say that gets to Fox News Fox News repeats it back into Donald Trump's ear and then Donald Trump bleats it out on Truth social on Twitter and is in his cult rally speeches and whatever Donald Trump says that's what everybody in the Republican party has to support no matter how batshit crazy it is just look at the debate so Donald Trump reads this ridiculous about Haitian immigrants eating cats and dogs and people's pets in Ohio and this lunatic repeats it in front of 60 plus million people on National Television during a debate Because he believes it because he's a freaking lunatic he is no different than any of these other right-wing loons on social media and take a look at you're you're seeing Laura ler being talked about all the time now because she's right by his side she was at the debate she's riding his plane with him everywhere she's helping with the the debate prep she's with them the other day at the 9/11 ceremonies this woman is batshit crazy she takes this woman to a 911 commemoration ceremony and she is one of the biggest 9911 truther conspiracy theorists out there she says the thing was an side job and he brings her to 911 ceremonies the and you know what that alone the fact that she that he Associates with people like that that it's not so long ago that something like that in and of itself would be disqualifying the media would be all over this just the association of him with Laura Lum and she's not just a conspiracy theorist she's an out andout racist okay the fact that he's associating with her would be wall to--all coverage not that long ago and and he would be you know destroyed eviscerated in the Press on a daily basis just for that alone but look at look at all the other things he does all the other people he Associates with all the other crazy things I mean for crying out he had what's the name of that Nick Fuentes this this uh white supremacist racist he he has him down there at Mara Lago the Press doesn't care oh sure they mentioned it but that's it they just mention it let me just end with what I began with and that is to reiterate the fact that Donald Trump is not a conservative it's not technically accurate in any historical sense to apply the term conservative to Donald Trump and because the entire Republican party is now nothing but a cult in service of Donald Trump it is not appropriate to refer to the Republican party as conservative project 2025 is a set of trump and mag's policy proposals and governing philosophy there is absolutely nothing conservative about that so stop calling it conservative stop calling him conservative stop calling Maga conservative stop calling the Republican Party conservative H I know I said it's it's a waste of time and it is a waste of time it just bothers me because that's a term I have used to describe myself for so long and and now I can't um and whatever that's okay it just it's just you know to me words mean things and when you just change the meaning of of a word at the drop of a hat just because some charlatan comes along and completely hijacks the word just pisses me off uh he never should have been you know the the Press should never have gone along with labeling him conservative in the first damn place because he never was conservative anyways what it is is fascist that's what 2025 project 2025 is that's what Donald Trump is that's what today's Republican party is it is a fascist authoritarian personality cult let's be honest about what it is and there is nothing conservative about it it's not grounded in the constitution in fact it's anti- Constitution most of what project 2025 wants to do is antithetical to the Constitution it is absolutely 100% in opposition to everything this country was founded upon and for these people to associate themselves with our founding and with the principles of our founding and to pretend that their upholders of the Constitution is insulting these people are nothing of the sort and project 2025 is nothing of the sort anyway thank you for watching um please go back and look at some of my videos like whichever one is popping up right now uh if you're new to this channel I think you'll really like it if you've liked this video I've got a lot more for you so please subscribe and I'll see you again I'll talk to you again soon thanks for listening

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