“The Hosts Were On Her Side!” Trump vs Harris Debate SUPER PANEL!

Teaser he took the hook he took the line he took the Sinker he took the entire freaking boat no no my rallies are bigger than your rallies she also had the host on her side it was his failure to jump in and get the answers he wanted he didn't take the bait while she was sneering and jeering at him if we want to go for a round two I say as a staunch Trump supporter Bring It On well Donald Trump and his supporters have rightly complained for weeks that Monologue carela Harris is dodging questions on her Rec Rec her platform and her Litany of u-turns last night was a massive opportunity to ask those questions and to land a decisive blow in the race for the White House but Trump didn't take it Harris laid out a series of glaring traps for the former president and like a cartoon mouse distracted by the cheese he became ens snared by all of them right off the batch was asked a simple question about the economy and responded with Babble when it comes to the economy do you believe Americans are better off that they were four years ago so I was raised as a middle class kid and I am actually the only person on this stage who has a plan that is about lifting up the middle class and working people of America I believe in the ambition the aspirations the dreams of the American people what does any of that really mean but Trump didn't capitalize on that word cell and in fact he allowed Harris to deflect and distract him all night in a way he wouldn't normally allow to happen when Harris was pressed on the crisis at the border which should have been a home run for Trump she snared him with rage bait about his rallies and it worked you will see during the course of his rallies he talks about fictional characters like Hannibal Lecter he will talk about windmills caus cancer and what you will also notice is that people start leaving his rallies early out of exhaustion and boredom people don't go to her rallies there's no reason to go and the people that do go she's busting them in and paying them to be there and then showing them in a different light so she can't talk about that people don't leave my rallies we have the biggest rallies the most incredible rallies in the history of politics that's because people want to take their country back our country is being lost we're a failing nation in fishing parot Cara put out the rod and caught a big one remember at that point there were supposed to be debating Cara's record on immigration instead she got exactly what she wanted Trump was visibly irritated and never really got un irritated well today the big headline on immigration is that Trump repeated a crazy story about Haitian migrants eating cats and dogs on abortion where polling shows that Trump is weakest he ranted about babies being executed after nine months not until the very end of the debate in his closing statement that Trump delivered the message he should have been hammering all night so she just started by saying she's going to do this she's going to do that she's going to do all these wonderful things why hasn't she done it she's been there for three and A2 years they've had three and A2 years to fix the Border they've had three and A2 years to create jobs and all the things we talked about why hasn't she done it that was the line which she should have hammered for 90 minutes Americans felt richer and the world felt safer when I was in the white house he should have said you guys have been asleep at the wheel but it was too little too late Harris was the clear winner today there's a lot of talk about the apparent biased ABC News moderators and I think Trump has a point they roasted him with BB questions and rabidly fact checked him throughout while Harris gleefully repeated bogus claims about project 2025 F people on both sides a bloodbath and dictator on day one but Trump must have known all that was coming he should have had better responses he's got 54 days left to come up with a better response what joining me now is the host of Tommy lren is fearless on outkick Tommy lren host of the Michael nolles show Michael nolles founder in CEO of The Young Turks CH Yuga Taylor Swift was sadly unavailable and host of no lie with Brian Taylor Tyler Cohen Brian Tyler con so cck you're the only one without your name on the title what's the matter with you because our network is gigantic it's Cenk Uygur discusses the debate, celebrating Kamala’s victory not just about me let me start with you Chaine because uh you've repeatedly called me a trump sympathizer a trump Whisperer a trump supporter all these ridiculous things um I'm very happy as I tweeted earlier to say to you that I think carela Harris not only won the debate last night she won it quite comfortably and I was very surprised by that I was I thought she began nervously but grew in confidence Trump started confidently and then pretty much lost the plot uh and responded to a lot of her go deliberate goding in entirely the way she would have hoped so I think it was a big win for car Harris it may not move the needle in the immediate aftermath in terms of the election but in terms of momentum and in terms of what happened to the Democrats after the last debate you got to say it was a good night yeah Piers uh look in your intro you're fair and you're right K's definitely won and Donald Trump clowned himself but you're kind of rooting for Trump and you could tell that you were disappointed in how it went so I get it you guys are friends it's okay I'm actually you've always Mis categ just to be clear I'm not disappointed I just I I genuinely thought he was going to win they're different things and he didn't win and that's a problem for Trump and a good night for carela Harris so they're different things you know I I don't have a horse in the r i can't vote for anybody I do know Trump way better than I know CA Harris but I'm I'm always trying to be fair I've told you this before and I think I'm being fair now when I absolutely say Cara one yeah I hear you look it's your bias whether it's slider significant is irrelevant don't don't sweat it okay I'm not biased you you know what you know what Pierce I pardon you um okay all right let's move on so yeah so seriously look I was on here after the Biden Trump debate and I said Biden got annihilated and he did right you have to be fair and objective and I think you were in the intro here uh there's no question that Trump got annihilated here and and Maga has the same problem that the establishment has this establishment thinks that everybody thinks like them and they think oh my God doesn't everybody love the status quo no the overwhelming majority of the country constantly wants change because their lives are not as good as the millionaire anchors on television but television anchors just cannot get that through their heads right and they love corporate rule but the rest of the country doesn't and mag has the same problem because they think oh doesn't everybody know that Haitian immigrants are eating cats and dogs uh I saw in out of context video online that right-wing media told me was Haitians oh that's said that all the immigrants are eating cats and dogs look magga you're not getting it no one else thinks that first of all it's not true the local cops say it's not true everybody says it's not true but not only that the rest of the country doesn't think like you so when you say stuff like that you sound unhinged when you insist Trump still won the election As Trump did last night you sound unhinged when you talk about postbirth abortions that's not a thing that exists I know in your mind you think it does but a it doesn't in objective reality that's just called Murder and there is no such law in America at all rightwing media lied to you through and through and tricked you but most importantly the people that are going to decide this election are not Maga are not establishment they're guys in the middle and when they see Trump talking about eating cats and dogs and executing babies he looks nuts and it drives them all into Comm Harris's arm so if you're Maga you should be furious at Trump tonight okay for today let me get a Tommy uh first on this Tommy want to play that clip where he talked about the Haan migrants eating pets let's take a look what they have done to our country by allowing these millions and millions of people to come into our country and look at what's happening to the towns all over the United States and a lot of towns don't want to talk not going to be Aurora or Springfield a lot of towns don't want to talk about it because they're so embarrassed by it in Springfield they're eating the dogs the people that came in they're eating the cats they're eating they're eating the pets of the people that live there and this is what's happening in our country the thing is Tommy that should have been a home run for Trump right this is absolutely his wheelhouse she was the bord desar she's dropped the ball massively that's all he had to say but going down this ridiculous conspiracy Rabbit Hole of migrants eating everyone's pets which had already been discredited certainly there's no actual evidence to prove it at the moment uh it just seemed you know as Chen says he sounded a bit nuts and he lost the he lost the the momentum of what should have been a home run I don't disagree that he missed a huge opportunity to hold her to account on the border Invasion that happened on her watch she didn't answer why she let 10 million plus in that was a question she was asked that she dodged because the loow hanging fruit is to talk about the bipartisan border bill but I don't disagree with you Trump had an opportunity to hold her feet to the fire and he didn't do it now I will also say this if Donald Trump wanted to talk about Springfield Ohio or Aurora Colorado or other communities that are being devastated by mass immigration of foreign Nationals he could have taken that opportunity because it's a very real thing that's happening Sanctuary cities are going broke and bankrupt taking care of millions of people that have been thrown into their communities that refuse to assimilate he could have discussed it in that way because these communities are being devastated and you have people at City Council meetings that are quite frankly talking about it Tomi Lahren on Trump and Kamala’s immigration responses but he chose to go a different route I wish he had not done that I wish he wouldn't have taken the bait there's no doubt he took the bait he took the hook he took the line he took the Sinker he took the entire freaking boat and I am frustrated by that and I am intellectually honest enough to say it I wish he had not done that he missed several opportunities last night but that does not change the fact that kamla Harris's record both in 2020 and three and a half years in office is abysmal I wish he would have focused on that yeah I I I agree um let me bringing Michael actually on this as another conservative here were you disappointed when that debate finished that Trump that Trump played it the way he did I thought it finished strong I felt that Trump's closing statement was excellent I agree with you Piers it he should have given the closing statement probably as the introductory statement I thought Trump did very well for the first 20 or 25 minutes I thought that was a pretty clear Victory and then when kamla quite good at manipulating people was able to get him to fall for the trap on the crowd sizes that did throw things uh however that was also when the moderators stepped in the so-called moderators and uh so you really did have a three-on-one debate at that point there were missed opportunities but you know Chen earlier mentioned that uh president Trump said all sorts of things that aren't true and the example he used what was the notion of postbirth abortion the notion that babies are killed through abortion after birth and uh Lindsay Davis who was one of the so-called moderators U made this point when she fact checked Trump but she was Michael Knowles on Trump’s closing statement wrong and Chen is wrong and this is really happening and the irony of it is that one of the chief proponents of killing babies who survive abortion after birth is KLA Harris's own running mate Tim Walls this is not difficult to look up within the past couple of years Governor walls in Minnesota repealed legal requirements that would uh Force doctors uh who have babies who have survived abortions to provide medical care for them as they would to any other patients so that is happening when President Trump quoted the Democrat Governor of Virginia Ralph Northam who said that after a baby is born if the mother doesn't want it they'll have a conversation with the doctor see what they're going to do that's on tape you don't you don't need to take my word for it you can go watch it on tape so there were multiple instances of the moderators uh intervening and lying on kamla's behalf and then they never at any point fact checked comma lies so I agree I I'm not saying it was the greatest performance ever I think there were a number of missed opportunities from president Trump I suspect his campaign advisers told him not to get aggressive I thought it was crazy that he never called out the moderators people people always ought to attack the media in politics you know I thought you know what I thought Michael I I just thought at the end that he was a bit boring Trump and the one the one thing he cannot be is boring because the point of trump is so different to every other politician he either makes you laugh or he shocks you or he's combative or the stuff always going on which is compelling I just didn't find Trump very compelling last night uh I just felt that he was he was very repetitive um and he got caught into various traps that were laid for him way too easily but ultimately I just thought he wasn't very entertaining either so on every level he wasn't trump-like I I agree there were a few moment moments where there should have been more Pizzazz but then don't forget when he was talking about the cats and the dogs and the Haitian migrants which uh we're all calling it a discredited story but of course there are Springfield residents talking about this and really all of the kind of evocative graphic details are really just there to uh call people's attention to the fact that Kamala Harris brought 300,000 people from a failed state with rampant cannibalism into the middle of America that's something that most Americans don't like when when he did get a little spicier he had some good lines about sending kamla Harris a magah hat and how her economic policy that she stole from Biden and from him amounted to Run Spot Run there were some decent lines I just felt he had to get aggressive in a different way and he especially has to get aggressive on the moderators if they're going to intervene yeah because I don't think he's worked out quite how to do that with with carela Harris we bring in Brian I mean Brian look I I think it was a clear win for her I think also the fact that Taylor Swift the biggest pop star on the planet arguably ever has come out with such a ringing emphatic endorsement when many people thought she may just avoid doing that Al together everyone kind of knew her leanings but they thought maybe you know she's with this big Burly NFL guy uh very popular in Middle America and would she actually show her colors in such an emphatic way well she did and she chose Carmela's Big Win night to do it so a double win I think for carela Harris especially with young women who who who would have been uh watching that debate heard all the abortion stuff saw Taylor Swift's comments and so on but but and it's an important but really this race is absolutely wafer thin I had Nate silver from 538 on last week saying it literally is as close as it could possibly be do you really think that this will move the the needle in the race or has it what it's really done has it given the Democrats more impetus particularly after the debate debacle with Joe Biden do I really think that Taylor Swift's endorsement um where her biggest audience is gen Z which is the low the smallest vote which is the biggest voting block but the voting Block in which the fewest people vote and she just posted to millions of people a voter registration Link in her Instagram do I think that that will have an impact in this election where the margins are probably going to be decided by tens of thousands or just thousands of votes absolutely and I think that we should take advantage of every opportunity that we get it's important to note too that Donald Trump forced her hand this was an unforced error because he was so desperate to about accepting her endorsement by posting some AI swifties for Trump photo he couldn't help himself but lie and so that forced her hand in terms of then going out there and saying look I I I don't know if I would have said anything but because there was manipulated video manipulated photos out there I thought the right course of action was to correct the record and and let my actual position be known and so because this guy is incapable of telling Brian Tyler Cohen on Taylor Swift endorsing Harris the truth because he has has to wield lies on a daily basis because every time he opens his mouth he has to spew disinformation and misinformation he screwed himself here and so he's the one that's going to be hurt from all of this um but moving back to just something that I think Michael said and chank said CH started off very rightly talking about how Republicans and Donald Trump seem unhinged by perpetuating these ideas that dogs and cats are being eaten and that that women are having postbirth abortions and the first thing that Michael does when he comes on here is perpetuate these exact claims look you guys can do this until you're in the face I I I don't I don't know how to how to convey the extent to which when Republicans say this kind of stuff it does not resonate with normal people and you seem crazy and Donald Trump went out there on stage got laughed at by the entire nation and then Michael you come on here and you do the exact same thing so please triple down on this quadruple down on this make this ele election a referendum on this bogus notion that women are executing their babies after they're born I beg of you we'll see how that works out okay um Brian I just to respond briefly Brian I all I did was refer to the law that KLA Harris's running mate passed as the governor of Minnesota the position that he currently holds so you know if you think that sounds crazy or wild or I don't know what to tell you then I suppose we're living in different countries I think Chen made a much better Point than Brian just made and Chen's point was that Americans want change they don't like the status quo and I think that's absolutely true and I do think this was the missed opportunity of the debate the status quo is kamla Harris she's the vice president she's been imbued with presidential Authority on immigration and other issues so the the change agent is Donald Trump here that's what the debate's got to be about that's what the election Focus has to be about but actually most viewers would have had the complete opposite impression I mean somehow miraculously Chen I thought carel Harris managed to present herself as the Change option here given which given the fact she's been VP for any four years is extraordinary Ben Shapiro your great friend tweeted this this debate won't matter the American people still know nothing about Carl Harris's positions Donald Trump is still Donald Trump and the Legacy Media are still a giant flaming dog turd okay so first of all I'm enjoying everybody saying that I'm right uh thank you guys um so in this uh debate uh KLA Harris you know the rightwing is saying manipulated Donald Trump into being dumb and saying dumb things uh well what does that tell you about Donald Trump I mean really guys you know it too if you're a right-winger he got manipulated that easily he's such a spoiled little child the minute you mention his toy which is the rallies he's like no no my rallies are bigger than your rallies come on you you're running for president brother be a little bit bigger than that but he can't help himself he's a tiny weak weak man that's why he was baited so easily his mind is weak so look as you know the the conservatives here talking about post birth abortion really name one case in the entire country where a woman had a baby and then executed it and the state said oh that's totally okay we allow postbirth abortion were eight cases you can't name one case it's never happened and you guys sound Absolut Ely nuts when you say it so I agree with Brian in fact hold on I'm not done yet hold on and then now they attacking the moderators attacking the moderators is so weak first of all there's no crying in politics so when you cry about the moderators you're just telling everybody Cenk calls Trump a "spoilt little child" and "tiny weak man” we lost the debate thank you for admitting it second of all now some right-wing media loons are talking about arresting the ABC moderators and shutting down ABC okay do you know how pathetic and unhinged you sound when you make statements like that first of all what happened to Free Press I thought you guys were in favor of free speech all a sudden when your feelings get hurt shut it down shut down the whole network arrest it what happened to Castle culture okay so look guys if you don't want people to think you're going to be nuts and dictatorial don't say things like we're going to arrest debate moderators for doing fact checks and and don't say that people are eating cats and dogs and they're cannibals as Michael said what are you talking about you look anyway Brian's right keep going let me bring Tommy I thought this was an important part as well this is when Cara Harris talked about Vladimir Putin and said that Putin would eat Trump for lunch let's take a look at this what you think is a friendship with what is known to be a dictator who would eat you for lunch now Tommy it's interesting because Trump has always presented himself as the strong man on the world stage and you're looking at these two candidates last night and thinking which one would be a more effective powerful commanderin-chief what did you think of that exchange was Trump robust enough in going back at carela Harris it seemed to me like she kept jabbing him with stuff like that and he wasn't really coming back hard well there's no doubt that this was very choreographed by the kamla Harris team and she did an excellent job executing that performance it was an act and she did a great job I'm not going to sit here and pretend that she didn't she knew exactly what to say and she knew exactly how to say it to get Donald Trump to say the lines that the American people are sick of hearing the American people didn't want to hear him say anything nice about Putin because the Russia Russia Russia we've been through this before I don't know why he took that bait all he would have had to say is listen in my Administration I defeated Isis and the caliphate there were no new Wars there was no incursion by Russia into Ukraine as there were during the Obama Administration and certainly during the Biden Administration he could have doubled down on his discussion of China and how he really put China on its heels he could have said all of those things how he bankrupted Iran which he did to an extent but he could have hammered down on those more unfortunately he took the bait what I'm most disappointed in is the ABC moderator's failure to hold KLA to account on her flip-flops they didn't hold her to that I think they asked exactly one question on the economy it was the first one and she didn't answer it I think if we're talking about the poor performance by the ABC moderators not only do I think it was a three-on-one I think they could have asked more questions that the American people actually cared about talking about moving forward they spent so much time talking about 2020 about the election about January 6th they could have talked about the future I wish they would have done that I wanted to hear more about the plans and the policy positions of comma Harris and why she's not the same as she was in 2019 and 2020 that's what I wanted to hear that's not what we were given I think it was a failure on Donald Trump's part to redirect but I also think it was a failure on ABC's behalf to talk about the things the American people actually care about yeah I mean Michael I'm going to play a mashup of all Carmela's facial expressions because she kept turning and looking directly at Trump and it was quite effective let's take a look in fact I was going to send her a Maga hat she's gone to My Philosophy but if she ever got elected she'd change it her father's a Marxist professor in economics and he taught her well but Tomi Lahren: Moderators didn't hold Harris to account when you look at what she's done to our country like they have and policies like they have I don't say her because she has no policy now Michael it was a very deliberate aesthetic thing that she was doing which was to keep turning to Trump and kind of laugh at him mock him look a gust to him and so on and you know you can look at it two ways you could say she overhanded it but I did think it was quite effective to viewers watching our own I I found it wor a little bit thin but dust and dispan deest so you know people's mileage may vary with that there was a real irony with the rules around this debate and comm's facial and even vocal interjections which is during that first debate back in June Joe Biden wanted the mics to be cut when the opponent wasn't speaking and Trump agreed to that eventually and that rule ended up really helping Trump uh then in this debate kamla wanted the mics to be on so she could have her I'm speaking moment and uh Trump insisted that the mics remain off and ironically it seems to have helped kamla here uh because I think had her mic been on and she had interjected with all of these rude remarks and her over-the-top facial expressions I I think it would have made Trump look even calmer and more presidential by comparison so she did relatively well uh and the the other really impressive thing that she did in debate prep is she got rid of that crazy cackle that crazy cackle she's on had on the campaign Trail for decades at this point that disappeared overnight and whoever prepped her on that deserves a a prize in political science well she also uh Brian she also she didn't do too much of the word salad stuff I mean she did right off the top when she clearly looked nervous but once she settled in we didn't get the normal stream of word salad stuff which I thought again was a plus for her but the big question for KLA Harris now is you know she's she's ended up winning the debate fantastic night for her good for the Democrats what does she do now to try and win the election 50 odd days to go I think she continues doing what she “There was a real irony around this debate” did on that debate stage that debate stage was a microcosm of this actual debate which was to draw the contrast between somebody who who beats his chest about this about Law and Order while simultaneously presenting himself as a 34 time convicted felon uh continuing to hammer away at the fact that Donald Trump is responsible for overturning Row in this country which is an issue that has killed Republicans that has cost Republicans elections in Virginia and Ohio and Kansas and Kentucky and Alabama while KLA Harris is presented herself as a champion of abortion rights and and really to put on full display her vision for the future I think what's what's so interesting is that Tommy brought up this idea that the onus was on kamla Harris to to present some some vision for the future and if we think about this election this election as far as Trump is concerned is entirely predicated on seeking Vengeance for what happened on January 6 he wants to release the January 6 insurrectionist who've been prosecuted who've been indicted and charged he he he is solely focused on on getting um retribution for for those people for what happened on January 6 he was asked in this debate whether he would sign a nationwide abortion B multiple times refus to answer it you want to talk about a vision for the future he won't talk about what he's offering for the future he's solely focused on retiga events of the past Brian Donald Trump on his campaign website the first link is the platform page it's a 20po fairly specific plan on what he will do on inflation on immigration on uh he's said repeatedly he doesn't want a National Abortion ban on Foreign Affairs uh kamla Harris until two days ago did not have a policy page on her website it was only when some of us in the conservative media uh pointed out that she was lacking in this Vision that they threw one up and it was shown by the source code that much of it was stolen from Biden the rest of it was stolen from Trump so I I agree she had a rather good night obviously with a lot of help from the ABC moderators but I think it is preposterous to say that she presented a vision for the future there was very little policy substance discussed at all and if there is going to be a second debate this I think would be the silver lining in the stormcloud for Republicans is President Trump needs to make sure that the focus is entirely on policy they open up asking Kamala about the economy she starts talking about when she was a little girl in the middle class or whatever they bring up immigration she starts talking about crowd sizes she has got nothing on policy because the kamla Harris Joe Biden record on policy has been three and a half years of unmitigated failure if Trump can focus on that in the next debate he wins okay Tommy you've got to leave this hang hang because Tommy has to go just quickly Tommy before you go what advice would you give Trump you've always been I think very um you know friendly critical towards him I think in an admirable way when many just blindly go in the tank for him or blindly the other way what advice do you give him to try and now retrieve what I think has been quite a damaging 24 hours for him right well I think that he needs to act very presidential especially in these next couple of weeks he needs to show the American people that he can in fact restrain himself and sometimes that's not easy for him to do I think we all know that it can be his biggest attribute but it also can make him his Own Worst Enemy I'm not going to make any bones about that but I would also say my advice to Donald Trump would be this no more rally you don't need to do rallies do smaller events do Town Halls do more interviews do more podcasts and kamla Harris made one point last night that unfortunately I have to agree with when he does these rallies he goes off on tangents he Rambles it's not helpful to him he needs to be a very concise he needs to learn how to be brief and not ramble and hit the issues Square on because he wins on the issues so I hope that he does that he needs to take a page out of Ronald Reagan's book he can still be charismatic he can still be a performer but he really has to buckle down and get back to business I'd also like to see him bring kellyan Conway back on the team because I think that he needs better advisers I think his advisers are doing him a disservice by just telling him to do whatever the hell he wants it's not working or he's not listening to his advises which could also be true Tommy great to have you back and uncensored I know you got to leave us thank you very much indeed uh Chen question for you did you share carela Harris's Pride that Dick Cheney has given her his Endor given that in 2008 uh the president of the United States Joe Biden described Dick Cheney as the most dangerous vice president in American history yeah no I did not uh that was one of the low moments for kamla Harris the the Democrats have to stop bragging about the chenes uh I don't know if they know this Dick Cheney left office with an approval rating of about %. so look uh she did wonderful jiujitsu on immigration got him talking about eating cats and dogs when it should have been a strength it was a massive weakness for him uh but uh on on this issue the Republican party is the one that gave us Dick Cheney uh and they gave us the Iraq War the endless Wars and the corruption and all of that stick them with it instead embracing it is not the right way to go but it's it goes to my point uh that I've been saying all along uh peers which is that people can't think outside their own bubble The Establishment thinks oh doesn't everybody love Dick Cheney we all love Dick Cheney we love everyone who was in power and we kiss up to them no the country hates Dick Cheney and and Maga thinks oh yeah babies are being executed all over the country because of Tim Walls yeah a it's not true and B no one else believes that so if you keep saying it you it's not going to help your cause and peers you know what I've been saying for about a year now Biden was too old and Trump was too crazy and the first debate showed that Biden was too old and the second debate showed that Trump was too crazy yeah I mean Brian um I know you want to back at what something Michael said earlier by all means do that but I think what's happened here is that any preconception Republicans may have had that carala Harris would be a walkover uh and that there was no real difference between her or Biden in terms of impact on the race itself I think that has now gone up in smoke she is definitely a better candidate than Biden would have ever been given his current cognitive State uh and the momentum she will get from last night should not be under estimated but nor should Trump's ability to bounce back in a way that is most dangerous as a politician I would argue when he's got his you know when his feet are being torched I mean I'll show you the cover of Time Magazine which is quite clever and it has a a image of trump in a golf cart trapped in a in a bunker we call them bunkers here a trap to American golfers uh and there he is in his cart in the Trap and the headline is in trouble um but the thing about Trump is he's a much better golfer than people think he is he can get out of bunkers traps in golf very well and he's also proved himself to be very good at getting out of political traps even though he fell into a few last night are you concerned that the the Bears being poked and may come back hard and maybe Cara Harris went better handle that I “Biden was too old and Trump was too crazy" can I completely disagree I think that when Donald Trump is backed into a corner he only hurts himself I mean look at what he said when he wasn't getting any attention because Kamala surged onto the screen on on um her her rallies were explosive she was drawing in more people than he was and so what did he do he went on national TV and and did you know said that she wasn't black and then he had a press conference the next day at maral Lago where he said that his rallies Drew more people than Martin Luther King Jr's I Have a Dream speech every time he's back into a corner he he tries to kind of grab back the attention with some insan thing that might be fun for his base but it's not going to help him people people watching Donald Trump say insane things is only going to help him with the people who are already supporting him but for that sliver of people in the middle the sliver of people who are going to decide this race these these conservative Democrats these Independents these pro-democracy Republicans these low propensity voters young people people of color they're not going to watch Donald Trump brag that his crowd size was bigger than Martin Luther King Jr's I Have a Dream speech and think that's my guy I've been I've been I've been waffling all this time but now I know that that's my guy I also want to hearken back to something that Michael said before which is that that this idea that kamla Harris when she's when she's running right now she's running on all all this baggage of the Biden Harris Administration we have more than 16 million jobs added we have a record high stock market we have the lowest unemployment in 50 years we have the strongest economy in the entire world we've had more legislation passed under under Joe Biden in the first two years of his administration than we've had in in any Administration in modern American history this idea that this Administration hasn't done a good job their economy is strong that that that the United States is performing well not only relative to the rest of the world but relative to where we've stood in the past is is a complete denial of reality and I get that are trying to wish cast are trying to manifest reality idea I'll just to hold the panel for a moment Michael you can respond at a moment we're being joined now by the former Navy SEAL and Texas Congressman representative Dan D thank you so much for joining uncensored um a lot of reaction obviously to last night's debate my honest opinion is that Trump lost it because the expectation was that he would rough kamla Harris up a bit and she would be exposed on the national stage and that would be it that didn't happen in boxing pance I'd say she won on points what was your view it's it's about right and it's frustrating because it's such an easy de baate to win I just heard the talking point by by by one of your guests that Dan Crenshaw gives his take on the debate uh somehow Camala Harris and Joe Biden are responsible for this great economy I've never heard so much nonsense in my life I can show you all the numbers that discredit that idea uh the American Rescue plan and their policies immediately resulted in um record numbers of illegal immigrants crossing our border they resulted in record inflation right away gas prices are 50% higher electricity prices are 30% higher um they they claim they inherited bad economy from Trump that's also nonsense by the time they took office real GDP was back to pre-pandemic levels under trump it had it had be it it had undergone its massive recovery everything they say is a lie now the problem is that Trump didn't say what I just said right that's the problem this is a very easy debate to win against Camala Harris now now she's feeling she's feeling good she's feeling confident I think Trump should take her up on that second debate um if if she's offering that I think he should take her up on that but he needs to remain disciplined this time and he needs he needs to get new people around him who understand who have maybe bothered once in their life to actually try to persuade an independent I do agree with some of what was said is that there's there there's too much pandering to the base and that's not necessary right now what's necessary is to actually convince Independence and it's very easy to do because you got four years on one side you got four years on the other you've got policies that took place and you've got the outcomes associated with those policies and it's a very very clear distinction and on those distinctions Trump wins running away all he has to do is talk about it now it should also be said there there i' I've noticed a couple things in that debate well while he didn't well he did take the bait too often and didn't nail her when it was there were so many openings to nail her own policy I did notice that he was also very disciplined at least in his at least in his physical appearance right he didn't take the bait while she was sneering and jeering at him um condescendingly looking over trying to get his attention the entire time she she appeared very childish doing that um he remained stoic he remained disciplined in that regard um but again just missed a lot of opportunities because it's that were easy easy to swap back at her do you know I I just felt he wasn't he wasn't entertaining in a way he normally is he just seemed a little bit dull he was repeating himself a lot he didn't laugh really at all he didn't really crack many good jokes it just wasn't the normal rockar Deb were used to with Trump um and as a result it played into her hands as did so many of the things that he did last night um he is at the moment hesitant about a second debate do you think it's imperative he does one and that this debate is not the only one that the American public sees yeah I would absolutely suggest that he does another debate but make sure that none of the people who prepared him for this debate are around because they didn't do a good job you need people who have actually bothered to try to persuade independent voters again very easy debate to win very easy debate to win if you go in there knowing the facts knowing your points that you want to make then you can relax and be yourself as you noted he didn't feel like himself you can relax a lot more when you're confident in what you're saying when you've got those I just I just stated those numbers you can memorize those numbers you can memorize those facts that actually matter when you're trying to make the comparison between a CALA presidency and and and a trump presidency it's very easy to win this debate and so my message to Independent voters is is like yeah granted she's she's a lawyer right she's she's a prosecutor she knows how to push people's buttons that doesn't make her a good leader and it makes it doesn't make her policies any better for the American people they're still really really bad policies just because she's jeering over at him and trying and trying to poke him doesn't make her a good potential president no it made it quite a skillful debator on the night actually I mean you were a Navy SEAL obviously from a commander and chief point of view do you think that she came out of this debate with those credentials slightly better than she went in as a potential commander-in-chief I mean not from my point of view but look I'm a I'm a republican that thinks everything she stands for is wrong for our country so you know I I granted I have some bias but but even on her personality I've I've been I've been observing Camala Harris for quite some time now I've never thought at all that she is somebody that I would ever want in a commander-in-chief position uh she's def defended the the the disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan um she's she's defended every policy Biden has put in place uh to include basically letting the Russians continue to win in Ukraine um it took them multiple years for them to finally agree to better weapon systems to Ukraine to defend against the Russians that war could have been in a much different place right now if it weren't for their feckless leadership October 7th happened under her watch because the they kept appeasing Iran all of this is on her she would make an absolutely terrible commanderin-chief and I'll tell you what I mean I know the troops do not want to be led by someone like her that I can say for sure Dan crel thank you very much inde for joining me I appreciate it appreciate it let's go back to the panel uh strong words there Michael uh from Dan um I mean I hope Trump listens to some of this stuff because he can get very pigheaded uh when he's got his back to the wall a bit he doesn't like being criticized he gets very defensive but that's probably not the response that he needs right now he needs to listen to critical friends doesn't he of course and I think what Dan said is basically exactly right there there was one good point that Trump landed in the debate on Ukraine when he said after kamla boasted that she went over to negotiate with seninsky and try to resolve this conflict that had been brewing between Russia and Ukraine and Trump pointed out he said yeah you went over you tried to solve it and then 3 days days later the Russians invade so clearly it didn't work out very well and and to Dan's Point uh you don't just need to take a republican Congressman or a republican author's words for it uh you can take Vladimir zelinsky's words for it he says that the Russians invaded basically because of Biden and and Biden in fact in his own words invited Putin to invade and said there wouldn't be much push back if there were a minor incursion so you see that on foreign policy you see this issue on immigration and all of the numbers Dan cided on on the economy I think are quite so then it puts kamla in this very difficult position she's she's now describing her platform As A New Path forward but of course she's the sitting vice president the current vice president's a vegetable so she's probably effectively the president how is this A New Path forward well if she's going to reject the policies of her own Administration what's she going to revert to all of her previously stated policies when she did run for president uh in 2020 though she had to get out before the first votes were cast were to the left of Bernie ERS and they were deeply unpopular Medicare for all including Medicare for all for illegal aliens defund the police uh bail riers and criminals out of jail which she did herself when she was raising money for them on on Twitter so on and so forth uh this puts her in a really difficult position because either she's got to defend the unpopular stat and failed status quo or the even more unpopular policies she ran on the first time that's where Trump's got to pin her he's got to put her in this place where either way she moves she harms herself with the voters and whoever prepares him for that next debate needs to make sure that that is where the focus is and he's always looking out to avoid the landmines that she can sometimes successfully lay for him okay we're running out of time a bit CH final words from you about this how significant do you think this debate will end up being a Mis race yeah I think these two debates are potentially uh two of the most significant debates that have ever happened in a presidential election so they're a little bit of a microcosm of how they would do an office and Biden's brain melted in the first debate and showed you he can't make it another four years and and force him out of the race in this debate uh kamla Harris looked strong and in charge and she as almost everyone here has acknowledged easily manipulated Donald Trump into traps that he fell into but think about what that means so when she's talking to Putin or other foreign leaders she's going to be prepared and strong and be able to manipulate them to our advantage Trump on the other hand was a fool he was easily manipulated fell into every trap I mean think about how unprepared he was and that's exactly how he was as president he never bothered to learn anything after the 2020 election he thought that we could terminate the Constitution because he didn't like the result of the election that's not a thing there is no process for terminating the Constitution he kept saying clownish things throughout his uh time in office and in this debate because he never does his homework homor and that's how he is as president he's weak and the minute Kim Jong-un says oh I you know I like you he's like okay build all the nukes you want and so you saw there that's exactly how every foreign leader manipulates Trump into their advantage are and our disadvantage I don't want that that stench of weakness in the Oval Office again okay and Brian your final thoughts my final thought is I you know I've sat here listening to Dan to Michael I believe Tommy made the same point about how Donald Trump has to fire his advisers when he comes back for the second debate he can't listen to these people who steered him wrong does anybody actually think that Donald Trump took the advice of any of his visors does he think that he's disciplined enough to take any advice and not just revert back to exactly who he is exactly the guy that we've seen for the past nearly a decade the second he's poked he is so easy to bait that you could you could dangle a cookie in front of a four-year-old and they would have more discipline than Donald Trump this notion that his advisors are responsible for what happened on that debate stage is a joke it's also you know you look at someone like Ron mcdel for example she was fired as RNC chair because Donald Trump always needs to blame somebody for his own shortcomings the reason that Republicans loss was not because of Ron McDaniel or the RNC it's because people aligned with Donald Trump aligned with the America First agenda didn't present themselves well to the American people because they're lunatics and they lost but Donald Trump can't take responsibility for anything and so somebody else had to get thrown under the bus as the result of that what we saw on that debate stage was not the fault of his advisor was not the fault of anybody on his team was not the fault of anybody but Donald Trump he cannot take responsibility which makes it especially ironic that he's running to represent the party of personal responsibility okay and Michael your final thought uh well I I I think Brian's point is demonstrably silly because Trump debated in a different way last night than he usually does and so I suppose what I'm calling for appear I think what what you had suggested too is that we get a little bit of that old Donald Trump back go after the media that he he focus a little bit more on the issues bring a little bit more Pizzazz into it absolutely he he he has to do that sort of thing uh to your point Brian you know you you say that Donald Trump uh does not appeal to the American people he doesn't repal even to the Republican base that's why he's got to throw Rona McDaniel out Ron McDaniel just left her position and and guess what Donald Trump did something kamla Harris was not able to do Donald Trump was able to win the Republican primary for president he was able to win his party's nomination fair and square through a process kamla Harris tried to win her party's nomination one time she got thrown out of the race before the first vote was cast and so she was able to finagle her way behind the scenes through a palace coup to get rid of the current president and take the nomination good for her that's all very impressive but I think this is why K Harris made a big mistake by challenging Trump to another debate because next time they might not be on the most liberal uh Network news station next time they might not have a three-on-one debate next time Donald Trump might have better preparation going in and if “Kamala Harris made a big mistake challenging Trump to a second debate" that's the case look there's a reason that parties have primaries it's to battl test their candidates Kamala Harris remains completely untested the debate was supposed to test her but she didn't get any difficult questions whatsoever and she had two people helping her out to beat Donald Trump if if we want to go for a round two I say as a staunch Trump supporter bring it on H know thank you very much indeed it was certainly a fascinating night in what has become one of the most unpredictable and gripping presidential races ever uh and long may it continue because it gives us plenty to talk about thank you all very much RFK Jr will be joining me very shortly but joining me right now is Polster and political strategist Frank Lun who said a few days ago that the winner of the debate will win the election uh well Frank do you think that's the case do you think carela won and does that mean she may now win the election I think more accurately it's that Donald Frank Luntz gives his verdict on the debate Trump lost and this is not the worst debate performance I've seen in my career but it's very close to it the conversations about people eating dogs and cats calling the leader of Hungary one of the greatest world leaders repeatedly missing the opportunity to focus on inflation and affordability and the complete inability to present his point of view without completely teing into her into into Joe Biden into whomever was in his sights it was a pretty negative performance pretty pessimistic cynical uh contemptuous and I think that this will cost him yes I'm I'm trying to decide if I want to go on record and the answer is yes I think that that he loses because of this debate performance wow really there are very few undecided voters left it's about 5% of the vote and they only matter in seven states and those states are too close to call so essentially we're looking at less than 1% of America and they're going to spend $2 billion the whole race is going to focus on these tiny this tiny sliver of the country but they heard nothing from Trump to give them a sense of anything that would be different going forward Harris did not talk about details she did not her plans no policies no specifics we do know what she cares about and we know what sound bit she uses and she was other than her facial expressions which were clearly demeaning and hurt her own messaging she didn't make up any real slips she didn't but she didn't tell us who she is she didn't prioritize and I actually think that this is pretty bad for the entire country that if these are the best that the Democrats and Republicans can do it's pretty sad state for American democracy well what I felt watching her was that she had determined clearly in advance that she was going to be prosecutorial which obviously plays to her prosecutor strengths that she was going to look at him directly repeatedly mock him scorn him when she believed he was saying ridiculous things um for the Optics that that would create but that she would also go after him quite hard in the way that she did as if she was in a courtroom and Trump just seemed like he wasn't ready for that which I find baffling because that was always going to be her best chance of taking on Trump given her background he just did not seem ready and unlike with Hillary Clinton he didn't know how to deal with it he didn't know how to handle her I agree with that in fact maybe you should have been his debate prep person because he clearly didn't listen to the people in his ear the issue with Trump is that his campaign in the campaign in 2024 is better it is more tuned to what these undecided voters think it is more effective at drawing a distinction between his record and the Biden Harris record and it delivers its negative message in a in an efficient way the only thing that's not working about the campaign is the candidate himself you're correct now let's take it a step further Not only was he ill-prepared but he could not stay on message he could not stay focused focused specifically on inflation affordability food fuel housing Health Care none of that and when given the chance to do it he diverted onto some other issue that was simply ineffective and when he talked about immigration which is his other strong point he did so out of anger out of bitterness out of Victory all and revenge and that's not how people feel they want to be safe they want to be secure they want a strong border they agree with Trump but the way that he articulated it this resentment and this this ugliness it's too much for undecided voters and it's going to hurt him come November I I remember you saying uh in a times interview I think it was just before Biden pulled out of the race but you said that in the end it's Biden's inability to Galvanize people to come out and vote for him which may be the Tipping Point for him conversely could it be that her performance last night by CA Harris that that might Galvanize just a few more people to feel like yes I'm going to come out particularly given that Taylor Swift the biggest pop star in the world has come out with a really ringing endorsement and we know she has millions of jenzy girls young women who abide by her every word could that move the needle in terms of the of the polling and ultimately the votes yes it could and this is why I was so eager to do this one onone with you you you you understand it you were here for long enough that it made a difference uh you're one of the few people who knows British politics and American politics and in this case pop culture she is an icon for younger women who are completely disengaged and uninvolved when it was Trump vers Biden now that Harris is the opponent they can't wait to vote and that changes the entire electoral makeup with younger women taking a bigger percentage of the actual voting public which I believe that they will that means that Democrats benefit for the Senate they benefit for the house and all the races down ticket so not only are you seeing this continuing surge for the Harris candidacy but the Republicans have been stopped in their pursuit of gaining the Senate and blocked in their pursuit of maintaining control of the house I think that what happened last night combined with the Taylor Swift endorsement gives Democrats a at least a 50-50 shot of taking all three positions and if they do gone will be the filibuster DC will become a state there'll be campaign changes in campaign laws and election laws uh they I'm told that they're going to go after the Supreme Court to add four more seats and when you start to make these fundamental changes it's hard to see how American how conservatives will come back into power and frankly the public is so divided and so angry right now that they may just sit back and say go ahead it's your turn in her endorsement um Taylor Swift said I'll be casting my vote for carela Harris and Tim Waltz because she fights for the rights and causes I believe I need a warrior to Champion them she's a steady-handed gifted leader I believe we're going to accompany so much more in the country if we're led by Cal and not chaos um particularly she referenced lgbtq plus rights IVF a woman's right to her to her own body and so on um that that was a big part of last night the big exchange about abortion I thought that was where ca Harris was her most powerful perhaps on policy and if you're a young woman watching that they're really well let's let's watch a clip actually because I've got a clip of this let's watch a clip the plan is as you know the vote is they have abortion in the ninth month month they even have and you can look at the governor of West Virginia the previous governor of West Virginia not the current governor is doing an excellent job but the governor before he said the baby will be born and we will decide what to do with the baby in other words we'll execute the baby Trump abortion bans that make no exception even for rape and incest which understand what that means a survivor of a crime of violation to their body does not have the right to make a decision about what happens to their body next that is immoral and one does not have to abandon their faith or deeply held beliefs to agree the government and Donald Trump certainly should not be telling a woman what to do with her body I thought that was very powerful for Harris it was and the fact is he won't look at her I'm watching this again and I'm thinking as a debate coach turn your face pay attention he's looking either at the camera or the moderators and showing no acceptance that she's right there and by the way you know what that looks like for every woman that reminds them of their husband or their boyfriend simply ignoring what they have to say having disrespect and contempt and it's agitating to women watching Trump can't just win with men he's got to get women you know I don't know if you heard me say this but the issue Donald Trump reminds women of their first husband's divorce lawyer that is just absolutely disastrous can he win in Pennsylvania Wisconsin and Michigan the three crucial swing States just with men no but you can't win the country right now the gender gap is is roughly even she's up uh 15 17 points among women he's up 13 14 points among men and that's you get the Gap that they're more female voters but it is this mirror image of each other and it goes back to a point that I make on your show that I make every time I speak out these divisions are getting worse and worse and it's going to become at some point you break at some point you can't talk to each other playing identity politics or W politics is dividing the country and it's getting horrific and just so glad you showed that clip because the contempt that he shows her she's pissed at him I assume you can use that word but the contempt that he shows her is going to hurt him with female voters particularly older female voters who otherwise might have voted for him and you're going to see this in the polls and take about four or five days to show up but I do think that this has the potential to be a fatal mistake on Trump's part Ronald Reagan famously had a terrible first debate before he became president and turned things around with a brilliant second debate if there was another debate do you think Trump has it in him to recognize what went wrong last night and to be a different character in a second debate he has the capability to turn this around absolutely because the public thinks he was he was a better president the public thinks that the administration was more successful the public is actually on his side on the two issues isues that matter most but they've come to really dislike him and I think I'm as explicit as I am because I don't believe that he understands just how angry people are with him just how frustrated they are with him and how they want him to Simply Be quiet and he's incapable of doing it he wants all the cameras I'm thinking What analogy can I do with the stuff that's sitting in front of me right now he believes that if he speak speaking he's winning that if the camera's lights are on that he's successful and someone has never gotten into his head and said you know what for you sir just for a moment a little silence would go a long way you know he had six minutes more airtime than carala Harris last night if he'd had six minutes less airtime he might have won the debate exactly you got it Frank L brilliant to talk to as always thank you very much thank you it's my pleasure well join me now is the former Independent presidential candidate now part of Trump's transition team Robert F Kennedy Jr brilliant to have you back Robert uh how are you pe thank you for having me what did you honestly think about last night's debate I'll tell you what I honestly thought I thought Trump lost and carela Harris won yeah I think that vice president RFK Jr joins, saying: “Harris was much more polished” Harris is better prepared and that she was much more polished um I think that the she also had the host on her side which I think allowed her to get away with some of the statements on the substantive issues I mean for me pi on the substan of issues I think Trump does better his delivery is bad and I think um some a lot of the things that Frank luncha said uh are accurate um but you know the first question I'll give you an example the first question which I think was the most important question of the night was are you better off today than you were four years ago she didn't answer she never answered it she never answered it and and the the hosts were were calling Trump on you know and and debunking and factchecking him on all of his uh questions but they did not they did not discipline her on that and let ask let me ask you that Robert so why didn't Trump then jump in and say you haven't answered the question carela are we better off now than we were before I left office and it was his failure to jump in and get the answers he wanted or the questions he wanted I just felt that was weird he just didn't seem to want to do that I'm not quite sure whether he was told not to or was told to behave himself whatever it may be he was very all sign yeah you know he actually historically he's been one of the greatest Debaters American history I mean he dispatched brutal 16 opponents in in a row in 2016 but last night he was not showing that side and I think he lost a huge opportunity to really showcase his policies like Frank said he was the better president I mean we're you know we have it we have doubled the inflation the housing price have doubled there's 15 million more Americans in poverty the suicide rates have have gone through the roof the drug overdoses all the IND of of social deterioration have increased dramatically after and then the Immigrant problem which I think he talked about constantly but I think one well articulated um response on that would have been much more effective than and uh you know the way that it was done and then on the issues of War I think you know uh vice president Harris was bragging about her endorsements by people like Dick Cheney and John Bolton these are the neocons there's 225 neocons who who endorsed her in the last week these are people who are proar pro- censorship Pro surveillance these are the people who gave us this the Patriot Act that gave us the Iraq War they're not endorsing her because they've changed their mind about anything they were exiled from both Republican and Democratic party now they're all back and I that's what I worry most about vice president Harris as a as a president that you know we're closer now to nuclear conflict than than we've been at any time since 1948 and um and we're in these wars and the Iraq War which you know we should have never gotten into and she doesn't seem to understand it all she has a an inch of knowledge about it and you know unfortunately he did not take the the opportunity to force her to drill down on that and explain exactly what we're doing there and why we walked away from two peace treaties with with Putin but he also let's ask that question but he also Robert I want to play the clip about Ukraine and then ask you a followup on this let's take a I want to ask you a very simple RFK Jr on Trump’s response about Ukraine question tonight do you want Ukraine to win in this War I want the war to stop I want to save lives that are being uselessly people being killed by the millions it's the millions it's so much worse than the numbers that you're getting which are fake numbers now we all want the war to end but he he dodged that question and he was also asked you said you know as he repeatedly says I can solve this in 24 hours he said last night I'll get it done in between winning the election and inauguration I'll get this sorted but I still remain completely mystified how Donald Trump will get this sorted without handing Putin a win in terms of allowing him to keep some or all of the territory that he's taken is there something I'm missing here because I don't see any other way this gets ending quickly yeah I mean it's right now I think it's more difficult than ever I think it would have been very easy you know in April of 2022 Putin signed a peace agreement and began withdrawing his troops and he left ambas lugans as part of of Ukraine and President Biden forced Boris Johnson to go over there and and make seninsky tear up that agreement and then since then there's been 600,000 Ukrainian kids who have died and 300,000 Russians back then it would have been very easy the more the Russians commit to this the the the more difficult it becomes and right now Russians are devastating the ukrainians Ians have lost the war um the Russians are routing them on every front and uh and that and you know it becomes more much more difficult to to end the war in a way that's satisfactory that leaves Ukraine it's a functioning Nation the farther we go into it so I you know I think it's more difficult now than ever but Putin has until very recently he has persistently asked for negotiations pers cently in fact Ukraine passed a law making it illegal to negotiate with them what you know what kind of you know what are we into here that you that you can't negotiate with your opponent this is uh it's a it's really it's inexplicable um but I think the war can be ended it has to be ended it's either going to end with the total defeat of Ukraine or we can save some part of Ukraine at this point but the Russians are not going to win lose this war it from the beginning it was obvious that the Russians would not lose this war it was a fool hearty erron by Anthony blinkin and the people who are making these very very bad decisions the neocons in the White House were making these decisions it was a horrendous let me ask you okay mistake you and I have debated Ukraine quite a lot and I don't really agree with your take on this but let me ask you the same question Trump dodged would you like Ukraine to win just in Would JFK Jr like Ukraine to win? principle uh what I want is peace in the region everybody wants viory means the question is I don't know what victory means I yeah I mean by winning what do you mean by that do you mean beating Russia going into Kirks which they're now in Russia do you I think that that's a good idea do I think that that was a good strategy I would think president ziny would well I would say winning would mean that the Russian forces withdraw from the Ukrainian territory that they've invaded that's what winning would look like to you mean do you mean including Crimea I don't think that's ever going to happen well I doubt it would include Crimea so let's park crime to one side but in terms of the invasion in 2022 the land that Putin is taken that if that I would say that Ukraine and zalinski would see victory the Russians having to pull out of that well you know they had that deal in April of 2022 that was the deal Dumas and lugans would remain part of Ukraine and the only thing the Russians wanted was number one keep NATO out of Ukraine which is a which is a valid security Demand by the Russians we would not allow Russian uh coalitions into Mexico or Cuba we've already shown that the other thing they wanted is to make sure that that Ukraine ended the civil war against the Russians speaking and ethnic Russians andas dbas lugans that they could speak their own language they would be autonomous region within Ukraine the same way that MRA that Quebec is in Canada those were reasonable demands and I think that was a victory for everybody and unfortunately we walked with the Biden Administration including Harris who said she met five times with President sansky walked away from that deal oh you know it's left or everybody in a much worse position today than they were okay let's move this was an avoidable War well yeah I mean I think all wars should be avoided uh let me let me talk about animals with you you've established your credentials in the animal world in your own campaign let me play a clip from last night involving Donald Trump and pets what they have done to our country by allowing these millions and millions of people to come into our country and look at what's happening to the towns all over the United States and a lot of towns don't want to talk not going to be Aurora or Springfield a lot of towns don't want to talk about it because they're so embarrassed by it in Springfield they're eating the dogs the people that came in they're eating the cats they're eating they're eating the pets of the people that live there and this is what's happening in our country did you think that was a a big mistake of trump to to go down that line yeah I do I I don't you know I think he he had a winning argument there that they didn't the administration the Biden Administration did not need legislation to end the invasion at the border it looks like the Boston Marathon in the Border I've been down there and you go peers there are 27 holes in the wall in the Trump wall that and each one of those holes has a giant pile of construction material next to them for finishing the wall the day the Biden Administration came in they ordered that construction suspended and they left that stuff to rust right next to the wall anybody can any American can go down and see that they tore up the fences they tore up the sensor sensor equipment the long range cameras the night um uh lights and all the material and let people in and then they changed two policies The Catch and Release policy and the migrant protection act to make it so the border patrol couldn't do their job all they need to do is reverse those decisions that's all they had to do they didn't need legislation why didn't these why didn't political decis for them accusing all the migrants of eing everyone's I wish he had I wish he had and I think again that he lost a lot of opportunities to you know to talk to to uh to vice president Harris about the failed record of this Administration and uh she was able to to you know as I said if you look at his record and Franklin said this as well the previous person you interviewed if you look at his record people want that record people want to go back to no inflation they want to go back to 15 million Americans not being below the poverty line which has happened during the Biden Administration they want to go back back to where the suicide rate and the drug over doses were low and all of these other issues where life was affordable or we weren't at War but president Trump is not was not Adept at defending his record and I you know I think he lost an opportunity and I think it's a I think it's sad has it cost him the election Frank Lun said after some thought I think he's blown the election with that debate well I would say this Pierce that if you look at the Topsy Turvy history of this election where you know when the night that President Trump got shot he and for the week after that he was unbeatable there was no way that ever anybody can ever challenge him two weeks later you know you had Biden TR president Bine drop out you had Harris take over you had the uh the convention and the and the Democrats were up on top again then by the fifth day of the convention when everybody thought uh vice president Harris was unbeatable suddenly you had another a 40% or 30% shift in Nate Silver's rating where he rid prior to the convention uh that Trump had a 40% chance of winning and yesterday two days ago it was now a 70% chance so I would not make any PR itions about what will happen in this election because so many crazy things have happened this term and I I just don't know where it's going to go from there I I think Frank Frank Lun is really very smart is and he's a friend of mine I've known it for 30 years I I very much enjoyed seeing him on at your show I think that was a rash prediction because I don't think anybody in the world can predict what's going to happen in this election what's going to happen next it's the it's the crazy I EST election that I've ever seen in my lifetime and it must be one of the craziest in American history have you spoken to Donald Trump since the debate last night no I haven't spoken to him I've spoken to people on his team and uh and um members of his family and what have you said I think they they feel like uh the same way that I do I think that you know there were some last opportunities Robert Kennedy Jr brilliant to have you back in on sensor thank you very much thank you very much beer

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Category: News & Politics

Introduction she jumped around and jumped through hoops and turned into a pretzel he should have said don't come to me give her my time answer the question to the american people she can't answer the question she's lying already in the first part of the debate the most consequential important question... Read more

"Most Absurd Interview EVER!" Battle Of The Campaign Managers On Trump-Harris Debate thumbnail
"Most Absurd Interview EVER!" Battle Of The Campaign Managers On Trump-Harris Debate

Category: Entertainment

Introduction everybody knows donald trump is tough he's the boss of bosses he was a toddler and he threw a temper tantrum after he lost a fair election why was kamala harris incapable of being able to get into a room with donald trump the president most of the american people don't really know which... Read more

🔥 Megyn Kelly GOES NUCLEAR on ABC Debate Moderators & Kamala Harris thumbnail
🔥 Megyn Kelly GOES NUCLEAR on ABC Debate Moderators & Kamala Harris

Category: News & Politics

Megan kelly welcome to the program how are you megan enraged angry just in disbelief at what our industry has become uh it it was state-run media i mean for for her to go in and say so many lies she that proves this is state-run media she knew she could get away with saying lie after lie after lie after... Read more

ABC EXPOSED! Whistleblower DROPS BOMBSHELL on Debate Rigging & Kamala’s Secret Pre-Questions! thumbnail
ABC EXPOSED! Whistleblower DROPS BOMBSHELL on Debate Rigging & Kamala’s Secret Pre-Questions!

Category: Entertainment

A new abc whistleblower is blowing the top on this trump cala debate you are not going to want to miss this a lot of people thought when they saw the behavior of abc news on tuesday night during the mob attack on president trump the unethical sickening and grotesque journalistic malpractice which really... Read more

'Distasteful and snarling' Trump braces for 'refined and dignified' Harris at presidential debate thumbnail
'Distasteful and snarling' Trump braces for 'refined and dignified' Harris at presidential debate

Category: News & Politics

He's showing through the way that he debates i am aggressive i i am aggressive i don't take any prisoners i i i don't you know i'll say what i want and of course that was in the context of a discussion about standing up to putin so you know in a sense that that i mean depending on who the audience is... Read more

What would YOU do if you were a Haitian migrant in Springfield Ohio?  #Springfield #migrant #trump thumbnail
What would YOU do if you were a Haitian migrant in Springfield Ohio? #Springfield #migrant #trump

Category: Entertainment

Hey mistress midnight rose here i have a funny  one you ready hit that subscribe if you haven't   checked out my channel yet i got some fun stuff  up there okay so if you were a haitian migrant and   you were stuck here in america in springfield ohio  of all places and you had no food you're starving... Read more

Linsey Davis ABC Moderator TO BE FIRED After She Gave Kamala DEBATE QUESTIONS & TO FACT CHECK TRUMP thumbnail

Category: News & Politics

[music] my plan is to give a $50,000 tax deduction to startup small businesses but we've got to increase the corporate tax rate state taxes are going to have to go up i believe in the ambition the aspirations the dreams of the american people i will snatch their patent so that we will take over the... Read more

Donald Trump Claims Immigrants Are 'Eating Pets' in US Presidential Debate thumbnail
Donald Trump Claims Immigrants Are 'Eating Pets' in US Presidential Debate

Category: News & Politics

And he's going to talk about immigration a lot tonight even when it's not the subject that is being raised and i'm going to actually do something really unusual and i'm going to invite you to attend one of donald trump's rallies because it's a really interesting thing to watch and what you will also... Read more

MAGA panic: Dogs, cats & piggie meltdown haunt Trump as GOP warns of election bloodbath thumbnail
MAGA panic: Dogs, cats & piggie meltdown haunt Trump as GOP warns of election bloodbath

Category: Sports

You need to hear this if you're a pet owner trust me it's positively hilarious so trump's facing a potential gop blood bath and guess who else is freaking out dogs cats even pet pigs yep it's a full-on animal meltdown picture this pho's hiding under the couch fluffy's refusing to leave her cat tower... Read more

Debate 2024: ¿Kamala Harris Superó a Donald Trump? thumbnail
Debate 2024: ¿Kamala Harris Superó a Donald Trump?

Category: Entertainment

En el reciente debate entre cala harris y donald trump ambos no se guardaron nada trump atacó con su estilo provocador habitual pero harris mantuvo la calma destacando sus logros y empujando a trump a justificarse por sus decisiones pasadas uno de los momentos más tensos fue cuando discutieron sobre... Read more

EXPOSED: Trump Fact-Check Uproar #shorts #trump #news thumbnail
EXPOSED: Trump Fact-Check Uproar #shorts #trump #news

Category: News & Politics

It was 3 to1 it was a rigged deal as as i assumed  it would be because when you looked at the fact   that they were correcting everything and not  correcting with her there is no state in this   country where it is legal to kill a baby after  it's born president trump as you know the fbi   says overall... Read more