How To Buy Tickets On Ticketek (Full 2024 Guide)

welcome back to endis gu in today's video we are going to show you how to buy tickets on tick tech let's begin now the first thing that you need to do is to create an account here on the tich platform if you haven't already and after that purchasing a ticket here is a very straightforward and easy process all right now once you have opened your browser use the search bar to type in the name of the event artist or venue are interested in for example I'm going to be looking forward for the alien on and farm um maybe a region concert okay so the venue is in uh Newcastle all right when you click on the find tickets what will happen is he would be forwarded here to another section there you go so you have all this information to the dashboard there's the general admission it's it's 29 admits 14 plus under 16 to be accompanied by an adult all right now if you choose a delivery option you have the uh mobile ticket which is going to be sent via SMS okay and there's also the bre or PDF if you wanted the physical ticket that you want to present during the Gate entrance okay now when you click on this one what will happen is is how many tickets would you like to purchase that's going to be one for me and for myself just click on next you see the pricing and fee and information will be sent forward in the checkout process okay now here's your ticket all ticket items includes evet and a lot more go to check out and that's going to be the last process when purchasing ticket here or buying ticket here and ticket Tech it's a very straightforward process really it's a breeze okay now you're going to have all the information I suggest you read and understand what's inside on your ticket you see uh you have the uh all these you can also click on the review order if you wanted of course you need to sign in again just to make sure we're on track you see all these then afterward the next thing that you need to do is simply go to the payment section after that you would receive a um email confirmation that you have already purchased the ti Tech with regards to the alien and farm type of concert all right otherwise if you have more questions and getting problems buying or purchase here here in t you might want to contact with the customer support service and they will give you insights on how to successfully purchase a ticket if you encounter any issues thank you so much for watching we will see you again in the next video

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