How To Share Tickets On Ticketek (Full 2024 Guide)

welcome back to and this guid in today's video we are going to show you how to share tickets on tick attack let's begin now let me tell you sharing tickets on tick Tech allows you to send your tickets to friends or family members so they can attend the event without needing your tick account information okay so once again just go to the tich website and log in using your credentials or if you're using your mobile device open the tich app and logged in all right now navigate to the section where your tickets are stored or if you haven't already you might want to go to the made Festival 2024 tickets I need you to click on the find tickets if you haven't already because you wanted to share tickets with your friends and family now once you are here what will happen is you would be forwarded with a lot of options like Saturday day ticket and this it's going to be the uh pricing information now if I wanted to select this one right here what will happen is to choose the amount of ticket that you wanted for example you're going to be spending um the whole weekend with your uh family right going to be like a family of of three click on next what will happen is you have a delivery option on the mobile ticket which is going to be the easiest easiest way for you to share your tickets because everyone is now online but if you wanted to have a physical ticket that you wanted to sh uh send that's a gift a form of gift that's okay so you have all these um prices sub total now the next thing that you need to do is go to the check out process click on it now in here all you're going to do is go to the payment section pay for all these you need to understand that obviously you are going to be paying for three tickets after that you would be able to see the uh order history here on the upper right corner on the hamburger menu click on it and of course there's going to be your order history recently purchased three tickets for the made Festival over the weekend and you would be able to see them here now for you to be able to share tickets you see the quickest way is again open the tick Tech app and navigate your tickets view your order and click on share it's very easy in a straightforward process now open contacts and select a friend or manually enter their emails obviously because you're going to be sending this to a lot of people their mobile number if there is tap share to send the ticket to your friend and of course manage you as each ticket and cancel or recal at any time if you encounter any problems along the way sharing a tickets to your friends and family the next option that you can do is you simply need to contact the tick Tech help desk okay and from here all I'm going to do is provide as much as details on your concern and one of the support staff will give you insights and trouble shooting steps on how to successfully share your tickets if you encounter any problems along the way thank you so much for watching we will see you again in the next video

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