It's Time To Answer Your Questions

Published: Aug 12, 2024 Duration: 00:22:24 Category: Entertainment

Trending searches: dianne buswell
ever since I started doing YouTube I always didn't like doing q& A's because I felt like it was um I used to always say bit of a Cop Out video but now I'm older times change your opinions change you know it all changes so many questions that we get asked on a daily basis yeah and we never actually properly answer them um or forget by the way You' definitely um no you smell nice that's why I always smell joke you just sniff my shoulder I always sniff you I put out Instagram asking for some question questions for a Q&A to end by the way this is my 999th Vlog is it mhm so after this Vlog will be after this Vlog will be my 1,000th Vlog no way which is nuts basically what I'm going to do is like a compilation of some of my favorite Vlog moments but I also want some of your favorite Vlog moments too so doesn't matter if You' been watching me for the last two weeks or the last 20 years be a bit weird if you watch me the last 20 years cuz I started YouTube less than 20 years ago but um please let me know in the comment section below what your favorite Vlog moment was not main Channel not that Joe Channel we're talking specifically moments in Vlogs who cooks for the other the most proper meals well that's I mean I do I think that's quite a clear when but I do enjoy cooking and I am very much I'm kind of like my mom in that sense my mom was a she's very she still is a very very good cook and when we were kids she just always had dinner prepared like it was just a thing I was like Mom's sort of that and I feel like I've taken that trait even when you do want to make something I'm like no no no I'll do it it it's lovely for me like cuz I enjoy doing it I feel very very lucky that Diane does like to cook cuz it's some one thing of my day that I don't have to like worry about or waste not waste time on but like allocate time to do me and Diane cannot cook together no which is in the so different in the kitchen where Diana is very much Tasmanian devil get it done as fast as possible whereas I'm like I for example cooking a soup you put it straight to the boil and you boil your boil a soup so it heats up quicker whereas I'm like you cannot boil a soup you've got to slow cook it n just whack it on it in I'm very like I'm a therapeutic I'm a therapeutic cooker Chef Diane's very much uh feed the 5,000 get as much food out as possible and Joe also needs if he needs to make dinner he's going to start at breakfast yeah pretty much have you ever thought about restarting the Joe and Diane show no uh no I I do think about it though on a regular basis like I'm still I'm still like gutted we never got to do that but I think the reason why I don't think we can restart it being completely honest I genuinely don't think you may feel different about this but I feel like we missed the boat on that moment we were fresh off the back of our series like we were we were a lot hotter back then not not physically we're still incredibly hot now but I mean like just in terms of like the momentum off the back of strictly and off the back of waitress and that kind of thing it felt at the right time to to do that but I I just don't think now it would it would work the good thing is like I've said before we've got footage of rehearsals of it like a run through and maybe one day we'll we'll do like a a special where we do Show Bits And Bobs of that I don't know it was very good though but it was good but even now that I think we couldn't do the same show no the show would have to change dramatically we have to change the show completely like the premise of the show in case you didn't know was it was all about like the whole thing of like what if we if we didn't meet on the show would we have still ended up together so it went through like the whole show was like different scenarios of ways in which we could have met as a couple which was very fun so it was quite it was quite a fun premise I mean we were so like we were also very very heavily involved in the writing of it as well and like the jokes we worked some really really great people and it was it was hilariously funny um think of it had like 13 daners in it as well yeah and like pages and pages of script like when I think about do you remember how much I worked on that script I just constantly was reading those pages I even knew your L we got put into lockdown literally a week before the show was meant to start yeah and even then I was like I I just knew that was so for me to remember 13 dances choreography and all my lines I was like at some point I'm going to mess up on this first night I'm just going to have to roll with it and then hopefully everyone can help me get through it um but yeah it's a shame and I don't think unfortunately I don't think we would restart the show but maybe in the future we would share some footage of it you know what we could though share what one of the songs that we had in the show that was made for us oh yeah did we ever I don't know if you explained that I'm sure we did on live stream I don't think did I think I did did you we we got David Hunter um who played Dr Pomer in waitress when I was in the show good friend of ours he uh he actually wrote two songs for our show one at the start and one at the end um and it was going to end with me also performing say it now which is the song that I brought out like a few years before with Byron um actually wasn't with Byron that one but Byron was going to play it Byron learned it on guitar and we were going to do like a that's the one bit of the show that I'm kind of glad didn't end up happening because I was I I always don't know I was like was a bit like I don't know about performing this song like I was a bit nervous about I thought it might be a bit cringe okay at the end of our show me performing like my song I thought it was a bit sort of like random do you ever argue and if so what about you seem to live in a perfect state or don't believe everything you see on YouTube but we do we've never argued know um of course I'd say bickering is more the wor arguments like probably every other couple in the world like the Vlogs that you put out is obviously that's I mean this is such a cliche that all vloggers and YouTubers say but that is the Vlogs we put out is a very small portion of our day it's highlights so you're not going to really share arguments some people probably do and if so that's their thing great where's the where's the weirdest place you have found Diane's hair you name somewhere it could be anything I probably found one of Diane's hair well if for example when we're in rehearsal people be cooling down and they'll be like oh this is gu hair all over me I if I look at myself now I guarantee I could probably find one of your hairs do you think this home is your forever home yes I think so yeah for those that don't know um we moved house last year time is the most valuable thing and I think this right now is where we want to be this is where we want to um bring up a family hopefully one day um and then when they grow old and leave or we kick them out then move somewhere else and then do the designer house from scratch hopefully like Sim style come to New Zealand no okay that should have never been no this is why I screenshot it cuz I was like the thing is with those questions I would love to but whenever we go if we're fly over that far we have to it's always Australia now isn't it yeah like unless one day we we have spoke about about like next time we go might stop off like in barley or somewhere sort close to Australia but the thing flying all that way now we sort of we prioritize obviously seeing your family in Australia but but never say never I I would love to go back cuz cuz you've never been it genuinely is I think still my favorite country I've ever been to is it yeah really I don't even knew that one of yeah definitely up there one of my favorite countries tattoo meanings uh got a few well I've got Cherry a strawberry I guess cuz I I like them oh 11-11 well I always see 11-11 and whenever I do I always send it to you yes I always screenshot it and send it straight to you uh I have one tattoo I have one tattoo and it's on my hand it's actually so funny and no one's ever seen it everyone was when I said when I post a picture of me on the tattoo table every people was freaking out being like what what you have to show us and I kept it quiet but I have a tiny little Dot there I was I partly wanted to know what it was like to have a tattoo so I just wanted to feel what it was like so I got a DOT there but then also it's dot cuz it's dot yeah that's why so I've got a little dot on my hand so whenever I look at it I think of dot Little Dot Little Dot on my hand if both of you were never a part of strictly where do you imagine you'd be that's a good question that is a really good question you so never part strictly I was before strictly I was doing a UK tour but I didn't I probably would have gone back to burn the floor ER yeah burn the floor is a touring dance company and I started with them when I was 21 years old and I toured around the world and danced in this company for for years and years and years and then I got strictly basically so I reckon I still probably would be doing that you'd still be touring even now probably who no they might have I don't I honestly don't know like that's the thing about life because so many things can just change your path I feel like you were always D it sounds like corny but always destined to I think even if you didn't get it then by now they would have got you on the show I think so if you were stuck with burn the floor I think they would have eventually I think it was going to happen either way I don't think there's any avoiding it really yeah yeah um that's nice to know I generally don't know yeah weird is I know I would have stuck with YouTube obviously that was I think I always will but I think I I don't know I think I would have cuz at that point it came around at the right time cuz I was starting to feel like my main channel the pranks and the challenges were getting a little bit like I've been doing it for quite a while now I need to have some sort of change so I think if strictly didn't happen I would have maybe have switched it up done something different maybe went to go and live in a different country really no I I don't know I couldn't imagine you going to live in another country no I can't either how do you see yourselves in 5 years we'd be lying if we didn't say probably the family by then yeah surely in 5 years half half a decade I'd like to think that in 5 years time I will do I'll make something or do something that um it's successful I I I think you definitely will I would like to get an acting like a big acting role some in something and I would also like my own business and that that's my five year goal years to be acting in something really incredible that I'm like that's really cool and to have my own business um will you ever get back to in the pan videos I love them so much I always rewatch carrot Emoji which I think was my team thank you Zoe for uh not but thank you Zoe for still if it is zo after all these years still being team carrot I appreciate you um would we do it again before we had a producer SL editor who just took that off our hands and made it such a breeze and so easy and he was great so I think if we could find a producer who's like we could find like a good producer SL editor from the Brighton area um who wants to who would be able to come and do it for us and we can find a Deb like a block of time to just shoot those episodes whole heap of them then then great I think especially um final straw my production company can come up with all the ideas and and sort of sort of Slash produce it as well yeah then there's no reason why we can't I mean the channel is there and it I mean it was really fun I loved doing it was good fun it's just obviously we are very busy people yeah I think um it's just trying to jugle our time yeah and so definitely we definitely would bring it back but I think we just got to find I think a big also a big goal of mine in the next five years go back to that previous question um is to find a someone that I can work with a daily basis you need that who's like my I need like a right-and person to to get creative with and bounce ideas on a YouTube sort of level as well um like like another producer SL editor yeah so if that feels like you please get in touch somehow do you plan on having pets not really no not like not right now no I would rather have a child before a PET we have so many spiders yeah we have spiders so many spiders in grasshoppers andu lots of little insects but not no unless we have children and when they're older and they're like I really want to have a little puppy yeah then we we just can't cuz some people say like having a dog helps prepare you for having children probably does but but I think I'm just going to go deep end yeah deep end like that we agree just go and deep end and then I also think it's fun then to have that experience I never had dog a dog growing up I did or a cat I had a cat for a little bit not for long and I'm I'm not still to this day I'm not too sure what happened there but I'm sure Mom knows well no I don't know did you eat it no we didn't eat our dog pretty sure it got out quite a few times and therefore we had to give it away I see yeah but um I do like my dad had a dog jedar then we had um a sausage dog I remember that also not for long we didn't have him there's a running theme here and then I think the sausage dog was given to one of our friends though yeah cuz I think the sausage dog ate a lot of Mom's uh plants so Mom wasn't happy about that then we had a corgi of all things a corgi I don't know anybody that has an English Corgi and it was just nuts yeah I don't know anybody that chooses to keep cies over it nuts and so um and that kept going out and it would get Mom and Dad fined because we used to live opposite like a horse uh track and uh James Jimmy TW spot buzwell used to run out of the house and Chase the dog name yeah James Jimmy TW spot dog buzwell bu yeah that's a mouthful yeah cuz we all gave him a name all us kids uh what did you which one did you choose two spot two spot nice that's the best name out of all of them yeah two spot cuz he had two big white spots on him and uh and basically mom and dad would kept getting fined and but we had Gates and everything to keep the dog in it would just always get out so basically you did have dogs from your childhood I had a few if we're going to get a dog you get it when your kids are like nine yeah specifically nine then everyone's super excited I feel like they with dog and things like that could you imagine like Christmas time put a little bow on his head yeah thing is dogs last 12 years then they die pretty much 12 years that's so tough that means when when she's nine if if your kids are nine they're 21 when when 21 21 22 they're like 21 22 so that's perfect means they basically they're at the age them where it's sad but they've got their own lives they've got more things going on responsibilities so the dog won't you get a dog before your children are born come along yeah me going to die when they're young in the next I mean it does teach about death yeah I think we're deeping it too much yeah I think I'm deeping it too much you're deeping it way too much deeping it way too much um could you please do a house tour maybe I've missed it um we no well we we don't really do I've never really done a house tour on any of the places that I've lived in I've never done a house probably like official house tour obviously in the Vlogs you see bits and bus but I don't I've never been one to feel like I want to do like a here's the entrance and if you go through this room it leads to this room because you're kind of then showing I don't know I think it's a little bit for me personally um I don't like doing an official house tour you see bits in Vlogs you know what I mean I think also it's it's a really weird one that because we're obviously very lucky aren't we to live here but you don't like I don't know feels a little bit like look what we have but we're not like that at all you'll naturally see obviously we filming here yeah yeah you're on death row and have to pick your last three meals breakfast lunch and dinner at the moment smoothies smoothies love smoothie smoo okay smoothie I actually have had C for the last few days I can smell it no no don't smoothie for breakfast lunch would be oh my god do want a love at the moment soda bread soda bread oh that bread is so good what you know the bread that I got oh my God it's so good really and dinner very it's on death row you pick soda bread and a smoothie yeah it's so nice you're going to die yeah I know but I really enjoy these things would you not want to binge out on like a mud pie cake or something not really going to die there's no health benefits I know but I I think the thing is guys because I've eaten really healthy for such a long time these are the foods I crave you would pick if you lunch I genuinely don't chocolate you would pick soda bread I love it it's so good it's like a it's like a scone but it's uh more of a I guess scon aren't that sweet anyway but a bit more of a Savory type of scone right and then dinner oh can't pick so I love that salad I had tonight for dinner salad no but I wouldn't pick salad I'd pick oh be anything oh my God Nancy soup Nancy soup yeah I love it um I saw a podcast the other day and I thought it was a funny answer so I was like I would do that for breakfast lunch and dinner I would eat the electric chair so they can't kill me they can't kill you yeah oh yeah that's clever so they have to postpone it and then so the next day comes around they go right it's your last day again which one I'll go the electric chair again I keep eating the chair yeah but you'll die from eating the chair anyway not necessarily yes you would maybe not an electric chair what you're going to eat electricity and be all it's not it's not turned on yeah oh yeah yum keep eating the chair that was the stupidest thing you've ever said I I prefer eating a chair than eating soda bread to be honest no come off it genuinely I you don't diss it cuz you've not tried it what would you prefer sometimes sometimes and this might be weird but I used to like eating Play-Doh as a kid what would you rather choose eat the electric chair to survive another day or eat soda bread and a smoothie and ncy soup who oh it's an interesting one who will you each initially hoping to be partnered on Strictly when Joe was on it's a funny story this I thought I was going to go with Lee Ryan that's what I thought I was going to get he was better than you to be fair he was not bad at all try to point out also Lee Ryan was in a boy band since he was like 16 of course he be better in dancing than me yeah I said look I I'm really Keen to do it uh but please please please cuz Janette Manara did my audition and I said look I would love to be a part of the show but I would really really like to be of Janette as my partner cuz I met on the audition and she made me feel very very like comfortable and obviously kind of helped me say yes to doing it so I was like okay right yeah I'll do it but I want partner with Janette and Janette was also like I want to be partner with Joe and we were so we were both I both really wanted each other as our partners so then on the night when they called out Dr Ran's partner Mark Manara I was like oh so I it didn't listen to me I so I was bit like oh my God I requested and they I Jo s yeah I was like hang on a minute hey look look how it turned out there you go look we are now your initials together is DJ DJ on your necklace DJ um what would be both your DJ names and why um I would be that's a good one DJ I know what might would be what would yours be DJ scat onean scat onean sc one like I'm a SC so me and my best mate Louis I love he calls me skatan does he yeah so I I'll be DJ skatan oh I'd be I love uh Party in the USA Mary Cyrus do you yeah what what could I be [Music] DJ DJ red DJ DJ dou what's what's your dog's name TW spot DJ two spot DJ TW spot's quite cool DJ Americus there you go DJ Americus there you go there's my name finally found a place for that name DJ DJ America cers that's it and you can imagine the cookers right that is the end if you pleaseed to know go to bed now yeah P out and just Knack it um right yeah but I'm going to end the vog there I hope you enjoyed it like I said this is my 999th Vlog um next Vlog will be the 1,000th special how special it will be I don't know but we'll see in the next Vlog but thanks very much for watching guys subscribe to myself subscribe to Diane link down below um like comment subscribe and good night

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