Dewpider spotlight hour shiny hunt

how's it going everyone welcome to JW pider Spotlight hour I'm pretty sure I need this shiny so another good one we had wulu last week and that was a huge SU sorry that I'm 2 to 3 minutes late to this I actually tried to start my scheduled stream and it just did my camera so my whole face was just covering the entire screen and then I did a reattempt and then it said YouTube is not responding and it did it again and I went screw it did the bare minimum for a title and now and I got it to do my screen and face cam you know what I'm talking about Kate you probably on the other stream hey hello Lucy birie Kate Philipe birie Dominique Lucy Jim Stanley with a super chat how you going mate thank you so much I have auto updates off and I was like it's been been a while let's update YouTube and it's made it worse massive thanks to Stanley thank you so much for the support mate I really appreciate it hey TK hey quish NS what's going on uh what are what are we looking for here what what bonuses do we have two times catch dust yeah this is a good Spotlight bonus and Pokemon in my opinion it's a good one good a Don hey Dominique I'm not too shabby thanks I had a lot of fun today uh doing the Dynamax battles I actually uploaded a video about an hour ago so go check it out if you haven't they're like a raid but um you know when you Dynamax in the battle you get to there's like three turns where you can do an attack or you can guard or you can heal but they're really easy because they're t1s so you don't really have to worry about anything I was smashing them out and then I got this from field research and it's kind of a bit backwards here because this can't help me with Dynamax battles it's not a Dynamax Charmander but this one can yeah so I have all of the Dynamax Pokemon that you can currently get which is the starters squava and wulu Evolutions Etc and then I got to a point where I had no more max particles and I didn't really want to spend any money on it so yeah no thanks not yet every time you do a battle uh at the end it asks if you want to spend 200 pokecoins to upgrade your rewards so an extra 10,000 XP one revive one golden res and 10 balls and you're going to catch the starter on the first row so yeah don't do it I mean you can if you want but it's not very uh ideal in my opinion I need to send a gift to a friend so I can get my 20 poke coins you're not wrong hey it's been a busy day I woke up uh 10:00 a.m. filmed a vlog went home edit smashed the edit out we're here now I see myself maybe spending money on Dynamax in the future when there's actually you know like I I'm worried they'll do a a Dynamax day and it'll be a special Pokemon and you you'll realize very quickly that you can't actually it'll be like fallings raid day or Lucario raid day you know you'll um you'll get stuck into it and you like I want to keep going boosted shiny odds and that's where they'll get you put a star piece on both of you to assume I have one I don't buy them personally but we can have a look I probably have one or two from a research we got four Let's do an hour we also have to do everything else in this game like spatial Ren nope typing it won't work let's do 50 minutes Dynamax are useless right now the thing is Ryan if you don't do the starters you will be stuck battling with wulu when something good does come around uh for the psychic spectacular we have beldam Dynamax so yeah since every Pokemon is useless except Dynamax Pokemon you want a good team if you stick with your research Wu that is all you'll have when something tough comes around uh as for today I didn't spend a cent so I have no real complaints there I really like that it doesn't take your max particles until you win the battle if you um think about Shadow raids for example when you use a purified gem in battle you do not get it back and then when your game freezes and you have to restart and then you time out and you have to do a reattempt you don't have enough gems anymore so I I wish it was just in general raids didn't take your pass until completion but I know they want to suck some of those passes off you for fouled attempts you know this you literally have nothing to lose do a Dynamax battle you fail well big whoop reminds me of Rocket leaders too if you fail a cliff Sierra or Arlo you can just leave you don't have to you foul can't beat him that's all right you keep your radar how did everyone go with Finks yeah really good my first few were shiny and then I had a dry streak of 18 I've deleted a lot of them look at this Beast so absolutely smashed at the start real good luck uh it was actually backto back nothing for ages and then one at the end I did 20 just under 30 hey Lucy I do not have shiny DW pider I feel like we haven't really had many opportunities to actually properly hunt him he around but no this is a good one what else do we need to do incense what else Mega water or bug so Beedrill Swamper whatever comes first done yeah so for those regions that haven't done Dynamax battles yet enjoy oh Mato route you're a legend what else can we do a Dynamax battle uh no I can't afford that I only have 190 and I have no way of getting any more I've already done my 300 MP from walking 2 kilm I would have to pay to do this Squirtle I finished the page three research as well you get a um Dynamax bracelet you can't really see it's there it is Dynamax band you may have noticed in the distance there a greedent and a wulu they're actually my Dynamax Pokemon so I've completed those battles and then I put a Pokemon in who is Hosk daddy you're not from around here so for anyone that does the Charmander that is there you have three hours left and you will get an attack bonus because Daddy and plany have both battled here you're not going to need it though because it's a Charmander but I can see how this would help in the future hey Ryan N I don't have shiny JW pider would love it hey honeybee how are you did you just say Lucy that you did 20 raids and got one shiny it was brutal hey for some trainers like I said I had a dry streak of nearly 20 but I had that peace of mind at the start getting like two or three of them in only a few you folks can still see me hey it's getting dark hey snore how are you we're talking Dynamax battles and juper how do you folks feel about the the Dynamax battle content there's something funny about it it I felt like a noob like my best Pokemon was a wulu and then I got a Charmander and now I've got a Charizard and then I can use the Charizard for a Beldum and then I can use the Metagross for something harder I was a little under with the battle though I cannot emphasize enough how easy the fight was you know I went in with my squava I think it was a greedent and a dub wall as well and I didn't need any of them and I was you know let me just quickly talk about it I invested in these Pokemon I can't show you them I can't show you them okay so this one's level two this Venusaur uh let's say it was the Wu I invested in the Wu I unlocked Max guard and Max spirit I didn't need to use them they were wasted on wulu most certainly I'll recall him there we go so max strike is level two didn't need it Max guard didn't need it didn't need to use any of that and now I never need to use Wu but then at the same time with the cap of a th000 you kind of need to waste some of it here or there you know especially when we didn't have battles for the past week I would steer clear from doing any of those unlocks until you find the one you know I would definitely save the max particles for the battles now that we actually have the battles that research was a bit of a pain could only spend it on unlocks and leveling up attack Etc all right we're going to go for a drive yeah it's all really easy content and I say that now but the inevitable gigantamax battles folks I don't think they'll be easy I think you'll want really good counters for them and maybe even a second FR like a two accounts just things to keep in mind if you're not sold on it just yet you want to be prepared yeah it feels like 2017 again where we're doing raids for the first time and the best Pokemon you have is a wulu but that was still really silly that they have field research that gets you starters but you can't even Dynamax the Pokemon so I was like what's the point in that you're trying to sell us this new raid feature and you're giving us Encounters in tasks that can't even battle in the raids candy yes and for a lot of new players definitely but uh I think a lot of us have thousands from comes so they just kind of contradict I guess in the main Series games there's Max soup that makes our Pokemon gigantamax right do you think Niantic will do the same thing maybe they could sell the soup in the shop hey Japan lover how are you and get a Zane a rusty scooter bit underwhelming yeah we'll see it's the first day I'm all right thanks Japan lover you're all right too really hope we get this one I will say I'm as a rural player knowing that the most amount of people in a Dynamax battle is four makes you think well best case scenario for a battle is only four people like you should be able to beat all of the Dynamax battles with four players that's not many peeps now I know a lot of regular raids you can beat them in small groups too but if only two accounts is 50% of a Lobby that's a decent chunk I think I can get a lot done with my ALT or just Brit and I you know it seems like a thing you do in a party so party play with up to other three other friends you know I'm definitely intrigued that it's not a Lobby of 20 four and that you can leave a Pokemon in there to help others that's pretty cool too uh we're going to hit up another spot can I say spot anymore you might think I'm talking about a power spot not to be confused with a poké stop stop plany I was going to just call them stops cuz I'm I'm getting them muddled make sure you spin the spot tap on the spot I forgot to do that route well we should do a second lap too many [Music] things Mega spatial Ren incense star piece lucky egg route while you're out let's see what's up here we got K tomorrow folks who's Keen look at all this stuff I'm actually finding the power spots are in the way a little bit they're kind of obnoxious in size and you can very e easily tap on them accidentally how many battles have I done uh three which was pretty much my daily limit power Zone should have been called that that would have worked calling it a spot when you already have a thing called a stop not a fan yeah I can't collect any more MP today so if a T1 is50 MP and you can get 800 a day you can do a few battles but then that means you can't power up any Pokémon but I don't think you have to worry about that just yet the research wants you to do it though so how many have you done you bought Max particles because of streaming that's fair be a very short stream otherwise guess it was a little bit different for me cuz I made a video and I just wanted to cover it each uh starter you did 14 battles did you get anything good o we got a huge one uh do we have a g showcase of course not big what is this ah oh really who are you Hosk Daddy what are you up to here you got a 96% Charmander 93 Squirtle and balber nice hey there welcome empusa what's going on get a hot rod how are you mate that's true true uh Japan lover the Dynamax Pokemon can be shiny hey now that is something I would love to get but what odds are we actually against like are they boosted I kind of want to wait and see you know we'll get some reports in and kind of see what those odds average out to be cuz if that's full odds that is going to be insane it's turned on though right I swear someone said that someone has pulled one before [Music] yeah it's an interesting currency because you can spend it on powering uh you know unlocking abilities for your Dynamax Pokemon but then you're sacrificing points or particles sorry on um you know a battle that you could have done my car lit up I had to pull over so [Laughter] bright oh gosh hogy last time we hatched one of these we pulled a hundo not even kidding who was there for that how could I forget pooo what's that have I seen beams coming from hang on what' that say beams of light coming from the battles some of mine have that I was wondering what it was huh I'll have to look back at my footage I'm not gonna lie all I really did was tap and admire how easy they were to beat I was like oh my gosh this is so stupidly easy I didn't even need to Dynamax my Charizard I would have absolutely destroyed those starters regardless the beams indicate new you haven't visited them yet okay yeah right oh okay cool why is this game Garbage did I read that ticket holders were supposed to have bonus perks till 10 p.m. on phink raid day and they killed the perks at 5:00 pm with the raids again they did this with Lucario everyone and we had a makeup day the next day they did it back to back hey MC pinks uh we have a gigantamax deck um but I'm pretty sure if you look through the regular Pokedex it's says you've got the Dynamax one we'll have a look I haven't actually checked they're so consistent at being hopeless be right back everyone this game is broke it gets a bit much when YouTube is just crashing on me like when I'm trying to stream and then the game is breaking as well it it's seriously hard work sometimes let's let's go folks oh did I pick up an egg I'm trying to get uh 9 10 km eggs for a video cuz we're going to hatch a Dy [Music] everyone yeah I'd show you a squirtle Dynamax battle right now it could be our first ever Dynamax battle on a stream but I don't want to buy any max particles just [Music] yet turn the car off we'll be here for a while not as many as I thought but I shouldn't complain that's still a decent amount yeah g is a pain to catch everyone got him come on we got half an hour left do the thing see I bumped on the power spot they are in the way they really are like it's harder to hit spawns now like look at all of them underneath it that is actually kind of annoying hey Eric how do I have half a hour left whenever in the world is that the 12:00 hour I don't know time zones so a lot of states in Australia are 30 minutes ahead of me it's just something that South Australia does something to do with the sun and time and I don't know we'll just go with I'm special it's true I'm not actually future man Liam pulled the shiny what must be nice no congrats bro snagg to shiny on my second check at 604 wow grats that is motivating to he let's speed things up what is the shiny is it purple really Eric Adelaide huh Sydney Al Springs cool you've seen more than me take care Japan lover thank you shiny luck to you as well if you're you know chasing those Dynamax shiny good luck Liam I wish I had your luck must be nice yes I now have to tap around these damn gyms and power spots to get to the spawns no hundo one three star really we hold on to him I guess we have nothing worth keeping and we only just caught the three star that's funny goodbye Togepi well we've caught a 100 nice quish says Pogo is freezing a lot since they introduced Dynamax I've noticed a bit of Jen K bit laggy it's too much for the game it can't handle it these are hard to tell if they're looking at you you know if you've shiny checked them like where's his head there sort of little hard to tell oh back to Dynamax they have 11h hour timers how do you feel about that knowing that you have a battle in your area and you can take all day to go do it or would you rather that it has nothing and then it has a timer telling you something's going to hatch and then you don't know what it is and then it hatches and then you can't do it because you are busy but you wish you just had an extra hour or two so you could go there and do it like I actually don't mind it O A kleon wow come on do it oh of course not hey zesty retro and games what's up 47 months bro absolute Insanity you're so close to 50 what membership HP good luck on the shiny you going back to sleep 4: a.m. I totally understand mate thank you so much for dropping in thank you for the support Jim says I like the long Tim just like the sixh hour yeah we like everything longer damn it yeah it's crazy to think that this Squirtle was here when I woke up in the morning well not when I woke up but like you know it appeared at 10:00 a.m. and it's still there to raid like that's pretty flexible and if you're a free-to-play player you're only going to do a few per day anyway if at all one or two like imagine a a legendary raid just sat on a gym all day I think for the hardcore players it may be a little frustrating but for casual yeah I don't know hard to say [Music] I think there's positives and negatives to [Music] it I think back to Old raid hours like I have seven gyms here all I was going to get was seven battles and that's the same with Dynamax here if you have four power Spots You're only getting four battles whereas if you have eggs hatching on a regular gym on an awful day you get 10 20 25 of them from like seven gyms always seems to be something on a gym uh we are going to go for a little walk after we catch all of these goodness so many and I'll just get a thumb now just in case that'll do it but it would be really nice if you could Sparkle we are running out of time what other spotlights do we have this month I've forgotten the last two is Machop one of them damn okay I don't know how to change that that's like my default that is broken Liam it's actually a feature it's funny that if you have any issues with Dynamax battles well that they don't take your particles until you win so n antic support would be like get good L okay we've pulled a tiny as well yo welcome to the Stream the research reset for you hey that's something I forgot to talk about wait can we get more oh of course not you can only earn 800 Max particles a day but a we'll sell you this yeah it's been a funny week because we haven't been able to or it's been a funny past few days because we haven't been able to spend any money on Max Dynamax battles and then elephant in the room there it all is You' hit EAP you want to buy some yeah that research um we can do more now can't we like outside of it being stuck on Page Six [Music] [Music] it's quite nice outside tonight we've pulled shining up here before everyone come on J 3 hours and then your Spotlight hour starts good luck mine's not looking too good but like this was good Stardust I guess but then we we spent it on spal R anyway so we're getting 300 a catch another tiny helpful yeah jup is a hard one to catch ay Maximus DJ needs one more shiny to complete the fam I need two I was hoping to get one looks like a bust up here hey Hannah how are you no shinies unfortunately what's been happening we still have 12 minutes I've been known to get them in the last 5 minutes so it ain't over I was on my old was it yesterday or the day before and I got the squava shiny actually bit of sweet I was like of course check like a total of 10 I was only on there to catch some squab so I had candy to do Dynamax stuff I'm trying to invest in the alt for Dynamax just in case hey little one NZ did you get to shiny congrats sounds like a few of you in the chat have actually pulled you've done all right all right oh you're nice sharing is caring [Music] 10 minutes to go we got a few good spots to head up still lots of spawns should be a good chunk right here yeah look at that hey drv I'm really sorry but I got to catch all these duper that is our second huge one tonight too huge too tiny no shiny my avatar circle is much bigger oh I have spatial renon is that what we're talking about like my radius is a lot bigger because of palia this one here spatial Ren find and encounter Pokemon from further away I use it pretty much every Spotlight hour every Community Day every go Fest I'll probably do it during research day as well that's this month with oranguru and piman it is costly dust and Candy but at the moment I can afford it so yeah you're not talking about paly's effect interesting could be yeah I'm not too sure I think you're on to something [Music] though what I spoke with Brandon tan he was talking about it went over my head it was mathematical Madness but yeah it is I think Australia or APAC region something to do with the equator I don't I have no idea it went over my head yeah look at all these this could be our final stop our final spot oh come on yeah I think this is it everyone these spawns and then BST no Mato route tonight that's okay hey welcome to the the stream what's the news we're just doing jider Spotlight uh I haven't pulled a shiny and we've been talking about Dynamax battles which they they debuted today you can see down here what uh we have the the starters oh I think we can get a lot done with these three here so yeah I'll probably do more tomorrow I may film it not sure I could film some more and some eggs maybe we got a 2K damn we'll see how I go we have kog tomorrow R hour so you did a Charmander and you got a 14 13 13 nice another tiny oh gosh is that three of them tonight no shiny just lots of tiny can't win them all and nearly out of SP oh you're kidding what yeah I'm very curious about Beldum did I read that Beldum will be a T3 Dynamax boss like what does that even mean b should be easy to be what kind of counter are we thinking Charizard that might be our best option hey uh the weather today h 15 to 20° C Celsius I'd say not hot at all greent has dark moves okay I don't think we should be worried about a Beldum what if T3 means it's just it costs more so 500 Max particles to battle on I just can't imagine having too much trouble doing one even the shadow Bellum was so easy I know what is going on here let me just check because sometimes he jumps out and we're fast catching how many three tiny juper what on Earth and three huge stupider we've pulled six with the different sizes that is crazy you've seen me stream Spotlight hour before and we end up with zero quite often or just one you're telling me six used up all my shiny luck on tinies of course n no shiny tonight everyone did forget to put another incense on happens when I do daily and I'm too busy driving around and talking about this and catching that so yeah I'm really happy with the ratio of Dynamax battles here where I live like it's the perfect amount if you were not willing to spend you can do four sometimes there's five there's usually one in the middle here sometimes there's one over here near that yellow gym yeah they come and go any hundos a few more three stars but nothing worth keeping here is the evolution very scary they say the spiders over here in Australia are huge everyone hey Philip what's going on mate you watched my Dynamax video thank you so much for that yeah I just shared my first impressions I'm still learning still trying to understand it all and I I hope that for some of you it kind of made a bit of sense great question Kitty Katana do Dynamax IVs matter since we level up their moves so I can tell you that having a Blastoise helped dramatically compared to say a squirtle and that would definitely have something to do with the CP as well so just a stronger Pokemon in general and I mean look we can we can get to 2.7k CP with this Blastoise he's going to have more HP which is something that is important in Dynamax battles because it's not timed it's you can take as long as you want but obviously the longer you're in the battle um you Pokemon are going to faint so you do want to be quick but yeah if you get a higher CP you're going to have more HP it's going to help in battle and then I think well these will help you can't heal you can't guard unless you unlock them and I feel like in the future when we're battling something harder you may want to guard you know unleash an extra powerful charge attack now these were almost one-shotting starters some of these attacks unfortunately I could only Dynamax when the starter had like half HP left but I reckon it would have one shot the thing could you imagine level two or Max that's expensive I reckon that'll give you an edge in battle definitely I would say all of it matters so evolve your Squirtle evolve your Charmander evolve your Bulbasaur get a good IV Max it if you can might be Overkill at the moment but the more HP the better and and then yeah once you've got your good one that you want to invest in go crazy with the moves I think you'll have something that'll help you out in future battles to come you know n and day difference here Charizard verse wulu let me tell you so yeah what is a dynamx band uh it's that little fell on my arm there my wrist you can see it a little bit better there I'd show you up close but this game sucks is there any way I can show you zoomed in no what if I change poses does that work sort of sort of but not as close as not as close as that that kind of works yeah speaking of Beldum what's really cool about the Dynamax Beldum is we just had a calm day classic so we should all have heaps of candy you know like I think this is going to be one you don't want to miss watch out he's going to have takedown and struggle I I don't understand how it could possibly be a T3 but anyway T3 could just mean it cost more to battle it do we actually know I'm going to guess that t3s cost 400 Max particles I don't think all of them will be 250 but I'd love to be proven wrong you know folks that was jider Spotlight hour thank you so much for watching uh congrats to those that pulled I got six tiny huge ones three of each I'm spoiled what does a huge one look like because it's already a big evolution thank you Dominique yeah GGA should be coming for Halloween Ken wow look at that it's huge yikes that's something I was going to check if you go on the decks here doesn't it show Dynamax I swear I read that I guess not it's like the other day when we did a sh a new shiny and actually did the shiny deck entry for it and then I did it the next day on a video and they pulled it [Music] again interesting yeah what would happen if you mega evolved a Dynamax Pokemon do you actually get that in battle I only have 29 too so I don't really want to waste it um I'm sure someone's tried already I could do Charizard does anyone know the answer before I do it myself these are things I didn't even think of do I know what they mean by unlock a Max move yes so in the research page three of three it says unlock a Max move they are talking about locked ones and that should only be God or Max spirit so you just have to do one of them I didn't read it properly and thought it just meant unlock another Max move so well unlocking level two can you really blame me for thinking that unlock a Max move will unlock level two and I did that and it didn't do anything it it means the locked ones so it could say unlock a locked one but no it likes to be difficult and vague now what did the chat say about Mega Dynamax you can't Dynamax a mega oh okay I figured you know they don't let you do it with Shadow Pokemon kind of guess that ah there it is buried down the bottom you're right so only says gigant Max hey Riley how can you get a dino Blastoise so at 10 a.m. on the 10th of September all your power spots will have a Dynamax battle and you're just looking for a squirtle and when you beat the Squirtle if you already have candy for instance I have 3,700 Squirtle candy it's as simple as evolving him and that's how you do it you can evolve every Dynamax Pokemon so that's how you get all three and they're they're op in T1 raids like T1 raids are so easy you can beat them with a wulu by yourself and you know that's kind of to be expected it's a T1 but I can't wait to see how these will play out in harder battles cuz they're kind of underwhelming at the moment moment the battles are just so easy you don't really need to worry about any of the max moves you're going to win they're very easy he looks awesome so yeah uh thank you everyone cheers I'll see you tomorrow same time and we'll do Kyogre raids let's pretend we are doing raid hour hey Riley they are pretty much like a Raid Battle you just have to tap on the screen and you get to dodge sounds like a raid to me but eventually your Pokemon will Dynamax and the only thing you have to really think about is do you want to do an attack do you want to guard or do you want to heal some of your Pokemon's health and you get to pick three of these before your Pokemon shrinks back to normal size that's the only little mechanic that's really there and then it's back to tapping again again I wish I could show you one on stream but I've hit my particle limit today so I can't actually do one unless I spent money I would show you the Squirtle live I did upload a video though if you want to go check that out I go through all of it as I see it and I learn quite a bit from my day so yeah it's it's really easy you you you'll be fine go in with your Wu you will not have any problems beating any of them it's really easy I let one of them beat my first Pokemon before I started tapping just to see what would happen and I still won they're very easy yeah Riley see how you go um at 10: a.m. you have all day to hit them up this sare has been here since the morning it's still got 2 hours on it I could go do this at 900 p.m. like very flexible with anyone's schedule honestly see us tomorrow thank you so much I had a good time chatting about the new Dynamax feature while we done did some ders shame we didn't get a shiny I would have loved him next time bye hey thank you de thank you so much for 50 likes love it really appreciate the support have a good one

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Master, Hole 4 - Par 4, East Lake Golf Club - Tour Championship, *Golf Clash Guide*

Category: Gaming

Hello everybody welcome to hall number four a part four of the east lake golf club a general v guide for you to use for tour play and or for tournament play for those of you that are looking to more direct content our premium guides can be found on goomy where we do have ultimate tournament... Read more


Category: Gaming

Hello to new video today we're going to take a look at the new double legacy variant of mchamp with both stone edge as well as the new fast move of karate chop both karate chop got buffed basically here for this video but also poison thing got buffed on our other pokemon in the back on the clut there... Read more