Category: Entertainment
Name oh shy wulu let's go oh i did the disappearing glitch wait it's probably right there right bam i'm so risky i tapped out of it but shy wulu line done let's go 83 cp on this one we see adri she got the shaie i got the shiny tapping out of it but it's a one star oh good Read more
Category: Gaming
Hey guys dear pokemon here today's video we're playing the brand new season of max out in pokémon go and we start off with an amazing looking clusters we got ourselves two sovit one of the brand new shinies we got two wulu the other brand new shiny and we got ourselves score bunny groi and i don't know... Read more
Category: Gaming
How's it going everyone welcome to jw pider spotlight hour i'm pretty sure i need this shiny so another good one we had wulu last week and that was a huge su sorry that i'm 2 to 3 minutes late to this i actually tried to start my scheduled stream and it just did my camera so my whole face was just covering... Read more
Category: Gaming
色違いのしずくを鬼しずくに進化よかっ たらyoutubeチャンネル登録 よろしくお願いいたします [音楽] Read more
Category: Entertainment
Será que a marv vai fazer uma uma parceria com a anan meu [música] deus vai fala galetin canal galena começando mais um vídeo para vocês não é começando fala galera canal 40 trazendo mais um vídeo pr vocês e hoje dia comunitário não hora do holofote do d pider dessa aranhinha que é uma aranha ela garante... Read more
Category: Gaming
Annonces du challenge : shiny living dex anniversaire ça fait quelques jours que bah voilà je vous parle de de l'anniversaire de shady hunting moi ça va faire 8 ans que je fais du shady hunting sur twitch et ce sera donc le 30 août euh 2024 que je fêterai mes 8 ans hein puisqu'on a commencé le 30 août... Read more
Category: Gaming
[music] welcome to spotlight hour popping my daily [music] insects me keep itown plant seeds work feed really b when the food gone so long them r and them can't be found still man fight the fight not giv at night me keep on building we at life me breathe out [music] breathing even if we get keep b see... Read more
Category: Gaming
Das dynamx update steht in den startlöchern heute geht es schon los da werden bald ein paar energiequellen auftauchen na und man kann sich für die kämpfe vorbereiten wir sehen uns alles an ich habe sogar so eine kleine pressemitteilung von nian gehalten also sollten irgendwelche infos nicht im blog... Read more
Category: Gaming
मैक्स बैटल करने के बाद आपको डायनेक्स पमन मिलने वाला है मतलब 10 तारीख को जो मैक्स बैटल होगा उसके बाद आपको डायनेमिक्स पमन मिलेगा लेकिन अगर मैं आपको बताऊं कि भाई आप 10 तारीख से पहले भी डायनामिक्स को गेट कर सकते हो एंड 10 तारीख से पहले आपको डायनामिक्स गेट भी करना है तो गाइस आप लोग बिलीव करोगे यस गाइस बहुत सारे लोगों को अभी से ही डायनामिक्स पमन मिल चुका है तो गाइस वो उन लोगों को कैसे मिला है एंड गाइस अगर आपको अभी तक डायनामिक्स... Read more
Category: Gaming
Hello everybody we are starting the dynamax adventures today power spot should be opening up soon we should be able to get our first dynamax pokemon in pokemon go i'm super hyped for this new startup screen absolutely beautiful let's see if i can get chat up here and because of a little oh whoa whoa... Read more
Category: Gaming
Good morning everyone will john here today is currently the day two of the let's see what event it was again it's currently day two of the go allout event and we actually do have oursel a new research so let's see hey energy strange i've been getting reports of mysterious energy gathering around the... Read more
Category: Gaming
[música] [música] cadê cadê cadê aí acho que foi né boa noite boa noite meus amigos como é que vocês estão sejam bem-vindos a mais uma livezinha aqui acho que agora tá certo né tá certo boa noite meus amigos como é que vocês estão todo mundo bem todo mundo tranquilo como é que vossas senhorias estão... Read more