I'm bringing you a price prediction video for the troll mem coin how high can it go if it sound interesting drop that like give me subscribe did you grab any highly recommend you do this has become one of my my most get my it's become it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay okay it's become one of my most favorite mem of all because the troll face is the most popular meme that I can think of right now in existence well alongside your peppes and your maybe success kids you know those old school looking look when you know when Mr Beast when all these big time flipping influencers and YouTubers use it in their videos wherever they're gaming whatever it is that's when you know that this is a big Meme and I've seen big people use this I've seen many different types of people use the troll face uh when you know to troll people or mess about or have some fun on their videos and stuff so and not just that just in like Daily Posts and stuff even Elon Musk recently said something about the troll face I'm sure anyway this is the price prediction where I think it can go I am I was able to get in on this at an 8.8 million market cap wish I saw it sooner years ago or a year ago but you know this is what it is and I feel like it's been one of the best buying opportunities right now I did a buy alert to the patreon 2 days ago at the time recording this video as double by alert because there's a troll on Soul as well so you could obviously check that one out as well if you like they could probably both do equally good but for the ethereum network or chain it was 8.8 million right 0.087 or whatever it was 88 lows eight and is 87 yeah you know you can see it so not a bad buy let's take a look at what's going on right now with this and then you'll see why I feel like it has mad potential where I think it can go as a prize prediction video bur action right now it's 13 9 million market cap I think we are up about 50 to 54% on our on our buy right now you know patreons are also buying round about where it was around here I managed to catch it probably at its lowest in the last year and a half let go right well year should we say back in January 7th let's see I'm buying it at prices like it was sort of like January 13th right or at least I did buy it at that price and then I obviously shared the video sort of afterwards watch I don't know is it here maybe a bit there there it is 8.8 million was there so with this blue line is cuz I left it so I think it's a good buy considering it went to hundreds and hundreds of millions this really did and that's because of what it is and what is you know what type of meme it is now this meme has put itself in a good position like I said before because of all of the different uh exchanges where you can buy this already gate.io htx is ite I don't know uh Mexi Bing X lbank bitmart Ascend X they've already got all of these exchanges so when new people new money comes in and then they see people like me or any other influencers talking about troll it's so easy for them to buy my mom bought some a few days ago she didn't have to go into Phantom she doesn't have to understand how a phantom wallet works or whatever it is or how a a metamask wallet works I'm thinking about the soul one Whatever It Is she doesn't have to understand the metam mask you know new people with new money they just want it simple they want to be able to go to an exchange whether it's your Mexi or whatever it is and buy it that's it done that simple so because of that I think this has set up for a great position and if more popular like you know your C coin and stuff can come onto this if they get listed on those kind of things then you're just going to see the money flood in because it's going to be made so simple for people so let's do this how high can this go when it does a 5x for Michael it will be sitting on a 44 million market cap I think it's doable think of your Pepes your your what sorry pay pay pay pay is sort of like a 44 million market cap now went up to 100 million I think pay is going to do really well but I'm trying to think of like these well just popular means like your Pepes that's 2.9 billion I think it can go to multiple billions like that uh Bon is uh 1.2 billion I think well it says 3.1 billion Pep's going up it was 2.9 before I think it can reach these sort of market caps because of the type of me because you're not dealing with like a made up meme like essentially is made up like it had to have been made somewhere but you know when you think of like dog with hat and that did really well by the way uh these are madeup memes this one you can find in the Wikipedia this has been so big that you've been able to see a game be made in uh on the Nintendo eShop look at this Trollface was drawn in the mic Microsoft Paint back in September of 2019 so this is done through Microsoft Paint so in 2008 there you go that's how it's created yeah it's just it's been used worldwide I think this is bigger than I've shared things like thec capio cheers and everything else that are also popular memes but this this one is by far one of the most popular so look when it does a 10x it'll be sitting on like that a little pop 10x for me would be 88 million market cap I think it's very doable I think this is going to go back to it's multiple hundreds of millions like from where it was before I think it's going to outperform itself I look you've already seen this gold bit up here where it says 250X that's my target I think it can reach 250X a 15x will be 132 million market cap you will see it when it gets to 132 million you're going to see mad rush a mad mad rush of money come in because they're going to be chasing that 10x because it' just be the easiest 10x it'd be like ah Troll's going to 1 billion easy you start probably start seeing bigger influences saying you know what maybe it's worth just grabbing some troll cuz it could easy go to a billion dollar and this is why you come to my channel to catch it early at that point you've already made like flipping 100 times you're flipping money or whatever it is um 20x 176 million from my cool down here 8.8 million so a 50x on my return on my money would be a 440 million market cap we saw coins like cockin you those kind of coins reached that in the last meme wave or the one before that you know we've had multiple in in this year when it does 100x it's 880 million a 250X would be a $2.2 billion I think I think troll can reach it on eth and at that point maybe the troll on Soul would probably reach over 100 million market cap as well now we're talking when if Bitcoin goes up and memes start to come alive again which it very well do very well would do my words out you're going to see it you're going to see billions come into the crypto space and I think people just want something easy troll is easy they look at the price they go you know what uh people are talking about troll now uh what's the price of troll right now I wanted to get on coin market cap haven't got it uh oh it's like loads of zeros and a seven so if I put like $10 I get like 30 30 billion tokens worth something like that it's very appealing very very appealing let me just do this look this is down let me see if I can squeeze this down like this cuz I want to see how high this went this really did go like let's do this how high did this go that's down down down 796 or almost 8 times its value well 10 times its value would put it at 139 million market cap so it was definitely around about 100 million market cap this is going to reach that again the fact that it's done before it do it again I've been looking at like other people that I you know other popular people in the crypto space that I like to look at and follow as well uh you got people like Mario norl here I think I said your surname right if he's watching Big upu you know he's following this so there's there's people that understand how memes work in this crypto space what trends are hot in the meme space and what things could actually move that are paying attention to this when it does a f if it does a 500x I say when if look Philipp sh in you went to 50 50 60 billion Doge went to $70 billion how people had money people had money to burn $70 billion for a main coin it outperforms so many different cryptocurrencies this cycle could be one of the biggest if it is we'll see if it is billions could flow in 4 billion could be possible but you know my Mark is right here 2 billion when it does that yeah it's just mad we saw Pepe do that is possible for sist to do it so yeah 500x puts it out at 4.4 billion and 1,000x if it ever goes there goes to $8.8 billion is it possible for something like this to do it I'm calling this right here what do you think drop your comments down below I'd like to know what you think how high do you think this can go do you have it if you don't check it out this was not Financial advice they did not sponsor me I'm just showing you what I think has huge potential and it's become one of my favorite memes right now because it's just incredibly cheap it's not often you catch a meme like this that's so well respected being used worldwide uh just you know where you can just catch it so cheap 13.9 million it's mad it's mad how cheap it is I'd have been pissed off if you know right back here you know you know you miss it like and then memes start that's that's an example look that's when memes went crazy again look just shut up in all through February and March that was the top of March now you saw how crazy everything was in March this is where I was taking profits on all my coins smart people buying it down here sort of where I just just said wrote it up to that look whoever I think this is going to happen again whoever that was you flipping rode this flipping let me get at 730% you made 7x on that let's see what happens this time let's see if it can outperform it I wasn't talking it talking about it back then I don't think many big YouTubers were even talking about this back then what happens if big YouTubers start to talk about this on the next meme wave I'm going to send this to the Moon you best believe guys thank you for watching have a good day drop your comments was I do you think I'm accurate enough do you think this can reach 2 billion I'd like to know what you think think and yeah too close to the mic see you in the next video cheers already never be defeated already be deated

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