Category: Entertainment
I have walked across mountains and deserts to help my friend find his destiny well i am grant from screen rant it is great to see everyone again and get to talk about uh rings of power season 2 from what i've seen so far it's an excellent start to uh this amazing show already daniel i'd love to come... Read more
Category: Entertainment
There's nothing a retired governor can do about the soviets but a president now he can do a thing or two fantastic performances guys amazing job uh this is a this isn't a story about politics but a man that happens to be in politics and it's a fantastic journey in telling of a story um dennis how first... Read more
Category: Entertainment
サリさんの 特徴身長体格名の色と かはい はいそれでサさんの年齢 はお連れのこうやったら廊下 に nサンキュー Read more
Category: Entertainment
I was a brand new kb officer given my first intelligence assignment a certain actor and union leader john sir incredible are sir incredible film congratulations uh i think this is such an interesting telling uh especially because it's through your character's perspective which is so fascinating to me... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I have realized i do not know my granddaughter's name we're going to name her fern another plant you got growing in there no hello there zach i'm so excited to talk to you because i saw the most delightfully uncomfortable movie the other day there's so many angles from which to watch it there's the... Read more
Category: Entertainment
What's that bell rings we're in high school you know what that means anything is possible so uh this is really your guys's first time in the r-rated genre mason you're obviously fresh off black foam but what is it like for the rest of you you know obviously it must be fun a little bit to let loose but... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Over at the park you were across everything right in terms of personnel one of the queens i was if i didn't know the answer to a question i knew who to ask bit of a come down sl house isn't it i don't see to such every place has its challenges and you were you were sent here by wheeling himself yeah... Read more
Category: Entertainment
If i were [music] you i wouldn't want to get hurt even more um hunter my first question is for you uh you get banged up quite a bit in this movie it almost felt like a running gag every time they added like a bandage or like a bruise um how fun was it to take on this like action heavy role and you know... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Tim burton has called this a reinvigorating experience apparently he was like ready to hang it up for films and he was brought back into this world because he was given the opportunity to do a sequel was that obvious on set that he was reinvigorated yes and and when i first met him for this i could... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Team's having a barbecue tomorrow you guys got to come yeah sure let me ask bri make sure she's cool with it wait you need brie's permission no i don't need our permission but you know like lame my name is rachel f and i am with screen rant so great to talk with you guys well rachel hi rachel well to... Read more
Category: Entertainment
I don't think i've ever bonded with someone like i did with jenna i it was insane and it did feel a lot like i was talking to like a younger version of myself but she's just like a thousand times cooler um because we both have this like the same sort of like almost religious like reverence for film... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Intro the dark lord has risen and everything is different now it's great to have some source material to work for if you're creating a character he's in danger of allowing his pride to topple him learned that he's a wizard but he doesn't really know you how to control his powers yet you sought peace... Read more