Rings of Power S2 Episode 3 - HONEST REVIEW | Lord of the Rings on Prime

at last we come to the review of episode 3 certainly an episode that has sparked a lot of debates online about baby Orcs where not to plot against your queen and how masculinity is totally absent in this season yes prepare for more whining there's a lot of it in this episode and I have a feeling it only gets worse going forward as always I'll give points at the end for various aspects unlike the two previous episodes I'll break down this one in chronological order the episode kicks off with a little recap from season one where we see iso's horse baric ride off to save him somewhere in moror now this is likely a ripoff from Jackson's Two Towers where Aragon's horse saves him after the walk attack something that isn't in books by the way there is however a little law behind it though I'm not sure if the shers even know this but from the nature of Middle Earth we learned that the narian have a special bond with their horses and treat them extremely well this special Bond means they can call their horses to them with their very thoughts or so some believe so I'd like to imagine the horse can sense Sor is alive and in danger but I'm probably giving the show a bit much credit here anyway as it searches for aor it comes across a small pack of Orcs that tries to capture it then it kills two of them and rides into the black forest which is a madeup location inside the Black Forest is a Cave the Cave is the laay of shop and here we find isor trapped I got no idea how he got there but if we ignore that fact it's actually a very horrifying and cool scene here we get to see young sheilo kill an orc and try to eat the Sor we also see her lier brots that would lat us rad to other parts of Middle Earth like merkwood now none of this happens in the law but it B some actual law I'll briefly cover now Shob didn't live in this cave but in toric unol even before saon returned to moror around 1,000 in the second age she wouldn't actually be small as she quickly grew fat by eating men and elves later she would also eat Orcs just like we see the show when Gondor was founded is sudo would built the city of mes ethil which you might know by its later name mes mul as we all hopefully know this is extremely close to Shop's lir there's no evidence to suggest ISO ever met Shob but it seems very likely that he at least knew of her so while this entire scene is made up it's at least cool and not as far from the law as most of the stuff they made up of course we all know is won't die so the stakes aren't really high here I guess this scene also means they'll meet again later in the season I don't think it's the last time we see Sheila at least the let down is that we know neither will die but maybe they'll kill off some of the madeup characters then we get to numor where the funeral of T palen is taking place this is sadly not how it would go down in the law the kings and queens of numor were buried in noran the Valley of the tombs I would have liked to see that and get a closer look of the mountain midle T instead the Jo once again thought that connection to the sea is what should Define the funeral anyway a Winer shows up and slaps the queen which should pretty much be a death sentence if not a prison one the queen responds by whining too I can't help but think all this whining and crying and weeping and tears has to do with all the female directors this season why is the natural response for everything to cry was that really in the script I can't help but thinking about this I honestly just find it laughable because it happens all the time especially in this episode but we will see just hang on there oh yeah and add to this a bitan that blames the queen for the death of isor who isn't dead at all by the way that's we just learned we still know nothing of anaran the other brother and it's starting to get really weird maybe he has caught entirely from the series which at least means a story won't be butchered like the rest of the characters then a short scene with farason and blind Muriel she gets to choose what to wear at her coronation red or white like her father she chooses white of course and this entire thing is made up next we have a scene at the Local Tavern with farison his son Kon aaran and the noorian Lord called bagar bagar wants farison to become king much like the law where many also supported him there he at least was a strong and great Commander that even managed to defeat saaron and drags him num change we can't have that here in the show so here he's just reduced to a scheming politician basically it felt a bit forced to me to see a and support these evil guys but it's probably just me she's about to reel a secret to the others that can help them in the pilot to overthrow the queen but then bendil shows up and makes a scene there's a little tension between him and Kem so between two madeup characters not that anyone cares anyway Muriel discovers the Palante is gone and it's quite obvious that e Arian stole it next we're backing moral with Adar and this ugly freak we then get to see his disgusting wife and baby and this has really blown up on the Internet so allow me to comment on it yes it's true that or women exist and that Orcs have offsprings like the other children of UA you know how that works so I won't go into details however seeing them as a little happy family is quite far from how I imagine it when never really learn how it's all done but based on what we know it seems to have been done systematically at times especially for breeding armies and now it starts to get a little dark so you have been warned we know that Orcs love machinery and making things efficient we also know that Orcs were basically the slaves of Sauron that's how they're described in The Lord of the Rings though they are also actual slaves male Orcs are deal for War as they are stronger than women of course we live in a crazy world now where it's controversial to to even say the truth but that's how it is orc women though are less strong so it also seems unlikely they would be used for war they could do one thing males can't and that is making children so I think they were used as breeding slaves chained up meant to Bear children until they could no longer it actually reminds me of something Napoleon once said women are nothing but machines for producing children he certainly sounds like an orc it's a very dark and Sinister thing to imagine but that's the way of the Orcs evil corrupt and without love for others that's at least my theory on it which seems far more plausible than this little happy orc family anyway let's move on we are introduced to the hill troll damrod with some odd music playing his name is stolen from one of the Ethan Rangers in The Lord of the Rings so his name doesn't really make any sense he is apparently a killer of stone giants the massive Giants we know from The Hobbit which might not actually insist in the world they are certainly more mythical than most other races it doesn't end there though damrod has also eaten dragon bones who knows why the article that came out before the season even says he has killed multiple dragons it seems unlikely but dragons vary in size and strength and the cold DRS can't even breathe fire so I guess he could have killed a few of them but it still seems ridiculous to me anyway he's eager to help Adar in the war against Sauron for some unknown reason we might learn later this then we C toan where daa and Prince durin have arrived here we see the Seven Dwarf Rings about to be crafted there's so many things wrong here first of all these were made before the three and they were never made for dwarves son just gave them to them in order to try and control them something that failed unlike with men Duran doesn't really trust anatar which makes sense we also get a glimpse of kimbo's Pride which at least is closer to the law than his appearance then we C back too and Mordor he sees the corpses of some of his fellow soldiers I don't think it's the dead marshes but it gives that sort of vibe he then runs into the dist that stabs him in the thigh like an idiot you think it's a good idea to keep the knife in yeah anyway she has a map that leads to bagar how lucky huh apparently everyone in the show just has a map even though they should be quite rare they come across a wounded old man but it's a trap and really just an ambush by a bunch of of traitors then AA shows up and defies gravity just like last season it's so tiresome and he just comes across as a cheap black copy of Legolas Peter Jackson's legol lass mind you the ills aren't as exaggerated in the books as in the films and a Ply in this show anyway he saves the day but it's super grumpy because his lover is dead now we know the actress quit because she was too busy being an activist so I guess that's how they wrote her out of the script we then get to to see this sad excuse of pagia that apparently is now only a small but also a ruined City or Village or whatever that is the timeline of the show is a complete mess pagia did not exist while the Rings were made and during the time of isildur it certainly wasn't a little ruin like this and it certainly wasn't full of loosers fleeing from M and then we have the true Return of the King cringe Theo a man a few words but a lot of angry teen Vibes but get ready it somehow gets worse back in CAD Doom the food Merchants want access to the graen reserve like I said last episode why don't they sell some of the metals Jewels or forc crafts I'm sure somebody would trade it for food the El inan perhaps or the Norman who apparently isn't in the show at all but no instead the dwarves will starve which is apparently why they'll need a ring for sake it's incredibly dumb I I I just I can't I just can't it's so hard to take seriously but yes this is why don't take a ring back to Belia where the heals is do while Aria just stands there and weep like a little girl it's a scene with three weak men all crying about how unfair the world is get ready for more of that the and randia have a little not father to not son talk Aria tells us about ban which is now apparently an elf realm I hope we all know this is far from the truth ban was a huge region in Northwestern Middle Earth and it had many Realms both of men and elves and even other races the once again shows he's an angry teen and doesn't want to talk with the dirty elf that was giving it to his mom understandable he then walks over to get some water and ISO tells him how Superior the noorian are to these Le men which is at least somewhat low accurate we never hear of aqueducts but it's very possible they made him the then says he wants to help his Sor get back his horse baric at night the winers meet up at the campfire a perfect place to cry ISO starts off about crying about his guilt for the death of his mother who drowned but the sea is always right remember that then estr cries about her mom who cares then ISO cries some more some more crying More Tears then Theo joins in the master of ugly crying even more tears but with clunky dialogue now I I can't do this what a bunch of crybabies it just goes on and on for like 10 minutes okay here we go it also seems like EST might be the future wife of sildur but let's hope not it certainly didn't happen in the law that he would marry someone that wasn't of noorian blood the whole kin Drive started because the King married a woman from renan and had a son that wasn't of pure noorian blood so no no ISO and the takes off to rescue the horse and then we see EST bearing the mark of Adar oo evil nobody cares isilo sneaks up to baric but then the Wildman start to notice him until Theo distracts them suddenly they are attacked by something we can't really see it's most likely the ends or end wives one of which we saw in the trailer the getting captured certainly reminded of mar and pipping meeting tree beard in the two towers would enter in wives live in eelan or Lebanon not that we know of no but the end wives however did live north of eelan in the lands that would let be called the brown lands they don't exactly look like the male counterparts but let's talk about that when we actually get to see them in the show the coronation of blind Muriel who can walk perfectly downstairs I honestly don't buy her blindness it's not very convin ining maybe it's the performance of the actress I don't know anyway somebody shouts as she is about to receive the scepter the symbol of power of numo which is at least correct we get some more cheers because that's the only way characters can react in this series then aian shows up and throws the palena to the floor apparently that means she's evil because it's made by elves it's so damn stupid to be honest the pen aren't dangerous at all at this this point as Saron controls none of them in fact none of them are even in Middle Earth it's simply a smart device for communication at least visually apparently elil can't touch them which is absurd as he is the one that brings them to Middle Earth from numo he is truly reduced to nothing in the series I guess having a strong masculine man can't be part of the story then a great Eagle shows up which is apparently an omen it is true that the Eagles used to live in am menos the capital of but not after the shadow fell upon the Kings which was Long Ago by this point there's no connection between coronations and the great Eagles though so that's made up and the great Eagles would certainly not approve of our farison a king's man I don't really understand how they even interpret it as that in the scene he is apparently elected King this way which just makes no sense to me but all right he basically just walks over to it and that's it hopefully he will be called our farison from now on though just like in the law the last scene of this episode is the seven being forged I hope they look better than the three but I really doubt it I guess we will all see that in the next episode and judge for ourselves let's move on to the points story this is without doubt one of the more boring episodes is s to traveling to numo the coronation orc families and the Seven being forged that's all that happens for this I can only give 1.5 out of 10 in it was truly truly boring law as always there isn't much law to be found here and the amount of things they butcher is beyond count I'll give half a point for everything related to sildo and Shop it's not law accurate but some elements are at least then I'll give half a point for s's close connection to his horse and the other way around there are a few other things here and there but not enough for a point in my opinion so we end on a 1 out of 10 visual I really like the look of shop even though she shouldn't be small I think the whole scene was the best part of the entire episode pagia was a huge let down truly small just like GRE Havens in this season I think the eagle in numo look good but that's about it for this reason we land on a 2.5 out of 10 dialogue it's certainly one of the better episodes in terms of dialogue perhaps because we don't get a lot of scenes with elves and dwarves there's still nothing particularly good so I can't give it more than three out of 10 acting boy oh boy what a cry Feast this was I think every actor had tears in the eyes at some point and it became so bad I laughed at the end I think especially the scenes in pakia draged it down and drowned us all into tears and there weren't any great moments in my opinion so I end on at 1.5 out of 10 music and sounds I think the music in this series is some of the best parts of it but it's still far from memorable at least not to me and it's not even close to the scoes by Howard Shaw I think the music when dam was introduced is off and it kind of felt distracting B mccre is great for making music to games like God of War but I'm not sold on what he has done for this series so far for this reason I land on a 2.5 out of 10 final school I guess the shun would do what they do best if they saw my reviews weep and then weep some more God it was hard to get through and even harder to take seriously I think the episode was the worst of this season so far at least but it at least had that one good scene with shop so we land on a 1.5 out of 10 but what do you guys think let me know in the comments below as always thank you all for watching and special thanks to the members and patrons supporting the channel you guys are the best if you want to know the true story about she love check out this video next farewell till next time

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