what is up homies welcome back another reaction series from Heroes reforge we are returning to the world of Middle Earth with the Lord of the Rings the rings of pow season 2 I'm very excited to jump into this but before we get into it worth mentioning that you can watch the show along with us on our patreon sync up your own copy it's on Amazon Prime follow along with us we really had a really really good time watching the first season so I can't wait to jump into this one check out everything else that we're watching we also have uncut reactions and coming soon cut down reactions the Lord of the Rings the original trilogy the theatricals August and I just watched the trailer for The War of the roero just coming on December that looks rad so I'm excited to jump into all the middlee stuff but uh what about you guys you guys excited to be back here nah I'm so ready I'm so what let's leave go I had I had my f of dragon to House of the Dragon good I'm good with House of Theon has been Mt beautiful show dude I can't wait to see what they did for season two the trailers for this they look so epic dude so I can't wait to see what what they're going to do feels like the conversation around the show has been fairly positive this time around I remember when it first came out I was super excited uh the conversation for the most part from what I've seen has been optimistic so that's great that's really good to hear because I think everybody needs to give this show a chance I think they're going to blow it out of the water this season because it looks like they learned a lot from season 1 and they're knocking out of the park for season 2 so looking forward to it man this is I hope this is amazingly dope let's do it let's get this oh we're getting right into it yeah we're not wasting a moment we're going for it under me your new master Sauron was that him he he's he's a shape shifter he's a werewolf Shape Shifter guy I hope they explain it a little bit better second age y power of the Unseen World one we shall use to enslave the peoples of Middle Earth many will die Jesus God the makeup is amazing no longer will we be hunted as the demons who broke Middle Earth by bringing its peoples together to rule them all as one a s on lies you think this is a decoy men will never look upon you with anything but horror and disgust all right maybe it's the real one maybe it is maybe it is the guy Hey guys does anybody else kind of think this looks like chrisper Monte for sure a little bit right that's funny hey man hey guys I'm saon man I'm saon you guys he's got real um leap paace vibes your only future from path your only path who among you dare say otherwise who wants to [ __ ] around and find out who among you dare find out zamb oh my God that's narsty mhm you dropped this King I could just kill him right here with all the spikes on this yeah oh oh betrayal he's like that's how we do it in Mordor that's how we do it oh Jesus good Lord oh dang okay for it oh what did he do good Lord he got nuked I left [ __ ] I was just thinking whoa nice oh oh my God holy Jesus what there you go oh was ice bomb whoa that was insane yeah that little sound design that little sound design where he died it was like this really cool little explosion that was rad you are free [Applause] oh he's like I turn a little rat I can still hear you you son of a [ __ ] M what happened what happened where is he hey I'm down here it's me turn into blood for an ant ant boot well when we say shap Shape Shifter also he is not necessarily can turn into anything he can have a fair form and he can turn into a werewolf de get away from that Goo uh they're dead you better run lady oh oh she ran right over you ran over the goo must have picked up some goo I see I see oh she been she good okay good turn into the Venom horse mhm that horse is shadowfax is great great great great great great great great great grandfather oh hell no shadowax is shadowax is his own being okay cool shadowfax is the god of horses he is actually oh now he's a man again he's absorbing people yeah cool oh okay MH interesting now he's going to go off and be king and then but not no cuz he was a liar he lied yeah he completely lied I hope I come back like this after I die all fit and [Laughter] handsome this is cool though I like this [Music] God you going to goo these people that heraldry what is it a symbol of Kings long dead my family served them oh as a reminder that our Fates are never certain that fortunes can turn for even the most powerful I believe this actor was in was in John Carter they say there's places across the sea find another path perhaps another life or walk on keep chasing death interesting so interesting to like be presented with two different paths one that could have you know completely changed his life oh so did he go with him he went with the people oh and he's like I hate people though this is a bad idea I hate them about to get ambushed by Orcs you went into the went into the ocean that's never good oh is this where gadriel finds him yeah remember gadriel jump ship wow yeah you might be right he's just fresh from the from the womb from the mud womb you are alive because you have chosen good the what of samor you have to choose it again it's interesting that they're they're like positioning it becomes a part of your nature saon to be like the protagonist of season 2 yeah right this is this this whole story you know grab hold of something oh no oh no help me oh Jesus that didn't take long already dang he said nope I'm just taking your little Crest thingy bye the worst he's a real son of a be looks cool Jesus yeah this is this is my worst nightmare mhm Christ how you supposed to do anything in Middle with with stuff like this man this is crazy oh don't forget this is Sauron we're talking about here yeah right mhm home what a cool sea creature what a cutie mhm just chilling don't worry guys I can I can swim up no problem looking like a Rose in Titanic did Jack make it mhm oh there were survivors that's right yeah there were survivors yeah Gad finds them yeah [Music] mhm nice it's a good way to tie it all back together mhm yeah tides of Fate are flowing yours may be heading in or out what a weird thing to say to a Shipwrecked person [Music] ah okay okay damn bear they flexing bear Bear's just straight up flexing dude yeah he's just doing this [ __ ] stop give them to me oh the Rings yeah he's got them they're going somewhere is this really just the British Countryside cuz it's beautiful or yeah when you say find out yeah I know let's go I'll take that tour but by order of Herold Elon you are to come with us M yeah and that tree died right yeah hi King hey my bad fool Harold Elon carries three rings tattletail your companion this hellbrand was not who he claimed he is not what I thought which is the reason I did what I did why do you dance so to avoid revealing the truth say his name girl I will believe you and I no longer see the LIE behind your eyes that's cold now who is this man man he's mad he's real mad he has been masquerading as one appearing in Fair form to hide his true self he's so she can't even say it she cannot even Jes he's he's a bucket of Goo all right fancy King what are you going to do now how could you yeah Abraham Lincoln vampire Hunter of all our kind he deceived me he is a deceiver and what Frailty blinded you El n what other the path did your failure kazad Doom leave us with but this you are my friend en will you do shut the up and let me think show them to me we don't not use them my king he's no doubt corrupted he never touched them work with kmor for weeks yo gadriel chill homie those rings are more than our lost hope they may be the Lost hope for all Middle Earth it is a risk we must chance to take give give it to me chance to take I have to make another damn speed they must be destroyed that decision is far above your privilege I really love the king's delivery it's it's insane it's so good he going to jump off this Cliff yeah oh my God either he's going or the Rings are going but uh sticky nobody get PL goodbye no oh my God son of a [ __ ] you crazy son of a [ __ ] elron L ran away you know what I'm saying L ran you know what I mean l ran damn one day there's going to be a big old eye on a tower near there welcome to Mordor work it land well and you'll be fed well work it badly and he'll be the soil wait a second I thought the last time we saw him he was at the top of like the mountain so he must have got capture going through yeah he he's getting captured on purpose I think uhoh this m claims to be king yeah and is he going to recognize him cuz he looks different turned himself in not going King of the souths okay set my people free and I will tell you where he can be found you will tell me everything you think you know of the sorcer now you can't kill me in time you will beg me to no like you literally cannot kill me you don't understand bro yeah yeah father s Jesus could never return could he no saon is dead you sure about that you sure about that why sure about you sure about that why it's always fun when like a low-level orc is like oh that might be Sauron you shouldn't have done that and the high ranking bad guys like God it's impossible shut your mouth all right ooho swear to God if we get through the end of this season and they're like we're not telling you I'm like oh my God come on they'll tell us I think he's gandal I think he has to be I think be mccu would also be perfect if they ever made a Conan the Barbarian show he'd be perfect to score that too really this this music felt a little bit Middle Eastern sounding so you know really cool to add that into the fantasy what the what Austine what is that that's a stuff oh oh going to look like though what's it going to look like next year on the rings of power I want it to look like a that look in your eye fully modern pimp cane I want it to look like you had that dream again last night a dream it did look like Gand off staff me what it is you keep seeing Gand the staff could the other guy San out Saruman he has a clean white staff it's the heat that's all go was mhm these are Middle Earth Jawas looks super cool designed by WID WID digital we're going in circles there must be some evil I need some damn water look at you there's nothing to eat out here Jesus wait a minute we can eat bark hey you got all Oles in your hair just eat those what are you doing oh yeah are those olives olives in her hair well come on might bear some fruit at least you could do is try have you forgot what happened when last I tried such a thing oh God I really hope this guy's not sauman because I like him it's Gandalf I want him to be Gandalf what a swing that would be huh yeah it might be sauman San didn't turn till way way later so Saran just as a good guy will be fully good but still I'm like I just want to be g off San also did not like Hobbits sick he's about to take off like Man of Steel Superman what are we doing that's cool man those are good effect a really cool effect yeah that looks amazing I think they I think in Dune they did something Sim well this might be like a this is obviously a mixture of VFX and maybe practical but I they like put sand or something on top of metal and then use metal to move it around or something like that cool here's one apple oh Jes this guy cool you're going to be so useless when saon shows up yeah yeah we'll eat for days huh oh he did do it oh oh little grubs little little beets [Music] I was thinking like apple orange cherries delicious nothing Bo I didn't know Nory was Timone and Pumba you know what I'm saying I thought she was a person who liked food I'm talking about real food strange how that which is Left Behind can be the heaviest burden to carry yeah I miss my home as well you don't even remember yours and that is where it appears we're being followed H damn that's that's pretty scary you tell old wre everything you know about saon I've got some bad news for you pain must be something youj e e what the hell what was he trying to give him that ain't no that ain't no chicken and gravy let me tell you no that was no barbecue ribs poison him oh no I'm going to be you with this nasty ass chicken [Music] bone here boy there it [Laughter] is you sweet baby I never knew this about you do it that's great that's a spooky boy oh is he going to turn into it dog's like you're freaking me out man you're freaking me out I guess this is where I would live affection affection affection exists only in valinor thank you master Gan this Luscious Hair my God I'd be I'd be so bored I'd be like can we make like an arcade cabinet or like a Game Boy or something what do we just boats just boats can I make some Blu-ray shells or is that out of the question yeah you needn't hide any longer El yep El Rand away K boy what the hell you doing here I perceive you carry something in your charge something louder than the sea what have you brought here Jesus some rangs of power it is to be given directly to Lord kellor might name my first kid kmor keor it's amazing amazing name I wish we still delivered messages like that send you guys a text literal text I should have you thrown in fets and cost to the etan Moes for what you've done then why have you not whoa I am considering it I swear to you high King I will not stop until he is destroyed and I have put this right you would not be here now if I thought otherwise a y are still homies yeah what a sweet way of saying yeah you're all right he's just such a sassy [ __ ] about it isn't he he's such a sassy [ __ ] we love a sassy [ __ ] he spoke of destroying the Rings Elon would seek out someone he can trust someone older mhm man who makes ships perhaps someone who could turn the tides his way M this homeboy I know I should know this guy but I don't know this guy I've seen [Music] oh Woodshop teacher mhm yeah as you say these rings have so quickly turned elf against elf who would appear he has succeeded ooh burn the enemy is cunning the Rings May well be a ploy on his part mhm in some large a plan the end of which we cannot yet see what would you ask of me the Rings must be destroyed to do otherwise means falling prey to the designs of the enemy you do your father proud he's gonna be like Elon I'm just a boat swin I can't oh my God not that just a boaton I can't uh I have B technology B bosen how am I supposed to I have bosen technology how am I supposed to destroy these Rings oh too late the fart's out of there uh-oh y they brought the sun it they brought what I thought it was too come out they brought the sunrise what's happening here you're arounded this LAPD come out with your hands up El I have come to coax you willingly mother eff sure know how to roll [Music] theirs gador I should have trusted you as I asked you to trust me but unless we both trust in the r now oh sipping tea El Ron's right though what so frightens you you cannot consider the possibility of their corruption because in my heart I know the three rings are free of his influence but are you o dang you did what you must Galadriel so have I so have I oh no what did you do throwing them into the sea volcano baby mhm Jesus that is insane wow yeah so now the Chase Begins and at this point in the story I mean I'm I'm I'm on elon's side I know that those Rings don't end up destroyed so how does that change in the story like right now I'm like but elon's right like if this is the ultimate this is like when the Avengers were like we just have to destroy vision's uh Stone in his head sorry like we're going to have to do that to save the universe is it going to be uh her friend yeah yeah I think so classic Star Wars music that's happening here too this is great I'm glad it's a friend I love these two together were great they were never been happier in my life than right now how's everyone at home right the same Magic's giv me a CH I left 45 minutes after you so I don't know yeah so who knows you came after us wasn't so hard you haven't exactly gotten very far yes where we appear to be lost oh no harits must have Journey this way a long time ago see there's a warning not to forget the words to the song or you'll just go around in circles sing to me land far away it's a walking song I think it's some kind of directions our folk have been wandering for years guess's path must have been important to him that's adorable yeah you got to have songs in tolken as part of it now they're functional oh dude I forgot that Tom Bombadil is going to be in this season oh my God that's right yeah yeah yeah that's crazy oh nice oh oh this is great how they're putting it over the map mhm come on what are you waiting for this is for dummies like me why you looking at it like that like what like you've been here before only dreams trying and get that staff yeah oh no so where's this bosen going I don't even know if I'm using that term correctly I don't we talked over the PO where he said that there's a crack in yeah yeah yeah in the ocean bed and he was going to go throw in there destroy them yeah perfect yeah but this character back out no something knocked the boat so he just dropped it in the boat oh no oh no oh no oh no not good that's not good god oh man this is literally why came to you oh Jesus he was he was also telling Alon that like if they do destroy the Rings then that's the end of the elves time in Middle Earth MH well that was at the very beginning of the Lord of the Rings movie there is a time where the the time of the elves ends your people have been set free now tell me what do you know of Sauron and I'll go to them and seek him out so you can Marshall Your Allegiance to destroy him kind of game is he playing right I we know from all the promo material that he ends up you know looking different mhm so like what triggers that he to like fake kneel to the guy who had him killed last time I don't know how many centuries ago when he's traumatized by it I vow with your head at my feet okay gross it's my little pinky those he goes he goes yep what m to the end of my days mhm he's going to be the Lord of Mordor so he's not lying what I told you was true point of view yeah mhm how we don't get no horses this guy's the smartest orc that ever existed yep yep he's that's that's Sauron uhoh oh smug son of a [Music] [ __ ] nice song time their costumes are so beautiful man [Music] yeah I wonder if also makes these songs I'm curious yeah too soon who is this oh snap guys I brought the Rings I got them it is here oh kmor has brought it to Middle Earth damn fool you weren't supposed to put it on oh God no no it slipped in my big toe I guess I'm uh it's it's galadriel's ring gadri don't do it you in danger girl no not like this [Music] the Rings is too much she put it on [Music] God I Now Pronounce You me oh Jesus damn look at homie that homeboy just got rings on rings uh oh SpaghettiOs [Music] guess what we're now all Immortal [ __ ] oh wow we just skipping summer right to fall that's crazy holy Jes hell what did kmor make dude those are some powerful ass Rings how high are we right now guys El Run's still right El Run's still right you guys yep yep yep yep yep those rings do have power in them like they are should have gone home there's a reason they're still wearing them in the movies mhm it's crazy he's so disappointed he said we're not friends [Music] [Laughter] anymore so I guess the answer to my question of will elon's mind be changed about how the Rings are not going to be destroyed no answer no yeah saon is still not you know in his castle his armies he's not fully powerful we got to get to Tom Bombadil we got to get to there's so much in this season we have to get to we still got to make the other rings for the elves I'm sorry for the humans and the dwarves dwarves so this might be the dwarf season I think that like if each section were to be a season of this show that the first season ended with those three this season might end with the Rings for the dwarves and then three third season will end with with the nine rings for men maybe uh maybe here's the thing Dwarven elves don't do much they put them on and they're like Ah that's fine he has no control over us word from Lindon to the contrary my Lord this messenger is from the Southlands oh [ __ ] he says he wants to negotiate oh no oh no oh no okay oh no well my Lord then we Grant him entry he's already in what are you guys going to do should have asked that question before the gate went up yep I think Kell bmbo is the character that I think of that um that fake intro sequence somebody he made for these characters and actors and I think his his actor fake actor name was Christopher [ __ ] so funny so this seems like the whole season's going to be about to on I guess amassing his army or his support basically mhm mhm well he creates those rings in order to try to gain mental dominance over everybody yeah CU his thought is like if I can get all these leaders to just follow me I ain't got to go to war cuz I don't have an army but eventually the the elves figure it out the you know the dwarves it doesn't really have an effect on the dwarves but the men the men are all susceptible to it right and that's where it gets interesting so yeah so maybe we won't see the the human men cuz I didn't see Men characters human characters wearing those Rings maybe I missed it in that little Montage but I definitely saw storyline where the dwarf Kings and those leaders are going to get rings and how that affects them but either way this first episode was it was great to step back into the world it's gorgeous I love a lot of these characters this was definitely just like we've been seeing with House of the Dragon like these episodes are these play settings they're setting up the characters they're setting up chess pieces on the board before things sort of pop off in a way but that's probably why they they're going to release or they release these first three episodes all in one yeah because I think they're gonna I they three are gonna pop off yep yep that they're gonna want to uh hook audiences with the first three not just the first one and then have people wait like there's some stuff we're going to get to in episodes two and three I'm very excited yeah it's like a three- hour movie basically you're watching like the theatrical cut of the first third of the Season okay I I but I also I really like that we that we Dove back into his backstory a little bit to just try to understand the because it's not not not that the first season you know didn't do the work I really feel like it did the work I think what the context helps is to just kind of understand how the character gets to where the character gets to and why why he chooses the path that he does and you know there's obviously some things that are still kind of left unanswered but it's going to be cool to just kind of see the slow revelation of what this character's motivations are other than like the obvious stuff but yeah so far it's really good and I I was a little concerned going into this episode without having rewatched season 1 since 2022 that I was going to be lost but I think the recap was really good at the beginning and I think they did a nice job pacing this episode out to kind of ease you back in without just going full boore into just brand new stuff yeah I appreciate that as someone who who as we all know struggles with keeping track of floran jorgan Goran so I really liked it how did you know their names you remember their names though that's correct did my best I did my lords yeah yeah the three dwarf Lords floran Goran and Jurgen yeah definitely yeah Z from Finland um but guys let us know your thoughts in the comments below let us know what you thought about this first episode of The Lord of the Rings the rings of power season 2 check out the unco reactions on our patreon and join us for the next episode bye bye [Music] [Music] h

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