The Top 5 Cheap Drivers Of 2024 For Mid\High Handicap Golfers!

just what are the best budget for giving drivers you can buy in 2024 guys today we are talking about my top five forgiving drivers on a budget of 2024 you see just a few weeks ago I did my top five forgiving drivers and a lot of people said the same thing James that's great we all want forgiveness we all want to hit better drives but not all of us want to spend that amount of money so introducing today my top five budget forgiving drivers this may well do here and it may also make you think that a little bit more first of all how much you are spending on your golf clubs and secondly where you are spending your money so init number five is the cheapest of all these drivers to conform for this test all these drivers have to be below 300 when brand new this one comes in at $129.99 it is of course a McGregor Vmax driver now this might not be everyone's cup of tea but the fact that you can get a brand new driver for sub £130 pounds quite frankly is ridiculous it's shaped quite nicely it's 460cc and as you can see it almost has a little bit of a kind of V plate on the bottom very reminiscent to the V steel technology in the tailor made clubs and I love that black face with that lovely V in The Sweet Spot as well on the top of the club it has a lovely matte black crown with a little bit of red edging on there that does really just show how much surface area you have to play with here things that it lacks it doesn't have any adjustability whatsoever it doesn't sound the best it doesn't feel amazingly good but when I tested this in relation to some much more expensive golf clubs it actually performed quite well you'd be surprised how well it would personally I probably would go for something a little bit more secondhand at that value but if you want a brand new driver you want forgiveness and you want budget then this could well be the way to go this is number five of my top five and the thing that I really like about it is looking down at the ball and seeing that lovely big Vmax logo and then being able to send it straight down the middle of that Fairway £1 1229 that's quite frankly ridiculous it's a great starting point for our top five forgiving drivers on a budget okay so number four may shock you quite a lot I think a lot of people thought this driver may well be number one even number two in this test it's 199 you can now get them in the UK I'm of course talking about the Costco kland signature driver now I actually quite like this driver I think for the price point is very very good it's very reminiscent of a titlist tsr2 driver who remembers that although it's still current at the time of filming because there's something new on the horizon from tit list but for 19999 you do of course get a carbon crown on this driver which looks phenomenal you get a rear weighting right at the back of this club which again is designed to shift CG back in this head it's all about Mass distribution to get the most Moi possible to make make this driver as forgiving as possible and you even get an adjustable Loft on this club I think that's phenomenal for the price the one issue I would have with this driver is in fact the shaft and the shaft is a premium shaft it's a premium component it is an even flow Rip Tide shaft this is a 60 G stiff and of course you get the Lampkin grip on there as well but for me when I changed the shaft in this I put a bog stand and misso shaft in this had the driver performed a lot better so I feel like maybe they've cheapened out on the shaft just a little bit it doesn't perform amazingly consistently if you do get it a little bit High tone you get that low spinner it can perform really well but if you kind of get it out the middle It generally spins at like 3 and a half thousand for me so nice and forgiving but I think there's better drivers out there for maybe a tiny bit more money and certainly that's so well to go over that tree that's another one down the middle of this Fairway for £199 I don't think you'd be too disappointed with this driver that's why it's at number four of my top five okay so I know what you're all thinking while James those first two drivers that's phenomenal value we haven't even hit the 200 Mark yet which I think for a brand new golf club especially in 2024 is exceptional value so what is in at number three of your top five budget for giving drivers it has to be this bad boy now when we first ever saw the pxg brand hit the market they were astronomic priced and it kind of took the market by storm a little bit it certainly caused I think it's fair to say a rockus now when I take this head cover off you will see that in fact this is the pxg 0211 driver and I think this driver looks absolutely gorgeous it is still jam-packed full of pxg Technologies as you can see and this driver would set you back just amily £229 brand new I actually got it for cheaper than that I got it in a little bit of a sale that pxu were offering on their website you have to keep your eyes open for those and it cost me £189 brand new with a diamana shaft in there this is a premium shaft it's a premium pxg grip this is exactly the same grip you do get on pxg premium line you of course get that rear weighting again to shift CG back in the head to enhance Moi to make this a more forgiving driver and we get an adjustable Loft on there as well so I've got this in 9° you could order it in 10 or 12° but you can also change Loft on there as well I think for that price this is phenomenal pxg obviously one of the bigger names in this budget series as well who would have thought that just a couple of years ago but I actually tested this quite a lot when I got it and I really really enjoyed it I think they sold out quickly than they restocked so if you are on the lookout for a really nice budget driver the pxg 0211 might well be one of them and that that's going to be miles down there I've hit that bang smack out the middle and for me this is everything that I wish the Costco driver was a very similar price maybe a touch more maybe a touch less depending what time of the year you get it but I've hit that bang out the middle of the face it feels like a premium driver it looks like a premium driver and nobody in your group is going to go oh he got the cheap pxg driver because not everyone really knows so they'll just think oh he's got a pxg driver and that shouldn't matter but to a lot of people I think it does that's number three okay so in at number two and I guarantee that before I reviewed this driver it may well have been a brand or a club you've never have heard of and if you had have heard of the brand I pretty much guarantee you've heard of it for forgiving golf clubs for a full set of hybrids I'm of course talking about the brand new 11 nh01 driver now the reason why this is so high up isn't necessarily because it's the best sounding driver in the world the best looking driver in the world it's the fact that for the price nice not only do you get a lovely Lush premium head cover you get what I think is a really nice looking head design with a little bit of back weighting on there as well a really really nice traditional head shape it looks almost like I think the old Bridgestone drivers if you remember those a nice Black Crown there's no carbon here it's just pure titanium and then of course adjustable neck here so you can adjust the Loft you can adjust the L angle you can adjust lots of different things on here probably the most adjustable driver in this setup this is going to set you back 200 £49 but for that boy do you get a lot you see we're not just talking about the driver ahead of course we're talking about the super stroke grip that comes as standard we're talking about the whole driver as a package for £249 and of course if you do want it fit into your specs if you know what kind of specs you would want they can put a bit of Hot Melt in there to adjust the waiting of the head I found that out just a couple of days ago and a lot of people do go for that it's a 25 option on the website 11 are of course direct to consumer so D to C as it were and a lot of people do tend to go right I want a little bit of hot melting here because my ball flat goes to the right I want to straighten that up I want this KBS shaft in a certain color in a certain weight and they can do that for you and I think the fact that you can get a DTC driver for again sub 300 even sub 250 is rather phenomenal especially if you want it like BK your way oh wow that at the flag that might be too big you know oh man some people have had too many bks I think though the driver does feel and sound really really nice as soon as I put it down here you would be forgiven for thinking this was the new Titus driver this was the New Ping driver maybe not ping cuz ping generally put those horrible turbulators on don't they but it certainly looks the part and it certainly feels and sounds the part as well that's just another one down this Fairway and all of the sudden we're starting to think James that's four incredible drivers you've had from 5 to 2 what isn't it number one of your top five forgiving drivers on a budget well I said they had to be sub £300 and this is a little bit cheeky because this one's $299.99 but it still counts you see number one it is a driver that a lot of people may not even think to have tried and comes in at like I said 29999 it's of course the Cleveland launcher XL2 driver now the fact that you can get a Cleveland launcher driver for sub 300 in 2024 brand new is remarkable because I'm pretty sure the original Cleveland driver back in the day that me and my dad had with the bright orange shaft that VJ sing used in like probably 24ish will have been £299 so they''re really stuck to the guns here you can see we've got full adjustability with LOF and L angle you can see that we've also got a really nice kind of looking inertia generator style shape here to allow for more Club head speed and that all important rebound frame for forgiveness around the face so this for me is the best forgiving budget driver of 2024 you might think 300 budget is a little bit much but actually when drivers are costing up of 600 and £650 at the moment half that has to be classed as budget we have a 10 size shaft in here so as you would imagine with Cleveland all these components are as premium as they come and for £300 I honestly think think that's oh my Lord look at that that is frightening I actually cut across that a little bit as well you can see with the tea on the head but that is the best forgiving driver on a budget of 2024 let's go and see where that's finished cuz that's FR I left in the car so we had to like do the ones come back up get it that's positioning and I can't believe just how good that's done for £299 nether come this man fantastic my new driver he's in

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