Kingsley Coman leaving but to where?? WE NEED TWO DEFENDERS!! - Bayern Munich News

[Applause] hey guys and welcome to the buing view hopefully guys are all doing well we are here for a live show big up to everybody as per usual and yeah man um we're going to be talking about kingsy Coman we're going to be talking about who what center backs we um should get in um and so on and so forth uh yo bro um hopefully get um some people in here as well so yeah big up to everybody though hope guys are all doing well and um yeah it's gonna it's definitely going to be an interesting it's an interesting time to be a b fan to be honest because like we don't we don't really know uh what what uh is going to happen but yeah Big up to everybody as per usual and um let's let's see what um this show brings obviously there's no there's no real news on com we're basically just going to reate everything that's already happened um to be honest with you obviously they got the main man in here um which will bring him in in a second and um yes it's going to be it's just an interesting time to be a V fan because like there are people at the club that are very um well respected in in football uh for finding players yet we don't seem to be getting in a position that def desperately needs to be um um what's the word uh reestablished so other word um but yeah either way let's bring in um let's bring uh the uh I need to go on one second I need to bring the Twitter page up but I've got the wrong the wrong part um of the Twitter Co obviously Harry Kane got the Golden Boot today uh there is a bit of news on um uh what's his name Manuel Neer um which is a bit interesting as well uh yeah let's bring in um the main man how you doing my bro I'm doing fine man just finished doing a preview for the other clubs game that I support you know I mean but yeah yeah I'm doing fantastic bro I'm we just finished our the stream together on my my channel though so yeah yeah man busy day I should say always man always yeah man without doubt well we're good man we good right righty righty right okay let's bring in uh the um thingy it's going to put us to the side uh let's just go back to me and you and we go full screen so again to anyone that didn't watch the stream earlier um we're just going to go through the news and then we'll start talking about center backs uh if you got any um comments or uh questions and so on and so forth the the live chat is there for a reason let us know and if you are new hit the Subscribe button either way smash the thumbs up and um let's go so yeah earlier um 12 hours ago uh it was put out there uh that um alala have basically put in a or have submitted shall I say a massive huge bid to sign Kingsley Kerman who obviously is a Bayern Munich player uh there is competition from the Premier League which we'll talk about in a minute says stop clubs as well as Barcelona um kman has still not made his final decision this is the first tweet uh obviously we're going to progress also on whether he wants to leave Bayern um I don't care what Jen says because he doesn't even say anything um it's it's just basically cop blocking the transfer um then it goes on to say uh Bayern have um received the bid basically for Coman and are ready to accept it um which one thing that needs to be said um is I know that this is a player that Bayern Munich uh are are looking to get rid of or have told that you know he he can go or whatever um but at the same time I I just find it like quite interesting in the fact that you know the way that they've accepted it that quick like let's not get it twisted you get 17 million off of the Wade Bill uh you get a player that is injury-prone um at times off off the off the squad uh and then obviously you get more opportunity for the likes of uh t uh May ebra mayy araka like so it's it's a win-win in that sense um but the fact that they just accepted it straight away but they're not going to surely surely surely I know buying a [ __ ] at selling players but surely they're not going to go and accept a stupid bid of like let's just say like it was like 15 million um now I don't think alala are going to do that by the way I'm just saying in general but yeah um that's basically what's being said uh that they've got the beard basically and then it goes on to say um that they've reached an agreement in principle uh for um Kings comen the player has not agreed to the move yet that was 11 hours ago um and then what's thing out the way it says agreement uh reached between oura and Bayern Munich for Kingsley Coman the Frenchmen would be open to the move uh if no other option in Europe presents itself um then it goes on to say Kingsley Coman is ready to move to Saudi Arabia to join Al halow the amount of salary is now being discussed that was nine hours ago um and then obviously there was a little bit of news on that basically um bich remain um attentive to the Jonathan tar situation we will talk about this more in depth in a minute um and then basically from as of now there are no reports uh about the amount of um the money um that alh Hala has bid um for uh by m next Co player Kingsley Coman and it's basically saying that it's still enclosed which I think is a good thing for Al because they could blow everybody out of the water uh when it comes to the price when it comes to the wages and everything but there's just no need to do that if bayn are happy with the bid uh they're happy with the bid that they put in um and Kingsley coma wants to go there and he's happy with the wages it should all get done very very quickly um obviously there is other clubs which I'll get into in a minute that obviously are being um discussed and then there is some pictures uh and then it goes on to say that uh KY Coman could wait to the end of the European transer window which is on Friday uh before making his decision um I really hope he doesn't do that to be honest with you um because that would just screw by Munich over he isn't that M no no no no no let me let me re say that because it's going to sound rude at voice he's not a [ __ ] basically is what I'm saying um I know that there is um apparently it's uncertain whether the club would um basically accept a Le a lesser offer from Liverpool who are also interested now I never knew Liverpool interested when it said about Premier League clubs I generally thought it was Tottenham and it was um Arsenal uh Liverpool's an interesting one which we'll talk about again in a minute um again then it just goes on talk about Noya which we can talk about if we need to Harry Kane's there I don't think there's anything else we scroll up um I don't think and then just talking about kimick obviously some stuff of Kane [Music] um I think that's it I think that's it so I think there's one more there's one more there's one more one more uh oh no wait all is it there was one about the directors uh arel yeah this one this one oh okay this one um it links to [Music] Kaa it would be a good thing for him if he could represent other another successful sale in time for the meeting uh and since Le gka kingy K could be on the rise to the fund further funds Bayern and AA have reached uh an agreement in principle but coan's approval is still missing and he's not fully convinced about the mood to S it who's that coming from okay uh come already had two lucrative office from Saudi Arabia last summer uh but this career move was never an option for him however the Frenchman became aware in recent days that he uh no longer plays a real role in the club's Futures plans okay okay interesting interesting interesting um so yeah that's basically what is being said um on the news uh big up to everybody thank you for everybody being in here um which yeah it's interesting um I don't think we should dwell on it but at the same time it's it's an interesting one big up to AJ um thank you for being in here bro um but yeah it's an interesting one it definitely is an interesting one and then that obviously leads us on to talking about center backs now again I really hope K like at the end of the day his future in his mind should be all that he cares about and I would 100% respect that but I really really hope that if if um this whole bid um we don't again it's unclosed we don't we generally know nothing about this price uh it's not even being speculated um on how much it would be I'm hoping it's a good amount of money um but yeah we we need to go obviously and get two defenders in my personal opinion um and who are they going to be now the main one straight away um it's probably going to be this guy um again as it says b remain attentive to uh the Jonathan tar situation uh new con ta took place in the last 24 hours um Bayern could try again at forar before Friday's deadline date if Kingsley Coman leaves the club the only thing I'm a bit scared of on this one and I know I know am's opinion on this he just wants it done and dusted which I'll let him I'll let him say his piece in a second uh is if we go and get him in I think that will be it where that would then give us five center backs one injured stanisich um so then T who would be a starter Kim and Jay would be a starter and then you've got opman Carno who who just isn't good enough at this moment in time and Eric dyer for me I still and again don't get it twisted I understand you know like we haven't got long now but again it's it's just this thing like I I don't want them to set uh company up to fail and I feel like they already are um so if Kingsley Coman does go that's a good thing for them to hopefully go and get a center back uh there's various center backs that we can talk about obviously I want Virgil Van djk which we'll talk about in a second um that's who I would like even though I think it is a pipe dream but this guy seems to be seems to be and probably is going going to be the guy that does come in um but yeah let's get rid of that um just put it in a couple of words my bro uh on Jonathan tar thing because I'm pretty sure I I hit the nail on the head um of your opinion on it well I said I mean you said I already said it I just want it done I mean at this rate we're four days you know what it is for me I'm looking at it as like a panic situation now for me of course of course yeah you know just you had literally two [ __ ] months right and to until now you haven't really got a center back and you sold the so like yeah you got Stanis but are you really gonna count that like he was supposed to be right back or left back depending you know what I mean like yeah he can play all over the back four back five whatever but you mainly looking at him as I that is my right back you know so I don't know if want to count that then you have itto didn't they say they're signing him to be left back I don't know why B all of a sudden in the press conference is like oh yeah left footed Center back we're getting into you wanted him as left back no company probably wanted him as left back so then all you got is D Kim jackass and yes I'm say I'm calling him that till he improves and uh op Maguire so again till imp which is impossible so really you only have three center backs and to be honest out of the three I mean Kim andji can improve Dyer could shock us not like he will but he could and op M's a lost cause so then we need center backs so I'm looking at it as get Jonathan Toton please yeah yeah I I see yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah most definitely I I see from your point man because at the end of the day you're right you know we do need to go and get a defender in um obviously I would like two Defenders um but yeah it's it's going to be an interesting one we will come to the chat by the way so keep putting in your comments we will come to you don't worry um one thing I did want to talk about though um share this tab instead is the following where's my stream um what I want to talk about was the free agents that are um available in defense at this moment in time um did you do me a favor and just make me a juice please that's okay um can you it in by the way is that b a little bit yeah I can zoom it in one more time I think we go how how is that that better yeah that's that's much better yeah yeah okay so straight away this guy is calling my name like cheers thank you so much thank you um he's 29 years old he's obviously been playing for Atletico Madrid like why we haven't even gone for him I don't know um his market value is around 25 million not that we necessarily care about that because we want to sign him not sell him um and again all of these players I'm talking about are free agents by the way uh I have no clue who this guy is he's 28 um Brazilian um generally have no clue I'm sorry for if if I'm being stupid obviously matip there he obviously played um for Shela for a long time obviously went able to Liverpool um again another good option generally like I know people will turn up their nose to this but just like um Joe Gomez these players are options and we need options we can't just be arrogant Pricks that want the [ __ ] future beckam Bowers or all the time like generally we have to have to see it like this um Matt Hummels mate why have we not signed Matt HBL yet I'm sorry and I never ever ever ever want to compare my club to Manchester United but man united B in Johnny Evans for a player to have in their squad okay why are we not bringing in Matt Hamel he's 35 he's got bags of experience like he's already played for the club he's German you know what I mean he knows most of the lb because he's either one played with them at the club or two plays with them in in the international team when he did play so for me like again it's it's a it's a no no why why are you not going to get in him um to be honest with you I have no clue who this guy is he's Austrian 23 years old um these other players are left backs another one straight away um Sergio Ramos I don't think they'll touch him I really don't um I generally can see him going somewhere else but again there's another there's another player that we generally could and again all you have to pay are the wages now they're going to demand big wages a lot of them probably because of the fact that they obviously um are they're on a three so uh Sergio Ramos would be a really interesting one um because just just in the fact that he is like an absolute Savage and I actually think he would give other man Cano a kick right up the ass as well um I really really do uh again he's 38 so surely he's not going to expect too much um is he actually going is Matt hmel actually going to ra ass that yeah I told you this yesterday I believe or is it actually like a thing or is it just a rumor no I'm pretty sure it's starting to be a thing great um then obviously John Brooks is in there I know a lot of people will turn their NOS up to to him but he's played in the league for quite a while um 31 um again he's probably not going to want too much money uh this is the thing you got to think of because at the end of the day we realistically should be going in for bon star [ __ ] sake um yeah right we should be going in um for like the big the big boys like we realistically as a club should going in for William CA we should be we will not don't get it twisted but we should be um smash the likes up though people this is the guy I want personally um mate screw your advertisement bro no one gives a [ __ ] about [ __ ] Ronaldo I hate when they do that man um but yeah this guy this guy is he's brilliant absolutely brilliant obviously his last Club was Athletico Madrid he was there for a long long time obviously won uh the cup there um obviously he's out without a club um for now let me just zoom this out just so I can see U some of the stats uh obviously was at Real Madrid for a long time uh and then eventually moved um if you want to look at some of his stats here are some of his stats he's played 185 games um in uh La Liga which is ridiculous uh obviously 29 games in the Champions League uh a couple games in the super uh super Copa Cooper Del re which is obviously their main cup other than the league um he's a really really good player generally could this add [ __ ] off no one cares about Ronaldo um so yeah mate I I would be taking him ASAP uh to be honest with you um I don't know why why we're not even being linked with him to be honest with you and again I tell you why it's because it's the Jonathan tar show ain't Jonathan tar they don't want to know and again we're twerking for a player that isn't even that good I'm sorry but come on now you know what I mean it's it's stupid it really really is stupid but um out of those players bro what do you what do you um who would you want personally because obviously I'm just talking and obviously you're on the show the most ideal one I mean just because his German and experience would have been humel yeah but let's say if he's going to S dad I would uh it's gonna sound weird Sergio Ramos you know Ser Ramos it's it only sounds weird because obviously he's not any younger but the good thing about it is he's just a leader bro like we like even when he left Madrid we still saw the performance that he gave when we he when we played against PSG he was one he was one of the two players that performed and there was Messi mbappe I don't think Neymar played that game but imagine there were a caliber of players playing that game and all I saw was vitina and ser Ramos performing that game yeah that just shows the top of mentality Ramos hasman I'm you I'm believe you on that so yeah if if there's anybody that's in within that free agency list that I'll take that's not hom it would be Ramos yeah no I'm with you on that I with you on that one uh let's read uh through the comments I don't know much about Hera to judge you know yeah yeah yeah obviously yeah I uh we can and we should go for tar um and a six-month loan with an option to buy of a young defensive prospect uh after itos come back if we if manano uh is injured we can play Tar and itto the two uh best defense defenders in the Bundesliga last season okay in trust them um are you happy with Coman if he comes to you oh yeah yeah I I told I already said in the previous stream and my own like I I just think it's for me looking at it on a buay and hilal fan perspective if it is to happen that's a win-win um K on leaving Bayern because he's injury prone and is suit Bundesliga for him anymore that or Bundesliga don't suit him anymore then you take him to Seri League where the chance of getting injured is lessened even though mad enough Neymar is injured but again context the guy got injured in the national team not in the league itself so yeah listen I'd take it man plus that guy still has quality in it so and we need a Winger replacement for Michelle who left to Flamingo why not man you know what I mean yeah you uh and T would be uh good options exactly mate that and that actually is the comment like if you could go and get Jonathan tar for 25 million uh including addons um or 30 million whatever um and then you go and get in Hanson um on on a free mate that is that is that's good that's really really really good um you know now obviously I want Virgil dke I've said this um the likelihood of it happening is a pipe dream I really really do think it's a pipe dream but I never thought that we would get um ham Rodriguez I know it was on Alone um but I never ever seen that happening I never seen Canelo one happening either so um but yeah I I understand that it's a pipe dream but this is a good option without a doubt these two would be a great option 30 million forar get him um the other lad in as well um you know then then you realistic got two players who can be be the two stars which then gives Kim a kick up his ass to perform when he then next gets the the minutes because he would be the next in line um because who else is going to touch touch them then it pushes stanisic more on the left back and right back which is good again that's what we want to see um because he can play both positions uh I like him at Center back but we don't necessarily need there if we strengthen like like this comment says um then you've got Eric Dy if you need him um we've seen it in preseason when you put Eric Dyer on the pitch bro bro bro bro bro bro br br bro the levels don't drop the levels plummet like it's ridiculous and that again shows why we shouldn't got rid of theit I know people are bored of it but in general that shows how good it is that he made Eric Dyer as good as Eric Dyer was last season um I wonder who said that so that this guy this guy said it nobody wanted to hear this guy now somebody's joining me fantastic shut up [ __ ] you're a [ __ ] fraud I'm saying more of the fans should join us okay well screw you leam sorry I just seen the opportunity um at this part at this point guitar and anybody else yep uh I don't think we need he is left footed literally the same as itto yeah Kenny you're not wrong but remember itto will play left back um that's that's where I see him playing um he's not he's not bad at all um I'm with you on that one he's not bad I just don't think that he's a fullback anyway so don't make sense yeah and I also don't think they're gonna they will think it generally will be kman will go wherever he goes H and then we'll get TI and that'll be that um uh and again I'm still not going to be happy um to be honest uh he's not a bad player yeah he's not a bad player but probably I don't I don't like that uh we shouldn't uh we should have gotten Califor when we had the chance Shak my head I I don't think so you know it's an interesting I mean don't get me wrong it's an upgrade on if uh you know we didn't get etto for Ito for example but like again we need pure center backs this guy's a center back that likes to do a lot on the ball yeah no no no I hear that I hear that with you now um uh was in the bonor top 30 two years ago yeah AC Milan player from right by saying um again like experience like I'm sorry they brought in Dy blind who barely played for us right um then they get rid of him he goes on to what's that club in Spain that did really well eurona he was one of their main players you know what I mean and that's going against some of the some of the good teams in Spain so um yeah it's annoying uh were you happy to see Maui and D leave no uh we need world class center backs yeah but where who then tell me who uh are we hope so I hope so mate I really really really do uh Coman Neymar mitovich is better than half the UCL teams well I'm telling you bro it is but the likelihood of actually getting Neymar to put the shirt on that's not an advertisement is is Slim um to I'm not even gonna lie that's also true uh van dijk wouldn't leave this late in the window it would be very surprised if he does yeah yeah I'm if world was fair um and life was good John Stones uh would walk into the team oh mate you're getting me excited and he's not he's not even com in anywhere near us so stop that um can play left back as well uh but he wants big wages though interesting that's the problem but the problem is that you can't really go against that and I think that's why Alaba got the money that he wanted at R Madrid because he was a free agent if they would have had to pay 30 million he wouldn't have got those wages so it's an interesting one um I'd call Chelsea about chela if we can get him on a in on a um loan yes uh we should go for srer from PSG yep that's why he's in the thumbnail um you know I have before you can I have an alternative go on I'm list I know scrar is going to n most likely I know a Defender that definitely wants to leave that club which is why n are going for him how about laort H interesting one I didn't that guy wants to leave Saudi by the way that's the only reason why I brought it up he's not a bad Center back to be fair he is a bit slow but who gives a [ __ ] most of our players are slow so gives a crap he somewhat he somewhat has an IQ I mean not as much as delected but because he has boo moments here and there but he has something that's that's that's actually really interesting one is he got I'm not gonna lie I would explore the leport situation because the way I'm seeing what's going on with or the amount of stuff I hear from the port in Saudi is ridiculous the guy even the way he performs doesn't seem like he he wants to be there which is why n is going for sco so they they can play next to thei Jami you know so hey I'm just saying man explore the port bro the [ __ ] is that guy who the [ __ ] is that M got me with the with that one fair enough but yeah continue no man I just I just know what this club's gonna do man um they're just yeah they're basically just going to look at us and be like shut up bitch's gonna have to deal with t um so yeah it's it's going to be ass it really really is um to be honest and um this we need this this is what we need buing to be this season got surprise surprise [ __ ] the king is back yeah that's generally that's generally what we need we need the king the kings back um 11 in a row you lose it one year because of Thomas Tule and shabby Alonzo and his team going out undefeated you need to prove it now you need to prove to the fans you know I I I I generally generally thought our great club would um go into this transfer market uh and basically just rip it apart to to be to be back where we were um hey h man hey it just yeah I don't know what to say on that one to be honest Gro was really bad last year uh I don't know um you're probably right but the just the way that I'm personally seeing it is the fact that it's just another player that we could get that's that's how I see it uh we don't have much time left transfer window is about to end let's not be picky just get Hummels and tar uh they will uh be better than anyone we get I know I'll get you I get you I get you again like everybody else keeps saying though I think Kels is going somewhere else uh do you think it's a good idea if Alonso plays on the wing H he wasn't too bad uh in the Madrid game uh [ __ ] is that guy who the [ __ ] is that there I'm I'm I'm not really too sure who that is personally um around here we call him number 19 um you know that that that name is like Voldemort you can't say it um I throw up in my mouth every time I think of it uh to be to be 100% uh who the [ __ ] is that guy uh so yeah man it's uh not for me I thought he was playing uh to get the move I think he was trying to show them hey [ __ ] I can play on the wing too um and then basically Carlo ancelotti just sat there like shut up [ __ ] oh my um C I can't um yeah let's just is what it is we just need temporary players until the window TR uh the wi win window yeah don't don't be um don't be thinking that they're going to go and spend a lot of money in January because that ain't going to happen uh scr was like Prime 20023 of man Caro and Harold Maguire [ __ ] sake byan look now like a mid team when I heard other people um we look like Brighton great thanks for that comment um we do know business in January uh yeah 100% evening and tuning into the channel thank you very much big up big up big up number 19 can have a day off yeah man they should have locked him in that bus man how many times do I need to say it just been locked in the burn man you know how they have the [ __ ] convertibles on top now like they you can open shut it they should have shut that lock all the [ __ ] Gates leave them at the ground he'll probably be chilling like in yester did after he left bar Barcelona just look at the ground that's my future club right there you know that that's what we he could have been looking at that Stadium looking at that ground and just Daydream while he got knocked out the prick I'm telling you this guy somehow signs a new deal I don't even know what to think anymore mate that that is doing a disservice to Tottenham do you not know who they have at at the at the center backs mate they got way better center backs than us vaner van the guy I can never say his [ __ ] name what's his name yeah him and then they got Romero mate we can't stack up against [ __ ] cotnam hotso with a big massive [ __ ] EO yeah it's it's so annoying gka is the most annoying player uh we have I just want him gone yeah yeah yeah um Jim Jim gretka by the way Jim gretka [ __ ] roided up yeah what do what do you say will be our lineup and uh do you think we could win something with that um interesting interesting one still can't believe D plays for Bayern the [ __ ] is that guy the [ __ ] is that who the [ __ ] is that guy again around here he is called moonhead um we uh we got four left center backs and Spanish uh is the only one who plays better on the right you got four left means they're all left footed is is Kim and J left or right footed I I've never focused on these little things and better fullbacks yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you got to stop playing those okay better fullbacks I ain't sure you know I'm not even going to lie I'm not sure about better fullbacks uh better Center I hear it company doesn't trust D and so he shouldn't m d [ __ ] um diabolical more like if we win the D Bal second in the league and get to the UCL final but lose uh would you consider it another failed season if we wait hold up let me put that on the screen because I need to actually I need to deep this if you win the so we get a cup we come second in the league and then we get to the UCL final but lose would you consider oh fail season fail easy yeah you don't win the Bundesliga by default you failed anyway I'm sorry Bundesliga is [ __ ] let me reply to that though with who's winning the league Leverkusen probably but uh I like Kim but we get uh we give Kim and 20 for scri back I'd be so happy man how how did you say that guy's name again jackass [ __ ] sake um K play better on the left side same for of Mano both right foot is but play be on the left side I'd be shocked if we can make the UC final yeah yes it's a failure I think uh leusin will win they don't lose games wonder why they don't lose games it's that Real Madrid luck um leig winning the league uh a a new wait wait wait the [ __ ] is that guy who the [ __ ] is that yeah who the [ __ ] is that guy or who the [ __ ] is that guy yeah mate lipid can generally generally [ __ ] right off um absolute scumbags m [ __ ] spit on them [ __ ] pricks I can't stand them and play them the more [ __ ] stupid Red Bull can here as well so you're only [ __ ] energy drink I like stupid [ __ ] pricks uh not really depends on how much we lose by if it's two points it's fine um I have to disagree with you Kenny just in the fact of if it's two points that means you've made a mistake uh in the league um too many draws all of that [ __ ] um for me that just wouldn't be good enough lus and will slow down their Champions League um yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah that I agree they won't they won't be on I'm really hoping they get um Man City Real Madrid Arsenal make give them the group of death the one because let's see how good shabby Lonzo really is to prick uh lusen and I'd like to see man said I like to see Liv challenge there you are shut up [ __ ] come on now bro are you trying to win or you trying to like compete like what are you trying to do bro I'm trying to win man if you're trying to win you shouldn't be saying stuff like that man if don't get any Center back the thing the only thing we could when the Audi cup there are [ __ ] Shameless but you know what he ain't even [ __ ] wrong I want to see T get more playing time um maybe it's a second Striker with Kane or so left yeah yeah yeah mate don't get it twisted this is one of the reasons why Coman has to go or one of the Three Stoogers um they ain't going to get rid of afrob brains they ain't going to get rid of Serge ABY so it has to be K unfortunately um mate canate um we are not touching canate but at the same time it would be brilliant I agree with you uh we won the [ __ ] sake mate I was there for that dead [ __ ] celebration um it wasn't a dead celebration but they weren't celebrating it because it's just a [ __ ] cup they literally celebrated it then walk down the tunnel they didn't give a [ __ ] um to be honest with you uh more games we play together our team will get better I think we can win the league not with the two center backs we've got not with um kimman jackass and um op man weirdo um dum and dummer yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah not going to happen and they the reason that they're Dumb and Dumber is because they do not work together um you know they're like magnets they do not attract each other um oppos whatever I was waiting for you to say that to be fair [ __ ] sake have you seen uh leipzig's transfers they brought in really good players yeah but how did they bring those players in majie just saying uh rather get rid of s than Coman yeah man afro brains needs to go man 20 million this season he's don't [ __ ] Co but then you want to extend Dave's contract but but he scores a goal against Real Madrid when we're down when when when we're down and he wants to run over to the corner and [ __ ] punch punch the thing well I only mention that the delic thing you know it this is what it is and then and then people want to compare him to Robin okay then there you are okay um canate is just going to be of Mano part two no no is actually solid they Bad Boy Player gen the best defense we could have now is Bo of manano D and would get like Guerrero but it will be 19 have some shame up M should not be there um I'm not sure about you got to stop disrespecting afro brains he doesn't make 20 million a year he makes 19.5 million um my glorious King s [ __ ] my life Man actually just minus a point like zero the [ __ ] is that guy who the [ __ ] is that right now you're abusing it you know I do it too so I can't even like speak no mate mate my man said my glorious King San right my brother yeah nothing but respect you support the same Club as me but I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to level you down a little bit um just just one second this [ __ ] makes 20 million a season trust me I can literally show you right now right it's pretty obvious man um BOS oh he prepared uh you may have to zoom in to get to him specifically oh get this average 20 million there you go 384,000 per week 20 million um so yeah uh and then if you also want to go on of um uh his stats there he played eight games three goals coming off over man city um dominance 10 games six oh that's Champions League [ __ ] I'm doing the wrong thing 32 games six goals nine assists not bad uh 32 games seven goals seven assists why is this man not breaking 10 in the goals like like my brother look we will scroll up okay we will scroll up remember we play um in Farmers League yeah remember we play in Farmers League um yeah Premier League's the best League of all time right how is this man playing in the Premier League scoring 10 goals 10 goals yeah he comes to Byron and he can't even touch that all right come on that's actually disgraceful I'm not even gonna lie yeah his you know this aiz this stupid decision making you know a friend of mine today me and him were having a conversation about something like my my friend doesn't even support barn but you know what pissed him off do you remember that Miss he had against Madrid at the aliab bro that [ __ ] pisses I told him it pisses me off and pisses me off that I ain't consistent I told him as well that goal he scored I'm wondering where the [ __ ] has that been all season yep so man has what it takes to do that in a moment but he ain't got what it takes to do it consistently yep it's just jarring bro it's the [ __ ] 100% you know what I think it is bro I generally think this guy you know when he played you know like in the media he'll act like he's the big as you guys say big bollocks right then he hops on into the pitch and he starts playing like he's a [ __ ] [ __ ] pause oh no but you know there there's just levels to this game you know uh they will get in the Rhythm back in a few games Defenders get better um respectfully my bro respectfully in the most respectful way possible I don't know if over man Caro can get better what confuses me is that Overman Caro plays so well for France but looks clueless for Bayern yeah he he he's doing a Pogba he may as well be injecting things in his ass because like this [ __ ] it's just not working mate um I'd rather [ __ ] roided up of a man at least you could push people off the [ __ ] ball this guy kicks the ball in the air and people are going to be like bro you're talking about him kicking the no he kicks the ball up in the air not clears it to the opposite side of the [ __ ] goal or the opposite side of the pitch he just Boots the ball up in the air like what the [ __ ] um it was a parody on Comedy yeah yeah right anyway um if we buy Virgil Van djk um a little bit unrealistic of man would be good because the only world class Center back he had uh is still lit um yeah I but I would be waiting to see uh Vil Van Dyk play with Kim and Jay um and I and even if he if he were to bring in a Ser r as well I think they would kick um whoever it is is going to kick them them into fifth gear and they they're not going to have a choice because you cannot be playing for Bayern Munich Bayern Munich look at the stars on my kit yeah we've got that many stars 33 League titles 20 dfb Pock outs six Champions Leagues there's levels to this [ __ ] game yeah levels to this game you know um I'm not really too sure why ammad is stroking the camera but [ __ ] it it is what it is five stars it was I was joking L I thought was clear it's it's blessed bro um it's blessed don't worry MAA makes five million a year he should be our biggest earner you don't want that to happen because that what that's what happened to mbapp um then they get two to um thingy Harry Kane should always always always as long as he performing be our top go uh our top goal scorer and be top earner um because at the end of the day goals win games simple as that he's also a humble guy I'm that son was never the same after he had that ACL injury just uh before we brought him yes ACL ruined him uh but still uh good at um progressing the game he's not a bad player don't get it twisted he's not a bad player but he should not be on 20 million a year you know like do you know who else is on 20 million a year I will show you a picture of someone who's on 20 million a year yeah and I can't stand this prick can not stand this little weasel that's what he is he's a [ __ ] weasel but I will show you a picture right of someone who also um is on 20 million a season right um where is it right let me find this picture one second bar me one second right this little weasel right right where is it this little [ __ ] weasel right this prick that [ __ ] [ __ ] is also 120 million yeah that [ __ ] will score a ridiculous amount of goals so like last season he scored 15 goals 15 assists season before that 10 goals nine assists season before that 17 goals 10 assists I hate to say it but there's levels to this game he's scored two in two Champions League finals by the way there we go alad's coming out with his Real Madrid history again uh I still get nightmares from all the cities he's missed yeah without a doubt without a doubt uh San post Christmas downfall is uh world's greatest mystery he goes from nine um one half to literally zero the second half y bro these players have so much of a big ego about them M El and they still show four four out of 10 each week yep yep yep yep yep yep uh it amazes me how uh much of a bum Venus is when he comes to Brazil yeah that is interesting isn't it uh Vinnie on 20 million and San gets 10 goals contributions what is this club on exactly bro the the way I see it all the time and I know people don't like Pep Guardiola because they just think that he um he's one of those where he goes to um clubs with money I get that and I can understand that fully why is that so so freaking is the other one that small oh it is okay I'm just [ __ ] seeing things um the thing is when Pep Guardiola wants rid of a player there's a reason to it people just think ah he's an arrogant prick you're not fit in his sister this this this no no no no no when he lets go of a player there's a reason yaal Canelo being one the main ones that guy has got the biggest ego ever um without a doubt without a doubt and that's why they don't want him right um who else um San for instance there's another player um Raheem Sterling again I understand why you want to leave you want the game time but look at look at his downfall again Gabriel Jesus the [ __ ] has he done in an Arsenal Shir scores a goal and he's running like this I understand it's celebration yeah man like the and then they want to get man they want to yeah zenchenko the [ __ ] Bart Simpson look alike like generally man brazzo ruined everything without a doubt the only good thing that brazzo did was this guy because even bringing in 19 is is [ __ ] on us now uh I can see Müller be being one of our best players this season yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes I agree I hope so I I think I think under two call you seen Müller wasn't as good uh and it was a bit weird and now a lot of people are like okay I understand why he's always on the bench now because he's he's not there anymore which I thought was always a bit weird I think Vincent company has now unlocked him again um uh because again I know it's his preseason games and that but he come on he come on against wburg he didn't score but he made an instant impact um and then he's just always [ __ ] funny as well the celebrations just everything like Kim it Kim it coming out and basically just saying I am not touching that piece of paper I know where that piece of paper has beenu comedy gold if you've ever seen it so um and thee using that to be honest yeah yeah yeah about doubt um so it just is what it is at this point to be honest with you um we just got a bunch of Stooges at our club um and um it seems like it seems like everybody um on football Twitter just wants to to [ __ ] jerk off over [ __ ] players that just aren't good enough it just is what it is it's basic fact um like straight away um you see on the screen straight away like why would you put this out you are a Bayern Munich um football Twitter [ __ ] person or whatever you know you called Saab um we weren't linked to Saudi and T and turkey clubs at 28 why are you [ __ ] on com you're supposed to be a Bayern fan you know what I mean and that's obviously why I put the same thing so like keep keep posting these because we all know San and in 20 million scen is is the best not you clown like these people are just dumb bro they're dumb they're so dumb um so hey ho it is what it is but yeah I'm going to dip either way big up to everybody thank you for the con support um I hope I really really really hope um Kings Le come and go somewhere where he wants to go we get money we bring in a couple Center bus and hopefully we can help company and not literally set him up to to fail uh this is a tral buying account don't fall for the the rage bait he's always does for engagement wouldn't surprise me wouldn't surprise me um but yeah Big up to everybody M Amia as always uh and um yeah we are out of here peace out people peace out

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