Bayern and Al Hilal have reached an agreement in principle for the transfer of Kingsley Coman!!

[Applause] hey guys and welcome to the B view hopefully guys are all doing well breaking news today uh I am late I do apologize um but breaking news today that alh Halal have submitted a huge bid um for Kingsley Coman that's coming from forito uh there's loads of news and yeah we need to get into this news without a doubt we need to get into it so yeah it's it's going to be interesting uh I do have Amad coming in obviously he is um a Bayern Munich fan but he's from Saudi and that is his Saudi club so he supports both um so we're definitely going to get him in get his opinion on it but before we do I want to just go through uh the news and so on and so forth if you haven't already please do smash the thumbs up comment subscribe check out the socials above all of the good stuff you know um you know what to do um but yeah Big up um and welcome anybody in if you are new um but yeah this is this is nuts um when I when I woke up with 11 notifications on my phone and it's all it's all um I'm yes I'm here you know something's going down um so yeah it's it's it's an interesting one it is an interesting one most definitely um but yeah where is he'll be in here he'll be in here don't worry I'll get him in here I'll get min so don't worry don't worry don't worry but yeah let's just go straight for the news so as you can see um here is the first tweet from F brucio Romano um and it basically says alh Halal have submitted a huge bid to sign Kings Ley Coman there's competition from the Premier League top clubs as well as Barcelona kman has still not made a final decision yet uh also on whether he wants to leave Bayern this was two hours ago Okay so uh before anyone's like okay so it doesn't mean it's happening blah blah blah blah blah this was two hours ago I am a little bit late to this so obviously we need to continue if that makes any sense um but yeah let's let's continue uh so if we then scroll up uh uh he does speak about it but I don't really care what he's got to say um if I'm being honest and then obviously there's a tweet here uh that says b and have received um I'll um highlight so you can see which one I'm reading uh bay have received alal out's bid for Kingsley kman and are ready to accept it the decision is now up to the player again from Fabrizio uh and then uh the French Source coming out basically just saying the same sort of thing uh that Bayern and alala have reached an agreement in principle for the transfer of Kings the Coman the player has uh the player has not agreed the mve at Premier League's offers um could arrive soon again to be honest you I would understand why he would want to go to uh the Premier League go to Barca go back with Hy click so on and so forth but at the end of the day he's done everything in his career you know what I mean and if he wants to go and earn money um I'm not the biggest fan of it but I am the biggest fan of us getting big money for him and hopefully that means that we get in a center back um to be honest but yeah hey ho um what Coman is literally what he is is 28 am I right by saying um so he's still he's still by his prime he does not need um to leave he really really doesn't um and a premier league move just a European move as a whole um for me would be the best suit for him uh for his career um but yeah like it's it's definitely an interesting one definitely definitely an interesting one keys not on this one my not on this one if you want to involved in the channel um hit me up on Instagram it's just above where it says posts um we can definitely get something going um but yeah that's basically what's being said uh again I don't care what it's got to say and then here um as you can see same thing one second I'm might don't add you in um agreement reached between buyan and Al Halal um hopefully I'm saying it right uh for Kingsley Coman uh the Frenchman uh would be open to a move to Saudi Arabia if no other option in Europe presents itself um and then obviously talk about Harry Kane which I don't really care about at this moment in time and then the most important part uh at this moment in time um 28 minutes ago coming in saying that Kingsley com is ready uh to move to Saudi Arabia and join alh Halal the amount of salary is now being discussed so yes it's it's definitely an interesting one we go right down to the bottom uh which is here and we'll go through it again but but but but but let's remove that and add in a Bayern fan and a Halal fan you know him if you've watched the channel um I'm not going to Banter him today uh about being an alar fan because we gotta be serious um but yeah man what what are you thinking bro as a as a fellow Saudi um you know f as well that's a crazy thing this is you know what when I saw the news and I said this to my friend who's anhil fan I want Max bbal and fad Naf who's the president over here to get this done because to be honest if we're looking at it in a Bayern fan perspective you want to get rid of him because he's injury prone and in the bundes league it's tougher to play than the Saudi pro league as of right now as much as I don't like to as a Saudi citizen it's the truth right but when you take him now to SAI the chance of him getting injured is lower and he still has the quality we all know this we've all said he's a big game player all and the thing for me yeah and the thing is for me as a Hil fan why I'm happy about and why actually why why I wanted a Winger like K in that since it's been announced recently is because and I said this on my stream yesterday is because of the fact that we just lost out of mish who was a Brazilian Winger he went to Flamingo we lost out on him and he was important and crucial to us last season he had Tech tecal ability he had the Killer Instinct to for goal such I know we say kingom time doesn't have that but withh I think he can do a better job if he stays fit which is why I said we needed a Winger so now we got a Winger inh byn getting rid of K you can trust the attack perfect for me both worlds man you know what I mean yeah and what's being said as well is that it's a huge offer which doesn't surprise me because obviously it's coming from Saudi of course and you'll know that yourself um you know they're putting in a of money to to make the League what it is um but yeah like you said this is this is amazing from from buying perspective because he is in his he is going to be going into his prime he is only 28 years old um obviously in my personal opinion um I'm not a massive fan of uh players leaving um in their Prime to to play Saudi playing China and all of that um I know saudi's definitely different to China I'm just saying in general the money leagues if you want to say um but at the same time we got 30 million if I'm right by saying for S mané so I wonder what this this amount of money is going to be um that's that's like my thought right now uh because it says a huge offer so let me check from the hilal source um and tell you if I can find it because by the way I just saw the news just before you message I saw it last night like it was like a it was just Saidi club and I just said I wanted to be Al like I said it could be a n could be but I actually didn't know until here till now so I'm just gonna see if I can find it here to be to be to be fair I actually didn't think it would be either the two big ones Alan NASA or Al Hala I thought it would be like the one that Mars plays for um and so on I thought it' be one of those but you know if it's if it's your Club then that's good for you anyway you know so the the ah I don't know if this is true because wait it says 24 million as of right now 24 million is that it that ain't huge oh no wait wait no never mind this is Canelo I'm reading the wrong thing I was gonna say I'm reading the wrong thing my bad my bad yeah there's nothing on kingsy comman out of right now here but there's gonna be more on him I'm pretty sure oh yeah I'm pretty sure I will be going um live yet again oh no here it's says um kman is an now decide on H's off okay so they're still discussing it I'm sure okay because as of right now if I see anything I'll let you guys know as we go on but yeah there's nothing as of yet with the amount but I'll tell you one thing usually What's Done uh because people wonder how do the how do these players get lured in with money what happens usually and this is where our our guys get a right compared to China and all the other yeah yeah they go to the player first and they talk to them about the project and offer the money I feel like people think it's only offer the money you know it's about the Seri project too because people don't understand there is so many things nowadays that's going on in CI it's not like they're just joining to be players they're also joining and they get high wages because they're also going to be a part of so many like other deals you know like other marketing deals Etc ET so it's not just being a footballer that you're getting those salaries for it's like it's like when you are um a top player in Europe you know when you get like certain exclusive payments for other other it's the same thing here you know I think this is where people get it all wrong so yeah listen I do expect coma to get paid very highly um yeah and I do I do expect um K to go I know the the deal I don't know what it is but there will be more on itah yes of course right now I do not know how much it's going to be for all I know is K's interested to come here and all I know is both parties are happy with them you know selling to one one another you know buy and selling to Hil so listen I'm for me being a fan of both clubs I am EC static man I'm not even gonna lie oh no I can see that I can see that without a doubt why wouldn't you be you know what I mean like again I I'm not going to be a hypocrite with it I judged uh is it is it Ruben Nas you're your yeah rben I judged him when he left the Premier League to go play in I'm not going to be a hypocrite so you know at the same time though um if Kingsley com's going to go there and we're going to get big money in the in the D need that we are right now we don't need any more Wingers I said this on the stream last night we don't we've got loads of players Mattis T can play there San NAB uh arunda if you want to um put him in the main team Jamal maala so on and so forth we've got loads of Wingers and especially with the way the company likes to play or buern like to play we only normally play with two Wingers anyway so yeah get your milkshake just get your milk CH let me do my stream um so yeah it's it's an interesting one without a doubt um the only thing I would say is I wonder what wages he's going to be on obviously the um no what am I trying to say like is in your favor in the fact that you obviously can offer these big big wages um because obviously he's already on uh 360 no 326 sorry um, per week which is 17 million euros obviously um so you know I wonder you know what what that will be but yes it's going to be interesting obviously while we're live I'm not planning on not um ending anytime soon um hopefully there will be some more news coming in um from either Fazio or whoever um but yes it's definitely an interesting one without a doubt um right let's go through some of these comments uh big up to you how you doing um straight away they're coming for you Ahad straight away yeah I'm the H representative fam Hey Hey listen ashmin you behave yourself man you know what I mean I'm I'm representative of both clubs all right bear with me one second um yeah but listen guys if you haven't done so smash the likes subscribe if you haven't done so you know what I mean keep commenting your way through and you know later on go check his socials and hopefully you're all Satisfied Man listen I'm definitely Satisfied Man I'm just curious to know what the fee is because I'm I already know he's gonna get paid a good amount of money I already know I'm not like doesn't take a rocket scientist to know especially in bro there they were willing to offer a whole house for mbappe to join imagine so imagine you you know what I mean so imagine uh mate they could pay 100 million we would be in we were about to do more than PSG at one point for mbappe that's crazy so yeah man listen I just and obviously it's all speculation um at this point because you know it's not even though for britz you're saying you know they've reached an agreement and principal and this and that it's not done if a premier league move comes in he might go there um yeah well go go yeah uh if a premier league move or or just a European move as a whole um I just don't know if there is a club out there you know that can match what Saudi can match especially if they want it no don't get it twisted I'm not trying to Big up Kingsley kman to the point where I'm saying he's like mbappe and so on and so forth he's definitely not mbappe is a wonderful talent I love Kingsley Coman for me he's a legend but in general he's not as good as I thought our best Winger as well yeah yeah oh yeah without a doubt so that that is definitely the interesting point but I think PSG could could um try and match the deal wherever that is um other than that though you know the the big clubs in the Premier League I think are Arsenal um that are looking at him I mean uh Arsenal and Tottenham neither of those can touch Sai we already know this um you know what I mean so yeah it's going to be interesting but we got 30 million for sadio Mane and Sadi Mane had a 40 actually I think it was 40 but 40 was it okay cuz it was like I think it was like 30 plus like 10 addons or something or 30 yeah so it's definitely um an interesting one Ona are also close yeah yeah yeah I sent that to the guys in the group I sent that I sent that to them so annoying so so annoying uh to be honest we should have yep yep yep yep without a doubt well if we sell Kingsley Coman there is no excuse for these lot somebody now you sold to buy exactly this whole the whole thing was that you would need to sell to buy um and to be honest with you I know I'm probably sound like a here but if we sell Kingsley Coman for instance for 60 million that's not the price nothing's come out about the price or anything I we already had the money by the way I don't don't get it twisted buy and have the money right now they're just being stingy Pricks with it like I love Bayern Munich um I will go for a brick call for Bayern Munich you know this you know what I mean I I argue with Amad all the time um about Bayern but at the same time I want two center backs if we don't then go and get two center backs Jonathan tar the deal was done the deal was done they just were being stingy with it just get it done over and done with um and if you're not going to get Jonathan tar get someone in on loan uh and then go in get Virgil Van dog um I seen that you obviously replied to my tweet um but like like if you go and get this money just offer it they spent 75 million on him Liverpool if you go and give a good amount of money there's no way they can't accept it surely obviously it'll be up to him if he wants to come to us uh if he wants to stay with uh an slot and so on um but yeah man well you don't mind if I answer to a comment right because I want go ahead go ahead it no it was this last one here so I want to say something I do agree to certain players we don't offer small fee I big fees we offer small transfer fees however there are these Superstar names where you we're gonna have to offer big fees and that's what we've been doing I mean Neymar when we signed them we signed them for 90 million which people don't which like just to interject real quickly he Kingsley Coman I know he doesn't have the name of a Ronaldo or a Neymar or anything like that but he will be a star for you guys like he is a big name he I mean I mean we thing is with our team unlike the and I actually I think our team and we don't really have Superstar names I mean yes we have Neymar but Neymar hasn't really been playing and even if he does play me and many hilal fans are thinking since we won without him anyway he needs to be playing based on what the team's doing based on what Kus is doing the manager so that's one thing I think we are the type of side that don't really have the biggest names other than again I said Neymar and they have okay but they still have somewhat of a balanced team right whereas when you look at they're playing for Ronaldo you look at at one stage you were wondering are they playing for Benzema or they playing for another Shar Nam hamdalah you don't even know what's going on over there and they have holes to fill you know what I'm saying so I feel like with this whole idea oh only paying big money for all these guys no I mean yes I know we have money but we're not stupid you know we're only going to pay big amounts for guys that's worth big amount yeah yeah so to his point he's not wrong but again it depends on the player because sometimes we do have to pay big amount yeah yeah of course it's just like obviously you you guys um can pay the big salaries like we've just said the the interesting point in my perspective though is I wonder what what he's thinking himself like obviously he can earn big cash uh he can you know set his well he's already set his family up for life but you know what I mean even more yeah yeah for Generations upon Generations um but like it was it's very interesting that he obviously rejected to go to Turkey um who could obviously still get in the Champions League maybe he didn't want to go under Mourinho that could obviously be a massive massive um thing in itself um but yeah he he rejected to go to go to Saudi uh Saudi oh my God what am I saying to Turkey um so it's just going to be interesting like because he rejected that my thoughts personally were like he wanted to go to like a Premier League club um maybe Barcelona if he thinks Barcelona are good even though the um maybe like PSG again I don't know uh so it's definitely an interesting one but let's continue um to go through uh the um comments do you think we can sign niik Williams uh no uh Bayern Munich will not sign a replacement would I like to sign Nico Williams yes 1,00% um other than yamal uh he was the Superstar of of the um the Euros uh so you know if we could could sign him as the replacement for Kingsley Coman don't get it twisted I'm going to be buzzing um like proper proper proper buzzing so yeah no without a doubt um I would be super happy with with getting ni Williams I it's just not going to happen uh and to be honest with you um I'm GNA sound like a saying this because I want Nico Williams right now we don't need Nico Williams um we just don't he's going to be a lot of money uh and we need Defenders yeah and we if we don't get Defenders we are quite literally screwed um we've got four four center backs one of them uh is injured so that means then we obviously go down to three one of them is Eric Dyer who to be fair had a really really good H season last season even though B was um of man Caro just performs when he wants to perform and then obviously Kim and Jay he needs a partner next to him um and that's obviously what I was talking about yesterday he definitely needs a partner and if he doesn't have one then yeah we're screwed put it that way um so yeah uh Canelo also joining Al yes yes yes y y by the way no go on no no go on read I I'll say something it quickly okay um basically they say he says that they're creating a super team in the Saudi League yeah without without a doubt oh the thing is with our team we're as I said earlier we are the like the team with the balance like we have Bono and go then when you look at our right back we're looking like we're getting canel wi for as I said just said earlier around 24 million like 20 plus four Adams or something like that you got kibali and one of our SII Defenders you got which is either tbti or blei then you got left back now apparently with this is weird because apparently with with canello coming in we have this rule basically in suudi where um because obviously they don't wanna they want to give Seri players some development to do with the foreigners yeah yeah you can only have a certain amount of foreigners in your 11 or like in your squad actually so what the Apparently I just found out now if Koma was to join he'd replace the guy who I just mentioned left to Flamingo Mel and canel would replace ldi I think we're we're looking to sell L Elsewhere for some reason yeah so you'd have canell in one of the fullbacks and you'd have maybe I'm assuming right back is left back we still have shahani and Breck so I think we should be fine in that regard for now you know what I mean and then we got obviously the two forign midfielders NZ and Savage which by the way milinkovic Savage that guy if we signed him I would have been happy if it wasn't but because it's Anil you keep him in you know I mean he's actually that good bro defend transition creating he phenomenal right you then got Malcolm now Malcolm I'm curious to how Malcolm and Kings Le K play together you know what I mean and then you obviously obviously Sal do the poster boy of sui now you know I mean and then you got mitovich man so we got that balance you know we got the Ballers around you know what I mean this is what it is man this is just unbelievable and I'm happy well I still think in an Hil perspective we need to figure out fullback because we just sold a suudi fullback to Roma first ever suudi signing because he's a phenomenal right back in my opinion but you know if there was a player that he can get an opportunity it's him and he's just he chose to join Roma we let him go toi insh good Look to Him you know hopefully he plays more in Roma man I'll be following Roma just for him so I just want to see what's go good with the fullback situation buty listen in regards to Bayern because I know this is a obviously a Bayern it's called the Bayern view for reason you know in regards to Bayern we've said this before recently there's a lot of attackers that can have an opportunity there's o there's Zan there's NAB who if he stays fit who knows what he can do yeah so yeah man I say for my sense win-win yeah without a doubt without a doubt I'm with you on thatn for me especially for you yeah of course and that's why I wanted to get you in I was hoping that you weren't busy because you know obviously we need to get your opinion on it obviously because you obviously support both clubs um obviously S Club first because obviously that's where that's your country that's where you're from and everything um yeah yeah but interesting definitely an interesting one um they're they just got in a tweet it's just about Kim and Jay um we don't need to talk about him right now we're talking about Kingsley Coman um but let's continue with these um comments um then then you ask um could we get in a Ki I would take a Ki to be honest with you I want Ki when he was linked to leave brucia Dortmund I wanted him then obviously he went to Manchester City fair enough he's done very well there um but yeah no I would take him without a doubt I thought he was Obama at the time I'm not going to Li I actually thought he was awful but he proved me wrong the thing is the thing is with it is I think these players go under the pep wara system and are really really good you know I don't think Yoshua kimick was anything anything close to what he is now or or in his prime whatever you want to say um but then you get that Pep Guardiola and then he makes him a monster and then ever ever since he's been he's been amazing so it's it's an interesting one I'm we definitely have to tonight uh I'm pretty sure by the time we end the stream I'm not ending anytime soon by the time we end the stream there's probably going to be more news coming out um obviously this is massive for for Bayern Munich um and for obviously for Al Hal as well um so yeah but we need to talk about uh what center backs we could get in um because I'm hoping that's what they're going to do um obviously they they've been forced to to um to do so so why not you know go and get him in and there are various center backs we could go and get um to to be perfectly honest but yeah let's continue it better be 100 million um mate I am with you on that one I don't think it will be it won't be no no no no we're not stupid um it would be nice it would be nice Winger should be the last Sig in we should sort out a backline first exactly ashim exactly exactly oh there's no excuses now there no excuses anymore bro like there was already no excuse now is just going next level without a doubt like yeah um as a Ronaldo fan I also can become Saudi League Representatives um I think Bayern want to replace him because they think uh he isn't uh hungry for the big tasks anymore uh they won't replace I don't think that's the case me neither but they won't replace him it's already it's already been said um that if he is sold they they they're not going to replace him I think the only only um positions that they're being forced in is buying a center back because of how bad we look uh is Peter Griffin looking for some signings in the backline I hope so I really really do hope so um I hope he's just not doing the bird bird bird song um to be honest with you uh but I doubt kman will go to the he focused uh a transfer within Europe yeah well it does say that there you know he he he would um favor that but at the end of the day like that's for that's for then right now what is being said he you know it literally says here I put it back on the screen um Bosch let's just get rid of me and Amad for a minute um as you can see here uh it literally says that he's ready to move to Saudi Arabia to join alh Hala the amount of salary is now being discussed that was 42 minutes ago um so you know it just is what it is it also did say here um the uh agreement reached between Bay and Halala kingan uh and then it says the Frenchmen would be open to joining um Saudi Arabia now if you don't want to believe um we don't need to worry about that if you don't want to believe uh Christian folk because people don't like to at times um then all right you what about P go this is the main guy for Bayern Munich news and he literally has said that they obviously Bayern have accepted it but Kingsley Coman the Frenchman obviously would be open to a Saudi move uh obviously it does say there that if no other option in Europe presents itself but we'll see we'll see that's obviously the whole point we're reporting it um so yeah uh let's just remove that um so yeah I think they gave 60 million for Coman that would be that would be good I'd be happy with that to be honest I would um and I I generally think I don't think Bayern would because they're just at this point stupid uh in my opinion but if you go and get 60 million mate I would literally give a 50 million uh bid straight away BOS straight out um I think be around 40 to 50 mil I'm not gonna lie I mean that's all what it says from I'm just predicting because yeah I don't think we're that dumb do you not do you not think that that would be a good price though he's 28 years old he's he's nowhere near what players till they 35 he's got seven years left yeah but our guys are going to be looking at his injury record as well it's like they're not going to be looking at I know but like again without being disrespectful your league isn't European league is it it's not yeah but they're going to pay him high wage that high wage ispr enough to you know what I mean but the transfer fee Bayern want to get rid of them like like you've said before with you know play you know you're gonna be forced to just taking the offer like you know what I mean like we're going to be forced to take the offer from what we offer I'm saying it like as if I'm a fan of two clubs you know what I mean I get you I get you yeah yeah yeah just bu you know I'll say like because I support both Bayern are gonna be forced to pay up the money because they want to get rid colan wants to go you know what I mean and they're gonna be looking at the record so but that with that logic you're like okay yeah it's you know what I mean the only the only thing I would say back to that and I don't think you're wrong at all but if I put this full screen let just get rid of that comment a second the only thing that I would say to that is I then wouldn't understand why for Brito Romano in the Tweet said that there's a huge bid because I I don't think like 30 40 million isn't a huge bid for me um so obviously until the Tweet comes out um and the News comes out we like it's not guaranteed that it's happening obviously the the the wages are being discussed at this moment um but for me personally if if faito Rano says there's a huge huge huge beard I can't speak um then there better be a huge bid um but I do understand uh where you're coming from you know the difference between um the the Saudi the Saudis putting in money um for their league uh to China putting in their money for the league uh is you guys aren't stupid with it um you know what I mean you're not you know look what you're doing with the boxing for instance you're not even doing the boxing necessarily in Saudi anymore you're doing shows outside of Saudi so Los Angeles the recent one part of real season yep and then obviously there's going to be one for in London Anthony Josh yes yeah man um let's continue uh where was I um if kman wants to relax he should go to uh I think uh he might still want to be involved in competitive football well I wouldn't say that the League's not comp competitive um the Sai League obviously we've got a Sai fellow Sai in here with me right now um you know I I like to on that all the time um because I'm just a dick and I'm a troll um but the at the same time I don't think like it if he was to go to the to PSG I'd say the exact same thing that league is not competitive I know Steve and shb Steve would say otherwise but for me I I don't think that's the league is competitive at all which League uh league on I think it's I think it's terrible generally yeah by the way when Ronaldo said that our league is going to become a top five League I generally believe it because yeah I think we're gonna overtake Leo and the Portuguese league so by default we're just there yeah yeah exactly exactly Yeah by default we're just there you know what I mean the way people will see what Ronaldo said and what obviously you've just said is you they obviously because it's Ronaldo they think he's being cocky he's statistical this blah blah blah but no exactly you've literally just said it as exactly how it is you know you take those two leagues out of the the equation who else there you know what I mean the thing is it's only gonna get the Seri pro league itself is only gonna get better to a point we may like shudi League may start overtaking more than that in the future you know what I mean but as of right now all I can say is I'm predicting our league to overtake league on Portuguese league eventually like what they because the thing is with the leag people need to understand right yeah when you look at certain games you don't see many seats being filled I get it but that's because the these clubs right now they need to be focusing on you know getting players for these teams as well you can't just be getting players for the teams for Al players for the and then for the and for and for you can't just do that like I'm glad this summer transfer just sorry sorry sorry because otherwise then it would turn into League wouldn't it that's why you're going to overtake them yeah but this is what but this is why I'm happy that KIA has been making signings and they just imagine they just got promoted they got Castell nacho uh from Madrid they got uh what's that guy's name um aubameyang you know wow yeah man they got players had players from when those Stephen Jar's Club they got players like deari gray cesco fana you know what I mean and other sppy G and they have that Scottish guy I forgot his name that Center back of theirs it's not hitting my head but they have a Scottish defender of theirs like H Hendrick I forgot his name right they got him and they have too Ambi you know what I mean yeah so I'm happy these and shabab now they have carasco they got Ventura you know what I mean they had Roman sa even Neo making sign they have higazi S F from us like I'm happy now the the teams below the big four are also making signings that way you start make generating fans for these teams and when you generate fans for these teams Boom the only thing though is they need to start developing their ownmy and I'm sure they will do that because there's enough money and I'm sure your Academy um is going to be all right like I'm pretty sure your facilities are already better than Manchester United so you don't need oh yeah the facilities that's but you get what I'm trying to say but I also want like I want the C needs to be there because I I want Saudi talent to be developed and I want them to be like um trained by the foreigners that come in because once that happens guess what they're going to become better in the National Team bro and that's what I care about yeah yeah yeah I'm looking at it in a league perspective and in a national team perspective for me and you know what I mean yeah and even yeah but even with your league though even with your league as as a whole though like your players playing with Ronaldo playing with Mane I know Mane hasn't hit the ground running in that league but like playing with him playing with Neymar when he actually does play um you know playing with mitrovic so on and so forth these players MZ kante benzar like these are elite players you know there's a reason that people are like watching it if it was if it was Billy from down the road that just went to Saudi no one no one would give a you know what I mean so um without a doubt I'm with you um on that one um I really love Coman yep yep yep yep I'm with you on that one uh I prefer kings lee to stay uh not for me personally um I think that one of the three um um Stooges needs to go one of the Three Stooges needs to go now Bri seems to perform well problem is is he going to get injured um you know afro head hasn't come back yet I'm sure he's going to take out um all when he done does come back so one of these players needs to go um without a doubt um only superstar in the Saudi Lea cl7 I disagree I disagree man I disagree I think I think to be honest by the fact that you got uh Tony Cruz I'm guessing you're a real Madrid fan and to be honest you you've just literally dis one of your best players in K and Benzema so I'm not really too sure what you're going on about um me uh trust any you trust him over any other winner yeah yeah yeah I I I get it I get it I just and I I think the the thing I would personally say on that is you you're not wrong because you performs but at the same time stats GA if you care about GA then no one touches Serge abry no one not even not even s you know Serge ABY had a season last season because he was injured all the time but ever since he's touched 10 10 plus goals and assists um you know I mean and I understand that to the eye you know coming is a very good player don't get it twisted I've watched him um I've obviously watched him on the TV like a lot of you guys and I've obviously watched him live as well so um yeah man all I would say if he does go to alh um for me is thank you for your service that's what I would say because this guy up is a legend for me people I know people throw around word Legend enough but he won US the Champions League single-handedly um so that for me puts you straight in the history books um 55 to 60 million would be a good offer I agree with you I agree with you yes most definitely H do you think Liverpool will play Bayern this season in the Champions League and if so do you think Bayern will beat us um well straight up to to you mate um I I'll tell you this if we sell Kingsley Coman um I'm for me obviously I'm not a representative or anything like that I'm hoping to take Van van dijk from you so if that's the case then yes do I think you we will play you probably we will play an English maybe maybe because the Le again I'm just I'm a bit bored talking about Arsenal Aral yeah me too so yeah if we do play them then yeah um but yeah no no no big up big up big up don't worry man big up big up uh with replacing I mean sing oh okay okay okay okay I think s Arabia might be good for kman more relaxing play and he can stay that's what I mean yeah and it's good weather you know what I mean if he goes anywhere else in Europe the weather don't B it's weather May the only it's awful bro you know it's it's it's kind of heating at night in the summer yeah but like does it rain all the time over there uh it rains around the winter time and like slightly before like around March April at times as well is it still hot over there though when it's raining no no no like it rains majority of the time when it rains it's during the winters okay I get you I get you um I want yeah yeah at Bing yeah yeah yeah yeah um Mo you on that one guys can Barca sell player to the Saudi League use that money to buy players no um Barca are in the mud um they can keep going on the street corner s in the grass from more on I give it two shits to be quite honest you think they get Jonathan T by the way no there was news I think from pla yester he said that bar are looking at him or something like that I I don't I don't think goes anyway I don't think no again um yeah for me personally I don't think they'll get him um but if they do get him um there will be a video coming out because I know that people don't want him but at the same time this is the center back we need um he you know imagine going from oh don't get Jonathan T because he's not as good as the liit okay fair enough I'll shake your hand on that one then you sell Del it and you don't get Jonathan tar how backwards is that exactly this is my concern too at this right just you wanted him you didn't get him go get somebody his caliber at this right who gives a like it's just annoying man I think Liverpool and Bayern should do a swap deal for van and Coman I i' do that I would do that generally straight up I know that you guys are getting ker um but no I would do that g I'm not even you I would do that um okay so no no no other news is coming at the moment I'm just checking on my phone um let me check from The Hil one as well yeah go ahead man go ahead uh yeah I don't see anything else on it to be honest with you um no just announce it it's pretty much we're announcing canel till really okay okay which makes sense which makes sense uh um like you'd like jayen Sancho I think the thing is jayen Sancho is such a talent I just don't know if he's gonna hit those levels again um personally like he you don't no and I just don't see I generally think if you were to cut him ay a guy you know what I mean so you know I the thing is like I understand being homesick and I understand all of the this but like the way I personally see it is he was made as a football player um in Germany he then screwed his career up by going to the shittest club in England or or the shittest B big Club in England uh in man united he should have stayed at brucia Dortmund like he should just have stayed I understand like mate you're you're a multi-millionaire just get a private jet and go back to England when you want you know what I mean so I would like him don't get it twisted I'm a I'm a fan of jayen sancho and I wanted him before Dortmund got him again um but yeah I I don't think he would come to us personally um but if we could get him on a loan I'd take him um obviously buer they're known for their loans so I'm surprised we haven't got anybody in at the moment we'll buy in by Jonathan tar hopefully you know what I hope that the Barca thing is gonna force their hand I I you know yesterday when I was reading the bar news I'm like I hope this force is their hand yeah without a doubt yeah um no I wouldn't I wouldn't necessarily trust um not not the source but like I I don't think yeah what again and also it was it was said that they would have to sell Eric so I don't see them who are they selling him too that's the thing um if you haven't already though people please do like and subscribe um big up big up um um Sancho should have either stayed at Dortmund or gone to Liverpool imagine Sancho under Club system yeah exactly like that's my point I I have nothing against him moving um but why would you go to like man united still at this point are a team in turmoil they like M they got shat on by a bird like come on now Leon Leon goreta someone said gretka and they made me say it um but man united as a whole one of the best clubs of all time but at the same time right now they aren't where they need to be and I'm sure most United fans can say that and I'm sure when Taylor comes on um I did want to do a show of him last night luckily I didn't because obviously the Kings look com news um but when when he comes on I'm gonna roach the out of him um I am oh live tonight with him yeah we will we will definitely um get that show going but yeah not at the moment uh but delit is injury prone yeah no no not wrong it's just more the fact that you don't replace a player he was the best defender you know what I mean it wasn't even just that you know what it is for me I've said this many times maybe on my thing I maybe I haven't said it here or if I did let me know if I did but thing is D only been injured like a lot like in last season he wasn't injured I don't think he was injured at all during uh the first season you know what I mean so the fact that they're basing the injury record based on that this past season and then fans from outside who don't watch Bayern munchin at all want to base it on Juventus and Bas it on that like you're embarrassing yourself man w at this rate if you don't watch us shut your mouths yeah honestly it's just stupid the way people talk on delay like well if well if delate was so good then how come to how come he didn't play how did did D and M start over donkey donkey is the answer yep I can't disagree with you mate I cannot disagree with you um it's it's just stupid uh pavic is DM I like uh I think he's an eight like gka I think he's an eight like geska yeah um I I yeah I think you could Mo mold him into being a DM but I think he will event I don't think he likes to get as forward as gretka I think he's a little bit little bit less um like theall liky the ball be yeah yeah Bayern should bring mate I'm I'm not joking straight up this is what I would do get for instance 60 million 60 million for Coman let's just say that is the deal it's not but it's R like it's just um for instance so 60 million for Coman for me then I would personally go with I'd bring in Matt hmel I would bring in in um if you can't get van dijk then go and get Jonathan tar then you get um someone who is still of age um you know and still can perform in Jonathan tar and then you go and get Matt hmel who has already done it for Bayern Munich before um and was the best center back um for Dortmund last season that's personally what I would do um Le a center back in general yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah fair enough yeah I I agree with you I agree with you so that that's personally what I would do but we'll have to wait and see what they do because I don't know what they're doing um to be honest with you we don't even know if we're gonna sell Coman yet uh he has decided to leave the club so he will leave somewhere um and I just hope it's um a signing because loans seem to unless it's with an obligation are just a pain in the ass um to be honest with you uh Bayern should get Palmer he deserves a Champions League club yeah the problem is they've just signed him on a brand new deal and they do seven-year deals so they've got him for like what nine years now um so if you get if you want him you're gonna have to pay over the odds and that's the problem um to be honest with you B should bringing n Nico scbe yeah for me when he had a really really good season at fryberg I think he generally in my opinion should have stayed there uh I'm not a massive fan of him leaving because I just think person L it just wasn't a good move for him to leave um you know fair enough you you you know you might be better um and you need to go to a better Club but he's he's still so young and then he's gone to a brucia Dortmund uh and for me I don't watch Dortmund every single game but from what I've seen of scbec he's a good player but he's too rash in the tackle uh you would think playing with Matt hmel every week would um help you but I don't know he seems very rash and he seems like he likes to get forward I don't know if he if it's actually worth him playing um as a DM to be honest with you because it's just it's very like he's so attacking like he's 24 years old that's that's how young he is um I definitely wanted him um when he was going to leave fryberg but unfortunately we didn't get him Pedro parro isn't uh Ain't a Bad player no he ain't he's a good player um Tottenham do seem to get these players um like human Sun for instance uh it seems to come out of nowhere like an RKO um so yeah interesting one but it doesn't seem like there's going to be much much um no you know you know as soon as we we end this stream I there's gonna be some news come out you know it'll be I'm I'm checking if there's anything new to be honest that's why I'm looking down on my phone I'm trying to see if there's anything new from my end because as of right now there's nothing new on Hil nor band no no I you I you on which is like Hal news nothing yeah I think it will probably be later tonight to be fair um you know the fact that you know he he's he's discussing his wages at the moment so um let's see and then and obviously he's going to wait you know I don't think this deal is going to be a click of the fingers and he'll be on his way to the window in Saudi closes later than you got than in Europe by the way we Clos like I October yeah so you know you've still got that so how much money will buy and earn from Coman uh we're not too sure we're not too sure I'm hoping it's a good amount the fact that for Brit here Romano we can go back we can go back through the tweets quickly um where are the tweets uh for Brit Romano which I'll put on the screen now oh no I click the wrong thing where's the stream gone um as you can see here on the screen um it says that they have sub this was three hours ago they have submitted a huge bid to sign Kingsley Coman I'll highlight it um so for instance um you know we we could definitely get a good amount of money I would like a 100 million we ain't going to get 100 million they're not stupid you know what I mean they might have a lot of money but they're not done um so you know but they're not going to get that so what should we expect well let's just say for instance s Mani went for around 30 million um base price um that's Euros obviously um for me personally I would like 55 60 um but yeah I'm not I'm not really too sure um no no no uh reporter has tweeted anything about a price at the moment it's literally just uh linking him to SAI uh buying of accepted it Coman is um doing his wages or whatever um so yeah we we're not too sure at the moment um what's I say if we could get six uh if we could get 60 or more uh we would have a cool 50 to play with and to hopefully get a Defender yeah that that I think that's the problem though isn't it though an is that they they're being forced to get a center back in so let's hope that they just use their brain because if they don't use their brain they're going to get one shitty Center back in that we don't need uh and then we we're just going to be screwed um straight up let's just say how it is um but let's continue um just for anyone that is um obviously uh coming in um B have received obviously the bid for Coman and are ready to accept it the decision is now up to the player that's from forito three hours ago um then two hours ago it come out basically saying that they've reached an agreement in principle for the player um and then obviously the player has not agreed to the move yet that was two hours ago Premier League offers could soon arrive I don't know who that will be um Premier League wise and then it says agreement reached between Bayern and alal for uh Kings de Coman uh the Frenchman would be open to a move to Saudi Arabia that's coming from ptic go um if you if you're not going to believe anybody else you you should realistically believe him um and then obviously it's just saying here that his his salary is being discussed and he's ready to move to SAI um and then the last thing was on Kim and Jay which we don't necessarily need to talk about umove that so yeah if we bid 55 for vanik do you think Liverpool would accept I think they'd be stupid not to accept him um to be honest he's won a premier leag he's won a Champions League with them um what else like yes he's probably detrimental to um slots Army slots um Liverpool but at the same time at the end of the day like are are you not going to we would accept that I think yeah why would you not accept it it's not like he's a 25 year old player he's not you know what I mean he is coming to the end of his tenure uh as a player He's 33 years old you know what I mean to be fair as a Bayern fan I would want to accept um I would want to bid less than that but at the same time you know such late in the season what are you gonna do you know um yes yeah he's he's a good player he's a good player uh we definitely definitely should have him in I don't know if he'll be the replacement I think the replacement has already been bought I think Ito will be that guy um but yeah no he definitely could um keep being there without a doubt um without a doubt but yeah Big up to everybody doesn't seem to be any more news coming out obviously Harry Kane will receive his um European golden shoe today at 5:30 UK time 6:30 um German time um obviously the uh award ceremony will be uh at the FC bar uh Museum um which is amazing big up to Kane obviously we want to see more uh from him this season um but yeah uh quite a lot of players played for Liverpool and Bayern actually have I think uh it wouldn't surprise me if van djk go uh van dijk does go to Bayern after Liverpool yeah yeah yeah I see that I can see that without a do um what did you say about Salah what do you think is a bit player um at the best Salah or who's the best player uh no Salah um Salah without a doubt I think s Mane was amazing for Liverpool um I think he was amazing for Southampton but um Muhammad Salah without a doubt um yeah mamed Salah about and I'm actually really surprised that Muhammad Salah hasn't left to go to Saudi by the way um I'm guessing he he's enjoying I enjoy but he he wants to say at Liverpool I think he wants to try to win a bit more with Liverpool before he bounces to he's got the quality um he's got the quality to to go there later so that's fair enough to be fair uh Champions League final will play aliance Arena but need to yeah yeah we we yeah we need a good squad with you on that one um T should develop more yep and if if Coman goes there's a chance that that will happen um because you you're taking away a player and again just to reiterate everybody that is in here it has been said last night that Bayern will not go in for a replacement um for King k um so it seems that their hand is being forced on getting a Defender after that terrible terrible defensive display against wolberg um so it's going to be trust them um FC B remain uh attentive to Jonathan T situation for the final days of the transfer window yep I can I can see that coming I can see that coming but best believe they better be going for somebody else as well uh because if not I'm going to be human um Salah looks uh up for the season he looks better than he did last season in my opinion well you would know M I don't watch them so you would know you know B should avoid yeah without a doubt we need to we need to do well in getting in a player you don't want to bring in a player that that's why when people are asking for the kiasa um kman swap I like kiasa I think he's a good player but we shouldn't be go swapping injury-prone players we might as well just keep him you know uh Jonathan tar can do like uh gundo um what do you mean I'm a bit confused on what you mean personally um right what let's just check Fabrizio so yeah Fabrizio Romano just tweeted two minutes ago that basically just saying that um obviously what the lad has put in there basically FC Bayern Munich remain um attentive to Jonathan tar situation for the final days new contract uh took new my God I can't read new contacts so they contacted him took place uh in the last 24 hours as if Kings Ley Coman leaves the club um FC Bayern Munich would try again forar one to watch until the end well go mate it should have been done anyway like I'm not going to get excited about it it should have been done anyway get the bloody deal done start acting like a big Club you donkeys wait is this recent news yes it come out from faito yeah wait what did FAO say here you go I put on the screen that's what he I just now oh two minutes ago rame attentive on to Jonathan toss situation for the final days of the transfer window new Contra new contacts took place last 24 hours if kiny K leave the club byon could try get I beg don't be stingy man please just pay the damn money especially if my other club is giving you a ton of money which I mean come on in Europe wouldn't be worth the money that we're probably going to be giving anyway y like no more excuses bro seriously man get it done get it seriously bro like for me Jonathan T is like I will take that bro even if even we though we need two but if you gave me Jonathan T I'll take it we move on I don't care I just need somebody bro oh no I'm with you I know we were not going to get one anyway yeah yeah like for me if we go and sell Kingsley Coman for a good amount of money mate go for Virgil Van djk go for some big player yeah van djk is going to stay bro mate I get what you mean but he's gonna stay they should be going for someone a big player like go for hum bro yeah but you should be a to get him anyway this is my point uh let me get rid of this just for a second this generally is my point right my point is itto is going to come in as the left back he can play center back but he will not play there he will play left back right so for me personally the way I'm personally seeing it is go for someone there's so many center backs out there you can go and get bid for somebody else I don't see Jonathan tar coming in and being what DP was no matter what anyone wants to say he was injury prone he was this he was that I wanted him out wanted him in blah blah blah at the end of the day he was a captain in his own eyes he would lead that defense he did lead that defense in the julan argman days um he didn't in the T days but that's because T's a donkey so for me personally go in and get someone who is going to be a captain a van djk a Ruben Diaz you're not obviously going to get him of course but in general that type of player I don't think Jonathan T is gonna come in and be a captain I I just don't see it for me I I generally generally don't see it um what's that tweet say just tweet literally just come in what did that say um is that same thing yeah so that's the same thing um so imia Samia just tweeted basically what forito said which obviously we've already been talking about um I mean I don't want tar but at this point we do we have a choice no no no I want tar but the problem is like um Amad just said for instance tar if he doesn't sign an extension or doesn't go anywhere else we can get him on a free this was my whole thing of um B CL and playing this whole big balls thing because they've won one league in their whole history like the way I personally see it just just just talk to him and literally say we've already been allowed to talk to him say come to us on a free we get him on a free next season he plays for B lbus and runs down his career and run Downs his contract he might go and win in the league again he might go win a dfb pck out they might go on a Champions League run like you never know um so that that's personally what I would do and go and get someone in you can't get veran bro he's already playing for um yeah is how' you say it I don't know it's an Italian it's an Italian Club isn't it CES fabrigas is the manager I've seen that um D was benched at the weekend should uh have sold either oper or Kim no he he he was benched at the weekend because their manager is nothing short of a donkey um two donkey managersal no delect playing yeah it's that's that's why when people like um they seen him with the with his um his wife uh in the United and all of this it's like they they see him smiling he will not be smiling not a chance um because they are they're a Club it just is what it is um I say it how it is uh oh yeah I forgot about that no it's fine don't worry um no no no no no no no no no no no no no no get this is again my point for Jonathan T we need to go in for some and I know I'm being an arrogant prick at the moment but we need to go in and get someone that's actually good if you bring in you get bad though no I don't think he's bad you get rid of 60 million and you say oh here you go Liam chala's your new center back I'm gonna be pissed off I be like cool but you know we're Bayern Munich like we shouldn't be getting a Chelsea player who barely plays for them you know what I mean so you know we're not going to do an Atletico Madrid and have fireworks going off for Colin Gallagher for sake like he's so what the they put I mean our fans were about to have fireworks for diet mate they need to be shooting fireworks at Thomas T PR even signing him I don't watch sir I only really watch Premier League Bundesliga on La Liga like I literally watch Bayern and that's it I'll catch the odd game but other than that I literally just Bayern and that's it um why was silent upper never an option um because no one wants him um that's that's probably why I fear ten hog will be our next coach um please um respectfully my bro I I'm I'm not doing this to to be to be rude or anything but I'm deleting your comments so we're not putting that in the atmosphere I actually want to reiterate that I do not want to say that ever again um you know I would generally rather Stone Cold Steve Austin um manager who and he just be on the sidelines drinking beer and flipping everybody off so um may as well be stone called the way he he be acting that guy probably drink too much he probably drunk while managing United anyway I I know that like people like to joke in that but I think it's h respect H disrespectful even calling him Stone Cold who's another bold wrestler that was bold wrestler I don't know Stone Cold's a goat this this ain't a goat he's a sleev bag he can't even get United you can't lie they do kind of look they look a bit similar this ten hog looks like the skinnier version nah ten hog is a donkey bro an absolute donkey you may you may as well may as well get the whip out and start hey you know what we'll give you we'll give you a compar no no no Ricochet is good answer go no no go after yourself bro he's actually good no Ricochet is good bro come on now yeah hold it man but he can he can also himself because he's just gone to aew so um seven hug yeah you're damn right um Liam wanted ten hog before tuu joined did I say that what I say a lot of so if I've said that get the clip answer um I don't know I'm not sure I'm not sure maybe I did say that to be fair uh klopp will be uh next coach if vinent company fails I think again similar to The Jayden Sancho news I don't believe I don't believe it because he bleeds yellow United fans really compared ten hog to Klo criminal the problem is these newer younger fans don't understand their history which you know is is fair enough um because they're you know all they care about right at this moment is now but at the same time like um no you can't do that that's just that's criminal um to be honest with you uh klopp will go to Real Madrid in my opinion uh no I think um I think that deal uh is already already underway with shabby Alonzo I think he was hit up um because he was coming to Bayern Munich the whole links to him and Bayern Munich were so so heavy and then out of nowhere he then sign uh stays with leusen which fair enough what he did with leverkusen's amazing but for me why would you want to stay at Leverkusen when you could come to a club that you played for and people say that he's a legend you're like that that just confuses me personally uh if pep leev I think he wants to come back to B yes I agree with you yeah yeah yeah yeah without a doubt without a doubt uh but yeah I don't see any other news on Kings Le kman um the only thing that's basically been said which we obviously just said was am Sam has basically just tweeted out what fabito said about Jonathan tar so if any big news does come out uh we we will um we'll be back I do have to go out uh the family want to go out so um hopefully the news doesn't come out while I'm out um but if it does I will obviously make a video on it as soon as I get back uh and if I'm here I'll obviously go live so yeah big up to every every body smash the Thumbs Up Hit the Subscribe button if you haven't already please go over as you can see um Zia talks go over there and subscribe big up to Amad as always and um yeah I'll be back again later tonight um to talk about center backs um so yeah it looks like it will be Jonathan tar if we sell King to the Coman but for me I think we can get tar on a free anyway so we should be go in in my opinion for for some big Center back personally but it is what it is I think we should for all just because I want to get it over the line I care fre no free we we're getting in money to get in players so no excuse I get it no no no I get it um but yeah Big up to everybody thank you for the con support and until then M Mia peace out

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Category: Sports

Hey guys and welcome to the buy view hope you guys are all doing well in this particular video this is going to be the preview for the game uh at home bayern munich versus fc fryberg uh and um finally we actually have a home game um yeah man hopefully you guys all doing well as always smash the thumbs... Read more

“WHY IS HARRY KANE IN OUR MIDFIELD!” - Bayern München 2-0 Freiburg - Fan View (Hunter) thumbnail
“WHY IS HARRY KANE IN OUR MIDFIELD!” - Bayern München 2-0 Freiburg - Fan View (Hunter)

Category: Sports

[applause] hey guys and welcome to the buy and view uh hunter is in here to give his opinion on the game today obviously we won two-nil uh against freberg and um yeah man it was a good result obviously i've had my opinion on my match reaction others have had their opinions again like i said this is... Read more

SC Freiburg Vs Bayern Munich Preview - Bundesliga  - Preview + Line up! thumbnail
SC Freiburg Vs Bayern Munich Preview - Bundesliga - Preview + Line up!

Category: Sports

Hey guys and welcome to the blind if you have you guys all doing well uh this is going to be the freiburg versus bayern munich preview obviously bundesliga uh and obviously we're lost to them in the um buckle they knocked us out uh so yeah with that said this is obviously gonna be um the preview everybody... Read more