Category: Entertainment
You are listening to the ifh podcast network for more amazing filmmaking and screenwriting podcasts just go to welcome to the indie filmmuzzle podcast episode number 450 5k for actors 2k for insurance 2k for food and drink 9k in the can we only shot for 12 days now that's how you... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
I'm so excited because it's kevin cosner he's a legend and at the end of it he says sienna i have one question for you and i said yes kevin he says will you go west with me and i was like i was like i yes i was like woo i would go to and least it was in south yeah yeah [applause] Read more
Category: Film & Animation
She keeps asking me papa what is the scariest movie that you've ever seen and i know where this is going cuz i i said i'm not going to tell you the scariest movie because he's going to want to watch that of course papa what's the please tell me the scariest movie i've ever seen i said the shining so... Read more
Category: News & Politics
What does it mean to be a woman in a society obsessed with controlling female sexuality this isn't a new question it's a question that has haunted artists writers and thinkers for centuries and it's a question that lies at the heart of filmmaker katherine brea's controversial and often misunderstood... Read more
Category: Entertainment
How are you very well so john i have to hear like when you're working and collaborating obviously so closely with noah the ep on this project like how much are you able to personally intermix like from you is it just listen this is noah's vision i'm hitting the ground running with it the ability to... Read more
Category: Film & Animation
This is one of the best and most satisfying actress tv roundtables in a minute and it's very harmony you know like teenagers today are still aware of it perfect show perfect writing perfect acting lunch with her tomorrow you know like it's still very much important my circle of it but so but to know... Read more
Category: Entertainment
Greetings lady from toronto how are you today very well totally not i'm very lucky because i was able to see this premiere last year at tiff i'm sorry that you three weren't thereo obvious reasons but i got to tell you something it was one of my top faves i absolutely loved it um carrie i want to start... Read more
Category: Howto & Style
Es más cómodo no intentar nada y ser una víctima el resto de su vida Read more
Category: Entertainment
[संगीत] यह आदमी एक पेशेवर चोर है सबसे पहले वह एक न्यूज़पेपर चोरी करता है फिर रास्ते में उसे एक बूढ़ा मिलता है जिससे वह बस हाय बोलकर निकल जाता है फिर यह चोर एक शॉपिंग मॉल के अंदर जाता है मॉल में घुसते ही वह बड़े मजे से अलग-अलग चीजों को छुपाकर दूसरे कस्टमर्स के बैग में डालने लगता है जैसे ही कस्टमर्स बाहर निकलते हैं मॉल का अलार्म बचने लगता है सिक्योरिटी गार्ड्स हर कस्टमर को रोकने लगते हैं और हर बार लगता है कि मॉल का अलार्म खराब है... Read more
Category: Howto & Style
Nunca es un guion lo que me hace decidir si aceptar o no una película Read more
Category: Entertainment
Hi i'm louis prima it's actually i'm tony bennett actually i'm jimmy darren and this is the shuttle pod show and how about this uh al i've of course give me a core give me a call i swear now it's called course but you want two of them i i'm not i swear to you in my life i am not making this stuff patient... Read more
Category: Entertainment
-hi. sergeant benson from svu. i'm sorry for the interruption. just have a few more questions. -we already spoke with your detectives, and forgive us, but we have a flight to catch to new zealand. -new zealand? isn't that where catalina soren's shooting that new "catalyst" movie? -it's a trilogy. -this... Read more