Tyler Hubbard On If Florida Georgia Line Will Have A Reunion

Intro you're in a 10-year marriage everything seems good comes home honey listen I love you but I think we should make this uh marriage open you're like I'm not going to do that you have to make a decision the decision's made you're going through a divorce essentially and you think in your mind I'm never going to get married again AKA I'll be a songwriter I can kind of fade off in the distance I've had all this success now I can go make money making this catalog because that's where a lot of the money's at how long was that process before you're like you know what [ __ ] this dude enough people have said Theo can't like if he's going to go do it I can go do it too and in your mind everyone's in competition right proba do that better also I think it was eight Meeting his manager months or so somewhere six or eight months it not a ton of time went by but enough for me to really process take my time be patient and then the kicker was when I met my manager because before I felt really alone right and I knew uh I just felt by alone I mean I just didn't have tons of support I didn't feel like I had a team around me I felt superone and I knew like definitely been in the game long enough to know like you ain't doing it on your own you got to have a good team around you so when I met my manager I felt super supported and I was just like you know what I think I could do this especially with the help of this management team um and I had already been writing a bunch of songs at that point too so I also had a good stack of songs where I'm like and I can like make a record tomorrow so like why not give it a shot you know but it did take that that like meeting him and feeling like all right I'm not alone in this I have support team I have somebody I can bounce ideas off of because BK was a lot of that for me coming up we'd bounce ideas off each other um and so when that was kind of gone I'm like man I don't I don't know how to do this by myself so yeah talk about that fear of failure Fear of failure because I I would ass it's like literally top of the world to we just went through this divorce that that probably took a while there's probably friction and everything else takes eight months of the kind of the emotional healing of it all and kind of seeing everything for what it is like hey I got you know I kind of want to move on I'm writing I like it now I'm kind of getting that itch to yeah I kind of want to perform but talk through that fear of failure you're like okay I'm gonna go back out there and yeah man like falling flat on your fa it's it's we we all have it it's like you we have this ego built up from like our Glory Days right it's like I'm about to put myself back out there talk a little bit about that fear of failure getting back in it I mean there was definitely a little bit of fear involved and I would say for me I had to mentally just say like yo do who you doing this for you know what I'm saying like you doing it for you or you doing it for some other reason so I had to really just say like if I'm writing songs that I'm loving if I'm recording and I'm proud of my art then that's all I can do right so like whether it's as big as FGL it probably won't be because not many artists have ever been as big as FGL so it's like I had to kind of just accept like this might look different for me but I want to go uh write songs that I'm passionate about that I love that might connect with other people and and and start playing shows again also you know I also had so much more to live for right so it wasn't like do or die with the music thing it was like man let me just go enjoy making music and playing shows and just enjoy it and not worry about having to be the best all the time uh CU then I was getting to come home to three kids a great wife so in my in my perspective I was like yo I'm already I'm winning man like even if the music thing isn't uh as big as FGL or trajectory doesn't take off like crazy like I'm proud of my album I'm proud of who I am I'm proud of how we've handled the situation and I'm proud to come now I get to come home to a great family and and this is how I want to continue to support them you know and I had to do something I mean writing songs would have supportting my family but uh but it just seemed like a piece of the puzzle not not the whole puzzle so so yeah there was I had to step into that a bit and be like hey if I fail I'm gonna learn from it get back up and keep crushing and and not put too much pressure on myself uh try not to let my ego drive this thing and uh you know remember what life's all about yeah at one point it seems like at least the way I would think is I'm going to go through my morning process but then the thing that's going to get me out of that bed is Revenge the best revenge is massive success right and then it's like okay I got to check myself and be like maybe maybe don't do it for those reasons right right right than all the things you just said yeah man when you were when you did those eight month eight months of like writing songs and you're like okay I'm going to go do the solo act now you and BK shouldering the burden of being a lead together what were some of the things that BK maybe have done more in FGL that you thought okay I know that he did this for the most part and how do I pick up that slack on my end becoming my own individual person um good question bro I'd say he he was a lot of the times he was like the funloving like funny guy like light-hearted uh brought a lot of good energy to a room you know everybody uh L to be around BK especially for the most of our career he was just like and I might have been more like uh I don't know maybe a little bit less of that person so so I'd say there were times where he was a great leader and those types of things and I was able to um sit take the backseat a bit you know and even subconsciously because I was more the lead vocal and more the face at times I would subconsciously step out of certain more to allow him to to step into certain roles so that hopefully it was well balanced you know what I mean um and so so now you know taking on all the roles and and putting all the I guess the pressure or all the responsibility on my shoulders was definitely new um but also again it was great because it allowed me to step into those roles that maybe I hadn't fully stepped into before the to the best of my ability yeah and so now I'm able to kind kind of lead the way that I'd like to be a leader create culture that's not always worrying about like am I stepping on someone at my partner's Toes or am I overshadowing my partner too much by investing in these people's lives or those types of things so it's been interesting to kind of navigate and like and and see how that's uh that's something I didn't even know like until I was in it I didn't even know that like oh yeah like I remember like not really investing as much into this because I didn't I didn't want to look like I was trying to just like always you know like do too much or be too much yeah try to take too much with the light you tell you can tell you've thought a lot of this stuff through I really appreciate and like respect kind of your perspective on it all because I'm sure it was as much as well as you Navigating the pandemic can explain it right now I'm sure it was just such a like process to get to a lot of these awareness points and everything else totally and especially y'all remember like what 2020 was like 2021 I mean it was chaos yeah in all aspects of life so like before we even decided to do this we had already been off the road for like a year and a half like wondering are we ever going to play shows again like what's going on with our career then the political thing the political narrative came out that me and him were so different polarizing you know politically and a lot of people had these false narratives about why this was even happening because we weren't super upfront with the fans um from the beginning and so that was also a little unfortunate where I'm like I'm in the backseat thinking like no guys like that's not really the situation or not really the case like but you can't control what people are thinking or saying so you just kind of got to ride with it and just stick to your truth and just and let it be so that was an interesting just an interesting few years of I mean we all kind of went through just an interesting like how do we navigate the pandemic how do we navigate all these factors in our culture at the time so it was a it was a confusing and hard time but grateful for it and it seems like yeah when all these Telling the fans narratives and all these like false things of why you guys are breaking up or mutually parting like how did you like you obiously want to say something like did you go and hit the people up like hey can I say this I felt like it was not really my uh I don't want to say responsibility but it wasn't my role I felt like and I felt like it was something that um I wanted BK to do and I felt like it was his I didn't want to take that from him I didn't want to be like no here's the situation guys blah blah blah blah blah yeah so I kind of just sat back and I kept telling BK bro we need to like I'd really love love for you to tell the fans like what's going on like tell them your heart tell them what we're doing tell them why we're doing it tell them give them I said because we want our fans to join us on our new Journey we don't want them to just yeah just end with FGL and wonder what whatever happened with FG and when's FGL coming back it needs to be a transition and these fans we built for the last decade they they can come with us if we allow them to and open the door and give them context but otherwise they're just confused and they're angry yeah we're just sitting in the back and they'll just assume everybody stor in their head so that was happening a lot and and kind of still does because we still had really you know it's not like me and BK have sat on sat down together and told the world like the real ins and outs because I still think me and him both still have different somewhat different narratives in our head about how it unfolded but uh but ultimately we didn't talk about it very candidly from the beginning so it allowed a lot of that kind of like people to make up stories and know this and that right and then you throw politics in the middle of it and everybody just then it's an easy target for everybody be like oh yeah well it's we see why they broke up you know and it's like well really had nothing to do with that but yeah whatever you know yeah is this probably How often one of the how how often have you spoken this openly about that whole situation just a few times yeah yeah inside most people are uncomfortable talking about it really yeah F just because I don't know why I don't know if it's their uncomfortable your personal business and Personal business for you to sit with a microphone in your face and for me and will to be like so tell us about your breakup yeah it's got to it's a you're ESS opening yourself up to not only us but everybody listening right it's therapeutic for me honestly like at this point especially it's been like three and a half years so I've like you said will I've really processed a lot um and so to talk about it is just another part of the process for me and uh I'm kind of an open book I don't mind talking about it might have almost like somebody like I'm just picturing like if I'm like chilling with them there's not a level view that's that wants to it's Third party perspective like hey so so what happened cuz it almost you'd almost think the outside are a third party perspective would just be like oh I probably ended badly and it might it might not be going as great as it once was because FGL was so high so you almost like you almost don't want to open up something that might be close to you where it's like okay I don't want to I me navigate you and I have known each other for what four years and so I was How people handle it your friend during all that and I never once for that exact reason be around you knowing all this stuff's going down but in my head I'm like I don't want to hey so Tyler so what's going on with all this cuz you just don't want to put your friend in that position you're like you don't know how people handle it you know you don't know if people are more of an open book that like to talk about things or maybe they like to keep it all in but for me I I appreciated and enjoyed when my real friends would be like hey bro like you doing all right bro you doing good like yeah how you feeling man cuz this [ __ ] is not easy you know what I'm saying and and I'd be like you're right it's not easy and I'm doing okay but here's my you know but I'm frustrated or this or that so right so we had and again that was during the time where we weren't able to see anybody we weren't able to go really hang out if you remember it was all just like virtual dates and virtual rights and virtual everything you know emotions were high Emotions were high people didn't want to talk about anything that could potentially be touchy or controversial or or the exact opposite only wanted to talk about that right it was like one of the two right you're right you're right so there was a lot of that going on but uh yeah I had some some good buddies that you know I kind of leaned leaned on and um kind of like you know help me process through it all we should do is get get a couple Therapy sessions years down the road get you BK on here just hash it out just hash it out therape therapeutic sessions with Will and partners the partners yeah you do you guys talk anymore it's pretty minimal now bro I don't I don't know if BK needs some space or what but I I still try to reach out on text and stuff but but hey congrats on this kind yeah that's what I do yeah just congrats on the new song or whatever whatever but uh there's not a a lot of engagement at this point to be honest you feel like FGL will get back together for a reunion some point down the road it's really hard to say yeah you know if I'll never I'll never say never but a lot of stuff would have to change to be honest a lot of Dynamics would have to there'd have to be some real long open conversations yeah some healing would have to be done for sure before that ever happened yeah yeah hopefully you guys both just never know man bring it back I still I really yeah exactly that'd be kind of cool I love that like narrative honestly even if it's 10 years down the road like that's why I really wish the best for BK I hope he has a huge solo career because yeah if we both have big careers and come back and do something cool together I think be be huge bewes remember what we were bitching out back in the day like right so Dum hey I'm sorry both of them are probably I'm sorry for doing good I'm sorry never HT nobody yeah no he knows tell him I'm like bro I'm always here bro if you ever want to like talk grab coffee like go on a hike like I'm I'm here bro I'm not mad at you uh so it's good I think he knows he knows where I'm at and he knows that I'm doing my thing but I'm I'm still here for him yeah

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