Survivor 47 | Cast Reaction

Published: Sep 10, 2024 Duration: 01:28:40 Category: Entertainment

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[Music] yes grab your torch and dip it into the sexy St Jeff candle no Buffs is back for another season of Survivor coverage I'm J SKS here in the classic Factory along with my power Alliance of Trey Kirby JD and would you look at that we've got a final four set but we will be putting her into the fir making challenge because she's a threat from Summer of Champions my beautiful wife Nora artinian hello wow we're back baby welcome to the final four guys we made it today whatever it is I know it's tremendous happy to be back who can build a fire here absolutely not see you in the final three then yeah I'm feeling good you're feeling good yeah shout out to the live tribe joining us right now on YouTube We love to see that take a second especially if you're new here to hit the like button to subscribe share the show with your Survivor Friends Podcast listeners we love you too leave us a five-star rating and review yes we are back for another season of no Buffs this is like sort of shocked me like our seventh season of covering this we're like we've done a lot of episodes suddenly almost 100 episodes of Survivor coverage but you are new to the squad what are your Survivor credentials okay zero Survivor other than I've watched a lot of Survivor um old I feel like I watched early Survivor and then like in the middle bit of a gray area but then back into the new era because I was watching all of it with you yeah now hold on you're on your phone a lot well it's it's on the TV it's look it's on the TV I'm just saying you might have to put the in the alliance you got to put the phone away if there's if there's one thing you know about me is that when I lock in I lock yeah that's true that's true I'm going to be a problem I'm going to be throwing data I'm going to be doing calculations you know like that that Meme of like Charlie Day with like all the stuff behind him oh I'm going to be planning and organizing all sorts of stuff okay well we're excited to add you to the squad here how are you guys feeling here are you hyped for another uh no buff season this is the most excited I've been and the most furious I've been cuz uh I think one thing I've noticed I haven't watched any of these videos yet but I know I'm not in any of them even though I've applied the past two years oh have you you've actually applied don't give up keep know I'm going to I think my success story will be this guy applied 20 times and we eventually had to let him in right and then I'll be the old guy on the show yeah I'm already there bro we basically all are guys exactly this castra we would be basically the second or third oldest person on this guest but we're going to get into it yeah here's what we're doing today as most of you know Survivor fans I'm sure uh the Survivor 47 cast has officially been revealed came out a few days ago so on today's pod so something new for us we haven't really done this we are going to meet all 18 of them and give our first impressions on their what 60-second clip maybe some of us have read the B we'll talk about the people but it's all First Impressions and then I guess I think we sort of have to pick a winner here on the first show before we even see episode one yeah we just got to call it w can we do like a top three okay sure sure we can do a top three and then we'll watch episod already complicating things okay fine pick your winner trying to give everybody options here yeah okay so uh we better get moving here because there are 18 people to introduce to everyone out there uh I've broken them into tribes Why not start learning the tribes okay we don't know the names but we know the colors let's start with the blue tribe and our first person is Caroline a 27-year-old strategy consultant from Chicago it's just as green and vibrant and wonderful as it is on TV I was thinking you guys had a little bit of a filter it wasn't going to actually be this gorgeous it's stunning water PO is like a game of viciousness what you're not seeing under the water that's what the real war is kicking you underwater and like trying to drag on your bathing suit people don't think I can fight I can fight and that is the mentality you have to have out here in Survivor where people are attacking you but you have to keep swimming the way I approached business school was I basically craft my own Survivor major classes like selling yourself in your ideas power in organizations this will help me in my professional life but this will really help me in Survivor I don't think I come across as smart as I appear I'm strategic I'm cunning I'm ruthless I'm willing to do what it takes to achieve and succeed I'm perfectly poised to be the wolf and sheep's clothing and that's why I'll be the sole survivor bang wow she's calling her shot yeah the word Scrappy comes to mind Scrappy yeah I like her I mean we watched a lot of water polo during summer of Champions and I they're they're doing some fighting under that water she's not exaggerating so she's tough and she better be hoping for a lot of uh water challenges dominate that I would think sure for sure I'm sure she's really competent swimmer yes I would think so she's I think she likes swimming kiteboarding surfing scuba diving obviously water polo I don't know if kiteboarding is going to come up but the other ones are good sure two things I do like uh obviously has a water background so any of those challenges will be right up her alley also strategy consultant is her job MH what's the strategy yeah I don't know what it is but if you have strategy in your job title you have to be doing some strategic thinking what I don't like is I think she said that I don't come off as smart as I appear what what does that mean is that good she's like I look smart but I'm really dumb or I think she's trying to say it the other way I think she's trying to say it saying by looking at me a girl in my 20s and people underestimate me which may have been a better way to present that I think it's just the way she said it are you excited she's from Chicago Trey she moved to California she's abandoned uh the hometown I mean I have two you could say I did it for the South not for the West Coast uh but you know she must be of hearty stock Chicago JD your first thoughts here on Caroline yeah I'm going to Echo everything you guys said uh water polo vicious sport I think she actually underplayed how vicious it can be just under the water um I think the clip could have been better yeah it was it was like the little shittiest gool I've ever seen like a community pool yeah but we're just coming off the Olympics we're used to you know underwater cameras and stuff uh I got a bit of a Dy uh VI from her the the off the top everything's so green and uh oh I thought you guys had a filter that's very instagramy very like uh I don't know but we'll see I think she's tougher than than she comes off okay so yeah I I like her she shows her youth a little bit a littleit she's young 27 is that young what were you like at 27 you were a dummy that's honest an honest question really we were all we were all dummies at 27 and we're the worst what's the worst thing cuz sorry if you're listening and you're 27 you think you're so smart 27 your brain is literally SMH like it's still developing my brain hasn't developed at 27 just set you still got a soft spot in your skull it's like just cured well you shouldn't be playing water polo that's why that's why they wear the hats the hats for your ears anyway okay okay uh let's move on to our second person on the blue tribe this is Gabe he's a 26-year-old radio show host from Baltimore it used to be a cliche and now it's not anymore I I want to make this a cliche again I'm not here to make friends growing up I had two older brothers so I constantly had to watch them do things that I couldn't do just because I wasn't old enough I had to figure out ways around those rules it's kind of how I learned to operate within the world you can cut Corners lie cheat and steel to get ahead and get little advantages that Stack Up throughout life so I think being a talk show host is one of the jobs to have coming into Survivor knowing when it's your time to be the guy and take up all the air in the room and when it's time to recoil and let something else take up that Spotlight it's all about working people I don't care about these people they don't mean anything to me before this game and if they don't mean anything to me after this game it's not going to change my life at all I'm here to build a legacy in the game that I love and walk away with the million dollars that's it okay so there's Gabe now I'll say right now this is a spoiler cuz we've only watched two of the 18 videos I think he has the most like villainous edit here from These intro videos or at least leaning into like I hate these people I don't care about these people I'm here for me and me only what do you think of Gabe definitely villain energy his hair is majestic I hope he gets a shampoo deal out of this um I love that he is the youngest with two brothers so he's been through it like you know that yeah he's been tied up by his older brother a leash when I was a young boy like what an interesting image to choose your older brother is dragging you down a beach like is everything okay um I also read about him just separate from this little clip that he worked as a comms director for like a mayoral campaign so he thinks about strategy and I don't know if the mayor got elected but I mean this is all to say that he is maybe more self-aware about how he is perceived if that's what what basically what his job was okay um I I would like to see if he delivers on all this talk you never really know cuz also seems like he's nice yeah yeah again like I I called it a villain intro video but again you'll see the other ones there's not a lot of like I don't care about these people me me me me um TK your thoughts on Gabe he's bringing an aggro energy um and that could work early on he could ruffle some feathers and people like we'll keep this guy around because nobody likes him but eventually you're going to have to make friends with people there are going to have to be people you trust you can't just be the back stapper uh the whole time so we'll see what his strategy game is like I think he's going to be a guy that gets Island hot though uh you know I just is an early Island Hot call for me his hair will be looking great with the sea the sea salt water for a long time you know everybody trims down a little bit I think he's going to be looking good if he makes it to Day 26 do you guys do you do power ranking of who gets hottest uh no but we could this year we could do that it feels a little more comfortable to do it with a lady here okay we could do that uh three words to describe yourself he wrote Gabe did JD uh opportunistic resourceful and blunt okay and I think blunt interesting cuz like that can work in faor in your favor on Survivor at times people know where you stand you're just like one of those people that just says it as it is yes of course that can upset people as well and you can you know make enemies by being a little too blunt so interested to see how he tackles it but what do you think about I I think uh I think he's in trouble out the gate yeah uh I think he's talking a big game These Guys these guys have come in I'm not here to make friends they're the first ones you know day two crying on the beach there's bugs all over me there's bugs in my hair also and I mean no disrespect to Trey and SKS here but the talk show host I mean this this idea that oh I know when not to talk sure you do bro sure you do commercials exactly exactly uh you know I sure I get the I get the the conceit that hey I interview people and I let them speak and I'm a good interviewer because I listen I don't believe you I don't I won't believe until I see it because if you tell me you're a talk host like radio show or whatever all you do is talk and you love the sound of your own voice and if you're blunt on top of that that could be a problem but I don't know I mean I don't think he's lasting long I don't I don't think he's lasting long but will we get a clip of Gabe doing like a fake talk show you know while they're sitting around the camera like Rick Devin famously I think doing the the weather report I think we've had other people we definitely had other people sort of uh you know replicate whatever they do sort of in a talk show variety will Gabe do it a third of the people on this cast have some experience hosting public speaking being on air it's a bit weird like I mean we're bound to have somebody do like a mock pod this is interesting uh when asked what is the accomplishment you are most proud of Gabe wrote hosting my own talk show in Baltimore on a major station okay that part was good love it but then the next line I sadly left that job to pursue Survivor but it's the best sad decision I ever made oh he he walked away from Gabe walked away from the radio gig Gabe you got to win to go on Survivor Gabe you going to be all right in this in this economy lot of pressure this is smart he's already looking at his next career he's going to become a Survivor podcast wow he's going to be on every single one of Rob's shows he'll probably guess with Tyson at some point like there is a built-in network of Survivor podcast not this one maybe that's the long con he doesn't even care about winning a survivor he's just trying to do a more lucrative podcasting career oh so he's like doing Recaps of the day out there he's Talent scouting I see you Gabe I see you we're on game we're on okay let's keep it moving here let's go to Kyle a 31-year-old construction worker from Michigan SW a [Music] book so I like to do this thing called the bump and run derby there's lefts and rights there's humps and bumps and the main goal of the game is to cross the finish line and if that means putting somebody into the wall along the way so be it has been preparing me for Survivor because there's a bunch of different strategies that you could take but there's only one of us that are going to cross that line I grew up kind of rough lived in a house that didn't have electricity it was just a little bit of a fumble but I met my fiance coming out of high school she like really inspired me to want to do more with myself so the home where I did a lot of my growing up I've demolished that home and decided to build our own home there she just feeled a growth inside of me that's it's been remarkable oh my moose that's my girl moose is my daughter given the fact that I grew up so rough I've just wanted to create like a really solid foundation for her even more reason to bring home that money right yo you know it that's I I'm bringing it home okay that is Kyle he did say his daughter's name is Moose yeah I wish they expanded a bit more on that I mean love it is that her nickname I definitely thought he was talking about his dog before they showed the photo of him and his kid moose I can't wait to see this dog my cousin has a great D great Daye named moose so I immediately was like oh this is going to be a dog uh no it's for a Great Dane wow that's awesome I mean she's an adorable little round baby but um it's a cute nickname oddly I don't know why maybe it is her name I me I mean I really like Kyle overall you do yeah I think he's like a salt of the earth guy I like seeing people also like a blue collar person represented you don't get as much diversity in terms of careers anymore on Survivor I like that he's had adversity in his life my fear for him is he's too pure for this world oo okay he just seems like I love my family I love my wife I can't see him backstabbing or blinds it's tough to imagine this guy in just seeing a 60-second clip winning Survivor yeah will he be around for a while I think that's very possible I'm 100% on Goat watch for him like he could get taken along with anybody because he doesn't seem like a super uh out there personality much more reserved kind of soft spoken you even got a producer getting captions drawing conversation out of him in his intro video so you know they're having to ask him a whole bunch of questions doesn't seem to me like he'll be leading a lot of votes but he seems like a super nice dude who would be involved in a lot of votes yeah he's he's building the shelter he's to the hard work he's uh he's going to be very comfortable out there and he seems like an amiable amiable guy so I am with you Trey I think that he is going to go far I I I don't know but you never know we might see some stress strategy but Nora you hit it on the head like he's just too sweet for this world he's too sweet for Survivor in this 30C clip we don't know just because he's holding a baby doesn't mean he can't annihilate someone wow I don't know he's got that little shaggy haircut like a little boy yeah I don't know if someone's mean to Kyle I'm coming for them oh wow yeah got to protect he's going he's definitely going to be building the shelter and it's like he's either going to knock it out of the park cuz he's in construction he's built his house yeah I know so hopefully can build a bamboo Hut but you know sometimes that goes poorly because some like and he doesn't seem like the guy that's going to be like hey we should do this let's do it this way because he probably knows but maybe that's not his personality so I don't know that could upset people a weird can he delegate can say you do this you do that hard to say hopefully uh he traveled around the country for over six years living in a van we saw a van shot there girlfriend or whatever uh he said quote I've eaten dinner from a dumpster with a hippie and I've been out on a million dooll yacht it's like a Grateful Dead song I've Been To Paradise what that is kind yacht okay let's move to our oldest contestant out there on the island for Survivor 47 this is Sue a 59-year-old flight school owner from New York I want to be remembered as the oldest woman to ever win Survivor when I first got into the aviation industry I'd have such a push back from the men I felt like they almost laughed at me so I'm going to keep pushing forward and none of them mattered now I have a really successful flight school and everyone in the area knows who we are we need more women in the aviation industry only 6% is women my goal is to try to open this up to women they need to be empowered and I was totally underestimated coming here I feel it's going to be very similar these people look at the old person they think they're the weak person here between my work ethic and my level of competition they're going to soon realize that they're going to want me here and my grandson will always remember his grandma kicking butt on Survivor Sue yeah Tamara judge look alike for those Bravo fans out there big time she looks just like her got a CA look for similar someone do a side side we'll prepare that for the next app but um tough tough as Nails that's how she presents um she seems physically fit she's clearly fought her way through a male-dominated business Y is it all talk I don't know she also seems like she likes nice things she's wearing a nice flowing dress and lots of jewelry sure yeah good reason to take home a million dollars a whole bunch more Stu seems to me like she's just recruiting for her business right now that's what I mean she just wants people to come and fly from her school well lucky for her literally someone that wants to fly planes on her tribe we'll get to Tiana yeah there's a natural Synergy there oh my God you can see it now like I didn't win the million dollars Jeff but I came away with a new employee yeah that's right and business is good yeah so maybe that will happen um she's our oldest contestant as well well yeah and if she goes on to win this thing she would be the oldest winner ever I think Bob Crow is still the oldest at 57 wow uh back in 2008 season 17 so uh and and as for women I think Denise Stapley at um like young 40s was the oldest woman so anyway Tina I don't think so what was going on back then like between Tina and Bob Crowley you could have told me Bob Crowley was like 75 years old the guy was CP atoned as a person oh my that's true I guess he was only 57 but uh okay so sue JD thoughts on Sue yeah I like Sue uh she's a pilot my brother's a pilot so I'm into it uh she you know shoulders there was that shot of her like digging deep big shoulders I think she is in good shape yeah I did get a bit of Heather vibes from her I feel like this is the most we're going to hear from from uh Su oh I'm gonna push back I disagree they should be much more of a character snap judgment I know snap judgment Heather Heather was like you're right Heather was like never saw from her exctly I don't think that I don't think Sue is going to be the case okay she I don't know if she's going to be in this game long but she seems like a big personality again to climb the ranks in a male dominated profession like that you know I think she's sticks up for herself and says what she thinks um her interesting answer to what do you value in an alliance partner this is from her bio quote we all know alliances are only temporary so I'm not expecting much from anyone we are all going to lie to each other okay as a teammate I'm hoping to learn a new language maybe to dance maybe learn about someone's cultural or spiritual beliefs does she know what she's going on Surviving I like that what a weird like way to come about that interesting just going get to know people out there Gabe doesn't want to make friends she's like let's make friends right right they'll be the best of friends yeah she's she's going to Camp that's the problem right like she's just going out there let's sing Kumbaya I'm going to recruit this young Hawaiian girl uh and uh you know call it a day but we'll see I don't know we will see okay that's Sue let's go to uh the fifth member of the blue tribe his name is TK oh my God TK wait I did get cast you did get cast uh 31-year-old athlete marketing manager from Maryland even now I just sit here and I see like ants and bugs crawling I'm just like what the hell is going [Music] on so when I was 14 I was diagnosed with fsgs it's a pretty rare kidney disease I had 50% kidney failure by the time I found out anything was even wrong with me and I was told by three different doctors that I wasn't going to make it nothing's going to be as bad as dying right so I mean at the end of the day like I don't really care what adversity I face I'm just excited to be in all of this and just experience it all been wanting to play football my whole life my sickness and illness I couldn't play anymore so I just told myself if I can't play in the NFL I'm going to work for the NFL in some type of capacity I'm in athlete marketing I essentially play a middleman between partners and players you're dealing with all types of people in my line of work you got people who's from a country town all the way in Middle Tennesse somewhere and you have a guy who's from urban New York I have to treat him the same and I have to work with him the same so I think that help me here as well so TK let's start with our TK your thoughts on this TK he's representing for us well I like I like his energy I don't know if we're going to a better quote then it can't be as good or as bad as dying uh he's just laughing through the whole thing uh will his background in marketing play a factor maybe you know it means he knows how to talk to people and like he says he sees a lot of different people uh in his line of work um so yeah I mean he's he's high on my list for so far we're a third of the way through basically um he's one of my top two so far you liked him you said when you first watched it star power don't let this guy get to the end he'll win it so likable so um like clearly has had adversity in his life he's had this health scare he's overcome that I I just want I would watch him talk like he just seems really really likable JD yeah a people person who has perspective like can look at the big picture and say yeah I I I could have died I still could I don't know if he's still suffering from uh I've never heard of this disease kidy disease I guess uh so you know he's there he's there to give it his all and he's charismatic as [ __ ] he sort of like lights up the screen oh my God he a great smile yeah so uh I like him I like him a lot uh what is something we would never know from looking at you he said I'm kind of a nerd at heart I like that I love video games anime sci-fi films and I really like Nature Documentaries for some reason interesting okay okay then okay be over so you know he's got maybe this mix of like he's obviously athletic and had maybe hopes to play in the NFL you know besides that that was like dampened obviously because of his uh his disease there but he's also maybe a nerd he's blending the two together maybe you can connect with people I do love from all these videos whatever your profession is you have to spin it into how that will help you with a Survivor sure they it makes me laugh like the like the the Hoops they jump well I talk to people for I'm sure he does have to manage a lot of big personalities and anticipate people's needs read what they want versus what they're saying like there is some Nuance there in that kind of a role for sure I was trying to determine who like the blurt out faces were when he was walking alongside people like I work with the NFL I was like is that to aagab aloa could have been yeah will he be name dropping anyone out there interesting I don't know if that would serve him to do that prob not yeah oh you're too close to athletes you must be very rich get out of here yeah get out of here man all right our final person on the blue tribe is Tiana a 27-year-old flight attendant from [Applause] Hawaii when you hear Hawaii you think Vibe go with the flow but in reality I'm going to be cutting throats so I'm hoping they think I'm just here for a fun little ride but they have no idea what's lurking under the surface I'm constantly seeing where I can grow and evolve as a human being I was a division one college athlete got my masters in educational leadership in policy and I am a flight attendant for Hawaiian Airlines but I do want to become a pilot winning that million dollars is going to help a lot with pilot school I was an alternate for season 45 I was obviously pissed however looking back on it I'm so grateful that Hannah stuck it out for those two extra days and I know that things are going to work out the way they're meant to work out we will be compling shortly AKA Jeff snuffing your torch as you proceed out of the aircraft go ahead and shocka back to us because it was not personal we still love you anyway okay so here's our flight attendant yes hang loose uh obviously a character what do you think yeah our first native Hawaiian contestant that's pretty cool in this season ever I thought wow that's what I read did some research you don't think Cody grew up there he was from Iowa he was from Iowa but but the elevator sales in Hawaii are irresistible and to get out to Honolulu true I mean she it seems like she's a athlete she played volleyball for Gonzaga I think it's said that in her bio um she played volleyball for Gonzaga and sand volleyball for the University of Utah sand volleyball somebody said sand volleyball at last night's pickup run I had just never heard it called sand volleyball obviously we're talking about beach volleyball but it used to be called of Dune yeah sure so she's an athlete there tribe actually if you look at it looks pretty athletic who's the oldest out there but like you said JD like looks really athletic this they could be tough I feel like they will be dominant yeah that's what I the vibe I'm getting um but yeah an alternate for season 45 could have been you Hannah took her spot but hey it all worked out she's there what do you think I think she's gonna Outlast Hannah that would be my first prediction uh I kind of liked her energy um you know I think she like you're saying she's got the athleticism she also says she has like educational background so she's seeing a lot of different people I'm sure talking to parents um yet again we're seeing somebody who's saying I'm going to go under the radar you know that's kind of a I think going to be a big pitch for a lot of these people but I kind of like uh the energy that we were getting in this audition flight attendants have done well in Survivor history JD if you actually go back I mean Todd won as a flight there's a couple other that went very very far uh for whatever reason what do you think of Tiana I like her I like her energy but you know I got to say something bad okay uh slightly pudding and I'm not sure what it is it's that pain her smile is so big it looks painful for her you know I think it might and her her you know I'm sure that you know hey producer says Hey dance around for us you know let's get some shots and it's just like I feel like you're going to rub people the wrong way out of the gate you're you're free spirit energy and uh but I don't know like that this just like I think some people love that and some people can't stand and that's what I think she's going to do to people there the most silly goose we've seenly but that painful looking smile makes me think that there's something dark in there you know what I mean who was the there was a woman two seasons ago who had like the most she was the sweetest woman but she also like would have breakdowns and stuff but and her smile was just so I can't remember her name uh you know after it's done it's done and they're gone out of my mind my my concern here with on it is when they ever have to go to their first tribal counsil second one whatever she she screams to me when last minute changes are happening like that she's going to panic a little bit just her energy yes that could be a problem maybe not for her but for other people she does seem a little heightened so we'll see how that it could be the thing of like maybe the first couple days she's more wired and then she settles in once she figures out what the Vibes are and that that happens to a lot of people out and this is like remember like they're doing it like they're just out there on the island yeah doing these little videos probably before the game starts I don't know if it's a day or two before whenever they do it but they're pumped Sue are going to lock in you how could they not right the pilots Alliance yeah got to like how could they not right they must I could see Sue calming her down and being like you need to chill like isn't yeah isn't Tiana though gonna find out what Sue does like oh my Godless Sue lies you think Sue is lying about the whole thing I don't know I don't know well we saw her flying the plane if she no no no that's not what I mean if she doesn't if she isn't honest to the people on the show about what she does cuz she doesn't want to seem I don't know influent or oh no the first thing she's telling people she owns a flight well she seems proud so should yeah they're going to link up you know I I do wonder if uh who is the first um uh Caroline like will there be a strong little women's like will sue as Mama Sue here like take take who yeah who in under her Wing that happen how dare you put the old lady into the she's a grandmother good for her true she doesn't have to be the grand she doesn't have to she's the pilot the business owner she's the she contains mud of planes and Industry maybe maybe she's got a little bit of a beef with flight attendants like yeah flight attendant you want might as well just be a passenger exactly yeah exactly all right let's move to the yellow tribe and we start with and Andy a 31-year-old AI res research assistant from Brooklyn New York I have the ability to charm and disarm this is a social game like that's really good I work in a computer learning natural language it's the science of language Survivor it's a game of conversations and so I'm going to be especially attuned to that social element of the game I was really really close with my cousin Ashley she named me The Godfather to her firstborn a year later we lost Ashley to domestic violence and they don't have parental figures I can be someone that they can look up to what better way of showing that than like following my dream I can come back home and look at chasy and say this is how you live life people are looking at me and thinking that I am another Austin solid Dependable But ultimately beatable if people see that in me I can cap capitalize on that and just play like a snake oh wow he's going to play the Austin [ __ ] card in Austin Survivor 45 this guy was uh Andy was a finalist last cycle as well so he's been trying to get on the show here become very close and finally he's in here your first impressions likable seems friendly it does seem like his social game will be strong um he gives an unserious Vibe yeah um in his presentation like he was being silly and I mean after watching I have watched some of these already but um I was like what would I do if the camera was just on me and like some people like they mind boxing or like I know what I would do either but it is like kind of awkward like what do I do so he did like a silly wave so he does seem like kind of like a chill bro but I do think he knows a lot about Survivor and he's a pretty serious Survivor fan and first guy I'm like I don't know I'm not I was a little offut by uh the unserious and I'm just like are you going to actually make moves out here are you just trying to come out and have fun he's trying to pitch himself as sideways to Austin but Austin got pretty far you know like he could have easily won if he didn't fall in love at an inopportune time right uh I like his story seems like a good guy but I don't know how AI research assistant is going to play out on the island some people probably okay with it some people probably scared what does this guy know make his own decisions you got to run it through an algorithm what does chat gbt say interesting that you said I'm paraphrasing what you said but maybe this guy sort of screams like a guy that might just be riding passenger for this ride I say that because one of his favorite hobbies is road trips even though he can't drive respect okay that's a crazy thing to say that's a wild thing to say like can't drive but I'm all in for the road truck but he's not in control he's there for the journey he's there for the journey maybe he's good on the radio he's going to have to step up but uh yeah I'm sort of with you TK I I didn't I wasn't like oh I like I I don't dislike this guy compelling presentation yeah yeah JD your thoughts on Andy yeah I'm I'm with you uh a decent vibe from him in his defense he is from Brooklyn New York so you don't need a license if you live in New York you know I'm not going to use that as a strike against him uh but seems like a genuine guy a sweet guy horrific backstory though disconnect with between his his demeanor and you know the the back story that they chose to show us just like God damn it yeah this guy's been through some stuff uh so yeah I mean I think he'll be decent in challenges he seems relatively athletic um but we'll we'll see I mean will he go as far as Austin his personality wasn't jumping out of the screen at me or anything like that he says his two great Powers though are his ability to charm and disarm people from all walks of life he said that in that video and then he said my ability to crunch numbers in a pinch too okay okay puzzles puzzles just the the obviously the strategy part maybe where the votes are lying you know we'll see uh let's move to Ana a 26-year-old marketing manager from Los Angeles I am exuberant curious and calculated calculated being my favorite word on dating apps one of my prompts is is I'm convinced that I can win Survivor and I've been collecting all the different responses of all these different men you're not going to win if I'm on the show or you really think you're going to win if you doubt my skill set red flag if you're mentioning players like parvy and Boston Rob to me green flag I'm a manager of finance and operations it's a very strategic role I gather all of the data points I analyze them knowing how to move the business forward if we are doing good or bad same thing in Survivor I'm going to have to continuously update my gameplay based on how things go because I did grow up in a predominantly white area I did change things about myself in order to fit in it took me some time to fully Embrace who I am instead of trying to run away or hide from it and I think it's the perfect timing for me to go into a game meeting people as who anuka is JD let's start with you this time anuka what do you think I think if somebody jumps into your dating profile and says I'm going to beat you at Survivor I think they're flirting with you you know what I mean like I don't think you should that's not necessarily a red flag you know you you're you're leaving men on the table is what I'm saying for no reason for no reason people don't know how to flirt anymore right yeah honestly uh I I like her uh she's gorgeous obviously um now that we're ranking people in their looks on this show finally she's one of the youngest people out there a young one guy that is younger but yeah yeah um I don't know I I mean she describes herself as exuberant I don't know what that means really but calculating is what we she wants us to focus on and I like that I get maybe villain vibes from her like she did have that sort of weird evil laugh that was undercut by the nice jangly guitar under it because it could have easily gone into the uh so yeah I think m i I'm getting villain Vibes I'm getting calculated Vibes I'm getting maybe maybe no I'm I'm not going to say PIR Vibes but well she said in her bio in my day-to-day life I have a tendency to be blunt and straightforward like Queen Sandra okay I can persuade people like Queen parver okay however I think I will play most like Queen Sarah in Game Changers okay those are her three uh female Idol she's very Dynamic she's a babe um I like that she said calculated um don't underestimate a girl in her 20s either they know too much um and they will figure things out uh I do think she does feel like a person though that might get herself into scenarios like being suspicious of people and thinking she's being calculated but she's seeing things that aren't necessarily there okay um but yeah excited to see how she gels TK your thoughts I'm getting major pre-merge Vibe character from her like she's going to get involved like you're saying Nora she's going to get suspicious of somebody or do something suspicious I'm thinking of like J Maya digging a hole and trying to get people to try and find an idol that she hid somewhere else it feels like she's going to butt heads with somebody early on and that could carry a couple of episodes uh for us so we'll see how it turns out I mean calculated you put that I'm going to win Survivor and then you save all of these responses so that you can go on Survivor talk trash about these that is calculated yeah I thought it was sort of a badass move okay I do like her I like her emo here all right so that's anuka uh let's move to the big celebrity from Survivor 47 this is John LoveIt A 42-year-old podcast host from New York but lives in La if I were introducing myself I would say this is John LoveIt he is a former presidential speech writer and TV writer he is now a podcast host and he's best in small [Music] doses being a speech writer is about figuring out the best way to convince a bunch of people to either come along with you or agree with you or support you I think that's a lot of what survivor is final tribal it's a political campaign it's an election and it is very fun to think about but I know that if I'm thinking about that I'm not thinking about what I have to do to get there when P of America listeners and love it or leave it listeners discover that the reason I was gone for 5 weeks is to be on Survivor they're going to think that that is bananas but there was something really exciting about putting that aside to focus on this game where everybody starts at zero and and it'll be okay once I get Talking you'll see it's it's worse for me than it is for you I'm just an odd person okay let me before I get your first impressions of John love it on Survivor some of his bio answers were hilarious okay three words to describe you most people pick three different words like we s saw calculated whatever he went with opinions for days okay I love that uh who do you think You'll Play most like he said Penner with an Aubrey Moon and a Cochran Rising wow love it hey that's awesome any time somebody picks non-winners as who they want to play like respect yeah I'm with you I'm with you uh pet peeves too many to count he said phones at stoplight people who cut in line and then act confused I'm just constantly annoyed I'm like a gay Larry David yeah that's great and then final one here who's your biggest inspiration and why honestly I love my family and friends but I'm inspired and motivated by the people I hate a page out of the Nora book of life so your thoughts on John love it here being a Survivor great inspiration his one-on-one interview with the camera is they're all going to be hilarious he's going to get a lot of camera time I think uh the way he interacts with everybody will be really interesting he's been in rooms with some of the most powerful people ever like presidents and crafted the words for them so H I think the star power will be great with him well people know who he is some well some I would have to think not all okay I say 100% somebody day one we get up hey you're John love it or like I know your voice yes I like we haven't met her yet but Rachel I feel like would know who he is um I don't know anuka feels like maybe too young we'll see yeah I don't know like I I'm with you guys I think somebody will but I don't think like everybody out there is like oh that guy no not at all no I don't think he's that recognizable uh your thoughts though on his intro video here I think Nora is Right confessional Powerhouse like he's going to be Mike White reincarnated every time you're on talking head it's going to be great they're going to put in a ton of them but who's letting a presidential speech writer get to final Tri never no way not only are you probably like oh he must be rich he works in politics he's a speech writer and you're going to let him convince people to give him a million dollars seems unlikely to me yeah do you think he can hide it somehow just say podcaster yeah maybe people would cuz he has I just do this little NBA show I do a couple of my buddies we talk about the NBA every day it's a small little show no big deal you imagine awesome uh yeah will I don't think he will lie though well he doesn't necessarily have to say he was a presidential leave that part out he say I'm a podcaster that's not widely known I don't think like to the Casual pod safe pod Safe America okay but yeah I like John uh I listen to his show I do find them insufferable sometimes they get on my tits sometimes and I could see that happening on the island uh but I I agree with you 100% Trey uh mad uh Mike White uh Vibes you know and I cannot wait for his confessionals M wa went very far did he he did yeah Lisa welshire back in the day went very far too I mean like a smaller celebrity right from was she on family ti no she was on uh uh uh facts life facts life there you go thank um but yeah I I'm going to be rooting for him just because I feel like I know him right like it's like I listen to the show all the time so uh I mean if TK has to cheer for a guy named TK we sort of do have to cheer for another podcast kind I mean yeah it's like it's like guys named after us or women yeah uh the profession of podcast hosts or Canadians right or maybe from Chicago we have to it's just sure what we do he absolutely uh all right let's move to Rachel who's up next here on the same Tri is John love it Rachel is a 34-year-old graphic designer from Michigan I love people I love games I love like challenging myself I love money so like what is there not to love about [Laughter] [Music] Survivor I design user interfaces when you're using an app you don't necessarily notice the color or like the buttons or the typography that's being used all of those things should feel really seamless that's how I want to integrate myself in this game no one's really like actually paying attention to the fact that I'm there all the time I'm weird and I'm like quirky and just like a little neurotic and a little too much at times and I think my husband Derek is the absolute foil to my personality just like really balance each other out I hope that I can find somebody out here that has similar characteristics and is able to keep me in check I've been thinking about this goldilock complex not too smart but not unstr not too physical but not too weak just being right in that like middle spot that's key to winning okay that's Rachel uh with one of the better lines from all these videos I love money and I was laughing like yeah hell yeah very self-aware I feel like very smart she designs user interface like stuff you don't even think about the granular stuff about how something looks I could see her and John connecting they seem you know she just seems bright and so and clever and I could see them chatting it up your thoughts on Rachel she's my favorite from this tribe so far she seems like with uh her occupation she's got to be detail oriented between coding and like doing all the little tiny typography stuff like she's mentioning not an overbearing personality but very personable uh it seems like she I like her MH yeah very very likable bit of a cushy job I have to say lot of shots of her sitting at a desk inside very comfortable you know what I'm saying yeah that's all that's all I was a photo of her and Derek on the river so they're outoors that's right you're right I hope Derrick makes it out there are we back are we the loved ones back oh loved ones bring them back yeah why don't they do it anym a cost a lot a l come on they're making where is he come on Jeff Jeff making billions she uh has a self proclaimed sort of overactive brain like she even said in her bio in a partner she's looking for someone that will not be intimidated by her rapid fire way of thinking and that then can like take again these are her words my word vomit and parse it back and that will like she's looking for someone that can like chill her out so be a good balance if she finds the right person I can see that working yeah uh needs a speech [Laughter] writer I see them vibing power couple uh this is one of the funniest answers in all of the BIOS When Rachel was asked what's something we would never know from looking at you she wrote I can house the majority of a Costco watermelon in a single setting just hoofing down a watermelon I can house the majority what does that mean like house it to eat it eat it all yeah aggressively I've never heard that before you never oh really that's why I laughed at that yeah yeah I can house a watermelon you I mean looking at her she you would not think that no no definitely not pencil it in as a reward I would say if you're bragging about being able to eat this much food suddenly you're going to be tempted with a whole watermel see it Rachel yeah yeah okay let's move to the fifth member of the yellow tribe here this is is Sam a 24-year-old sports reporter born in Illinois but now lives in Nashville everybody wants to find an idol but Idols are like curses now so individual immunity works just fine for me that one I don't have to [Music] overthink my first memory is me and my brother sitting cross-legged as Jeff is reading the votes in Survivor Cook Islands we're just chanting azy azy azy as Jeff reveals the last vote Ule tears we are like distraught you would have thought our dog died Sports and Survivor were like two of my things growing up and I hit the age where you kind of realize okay not going to be a professional athlete for a living how else can I get involved Sports reporting gave me an outlet I think in sports reporting you have to know how to stroke an ego how to ask the right question to get information out of people I've kind of fine-tuned those skills I've always been a little bit more than just the sports guy I did musical theater I did drama I I wrote poetry as soon as you've made a connection with me like the vulnerability comes flowing out so I'm not afraid to show a little waterwork sometimes all right Sam likes Sports and he doesn't care Sam likes Sports from Wimbledon to the Super Bowl uh Sam the youngest person out here on the island 24 yeah he is my first pick for somebody that's going to say we have to keep the tribe strong because this guy cares a lot about the physical portion of the game uh trying to become an athlete it didn't work so then he became a sports reporter it's kind of like you know trying to become an athlete and then it doesn't work and you become a podcaster Happ to all of us out there was that your path yeah there was a there was a detour into thinking I knew anything about the medical field right you know cutting open but uh bodies um Sam seems all right I don't think he's going to win no he is the only person here in watching these videos and getting ready for this show that I didn't take any notes on I just like I didn't have anything I like Sam I said he kind of feels like a chameleon cuz he starts with he has bro energy off the top he's like boxing at the camera and like again but then he starts talking about musical theater so like you are kind of a lot of different characteristics things I would yeah I could see him and Andy kind of getting together and vibing okay um they seem kind of like affable Bros okay oh little bro Bromance possibly yeah okay your thoughts on Sam JY yeah not much to be honest I mean he's definitely going on might make make your picks team because he sounds like a crier true he said he's not afraid to let those Waterworks go he's a m musical theater so you know he's he's he's no stranger to to crying for sure okay um but yeah I'm not oh you know nobody's picking Sam to win this game not currently no I don't think so yeah but we'll see you said he was 24 yeah older seems older I so yeah I agree with that all right final person here uh in this tribe Sierra 27-year-old nurse who resides in Pennsylvania a lot of times when I'm around people are laughing I like to call myself a [Music] hoot I am actually a surgical nurse so I work for a plastic surgeon so I get to be that like surgical guide to walk all these patients throughout the process so really I end up being a lot of time the therapist and I really want to be somebody that my you know trades can turn to and be like hey I'm feeling down I feel like I can bring that to them people look at me and just see a little tiara on my head there's so much more to Sierra than just pageant Sierra being like a Phillies ball girl playing softball my entire life being in the service industry for over 12 years to now being a registered nurse and I was born for the game of Survivor so I'm ready I'm out here to play for my dad he has gone through hell and back the last two years with like chemo infusions blood transfusions his last like few words to me were just like go get un Bud like bring it home and you know come home a millionaire um and that's what I'm gonna do JD I checked you don't get points for Sierra crying in intro video uh but three words to describe herself ambitious intuitive and Hoot oh my God Jesus that's so this is her thing wait wait wait so it says hoot it just says hoot I'm a hoot the Pennsylvania accent is wild yes it's I keep thinking of that Tina Fay used to do that accent she had a character anyway nonetheless uh she feels like every drunk girl I've ever met in a bathroom oh yeah totally and like I you don't know this cuz you're not in the bathroom the girl's bathroom but when you're drunk and you meet another drunk girl in the bathroom that's who you're meeting and they're like I love your dress and like you start talking and you never see them again right but that's the vibe she has like incredibly like affable outgoing she's cute um yeah I like her yeah me too social butterfly it seems like to me she's going to be able to make friends with everybody she deals with stressful situations as a nurse but it seems like she's got some depth to her as well with the backstory with her father an athlete as well so I think she'll be competitive in that portion of the game that was a good intro video I thought for her I'm on fan JD one of her favorite hobbies pickle ball oh yeah okay she's winning this game there you go she gets strategy she knows when to come to the line when to back up when to smash the ball and when to just simply dink it there you go that's your video to get off she also likes crab she lik crabbing on the bo uh she has a newfound love for rock climbing and I'm also a big beer pong girl minus the beer sub a Seltzer heck put water in them I just love the damn game oh my go just throwing a pingpong ball into a cup she just likes games she likes games likes games she likes games JD what do you think here of Sierra yeah I like her I like her a lot I like her even more now that I know she's a pickle ball person uh and uh I got a little bit ver clam when she's talking about her dad hopefully he's still with us but it's hard who knows um but uh but yeah Sierra Good Vibes I think she uh Kenzie Vibes I think a little like she say she wants to take on the other people's happiness and making sure everybody's okay so uh is she just is she just too much Kenzie was like reserved but very likable I I my only fear with Sierra is that she's going to irrit yeah like you said the drunk girl in the bom all right relax here a bit and she you know she's going to come in like a lot of them do but like super pumped she needs to survive the first uh tribal c s and anuka are basically the same age so their personalities feel very different but I could see them aligning but yeah Sierra's gone through some stuff obviously her dad diagnosed with cancer two years ago and shortly after her mom had a second heart attack as her dad was receiving home chemotherapy my God and then on top of that because she is a nurse she goes quote I'm getting sick of the monthly payments towards my one 00,000 student debt oh my goodness so she's out there to win milon bucks get out there Sierra mix it up one more thing about Sierra she worked for what 10 years in the service industry so she's she knows people yeah Nora she's definitely been in that bathroom sure I feel like I know Sierra okay okay so that's the yellow tribe uh our final tribe here it's the red tribe uh and we start with um I believe you pronounce it Asia Asia a 32-year-old it consultant from Houston Texas Texas if we sit next to each other on a plane I will talk to your ear off and I literally have at least six or seven Contex in my phone of so and so's name [Music] airplane I always thought I'm going to be married by 23 I'm going to have kids by 25 and I am 32 and single what that has prepar me for is to be adaptable cuz I don't know what Jeff is going to throw at us all I know is that I have the ability to create strong relationships and that's what's going to carry me through the game if I see somebody that seem unapproachable they seem impossible to work with I'm going to want to make it happen because I'm going to feel that personal satisfaction that I was able to win them over because I saw people like Maran Shan coutur seeing someone like me and thinking wait if they could do it I could do it and so if I could do that for some other girl out there I think that's inspiring there is Asa on the red tribe now she is a part of the Rob has a podcast world world yeah she's a podcaster she's a podcaster every it's very hot time to be a podcaster I can't believe I know it's okay we're going to get there maybe that was the problem they watch competition to weed them out yeah uh but your thoughts on her a very warm personality uh she seems very nice which makes me worried for her I'm like I need you to have a little bit more of an edge but given that she's in the podcasting world and has experience around Survivor she knows what she has to do so um hopefully she's just keeping that part of herself a little bit secret right you don't think she should come out there and say not necessarily I don't think it works well for women okay no I I do like her um and I wonder how much she does keep that secret of her knowledge of the game right uh what do you think though I like it um I like how she's referencing Shan and coutura two great players who kind of just got caught up a little too early in the game played a little too fast but you know if you're in the Rob world you're getting tips you're getting ad you know the way where they went wrong in their game and you can use that for your game so I could see her going pretty far she also lost 10 pounds of fat and gained five pounds of muscle in preparation get it girl for Survivor by strength training so taking this very seriously JD your first impressions grip training cuz remember uh who was GP yeah yeah 10 pound of muscle right here hold on to a lot of things NS yes you see that guy that just broke like the pull-ups world record did 6,000 in like a day his hands were mangled who needs it they look disgusting what did he get for it just a got the record yeah I would say a handshake but he couldn't even do that are men okay like what is wrong with you bro we're all very impressed what is wrong come on but jie what do you thinking yeah I was off I was a little uh offputting when she was saying I talk to everybody next to me on a plane but by the end of her tape I was like I would talk to her on a plane she's very Charming very warm uh I think she's going to be very popular on the island I think she's going to be make a lot of friends uh and like you say she's got she's in the Survivor business so she better go far yeah right I think she's long for this game yeah yeah I don't know if she wins it but I think she's going to be around for a while her favorite hobby is going to escape rooms playing basketball love to see that long walks with my dogs because one of her pet peeves sort of ironic people who oppose the idea that dogs can be someone's children who's opposing this there are people say it to my face well she she doesn't have any kids as she said but has two dogs named pepper and cinnamon a Spice Girls she calls them her Spice Girls Stop seriously yeah stop I'm dead serious that's what I said so you like her even more we just become best friends girls you like her even more that's so cute she's a dog person green flag okay good good good good great okay let's move to our second person here on the red tribe geneveve a 33 three-year-old corporate lawyer from Winnipeg Mina let's go but the problem is I'm a terrible liar so I don't know I'm going to be really really grateful if I'm here on like day [Music] four I'm here I guess I am a corporate lawyer which means my phone is going off all the time so life is busy and chaotic and complicated and stressful but I love it it's not that I have a passion for the law I really don't but I have a passion for problem solving and for people and so that's going to help me out here I will absolutely not be telling people that I a lawyer post 45 hell no three out of the final six were lawyers there's no way that I can tell people I'm a lawyer or they'll be like okay nice to meet you bye I got to be really careful about who I show the inner workings of my mind too I'm going to win and win but like unanimously with no one ever voting for me the whole game and anything less than that will be a complete failure sarcasm uh yeah so she's not going to be telling people that she's a lawyer she should definitely not especially after Survivor 45 right that's right three of the final six coutura Jakey boy and Julie all Jake Jakey boy Jakey boy I could see her saying like I'm a teacher or something something that's like not so far off that you could still make it work yeah oh yeah it's interesting what will she go with as her profession something neutral okay okay but think yeah you like her not just cuz she's a Canadian not just CU she's a Canadian but for sure going to rep her no matter what uh I thought she felt um out of the ones you've seen so far kind of like the most humble like she wasn't like I'm going to go out there and Crush everything well she did say at the end she was going to win the game and get no she was being sarcastic sarcastic you know I'm kidding yeah she's adorable she's really you know I'm kidding I'll be the first one booted out she's so she's really cute uh she seems like she's a babe yeah she has a great smile I feel like she's a doer like she's someone that's going to get stuff done I don't think she's going to just wait around and be told what to do but also I think she's aware enough that she has to be an observer so listen to what people say and then like act accordingly okay your thoughts on the Canadian TK you can tell like JD said I could tell right away she was Canadian because she comes in she's like I'll probably get voted out first and then they do like her little talking she like like I don't know I'm on Survivor sorry sorry sorry they pck me uh but yeah she seems um charming and I think she'll be able to get in with other people on her tribe and you know just kind of go with the flow and pop up when she needs to JD you love it yeah I mean of course you know I'm a homer so uh she seems great uh I do worry about her sort of feeling like she's not supposed to be there you know what I mean like she definitely sends out those vibes which is a very Canadian thing to do very impostor syndrome but uh I think she's uh and I am worried about the shot of her sort of lingering over the PM frons because when they give you the job to weave pom frons like that's not a good sign that's not a not a good sign I'm just saying I'm just saying know your strengths though if she yeah I know but I've been I've also heard on other podcasts that it's kind of a useless sort of busy work for people who you know weave this while we actually build the I see okay the interesting analysis but yeah I mean I think that you know she's unique in that she seems humble and she just seems to be happy to be there and but she's a lawyer and I think she's whip smart yeah so uh and I think she could be good at challenges as well uh I don't know why I just get that Vibe she seems like she could be not necessarily like a challenge threat but she'll get it done I don't think she's going to like hold a team back no seems pretty fit uh getting on Survivor an accomplishment she was very proud of quote I first applied the very night that Canadians could so that's what five or six years ago I've applied every year since and I got progressively closer each time but last year I got rejected when my hopes were up it hurt but I kept trying it's the longest I failed at something repeatedly but kept trying and here I am wow so definitely wants to be on this damn show and now she is there repping the Canadians the only one out there this time all right let's go to uh kishan Patel a 28-year-old ER doctor from San Francisco the adjectives that I used to describe myself or other people used to describe me I'm just going to say adorable I don't know yeah part of being an ER doctor is strategizing and prioritizing and triaging and just having that chaos at all times nights to days gunshot wounds to stab wounds just like that emotional Whiplash and like the ER trains me for that you never know what's coming at you but you still have to be in control of it you have to know the strategy of what to do next that's exactly what survivor is I was very strategic about when I came out my parents they would view this as a distraction that's why I had to be so patient and once I had achieved becoming a doctor I could live my life I wanted to prove that I can achieve anything I want to be and that's every regard regardless of my sexual orientation some of my extended family still don't know that I'm gay and so they were like maybe you could just pretend you're not hell to the no I'm here to play and share everything about me and here I am now all right JD I want to start with you because we did see a shot there of Kon uh weaving weaving some Palm frons there you go don't get we what do you think here from the vid uh I like him I'm not going to go so far as to call him adorable but he's pretty adorable I mean he's uh he seems like a likable guy um he's a doctor so we got a doctor and a lawyer on this tribe uh you know I'm fine I he's not knocking my socks off okay okay that's fine yeah he feels middle of the road right now he's not like jumping out at me but he's also not doing anything to turn me off um he's very inoffensive yeah okay you don't find him charismatic though no it was a bit weird to hear him his affect like he is very cute and like Jolly but he's like gunshot wound I don't feel like that's guy lose his head yeah like you don't have the gravy toss of what I imagin in the doctor is but I mean maybe that's just me but yeah he's cute yeah he seems more like a pediatrician than an ER doctor but I'm Kean Hive I think I like him uh I think he's a very charismatic Charming adorable is maybe a word I would have to use he seems like he'll be a chatty guy uh who will get in with a lot of people he's got to deal with stressful situations in his life both coming out to his parents and the rest of his family and then obviously working in the ER as well so I'm a Patel guy he says wants to uh or hopes to play like Spencer is sort of his comparison who he wants to you know it's like like a geeky nerd to use his words but authentic and has still like a little devious streak to him gameplay um he also said uh something we would never know by looking at you despite usually being a well-planned cautious and articulate person I randomly will swing the pendulum too far and be super spontaneous I did a last minute solo trip to Guatemala to hike a volcano I went skydiving and I joined a competitive dance team in college all spontaneously what I applied to be on Survivor on a whim and here I am oh no oh boy uhoh here I don't like that he's going to be he survived skydiving he survived the volcano he's not going to like it there oh I like that shirt he had on though I like that colorful shirt the shirt is sick great fit cool is Doctor a profession you don't tell people about I would hide it we are doctor like you're a hero um I'm an opthalmologist or something a little bit less threatening nice yeah okay I don't know if you can fake your way through opthalmologist okay whatever you know what I mean you choose something a little more maybe believable but less ER doctor flash yeah can maybe a pediatrician then yeah pediatrician is great no you can't say doctor because doctor is Rich doctor equal every thinks everybody thinks it may not be true but it is true terribly crippling debt is what that's true that's true so just say that even if he is he could say I work adjacent to the medical industry like in some kind of like other business capacity W you better be careful cuz there's a guy coming up who's in medical sales well he can talk Med he's a doctor he's a doctor you know what he's doing all right let's go to our fourth person on this tribe his name is Rome he's a 30-year-old Esports commentator who lives in Phoenix Arizona give us like a 15c narration of a challenge going on all right so we've got two teams right two squads they're both going out wait let me read [Music] what I do in Esports is what Jeff does on Survivor Jeff does all the shot calling and that's exactly what I do in the video games I've been traveling all around the world I've been all the way to Saudi Arabia casting $2 million fortnite tournaments when I'm watching Survivor the second the challenge starts I'll mute it and then I'll start commentating over the challenge and then I'll rewind it and then listen to how Jeff does it and see like where I can improve because I mean Jeff is the goat of it so you know you got to learn from the best I I feel like People's First Impressions of me are going to be man this guy is loud I don't know if this guy's got a lot going on upstairs but guess what I I like to think that I'm smart I took an IQ test it was like 135 I don't know how accurate is but hey I'll take it I got a lot of things up my sleeve that a lot of these players aren't going to be able to see just from looking at me and so I'm going to be a very very scary player and I I truly believe I'm by far one of the biggest threats out here to win this game all right that's Rog definitely one of the biggest characters big character uh if he brings this energy to the tribe I'm worried about him because this is a lot like this oh for us very entertaining but he will be not long for that world if he is that uh chatty talking a mile a minute boasting about all of the things that he does he does kind of have like a voice for radio like it's definitely telling um I don't watch any video games or Esports commentating but I guess he does it for like fortnite yeah probably other things as well I didn't do a deep dive on fasinating yeah I'm too old for that but uh yeah definitely a character yeah you could see him flaming out early or getting in with the right crew of people and they're like we'll keep you around because you're funny you know like we like having you around because he Le leftt off the screen I think when you're watching that he's making people laugh he's making himself laugh first and foremost so uh I don't necessarily know that I would have him in like a final three Contender but I could see him making the merge perhaps or you know going home in the first three episodes yeah yeah I I get um shades of I think his name was JD back in Survivor 41 who uh was a character and was a little wild out there and uh it lasted you know like 10 days or something but like was on screen a lot remember JD but anyway uh what do you think of Rome here I like him I definitely a character uh I feel like he got done a little dirty with this little package like you set him up to do a fake call and then he he blows it and you air it anyway like I don't know is he going to get the do he's the goofball the goofball character maybe the the the music CU would also suggest that a little bit but I like him uh you know and also Survivor likes to throw red herrings and say this this guy don't take this guy too seriously and then he ends up going to the end but he doesn't scream winner to me but uh yeah I think he's going to be very enjoyable at pre merge yeah he says uh why he'll be Soul Survivor I'm going to play my Idols I like to see that he says and he says I will win at least four individual immunity challenges calling his shot there see it got to get to the merge first an incredible answer to what is something we would never know from looking at you I haven't eaten a vegetable other than corn in two decades Rome Rome eat some kale go home and eat kale that is not cool that is not the flex that you think thought of that by looking at you you're correct that is concerning I know I know other than corn other than corn corn is like barely a vegetable it's like a starch essentially it's the sweetest vegetable you got to eat some green stuff Rome I'm worried about you this's going to get Bruce W out of this do he have scurvy already he's going to get scurvy out there well he didn't say fruit but still I'm worried do you um do you buy Rome saying when he watches Survivor he mutes the challenges calls the action and then rewinds to hear how propes called it well in that it's funny you say that because I was reading separately about him he watched every season of Survivor in a year so I'm thinking someone has to do the math on this because how long would that take if he's pausing doing the call [ __ ] on that what I'm saying I don't know Rome I don't know you're going to have to have vegetables in your body to be doing stuff like that that's a season a week in a year basically that's crazy sicko wow okay I didn't I guess you travel a lot as an orts I guess he's watched a lot so he definitely if he's absorbed the knowledge while he was doing that I mean he's seen it all he literally has seen it all yeah do you think it's worse to watch it in like a compressed format as opposed to over many years I don't know I I mean look we we as we've just proved a couple times like once we watch it it's like gone out of our head outside of the winner and maybe a handful of characters G yeah like I barely remember anything ever so hard to keep the stamina of watching these long of seasons for an entire year and the episodes are longer now right from now they're longer 90minut episodes what up with that well you better 2our episode to start it off I know are they going to do a whole Applebee's promo again that can that was a wild last year can only hope so eat a bloom and onion we're going to get one in the I'm going to order it oh shits good okay two more to go here we're almost through this uh we now have Solomon who I believe goes by Saul a 43-year-old medical device salesman born in Oklahoma now resides in Connecticut God why am I crying so much right now I don't do this I don't like talking [Music] and I help people with neurodegenerative disorders like Parkinson's disease I'm just the rep a neurosurgeons implant electrodes in the part of the brain that affect your movement they're tremoring like crazy and then all of a sudden in an instant those tremors are gone and it's it's a great feeling I've won over2 200 ,000 playing poker tournaments when I make a move I'm not lying to you I'm bluffing you I can take that emotion out because in the end this is the game the best game ever obviously there aren't many Koreans in Oklahoma so I stood out right away it was rough I got picked on a lot but I also always stood up for myself it turned me to the man I am today in order to be the best you can be you're going to suffer and so I think if I embrace how difficult it's going to be here it's going to make it that much easier oo I like this guy I love him yeah I this guy's got something about this guy he's got gravitas he's a serious guy he seems really stable he's not doing anything wakka wakka to the camera no wakas right he's very very direct uh poker player scared you that hasn't worked out well in the past well actually Boston Rob I guess I guess Tyson play that's his secondary thing that's not his primary thing so it's just something he's doing for fun he's won 200 doing it yeah that's wild okay I like him okay yeah I think he seems like a little bit of a game bot he'll know the probabilities and like breaking down the way the votes can go um will his personality lend itself to bonding with other people would be my biggest concern just from watching you know one minute of it but I don't know seems like he could get over that and you know he I'm sure understands that you have to build connections with people to survive in Survivor uh but yeah I think a a positive intro yeah he feels like the type a person that you put into a room or you put into a group setting that just like naturally people sort of gravitate towards as like a leader or oldest on yeah he just has that and maybe he'll get that yeah I can see him and Genevie kind of vibing they both seem sharp and kind of calm okay she's a little bit more I mean they could be a good team because she's a little bit more outgoing and social he's maybe a little bit more reserved although they just showed him smiling and stuff like he seems he's a friendly fellow like he's not a game bot or he's not like yeah like no just I feel just he's he just has something about him but JD what do you think uh yeah I love the guy uh he love yeah he's my favorite one that I've seen Yeah by a lot actually um and I know a guy just like him back home so maybe it's that uh just you know the the calculating part of him that is the poker player but also the sensitive part of him that is seems to be crying all the time out there on the island so definitely going on my make my Pi team um but uh but yeah I just feel drawn to him somehow so I can't he's got a a just a charismatic way about him he does he had some of the most interesting answers in his bio I have to share a few of them so his Hobbies or poker working out personal growth and eating kimchi he threw that in there ni that made me laugh what is something we would never know by looking at you I used to live with international pop sensation Ryan C Cabrera what how random I does anyone remember who Ryan Cabrera is yes he had a very fleeting career it he dated a Simpson yes Ashley that's right he was an American Artist he had like an uptempo sort of pop rock single called on the way down it peaked at number 15 on the Billboard Hot 100 yeah back in 2004 so the first time anybody has name dropped Ryan Caba I think so got to be uh and then these answers from Saul who's your biggest inspiration to why this will all come to an end once I re recognized and accepted this my second life started what that was his answer to what's your biggest inspiration and why is that a religious re I don't know I don't know and then why will you be uh the Soul Survivor I have more than willpower I have soul power nice like ity sick we like this guy we're high on this guy high on Saul all right let's go to our final person here it's teeny 24-year-old freelance writer from New Jersey my bucket list consists of everything from day 1 to Day 26 that could possibly happen I want to do everything I've been developing my social game in life since I was about this big I grew up dressing like a boy wanted no attention for it so had to distract them from having questions about me that's really taught me how to just befriend any type of personality in college I was surrounded by people in sororities and working in the technology industry it is alpha male sales bro personalities I know how to get along with anybody and even people that I don't like so much like I know how to make them like me that I'll bring forth is a pickpocket from the Oliver Twist universe stealing their trust their hearts their spot in the final three and before they know it they voted for me and I won I love Tiny's jacket the jacket is sick it's like patch Patchwork fit um I really like tiny okay I like uh she has like a bit of a cunning energy that description where she that ol ofer twist thing with the pockets like what a cool way to describe what you're going to do I also feel like tiny is somebody that code switches probably a lot in her life and you can tell she's going to be doing that well okay what do you think TK yeah they seem to be going chameleon mode with being in a sorority being with the tech Bros great couple of images against each um so yeah I thinky could go far and you know it just seems like a pleasant person to be around a low-key personality um and probably pretty thoughtful the way all things have gone in their lives JD the final person here of The Castaways your thoughts on Tiny H tiny seems fine I don't know I I don't really have much I like the arel Dodger stuff again the edit is a little weird because you know we see weird sort of facial contortions you know uh giggle just a giggle clip yeah yeah the weird giggle the uh you know just not to be trusted you know what I mean like uh a little bit conniving which is great which will be great TV for us so uh yeah I'm I'm you're saying you're calling sneaky teeny right now sney Tey I like it uh this was a great answer when asked why they wanted to be on Survivor tiny said since I first saw the show in fifth grade I felt it was simply a calling okay throughout my life I found ways to play the game be it wearing a buff each day of high school okay forcing my restaurant co-workers to vote each other out nice wow and balancing the large personalities of my friends the the coworker like hold on what you're saying like you turned into Jeff propes at the restaurant you worked like we're voting somebody out today first things first what yeah okay all right odd I love that odds on favorite to making literature references at a tribal Cil oh yeah yeah yeah good call loves it good call all right so that is all 18 Castaways of Survivor 47 we move with decent pace there um let's call our shot I mean you can either go just straight your straight up favorite or who you want to win that could be the same person or maybe give me two you know like a favorite and a and a prediction we can change these after episode one when we officially lock in lock it in I would like to see more it's a bit trick at can I not go first okay okay as a yes as the newest member to the power Alliance you can weigh in last how's that TK you got to go first okay um if I'm talking about people that will probably be on my make your picks team uh got to go with TK sure yep have to you know I regretted it after last season Kenzie my sister's name should have backed her from the begin well I got to take TK um I also really liked Tiana from that tribe as well be a Hawaiian uh flight attendant I liked Sierra from the next tribe as well I liked Rachel from the next tribe and I would probably add kesan as my fifth my winner I'm going to pick Sierra as of now Sierra wow whoa okay I think it's a bold pick because I could see that going well I could see that her being one of the first ones gone with her outgoing personality but JD you're I like that pick a lot your favorite and your winner your uh my favorite uh runner up to love it uh I think he's going to be Mike White like with his uh confessionals I'm really looking forward to that okay uh I like Sierra as well um I am of course going to pick geneveve as the winner because I am a homer pick and I always I'm a homer and I always pick the uh Canadian um and I also think she's she's good she seems fine and then I always say that and then they get voted out within two days um and uh probably my favorite like I said is Solomon Saul yeah oh ye yeah I think he's my favorite yeah uh of what we saw I like Genevie too she's a favorite I mean I'm going to hope she wins but I'll pick someone different just for the sake of switching it up and I am G to go with I'm going Rachel Rachel Rachel's good she loves money she loves money that can be a great motiv I think it comes down to Rachel she needs to find the perfect uh Duo right I I think if she finds that right person I think that could work really really well I don't know who that is or who it will be but I'll say she's the the winner right now I see her in multiple alliances like playing people okay yeah I really like TK um I would love to see how he performs in the show um Rachel and Sierra on that team together I think could be a cool Duo although I think she will maybe initially align with John just because I see their personalities vibing more and then Soul yeah Solomon I really like him um and geneveve I know that's a lot I will say right now if I had to choose somebody to win I would say for me it's between Rachel or Solomon okay okay okay I also want to throw a bone to Gabe our one villain from the intro definitely the most we watched it a long time ago at this point it was a good one though he's like he's coming in with I don't give a crap about you attitude which yeah we always want to see one or two of those people to make friends yep I went back and watched CU obviously I'm new here I went back and watched Tony's casting video okay cuz a lot of people mention him and I do remember him but I was like I need to refresh myself like my memory with him he was wild like he off the top was like I don't really care to be here I hate being in nature I'm going to backstab everybody I'm good in my day-to-day life but here I'm going to be awful like and he did so he really delivered Tony tonyos who who do you got quitting cuz we had what do we have three quits quit that was a lot of quits lately said he did this on a whim I'm worried about him yeah you better hope the weather cooperates uh we hold on we had three quits I don't I don't remember we had two I don't know who knows if it was last season could be remembering two of them combined but like Brando or no Brandon remember he couldn't get up the the ladder on the boat yeah he ended up quitting Hannah quit right because she couldn't smoke cigarettes anymore she's 45 and then I think Shawn did quit in like episode two or three uh and he just got sad yeah he had a sad day he did and and jelinsky kept quitting on everything he never actually quit the show but he qu I forgot about that guy how quickly do we get a jolinsky reference Survivor 47 great question Survivor 47 said yeah yeah yeah that's right several I say we don't at all because how would have these people have seen 40 46 no they haven't talked a lot of them are always talking about 45 cuz probably the last full season they watched before they maybe they saw part of they may have caught a jalinski was right the top the legend was born remember in day one it feels like am I crazy or is this season starting feeling like very close to the previous season's ending like is the gap smaller I don't think so okay it just feels like we just watched Survivor and it's back well that's true we just did watch yeah it ended in May so it's that's not that long ago not that long ago no but we're happy it's back we're happy to have you here on no Buffs uh our first show in recapping episode one it's next Thursday afternoon that's September 19th so you got the two-hour premiere on September 18th perfect time to get in and watch Survivor 47 but we're back on the Thursday the following day to recap episode 1 you're a part of the team now yes hello now you got to start really taking notes oh you know I love Hot no I love a notes look at my notes I got graphics I got all sorts of stuff that I didn't make this graphic I found it on the internet but it's Gorge you want to see yeah yeah it's a nice graphic colorcoded everything yeah good stuff you're just like Rachel with her typographic interface so detailed at me you why people uh so get ready to send in your treemail because we always take questions on those episodes you can email them in no dunks just put no Buffs in the subject line uh we also ask for your questions on Twitter you can follow all of us at J SKS we usually blast it out from there uh for you to reply to that tweet so keep an eye on that follow me uh or you can drop anything in the YouTube comments as as well and yeah hit the like button subscribe five star ratings and reviews are we the biggest Survivor podcast no are we the best probably not probably not probably not one of but are do we have the most fun yes you're damn right we do I'm getting a Bloomin Onion for next week oh je everywhere on the house uh all right but until next week the tribe has spoken [Music]

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