Roster FINALIZED + Who Has IMPRESSED This Summer?! | The UNC Basketball Show

Published: Aug 21, 2024 Duration: 00:41:41 Category: Sports

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Intro [Music] what is up everybody and welcome back to for another edition of the UNCC basketball show I'm Jacob Turner joining me as he always does if you don't know him by now then you obviously have never watched a YouTube video on our channel before it's our very own publisher Andrew J it's been a while since we've done a basketball show AJ I know I start every podcast when we haven't done one in a while by saying the exact same thing but it truly has been a while since we've done a basketball show no I did the taon Claude commitment pod here about a week ago which is still getting a lot of views and and that one set that one sat Tashawn Claude that was ready in the clip for days because we we had heard about it I think we had we were ready Sunday night for a Monday commit but it was put off a little bit because he was waiting for the NCAA to finish all the paperwork yes which makes sense and the paperwork be approving his waiver so they couldn't announce it they couldn't make it public until the paperwork came in he got it and Carolina had it so once they had it then they can make the announcement so we were ready I got I told you I was ready Monday morning figured sometimes nine o'clock in the morning these things can happen so can we were we I had one foot in this bucket so to speak the entire time from when I got up Monday morning until when he finally announced which was what Wednesday afternoon I think it was yes I believe so it was the one time I was ready for it too and I it's like hey I gotta go get gas but man I better be looking at my phone the whole time yeah yeah I had a I had a tweet ready in my drafts for days and then when it came out I was about an hour late to tweeting it because I happened to be in the middle of something and I was I was ready for it the whole time stepped away from my phone for 45 minutes and yeah by the time I fired out a tweet breaking news oh football interviews and I had D okay Dena I'm headed to Chapel Hill now she's like okay I'm gonna get ready to hit publish yeah literally she just sitting there probably like this with her finger above the the just ready to let it fly yeah we were ready for that one man and again he ain't done it Andrew there's the Dena impression we we didn't get one on the football show which is a little disappointing I don't want to overdo it if I overdo it then it's no good it's not effective anymore it's a fair point that's a very fair point and we're gonna talk about taon claw in a second but I want to just say something real quick too AJ promo ends on Friday this Show's coming out on Thursday the promo ends on Friday 60% off a one-year subscription at Tar Hill Illustrated 330 a month that's what it comes out to that's extremely cheap I think I don't have to explain why that's cheap it just is and it ends on Friday night use the promo code kickoff 2024 to get that awesome deal links in the description below and AJ I say that because if you were a premium subscriber at tarhill Illustrated David Criss docomond CLA commitment before it even happened Am I Wrong Am I Wrong about saying that I didn't think so David David CIS alone is worth the price of a subscription we don't come out and spoil it for the kids but there's a way to let people know what it yeah yeah and and David sometimes does a little bit more than that but which is fine and he knew and he told everybody he didn't say hey this is going to happen he just didn't most people that data knows data has got David completely figured out at this point it's like a science he knows 100% what David means think Rob Jones has him figured out as well so uh and and quite a few others David totally spot on with that stuff there are a ton of official visits coming up here during football season and David will be locked into all those and we will because Kevin Roy is really good he's our one of our photographers you shot stuff down the field with Kevin many times Kevin's really good at finding the recruit the basketball recruit yeah because he kind of knows hang out and getting photos of them hanging out with the regular players the current players so uh we'll have a lot of that if you love basketball recruiting Man David CIS is the bomb yes he's fantastic man he he really is I can't speak highly enough about him I think he's I love his film reviews during the season two and those are absolutely fantastic as well and yeah I mean it's it's a great time to sign up um we got you know two full-time people you know Lee Ward law dena's back so that covers football recruiting with those two just heavy yeah Bri Brian's handling yeah Brian's handling the uh the commitments football stuff like their season their result like that so we got three people doing football and I'll dabble on it in the offseason I don't do much during the season I don't have time but and then when it comes to basketball you needs David there's a lot less kids and David is a rock star at it so you don't need eight people when he when he'll tell me about all the different people he's talk to get information and like man that's awesome who who does at this guy I love his I love his podcast we need we need more venmo money so I can pay him what he's worth exactly at Tar Hill Illustrated if you don't want to sign up you can just shoot us a venmo I totally get people some people don't want to be opted into yeah that money goes right to staff that's all it goes right to staff I gota pay people more it goes right to staff exactly at tarhill Illustrated links in the description below for that so get we'd rather you sign up make sure you do that before Friday night um but if not you want to do something else you can shoot as a vimo um again all those links are in the description below let's talk about taon Claud real quick Georgia Tech transfer Goldsboro native so has connections North Carolina um bit bit of TaShawn Clanton a journeyman a little bit as well I mean he's played at different universities before Georgia Tech you know just in in more mediate um places he was at Western Carolina had a really good season at Western Carolina for one year before he transferred to Georgia Tech I think he nearly averaged about 20 points at Western so really good season which obviously led to an ACC move for him I don't need to go in depth about that if you want to learn more about taon Claude and his commitment you can go listen to AJ's podcast um commitment podcast on him as well but I think the reason we bring him up real quick is because it it signals that the roster is complete I think before Claude the roster was complete but again this was an opportunity with a kid who got a got a waiver from the NCA to play again and Carolina had roster spots available had a need for a backup big that could that has experience especially you look at the bench being you know no disrespect but it's Zaden High who hasn't played much basketball at Carolina still a work in progress and it's James Brown who I think comes in as a project anyway so you're you're not looking at a ton of depth behind him anyway so for me it makes a ton of sense when somebody like this pops up who's going to be playing his fifth year of college basketball who's been around the block who's been proven and had some really good games at the ACC level look no further than his performance against Carolina and Duke last year if you want to see go look at his stats from that game he's proven he can play at this level and Clemson as well there's three of the best teams in the league right there he's proven that he can he can do it at this level for me it makes a ton of sense but the reason I wanted to bring it up is because for some Carolina fans it doesn't make any sense there a lot of frustration a lot of negativity surrounding I and let me just preface this before I kick it to you I said to you this off camera I think the reason that I think the reason that a lot of Carolina fans were some Carolina fans were frustrated or just not excited about it is because I think they look at it like why is Carolina bringing in a guy at Georgia Tech who doesn't have these amazing stats to play and it's like they're kind of looking at it as him coming in and playing 20 25 minutes a game when if you go listen to the podcast you did the commitment podcast you clearly stated in there look guys I've talked to people in the program he is coming in to be a rotation option Off the Bench and when you look at who he's potentially stepping in front of and two extremely young guys it makes a ton of sense he's not going to come in and start so I think the frustration was more coming from people who didn't who were looking at it the wrong way of what he brings instead of hey this actually makes a lot of sense when you look at why they're really bringing him in so just talk Why did UNC get Clanton about that a little bit um about his commitment yeah we post all of our stuff on our Facebook page now tarel Illustrated which and and I'm a little bit more involved there because I think it's fun and we're trying to bring people into our tent trying to make the tent bigger and a lot of the comments were why did they get a seven-footer we needed a seven-footer like you walk into Walmart and there's you know C stack of water over here and there's a stack of seven Footers right there that come in and play 25 minutes in the ACC They Don't Really EX exist in abundance guys what they did was they bought it they got it burning a 6 fo8 guy's strong he's thick one guy said boy he needs to put on way I'm like no he probably needs to drop a couple of pounds if anything he's a guy that's proven he can battle and that's what they need they need a guy who can battle they need a guy who can rebound they need a guy who could push someone off the block a little bit they need a guy who's gonna throw his body around and can be productive he was he was a highly efficient offensive rebounder in The Limited minutes he played at Georgia Tech but there were games in which he played quite a few minutes you brought up North Carolina when they beat the tar Hills in Atlanta remember bayanga went down five minutes four minutes into the game and Claude was basically the center the rest of the way he he had to defend Armondo he had to defend Jaylen Washington he had to defend Withers he did a solid job against them and oh by the way Georgia Tech won Carolina was what 10 and0 in the ACC that was the game before Duke and they lost and RJ tried to do everything he could Claude was a big re I think he went nine and eight that game yeah he's fantastic for them yeah with with with three block shots I I tracked his numbers in that game and he scored he had a con he had a three-point play with five and a half minutes left to give them an eight-point lead he blocked the shot with like four with 504 left he blocked a shot with 437 left he also blocked a shot with he had three block shot in the last seven and half minutes of the game he played you go look at that when they beat Duke in December he was big in that game very productive they go play Clemson on the road and lose in overtime and he plays 38 minutes and is very productive in that game too he's not going to put up 30 points a game but he's getting rebounds and he's a body you know imagine if you know hockey you got to have a goon out there on the ice certainly an old hockey I think hockey would be better if there were goons all over the place for sure we need more Bob Bert's on the ice Brett Freelander I don't know who that is but shout out to Brett Freelander look up look up Bob Probert watch and look him up too anyway he's sort of like that he gives you that element there's a lunch pail tucked into his shorts and he's an offensive rebounder he's a guy that gets position I watched a crapload of film on this guy and he's efficient he gets the ball around the basket and he squares to the basket he's not trying to score all contorted and stuff like that not going to toss the ball into him and say hey man get us 20 tonight but they don't need that they don't need that at all they needed someone who could provide them what he got what what he can provide them he's not James a cono he's not Justin McCoy he's a guy that will play more than those guys and McCoy had some periods where he played some and I like Justin McCoy he just it didn't work out as well there as I thought plus I think other guys were just better at the End of Time claude's gonna be someone if you're worried about Jaylen Washington's fouls you think your lucky stars you got tyon and Claud at some point before Christmas because Jay wash until he shows that he's not a high volume foul committer you got to have another guy there and I think after a whole summer of Team practices team workouts things like that they realized that okay when this kid came became available we got to grab them I don't think that they were actively looking for anybody because the portal pretty much dried up and they were pretty solid with what they had and if this kid didn't become available Hubert would be very confident moving forward with the roster that he had but adding this guy is a no-brainer he's a senior or he's last year he doesn't affect recruiting at all he's not taking his spot away from anybody that's gon to upset the room or anything like that he's a part that's needed and there's going to be a couple of times during the course of the year with Carolina fans are gonna be like man thank goodness this guy came available he's gonna be that kind of player lot of times he's going to go you're going to go through a stretch of games where he's very where he's not really noticed that much which is fine but there going to be times where we need to notice him and he's going to be there so I think it was a very valuable pickup yeah no I completely get it and I think that's a again go listen to AJ's commitment pod because I the Insight you offer in that I think is is fantastic and it's well sourced because of who you're talking to and who you're getting that information from so we're not going to spend another 30 minutes rehashing that because AJ runs through you get a ton information in that commitment pod so go listen to that too if you want a little bit more information on what he brings and a little more in depth of like why Carolina's looking to bring him in but again I think you hit the nail on the head there AJ it makes a lot of sense when you understand how they're planning on using him and you look at it from a oh he's not some All-American why are we bringing him in perspective it's sometimes you have to you know rosters are built in different ways you can't just have a bunch of all Americans running around everywhere especially you look at the roster build that Carolina already has so yeah makes a ton of sense um we talked about the roster being finalized so let's hit on you know some guys that I call we'll call them summer reports because there are a few guys that have just been getting some glaring glaring and really exciting and and and good reviews from what you've heard from inside the program and and David's heard and from other sources about kind of what kind of Summers they are having and I want to start with let's start with two of the new guys Ian Jackson Kate Tyson Ian Jackson really good Summer from what we've heard um had a really good Camp you went to the Damen Lillard Camp earlier this summer that's the same one Caleb love went to a few years back um and just the reviews that he's gotten from not only you know pickup games but from that camp is that he's looking really really good I don't think anybody's necessarily surprised by that when you look at the talent that he brings but again when you can hear that from other sources especially from inside the program when they're running these pickup games and having these summer games against college level or you know professional players and and some of the guys that come back from Carolina that is a huge bonus and you know you know you can also kind of say okay you know there's no need for this to be said unless it's true because it's not like we're seeing this stuff and it's readily available you can't go watch game tape of Ian Jackson from this summer necessarily you can see some highlights and some stuff from camps but this is stuff from people that have seen him and followed him around and been there all summer so that's a big positive and the next guy not a true freshman Indian Jackson but Kate Tyson the transfer man the reviews out of him are fantastic as well I think Carolina Post a clip on their socials last week maybe of Kade Tyson I think doing something that was really impressive to see it maybe hitting a three three and running the floor finish that's what it was so that was a little glimpse into kind of the summer that he's having but from everything we've heard about him as well another guy that's having a really really impressive summer so we'll focus on those two guys first because there's other two guys that have had some really really good uh report card um uh reviews this year this summer as well but we'll start with Tyson Campbell Ian Jackson those guys because they're you know new to the program well I'll start with Tyson first I told everybody when he committed that he's not just a jump shooter he's a put the ball on the floor get in the lane kind of guy he can draw some fouls he can get to the rim he can finish he could play in the open court he's he's really really good and he's gonna help this team a lot and I think he'll probably start in fact I can't remember who did it i'm I fly through stuff so fast especially right now because faul Camp is eating me alive um leading up to the football season that I don't remember who posts everything but there was a ranking of transfers in the ACC and basketball I saw the other day and he was number one y and and that has changed because of reports that are coming out and just chatter the chatter so positive about him he's got he's got sort of some killer in him he's got a little bit of foot on throat in him and that's what they need you know cormack Ryan had that Brady manik had had that Harrison Ingram had that and you you see how much mileage they got out of having that layer that not every player has and I think that that's great that this team's gonna have some of that from him this next year as far as Ian Jackson goes and I don't know 100% what Ian's role is going to be and I don't think any I don't think Hubert does I don't think we'll F by the way Hubert hates the the term role so we try we'll try to steer away from that but we won't know how Ian's going to fully fit in until they get past the first few weeks of the Season at least and maybe even Christmas Christmas is often a barometer for me it used to be January now it's Christmas because there's often a conference game you know before right beginning of January and there's already one in early December but obviously Ian's talented enough to help them I I've heard we've heard that his perimeter shots been better than expected and that was something that was a huge point of emphasis in college in fact David did a full piece on him talking to his high school coach about a year ago about the the almost the desperate need to improve the perimeter shot because it wasn't very good so he's made progress there Drake pal you didn't bring him up but Drake Pal's had a really good summer done some really good stuff Seth Trimble had an excellent summer Seth got a clear head too you know he hit the portal and then came back and sometimes that's the best thing that can happen to somebody I'm not saying that specifically ly but something that happens that kind of clears your mind you know he's here Seth is in Chapel Hill this is where he's going to finish it there's no thoughts of anywhere else there's no worry about certain things he's DED in doing what he has to do and being the best version himself of himself of this team and he's a really smart guy he's a very dedicated guy he was the most emotional player in the locker room after the Lost Alabama you can go on our Channel right now and look at the interview with him he's fighting it back sometimes he didn't always he's fight it back very emotional kid very passionate about winning for this program and he had that weird flirtation I say weird because I know he wasn't comfortable when he went in the portal didn't really want to leave but realize how much he wanted to be there by coming back and I think that's great you're gonna get a consistent solid plus version of him all year and he's had that kind of offseason and I'm not basing on the dunk over haime HZ who by the way I love loved watching Hae yeah impr DK but yeah it's it was impressive and we know Trimble can do that but can he do the other things can he can he you know feed people from the wing can he can he play a little bit of point if he's on the ball and he ends up at the top can he you know run an offense I think he can do those things can he hit the three well he was 13 for 31 last year small sample size but that's 41% people say oh trimble's got to learn how to hit the three no he hit the three last year I saw him in warm-ups a lot last year in fact couple times I think one of the games you and I did you did a three things with me after the season we started doing them on the um on the score tables press yeah and one time I know I know what happened with Chelsea a couple times I think once with you cth out there working on his perimeter shooting while we're doing three things you can hear the ball bouncing some in the video and he's right there working on after the game this is an hour and a half after the game he's still in his game shorts and he's working on his perimeter shooting so I the everything I've heard and everything David's heard what we have heard coming out of the program all offseason has been extremely positive there have been no negatives if there is a negative maybe it's that one of the reasons you bring in CLA is because Zay high is still in a process very much in a process that's going to take some time otherwise and I wouldn't even consider that in negative everyone's got their own time timetable so that's Zen's timetable he'll find his he'll his process will reach the next stage some point and I think he'll be a pretty solid player so very positive things about the basketball team and when I Envision what this group can be dude they have a chance to be so fun so fun electric high high scoring a lot of guys that could come into the game without much of a drop off I think they have a better bench than they've had agree if the chemistry is there and if RJ doesn't have this weird fifth year slump that no one's anticipating but sometimes happens to guys happen yeah and there no injuries this is a really really good team that I think is being undervalued right now nationally yeah no I can agree more and there's so many Jaylen Washington reasons to to be you know excited about this team when you look at the roster build and Jaylen Washington too I think there's been a lot of questions about him and from all the reports like we've talked about with these guys from a lot of reports we we've seen this summer about him bigger stronger ready to play more minutes and is another guy that's had a really good summer what am I doing right now yeah hitting the weights Man hitting the weights man yeah and he needs to I mean again he's a guy that I think the skill set has always been something Co Carolina coaches and and fans really have been excited about but yeah yeah man but I think you talked about it a second ago with Seth right or excuse me with with Zaden High everybody's process is different right yeah and what people maybe have forgotten about now because it was a few years ago and because it's he's coming into his you know third season at Carolina he's a guy who's coming off some big injuries in high school and he was slow to get back going and get fully cleared even during his freshman season hence why you didn't see a ton of them and then last year when you consider who he's played behind the last few years in Armando Bott you know I don't need to speak on how good of a player he was for Carolina there was always going to be limit opportunities in that respect but I always go back to this AJ this is when I started to believe okay I think he's figuring it out now because the intangibles and skills were always there he he fits what you want to do in modern day basketball for a five very well with his ability to step out his ability to dribble the ball and his also his ability to post you up but I keep going back to there was a couple times we saw this but in particular I was sitting court side at the Duke game in Cameron Carolina just Blitz Duke Duke really you know was a little more interested in the second half but Carolina won that game and was always the better team I think it was the first St Jaylen Washington that putback dunky had where he just went up so aggressively and so quick and with so much strength and explosiveness just to put that dunk back and that wasn't the first time we've seen it the reason I we saw it multiple times last year but the reason that one sticks out in my head is because it was on the biggest stage it's at Duke Carolina versus Duke Cameron indor nationally televised games millions of people watching it and he's doing it against the that team not just doing it against other teams in the AC see that showed me of okay the physicality that we've needed to see I'm seeing it there seeing in glimpses the explosiveness of seeing it a little bit more there but also AJ the attitude of like you can't mess with me because not only did he dunk it like he did AJ he turned around and and and you know kind of flexed a little bit that's what people I think have been waiting to see from Jaylen Washington and we saw it in Spurs last year so really positive that he's getting rave reviews this summer as well because he's going to be very integral to what Carolina does when you look at just some of the inexperience that they have they're going to have down low again Claude brings a little experience there some other guys down there that have shown they can do some nice things for Carolina Kate Tyson brings a lot of experience but again Jaylen washing is going to be a key member of this team and from what we're hearing there's no reason to believe that he's not going to have you know a really positive season next year for Carolina I've got a new Jaylen Washington Drive term for you for this season and it's totally Jaylen Washington driven and I thought about it before you started talking and then when you're I'm remembering exactly frame by frame what we saw with the play you're referring to in the Duke game he's got a lot of scream in his game yeah there's a lot of scream there and it's legitimate scream what's Wild is he's a very softspoken dude and when you talk to him he got better like he gave Fuller answers the year went on but he's he doesn't there's nothing Brash in the way he carries himself personally to you he's you know he coaches love guys like that because they don't give away anything basically uh but he's very confident extremely confident and I think the confidence in his game was ahead of what we saw on the floor sometimes and that's okay because he's thinking of himself as the guy he's GNA eventually be and he just knows he's in a process his play and his finishing around the basket increases Rec ly got better throughout the year and I've talked about this on a couple podcasts before and I'll say it again very quickly I had a conversation with him late in the season about his ability to roll to the basket catch the ball and go up strong and finish one-handed or two-handed and always with a scream and sometimes even a flex and he said that that was so huge in his development last year that it it might be something that's an afterthought to average fans but if you're sending a screen you got to roll well to the basket but you have to be ready for the ball and ready to catch the ball and then go up and do something with it when you do that takes a lot of time that's time he didn't have through those years of the injuries that's time he maybe wasn't comfortable when he did have it after coming back from the injury so he's going through that process in February and March of last season that maybe he would have gone through a couple years earlier in his developmental process and it's just clicking now and I think all those things added up have placed him in a position where you could see rapid growth and now we're gon to see him have to deal with 25 28 minutes a game so you're going to see some some warts in the game earlier that he's going to naturally clean up as the season goes on he has proven since he arrived and since he started playing that he he can selfix things he can improve on things he's not doing very well and get better and better and better and I think you're going to see that from him this year I I would not be surprised if he's one of those guys that ends up having a much better year than what's being projected because he's got skills you mentioned that a few minutes ago he is highly skilled he can shoot uh he's got great fingertips he's got a pretty good mind for the game so he's fairly economical with his with his movement especially now that he's really comfortable screen cut catch go up and score with defense on you he's got a lot of talent man he was a top 25 guy before all the injuries yeah so I think we started to see that top 25 guy coming back at times last year yeah I think he arguably fits the style that Hubert ultimately wants to play better Jaylen vs Armando than someone like Armando did and again I'm not saying he's gonna end up being better Armando than Armando wasn't a great player it's just Armando was a guy that was going to post you up and he was going to grab boards and he wasn't really somebody who was gonna step out and take you off the dribble and maybe you know he wasn't someone you felt like you had to guard everywhere but I think someone like Jaylen because of his ability to shoot the outside shot and because of the Comfort he has with the ball in his hands and he can put it on the floor a little bit better than armo could I think that fits maybe what Carolina and Hubert ultimately wants to do a little bit better but it's about him fulfilling that potential and becoming as integral to what this team in his program needs that that Armando was able to get to again I'm not comparing the two but I do think that's something to bring up and he's you're right putting the ball on the floor and creating a little jump shot for himself uh reminds me Bryce Johnson that way very similar to Bryce lots of length so he can get a shot off that that cannot be contended now going back to the scream part he's got a lot of scream in his game but a lot of it's post-play stuff he needs a little bit more scream in his game pre-play before the sequence occurs and that's one of the things that has been in a point of emphasis this offseason if the post scream is accompanied by a pre-sequence scream I think people understand what I'm saying you're talking about a guy who has a potential to post some pretty impressive numbers and again another reason why I think some people have very high on the Tar Heels very high I think the general consensus The Narrative nationally anywhere from 8 to 14 but there are some people that can Envision this thing laying out where they're higher than that move they're H I'm not going to say it's a national championship team we have no idea so until we watch I will say no no but I'm GNA make a point because I made this point in a podcast back in the spring a daily drop or something half the national champions in the last 10 11 years were no bigger than Carolina is now that's a fair point it's a fair point no you're absolutely right I mean I think except Virginia had some length but they didn't get anything from that length Jack Sal come on yeah wasn't you weren't yeah the production level wasn't there the talent maybe level wasn't there and the skill set wasn't there with car what was it 20 21 look at Baylor in 21 go watch the starting lineup introduction and then watch the game enough where the first three Subs come in and then get back to me yeah it's Football vs Basketball you're 100% right and that kind of translates into the last thing I want to talk about which is you brought up a good point and I got a PR this because I'm going to make a comparison here that's going to make it sound like I'm suggesting the Carolina football team is going to win a National Championship and I am not saying that trust me I'm not saying I don't think anybody's gonna take that no no but yeah you know you know how you know how stuff goes on social media you just never know um you made a good point off camera of like when you look at the roster build kind of of both programs in a lot of ways basketball's a little bit similar to football in the respect of there are a lot of older guys on this roster a lot of experience on this roster a lot of guys that have you been around the program for a while or have been around the program for enough time and played enough minutes that you kind of know what you're going to get from them and you expect their games to improve like La kdo I would put in that bracket of like hasn't been around the program for a ton of time but he played a lot last year and was a really integral player for Carolina he's back we're not even really talking about RJ Davis Who Behind Zack Edy was the national player of the year last year AC I mean ACC player of the year I mean he we're not even really spending time talking about him because it's like yeah well you know what you're getting out of RJ there is a lot of experience coming back for North Carolina across the board whether it's Off the Bench or um you know starting for Carolina and not to mention some really talented freshman so that roster build and dynamic right there I think is what gives us the and gives you the confidence based on what you're saying of like hey not only do I think Carolina can be really good a lot of other people think Carolina can be really good this year and there are tangible things that you can look at on paper and look at from game film over the last two three four heck going back four seasons for RJ Davis and say man like we know what we're gonna Carolina knows what it's probably going to get from these guys those games could improve you got a lot of talent coming in you got some guys that yeah Jaylen Washington maybe still TBD but still the skill sets are there and the tangible things are there and there's guys behind him that can that can play and do some nice things so it's not all going to be on him that you can confidently say that hey man I really think this team's got the potential to do something here not again you're not guaranteeing they're going to win anything but there is no reason to believe Carolina shouldn't have another really really good season um you know even maybe even better than what they had last year because ultimately they did end up underachieving a little bit in the postseason so yeah I mean the roster build alone I think should get a lot of people excited because when you look at it man there's just a lot of guys that have a lot of knowhow and have a lot of experience playing Carolina basketball at Carolina oh and the Really talented too because you know you can't really do much if there's not not Talent there I guess they inter achieve if if our RJ's one for nine and from three then they're in a regional final against Clemson now they could they have lost at home to Clemson but I would have given him a pretty fair chance of beating Clemson and then again to the final four and they would have played who who did Alabama play Yukon yes yeah yes no no no they played Prett that up I'll look it up anyway I would have given him a fair shot they Final Thoughts underachieved that because they lost the game people didn't think they were going to lose and they didn't play well so 0 for9 is underachieving as opposed to one one for nine which still would have been underachieving from a personal standpoint but yeah I don't want to go far into that yet I think I said a lot already about that they can be a very very good team I can Envision everything kind of coming together where they play a different style they I can see I can see them pressuring more defensively with this group creating some easy scoring opportunities I can see a lot of things in that front I can see the five out when every every once a while with Jaylen when he's the five I could see Jaylen playing a little four and on the court with Luben at the same time you look at the options at four when Kade Tyson told us when when we talked to him that it was more a uh I think I did that interview David made that one I did one too where he said you know he's told he's gonna play the three but the four is not out of the realm let's not forget there's Jaylen Withers in the mix here but he was 69ine and can jump through the gym and is physically strong wrong he's also a rugged dude he's a back alley guy you like to have back alley guys and jayen Withers has all that and for as poorly as he shot last year two years ago at with with a lot of shot attempts from the perimeter he shot 40% 41% at Louisville from the perimeter so maybe that returns or or in between where he was his past year and that and and he's in that year he he's in his the low mid-30s at the worst so there are a lot of things to like about this whole group a lot of guys that I think can have their moments or it's like okay right now it's the jayen Wither stretch okay right now it's the vet Allen Luben stretch right now it's the Kade Tyson stretch and intertwined is always going to be the RJ Davis stretch I think you're going to see more scoring from Elliot CAU you're gonna have the jayash stretch you're gonna have guys like Claude that could come off the bench and help him and I haven't even mentioned Ian Jackson or Drake pal yet I think that's the kind of team they're going to be scouting and preparing for North Carolina well we take away this and that we should be able to beat the tar Hills no I think they're gonna they have a lot of answers I think that's what this team's going to be it's they're going to have a lot of different dudes finishing second and scoring in games I'm gonna say that just because it's hard to imagine RJ not leading him in scoring a lot but he might not have the need to score as much as he did last year because I felt like there were times last year he had to bail out possessions yes it was struggle getting Armand the ball sometimes it was a little stagnant offense defensively this is the kind of group that hell you can just run all kinds of stuff a lot of freelance with this group and be able to get some shots because there's GNA be a lot of skill on this team yeah no doubt about it man I think you're absolutely right about that um last thing because we're not going to go too long on the show but I just wanted to throw this in there as well Maui bracket did come out yeah on Tuesday we were putting this out on Thursday but it came out on Tuesday um just wanted to throw that in there and throw that in the mix we should be getting the ACC schedule League schedule you know sooner rather than later too so you know that'll be out before we know it as well but just an interesting one you know potential for like I tweeted retweeted it and kind of said that that potential for that that Yukon match up in the final is really juicy but there's a lot of good teams in that in that thing so it's going to be hard for Carolina to to get there in the first place but they do open up with Dayton I believe in that one which when you look at some of the other matchups in that in that tournament you're like that's not a not a that that's a pretty favorable start to the tournament but yeah just I know you won't be there because you're always always fcks with the with football season the State game in particular but again that I think we have a I've already hired somebody to cover we have a Stringer will cover it for us but yeah I can't I they they play at Hawaii on that trip they play four games on that trip they play at Hawaii the night before Boston College and football I will be in Chestnut Hill for football and then I'm not going to Maui because that's the week of the NC State football game and I have to make that a priority given the time of year and everything but uh there's no easy ones out there that D opening with Dayton is very difficult Dayton's a good good program and actually it would be cool to see Carolina play at Dayton that's an awesome building they always fill it up too and that whole bracket's tough the fact that Yukon has to open with Memphis I know that's wild man that's just a beefy tournament and they've got Auburn or Iowa State next that's a great Field Michigan State's like oh yeah Michigan State's in there too like yeah that's pretty pretty good too right yeah pretty pretty good field so we we're gonna get the conference schedule soon I don't know why they hold out so long why would you want to do that when everybody's in full football mode now it doesn't make put out the most inopportune time they'll probably put it out time a football game or something but there's a lot of things about this league that doesn't make any sense yeah but you may be doing a drop about sometime soon maybe right now if I go in my car and turn on the ACC radio network it'll be like women's volleyball preview yeah and it's like no disrespect but if I go to the network or the Big 10 Network all college yeah of course heard I haven't heard any I'm teased I haven't heard any college football other than a couple replays of games which is a waste of time yeah all this month and I I listen I turn that channel on every time I go to Chapel Hill every time I come back I've been yeah it's not like you're listening to it at 3:00 a.m. in the morning I've been to Chapel Hill what 13 times times this month for interviews and probably and I've not once heard one minute of college football talk on the ACC radio network that's insane man it really is socer more women's soccer preview and now they're doing volleyball stuff unbelievable like the cow women soccer coach for 15 minutes again it's like no disrespect to these programs but I just don't no disrespect that all but that's just stupid product yeah it just doesn't it's not the product people want to hear when you're a week away from football season starting I mean it just is a no-brainer to maybe talk about football you know I don't know but what do I what do we know AJ what do we know Ser how many people do you think listen that whole 15 minutes and thought man that's interesting that's good stuff yeah like man I really really needed to know about the cow women soccer team and I really was interested in knowing about that yeah again it's just it's just not relevant content but maybe AJ will do a drop on that at some point and he can Rave he can rant for 10 15 minutes about why it doesn't make any sense but again another time for another day uh besides this UNCC basketball show but I've been Jacob turner He's been Andrew Jones another another quick addition to the UNC basketball show I think we still in about 30 or so minutes so plenty of stuff to talk about in this one 60% off one year sub at thi 3:30 a month inss Friday night use the promo code kickoff 2024 all that stuff's going to be in the description or you can just shoot us a vimmo if you want to do it that way to support the channel at tar heill Illustrated that link is below as well if you're excited about basketball season about the roster and about what this team could do go ahead and like the video below I expect over a 100 likes on any basketball stuff we put out minimum in because I know this we always talk and joke about it but the basketball view counter versus football view counter is quite different 365 days a year so anytime we put basketball I'm asking 100 minimum and we you know we we struggle to get that in football with likes so shouldn't have a problem doing that with that I think the Claude commitment podcast has like four or 500 likes on it over 10,000 views I think it's amazing what a 10-minute commitment podcast on a guy that half the fan base didn't like any way can do isn't it didn't know who he was 95% of the people that criticized him didn't know who the hell he was before yeah that was all over my Twitter all I got was responses like you know I don't want to say it wasn't like who cares but it was just very underwhelming responses and I'm like they get a seven footer yeah it's like oh yeah let's go get a who yeah like 14 of them still holding out right yeah just come on man got to be better there guys but again if you want to hear more about that go listen to AJ's commitment podcast because again that gives a lot more in depth on on why and what he brings to to the team but appreciate you guys watching as always um yeah we'll see you guys next time thanks thanks

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