The Word Marco Rubio Is The Uncle Tom Of Latinos (2013)

Published: Sep 08, 2024 Duration: 01:20:45 Category: News & Politics

Trending searches: marco rubio
okay good evening everyone my name is Jacob music this is my first podcast um we're gonna be covering covering a variety of topics anything from pop music and celebrities to very important world political issues and today on our pilot episode that nobody will hear is my good friend Elizabeth how are you I'm doing well today kind of tired but I'm doing really well I know cuz your life is so difficult Elizabeth does a lot for me she was very supportive I had my last Spanish final of my college career and Elizabeth helped me all the way through and I couldn't have done it without her so Elizabeth how has your week been tiring I to help you with everything I enjoyed it though I got a lot of cleaning done I saw a humongous spider in my laundry room yesterday um I slept kind of well and I'm very now which is good well that's great that's good and you've yeah you you've had a lot going on this week in addition to just helping me you've been helping one of our good friends as well you've basically been floating her through the course yes right it's all worth it I enjoyed it thoroughly people now in the future absolutely absolutely I mean it's great when you can uh participate and when you can work in something that you love so much and you love the Spanish language so much more gratifying money does not do it for me and you know what me and and this friend we really appreciate I know that we appreciate whatever has happened we appreciate what you've done for us absolutely absolutely I hope this friends felt the same way so let's talk about something our first issue of my podcast ever which is something that kind of makes me feel like the world is perfect so I'm going to ask you this question because you know who Ka is right because Ka yes I do yeah like my favorite rapper the the famous artist who has wrapped the uh UK top three hit my neck my back which is if you guys have not heard this song you need to and you're about a decade late because this is the best song Elizabeth do you want to do you want to um just give them a little sample of it can you recite the chorus to This song um I'll help you help you my back is that right I'll help you my neck my back my back my myy and a crack yeah no you have to say lick my I forgot those two words God okay we're going to do it again I didn't even give you that much to memorize but we're going to try it again okay okay my neck my back my back py you have such an uncertain Cadence to it everybody recognizes that that song is the anthem of Our Generation yes well I'm unlimited is definitely absolutely I mean there should be more activities that Ka describes but anyways very chemocentric song it is a yeah absolutely and that's what I love about these porn rappers but anyways so what do Miley Cyrus and Ka have in common well they had nothing in common up until today when I found out that Ka will be the guest rapper on the remix of Miley Cyrus's great song We Can't Stop and I I I mean when I read this I like just thinking about it now I feel ecstatic I feel loved by the universe really um absolutely this is going to be mindblowing and I know that you saw on Facebook cuz I saw that you liked it I posted the cover yes absolutely they the record company didn't did not even bother to make a cover for the remix but just accepted one that a fan sent in so this is how high-profile this is and it looks like if you haven't seen this cuz you probably haven't because this is pretty new um well I know I'm talking to our zero audience so I forget that but may as well practice but the photo looks like it's just their heads photoshopped on bues I know it's so very special f it looks really shoddy but that's totally but I feel like Miley Cyrus I mean she sought Ka out I feel like she understands ka's whole aesthetic which is basically like you know o I have a new album coming out I'm going to put my hair into dreadlocks and bend over and mime doggy style while you take a picture of me you know like that's her her whole look so it's very funny I can't wait for this to happen I mean true absolutely I think that K will get so much more popularity be able to be influenced and a new generation will be open to hearing about her especially myus generation yes I mean because the I would say probably I mean I'm a huge Miley Cyrus fan but I'd say I'm probably we're both probably much older than most Miley Cyrus fans so it would this will be good in raising Kaa awareness exactly it's a new generation new minds can open up to ka's Greatness so this is nothing but good news I thought it would be great if we would start out with great news but I'm highly looking forward to that song it's going to be good and hopefully Kyle will get a little shot of popularity from this and hopefully she'll be relevant to a new generation okay so let's move on to Lindsay Lohan um TMZ TMZ um you know we were talking about this wonderful news organization today is reporting about a comment that she made in a tweet about her movie from a few years ago I think it was 2007 and the movie was called I know who killed me have you ever heard of this movie yes we have that my father bought you actually have that movie yes we do my father got it I have not watched her didn't like it so you have not seen the Masterpiece no but it sounds fascinating well I have not either but I should have I tried to um I was in Florida during this movie's release and I was in my grandparents Senior Citizens Community which keeps movies about 10 months after they've left the theaters everywhere else because you know old people time goes much slower um so so we my grandfather said um what movie do you want to go see and I said oh my God we have to go see the new Lindsay Lohan film of course and I could not convince either of my grandparents to go see it with me so I ended up not seeing it but the reason that this movie is relevant again today is you know as we were talking about earlier today Lindsay Lohan's birthday was earlier today so she was allowed from her rehab center called Cliffside Malibu she was allowed to go onto her Twitter account and she tweeted um you know a fan back this fan had said um you know in celebrating her birthday Lindsay Lohan can you please tweet me I seriously watched I know who killed me twice last night so so you would think that Lindsay Lohan would if she were to respond back would be like oh that's so sweet instead and this shows Lindsay Lohan is has a good sense of humor instead her response was this so he said you know I watched your movie twice she said two times too many exclamation point so I mean and you know that it's hilarious and that movie does have a terrible reputation but you know self-deprecating humor and bad always it's like when H Berry accepted yes the award I believe for Catwoman yes and you know what Catwoman is a great movie I don't know if you've seen that I have a little bit of op a I like the fact that H Berry and I believe Sandra bu did both went to the Rous and accepted their Awards in person yeah yeah I mean these it's good to see that some celebrities don't take themselves too seriously yeah I mean you got a paycheck no matter what so what's a word you know yeah I know what's the big deal I think it's awesome you know and I love I'll admit it I love terrible movies I love Lifetime movies I love cheesy movies Catwoman fit the bill 100% you know but this is not about her absolutely this is about Lindsay Lohan so Lindsay Lohan so short story Lindsay Lohan has a sense of humor and her movie was terrible don't go watch it okay moving on to something okay so we're we're kind of jumping in the serious level here but this is very important um this is an article from Fox Business News okay this is dangerous so they're reporting that Pepsi CO's namesake soda so that would be Pepsi of course still shows high levels of a carcinogen in 10 US states so this carcinogen is called 4-mei which stands for four methyl lizol so in that this this uh substance was in the soda and it was anywhere from four to more than eight times higher than California safety levels require in 10 states um this is coming from the center of environmental health so Pepsi has responded uh by saying that this carcinogen comes from its caramel coloring that it gets from suppliers but you know these guidelines were issued before but Pepsi said it could not um live up or reach up to these guidelines because it was too hard for their suppliers comply with these standards Nationwide so and it goes on to say the chemical in question is a byproduct of industrial production of caramel coloring so it's basically a toxic byproduct and and was found to have clear evidence of carcinogen car carcinogen like caric carcinogenicity so I probably sound really stupid but last year by the national toxicology program um on an you know animal studies I don't support animal studies but then again you know what we are all living organisms and if this is showing to be toxic um and it's it's up to eight times higher than than uh the Cal the state of California has found safe that's worrying so of course shares of Pepsi have have fallen uh 1.2% today so does this alarm you what do you think about this I do not support anything that has carcinogens in it because they're cancer causing just like I do not go canning because cogenic cing chemical yes the canning bed and it makes total sense I had the idea that something that we were drinking anything that had a conent but I suppose there's a reason why I don't drink a lot of soft drink and I try to Che and it's so much better but I will tell you recently I have been you know in the winter I tend to drink a lot of tea tons of tea but as it gets hotter outside I'm less drawn to hot tea um so I have been drinking tons of soft drinks and unfortunately I've been drinking Pepsi Wild Cherry Pepsi a lot and this worries me I mean do you drink Pepsi no my family is a Coke family and honestly the coke competition or the competitive Vib from Coke and Pepsi is strong there are people that are just as loyal to either brand like my father would only drink Coke you a pepsy yeah yes but there's good news for you because bris te I don't know what brand bris I CH but I drink that yeah brisk is I'm pretty sure that's made by PepsiCo but it but this article is only saying that it was found in Pepsi period so I don't know about brisk I mean it's a possibility but there is good news for you and that is that this report states that you know Coke has completely complied and removed the carcinogens from their soda that's awesome I'm really excited about that that's great it's that it's great that actually people put the consumer's Health above the dollar yeah but it makes me question why is this why Pepsi cannot do this then I don't know I mean bu this I mean I don't pertain to know of the the business decisions of executive soda soda exective you can only guess yeah yeah it's it's not something I mean I don't know I mean I'm not that selfish yeah it might be that it costs more for Mo it or to find perh it's like a sweetener in the drink so that Su to replace it yes or they feel like it would change or that it would change um the taste of the of the product I don't know I mean yes you have a variety of rational relations com back like removing something or changing some formula that it's so hard to change it because we've always had an existence in secret and if we change it we have to think of something else I mean I don't know but I'm happy that c confine because that makes me more happier to drink Coke because if I do choose a tiue Bo I will drink a coke before PSI sure it's what's available in my house well and I think that it needs to be said that you know our school UMBC in Maryland is a Pepsi school they sell Pepsi products everywhere and I have drank so much more Pepsi just since I started to go to UMBC I mean this is kind of worrying and I hope that our administ ation is paying attention maybe because I mean this is important you know absolutely um that's the hard thing when universities or high schoolers when they have an agreement yes um between a certain companies that like I reading a book with B Nation and it mentioned the agreements that high schoolers have to promote certain products and how the companies will literally invest in invest in certain high schools and give them all this money and um improve the quality of the schools due to the due to sponsorships names or products or exclusively selling the rights it's horrible but it's part of capitalism you have to critize the system honestly yes yeah absolutely I mean it all goes back to structural factors the factors of the economy the factors of you know the realities of corporate America what their values are and unfortunately um and I I think in the end losers will be them too I mean eventually um won't Pepsi just be forced to change I don't know I mean I feel like a lot it needs there need to be more publicity there needs to be more media activism I don't think people will care unless unfortunately it's splash the yeah and that's the thing is you public shaming to change they do things like honestly think I don't think if things with um Pauline did not come up to a light I don't think she would have changed iniz endorsement yeah yeah I think I think it's total but I think a public streaming needs to be done for people change their attitudes or to look out for the public interest because otherwise no one will care you have to have more than one person care you have to actually have an honest like a really deep focused a a media BL pretty much yeah absolutely have to you know you have to you have to involve the media you have to involve many people yeah because one person unfortunately cannot change everything how much you would like to believe that and even activists who use you know more Fringe Media or or activist media like democracy now or like independent absolutely I think when French media catches it that's when mainstream media wants piece of it and when facilitated is a focus for the M media but you have to get their attention and that's the hardest thing that so many things that the M media focus on that you need to make this s a big deal you need to you know you need to Conta many people you need to talk about it a lot yeah yeah absolutely and the thing is but it's it's a shame that unfortunately it seems like only Business Media like Niche media is picking this up I have you know both me and you are news junkies but I have seen no mention of this in sort of um mainstream news sources in terms of ones that are not oriented towards business this is the first time I've heard of it yeah and and you know oddly enough it's coming through Fox Business Network which is very Pro corporate um you know although CNBC is giving them a run for their money these days but you know obviously they're unabashedly Pro capitalism so it's interesting that it's so serious and you know the journalists there are so worried about it that even they write about it you know absolutely absolutely I think that I think that going needs more attention but unfortunately through the structure of how media alert you people need to get whatever topic that they're really interested in that that is concerning to the mainstream forun you cannot just rely on small Niche Niche um you know yeah and those are great and it's good to to rely on them for information but the thing is if you're going to affect change and get the big word out there unfortunately you have to go through a limited number of channels absolutely you need to you know you need to get contest you need it's not just Word of Mouth you need word of mouth and you need you need to know a lot of people yeah you do you need connections which you know yeah you need to actually you need to know right right people actually not just not just many people for the right people to you yeah absolutely and you know and you know that we were talking about this earlier you know you have to look attractive so they'll want to put you on cable news you know absolutely absolutely you know and I I'm thinking unfortunately it might take somebody unfortunately getting cancer and maybe you know even passing away for this to get attention but you know what if somebody got you know drank Pepsi every day you know say theoretically and she's like this beautiful blonde bombshell with huge gigantic breasts and you know she gets cancer and she can fairly conclusively I don't know how you could but say theoretically she could tie it to Pepsi um you know I'm sure that she would be on Anderson Cooper she would be on Fox News you know she would be on Morning Joe she would be all over the place appearance is matter in this respect someone who's attractive will get more attention than someone who's just like and like have been drinking Pepsi for all their lives cuz people automatically be like that's why you die and they yes andol yeah and if somebody's obese they could just say well you're just fat that's why you died you know and absolutely no no show who maintainer SI to and weighs 110 pounds and double deep breast yeah she will get the attention and she'll be on all she will be talked about music networ yeah and and not to say that that's good or that's bad but unfortunately or fortunately depending on if you benefit from this you know that is the reality of the media especially the visual media I mean this is television you know I mean it it's all about appearances Graphics you know the person who goes to the cable news for information exclusively is not necessarily looking for the most the most densed packed information you know they're looking for an entertaining time um so you know that's a very complicated issue it's very interesting um but let's move on to something even more incendiary um so Rush Limba um you know says a lot of interesting things in his uh day-to-day existence as a um radio show host um let me find where this is but does your dad does he listen to Rush lumbo or am I getting that wrong I don't know he has told me that he has the past agre point that like a p a Pill Popper A Pill Popper well I mean yeah he he Rush limbo has struggled it was very well publicized I don't know if my father actually AC listens to him is one thing if I I know that but r l I'm not sure about I let you know yeah well I don't know but it would be interesting um to hear about that because I know that your dad is open about speaking about a variety of of issues even if they're controversial but so Rush lum abely this morning so this morning Rush limbo was talking about Egypt and I guess maybe he was trying to make a joke but he said um you know they meaning you know I guess his sources whatever they are um they cannot confirm the coup in Egypt has taken place and then he was like dot dot dot he waited a little while and he said only the coup here has been confirmed and then he waited a little longer and he said here it's the Democrat Party coup so I don't even know what this is supposed to mean because number one he as as many conservatives on the in the media do he gets the name of the party wrong it's not the Democrat Party it's the Democratic party which I don't I don't know what it is but I mean it's very common to to say that here in my area that is very conservative as well but I I mean I guess he was meaning you know well barock Obama is still at the president so I guess that's a coup but it's kind of I don't know I just feel like really it wasn't funny and it didn't really make sense but then again it's outrageous enough that I'm talking about it so you know I I feel like he said to get the attention he get a lot of VI viewers to agree with him yeah I listen to him so I just try to turn down turn out his nonsense or whatever he says yeah because you know pretty much it's going to be offensive to our sensibilities you know I know absolutely and trying to rationalize him is just going to make my head hurt so we will not even do that but I will say one more funny thing that Rush stuck in at the end of the segment you know he thank you for being with us this morning uh Rush limbal show number one radio show blah blah blah and then he said something before they went to commercial break that was bizarre he said these five words Limba Institute Advanced conservative studies so I don't know if he has some sort of online University or he has like a think tank or he thinks that he does well when Jer has own has his own University I wouldn't be surprised at um has conserv Institute does um who D hor have Institute too he does I know oh I actually don't I I rarely have ever read anything about David horrorwitz I couldn't even tell you three facts about him you don't know too I don't know yeah I don't know but you know I just think it's really funny that apparently he there is something in existence that is called The limau Institute Advanced conservative studies I don't know what that is I don't even know what Advanced conservative studies is I don't know advanc I guess conservative thought maybe a study of ir and I don't know how that's different from I don't know I don't know yeah I don't know how that's different from just normal conservative studies but whatever it is it's really funny because he really sounded really convin that he um he is a representation of advanced studies of anything that's pretty remarkable okay so moving on now um so let's talk about the Catholic Church one of my favorite topics I know we've we've we talk about it quite often you know number one because I come from a Catholic background I know the Inside Story obviously I'm not W witnessing priest abuse but I I know the culture and you know and and you're interested in it because of your interest in Latin America specifically you know and the Catholic Church affects their lives but here's what I got from link TV world news um so the latest you know I mean in the past two decades it seems every month or every other month there is another um dicese which is the Catholic um units like it would be the equivalent to the secular District so these are basically Catholic districts so uh it seems there's a new District in the in the new every month or every other month because uh priest abuses of uh sexually of children is coming to the surface and this time today it's in Milwaukee so 6,000 pages of documents um that the the church had recorded um have been released I don't know if the church released them I don't know if they were just released by some sort of whistleblower but it does reveal the story which we have found to be the standard tale from the heartland of of America all the way to Ireland you know and the world which is priests are found to be abusing children sexually because parents come forward and and talk about it they complain about it and very rightly so but while they should be going to the police unfortunately you know religion as a system inculcates group um group mentality but also group loyalty so the first thing they go to is the priests you know they go to the source of this and so the dases catches hold um and and finds out about this and then just moves the priest from Parish to Parish or dases to dases so they're just moved around the country they get no repercussions some of these people it has gone on since the 60s and 70s and they have not been brought to Justice and I'm not even worried well I'm not even worried about them being punished what I'm worried about is number one the concerns of the abused were never validated by this institution that broke their trust so much but also you know it's kind of shocking that the parents would not go to the police first but because you know if they did go to the police you know this issue would be taken care of but instead they went to the dases and the priests were just moved around and they it was covered up you know so in this 6,000 pages that was released on the my Milwaukee dases there are files on 40 priests so this reveals something particularly tragic and jarring um it details the abuse of 200 deaf boys who were molested by one priest DEA one priest molested 200 boys who were deaf and potentially could not communicate what was going on that is say that's horrific that's horrific I mean that is unconscionable that is that's as horrible as molesting someone who is um mentally incapacitated um obviously um because they cannot consent to it yeah absolutely this is just oh God I mean as a non-catholic you know we've been hearing about this stuff our entire conscious lives what does this how does this change your view of the Catholic church or actually if it's been here all along how has this molded your view it makes me very I I mean I will tell you this from personal experience obviously it makes me dislike religion organiz religion a lot more yeah it shows hypocrisy of people that pretend to be so devout and then you see their sh colors later on what I feel like the more devout you try to be the more hypocritical you are behind closed doors yeah absolutely I mean and you know so the the little news clip went on to talk about these different uh cycles of abuse and the cycles of abuse are the same whether it's in a family or whether it's in an institution like this and you know they get moved they do it again they get moved they do it again again and you know the church would come out and say well um you know once they were caught that what they would do in between moving them is they would quote send them to treatment but the church did not elucidate what that would be at least in this news clip and I just wonder I wonder is that some sort of faith-based counseling because that it just doesn't stand up to the rigors of of science unfortunately and our criminal law system is based on science so I'm not criticizing that if that's what it is I I I mean we don't know what treatment is going I don't even know what treatment would work I mean I've heard that there's no treatment that works I don't know I mean for me honestly I remember when I heard about sex offenders sheally offended she be offended um it would violate young children um the one thing that I that they eventually did in prison was um chemical castration oh my god do they still do that um in Korea they do they did this for like one person I believe because he is accused of repeatedly molesting young children they they chemically curated himo wow that's interesting and I'm sure Saudi Arab well actually no cuz men get away with everything in Saudi Arabia so never mind but you know so I'm not even going to talk I'm not even going to conjecture because we know all about Saudi Arabia but this isn't Saudi Arabia guys this is the United States of America and this is Middle America supposedly The Haven of the Bible Belt of Christian and American morality but you know what this is just showing that you know what appears on the surface of an institution is not always what it seems like but at this point I mean who is the Catholic Church kidding I mean it's just bizarre that more people don't leave the church to see that it's rotten to the core and you know what I think go ahead yeah I there think that oh well there I mean in the Christian theology most theology it's God forgives all sin no matter how great we're all therefore I have no room to judge because I'm just a sinner obviously there's different gradations of sin yes speak specifically of them however I mean I'm more disillusion now with the amount of hypocrisy yes that goes around yes hypocrisy of do what I say not as I do and I'm so religious and yet I do all the things that are supposedly banned religion yeah yeah and you know what again I come from a Catholic background and I can not tell you why why the people that I know and have known why they do they're not outraged by this I don't understand it they're not but these are the first people you know these days it you know it's very typical to be Catholic and conservative it did not used to be because you know back in the day um Catholics were part of a very large liberal Coalition that supported FDR because they were seen as a minority they were persecuted but now that they're brought into the tent of white American privilege um you know Catholicism and Catholics see themselves as mainstream but these are the you know they're now conservative a lot of them so they're the first people to jump on these Family Values bandwagons the first people to criticize you know um you know celebrities or other people for their sexual behavior the first to criticize homosexuality so it is mystifying to me why Catholics and Catholic families and Catholic parents don't see a problem in this I don't know I mean I can't understand mentality most people religiously I stop trying to understand because I cannot rical it's but then again I at the end of the day religion is not but when you're you know and that's fine yeah exactly but that's the point is that you cannot apply logic to this yeah you can apply logic to this and you know what it's fine for religion to be you know in you know instead of science it's you know spiritual science or whatever that's fine but when we're talking about people being hurt children's rights being taken away and violation you know that is when things get serious and you need to be logical you know so absolutely you know right let me ask the toughest question here and I'll be curious to see your thoughts because it's one thing to talk about these individual incidents and and the media does like individual incidents because it can attach characters but that's not how I function here you know that's not how I like to think let's look at the institutional level it's not just a few individuals this is hundreds and hundreds of priests over the past 2 to three decades who have been found out to be engaging in this type of behavior so I have to ask you what is the factor that ties these people together what is the factor that is present in the Catholic Church whether it's it it's theology or its culture that that breeds this wh why is this present in Catholicism so prominent I say why is there so much religion in general I to I you find I feel like it's it's it's um it's in the news and um it's found out a lot more publically andm but I wouldn't be surprised if it's not only in other branches of Christianity but in other religions too I absolutely agree with you but I I think most people would con um agree with me here that okay yeah I mean this abuse of power has always happened in every religious tradition that's codified and you know gained political power but yada yada whatever but okay this is happening in the Catholic Church a lot more than it's happening in say oh Buddhism or something you know I mean so no Buddhism like Islam or Judaism even but you do not but at least me personally I have not heard of you know Lutheran sex abuse scandals with with children Methodist I've not heard you know calvinist I've not heard it from the Mormons you know so I mean what there there has to be something particular about this me it was fundamental informance you can consider the marriage like one you're right the fs a problem yeah but but you know what it's a little bit of a different context because you know the flds absolutely absolutely I don't know I mean honestly I'm not a Catholic I don't know Catholic Doctrine or wherever they can get the justification from I feel like it's maybe it's effect of it is because the priests are meant to be Sal it so they cannot they are sexually oppressed yeah so I mean we were you know we I think it's a consequence of of cacy yes and this is why some Catholics priests have asked to change doctr and ask to have marriage yes some them leave to go to other denomination like Episcopalian or Lutheran yeah that's true um you know steing social desire you know that's normal that's part of human that's human that's what a human being is however not being able to express it I suppose leads to devian I I could not have said it better than you did I think that's the core I can't explain it either even coming from a Catholic background I don't understand it but you know what what's because pedophilia or you know we call it that nowadays but you know whatever you you put a name on this act the you know the sexual abuse of children you know has been present forever in many different contexts whatever however what is more enraging to me is the fact that I am not seeing um questioning and outrage from the Catholic Community from the Catholic parents that I know as I feel like it should be I mean these people are outraged about Barack Obama when he just drops an you know something that they find untenable into a speech yet how many children does it take to be violated before they start to question should we put our time and our money into this organization I mean but that's a question neither of us can answer you know we can't attest them I'm not I'm not a I can only I can only be accountable towards my actions I cannot be accountable toward actions of others yeah exactly questions you're asking me I honestly do not know yeah well I mean they're tough questions but it's because I believe that you can handle them absolutely I know I can yeah I'm not going to have just just Joe Blow on this show cuz it's all about critical thinking but so let's move on to another extremely interesting topic so I was I got this from a psychology today blog post and it's called altered magazine photos hurt our self-image so it's about unrealistic portrayals of women in media you know a very fertile topic for discussion you know us as you know social scientist both me and you even though they were're in different fields you know we're we're we're in we're cultural scientists you know we we've talked about this a lot both in school out of school it it is one of our primary concerns I think and you know in talking with my friends that are media aware or that are females and feel affected by this they definitely see this as one of the preeminent issues of our time so let me read some quotes from this story so in this blog post the uh Doctor Who wrote this Camille Johnson PhD uh from San Jose State University um uh talks about again like I said the unrealistic images of women how they have been edited altered and digitally finessed to remove blemishes inches and pounds um so one solution that she talks about and this is very Innovative and I thought it was an interesting solution some people have suggested that magazines and advertisers should include disclaimers uh with photos indicating which have been altered and which have been um photoshopped and providing details about what has been altered and you would think that that would um negate some of the negative self-esteem effects that women see or women experience when these are um these are consumed as media images you would think and I was thinking I was like wow this is a great idea I've never actually heard of this before however and this is bizarre but these disclaimers actually had the opposite effect when ads are included with a disclaimer women reported that the pictures were more relevant to their sense of self um so when there was more text informing them that the photo had been altered they were more likely to feel that the models in the advertisement were relevant with their own appearance so basically when you state on an ad and you make it clear that something has been photoshopped something is unreal something is a falsehood or it's a construction um women are more more likely to allow it to affect their sense of self I this is bizarre I mean what do you think is behind this I actually have no idea I mean I don't it's weird because I don't so many women are so different the psychology women is very fasina I want you to psychology because I find that something that affect me don't affect my friends something that affect my friends don't affect me either I I feel like the idea of s and the female mind the female psyche is such a complex topic yes I so it's Society taught that women should connect so much our image yes to our self-esteem that no it's been corrosive I I've had to learn to not place so much emphasis on my looks which is why I try to rip off any advances on my family um to make me more feminine as to be more feminine because that's not my style and I don't want to be gender normative anyway but but you have received and let it be said that you have received a lot of criticism for that and you've received a lot of flak I mean one of my but also you know I've seen this in other people my best friend Patty just because she presents herself a certain way in behavior and in dress you know her relatives are convinced that for whatever reason she's a lesbian and she's hiding it and lying to them even though she says no I'm not a lesbian just because she doesn't conform to this this image that that um they expect of women she's labeled a lesbian absolutely no I think in this Society there are a certain expectation of what a female should look like act like there Ian societal application of of gender norms and gender of hetero Norms it's it's very corrosive female identity yeah it ties a fale identity to the man it this heterosexual Charon yeah to a female should ask feminine to attract men to gain the attention to men to keep the attention to Men A man is not going to want a mascular female yeah yeah exactly and that's that's unfortunate but you know our sexualities and our desires what we fetishize all of that that is constructed socially it's a very complicated interplay between our personalities and our environment and you know they kind of co-create each other and for whatever reason we end up with this certain type of standard for feminine beauty that we do have today which you know it's not as bad as it was in 1996 through 2003 when that was really the heroin Chic era should embrace it Cur whatever they have women should embrace it breath B big ass no ass at all I mean small way bigger wayte I think there I mean for hetosexual wom out there there are men out there for you there are men of course there are men that fetishize certain types of women but there are men who will appreciate you there are females they'll appreciate you yes I mean I feel like people should need to break out of what the media tells us yes and start living up to this societal ideal because you cannot do it there's there's a reason why there there's this issue of eating the ERS before women are get married reason why women do not want to get pregnant they don't want to gain weight all these issues are problematic and I think women need to get outside of themselves and like focus on their own happiness they should not depend they should not have their happiness depend on someone else particularly a man yes yes I've never I never liked that and I've always fought against the idea that I need to have a man to meet me happy in life have you felt that pressure to attach yourself absolutely especially recently with the fact that be 25 in the month and people have asked me professors friends yeah guys are interested in me my own family they once they find out that single they ask me why I why are you single like not that there's anything wrong with me but that I'm I'm an attractive intelligent young woman who should be with someone yes I'm not so there must be something wrong and it really offensive that I can't be single and be and be happy or I I want to wait to find someone it's almost like they're devaluing you because you don't have some sort of conjugate part for yourself you know just because you don't have an equal who's a male you know you're suddenly not seen as whole and that's wrong and if they knew you and your family should know you but if they truly knew and understood you as a person they would know that you're not missing anything absolutely but I think that it should that people they accept whatever Society tells them and what Society consider acceptable is a young woman in her 20s being a committed along relationship possibly leading to marri children but she is with someone they're a single woman um who is attractive who is Young who's intelligent should have someone you know they should not be single she should not be single yeah I've never understood and it's always annoying me when I've had several guys tell me why are single because I don't know how to answer that question to be honest because that's not a question that I would have ask a GU it's not the first I asked for him and Heath said hello how are you what's your name yeah that's bizar girlfriend why are you single that's so weird and but it's like that question is so disturbing well it's not like something you plan right absolutely but people are realize that people are trying to operate within their own soci on cultural norms yeah and from from what they know um I mean unfortunately if people don't fit into what people consider normal they it's deviant yeah that's what devience is is something outside of the social Norm um and that's unfortunate but yeah I mean I learned to just accept it and not think about it too much um I never I never I mean I give them an answer to people but I mean it's my personal business and honestly I don't have the right to defend myself even the that you feel defensive like I I feel like I'm being blamed exctly as my fault it's what they think like I'm not going to care about what they say so so let's go back to body image think back to maybe when you were at a more sensitive time maybe you know your early teens and I I think your your experience would be different because you you know you're you are a female in this Society so it is interesting to get your Insight when you were say 12 13 14 you were seeing what were invariably photoshopped images and that was at the height of this of herin what was your experience like what images did you see and did they s with you and did they change your thinking and view of yourself absolutely um I grew up with the images especially being mixed being hore the images of wom who blonde haired blue eyed had bigger breast small wa a flat stomach um um uh nice legs you know and a very PE te and for the longest time I wanted to blueeyed or brette and blueeyed but pretty much white um you know typically speaking and I was really frustrated being mixed because Al my school my middle school was uh was quite diverse I thought this one wanted and that's what I saw on TV that's I magazines because I didn't see images of myself I saw images of stereotypical American woman yeah and for the longest time it maybe it didn't made me feel very insecure that I could not fit into what a guy would want and so I get very frustrated because I like I look like this yeah and then when I actually got into puberty and I started developing chck curves I didn't really like my body at that time either because when you're taught when you're younger that um sexuality is something that should be controlled and repressed yes because of De your sexuality and it was very difficult for me to handle I spent a lot of my adolesence recently A lot of my early 20s covering my body not wearing shorts not wearing l p tops and trying to be very being very sensitive I a lot of male attention because I didn't show my body not that I wanted my brain it's just because I felt insecure that I was becoming a woman I didn't have any idea how to deal with it yeah and that's a problem for probably every girl in this Society but so let's get more specific what in terms of um damaging um images of female bodies are there certain Publications or Girls magazines or sources that you think were particularly egregious and harmful during your puberty period I think any young female women's magazine 17 most specifically I suppose um um 17 um W magazine where they have this traditional fashion models yeah who are 5 Zer who are very tall like 510 511 yeah who are probably the very willing be fr but and just wear whatever they want I mean when you when you grow up with that expectation of you're pretty much the statue figure um as the fact you don't really have any cures of like they're very small frames um it makes you feel like kind of weird like I have I'm not like as proportionated them I'm not just a ruler I have some you know I have some sunite I have some yeah just up and down it's got some like ways to it it's got some definition to it and so you do something in Secure you have to like make friends of other people and you have to go look at real women in other places who are unamed other bodies yes it's really hard to find because most women who post their fix pictures online um are confident in their looks because they are attractive you don't see the average um plane J I guess yeah and really attractive we have to remember that that's very relative attractive literally means you know what other people find desirable so whether you're attractive or not is not based on some no absolutely quality inborn it's in a certain Contex some to you draw someone to you specifically because they're it's coded in that society that that's attractive but um ask absolutely we we um we talked recently about the for strea Moria yeah um because um being said that there's so much poverty and there's a lack of food available that yes daughters being obese is consider healthy even Society in General Health speciically speaking being obese is unhealthy and dangerous for your health yeah or longterm longevity and that's that's a whole another story that we could talk about another hour or four that's bizarre but um absolutely but what what did I want to say here um um going back to body image so bringing it back to this bizarre study um do you have any Theory do you have any theories as to why I mean because and I'm just asking you not because I think that you represent the female opinion but because you've been in these girls shoes you know if you looked at an ad and it said a disclaimer there that this was edited what I mean would that make you more um observant of the messages in the ad absolutely if I he an edit I trust in it ferocity but it can be telling me anything I want an authentic looking representation of what a woman is for example yeah absolutely I don't like the photoshops because some photoshops are absolutely horrible they make a they shave off so much of the woman body that she no longer represents what the archetyp female form is yeah yes it's very Barbie to be honest as far ases standard it's very what very unrealistic standard yes absolutely so okay so let's wrap up I have one more thing to ask you about this topic you know if you know what would you say to girls who were 12 13 14 15 looking at Glamour magazine um seeing these images and and and allowing it to affect their self-image at 12 years old you should not be reading Glam Magazine you should be going out playing sports work like eating healthy enjoying tell your friends and not stressing that fashion you are too young to worry about that kind of stuff yeah um it's you're you don't it's poisoning youth at a younger age especially young girls girls should not worry about body image that's so young that's the form of time too when you grow into adolescence grow into puberty this the time where you're questioning the most and I definitely would tell them to put it down find an actual book to read and do other things preoccupy your time yes absolutely okay well here's the next topic and this is this is shocking you know it's really important to me to not just you know my favorite news organizations come from outside the United States because they offer a perspective that I feel is more desirable but it would be a Folly to limit myself to just those you know news from commercial sources as well even sources I don't even trust because it's important to have that mix and that diversity and that e iism as well um and you know including conservative news sources you know you know I will disclose I am I am on the left side of the spectrum and I am really far you know but at the same time um that does not stop me from conceding that conservative critics have a point and I think with this story that they do have a point I found this on which do you know who Michelle Malin is abely I used to rec when I was like in my L early early 20s and M late teens late um late teens as far as like being 18 and 19 yeah so well that's interesting so we'll have to talk about that after we talk about this but so Michelle Malin um I think fairly recently started this new website called Twitchy which Aggregates um a lot of the buzz stories that are being retweeted by um conservatives on Twitter and she kind of Aggregates them and then in instead of really writing a story she just kind of shows everyone's tweets and so know yeah so twitch is pretty interesting actually um so it's certainly very New Media you know um but this is horrific and it in this situation that I'm about to describe it's not really the tweets of of just people who that's interesting it's actually what was tweeted originally I guess in the twit pick that started this so let me describe this scene to you um it shows four people three of them are children one of them is the presumably the mother they're protesting they have placards and they are protesting for pro-choice so obviously just right you know in terms of abortion rights so obviously just that image of children protesting for abortion rights is probably something that you would never expect to see but that's not really the incendiary part really because it gets worse there are two uh types of placards that this group I guess a family has one of them says every child um you know a wanted child which that's not um that is not um controversial but what is controversial is the mother is holding a sign that says this if I wanted government in my womb I would [ __ ] a senator not only that the child is holding this sign as well that's I don't even know where to begin so obviously Twitchy was not very happy about this being a a conservative um prolife as they say organization um and it says that they're you know this mother is in the protesters are exploiting this children okay so what do you think about this I think it's a horrible thing to bring your children into don't bring your children to your political police please I completely agree I especially at such a young age if they're really really young no 10y old or 8ye old no please don't yeah I mean I can tell you I've seen this picture it's just indoctrination in my opinion it just sounds like indoctrination yeah absolutely and no matter what the beliefs are whether those are fist Christian liberal conservative communist to Dev their own a part of my own I don't want them to be influenced by me but you know what but IC by me they can we can talk about they can ask me my my belief but I would never try to impose whatever I believe on that absolutely I completely agree with that but the thing is I think it's the predominant School of parenting in I can only speak for this country but I would probably say the world as well I think we are behind some European countries but I think this is basically the standard you know parents um view themselves as having a lordship over their children because they created them and so they can kind of set down these dick tots to their children and unfortunately children get caught up into some bizarre behavior because of it absolutely I agree with you I think that children don't have the oportunity to voice for opinion because they don't have they haven't had the ability to critically think because I've had parents and doctr them since they were like two years old yeah I by the time they're like 15 because they don't know how to critically think and how to think aside yeah it is and that's just what's that I mean I know think it's bad if parents and children talk together about politics or whatever but parents shouldn't be able to have a right to respect their children's opinion and not deplore them for whatever their do their youth or do their lack of experience I think that's narcissistic I think that's wrong and I really hold on our children I will not do that same yeah yeah absolutely um and so there's really two levels of this but I need to say at the end of the day I don't think this I think maybe for the the the Critics on Twitchy it was about abortion but for me and you here the real issue is not abortion what the real issue is is two things the indoctrination of children no matter what the ideas are but also there's let me bring up what that sign set again it said if I wanted the government in my womb I'd [ __ ] a senator and there is a three-year-old holding that sign number one does she even understand what abortion is does she know what a womb is and [ __ ] a senator this is just insanity this parent these parents have taking too far yeah I mean it's not fair that's why as a parent you're not you're not allowing your children to critically think the child is too young to be able to consent to whatever you're telling them they have they don't have the ability to critically analyze what you're saying they don't have ability to develop what they're saying because they're parenting what you believe and that's not fair you're imposing yourself on them and you're not letting them be independent from you that's just like not good in the future at all to be honest absolutely children have their independence and say and however they want yeah and you need to respect it yeah and I can tell you from my experience you know if for a while I was very concerned with wanting my parents to agree with me so I would change my opinions to theirs this was when I was 12 13 14 maybe 15 and um you know in some ways I was headed on that path of becoming an ideologue but you know circumstances prevailed where I kind of broke off and became independent and started thinking for myself and I have I have faith that these children can too but at the same time it makes it that much harder you know because these types of ideas they stay with you years after and they inhibit you know your ability to do things I mean what if one of these girls in the future you know um that she has to go through a an abortion for whatever reason and what if at the end of the day she just hates herself because of it because of this early indoctrination you know or whether she comes to just think that it's like nothing you know it goes on both sides but but yeah so I I you know I I I bring up this issue and I thought this to pull from Twitchy because this is really an outlier so I do not I do not think this is the norm among um pro-choice protesting families I don't think it's the norm I've never seen an example absolutely I mean the norm though is that I've seen parents though no not just onor but embarrassing bring their children to protest and having whole these horrific friends that are incred you know racist offensive offensive in some man no matter what side of the political I've seen horrible things and like it makes me sick yeah why would you do that to you as children I mean exactly exactly yeah so I mean that's this isn't really something that I think has this in inent does not have nationwide significance but it is a good Touchstone a good conversation opener a good Icebreaker to talk about um parental attitudes of control and indoctrination you know absolutely absolutely I just I just don't I think this makes me reinforc what I don't want to do with my children yeah I mean if anything you know the you know you can only be blamed if you do not learn from the mistakes of other people absolutely absolutely I think you're responsible for how your children turned out and that kind sense that this is what you did now you have to own up to it and you know this just kind of distilled whatever um these kind of control Tendencies are in American parenting because there are few issues more uh with more extreme views on either side than abortion and there are a few issues that can make people enraged besides abortion I mean that's pretty much I mean that's pretty much number one I would think it's not so much important for me it's not really something I think about but I don't really have a position either way but you know whatever I mean people are very passionate after like friend out pregnant I remember I miss I supported her on her decision I personally am mixed on abortion but I wanted to be there for her and I would have done anything for her at that point I want to be well informed and to make whatever decision that you wanted I think it depends on each person personally I would either get if I got pregnant right now at this moment I would either have an abortion or adoption because I'm not run to be a mother and I have no ability to take care my child and I think it's unfair to have a child when I'm outfir yeah mentally emotionally or physically I don't fair and I want my child to have a good life and I can't provide for him or her the life that I would want yeah so it would be better to either to just not let it happen I just feel it's fair I'm you know I'm I want I want so much more than you know what I have now for them yeah yeah I completely agree and it's you know it's it's a hard reality but it's something that in the end you probably have to come to terms with is sometimes some women you know no matter what will get abortions whether they're legal or not absolutely I think making it illegal um just like making Mar legal people still do it I don't think that just being drugs illegal people maybe illegal makes like to F or food comple make people people want to stick it out more so there's this elicit quality to it yeah and you know things like when talking about drug and alcohol policy I really am a believer of the forbidden fruit syndrome which basically because these things are banned because they you know children don't have exposure to them before um they can easily be um you know led into situations like parties or social Gatherings where people are using a substance they have no idea what it is they've never you know seen it they don't know anything about it and you know I was shocked I was telling you about a series of videos created by the Church of Scientology on YouTube that were little vignettes about drug addiction and I was shocked because they they would ask for every video for every interviewee um what age did you begin to abuse the drug and it was always 12 13 14 almost consistently I was shocked but this drug addiction you know if you have an addictive personality that comes out early you know so it's important to not have you know whatever forbidden fruit draws there is we need to not normalize not glamorize but just expose these things we need to talk about it basically absolutely but the problem that we don't talk about Society yeah well well we've gotten a little bit off topic so let's get back on track here I have an article from NPR and it's talking about the Democrats um strategy to have electoral victory in Texas so I don't know if you remember but there was a lot of conjecture in the 2008 election um that for the first time in a long time Texas would um Place its electoral votes for the Democratic candidate now that did not end up happening I don't think um however it did get close enough that people were willing to entertain it as a possibility and you know a branch of my family is from Texas and I will say it's pretty unconscionable that that would ever happen but demographically the shift of Latinos into many areas in um Texas these pollsters say demographically it's unavoidable that there will be a democratic majority in the future so this is very interesting the um the article you know it does cite the the fast growing Latino population in Texas as the origin of this but of course this demographic however inevitable they may say it is the Republicans candidates have won 100 Statewide election in a row so that is an incredible streak you know that's probably many decades um and and if you look at the Texas Republican party you know at the helm of it are Tea Party leaders like Ted Cruz and John Coran and you know Tea Party leaders have you know had had control rested from them in many areas of the rest of the country um since 2010 um it it's gone back to you know control in many state parties has gone back to more moderate establishment um types but in Texas it does remain a tea party State um so you kind of have these two um Tendencies the demographics on one side but the strong conservative tradition of Texas on the other side and then you know you have pollsters also you know contradicting themselves coming out and saying well you know it's almost um inevitable that Latino will become the majority but on the other hand um Hispanic participation in um elections is very low for whatever reason so I mean it's just you know especially in 2012 it was very low so it's just like sort of like these contradict each you know each other and who knows what's going to happen I mean do you foresee a future where um Texas could be a blue state with it in Plus Latinos um especially because outside from humans most Latino Latinos Latino Americans um re Latin Latin immigrants Latin America are very liberal they socially conservative on certain aspects as far as traditional family structure goes but as far as econom polios they always they're not like 7030 Democratic parties yeah I I see that happening but I feel but I know that um with the consult coun I believe that just like with African-Americans who are a lot of them are religious too I believe Economic Policy economic concern is Trump um social conservatism and and economically um they are leftist for the most part absolutely absolutely you're correct I mean they a lot of Latino immigrants come from war torn Nations but they come from Nations where there have been strong suppressed um but very long Heritage heritages of leftist movements and they bring bring that Legacy to the United States you know absolutely absolutely I think they're just a franchise so I believe that they do take um advantages of whatever I mean the Democrat Party offers them the economic Advantage we desire the better the economic um the better opportunities the economic um ability to improve their life I think that's that's very trctor to many suff much who had nothing that trumps that supersedes any any conservative thing they have as far as social mories go yes yes I agree um so I guess that you know I could see it going both ways you know there is compelling evidence um I don't particularly um I'm not hedging my bets on anything I don't really care I know that there are very conservative viewpoints in Texas I know that it has a large Legacy of racism of slavery of lynching you know it used to be a part of Mexico but you know true now it's the United States and you know people are outraged when Latino culture penetrates the border which is absurd but um blame that and Mexico you're gonna blame it I think blame the of course you can't geography but my gosh like blame the fact that we have a very close border with Mexico and and I think a lot of people don't admit it but people don't want to see the benefits of Latin culture to society yeah but that's their racism yeah I mean and I it's just if even if you just you know you're a history major you're studying history if you just I mean I don't know if if if most I mean honestly don't don't r on me own history because I I did my nature because I was allowed to do research and write and read and I love doing all not that I know a lot of things about history specifically okay okay so maybe I won't call you our historian then no not yet but so but but you know I mean we conquered annexed half of Mexico in the Mexican-American War and that included Texas you know so it's just kind of weird it's always struck me as very odd ever since I was a young kid that when I came back to America when I was conscious and old enough to understand what was going on and you know people would talk about Latino immigrants disparagingly especially you know in the South and in the west and it's just I don't know I mean historically are you who is surprised that Latino culture is seeping through this non-existent border I mean I don't know you know I don't know I mean this is this is something I think I don't know a l people should be surprised but then again I've always surprised but ignor the many people yeah yeah yeah unfortunately yeah and it shouldn't surprise us I I haven't been yet surprised that I mean I'm I'm not suris but IGN I'm just surprised what people really don't know I agree with you I agree with you um so um and also you know that Republican uh Texas Republican party that has won 100 elections in a row you know they control the legislature and they are introducing measures to um redistrict and they're they're redistricting in a way that these these Latino constituencies will be the least powerful and the least consequential voting blocks that they can and that is sad but it is one of the few um I think instances of political corruption in our society that is so openly viewed I mean people don't even try to hide I mean on the last ballot we had a horrific um proposal to redistrict by Dem it was coming from the Democratic party of Maryland and it and it made no sense it was I reging in general reg reging is all try uptic party must be corrupt if they think I'm so glad that that did not pass and even though Barack Obama did win I'm glad that the Democrats did did not get their way on the ticket on that at least in our state because I mean even Democrats were were talking about how ridiculous this seemed I mean it was I know probably um not everyone who theoretically in our pool of zero listeners um know about Maryland geography but there was this red proposed redistricting plan would um lump Baltimore city and in one District that includes also Baltimore County and then two counties to the West I mean these but it wasn't even whole counties either it was slivers of counties I mean it's just the reason for this it's just so blatantly just devoid of any practical application there is no need and and I think most of these cases for this Jerry mandering absolutely but I don't try to understand politics anymore politics well you know politics politics is politics but um and then finally well let's wrap up about this the last thing it says about the Jerry mandering is you know demographic changes can only be held back through creative cartography Jerry mandering for so long you know at the end of the day they cannot Stave off change it's inevitable however the coch brothers very famous um um uh funders of conservative causes in America have pled pledged $8 million to the Texas Republican party um to to do two things to support this uh redistricting uh measures do you think it would ever work you know the Koch brothers have pledged $8 million to the Texas Republican party to try to bring to attract Latinos into the fold do you think that would work no no I don't know money will not do anything party platform party IDE ology has to change yeah and they're notb group we're just assuming that everyone will fall generalization yeah when you bring up Fidel Castro and communism that doesn't resonate with any any Patriots except Cubans issue connecting with Mar Rubio because he's Cuban and he's privileged yeah yes American privileged and he does not connect with the average Farm worker from Mexico not at all and you know Outlets mainstream outlets and Outlets like Fox News which pretty much some have said to use a fox trick you know some have said that they're they basically function as a mouthpiece for GOP talking points you know they equate Ted Cruz with Latinos and they think by an elevation of Ted Cruz they pretty much just assume that Latinos will go along with it of any strip but Ted Cruz does not speak for all Latinos absolutely he don't even speaks Spanish that one you speak Spanish better than Ted Cruz he had he had like a debate with like a white dude who spoke better Spanish than he lost oh God and we supported Ted Cruz because he's Republican and apparently he's not as he does not have he has enough Latin cred as in like I he I think his family is also Cuban to be honest yeah but he he's not he's not tootin because he doesn't speak Spanish slowly yeah yes it's Latin to toen we toen Indian it's like I mean it's like I mean this is probably very controversial but it's like he's the Uncle Tom of Latinos in politics absolutely you know and Fox at first you know the I mean if you were paying attention to the media the day after the last presidential election um you know Fox was going crazy but also CNN I think too about that you know the Republicans they it's like they immediately drew the conclusion that Republicans lost the election um because they were not able to attract enough Latino voters um and so they immediately began to sort of idolize Ted Cruz but now that there is substantive um changes to immigration law that are being proposed um Fox News and conservative media has totally backtracked they've turned against Cruz and they're really trying to frame his frame him as like a pariah for supporting immigration reform so it's all bizarre it's very complicated so we should stop there for tonight but this was the the conversation and just the ease I mean you're really a natural I am I am really I'm so well I'll just let you know from my perspective you did an amazing job well thank you to so many ideas that were brought in and you speak articulately I am glad to have you as a panelist and I'll definitely bring you back back but um fine so any last words that you want to say to anybody and if you want um anybody to know how to contact you um oh yes please if you want to contact me I have two things well I have't well you can contact me oh my I I'll have an email address just I'll find some email address I can connect specifically for the podcast yes that's a good idea good idea Elizabeth um yes I just realized I need to make I need to make an email address yeah because I would love it if people would I would love to hear people's thoughts on this their contributions and what they think of this show Absolutely I'll have an email address um my phone number is pretty private I can't do that but an email address I I like always connected to my phone so I will check it pretty much every hour awesome great I will respond as soon as possible so you want to so by the next time we do this um we'll be working on that email um yes absolutely I should have one up by tonight and and if you guys want to contact me again my name is Jacob music on Facebook I am the only Jacob music probably there um it's Jacob with a K so it's j a k o b and then m u s i c k and I do have a hyphenated last name on Facebook but if you want to contact me and add me as a friend or follow me there that would be wonderful again thank you everybody for listening thank you Elizabeth for being a great panelist and being one of my best friends okay you have wel if always a pleasure and you're always one of my best friends it's always a pleasure to talk to all these different topics I love hearing your voice obviously I love hearing your opinion on things it's always a pleasure we'll help you do this definely more often awesome I'm always here thank you so much here for everyone else too yes okay bye everyone bye get no no but this is wrong get rid of all this I don't want to see all this it's making me nervous okay um this the word the is spelled wrong in the prompter what are you what are you doing him if one more person opens that door I'm going to nail that door shut during the show who is that hovering in the hallway opening the door and hovering I don't want a hover jeez they're hovering and opening and closing all right don't right don't hover at me God and every time you flip the screen from an element to the monitor I get some Hispanic looking man on the screen I don't who he is but he's been in my prompter the whole night oh my God this is a train wreck okay why is this new tonight guys it's not new tonight he G he gave this no no no but he gave the speech yesterday that's the fox way of doing things

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YOUR SHOW - Saskatoon's ONLY Local News, Music, Gaming and Entertainment Podcast - Ep 102

Category: People & Blogs

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YOUR SHOW - Saskatoon's ONLY Local News, Music, Gaming and Entertainment Podcast - Ep 101 thumbnail
YOUR SHOW - Saskatoon's ONLY Local News, Music, Gaming and Entertainment Podcast - Ep 101

Category: People & Blogs

[music] oh [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] oh [music] [music] [music] oh [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] go [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] [music] oh [music] [music] [music] what time is... Read more

YOUR SHOW - Saskatoon's ONLY Local News, Music, Gaming and Entertainment Podcast - Ep 104 thumbnail
YOUR SHOW - Saskatoon's ONLY Local News, Music, Gaming and Entertainment Podcast - Ep 104

Category: People & Blogs

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YOUR SHOW - Saskatoon's ONLY Local News, Music, Gaming and Entertainment Podcast - Ep 103 thumbnail
YOUR SHOW - Saskatoon's ONLY Local News, Music, Gaming and Entertainment Podcast - Ep 103

Category: People & Blogs

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Pro-Trump Psychos are SENDING THREATS to Taylor Swift for Voting for Kamala Harris!!! #shorts thumbnail
Pro-Trump Psychos are SENDING THREATS to Taylor Swift for Voting for Kamala Harris!!! #shorts

Category: News & Politics

When these types endorse donald trump it is heralded and celebrated by the magam mob but when other people express support for kla harris the right loses its mind oh my god so this woman is fine with his plan to take custody of the children from parents who don't want them to chop off their body parts... Read more

Would Ohio State Bring Back Urban Meyer? thumbnail
Would Ohio State Bring Back Urban Meyer?

Category: Entertainment

Ryan day has won a lot of ball games at ohio state he's contended for titles and he's well respected in the coaching community but at the golden egg locations of college football and ohio state is definitely one of those it's not just about how much you win but who you beat and you know this when you... Read more

CFB Analyst: Cam Ward is So OVERRATED thumbnail
CFB Analyst: Cam Ward is So OVERRATED

Category: Sports

Miami goes down to the swamp and gainsville what do you think i think florida wins i think miami is being put on a pedestal because of cam ward and i i just think the guy's a stat monster but that's it this is the biggest game of his career by far like it there's not even a debate i i think from a defensive... Read more

Bank-Vorstand: Diese Frage beantwortet Ihnen Trade Republic nicht | Podcast Chefsache(n) thumbnail
Bank-Vorstand: Diese Frage beantwortet Ihnen Trade Republic nicht | Podcast Chefsache(n)

Category: News & Politics

Wir haben einmal den ganz normalen zahlungsverkehr die transaktion die haben unsere apps wir sind die beste app äh prämiert genauso wie die volksbanken auch und wir können da mit allen anderen direktbanken mithalten ich verdiene jetzt mein mein erstes ausbildungsgehalt ich habe gehört ich soll was sparen... Read more