The Word - When Will Rupert Murdoch Be Brought To Justice? (2013)

for July 19th 2013 I'm Jacob music and this is the word here are some headlines during the Manchester UK leg of her worldwide diamonds tour Barbadian pop singer Rihanna was pelted with potato chips by members of the audience after arriving late to the show the tour began on March 8th 2013 and has grossed 50.1 million as of the 55th performance late arrival and cancellation have become endemic on the tour which have led some people to speculate that the singer's use of recreational drugs may have escalated out of control the name of Ariana Grand's debut album has been revealed named Yours Truly the album will be released on September 3rd 2013 the album has been proceeded by lead single the way which is peaked at number nine in the United States in the US online petition system an American man known only as Ed has created a proposal to adopt Miley Cyrus's Party in the USA as a national anthem the petition to win an audience with the president must collect 98,000 signatures by August 1st it currently stands at 1,200 Courtney stoden the young woman famous for wedding a man 35 years her Elder has released an erotic set of photos featuring her 53-year-old husband whipping her the photos were uploaded to various celebrity blogs yesterday stoden first caught the public eye around the time of her nuptuals in 2011 she was 16 at the time and enjoyed the full support of her parents pop star and actress Demi Lavado has released a statement about the death of actor Cory Monti in it she says that it was the disease of addiction that killed Montie and that his death was not a choice Lavado may be seen as somewhat of an authority on the subject having gone to rehab for the recreational use of cocaine and self- injurious behavior it only takes one moment of relapse to potentially die she ominously concluded the statement those were your headlines on the word for July 19th 2013 uh after the break we will be back with a panel featuring Elizabeth and anuka and we will discuss the issues of the day and we're back uh we will now be talking about a lot of topics to cover tonight on the word but I must amend the headlines with uh something very briefly that is broke within the past hour um there is very scant uh information available about this but it is worth saying uh Turkish soldiers have shot across the Syrian border uh now we don't have very much information about that but if anything else breaks during the the recording of This podcast I will update you so on the panel today um I have anuka wolf is back thank you very much for being here how how are you good thank you I'm yourself I am fine I would like some of the rain that you have down there in Florida but you know I will do with this lovely heat wve that we're having we have no change every day is bipolar weather it doesn't know what it wants to do F that I you know what when I live in Miami I'm going to be I complain about the weather all the time like every day but um never mind um so we were supposed to have Elizabeth um I don't really know what her whereabouts are today um here for with she is unavailable but she may be calling in later in the broadcast so we may hear from Elizabeth as well but let's move on to our first story this was a great uped that I found in uh Fox Business News it's called how to find passion in your life to written by someone named Steve tobac he lays out these uh different uh hints or different um very important points to remember when it comes to finding your specific path in life and the one of the first things he says is don't try to be someone or some something you're not uh people can't change who they really are who they really are so don't try instead think of it is trying to become the best version of you that you can be he says if that sounds like new age mumbo jumbo to you then you've definitely got a lot of work to do starting with this take risks that terrify you if you are somehow able to get inside the heads of all the people who have never found their place in this world you'd find a hell of a lot of fear because that is what stopped them if you haven't found what you're looking for yet then you have no business staying with your comfort zone and not putting yourself out there searching for opportunities no risk no reward in your experience does that ring true no risk no reward where you don't ever put anything out there it's GNA be pretty boring yeah yeah and and it's really a lot of these you know positive thinking um principles or even just kind of you know they're in self-help books I don't know they've been saying since the 60s well they have been saying that since the' 60s but I mean I think it still needs repeating and I still think it's a good advice well well I don't know if everybody does know that because think of how many people toil away in jobs they don't appreciate just for the money I know people I know scores of people yeah but it's better to have a job hello when something clicks Go With It When you do come across an idea or an opportunity that seems to resonate with you that gets you excited like you're a little kid again then that is the important signal if it really gets you excited the idea of oh maybe I can start this project maybe I can do something I've always wanted to do that's the sign when you know you should go for it Follow Your Passion Common Sense well okay maybe this is your common sense but not everyone you know I don't know about that like you know it's like Fire H you know you know um you know when it's fine to have negative thoughts but whether you let those negative thoughts negatively impact what you want to do with your life the projects that you set out to do I mean we are we're humans we question everything we are born with Free Will and it ain't care us yes well no but I would I I mean I think that's in humanity but a lot of people's there are different personality types when it comes to questioning versus not questioning and there are some people who are more oriented towards just not questioning things and I know lots of people like that and not saying that that's bad but that is you know that's a certain way of living and what seems like common sense to us may not be to other may seem you know impractical to other people and this is my favorite point in the article coming up don't worry about the money I don't care if you have to work for free for a while that's okay if you find something you love to do and you're very good at it the money will come really it that's not true and well I believe that well I think anything keep he's you know keep your job and that's certainly very practical um but I I mean there is an argument which I do buy into that you know your attitude determines the things that happen in your life and so if you if one is to hold these negative beliefs or these more cynical beliefs then your life will blossom in that path in that image but you know don't throw away you know what pays the bills yes on a whim or py which is what he seems to be saying yeah I mean I have a slightly different take I I really do you know I've seen enough in my very short life to know that anything is possible and somebody with drive and ambition and somebody who's intelligent and even people who aren't that intelligent just if you if you really believe it will come to you yeah so we're not really disagreeing with each other I think we're just emphasizing different of it and it's not like I would say you should well when you say throw away your life I would say if if it's causing you like you make if it's making if your current life is making you feel like you don't want to live then yes by all means throw out your life some people don't have to though and I will cop to the fact that currently in my life you know I am a very privileged person I do not have to worry about money so I you know because of this privilege I can and follow your blist but for the rest of us don't quit your day job yes that's all I mean and I will it you know I kind of full disclosure it will be easier for me to buy into this this ideological system than it would be for someone in a different situation well yeah you don't have L and you don't have bills that's true that's true um so this article if I quit a job for example I'd be on the street and that wouldn't do anybody any good yep certain certainly until my business takes off I'm gonna take my hand job yep and that totally is a valid perspective uh your time is limited so don't waste it living someone else's life you have to trust that the dots will connect somehow in your future you have to trust in something your gut Destiny Life Karma whatever this approach has never let me down and it has made all the difference in my life the only way to do great work is to love what you do if you haven't found it yet keep looking don't settle I agree with that fully um and at that we will take our first break and we'll be back to talk about what Ted nent has said okay and we're back now and I have an article from Media Matters for America um Ted Nan has obviously in the past maybe year he's be taken on a very controversial um Persona I would say um says some things that are contentious but this this crazy so this article's headline is nent colon the black problem could be solved if blacks put heart and soul into being honest and law-abiding Ted nent continued his ongoing racial tie raade appearing on Alex Jones radio show to claim that African-Americans could fix their quote black problem if they just put their heart and soul into being honest law-abiding and delivering Excellence at every move in life nent has faced criticism over the past two days for a pair of columns he wrote for conservative websites that variously termed deceased Florida teenager Trayvon Martin as a dope smoking racist Gangsta wannabe an enraged black Manchild and a skittles hoodie boy newent used the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Martin as a platform form to offer advice to Black America do you think nen is someone who U Black America can take advice from um what I mean obviously not he he does make certain points every once in a while and you know he used to have a reality show I don't know if you're aware of that what yes where people would come on to his property and try and win money and he would make them do some pretty interesting stuff like for example I don't know if you know she kills all of his own meat you know very City fault the you know some very good qualities about living off the land and different restaurants are starting to do that now they're offering all parts of animals when was this actually kind of cool when was this oh God it was a while ago it was on MTV or VH1 one of those channels t n on MTV yeah live off the land and I mean you could tell he was not but he also made some sense back then yes yes yes yes I actually watched it I actually liked it was one of the early real it was a reality show but it was a you know like a not not like they are now it's a game show reality show you know I just can't you you win something you win money you have to go through XYZ I he made people stalls and you know the only thing I know Ted Nan is is these various political statements that he's made lately but I I still wanteded aliz that's what it was because so let's get back into this more so the article says nent began his rant by suggesting that blacks have bought into this lie that somehow they're oppressed when the president the richest people in the world are black it's a dirty lie you've bought into the big lie of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton you're not a slave you're not worthless you're not an NT you can do anything you want to do if you just get out from the self-inflicted shackles that have been brought upon by the race biters then speaking of a racist industry um newent said that African-Americans could fix the black problem tonight if they would put their heart and soul into being honest law-abiding and delivering Excellence at every move in life according to nen the real Shackles on Black America 100% of the time come from Black America itself there's a lot to talk about in there um I disagree with him I mean I think that it is outrageous to say that there is no oppression in this Society especially with the society that the with the Legacy that we have that's impossible that's impossible but it is a concrete sustaining part of this society and we can argue Case by case whether you know whether there is a is a racial component in every situation however to say that it is a lie is ridiculous and the question I would pose to you is what do you think that he is trying to say by the quote black problem what what does that mean I to be honest in a lot of ways I think he has a point there are still people going around asking for slave reparation it it was hundreds of years ago it's time to get over it and we have a half black president right now well you know well wait wait let me tell you lots of different people were slaves I mean you don't hear the Jews going well we were slaves in Egypt and we built the pyramids and where's our reparations you know a lot of the African-Americans in this country don't even know their family history where they came from whatever I think that you know it's kind of going back to what we talked about the of everybody's shoes are their shoes you know everyone has been lose something if we keep harping on the past we can't go to the Future it's time and and he does have a point I mean look how rich the president is Oprah's got a gazillion dollars there are plenty of very rich black people America but poor black people we have to let go at some point it's not fun it's not easy we have to learn to do it um where do I start um I think sociologists terms of talking about the wealthy black people of course there is a black Bourgeois in this country but you know sociologists or cultural theorists would say well those you know Oprah Barack Obama you're you're pointing out this Elite you know they're tokens in a sense a tokens of wealth and that poverty rates for those of color in the society are higher than they are for people who are white and that the no that's Urban but in the suburbs if you go out to like Kentucky and Tennessee and some of the other places I don't know if that's literally true I know in the urban environment well Suburbans also have a large but that's a different playing field because there was a racial imbalance in the U sub suburbs of course you're going to get EX skewed I mean the number two richest person in the world is Mexican yes in the world you know yeah I mean and he only has two billion less than Bill Gates yeah I mean but comes Putin I think that we can't lose sight that there is racial oppression because we just because of these popular people or these very rich people of color I think that's a fallacy no there is oppression everywhere but everybody has their own uh dealings with oppression but you know they were also slaves in England but you don't he about that so much because I mean because we're not we're not England we're talking about our own Society here understand but what I'm saying is they've moved on there America is so hellbent on the past the past we have to move forward you know and I really don't think we're GNA F the racial inequality unless we start but I don't see this as bringing up the past I see this as talking about contemporary issues and you know seeing the issue of race talking about slavery is not a contemporary issue not slavery we're talking about Trayvon Martin and oppression in society today right but that's not what you just said I mean they were talking and you know and again with Tavon yes in his area he's oppressed you know you have to just try and live together but I don't feel like African-Americans are focused on the past oh we all are absolutely I think they are are you you go you go back and you you know they always everybody say the blacks talk about the white only stuff in the 60s but you know but you don't hear women say about how oppressed they are where women make considerably less money than men in today's society wait and women get passed up for promotion more than men I was reading something of course women there are feminists who are still out there working for the advancement of women in society today but I think the constant whining about it makes people shut down I think we're gonna have to agree to disagree because I don't I I don't see that from the from the African-American commun Community constant whining I just I don't you know oh constantly let's is it was true let's get back on track so you saying that you agree with what Ted Nan is saying here to an extent I think that we need to not look at all of that you know we need to keep our eyes on the future and if we're constantly bringing up all the negative things that happened in our past we can't look to the future you know I think that this see I again I have to fundamentally disagree with you because if we look at the conversation about race even with um you know what we had the last show when we were talking about Trayvon Martin and George Zimmerman these are contemporary events you know this is not an expose of of slavery but don't forget they all talked about simmerman as the white man your sister for example did not know that he C Latino but that's not the past I mean look Obama doesn't ever talk about his white family who are the ones who raise him he has no connection with his black father none his black father abandoned the family he was raised by white well but let me ask you this okay how no one talked about him as a half white president that only talk about the black party yeah but that goes to the way in which society categorizes people by race let me ask you this question and I think we'll agree in what racial category does America see Barack Obama as oh they say is black because that's all he talks about he always talks about how he's black okay does somebody need to hear you talk about a racial category before they see that in you not necessarily okay because like like you said last time these you know people who don't know that you're half asian you know they'll look at you and they'll say that's a white lady he hared on the fact that he was black he was no he he played that up because he wanted the black vote he wanted you know the Latino vote and he thought if he played up that part of himself he would get it and he right and he did get it well he intentionally did not he he intentionally turned down the white part of his family okay well I mean because the fact is he didn't even know his black hand for the most part but he nothing to do okay but listen to me for a second you know he's grown up in a society that is categorized him and looked at him as an African-American male he identifies as an African-American male he grew up in believing that in Hawaii for crying out loud Hawaii where you're either an Islander or you're not an Islander no but okay it's a whole different B act down there okay I understand and I respect that however okay let's okay being white has never been if he's trying to flee from being white or being seen as white that doesn't make any sense because being white has never been a liability in becoming president every president before him was white by being going up against someone white when it's you versus white you want to get the vote the other part of the vote you want to try and get the vote that the white person isn't going to get and by saying oh I'm not him on this you know on that my feelings about Obama go so much deeper it has nothing to do with race it has to do with the fact that I think he's a c but you know it's beside the point all I'm saying is we put too much stock in race we need to let race go and be humans the fact is we are not our race that's part of us but that isn't who we are we are people yes but so what exactly is your problem Are Not Who We Are listen to me what exactly is your problem with Obama and voking race on the campaign Trail because I think to be honest if you're gonna be president if you're gonna be anything it's it's it's fueling the fire race is what we are it's not who we are and I would love to see people especially these politicians saying don't judge me on my family don't judge me on this don't judge me on that look at my track record okay you know that when when Obama was first running for office he and Hillary they both had the two worst records for attendance in the Senate and they were Junior Senators both of them yeah I don't they somebody who died that had better attendance records than they did okay what's your source for that I'll find it I'll find it okay um and I'll I think that but so so you don't think that that candidates running for election should invoke their racial background is that what you're saying no it would be nice for them to absolutely notok it so then let me take this fur they do it so that they can be liked by a particular community so that they can get more votes okay listen to me candidates invoke their religious beliefs their faith they invoke their commitment to families their different values relationship against all of it separation of church and state your religious belief shouldn't enter into it well that's a so they shouldn't really talk about personal characteristics is what you're saying no they can talk about their personal beliefs but they shouldn't be talking about their religion okay because their religion has nothing to do with government it's supposed to be a separation of church and state like je want and that and that's principled and I agree with that and I can see exactly what your reasoning is that that's going to keep happening because you know candidates want to make themselves more human um they you know obviously it's very advantageous they can talk about their family and how much they love their family and things like that but look look how much they you know some of them love their fames and end up for the Scandal yeah well I mean those two things aren't necessarily mutually Hillary and the loving family and he had affairs with three different women that we know of so to to bring it back once again um so you know you said that um a lot of African-Americans don't have um knowledge of where exactly they came from my response to that will be well being sold into slavery and being shipped off to another continent it it does sever yourself from your roots absolutely and I I understand that just and it doesn't really matter what the activism is but a lot of people that I've noticed that are the loudest in any group tend to have the least knowledge it's like they'll jump on the bandwagon and they'll stop spouting this and spouting that yelling and screaming and they really don't know why did I even write that down see I don't even remember why I wrote some of this down maybe we'll go back to this so moving on a little bit nent conclud I completely disagree with Ted Nan's worldview and I think it's it's either bigoted or completely disconnected from the realities of Black America but moving on nent concluded by claiming that racism against blacks was gone by the time that he started touring the nation in the late 1960s and the' 70s nothing of consequence existed to deter or compromise a black Americans dream if they get an alarm clock and they remained clean and clean and sober that statement is patently ridiculous I think yeah I think so too I I think racism has always been there it does seem to be worse now than when I was younger yeah but to talk about the decade in which this major civil right struggles occurred and say that there was he said that there was gone that's just I mean why does he say these things yeah I mean look he he he's getting his 15 minutes of G again because they're starting to rerun his TV show and he's got another TV show coming up so you think that so you don't you you think it's really about the attention of saying these controversial things of course it is think about it if I stood up there and I sped if if I had a teeny bit of celebrity to start with and I stood up and I started spouting nonsense the cameras are going to go towards it you know it's it's TV it's ratings to say that racism was gone by the late 60s is just wishful thinking um and I don't know if you could find many people at all who were alive in the 60s who would agree with what new Jin is saying um but so so really you think the why of it comes down to he knows that he's popular with a certain segment when he says these very inflammatory statements so he's kind of playing to that base oh I'm sure okay well that seems to be the um that seems to be the word on every person who says controversial things that we talk about all right Congress only served 153 days in the entire year who wouldn't it be nice to get paid to work the third of the year to get paid for a whole year who are we talking about Congress Congress Congress only served 150 3 days last year yeah well I 2012 I don't I can't explain that so so this continues he said more Nan also used his appearance on Jones Show to further attack Trayvon Martin again calling the Florida teenager a gangster wannab be involved with illegal people and while alleging that Martin was emboldened by a black panther president to attack Zimmerman I think white people only the only white people who I've heard um associate President Obama with the Black Panthers are very very right-wing people who I think very they fear black people I I well he was a member okay but he he but he's not a black panther now no you know and I I do not think that President Obama's ideology it obviously I don't know him but I think it is a very erroneous and probably disingenuous claim to say that the way President Obama is governing the country is any way similar to the way that black panther presidential candidates like Eldridge Cleaver back in the day would have governed the country it would not have been like this at all no I mean well you know here's the thing if you look at the presidents in general they all seem to come from a small specific little area correct they're all you know someone once said that it's all part of the Skull and Bones society whatever Harry and Bush were members of Skull and Bones right so who knows you know I mean honestly yeah but I I mean would you agree that it is an erroneous statement to say the Black Panther president I think that's misleading no yeah it's well you know it's inflammatory is what it is yeah you're right about that but it's just inflammatory so we shouldn't even be evaluating because we know that there's not informational content there no it's all that is is bringing up the past trying to get people angry about stuff and and it probably has worked I mean you know um and this concludes to finish this off um in a February 10th column for World News Daily nent wrote that civil rights leaders Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson speak in ebonic mumbo jumbo uh newent wrote in a July 2012 Washington Times column I'm beginning to wonder if it would have been have been best had the South won the Civil War nent has also claimed that real America is comprised of working hard playing hard white kickers who are independent and get up in the morning obviously this is an extremely problematic statement um yeah Al Sharpton and Jess John being an trying to get publicity because he's got a new TV show coming out see and I'm telling you that's all it is I didn't even know about that and you know the article doesn't even mention that yeah so this is not worth much more but I will say that you know you may disagree with Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson but they're very well-educated people and you know someone who speaks the English language can understand what they're saying in a speech it's a dialect that people use you know I mean that's how the things like offer con developent topic it's just a waste of of brain cells well hold on one more thing well that's a pretty Hardy claim what you were railing against which was bring up the past you know but it doesn't seem like all this inflammatory stuff is to trigger real change or real debate like to bring up stuff to piss people off so let's move on from that we're going to take a break and we'll come back and talk about Syria and we're back so we're going to talk about one of my favorite topics a topic I'm passionate about which is the war on Syria um and we are joined by Elizabeth better late than never right how are you I'm good I'm in Syria pardon not the war on Syria well I would argue that there's a war on Syria but we'll get to that we'll all have an opportunity to talk about that but Elizabeth how are you I'm tired I want to go home I know you deserve to go home you now it's crazy okay so let's talk about this uh Syria Senator John McCain has threatened to hold up the renomination of General Martin Dempsey as the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff following a verbal clash between the two during a Committee hearing the senator is irritated that the United States has not entered the Syrian war or provided CIA mercenaries operating there with arms to depose the Syrian government and defeat its well-trained in disciplined Army America needs to stop being the world's policeman we have the enough problem okay I agree too I don't I don't I don't understand the I know understand I think like most other um most other legislators in Congress and the majority of the American public is completely misguided or hly mised about what the St Rebel stand for just because once again just because they're Rebels does not mean they're on the right side or whatever the right side is yeah does not mean that they're standing up for your principles I think people will be surprised at the kind of atrocities the were have committed it's just the fact that the media has constructed dialogue that Bashar Bashar Assad is this dictator and the f are figh for democracy um look what happened to Egypt where the AR spr we took out M we had the mus Brotherhood and now brother was over there's other two I mean look at look at what's happened I mean come on people it's just it's so sad that nobody knows what's going on and everybody's thinking that oh my gosh we need to find these levels there we need to get them like no that's not true just people just don't know what's going on people are misled by what the media told them and it's it's just a it's just terrible in general overall because you're doesn't mean you're right just because someone is a rebel doesn't mean they're right necessarily absolutely absolutely it's important to look at the language in which the media is using to describe a certain group if you notice Rebels you know anti-government fighters in Syria are called Rebels by the US media and the government anti-government fighters in Iraq or Afghanistan are called insurgents they're doing the same thing but they are called by different language to connote positive or negative insur go other way but insurgence has always founded um very negative I think just because of I think the association to make with Resurgence and terrorism it was designed that way you know insurgents started AB absolutely I agree with you it just say how the media It's just sad though that that everyone just I mean I I'm I was the same time everyone just believe what the media said no one is investigating it further I breaki sources main excuse me I need to break in here at this point to update uh listeners on something that we broke a little bit before um the story between the uh this is very timely between turkey and Syria earlier we talked about uh the breaking story that turkey had fired across Syrian borders we're finding about now that it fired on a Syrian Village and Turkish troops and tanks are seen moving across the border towards the Syrian Village um again details are sketchy but I will update you again if I get any more information so um so yeah let's move on back to this about Syria um so this is developing before our eyes um so McCain said I must both tell both the witnesses at the onset I'm very concerned about the role you've played over the past two years to which Dempsey replied with all due respect Senator you're asking me to agree that we've been inactive and we have not been inactive and that brings to to what I think is the most important of all you know Senator McCain is acting as if the United States has been dormant in this situation and maybe overtly it has but covertly is a very different story this Syrian Rebel Force you know fronted by al-nusra and also the free Syrian Army would be nothing without the support of the United States Saudi Arabia Israel and Egypt I mean it would not be anything you know absolutely absolutely I agree and and we are spread so thin we are in every country we got our fingers in everybody's little ties yeah and when things back fire you know do we take the blame AB I mean look at Osama yeah we gave him how much in weapons and money when he was fighting the Soviet absolutely exactly I turned around and used it against for absolutely I'm sorry it's is interesting how people don't realize the consequences to the actions at all well no I think they don't care because they're focused on short-term policy goals and what agree that and what motivates that is the election cycle you know we have a presidential election every four years we have a you know midterm in the in the in the middle of the uh the presidency so there is this pressure to show demonstrable results on the surface for the American voter and the ele the elections really start I mean yes they're every four years but they start campaigning two years before absolutely and and think about our election Cycles really every two years and the space between election Cycles is decreasing rapidly every year okay you know um soon I mean statistically if it continues in this route it may be just like a Perpetual election campaign but um in which case we'd see Congress be working even less but that's how you get a 15% approval rating canv is the one that says that they're responding and press tv is saying that that Syria fired on Turkey yes okay because press tv turkey is responding yeah press tv is also where I'm getting um the information as well um but I want to mention back to Osama Bin Laden uh you brought up that you know we were supporting Osama Bin Laden as part of the mujahadin in Afghanistan you know it could be argued that in a sense we jump started alqaeda you know we jump started the Taliban y you know so I mean we we supported him financially and we armed him yeah yeah and what happened was is when the Soviets pulled out we were supposed to give you know more assistance for government to be set up and then we didn't against America yeah because our short-term military policy goal was just to get the Soviets to exhaust them and Soviets and we made all these promises and then we turned around and screwed him over so to speak and it made him so anti-American yes what happened all you know 30 years later we did not we did not give we did not give a about the a Afghan people until they were a threat to us absolutely you know but um no not even until they were a strict to us until after they until after yeah you're right it is it is until after 911 2001 they blew up the World Trade Centers well and I think there also needs to be said that most of the 911 hijackers were from Saudi Arabia yeah I think 15 out of the 19 hijackers were Saudi Arabia 15 of the 19 that's that that's interesting that's believable because that's where he's from yeah absolutely it's interesting because his family is very wealthy yeah very the bin Laden family is the second wealthiest family in Saudi Arabia abolutely you know they're basically parts of the state but that's not really talked about because that would be a lot to explain but let's get back to this everybody thinks that he has no money and lives in a cave and you know what I don't know what trust me I think ala would have confirmed it if he wasn't I think they would have used it as propaganda if he was it would have tried to embarrass the United States I think I think I'm not conspiracy Hest I honestly think he is dead maybe he's dead because they're worried he's giving information think he dead because is a new leader I don't think a new leader not I think like being the leader I mean I was personally obviously but I don't think he would have um um handed down the power at e you were still alive I really think he honestly I do think you said I don't think we need to St body I think honestly okay that has more had more gain if you were alive than if you were dead I think honestly the fact that they confirmed it and then they were angry and have been try to PL more attacks since then um yeah I think that's said at all I really I don't go I'm not a big fan of them um I don't know why I just I don't know I just don't believe spirit I need think of my background I've had a lot of issues with Muslims having hisers theories and it pisses me off so I'm not them so in general I don't have a good liking but do have them though regardless but um I just don't believe in that I uh must interject here you know I do believe in many conspiracy theories however not this one I do think Osama Bin Laden is dead for the reasons that Elizabeth has mentioned that he would be more used to the islamist movement alive not dead I mean because if if the United States was lying about this then alaa could just come out and embarrass our country like it never had been before let's say we captured him you're saying but we're really looking for information who knows I mean I I don't know I really think he said um I know that there's there is um a few people that do believe he's not dead but I really do think that because it came from the head of the alaa extreme like we that he was dead that he actually is dead yeah yeah um this is my opinion I mean everyone's different though well let's get back to the question at hand which is Syria so why I'm going to ask this question to both of you guys why do you think not only Senator Senator McCain but sort of the American policy establishment both Democratic and Republican are pushing so hard for intervention in Syria is the light of all of the you know terrorism and the anti-muslim propaganda that's gone around I think oh look we're helping them yeah I think that's part of it yeah Elizabeth like we I feel like in General on foreign policy goal is like shaped as like complex where we want to intervene all these foreign countries and be cast as the Netherland superpower yeah yeah I think that's my opinion agree I think what um maybe Americans don't understand is to the countries that are being intervened in they do not see it as help you know it only makes the problem worse um you know if you're seeing the problem is anti-americanism you know intervention in a country's Affairs it does not help but let's continue in this article um so in May John McCain allegedly ventured to the Middle East in a very controversial trip to meet with the public relations wing of the so-called Rebels the free Syrian Army I'm sure you guys saw these little photo ops and he had to come back and say oh he didn't know this person was a terrorist that was a very big uh controversy be meet with public relations can you say propaganda yeah it was a Public Relation stunt a photo op it's m and it's a photo op saying I'm Not Dead M absolutely yeah everyone that he was running for president should oh he's gonna die and he's gonna die yeah and that's why a lot of people didn't want to vote for him he's too old he's gonna die he's trying to throw his around while he still can I feel like M gets off a lot because he was T in Vietnam so nobody wants to question him yeah it's like it's worse because he was portate Vietnam like he has Authority that you cannot liing the presidential election though they did not hold punches you know they really let him have it so I don't know about that in the past maybe but yeah I you know I feel like during some hard punches yeah let me let me say this I feel like pre pre um 2008 I feel like McCain you know historically did have a very good relationship with the press and he was you know not really critiqued however I agree with anuka in saying that you know it's obvious that he didn't win number one but also the media was critical of him and I think only became more critical of him when Sarah Palin was brought on board that was that was a big cluster he could have won had they not had her well that's another topic um but so let's move on here so um McCain said only a small portion of the called Rebels are radical jihadists fighting to convert Syria into a state dominated by Sharia law in fact the CIA sponsored Rebels are largely radical Sunni solists who behead Christians and feed them to dogs remarkably McCain said al-nusra only accounts for 7,000 out of the 100,000 mercenaries inside Syria in fact al-nusra and Al-Qaeda dominate the effort to topple al-assad every single day more and more extremists flow in they're flowing in all the time these extremists McCain even admitted himself Nowhere In Rebel controlled Syria is there a secular fighting force to speak of the New York Times reported in April the islamist character of the opposition reflects the main constituency of the Rebellion FSA mercenaries are def defecting to al-nusra and radical Muslim groups in record numbers so why don't politicians seem to get it that when we support the Syrian rebels we are supporting this Force we supporting Sharia law I think people are thinking about it to be honest I think people are thinking about what they gain from it but if if Midwestern towns are voting to ban Sharia law because they're that concerned about it why are they not concerned about Sharia law in actual countries that may actually be implemented 9.5 people out of 10 don't even know what Shia law is in America yeah yeah yeah yeah that's we really I mean America really needs to stay out of it we have no business in it whatsoever I agree you know we have already we have people in us to understand let's fight one war at a time yeah the technically it's supposedly not a war well aalice yeah let's have people die in one area at a time in large numbers yeah I I I'm very very outspoken I mean we have special forces in the Congo right now we have troops all over the place yes just how many millions billions of dollars are going to all these countries over to fight their War we need medical care and we need this and you know take care of your own first then you can go out and do a buit I simply put and I am not saying this from a lack of compassion for the Syrian people I try thinking about Syrian people but but fundamentally this war is not a struggle of the American people if is a civil war it is that country deciding how it wants to go forward in the future and we cannot control that and we shouldn't try to no we shouldn't try because it's just gonna backfire if we do exact just GNA backfire because whoever wins this Civil War if it is not the sign that we B if the other side wins all it's going to do is cause another enemy for America yeah the world opinion doesn't like you know it's gonna come back on that America got involved so whatever happen good or bad it's America's fault when we make it our fault no right we intervene it makes it our fault and the thing is you know what we've really you know if we're concerned about ever ever being influential in Syria again we've really messed up because if if the uh the islamist Rebellion is defeated in allad STS well we have completely positioned ourselves and burned all bridges with him and on the other hand if by chance you know this free Syrian Army does succeed well then okay are we going to be allies with a with a Islamic theocracy no we're not going to be allies with the Sharia law state I mean yeah I it it's just it is a giant CER and we need to stay as far away from it as we can I agree but unfortunately you know I am shocked that we don't have a more open overt presence in Syria by this point a few months ago I thought because of all the pressure from you know you have you know military uh Personnel going on the news pushing for intervention in Syria you have politicians you have pundits you have the news media I there is a lot of pressure fundamentally almost overwhelmingly our Pro Rebellion messages pushing for intervention abely they've already decided in their minds you know it's it I'm surprised it hasn't happen because there's so much working for that you know well I'm glad it has bad idea that this is wrong no it's absolutely that idea it's absolutely wrong covertly we're going to do it and covertly we are wrong but americ most Muslims as B guys because of yeah even it's extra bad because of that you know it makes it 10 times worse because Americans in general see anything there is a positive step yeah I think we should give all this else money weapons Etc we need to stay as far away as we can and we give ammunition to being a humanitarian is wonderful yeah but we give ammunition to anti-American groups by intervening we give them more rhetorical propaganda points oh I know I know so guys so Senator McCain is obviously a smart guy you know he almost became our president is it is it the fact that he's just ignorant or is he willfully ignorant or is he lying does he not know that we already have involement in Syria I think he's ignorant I think he know what he's talking about I mean I think he knows the statistics I think he just all over my he's a that's what yeah is he wants a headline he's afraid of being forgotten who wants a headline is a good way to get them see that's pathetic he know he's got a lot ofit because he's so he's the foreign poliy ha the Republican party yeah I don't know who he thinks he is though but so I don't know moving on you know everybody wants you know it's it's funny if you're quiet for a little bit and they start to forget about you so you gotta do something whether it's smar or stupid to wave your arms in the a say I'm here I'm here yeah don't forget about me yeah that's what they do yeah but you know what if that's really what it is at the end of the day this this is a little kind of attention getting Venture that can cost hundreds of thousands of lives so this is serious if you're going to do that that is unacceptable and immoral because it goes it's a lot bigger than you think it is Mr McCain absolutely but and again ignorance you know there's a lot of ignorance out there I mean he's an elected official he shouldn't be ignorance but and he's probably not ignorant but he's playing on the ignorance of me and you but in this article that um intelligence agencies are involved in Syria time situation is so screwed up like even I mean trying to set for by like looking online but as far as actually actively watching is I'm trying to limit it because I know the effector has on me yeah but we have to understand there are greater forces at work than than us these things will happen they're happening for very definite concrete reasons in the world and we cannot be expected to to change this you know we can't stop it unfortunately we cannot stop a war there's you know there is some American involvement there but um any last words on Syria this entire situation makes me so sad I hurt for the world I hurt for strange people I hurt for the ignorance of America and I would love to be more involved but at the same time I don't know how much more I can take emotionally they need to work it out themselves and that's the unfortunate sad truth but that's the truth about life yeah you know exactly um okay anywh I mean there Civil Wars raging all over Africa all over the place but why are we focused on just Syria yeah and that's the thing I want to ask one more question actually before we leave um so basically there are some that would say you know mentioning Afghanistan Iraq libia and now Syria that this is in a larger context the Western involvement in Syria is part of a broader effort to destabilize anti-American regimes in the region about that but I would say unequivocally I completely agree with that I think that Syria is why it's so important for this establishment is they see it as a bridge to Iran if you can take out one of Iran's greatest allies um then then you're one step closer to the prize no that is true and I mean I I personally have hated the government in Syria for years and years and years because my family is in isra they you know they're Bor country they that's a b thing so you know I like a nice stable not not per se but you know there absolutely but you know I don't know if America going be trying to destabilize the entire region I think that it well I have two things to say about that you know under Bashar Assad up until 20 it was a highly stable regime in the region as compared to basket cases like Iraq well but no I mean look it it started with Egypt and it's just spread well I would say it started with Afghanistan no that was with an internal war in Afghanistan well well but no but we just talked about the origins with you know Soviet fighting there in the 1980s you know a lot of that was not they all came together to fight the big evil you know USSR an internal War there oh absolutely there was an internal War um but it was also an external War at the time they all joined together to fight against the Russians well but no but there were those who who did support the government of Afghanistan and did support the USSR oh few and far between people tend to be very observant of religion whatever their religion is and they knew that becoming part of the USSR would have met no more religion because the SSR did not tolerate religion the plan as far as the Soviets was not to incorporate Afghanistan into the USSR but they they entered troops into the nation to bolster a communist government in Afghanistan that was not uh being accepted by islamists but there were many reasons that people in the cities more Progressive people in Afghanistan who at that time actually existed you know this is before the destruction of the next 20 years women had the right to go to school for the first time you know women were becoming doctors they were becoming politicians minorities people who um were not necessarily the former aristocracy of Afghanistan were allowed entry into the society for the first time under the communist government there were many people who did not want the Soviets to leave or did not want this government to end it was not a one-sided thing and if it was a one-sided thing it would have ended a lot sooner than 1992 I agree with yeah so um I don't really know how we got to so Sarah do you believe this is part of a larger um effort to destabilize anti-American regimes in the Middle East yes I think that we want to why do you think that we're trying to see our super process China so I think that we are trying to keep up these public leaders and who whoever supports us I think we have a great interest in maintaining um making sure that we still are very much in control that we still have leaders that are very much all allly to us I think why we have so much issues with people Latin America standing up to us and we don't it so we're not close with them at all and we try our best to support to and try to destabilize those regimes by withholding funds or by um we have a lot of influence in the IMF and the World Bank um we try to not give them loans we try to do whatever we can to make sure that whatever government's in place we support look at the government in Colombia government and we throw a lot of money into I mean they're the definition they're the textbook definition of a Banana Republic but to bring this back to the Middle East again you know you mentioned puppet rulers um do you guys um think that say the rebels were able to win and install a ruler in Syria do you think that he would obey the United States as a puppet what we do I think yeah I don't I mean anybody can be money can do a lot money corrupts obviously yeah but money can be surprised yeah but in this situation you have money going up against some of the fiercest religious fundamentalism and that is a you know that's one um struggle that money cannot always win you know um I I think it's the truly fundamental religious people no it's not gonna happen I I think it's a can't beat that I think it's a I think it's really a Folly to think that if they're not if they truly believe yeah if they're pretending that they're just playing at it to get what they want yeah that's one thing but you know what we know they isn't going to sway them you know we know that there are many True Believers or at least a large element in this movement in al-nusra in the Rebellion or else we wouldn't see people being pushed off buildings poisoned wouldn't see them being mutilated on camera biting out of the hearts and the livers of people my gosh I love that video horrible and this is why it's scary it is scary if our government thinks that if we support these people and they win that they will Ever represent a single American value that's wrong um and on that let's move on we're going to take a break and we're going to come back and talk about news corporations hacking Scandal and we're back so um that was a very vigorous lovely discussion about one of my um favorite topics which was Syria but let's shift to the UK and also the U the US um I'm sure you guys have at least know a little bit about the woses that have been troubling rert Murdoch's news Corp in the past two years with allegations of phone hacking yes yes yes I so rert Murdoch has come out and made a statement he says that um you know officials law enforcement officials in the UK um have probed him excessively and have gone on to long um the investigations have he conceded that in times during the investigation he used quote the wrong adjectives to describe his frustration at events over the past 2 years I think it would be good to review some some of the main points of this um of This truly um almost inhumane course of events um so it started when employees of news corporation newspapers were accused of engaging in phone hacking police bribery and exercising improper influence in the pursuit of publishing stories in July 2011 it was revealed that the phones of murdered school girl Minnie Dowler relatives of deceased British soldiers and victims of the London bombings were also accessed the negative garnered by the Scandal eventually reached the United States where news corporation is headquartered and operates multiple media Outlets including Fox News and Fox Business the FBI launched a probe on the 14th of July 2011 to determine whether news corporation access voicemails of victims of the 9112 2001 attacks over the course of the testimony before the inquiries rert Murdoch admitted that a coverup had taken place within the news of the world to hide the scope of the phone hacking the first individual to accept the news of the world's apology and compensation was actress Sienna Miller who received 10 100 excuse me 100,000 plus legal costs Sports pundit Andy Gray followed in June accepting a payout of 220,000 plus legal costs in April The Observer reported claims from a former Minister that rert Murdoch tried to persuade prime minister Gordon Brown in 201 10 uh to help in resisting attempts by labor MPS and peers to investigate the affair and to go easy on news of the world in the run up to the UK general election of May 2010 I I was so disgusted with her with what she did to her with what who did to who did to who with the the going forward with the uh girl that committed suicide with all of her yeah going that just sickens me I it's really sick it it's oh I mean I mean I didn't like grou from before I could don't even remember what he did that made me not like him a gazillion years ago but yeah yeah but you know what we don't hear about other media Moguls engaging in openly not openly but you know we don't hear that Ted Turner has bribed the police I mean that is serious I mean if somebody if a large corporation very influential very um visible if they can get away with to be in jail is what needs if they can get away with gaming the legal system then what else can they get away with you know and when we talk about again money talk he's got plenty of money so he can get away with what he wants get away with and in the United States that equals Free Speech you know that equals the ability to act with impunity um more than Free Speech you're right it's it's acting with inunity free speech we have no matter what yeah I think pre actions is what it comes down to when he needs to be taken down a peg yeah and what it boils down to is that is wrong and then you know again like it said tapping the phones of deceased soldiers and victims of terrorist attacks in London I mean is is a story worth doing this Elizabeth I I don't I can't I can't believe they Justified I hate the idea of paying someone off it just it just SM of corruption it is corruption and lack lack of values lack of anything like I cannot believe that there's more outrages people have forgotten about it you know yeah in America I mean it's I mean the only reason it was in the news this today is because rert Murdoch decided to call the whole investigation excessive you know you know I mean he is blatantly blatantly exploiting people's pay for his own Financial and then he's not even making a bar of a oh I'm doing it for the news he doesn't even care about that and he's advocating it is what it is yeah but he and he's acting like this is a burden upon him yeah but he's also making himself seem like a victim when the fact that he was tapping the phone lines of murdered girls with what and so this this article goes on to say the BBC reported on the 20th of May 2011 that a senior News of the World executive was was implicated this report also said that the number of people whose phones may have been hacked may be much larger than had previously been thought the high court of the UK was said to have been told that notebooks belonging to a private investigator hired by News Corp these notebooks contain thousands of mobile phone numbers and police also found 149 individual United Kingdom Social Security numbers why has he not been prosecuted well because he has people lower lower Downs like Rebecca Brooks who can take he has Fall Guy After Fall Guy I mean it's not him who's taking the brunt of this it is the lower um it is his subordinates in News Corp and it's a big company so there are a lot of subordinates to go around but corporations have unaccountable power in today's world especially one that this Corporation has the power to not only shape the truth but manufacture the truth think about how powerful news corporation is in just the United States I mean we're talking about Wall Street Journal Fox News Fox Business Fox News Radio and many other Publications people have found evidence suggesting that the private investigator Glenn mare collected personal information about the family of the missing school girl Millie Dowler following her Disappearance in March 2002 and the subsequent discovery of her murdered body 6 months later according to the paper journalists working for the news of the world had hired private investigators to hack into D's voicemail inbox while she was still missing it was alleged that they had deleted some messages giving false hope to the police and to Dowler's family who thought that she might still be alive and potentially destroying valuable evidence on July 6th 2011 Daily Telegraph reported that the phones of some relatives of British soldiers killed in action in Iraq and Afghanistan may have been accessed by the news of the world it was reported that relatives of some victims may have had their telephones accessed by News of the World in the aftermath of London terrorist attacks former prime minister Gordon Brown allegedly had his bank account accessed by the Sunday Times in 2000 and the son gained private medical records about Gordon Brown's son Frasier now I mentioned Rebecca Brooks She's a subordinate but also a fairly High executive in News Corp at this time she telephoned Gordon Brown to tell him that the son was going to reveal that his son had been diagnosed with cystic fibrosis which they had information they had retrieved through hacking and tried to persuade him not to spoil the newspapers Exclusive by announcing it himself first put yourself in Gordon Brown's Shoes could anything be more infuriating than having a newspaper calling to say hey we know that your son has a terminal condition and please do us a favor and not spoil it by talking about it if they do have stronger liable laws it does not stop a very luid media in the UK the the thing the thing that balances it out though is that you have garbage like the sun and the daily mail but you also on the other side you have the Paragon of responsible journalism about okay don't forget about okay well I don't know I don't know about that but but what balances out is you have news you know News of the World and tabloid but it's balanced out by the fact in the UK that you have you know the Paragon of responsibility and August journalism with the BBC he is not going to be brought down do you think do either of you think that rert Murdoch will ever be brought to Justice NOP nope yeah I agree I don't think so ever honestly it's that's so sad I mean unfortunately money buys Justice money buys Justice unless you do something so bad and there's so much evidence against you yeah know money buys Justice you absolutely I could not have said it better myself so Rebecca Brooks trial date was set for the 9th of September 2013 so we need to keep this story alive because it is still continuing to this day we need to be part of the PE the minority who is still speaking about this and when Rebecca if she's willing to go down for him looking for promotion so yeah so that's that any more comments on that enraging story no I think we're equally disgusted I think we said it we don't need to continue I don't know if I'm going to really I'm disgusted because of how many people were victims in this I mean we talk about soldiers families um kidnapped girls families uh sick children I mean this is really just about the opposite of who you would Target if you're trying to get good PR he doesn't need PR he do with Fox News and others he creates PR so I mean he he can literally in the most uh prominent news voice on television in this nation and others with Sky News and Sky News Australia he can literally make this story disappear for a large portion of the population make it seem like it never even happened but let's move on to something that is more localized according to C-SPAN the next election cycle has already began actually it began on May 3rd Sur surprise surprise surprise surprise surprise so I think what better than to declare you know I love covering primaries especially with that super entertaining uh Republican primary we had last last time round which only ended you know but a a year ago or whatever so I love covering primaries I am dedicated to making the word the place to go to for constant information about the primaries from now until the end of them so let's talk about a speech that um some would say one of the main contenders for who sort of positioning himself to become a very mainstream Republican candidate Jeb Bush he gave a speech uh a few weeks ago to uh a dinner hosted by the New York conservative party fundraiser and here's what he said in his speech let me i' I've excerpted it here he said um I will not speak a lot about the last election um in November I will let you all suffer along with me in that regard we got beat because our brand is tarnished they were given a choice one that was conservative and famili to all the other offered a different Vision the path we are on today is a path of decline uh it is a path that is a uh is far less than our potential this is a future so Bleak my goal is to talk about how we focus on winning back the future of this country we had to be willing to make mistakes can we be a young country like that again the conservative movement can make it the oldest Young Nation on the face of the planet so um anuka do you do you think that this concept of the youngest Old Nation as a future for America will resonate with voters I think it might and I'll tell you of all the bushes I I can't I really do um I think he he has a decent shot if he disassociates himself from his brother you know if he if he if he makes people we are so disgusted by Bush too yeah forgot about a lot of that one did and we're all disgusted about Bush two yeah well it argued more consequential presidency well if we can get you know Bush to out of our mind and you know he kind of more aligns himself with bush one I think he could do it he's intelligent which is holy crap for a bush lately we a lot ofans really liked him that's true they do so you know um who knows yeah um Elizabeth um do you feel that um I I'll ask you the same question do you feel this concept of kind of the very you know well-trodden concept of American Renewal by looking to the Past do you think that will be a successful or salable message in this next ction cycle Elizabeth hello um ANUK are you there I'm here can't really understand I literally missed most of what you guys were saying totally my batter is dying too which is also one of the reason Elizabeth thank you very much for being here and we hope to have you on again okay I didn't understand what you were saying but okay okay okay I didn't get any of that um okay I you say will help out I can't tell you guys saying hang my connection really we hang up the phone okay so we're going to continue with you anuka so my response to you is you know um Jeb Bush is not somebody who I would support but um you know I think that the concepts that he has introducing in this speech are very strong and he is positioning himself as very different from his brother um he's obviously um kind of rhetorical techniques that if he kind of stays the course if he's working on it this early can really reap benefits if he's serious about wanting to get the Republican nomination um let me read more of his speech here um he said that um they want us so they meaning you know his opposition the Democrats they want us to get used to 2% of GDP growth as the norm we have have 8 million Americans who have simply given up looking for work we need to restore committed family life as the organizing principle in American life we should open up federal lands for drilling um immigrants are you know he wented to talk about immigration then he said immigrants are the economic engine of Vitality then education he said we spend more per student than any country in the world the simple fact is that we spend a ton of money for students um he Advocates eliminating social promotion in embracing every possible school choice program that the legislature would allow so he's he was addressing he wasn't focusing on one issue he was addressing various issues and um he seemed very um very rhetorically sharp in each of the issues that he did address and very um while I think he could appeal to conservatives very moderate at the same time yeah I mean he's intelligent and right there it's Cuts him apart from his brother yeah you know just in that one little snippet you can see this man has a brain yeah the one thing that I think um Jeb Bush would would uh that would really worry environmentalists is at this point I think it is still is not a totally Centrist uh position to open up federal lands for and federal lands and Waters for drilling after especially after 2010 in the BP oil spill so um I think that Position will draw fire from those to the left of him but I think that otherwise he is very a very moderate Republican he is certainly not um the kind of tea party brand of Republican that we have seen in the past decade on the ascendant right he's the kind of Republican Republicans need he's the kind of guy that I believe that he could be one of the next presidents of the United States you know he said you can do anything you want uh to be that sentence in itself doesn't make sense um to secure an what he calls an emerging Nation kind of country that is kind of his thrust here is to that he wants to see America embi the spirit of a Young Nation of nations in the developing world that still see their future as ahead of them not as a country of decline great I mean we are fa of a young country we are but I also think that in and looking at the big picture I think that it is um I think it's going to be an easy sell I think it's what people want to believe but I think that it is it does not jive with the larger geopolitical um ties in the world I mean it is it is fine if you want to believe that America um as an as a world power still has a you know hundreds of years of steam left in it but I would disagree and I think the evidence pretty clearly stands on the other side yeah you know I think people want to believe it they want to believe it but but I mean 911 was a turning point it was a turning you know I would say that was the the beginning of our uh I don't want to use as dramatic a word as decline because I think that's a little bit inflammatory cuz I do think we have some years left in us but I think that's the beginning of our descent as a as as the superpower as we like to think of ourselves so while Jeb Bush is moderate on many of these issues I don't feel like he would necessarily be a divisive president um at the same time I think it's dangerous I think it's too early to say that too early to say that he would not be divisive yes yeah well and also I mean think of how just thing is telling into the water right now he's dipping his toe but also if he does become serious you're right he'll become the media will make him divisive because think of how MSNBC will handle another Bush running for office I mean they the sad part is that they will look at him you know just for his name they're going to rhetorically castrate him yeah you know whereas he really has you know he he done a lot of good for the State of Florida he's intelligent he's got the capability to do it yeah and I the association with his brother will be used so much against him yeah you know that might I mean he got a hell of a hurdle to over he has a hell of a hurdle but I would say that he also has um the amount of fact positive factors are are getting to the point where they might be able to outweigh because there is this space has become exact you know George W bush is not the lightning rod anymore he's not you know no but I think that and as soon as I mean and as soon as people you know as soon as Jeff opens his mouth people instantly realize he's not his brother yes I agree I agree because when I read this speech today you know his brother in 2000 campaigned fairly moderately um and said a lot of the same things but it is very clear um that you know while he does say the occasional Bush non seor that doesn't make sense um it is clear that he has a very clear vision for for where his candidacy would take the United States right you know uh but I mean to go back to the larger Point here it is you will not be um elected to office in United States if you're too realistic about our um time as a superpower you know I it's true though people want to hear what they want to hear yeah I mean look at Americans we're number one we're number one that's all we want to hear yeah whereas yes where we may not be you know I mean it's it's what it is I would it is what it is I would argue number one we have to realize that our forces that are stronger than our will in our military and that it will actually be easier and that we will be more prosperous and will last longer as a United political entity if we stop trying to control the world if we stop trying to be that Empire if we focus on ourselves and we look at a longterm perspective then I think that we can make it yeah I agree but politicians who sell this stay away from the past look at the future learn from your past mistakes history is important but is one thing from it is another absolutely but grasping on to this kind of past glories thing you know I mean we look at an old you know washed up co uh high school or college football player star jock you know as a society we pity that person but why but we don't pity the United States for the way it's it's jingoistic about its own past you know I'm not saying that the United States needs to be negative about its future on the at on the contrary I'm saying that we have a great future ahead of us if we can come to terms with reality right if we have a great future if if we do not if we do not see reality for what reality is if we if we keep looking and keep pumping up our you know inflated sense of ego exactly then we won't then we're going to go down and we're going to go down hard yeah I I completely agree but you know what for the time being there still is a market for for politicians who pedal in non-reality you know of course there is you know and there always will be because there are a lot of people that are deluded we we want to be deluded into thinking we are the best thing in the world we want that for ourselves who wouldn't you know who wouldn't want to be superior we all want to be the best yeah and as long as we can you know as long as we can if we can maintain the illusion to some by the rest of us carrying them then fine absolutely you know absolutely as long as there are enough of us that can you know we're not the best at everything we're very good at a lot of things we have a lot to offer the world we have a lot to offer the world not the best and if we don't change certain intrinsic things in ourselves we are going to go backwards absolutely you know look we're we're in debt like crazy we have a lot of crime and a lot of areas but we have a lot of issues we have a lot of issues we're doing pretty good I yeah so there's no need to be those issues there's no need to be alarmist necessarily entrance military entrance into Afghanistan and staying there but also Iraq and involvement in Syria as well as Libya I think each time each one of those interventions speeds up the rate of national decline absolutely it sucks our resources the more effort we put into another country the less effort we're putting into ourselves exactly and you mentioned the deficit where is the money coming from and it's it's very expensive I don't know the cost the average cost of overthrowing a government but it's not cheap yeah you know um I don't know it is definitely not cheap you know so on the one hand Jeb Bush is pedaling unreality but he is about the best that we're going to get in terms of this narrative because if he were any more realistic about this then realistically speaking the Republican party would totally disavow him yeah you know and you know the problem is matter who the president is it's not benefic because we have a two party system and each side wants to the best yeah and the two-party system is is anti-democratic right what we need to do is have a group you know what we need to do is have Republicans Democrats sit down and say look let's not fight about this and who's like let's just try and fix things yes yeah yeah I mean we're able to do it on the show Congress they fighting for you know vote My Way vote My Way vote my way you know enough of this it's all Fuster it's all you know yeah nothing gets accomplished few days they actually do serve they don't tend to accomplish much and that type of um my way or the highway type of politics that's what George W bush embodied so only if Jeb is able to disavow his identity and his Public Image from that will he be able to be elected because if he can't he will not right um absolutely the speech goes so that may be the make or break issue for him is not even him himself it's his association with his brother in the past right um so the speech his speech goes on to say um you know families matter we need to look ourselves in the mirror and say this is the most powerful entity in life referring to America I do see not in Gray but in black and white much more than I used to that is what politics is about in the next election cycle so that's exactly the the the opposite of the advice that I would give him because that is exactly what we just talked about the kind of nonproductive We're the best in the world let's look give ourselves a p on the back at the same time it's true I mean in politics we do see things as black and white and he white we do see it that way but I think it's unfortunate on you understand that you see it that it's true we see it that way maybe he can say yes we do see it that way let's change it yeah that would be a platform that would be a platform and I think it would be a strong platform however what he is saying is not only you know acknowledging the reality but he's saying that he sees he himself sees more in black and white now that he's older and that's troubling but that's exactly the opposite of the perspective that we need um do you see is Jeb Bush someone you could would consider voting for I need to learn a little more about him but from the little I do know absolutely I mean he's one of the few people who besides Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz who's actually you know getting some of their ideas out there yeah so let's move on to our last topic um okay our last topic is let's look at um who has declared their candidacies cuz some people have believe it or not the election is in November 2016 some people have declared in July of 2013 I'm not making this up and then other people who have hinted and we'll discuss kind of who we think can be you know who may be successful and then our Dream ticket so um in terms of declared people there's really only two I don't know do you know who Adam Kesh is I'm not sure he is a um a proun rights activist who um really only gained notoriety and started appearing on the news um in the wake of the Sandy Hook shooting so he is declared that he will run um but also Terry Jones the pastor who um was the who put on Burna Kuran day and gained International notoriety for 15 seconds you know he is running he's running for president I it's too early to say they're running this is just nut well I mean I'm I'm telling you that they deed they've declared and but I think Terry do you think Terry you know all about his little burn the Quan thing right no so back in 2011 or 12 this guy announced that he would celebrate Christmas by burning a Quran and then everybody from right to left um said oh my God do not do that because number one that's terrible number two there's going to be reprisal attacks on our troops in the Middle East and So eventually he was able to I believe he he did not go forward with this but that's how he got famous I mean he um also became famous afterwards he stayed in the Spotlight by predicting that the world would end on December 21st 2012 which it did not oh uh yeah so his bread and butter is really burning the Quran um and proclaiming the end of the world so I mean do you think that the conservatives religious conservatives would ever take him seriously no he's not going anywhere no but minute that other people hear about his Antics I mean you're gonna have your you know percentage of people like yeah get those Muslim burn your and then you know the they are such a small percentage that they're useless yeah and I think that there is anti-muslim bias but I don't think that I don't think that even the people who are moderately biased against Islam would support Terry Jones because he's just so abrasive you know and just there's I he's he's a joke and like you said like so many people we've talked about on this you know podcast in its short life you know we've talked about a lot of substantive issues but we've also talked a lot about these people who have their 15 minutes of fame and he is one of them that is how the only reason there's not even going to have 15 minutes he's more like a fer I mean he's done he's done and I think you know now that you know you've kind of opened my eyes more to this where I can detect this I think this is his bid to stay in the spotlight he's going to use the he's going to use the election cycle yeah you know he's not even going to make it like anywhere close to 2016 you don't think so he'll be burned out the end of this year yeah yeah and I don't I don't see unless there's some yeah there's no way but that's what's disgusting look it's not even it's middle of 2013 and the election is November of 2016 and I know I but you know what these are the people who are declaring this early they're just the attention Seekers and the people that are declaring this early are the ones who are going to be gwn yeah they're going to be drawn just as quick um so let's talk about you know in terms of more what we could call more serious candidates I don't like that phrase but more serious than Terry Jones um that people who have either have hinted that they would like to candid with more potential more potential so these people have either hinted that they wanted to they or their movements to draft them or it's just suspected that they might so on the the Democratic side so let's talk about Democrats first um Howard Dean Hillary Clinton anywhere and Elizabeth Warren um so who the woman in the midle I'm sorry I was too busy R well let's take it one by one Howard Dean yeah that's all I have to say oh that's that's not even substantive though but you know what that's what cost him last time yeah but that's stupid I mean if that it doesn't matter the fact is if that if he was as close as he was and it cost him that last time I have more faith in the American people that they it cost him the whole thing last time that was 20 that happened his ratings went into the but that was 2004 think so I I I think Howard Dean is an excellent candidate I will do anything I can to support his candidacy I like him I mean he I think he's a genuine nice guy that I would go to bat for and but I I want to think better of the American people that they would just hear like this Screech and then not want to vote for someone I mean George Bush has said some stupid ass things but he got elected to president twice wow yeah I mean I I don't I I'm telling you now I I would really love to see Howard deine but I think it's going to be a um a challenge to defeat the Juggernaut that is bringing us to our next possibility Hillary Clinton there seems to be a lot of building support for her already I don't like her I never liked her and I hope to God she goes away I mean that's it's I mean it's starting to seem maybe it's too soon but it's starting maybe this is just me being duped by the media but I think the evidence is starting to say it's kind of an inevitability that Hillary will run um of course it is yeah I mean so what exactly are your qualms about Hillary well first of all I have a qual with the fact that she stayed by Bill first time one second time third time but that's not political but in terms of policy something I can't put my finger on you know like a bad B bad juu I get yeah yeah but I think I think there and I I respect that and I get it because I get bad you know vibes from M Romney but I need more you know in you need more more into her voting record I know a lot of Grist for the mill here so either we're gonna get some I we're gonna get some fodder to change our ideas and some reasons to change our ideas about Hillary or to reinforce this this feeling you know fairly soon um I'm going to say that Hillary Clinton is the definition of the corporate Democratic Insider she is the establishment and so I mean she's been power hungry from the beginning the only reason she married Bill Clinton was her power I mean she she too hungry for it maybe that's what it is it too badly and and I don't know I'm torn because for a lot of people when Hillary Clinton is brought up you hear a lot of hate in their voice and I'm concerned about where exactly that is coming from but on the other hand there are very justifiable critiques of Hillary Clinton but I think a lot of it is not substantive it's not based on policy and I've heard a lot of people just call her you know part in this but they call her or they try to characterize her as a as an ice queen or a cold and I think you know we have to look at if we're looking at politics let's look at politics you know we need to talk about absolutely but from the same people that already dislike her because they would just see her as too soft I mean they I could see that you know now but when she was first lady when you know politics wasn't it for her I do remember that she tried to get a healthare Bill pushed and it's like she almost cucked him it's like she was the power behind the throne and she you know she made him look even dumber than he was but that should um reinforce your idea that that she did have Ambitions the for the whole time right and that that's what I'm saying the whole point with her is you know she even married him she it's like I feel even less about her it's not like she married him For Love or this and that she married him because she wanted to go somewhere and I can't respect that I'm sorry I can't you know what there is there is this almost remarkable sense of inevitability about her rise and right for some reason that was cut short by uh even stronger phenomenon that was you know Barack Obama as a brand so this is kind of I think a resumption of what her project was before um do I think that she'll necessarily be disastrous for the country no but I don't want another status quo president I understand and I'm I'm realistic when every political structure that we have set up in this country is to crank out status quo presidents and leaders but I it is my sincere hope that she not become president because I do not if we need to focus on our country first and not worry about the outside world like we had both agreed on in earlier segments why is it important what a candidate's position on Israel is but the same could be said about the new Iraqi government uh yeah but it's not like the new Iraqi government is safe enough that we can you know rely on it the is Israeli government is established they've been there for years they're not going anywhere and they're very American friendly and then I have a personal stake in it cuz my family is all there yeah and I think you know I don't you know we've talked about this many times I don't have that personal stake I don't see a difference between intervention in one place and intervention in another place and it's one thing no I'm not saying intervention but it's nice to know that God forid something happen we can at least use it as a launching spot when the Iraq waren stuff was happening we were going to use our our air base in turkey as a refueling spot and they said no yeah because because the war was very controversial um right but if you're an ally an ally is an ally kind of thing I accept that but at the same time I don't know if Israel is necessarily a healthy Ally to have if we're going to be that involved because if you know like you said you know kind of um to know that we will be there for them if that means that we will enter war with any country or World War War I war with Iran I don't think that that's positive for the United States and I think that will hasten both Israel's downfall and the United States right my point is just though if you're gonna be an ally of America you don't turn away when it's not convenient you're e you either are or you're not well well and and I and there are arguments of why turkey did what it did because the you know the invasion of Iraq was an aggressive War it violated international law it was condemned at the UN um I mean so there are reasons you know Turkey had a lot to lose by being seen as a supporter of us imperialism right but the US has supported turkey through all kinds of yes turkey couldn't invade we were there yeah yeah it's true it is true but turkey could not invade Mexico and expect us to go along with it but no but when a neighbor is destabilized that is something that you take very seriously and just we don't deal with it like the Middle East does and at the time our Administration was framing that as the yway or the highway thing so they were framed as anti-American but turkey is not anti-American yes islamists are gaining power there but it is still one of our greatest allies in the Middle East that is not without question um so I don't really know how we got to where we got to you know to look at we have a lot to digest but we also but we also have a lot of time to digest just it in you know before I just unfortunately we we started talking about the presidential election and you know and things like that International policy foreign policy are going to be good now like one thing about Hillary that we were talking about that bothers me when the whole Benghazi thing came out she kind of played with her head in the sand yes you know and I I really made me disrespect her me as well you know yes you know I mean that's that's that's where I give Credence to people's allegations she's sley that's the best way for me to she's sleezy well I don't think that she's sleazy but I would say that she has a certain arrogance about herself and what she can do you know as a member of The Establishment you know I don't know Secretary of State she had a lot of damn power and yeah yeah and she was also she wasn't steering her own ship though I mean she was taking orders from the president oh please I I think she had plenty of power of her own I see I don't I mean I don't have information that contradicts what you're saying but I don't think I can agree she tried to hide Bazi she tried to make it as if it was nothing you know what so much larger than her because this is the the policy of this Administration the tone who sets the tone it's not Hillary Clinton it's not the Clinton Administration it's the Obama Administration that's true that is absolutely true she has been like but she has been how do I put it she has been one of his most ENT supporters you know everything he says with God but what else do you expect from a member of his administration I mean you know she is his employee I mean she was carrying out Obama's foreign policy she was giving out Obama Talking Points those things are but it was her policy too she agreed with it well I don't I don't know I can't say that I don't know if she would do I know if you're in that position you do what you're told but that is the definition of what it means to be a member of an Administration you don't hear members of an Administration going rogue or else they're not members of Indra well what I mean J Carney has F enthusiasm he's the press secretary I mean I I just don't I have never but I have well not frustrated with Barack Obama though frustrated maybe with the questions that the Press is giving him but I mean name I challenge you to name one member of an Administration who is who is not behaving the way Hillary Clinton is as a me as she is not doing anything extraordinary or I should say past I don't even know the names of people I need to know so you can't name so you can't name one right okay you don't have opinions of your own anymore she was a shill for him short ended the stick is I don't think either of us would support Hillary Clinton for the presidency no I definitely would not moving on uh what about uh John krey her replacement as Secretary of State I don't even get he started with him he he was a weak candidate in 2004 partially because of the when it was but also because he I don't think that he took pride in being a Democrat he seemed very Meek he seemed like he was cowering in front of the Spectre of Republicans terrorism and George W bush and I don't know if he's the person that we need um we need as president but also the person that the Democratic party needs I don't I don't think that he would fit the bill and I think that if by some chance it comes to the point where you know Hillary falls through there's a power vacuum and he can Al the dean um I don't think that he will ever become president no he there's no way he he blew it back then he's not gonna do it now yeah I mean and I think whoever does end up coming to the Forefront there's not g to be someone who has run before and done gone anywhere it's GNA be sort of like a Barack Obama being jaded as a people and I think we want to l blood yeah and John Carrey I don't even know any Democrats who enthusiastic about John KY you know no I don't think anybody really likes him and I got carry and it's not like I particularly dislike John krey I think that he was treated very unfairly in 2004 but I don't that think that he's a very strong campaigner so I don't I don't even really you know it's like qu Dan Quail you know my dad met him at a couple of functions when he worked for the state of Maryland and he said qu is actually one of the brightest guys he's ever met he just is so camera shy that he fores everything and he loses it a politics doesn't make sense yeah why did you even enter Poli my dad couldn't keep completely out of it oh he could have stayed on and did something small you know or maybe he should have been aiming for a job that wasn't so public in the first place right you know like you get some great people like main would have made I think a good president at the time and then they stick in with pay it's like what the hell you know you I can't believe that she was his choice as ring me American campaigning today I mean it brought the attention however for a temporary period back to McCain at an important point where all his Thunder was being stolen by Barack Obama you know for the next week the only thing that people could talk about is wow where did she come from who is she she was an enthralling presence but it quickly um became clear that she was not um very knowledgeable about the world yeah but moving back on to the Future um so finally uh another person who I'm a big fan of but I think would have a hard time I think she'd make a great vice presidential candidate but it's also been suspected that Elizabeth Warren would run for in the Democratic primary you know you're GNA laugh at me but I I really like Elizabeth do Elizabeth she really good work no she's running for congress she is yes she is see I had no idea and I'm a News Junkie so that's bizarre she needs to get some better PR I think it's like Wisconsin or something oh I even heard about I mean she's a lovely person she is a true advocate for the people she's an advocate for banking honesty and she's suffered a lot of criticism and I worry that yeah I know she's in theing honesty which is absolutely fantastic yeah she's one of the few people who are actually making Banks be accountable for the things that they do but of course that's made her a Target I worry that she could become the next Hillary Clinton in the sense that she could become the next hate figure um and I think that would be undeserved because I think she's doing exactly what a public official should be doing um but I I think it would be an uphill battle for her but I think that I I mean of course I would support her but I just I just don't know if it's her time yet and I think she be she might be a little bit too easy to be attacked by Republicans um speaking of Republicans um it seems like these days the Republican feel is a lot more Dynamic and there's many more contenders so I'm I'm we're not going to go we don't have enough time to go through these one by that's why I am a registered Republican because I want to vote the primaries yeah they're however I feel like voting they're more exciting primaries I follow the Republican primaries more because they're very entertaining um and I think they they have more to offer I think with the Democratic party they really they know who they're going to lock in before they lock it in in these P yeah and I and I don't that's not satisfying but so I'm just going to run through this name uh this list of names if you if anybody catches your ear and you think that they'll run we'll talk about them but um potential Republican candidates at this point include Jeb Bush Dr Ben Carson Ted Cruz Ted Ben Carson had no political experience so Ted Cruz Ted nent just shoot me r and Paul Rick Perry Rick Santorum Donald Trump Kelly aot Michelle Bachman new Gingrich Nikki Haley Sarah Palin Marco Rubio and Paul Ryan all right Ryan isn't gonna do it he's too controversial um Rubio you know he's got a lot of hurdles to overcome mutant is a joke nothing's gonna happen there Rick s controversal too is a nut job but there is a strong conservative element that kept him that he had enough to stay in the race a long time he he was able to he had enough of a base to survive longer than any of those other flavor ofth month candidates um you know Herman Kane n gingr Michelle Bachman R uh uh what's his name Rick Perry Etc you know I mean he was the one who stuck it out the end I mean if the person say if Jeb Bush becomes a front runner which it looks like he has a good chance of Rick santor will easily find his Niche yet again because he can position himself the same way that he did in 2012 which is this guy is not a real conservative I'm a real conservative you know you brought a Ben Carson so you're right Ben Carson has no political experience but he is no you don't start with president if you don't know what you're doing he's a brilliant speaker he's an amazing surgeon but you don't start at the top you start at the bottom and you work your way up yeah and he's angling himself to become president and I what he's trying to fluff his resume with is he's now he has a new job as a Fox News contributor um does that does that qualify as um I can be a news caster I can go get up in the morning and read all the news things and does that make me qualify to Le the country of course it does anuka I can edit that out oh come on don't you think i' be great president I tell everyone to go off and do what I wanted IID I don't go I don't care everybody hated me I would tell it like it is I'd let the people know what's really going on probably be assassinated in five minutes people don't I I hate to break it to you but in the American political system people don't get very far with that strategy I you have to do this complicated uh faci dance on the one hand of saying America is the best country of the world and we have the right to own the world but at the same time scare enough people to make them think that they need you um you know it would be really wouldn't it be amazing if we could actually have someone like a real person that's not from the the same area you know what I I mean yeah um yeah you know something that's a real human being that's not from the elite that's got no money yeah you know don't have all this family money whatever come out and say look here's the problem we all have to take our own accountability we all have to do you know XYZ to make things happen who's with me to take that LE that was how the Tea Party presented itself in 2009 so let's talk about the Tea Party candidates you know on this list Ted Cruz Donald Trump Kelly aot Michelle Bachman and Sarah Palin and Nikki Haley I a nut job come on I can see from my backyard that's like me saying I can see California from mine well you know do you think that any of these tea party candidates or the Tea Party will present itself as a force with power um in the upcoming election cycle in the Republican party you know I think it's all going to depend on who some of the other people are G to be what plat they choose it's too early to say yeah it is too early to say there are some people before the tea party went a little crazy there are some people in the beginning I really liked a lot of what they had to say yeah yeah well that was a reaction that a lot of people had and early on um but but then sort of the tea party I think we need to have a third political party called theat the last thing that we need is a mixture of what we already have you got Republicans and Democrats are there's all your money and everybody else gets left out in the cold correct I would love to see a complet revamp of the system I would love to see okay you get six months to campaign that's it yes everybody gets the government gives you a million dollars a piece that's it you can buy one TV ad or you can buy Flyers you cannot raise money on your own you cannot do any of that because that's pandering that's lobbying and then they control you they give you money they control you none of that it is give you ex amount of money that's it you have six months that's it make it count and that way people have a ni we cool playing I completely completely completely agree with you and this is and I and this may seem an an extreme statement to some people but I truly believe this and I have truly believed this for years nothing will change in this system the status quo will remain and National decline will follow unless one of two things takes place the system is itself able to work out the issue of money and politics or there's a revolution besides that there will be no change what you what you are detailing needs to happen if American democracy will outlive this Next Century yeah you know because unfortunately but the law is not on our side I mean the Supreme Court of the United States has declared that it is a constitutional law that money equal speech in this country we are up against so much we are up against the almighty power of the US dollar yeah the government may may be broke but who's not broke the real movers and shakers of the or their campaign contributors are not broke right and the thing is if let's say you can you're you're a super um you know super group and you can you give 10 million to a candidate yeah you don't have to disclose them okay all right don't you think that you're going to expect that candidate to scratch your back oh that's the whole that's the whole what the entire system is predicated on exactly that's I mean that's and that's why we have people ask why we have what we have that's why because you you they are your candidates are not um beholden to you they're beholden by the people who paid them when they needed money to get into office um um but let's let's wrap this up because this has been a great discussion um again I think that you are one of the most I mean this I think that you are one of the most insightful people that I know I'm just opinionated well I I I don't think that it's well because there are a lot of people who are opinionated who I wouldn't say are articulate or are you know there are a lot of people who are opinionated but are hypocritical I don't think that you are a hypocrite and I think that you speak from your heart I think that you're fearless and I think that like me you're not afraid to say what you truly feel and so I appreciate your contribution here and it wouldn't be the same without you um so before we go what would your dream ticket look like for Democratic but also Republican presidency and vice presidency seat and it can be in terms of politics or entertainment value entertainment value okay let's see my dream ticket right now for Republicans okay I would love to see Jeff Bush and an Richards okay Bill Richardson no an Richards Richards the government the governor of who she used to be the governor of Texas oh Texas was wait wasn't she a Democrat no she's a republican oh okay but she was kind of actually pretty um pretty open-minded I recall right for certain things yeah she was very tough on crime very tough on crime but she was sort of known as um she was sort of known as a negotiator right for certain things yeah she I I really liked her she had a lot you know when they were talking about women president woman president I was like why are they forgetting her why you know they well well according to Wikipedia she is a Democrat um she is a conservative Democrat of course because to be in Texas but is not know that I thought she was a republican well you you would expect it but yeah I mean she's a she's a conservative Southern Democrat okay I like her yeah so I mean but you know it's not impossible to have that cross party ticket that's true so what would be ideal I think so you would like see would be absolutely ideal of what this country needs and yeah I I agree a kind of national reconciliation ticket would be really nice because that's we need after 9/11 the war on terror the war in Iraq the economic crisis and the Tea Party that's what we need but so in review so you would say your dream Republican ticket would be Jeb Bush and Ann Richard well you know what let's call a dream ticket the crossover yeah so so you don't even need a democratic dream ticket either so for me what I would say I would you give me more time to prepare like next time you have me I can give you you know a Dream Team ticket for for both okay how that okay and you know what and more information is going to be available to us as according to C-SPAN the road to the White House has already begun so there's going to be more and more speeches by Year's End so um oh and you know what's really really sad is that people that are in Congress now are going to be taking time off they only served 153 days last year and they're going to take time off senators and congressmen that are in Congress now yeah they worked 153 days last year yeah this it this is even more of a distraction for them I mean talk about people who are currently in Congress Elizabeth Warren um we have Rand Paul we have um Michelle Bachman uh we have uh and Paul Ryan so at least those people would be distracted from Congress which is already has a dismal record of actually um progressing and and keeping it people occupied yeah you know so but I don't know I mean you know this election cycle it is speeding up and it's enlarging and it's becoming more dramatic and whether that's for good or for that's bad that's for bad that's that is what it is so we'll wrap up with my dream ticket um in terms you know again like I said for de Democratic party I'm not a Democrat I'm a member of the green party so um unless Howard Dean is the nominee for the Democrats I'm not going to vote for the Democrat to be honest but I would love I am passionate about Howard Dean and I would love to see him teamed up with Elizabeth Warren and then on the Republican side I'm not going to find anybody who necessarily I find ideologically satisfying I will tell you I would not want Ted Nan or Donald Trump to be part of ited n realistic Ted nent isn't going anywhere but people like Ted nent though there's a there's a segment that finds him a very rough and tumble kind of no BS kind of guy yeah but he not politically people know you know they like him for entertainment but he's not yeah so so he'd play on Fox news but he's not going to play at The Ballot Box exactly okay I get that so for my Republican dream ticket I would love to see a Michelle Bachman Sarah Palin ticket because I would you want well let me explain myself I find both of them highly entertaining highly fascinating women I don't agree with them politically on pretty much anything but I just am so fascinated by them I I can't really explain it I think they are um I don't I think they're just so different from me and they see the world so differently that I can't help but look at what they say you know political side let me ask you this if my dream ticket came to F would those people be elected into the White House no okay I see what you're that potentially happen if I felt seriously threatened that either one of them would actually make it into government I don't think I would want them to run but I think that they would be very interesting and very entertaining on the campaign triail so that's why they would be my um my dream ticket and then you know in the 2012 election I voted for Jill Dr Jill Stein uh who was the green party's nominee and I would love to see her run again um but I would also you know now that I'm kind of have my own platform this time around I'm going to make sure I do my best to let the American people know that there are more than just two options that you have a choice you may feel like you may feel like you're dis disempowered and people bully you and you know give you criticism and say you're not being realistic no the essence of Dem Ry is doing what is not popular because you believe it's the right thing and we're going to end on that note so anuka remind people if they would like to contact you how they should do so it's uh W LS y n okay great and I'm Jacob music Miller on Facebook and um you know we look forward to um hearing from you guys any feedback uh any you know questions comments input is is very welcome we would love to discuss it we're very open and um unless you're in Germany because my podcast was banned there but um thank you for listening everyone thank you so much for your great input anuka and we will talk to you next time okay bye-bye have a wonderful wonderful day bye-bye bye how to find your passion in life that's the whole point that's the heavy stuff a deal with people from far my CU is busy little boy today that's not what I wanted to do at all he's attractive she is too royal baby just push it out already this it's not a revolution Chipotle Mexican Grill is up McDonald is up it's cuz I went there today no yesterday I wanted oh God why did I want to eat McDonald's two days in a row that's disgusting Wendy's companies down yum BRS is that seriously his name Pier Prosper oh my God what was that other girl's name like her name was like Pauline poor or something and she was hosting a financial show for what am I doing tomorrow what am I doing tomorrow what am I doing tomorrow have to do tomorrow oh just good guas let's I can go next door record a few podcasts over there I can do whatever I want love Jen's house I hope she doesn't forget her Runa stash though royal baby watch that's up I don't have anything against the baby but the baby is oh he's attractive too he has a Spencer Pratt beard oh good press tv the battle for what's left oh my God are you seriously making it sound like it's a little bit over dramatic folks I just wanted to start wrangling my guests up because you know we need to get this show on the road and I know you won't fall asleep because you can't fall asleep my dog is licking the out of me it's open 24 hours can you believe that isn't that great I love Florida and then there's this what is the other one that's down there in the South Piggly Wiggly do you have a Piggly Wiggly do you have any of those sketchy Florida oxyc conton pain clinics I really want wanted to say so you think no Mental Health Care is better than 20 minutes that's BS really want yeah well the second one has now been banned in Germany um two and three were banned in Germany and in America you can only access them on computers that's stupid that's that's really stupid because I used I mean the music I used one minute who cares I it's legally use I believe 3 seconds three okay that's BS box isn't that bizarre that somebody is paying attention I mean my dinky podcast on YouTube yeah you got like 10 listeners I think you know I don't actually care about being banned in Germany so much and I feel like that's actually kind of a sign of being a rebel so I don't care problem with Austria Germans were so nice it's a lovely country I just wish they would not ban my podcast but you know whatever so you blah blah blah my C be still on the TV that's not news yeah that okay triumphant is Major label that's major label oh they're all except the [Music] last they're out of what of egg rolls egg rolls it's been a very bad girl I've been eating egg rolls so did you buy all the egg rolls is that why they're out I know hilarious that was comedy magic oh it was who's Elliot Spitzer okay well it's almost almost 10:00 at night sweetie yeah you have to I have to drive to the trash 5,000 is like the ghetto they say stay the away from ouch it has rain beautiful day again has rained here in so long why I know I'm not wearing my seet Bel God damn it that's not why I'm harping oh lightning yeah I got to set up all my liquids too I mean like I have my seltzer water tea everything I didn't even think about setting up my liquid go yeah because that's the way do it at wmart yeah whatever there was this one guys that my metal PR for women to practice on okay back and it women to practice on I got one now I'm down to zero oh [Music] nobody's hey the call dropped but it's okay give me a chance to get into my jammies of software I need to buy software operative I think that's just stupid can we seg this into Edward um no the the the the excuse me I'm having trouble reading my own transcription of Jeb Bush's speech the uh final what I'm just going to skip that uh the hold on the F the final the The crucial excuse me the crucial way

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