Second day of the World Congress against Fascism begins in Venezuela

we go live to Venezuela as the Congress against fascism continues let's listen to the statements of the Cabo and they took to the officials to a terrible thing the in the school of Americas for teaching us to torture and and murder the our own people and they didn't call them they they didn't call fascism it was Dem Ry supported by the US imperialism 40 years later colleagues we were at the National Assembly in Venezuela and we delivered the corpses to mothers and relatives who have spent 40 years searching for their relatives who were missing and murdered there was here in Venezuela uh we uh mared the those murdered and and they robbed even the courses with the families there and that was the teror that we experienced there the world didn't call call it as fascism but actually they were fascists it is a school a school that that was developed by the US imperialism as a mo model of domination and the summon that our brother president did at this Congress against fascism is on due time on due time to give an answer to a movement that tries to silence the peoples that tries to destroy the peoples that tries to subdue the peoples and that those elit be the be the ones ruling and so we have uh and I think that one of one of the actions we must uh take brothers sisters Partners is how to identify these terrorist these fascist actions on on time and so we have to identifi these actions on time they give give us a signs uh they gathered and sometimes we believe that this is the way they they do policy politics uh here in Venezuela they have spent spent four 40 years governing H social Democrats and social Christians one worse than others and we have listened uh to Russian partner from the we have seen seen them we have been suffering from these fascist actions and we and sometimes we don't say anything or even worse we don't do anything and and sometimes we have witnessed fascist actions on other peoples and we prefer to to to be silent and I don't refer to those here but to some other people and so uh in other countries there are some realities in which fascism advances and here in Venezuela we lived through it uh [Music] because uh at the time uh of Commander Chavez arrived H took cies in 1998 the an election that he won against all forecasts and Commander Chavez during his campaign and during the Rebellion on the the uprisings on on February 4 it has to do with uh he called there to constitutional power and so commander Chavez uh the the the first the the first decree that he issued was to call to an assembly with the established powers and so here fascists got got an agreement on on they they did a pack of of uh the the on the puno and so they they did a pack of ptoo referring to a locality and that P that agreement was signed in New York with Mr Rockefeller and so he called the political parties at that time and they signed the agreement there among them and they never took into into account the people they excluded the people and what is that what is f Fascism do what it doing and so in the elections in 1998 just for for us to to place on time the 43% of Venezuelans couldn't vote they couldn't vote for two reasons for two main reasons or one main reason to divided into two they didn't have an ID card the 43% of the population half more or less couldn't get their ID be their IDs because they were illiterate they didn't know how to write or read elit Elites ruled and Elites vote for themselves so the other half that uh the that could H deliver their IDs they provided them some some Pap some sheet of paper and so with that document you could go to to a bank or you could get married but you couldn't vote with it so they excluded our people they didn't have the right to elect their authorities and so that's the way they event they they they make up for and so at that time it appeared Chavez and it appeared the people with him and so from the from blows a a youngster from a a town of waras who didn't belong to the elites without any commitment with a financial group or political group he became the president of the Republic and so hatred uh had hatred bursted out and so a person a person from the people took office so it was unforgivable for them for those fascists and so a a humble person arriving to being president it was unforgivable for them so discrimination hate is terrible one can take it take it as with a smile but we here being the government being or being the current government if there was any partner partner who who came up with uh the idea of of going going out going with for going to a restaurant that person was persec persecuted even being from the government so racism racism racism against our own people all the fobias against the human being they started to express their hate their rage command Chavez in the year 1999 to 2000 2001 he have have hasn't hadn't defined the Socialist character of the valarian Revolution he hadn't defined it yet we were like a in a kind of limbus but they helped us when they tried to uh tried to make a cat against the commander Chavez on April 11 2002 and and the people started to see the Clause of fascism they R over they ruled 47 hours they persecuted murdered they went with all their rage they abrogated this constitution um making a cat they say they said freedom and there were we heard voices in the station we love you Pedro Pedro was uh the one uh leading the cat and so all public Powers were abrogated for what for ruling the under the the this Alle democra democra democracy this constitution in the Preamble establishes that the people of Venezuela exercising their rights and under the example of our historical historical molver and the indigenous people for with the purpose of refound democratic participatory and participatory and protagonist Society in an state of federal Justice decentralized consolidating the values of Freedom Independence peace solidarity Weare in inte territorial Integrity coexistence for this and future Generations securing the LI the right to life culture ation social justice Equity without discrimination or subordination whatsoever and uh it boosts uh the peaceful uh cooperation with other nations in accordance with the principle of non-intervention on the internal affairs of other peoples guarantee the democr and the ecological equilibrium and as as common assets of humanity in the exercising their power their Authority and representa represent represented by the National Assembly decrease the following this constitution so in its Preamble it is enough to read this Preamble and we realize that this this is a constitution is with a high level of anti-fascism so that's why they wanted to approbate it they went after our constitution for it so we let's see a video for a locate ourself for for for locate ourselves which have been happening in Venezuela in on this fascism ATS virus is spreading through generations lived leave it so we want get out the carpets so uh first out all your rage if there is when we uh overthrow Chavez and they attacked this is a message for all chavistas so you all have to kill all chavista [Music] people that's why in in that way we are going to overthrow that damn government so if you don't kill every is every one of them you won't defeat them it is like this in Venezuela we are going to murder them all there they they have been persecuting me and they told me I have to die they won they won deliver the power we have to H take them away we by violence we are just searching for a an International Coalition supported by the military re military groups of the region on Satur we are going so we're seeing a a video that is being showed by y caveo of a summary of all the fist attempts that have been carried out against Venezuela as y Cavo said that the means are the same the looks might be different the people might different but the the rootwork of everything that fism does is the same throughout the years from the early 2000s to to nowadays we have seen all the different operations that have been carried out on this video we're seeing all these images that have been everything that has happened from the first waras to the attempted invasion from Colombia during the Trump Administration to everything that happened right after the July 28th presidential elections this year of these acts of balance have been instigated by the far right by the fascist far right toy bring down the polyan revolution now we are seeing images of how fism is also taking place around the world in this case we're seeing these very harsh images of everything that is happening under the Israeli Zionist regime in the town in against the people of Palestine in Gaza strep and also in the recent month the escalation of violence against the occupied West Bank especially in the north where over 40 people have already been killed the West Bank and in Gaza since last October nearly 41,000 Palestinian mostly civilians mostly women and children have been murdered on the this Zionist regime that is carrying out this genocide in the face of the whole world while stand inactive this is Al also something that has been condemned during this Congress This World Congress against fascism the inaction of the International Community and they have called to have strong presence to bring an end to this genocide taking place in Gaza this law and of fascism and so this law is against the fascism to so fascism we must combat it and defeated it was making reference is being discussed in Venezuela a law against fascism to face it and bring the eventual defeat of fascism for the well-being of the people of the world we are listening to the delegates gathered here in this world Congress against fism ring chance saying that fism will never be victorious but here in this Venezuela that oppos that civilized opposition because they they call themselves The civilized C civilized Venezuelans and they have burned down people alive a a boy and me many many many of them many but that boy Orlando fera he was passing by and they they seem they they they seem him as as fascist because he was a poor and black black boy he he had a clier here and so he looked like shist pris and in that in that way they murder in in several States and they burned people alive is that making policy that this must be condemned by the whole Community by the whole International Community the the whole world those those acts must be condemned and the world doesn't react like that because murderers are protected by the bad called United by bad called Kingdom of Spain they are protected by in Spain the same criminals who burned down who burned down people alive well I cannot say more today they met the the Spanish congress met met and they gave a verdict related to the Venezuelan elections who D so why do they medal in in the internal affairs of Venezuela they don't have to medal in the internal affairs of Venezuela they think we are a colony of of us they think they are imper the Empire and we get rid of Spain long years ago and we are going to get get them mo here so we are sure that we will be counting on the support of the world for the non intervention and freedom and sov of the peoples because Venezuela is Sovereign and so the Empire is the one massacring the children in Palestine is fascism fascism is the one re revealing there and so I am going to tell you something brothers and sisters in 2002 nothing of it could happen without the media Outlets the Venezuelan TV channel and journals nothing of it can be done without social media which generate their truths on in complying with their interests and it's that we with a cell phone must struggle against it against it to tell the world the truth of what's happening in the on in the peoples anyone of you could come here in Venezuela and tell Venezuela is already uh under the control of fascism that some of you brothers and sisters the international delegates have seen any of it in Venezuela no here there is peace freedom there's peace freedom and it it has not been easy to achieve it and we thank you because each time one of you come to for for the world H and say that here there is Peace and Freedom it is triumphing the truth and we are fighting of fascism and I am going to tell you something we have seen some some things but I think that fascism is coward is a coward and so it is terrified by the People by workers fascism is afraid of a popular organizations fascism is afraid of those peoples who decides to be free fascism is frightened by the unity of the peoples without regardless the presidents who are ruling it is a fight that that is good it's good to to wage that battle for our grandpa for our grandsons granddaughters and Sons and Daughters don't have to to wage it today in all fronts of course fascism has the imperialism colonialism and its laes its subdued laes people that want tell uh how come this statement is out which is the reason why and the the fundamental reason is that imperialism knows something about them and so they they are being pressed they are being uh bribed and black mild and so they they forgot they forget about their historical battles for and they attack the the peoples who decide to be free and so the best combination of this is when there is a people and a government a government aligned with the people here in Venezuela we have the people people who wants to be free and and a government that is free and Sovereign that fights alongside its people there are not h two two battles separated separate divided divide so fascism disguises fascism disguise so hides fascism hides till it get till it it blows so that's why we have to identify it on due time to prevent it with denunciations with evidence fascism is expert on lies we are being accused of everything here in Venezuela of things that they are capable of of doing of things that God once says God uh where this come from and I want to alert you there's a a a fake positive on their way with the regarding drugs if uh if they grabbed a a an aircraft that come coming from Venezuela but the headlines say that that yesterday the Brazilian Air Force captured a a helicopter from Venezuela it's not from Venezuela it's from drug dealers and the the the biggest drug smugglers are the US imperialism but the bad guys are the Venezuelans for Venezuela doesn't produce drugs more than 80 tons of drugs has has been ceed here in Venezuela but the narrative for the world is that the dictator we have seen the that movie of course uh the dictator the dictators who used the territory for distalizing their regions for drug drug trafficking or uh our um money laundry laundering we don't this distalize anyone we don't we don't uh we don't uh so penny that enters in Venezuela is invested for the people so with we uh invest on the people always and there is a a thing that they called the bolivarian air bolivarian wind and the bolivarian wind is the the wind of Marti agenda is the of Freedom all of it do you remember when the everything was uh was the the blame was to blame Fidel Castro and now it is the blame the blame lies in Venezuela in in Maduro in Chavez with their lives they won't defeat us be certain about it look they have methods how how does Fascism Finance with the NGS and they uh you they use they allocate money for for it uh so they depend on the US government or the European Union governments who are lackys of the US imperialism the NOS from there they attack generate campaigns persecutions make up theats make Det they have their own methods they are capable of becoming victims into into attackers lealo Lopez is a a a a self-claimed um murderer and today is a defender of Human Rights what aism it is fascism acting it is a great Machinery in function of the people in function of of the elit I am going to tell you something an anecdote an anecdote I was in 20 in two in 2000 in 2001 I was the minister uh in and uh Commander Chavez told me to talk uh to to provide a a press briefing at the CTV Channel and there were the owners of all channels and I I was the only there uh innocent because we were very naive but I admitted uh and I already admitted admitted it by that time but we have try to learn some things right now and one of the owners of the TV TV channels I asked them what's your problem are you uh are you bankrupt don't you generate resources well this our best time they they asked they responded me and one of them are boasting about fashion M maybe some of you know know him tell told me look look Minister the problem is that before I travel I traveled to Mexico and when I was uh departing I called the minister of interior and I I told him I I I am the for to Mexico and uh when I was H at the airport they expected me and they treated me specially and I told them I told told them uh when I was returning they were expecting me and they giving me they provided me a special treatment and so now uh no one replied to me no one treated treated treats me especially so those are the Privileges privileges of that stupid Elite that think the people can be manipulated so we have come to to today because uh privilege here and privileges ended and and so fascism turned president Peru the president of Peru is is in jail in prison and the president the C Monger president is recognized by countries and no one asks her for uh for tal sheets and who asks the tal sheets to the king of Spain who that they want to impose on us what they want and here in Venezuela the the people decides in this country in all the electoral process that have been conducted and I have to to say never I challenge everyone never the Electoral Authority have published A Min or t sheets the Electoral the Electoral Council provides results if I am a candidate and I feel those are not the results I claimed and the the plaintive most most present with the T sheets to prove what he says and so they appeared with those with the the thing about Tales because behind the tales were a cat a cat that is underway and we are being threatened by the United States in the presidential debate they mentioned Venezuela so uh fit your own problems because you have enough problems you have misery social predicaments 60 million poor people in the United States and nobody cares about that in the United States they have an electoral system which is a disaster and no one tells anything they just sort out everything by shellings and so they want to medal in in the internal affairs of Venezuela and they feel good about mentioning Venezuela and about medling in Venezuela's Affairs so look I am going to make a proposal paron me if if it is not the the right time but today in the world there's a there is a an in an international fascism the fascists cooperate by by their plans they don't operate by themselves fascists work with with people they want to uh control the peoples I want to uh make a proposal of the the of uh making up an international movement against fascism in all places in all countries to debate on Fascism and be and we are not afraid because we have the most powerful weapon the truth so those who have eyes see here I propose it for being deated here we are going to resume thank you barers I am going to we are going to resume each month each month we are going to resume those congresses made in 2019 in the upcoming November we we will have in October a a congress a a a National Congress and surely there going to be certain guests and in November we will uh make the the Congress of the youth and students against fascism because there we have to S to cultivate to boost for those youngsters to think in function that we are equal by law and by so Bol used to say Equity Equity established and practiced established by laws and practiced by men and women of good without Equity there's no freedom and here in Venezuela and certainly in other countries uh some people believe they are more equal than others and I propose that to be discussed and at the end of those eight nine congresses the women against fascism workers against fascism uh sex diversity against fascism religious movements against Fascism and so then there will be coming a a document appearing a document and why in Venezuela I asked for support without any kind of of U of of fear because this fight is your fight too brothers and sisters what's been happening here in Venezuela the here there's being they will face some difficulties maybe the US imperialism entered but it is like they are likely to enter but the problem for them would be to go out from here from Venezuela to go to go out without being defeated because uh we are not going to allow them to allow the us imperialist to do what they like here in Venezuela uh president Nicolas Maduro never hesitates we are decided we are determined and I want to transmit it to you to to say it to you that's why I am am sad about some brother some sister Nations and for their divisions it's enough for divisions the enemy is not your neighbor country the enemy is the US imperialism so let's make an effort for for uh for being a part of from individualism because when you will be dealing with fascism you will realize it here in Venezuela we are H we are giving an answer pardon me there's a a detail fascism in Venezuela pervert things no um serious criminal things uh they use miners here in Venezuela and they putting put them with a paper Shields and they were launched to the streets and they offered them food a pair of shoes to do that this uh we have the children's testimonies and we have been denouncing that before the world the use of children they are so cowed that they don't fight for themselves and they send children children don't are not guilty of anything the uh the first obligation of all of us is that the the that children be happy we cannot harm our children and they pardon me if I say it uh there was a priest blessing the children who were sent to death they are disguised we have to recognize them we have to recognize it they they are experts on damage and deceit they harm and then they blame others most most of all the government in this case we approved a law against against hat hatred in the National Assembly and it's been it's been working it's been working out against expressions of hate in the streets who protested against that law the haters those who love impunity Danielle told me lately his experience we were talking about uh a partner we I was talking with a a a cousin because a little girl was attacked on social media by her own Partners her own peers and they uh attacked her because of her dad was a revolutionary and Danielle told her but it was was her first attack her first attack and Daniela molds molds over and said it it mustn't be like that no one can attack me and Daniela and our sons are are a custume to those attacks but danela reflected that the this cannot be allowed a single attack can be cannot be uh for the any difference of H social Rel or any for any of our convictions we must defend our convictions at peace so the law against hate and in April there there was another law against Fascism and the similar Expressions at the National Assembly and we and in August it started the second debate with consultations on the streets we don't approve here uh he here we we don't approve law here but we consulted the people we uh by meetings and and even in territories in which the opposition say h they Bel belong those territories there are we opened websites for op for opinions for H recommendations and that law is about to be approved we are accused of everything because of that law and after that after 25 years of Revolution the first ones plus the 40 Years of the agreement of ptoo and all governments there's nothing that helps that cons helps consolidate fascism La as impunity if fascist feels that he can act he or she can act and there's no justice he will continue he or she will continue acting every time with more hate every time with more evil with more evil and against who who they act against against their own people their own group it for them it is common that in Argentina the fascist who rules Argentina uh uses a uses tear gas tear gas weapons and and um and all people be attacked that is usually in fascism they did it here be and I say and that's why I say here in Venezuela there is a lab Antonio Le Desma uh did it h while while he was a mayor and he bought those equipment for repressing all people the sick people who suffered kidney problems and they launched water and tear gas and they you used to doing in Argentina as m is claiming his defending democracy Which democracy is talking about I want to greet uh my sister Milagro Salas there in Argentina is a supportive and heart and a supportive greeting from the bottom of my heart and it happens in other peoples but we have to raise our voices and I propose that on December be being the the communicational Congress against fascism for December because if we have to prepare in communicating for example it seem like in Chile maush is don't exist who talks about mes it seem and they are being uh assaulted they are being humiliated by the students of Pinochet those who rule chili right now so give me an answer a a single answer as Chavez used to say I think in Brazil he said it when we we will be United in the whole Americas we will be respected in that moment we will be respected because if we are a part with our own projects forgetting about the peoples we will be Eed up by the imperialis imperialism so let's make life hard for imperialis ISM so imperialism doesn't know the reply the replies people are capable of of uh [Music] answering so ask them about what Vietnam did to them someone very close to them told them Venezuela is going to be 100 worse than Vietnam for you 100 worse than Vietnam for you pay attention like that today SE September on September 11 yesterday it hurts uh we see the images and there's a lot of frustration we feel a lot of frustration we picture the uh the young gorillas Guerilla uh um who who were uh called to the their hands off uh those who rulle Chile governed under the Pinochet Constitution and they refer to uh Venezuelan democracy they criticize Venezuela Venezuela is abided by this Constitution Article Five I want to end my speech with this article five sovereignty Article Five sovereignty lies in the people who exercises like directly in the under the Constitutional law by the Electoral H process of the PO powers and so we are going to build our own Democratic participatory protagonist model and we don't mind the that what the world says but because we are determined to be free and we will be free despite imperialism fascism haters European union or the friends who betrayed us but we are going to be free brothers and sisters I really thank you to come here to participate in this Congress I appreciate your presence here and I ask you that this Congress doesn't end without a resolution to support the Palestinian people that have been massacred by cism by the genocide the most terrible genocide of these times our solidarity with the brothers and sisters of Palestinians and our condemnation to the sism regime thank you very much Long Live Homeland long live bever long live the great Homeland hogs for you take care for listening to the statements of caveo the minister of interior while he was addressing the World Congress against Fascism and was explaining all the dangers of fism and the ways attacking the world in ACC coordinated M from the International Community that's why he called on all the peoples of the world to come together and carry out this struggle against fascism to make sure it doesn't win and it doesn't bring its devastating policies towards the people he also called for a strong support for the Palestinian people against the fascist Neo and the Nazi Zionist regime of Israel that is carrying out this genocide in Gaza killing thousands of thousands of Palestinian civilians Thea also called for the creation of an international movement against fasis fascism an international movement that is expected to meet periodically to be able to come up with ideas and plans to fight against fascism stay tuned with Tor English for more updates in upcome news briefs

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